The Contact Center of the future | Reimagining Customer Experiences | Cognizant

The Contact Center of the future | Reimagining Customer Experiences | Cognizant

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hi I'm Vic hire of CIO marketing Services  the customer contact center is fast becoming   yet another element of business operations  which can be reinvented amid a gold rush of   digital Innovation customers accessing banking  financial services and insurance expect speed   and personalization so businesses will have to  adopt technology such as artificial intelligence   to meet expectations but digital transformation  also enables the contact center to be a driver   of business success deepening relationships  through quality customer service in this webcast   brought to you by CIO and AWS in partnership with  cognizant we will discuss this topic with experts   who have extensive experience on the subject  and before we begin let's find out a little bit   more about our speakers Roshan rert Murphy of Unum  aws's naine ran and cognizance Hamond deera roosan   perhaps you could start us off tell us a little  bit about yourself and what you do hi everyone   it's a privilege to be part of this great panel  I'm Roshan ramam morti assistant vice president   from unim insurance I've been in technology space  for the last 20 years and I'm currently managing   contact centers for unit I also damble a little  bit in J projects this year and I'm excited to   be part of this discussion thanks russan and same  question to you n hi my name is naven Narayan I'm   a principal solution architect here at AWS for the  Amazon connect organization and I've been working   with Amazon connect for approximately six years  so and here at Amazon connect I help customers   architect cloud-based contact center solutions  that align to their current needs and help them   scale as their business grows I'm happy to be here  great thanks na Hera finally to you good morning   everyone glad to be here this is hinda I'm the  growth leader for strategic accounts within the   life and retirement portfolio of cognizant have  been Associated for for 25 years and worked across   multiple carriers through their transformation  Journey thank you thank you hinter so in this   era of rapidly changing customer expectations  what are the challenges facing contact centers   in the financial services Banking and insurance  sector and Russia perhaps you can start us off   sure we are right in the middle of the digital  transformation age right so there's rapidly   changing customer expectations again primarily  driven by the technological advancements uh it   does take like strong leadership to prioritize  customer preferences balancing it with the right   choices of arch architecture technology security  and Regulatory guidelines of course customer   Centric approach is the only way to go but you  have to bundle it up with your core values of the   business and the goals you want to achieve with  your business thank you ran and the V what are   your thoughts on this one for sure thank you Vic  so um Insurance like all other Industries we are   observing is on a multi decade transformational  move into more of a digital business right   there's three areas we see this impacting there  is the need for digital channels where insurers   are acknowledging that the way they interact  with customers and policyholders must change   uh a byproduct of this is that the ability to G  gain a greater customer Insight through analyzing   digital interactions the second thing we see is  that there is a new approach to identifying risk   insurers are accessing broader data sets including  more external and unstructured data and this is uh   used to enrich historical information about their  customers and it's helping them identify patterns   helping them clearly identify areas of risk and  also factor that into their future and the third   one is the burden of Legacy infrastructure we  see 70% of it budget Still Remains relegated to   maintaining existing systems while simultaneously  seeing that compute for example with us like AWS   compute is becoming more of a utility lastly I'd  like to point out regulat compliance is also a   very significant expense drivers as regulatory  oversight continues to expand hope that answers   that's great na some really interesting points  there Amer what would you add here oh thank   you Vic and Na and ran covered it very well um  me what we are seeing in the industry is that   the traditional call centers are becoming more  like a digital experience Center where earlier   it used to be only voice channels uh eventually  became Omni Channel and now it is in next genx   experience which is a combination of the cognitive  Solutions intelligent customer service analytics   contextualization of the knowledge combination  with the Round the Clock uh availability of the   context centers along with the right experience at  the right time um the other thing component which   which we are seeing it is the uh effective  utilization of the data and the database   strategies which includes the data storage  um the data responsiveness uh enabled for   the hyper personalization so uh uh definitely the  contact centers maturity is a key uh uh objective   uh transformation objective for the carriers  thank you there's obviously a lot going on in   this sector uh some businesses may feel that in  tough Economic Times They don't wish to invest in   a transformation program but their customers may  become alienated so what are the dangers of being   left behind navine can I come to you for sure  hi so across the clients we serve we're seeing   that younger generation of insurance customers  have higher expectations for how easy it'll be   to interact with their insurance carrier right  there's a diminishing loyalty towards Brands the   loyalty lies within the experience not within  the brands we also see that uh competition from   new fintech entrance and traditional players is  at all-time high consumers have more Choice than   they've ever had in the past so when you contrast  these headwinds with the benefits of moving to   the cloud an infrastructure that can scale as  your business grows a set of services that you   that you can easily adapt uh and and scale the  decision to move to the cloud it to me it seems   like a natural progression for businesses that  aim to be a part of this transformation yeah a   really interesting point of loyalty there um and  and rosan what would you add on on this particular   point I couldn't agree more uh with what just na  said all so resisting technology and Innovation   May yield you a shortterm savings right but  you're going to lose out in the long term uh   financial services are very competitive space uh  neglecting technology and process improvements   can lead to an outdated experience for your  customers and also we have seen this happen   during pandemic many businesses were not ready  for the digital Aid simply disappeared right   embracing transformation modernization makes you  your business more resilient and and you'll be   like better equipped to Pivot and provide better  strategies and offerings during tough times so   there's no other way you've got to embrace  technology and Innovation and it's changing   very rapidly thanks r that that pandemic impact  was was incredible wasn't it and Amer what would   your be your thoughts here I would say the if  the carriers or the customers are not taking an   action it's it's it's a dangerous situation for  themselves the brand credibility and the loyalty   is going to be compromised in no time um and the  second component is the high cost of operations   the technology and the people uh uh perspective  if the Investments not happen in this Economic   Times um the other observation have been That  these channels have actually helped assisted   customers in improving their CET score and help  address any iteration issues uh which happens   in the contact center area so it's a way to go  thank you Hera and so artificial intelligence has   transformative potential for these centers so tell  us why and theine like to come to you on that yeah   so um we see that artificial intelligence or AI  is significantly impacting contact centers in my   experience over the last three or four years I see  that more contact centers using AI tools uh than   ever before there's been a massive jump in usage  over the past year for example uh where I would   see four out of 10 customers ask for artificial  intelligence or AI 3 years ago I almost see nine   out of 10 customers asking for AI and uh gen AI  plans that AWS might have right there are several   um operation there are several use cases that  we are actively looking at for example using AI   to understand customer preferences and provide  meaningful recommendations for cross sell and   upsell uh reducing agent and onboarding Time  by understanding C Custer intents providing   next best actions to the agent during a contact  uh modeling data to understand patterns uh used   for fraud detection optimize claims management and  also last but not the least using AI power chat   parts to help with FAQ and uh containment contact  containment or even identifying a caller's intent   and sentiment and allowing the businesses to apply  unique rules to then treat them very personal   treatment right so so as I mentioned earlier  we see that younger generation of insurance   customers have a higher expectation of how easy  it'll be to interact with their career and there   is diminishing loyalty to the brands the loyalty  is with the ease of experience and AI acts right   there it supports that ease of experience pattern  and that's why in my perspective it's changing the   face of customer experience thanks de Amer what  would you add to this one yeah so um customer   Journeys are getting orchestrated to personalize  each interaction ISF specific to the context a   is playing a bigger and a broader role it is an  opportunity to develop the relationship and not   only that uh uh ability to connect through the  content that is relevant and uh compelling um   AI recommendations enablement agent assistance  authentication with the faster with the voice   Biometrics customer sentiments tracking real time  to drive next best actions uh AI um has all all   the carriers across the contact center space  have been purposing that particular technology   and some are more mature than others uh but this  is this is where the AI is going to play a bigger   and a broader role thank you aminda and of course  generative AI has added a new dimension uh to this   topic tell us how it differs from so-called  traditional Ai and why does that matter for   the contact center nine perhaps you can pick up  here for sure uh so let's look at the difference   between generative AI or gen and traditional  AI right the difference lies in the objective   and the functioning right where the traditional AI  aims to perform specific task based on predefined   rules and predefined patterns generative AI goes  One Step Beyond those limitations and it strives   to create new data that resembles human created  content the keyword is resembling human created   content I see that gen is transforming both the  agent experience and a policyholder experience   for example in traditional AI we saw digital tools  not being fully adopted by agents until they add   meaningful value to their experience but with  Gen we see both new and tenured contact center   agents benefiting from customer insights newer  agents ability to learn from experience agents   is limited genni removes that barrier it makes new  agents more productive learn from the mistakes and   the behaviors of their of tenured counterparts  it captures more interaction data from experience   agents so when it comes to customer experience  we see jna and natural language conversational   experience providing a 24x7 customer service  through intelligent chatbots VC technology   enabling continuous product improvement from  customer insights and last uh not the least I it   helps customers by creating a very personalized  communication design and next product to buy   recommendation for example outb marketing emails  website content Etc hope that thank you uh n and   and I really can can understand it really has a  potentially powerful impact Hera what would you   add to this one yeah any any has taken out the  contact center space with programs that enable   agents to deliver to the customers but as we move  forward customer demands is personalization this   is where gen can accelerate the performance it  is not just confined to the rules that are f it   is dynamic in nature helping to generate outputs  or make decisions autonomously generative a has   the potential to help further reduce handle times  and increase first call resolution by improving   agent efficiency and accuracy when responding to  customer issues for example if a customer calls   to inquire about the medical claim the llm will  leverage information about the claim policy the   hospital details payment terms from the internal  repository as well external channels to provide   the agent with a comprehensive response and next  actions to help resolve the customers issues um   CH is going to be the basically the cloud over all  the platforms and Technologies going forward and   every Investments across the carriers is going  to be influent how this technology can bring an   evolution and revolution in their ecosystem  thank you am Russian your business has had   a really fascinating Journey so can you give us  some sight into what problems or challenges you   have solved with AI absolutely um AI is embedded  in every Cogan view of Amazon connect right so you   cannot Escape AI while using AWS services and also  Amazon connect right from the customer experience   side of things when we get a contact finding the  intent of the call or a chat or an email routing   to the right channel which Preference they want  to deflect that particular intent so that we can   service them in a faster accurate Manner and also  finding the right cue for contacts like that and   also providing Self Service options all these are  embedded with AI capabilities to make things more   efficient of course from the agent experience  side you got autoc categorization of calls you   have the customer sentiment being real time fed  to the agent also deducting customer profiles   like uh where where does this customer live from  your CRM systems point of view also finding the   right workflow or knowledge article relevant  to the conversation all can be done in real   time using yeah and we have used it we have seen  the value of it coming out and uh the operation   side of things routing is largely in AI right  now with Amazon connect it determines where to   take the contact with you to which agent all  being determined behind the SC we don't see it   doesn't mean the AI doesn't exist so so there are  programs running behind the scenes to take care   of the routing which is an intelligent routing  with an Amazon pic you also got wfo capabilities   helping you with the forecasting Staffing quality  management creating automatic Evolutions the list   is endless right so moving to Amazon connect not  only helped us with the platform migration moving   away from our Legacy system but provided a huge  push and a positive change in embracing AI as   part of our day-to-day operations thank thank  you russan uh for taking us through that story   really interesting um and I just wonder how will  technological developments and capabilities like   generative AI further transform contact centers  and amender can I come to you on this one um let   us dive into the ABC's of a contact center um a  agent experience B business experience and see   customer experience um if you look into that uh  the Gen use cases for ABC um on the agent side it   is all around the knowledge asist uh transition  and Native responses realtime script guidance   automated call summarization post call next best  actions um these are the common themes which we   are seeing it across the carriers is is picking up  extensively and the right right level of use cases   now if I look into the extreme end which is on the  customer experience side it goes into the campaign   personalization Dynamic digital experiences  um humanized conversational Ai and the fraud   prevention um the marriage between the agent and  the customer is basically the business experience   and that business experience includes how the  scoring or quality of these interactions should   be um how do I utilize the the BS effectively  um the dynamic surveys which I can do it based   on the data uh uh code virtualization agents zero  touch experiences on own boarding are are some of   the multiple opportunities which exist in the in  the world of gen impact on the uh Contex Center   transformation and nine what would you say on this  particular topic yeah so um I see generative AI   transforming Legacy contact center models in some  very significant ways for example it's going it's   enabling intelligent business decisions and  faster goto market and it's optimizing call   centers by leveraging Auto cognitive sales agent  providing contact summarization as Vic mentioned   uh as harinder mentioned sorry uh to seamlessly  Harvest learnings and apply them to improve the   overall quality of the experience lastly I see  um it it is improving customer experience by   enhancing digital self-servicing portal and  self-learning chat parts to expedite manual   processing through intelligent interventions so  those are three areas where I see generative AI   transform in Legacy context that are models thank  you n and Ros what would you add to this yeah   I couldn't agree more with nain and hinder um  gen is going to be our logical evolution in the   contact center space we have seen our tradition  contact center uh we've gone to Cloud we have   Dani I think J is the next step in the journey  uh we're going to see a huge positive impact   that capabilities like content generation and  summarization uh we utilized to answer customer   queres right and it can go against unstructured  data which is a huge when we don't have that   capability right now um of course we can go  against structure data as well but combining   these both and providing responses which are more  accurate and quicker to the customer it's going   to be a massive win um the engineering hours are  going to be drastically reduced to deliver these   kinds of capabilities that's also a big wi that  means you have speed to Market with accuracy and   better capabilities um I predict the financial  services ecosystem is going to be embedded with   a lot of gen capabilities in the near future  uh I have personally seen some yearly promises   and positive results with this technology it's  going to help the financial services sector with   massive productivity Gates that's the key here  and improving efficiencies within the internal   processes needless to mention the customers are  going to be delighted right with speed of answer   and the accuracy of responses so this is our next  step uh in the journey within contract Center yeah   some really exciting times ahead I think and i'  just like to find out uh more about the unique   value realized from cognizant in partnership with  AWS and Hima can you talk to that please no thank   you so much and once again glad to be here because  when I see AWS our customer uh this Cas Unum all   coming together and talking about the technology  Evolutions it also goes back into how do we work   together and collaboratively together so um AWS  and cognizant partnership has come a long way um   cognizant is among the top three Global SI partner  for AWS in digital customer experien of space and   not only that cognizant is the only accredited  uh Global essay for Amazon connect um uh apart   from this cognizant has very in-house Engineering  Suit for Amazon connect uh we have intelligent   interaction um use cases consisting of almost 25  Plus Solution assets and connectors which we have   built uh we have almost uh helped 25 plus clients  with 10,000 plus agents in the transformation   Journey um uh we have together come together great  to standardize these contact center Technologies   across the business units and migrate its Legacy  and on promises customer service application to   the cloud to reduce operational Co cost um yum  is one such example where we have successfully   decreased the average handling time and total cut  total cost of operations on the whole um resulting   into the uh customers which are very happy and uh  uh have a good success in the net promoter sport   so thank you thank you H and D and rosan what  would you add on this particular Point um both   AWS and cognizant have been my pillars right in  the last three years within unum uh we started the   contact center transformation journey together uh  AWS have been our partners our Cloud partners and   Na and team brought in their best to help us out  with the migration uh we transformed uh 26 contact   centers in 24 months so in a rapid Pace it it  wasn't easy like every step of the way there were   challenges thrown at us and we were able to solve  coming out of it we were able to create lot of new   design patterns with AWS and that became uh some  became the best practices within AWS World and   Other uh clients of theirs as well and cognizant  are being our strategic Partners from the start um   I still have the folks have been working three  years back they started as a junior developer   they are my tech leads now driving the contact  centers and their inputs the the talent they   brought in on board have been immensely helpful  uh for us to run in parallel threats and deliver   multiple projects uh in a record time so thankful  to my partners in this call thanks russan that's   really powerful Insight I think and as we come to  the end of this webcast I'd like you all to share   some final thoughts what key message uh would you  give our audience and perhaps rosing you can stop   definitely we spoke about AI we spoke about geni  uh the most crucial aspect of this transformation   is going to be the human and AI collaboration  uh techn ol space has evolved for decades now   and will continue to evolve there's no changing  that the only aspect that will continue to not   change is our ability to embrace Innovation and  we have done that in the past we'll continue to   do that um and we need to foster a collaboration  with the technology uh and again prioritizing you   know customer experience above everything else um  with that I really would like to thank this panel   for providing me an opportunity and creating  a very healthy uh place for susp uh thank you   thank you rosan Anda your final thoughts sure  um digital AI gen has hit the mainstream and   is a key differentiator in customer experience it  has become essential for companies to explore new   technologies try PCS Infuse the next in Tech as  part of the product strategy uh contact centers   are at the heart of the customer engagements and  technology has vastly disrupted agent customer   experience and the way business run operations and  Drive analytics customer experience of a service   with outcome based transformation is significantly  gaining pace and there are huge benefits for   clients to read as contact centers move from a  cost center to the costan experience Center speed   of innovation co-creation of digital products and  AI driven personalization let's call gen AI driven   personalization needs to be prioritized cognizant  AWS can help our clients to stay ahead and drive   future as we work as the we are working along  with youum so glad to be here and thank you for   the panel for having us thank youer n let's give  you your chance for some final fils for sure thank   you so um I'd say don't be afraid to try out  technology we in AWS and my team in the Amazon   connector we bring a significant experience in AI  we bring a significant experience in generative   Ai and we also bring a lot of experience in  best practices we helped unim through their   transformation as Roshan kindly mentioned and  we're looking forward to share our expertise   with other customers provide guidance on best  practices and artificial intelligence Etc finally   my personal recommendation is to understand  what your key success metrics are and then test   test test improve improve continuously so thank  you very much for the for letting me speak here   thank you very much for this panel and and my  customers you know and cognizant thank you very   much for letting me come here thank you nid and  that does bring us to the end of this webcast on   transforming the contact center I'd like to thank  rosan hinder and nine for sharing their expert   insight and of course everyone who tuned in please  do take a look at the further information on your   onscreen consoles to find out more and reach  out to the contacts listed with any questions goodbye

2024-02-17 04:34

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