Merging Technologies Ovation 6 Overview

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You. Hi. My name is Morris angler, technologies. I'm. A project, manager I am a training expert and a user of different, merging products I'm, here to talk to you about evasion, today. Specifically. About what, is ovations and what can you do with ovations on, a very basic, scheme, bringing you up to, different, types of working. In different types of applications. But, before that I just want to briefly explain to. You what we have in front of you and what. Are this gear. Or this possibility, all these different types of gear able. To do first. Of all we have here, happy. Which. Is a merging, audio. Over IP converter, so. With this box I can. Convert. Some audio signal from analog to digital or, digital, to analog or digital to, digital I have different slots that I can mix. And match different cards. Basically. Ad/da. Cards, or just, ad or just da cards, or muddy cards. On. The. Back of it it. Will be connected to a. Cat6. Cable or cat 5e cable which. Then goes into a workstation or an ovation in this case and. This. Allows, me to transport. To stream all the signal. Going, in and out of this box over Ravenna, which, is the IP protocol or. Over. A s67. Then. There is a bigger, box than this one which is called Horus which has more slots so more i/o which, is by default some Madi also. Both. Boxes have some aes/ebu, iOS, and of. Course I can have over network because, I could put a specific, switch, in between and connect. Different devices so it brings me to have in a theater. Or an, opera or somewhere else or an installation, the possibility, to, have a, happy. Device at one place because it has some mic inputs at this specific place and then, some Horrors on another, place because it needs many many outputs at this place to, go to loud speaker or something like that so, I can really and of course disconnected. Innovation, for example, to play out the media's so. This, can really be managed, as you. Want and it, I mean which is fantastic it gives you all the flexibility, of an, IP, network good. Coming. Now to ovation. Itself, ovation. First of all is a system, that, applies. To different. Types of. Application. And I'm gonna try, to give you an overview of all this different, possibilities, those. Possibilities, can of course, be mixed, and matched by, those different. Applications, but I will start with theater, theater. I opened, when, you open for the first time ovation, it. Proposes. You to open some templates, and I. Very simply, opened, a, theater. Template, that looks like this and in. This theater template, you have one. Standard cue list and you have show, properties, cue. List properties, and cue properties, and down, here you have a few different other windows which, I will come a little bit later. First. Of all my standard. Cue list which is empty for the moment will. Have to be filled up with audio, material so I just open a browser, and it. Happened to be here that I have some mp3, files some, pure. Mix media files some wave sound and so on I just, take. The whole lot and drag. It back in first. Of all what is very interesting to observe is that my ovation. Can. Handle, different file formats, different. Sample rates different resolutions. At. The same time within, the same curious but with of course other cue lists it is, then for, me to set up the show this specific, show into one sample rate with which it plays out but it can handle all these different formats and place. Them in. Real time on the fly, directly. In the proper sample rate and in the proper resolution well. Down. Here I see now I have a called, active, cue window that, allows me to see the cue, that I can play back and, just read if I want to I have, some little editor, to top and tell it if I want to little.

Fade Also, then. If I scroll through those different types of. Q's. Here I see just one suddenly. That I have something, else in stereo which. Brings me then to the possibility. And this is a great tool in there I have some multitrack, so directly I can drag. And drop some, multitrack, material, in there and playback this, is a standard, cue list in which I have different types of cues as I mentioned, now, show properties, cue properties, cue. List properties and cue properties, specifically, the cue properties, and now, the properties, link, to every, one of these different cues for. Example, to gain for, example, the name of it and down here all types. Of synchronizations. Over, IP of a midi of a GPI over. Rs-232. For two to come. Commands IP commands, and so on I. Will. Now create another cue. List and this, time I see, I have the standard curious time cue list that I will see a little bit later and hot key cue list now, I will take some, material and drop some material, in my hot key cue list from another location and there. Again I drag and drop doesn't matter what type of files. Or what formats, they are now. The. Difference, between the hot key coolest understand a cue list that logically the standard cue list I will launch one, cue after each other and the. Hot key cue list I can now hot, cue them as I, want with a touchscreen with a keyboard, or with whatever I can, interact it differently the, thing is that again in the cue property, I can also set now for this very button, to, say toggle, play stop play from start or press, and release for example so it means that as long as that as. I, haven't depressed, the button it will continue to play and so on and so on. Great. Now. Those. Different, cue, lists also if I go into cue list property, at this time have. Some different all your output slot one. Thing I didn't mention is, that my ovation. Cue. Lists are of, course linked to a mixer this mixer, that I just opened now is very simple, that's the one that it is in the template which. Has a, more. But, for the moment I just show 16, faders 16, mono channels, and I. Can of course say. Individually. Each, cue goes out to a different channel or for example the cue list this. Cue list goes specifically. To one or a certain, amount of channels and this, cue list to another amount of channels it depends then the content, of those cues.

As You know there are some that are mono stereo. Multi-channel. And so on and so on and this. Is called slot, in the. Ovation, terminology. So here I can say I want this, cue. List now, which. Cue list am i I mean in the standard cue list let me go into the into. This cue list that I will call hot cue hot. Key sorry. There. We go and I. Will start at the. Cue. List five so now that when. I'm playing. Those. Guys they. Will go, into channel, 1 and two for the moment as their stereo files. This. One, will. Now be played through, all the. 24 channels, obviously. It will take a while because I would suppose this one because. The start isn't imminent. But. Now I see already designed there we go it plays through, all the channels because it's a multitrack, but. Those guys they, will play on channel 5 and 6 and of, course this, could be then sent. Through my mixer to, be summed, to go out what I have here but, if I wish I can also send, those guys back, to, a direct out so, I have them back on the mixer desk this is as I want I can really configure, everything. The way I want. One. Last thing I want to mention, is, that innovation. We, have a great, tool, about. Redundancy. Which is of course important, in theater that, I can have a second, system for example running. At the same time the same show with the same commands, and it will of course take over. With. My. Commands, and all of that as soon for, whatever reason, my first system, fails so, there's a complete. Redundancy. Scheme behind that, is able to run both systems, at the same time now, in my next part are going to talk about applications. For the Opera. We, of course gonna use the same things and the same, possibilities. That theater. People will use but a few more things that are very interesting, first. Of all I can go here and to show properties, and I. Can, see here that in my show mode, I haven't, probably seen yet, what the show mode is but. Basically when, I start the show I have here four blue buttons, in it show start show post show stop show it's obviously to go into a show mode when, we're gonna still use the. Show then. Here show mode I can start. I can, set a starting, part of the show or more interestingly typically. For the opera, time of the day so it means that now if I gonna initialize, the show I see. That it will jump directly to the time, of the day that, we are now and it. Will use it as a reference, so every evening I can use the time of the day if I'm specifically. Linked to certain things. That have to happen at a certain time same. Thing of course I can also link, it to an external timecode, coming in or, I can generate timecode, because I want to synchronize.

Different, Devices. Together for, the Lightwood effect with other things good. Now. The other thing is that other. Type, of cue lists is that here, I have. Mentioned, it briefly just, before, I have. Some time cute lists which. I have, opened, now just. Quickly. I can of course have as many cue. Lists as I want there is no limitation, in that matter I. Now. Import, some audio, into, this timed. Cue, list that, we are here and. In. My cue properties, I can now say if I go a little bit down that, this. Cue. For, example, goes. At. Let's. Say 5 seconds, sorry. I missed the 5. There. We go the. Next cue will. Go at 10. Seconds, this. Cue will go at. Twelve, seconds. And. This. Queue will go at, fifteen. Seconds. I see. Also that on the queue list itself it writes. The time thou go. This. Queue this property, now can, be, independent. I'm, on the right queue list now if I go to the other queue list it would show it differently now here time, or chasing no otherwise. I could chase it with the general timecode that is the time of the day but I say no for the moment and I, can also set, a start. Point that it starts automatically. After a certain time, so. Just to show you in the idea if I need to, show I start to show now. This window changed, here so again as before I start, my different things by different cues as, I wanted and this, one this independent. Queue list is launched, now as I press Start, after. Five seconds, the first cue plays at, ten seconds the other one will, play there we go at, twelve seconds if I'm. Remembering. Well, yes and 15, seconds the, last one so, I have, time, queued list that I can directly. Interact, because, there are some precise, things, happening. At precise, moments every. Evening so I can manage this the, other thing, which. Is very interesting is that, every queue, every, queue sorry has. A specific. What we called interaction, rule tab, or window, it. Means that this, interaction, rule as the. Name gives it interacts, with something else it can for, example interact. That when I launched this queue it will launch the other queue at the same time or when, I launch this queue it will launch this time queue list or, for. Example let. Me do here, an empty queue. There. We go and. This. Queue. I see here, on each. Queue. I'm clicking it will, open. The appropriate queue. Properties, now. I have those three dots there it will open my interaction. Will ring though and I can say I want to dim fries all, cues, when starting, with. A little fade of one second, and a fade-out of one second so let's make it nice by. Minus, 50, DB add rule, there. We go and I. Can change the name the name of it and I call it dim i see. Also that i. See. Also that the cig the sign on it is different. There's an exclamation one the other ones have a loudspeaker because. They are audio. Content, this, one is empty it. Could have some audio content as well but it has an interaction rule now. It means that when. I start, i. Will. Start my show again, i will play my difference signals, my different things the. Time queue list and so on and i see now that my signal, is where, it is nearly at zero four or even above zero for some for. Some cues if i press now the dim it. Will all them in one second, by 40 DB and if, I removed him it will go back to its normal status so. You, see the interaction, world can affect as it, is now all the cues or some. Specific cues, I can really manage it as I want it, means that I can. Say also that, for. Example this. Cue here. Will. Simply, just launch. Fire. The. Cue. List which. Is timed the, number three and. When. Starting, a, drool. And that's it so, it means that. Start. The show, again. I launched those different, items and.

When. I want to start this cue list I just, press there, and it automatically. Will now start this cue list I see it counts, from one at five it will start it so, I can really interact, heavily. With, different, devices, together, the, last thing which is very important. Is that, often. We go back and forth each time, between the. Rehearsal, and the, show. Sorry between the rehearsal, and we want to edit things and rehearse, again and to edit things so, in. This case we have an interesting very, interesting feature that behind, we have a proper, work station, called, pyramix, that perhaps for some of you are, familiar with so. I take now this cue for example, and I press edit automatically. It will show up here I see, also in my queue here I have my in and my out point that, I will move on purpose, to make it obvious, and I. Say edit these, are actually my green and my red markers, that I found here so I can move them again I can. Perhaps made. A proper, fade-out here, that I can draw if I want and I, say project, ovations, publish, to ovation and, it edited, here directly, so it updates, the edits to. Go a bit further now I will. Take another one and I say edit and, now, I gotta make some proper. Editing, so it means that I gonna make some copy here some copy there bring this guy up here make, a crossfade, make. Another copy down hey down here say that this one I wanted - 90 B make. This, make. A proper, cut like this, like. That slide, some media behind and, make, a very long fade-out, this can of course all repairs whenever. You want project. Ovation. And this time I gonna I'm not gonna override, the existing cue, but, I'm gonna create, a new cue which, is here so. Now I created, a new cue which. Contains, all, the different. Cues. That I've just done which, is here I see and, it's a complete new Q which is multitrack without the bouncing of it so you, gain a tremendous, amount of time plus. Your, constant, constantly. With this rehearsing. And trying out possibilities. Now, I want to show you a little bit what, vation. Can do for live mixing so.

We've, Seen that in my mixer. In. My, mixer we had some. Mono channels that could be back on a desk if if I want to if it's something that that people want, to work with of course but let's remain in time and we. Have the different cues playing out on different strips. Channels. Of my mixer now, we. Can construct. A, mixer. The way we want it so first, of all I'm, gonna add some, few. Channels here. Stereo. Channels for example I gonna add four channels, and. I put them way back and. I'm gonna add also some. Multi-channel. Strip, for. Example. Numbers. Of channels are gonna make some thirteen one generic. Thirteen channel. 13.1. Old channel for example as I have some older signal coming back to me which is which, be some immersive, audio and therefore. I would also need for example, a 13.1. Bus, to be able to play it out there. We go so. Now I created, already a bit more complex, mixer, and. It means that those are not for the moment as ignited, to some cues so, it means I can use them really as live inputs, and I. See here my, thirty don't once my. 13.1. Strip and my. Different, channels of course my 30.1, strip, has, a proper. Panner, as well that, will allow me to, properly. Pan, my signal, in there for. Some. Specific. And precise. Details. About it you. Could refer yourself to another video specifically. Talking about the audio 3d with, ovation. Great. Now. Those. Different, types of inputs for the moment or for strips I can manage, to have, for example another, cue which. Is, called. Here. Sorry I just stopped it there we go so. Which, is called for example input. 13.1. And here. Down there I have, a microphone. Input. Possibility. That. Will now I have, to count the numbers of channels start, at. Channel. Let me go, 17. +13, that makes 30. Well. 13.1. That makes 31, so. For. This queue now. When. I launched this it will automatically. Make my inputs, available on, those, channel, so, whatever microphones. / signal, that, is sent to will, then go, through my mixer and then of course I routed normally, through my mixer so it's a very very powerful tool, in, the, live. Event. As well even, though that in this mixer, for example when I launched this I can add here, a little marker after a few seconds for example and this, marker has itself, an interaction, rule where. I would say okay you. Can fire, for example another cue or you, can pose another, cue or whatever. When it's ending when it's starting, basically an interaction, rule again so, this I can really, manage the, way I want it one interesting thing also if, I go back now to, a normal. Standard, stereo, Channel is that, I have a gain, matches. With. Sizes. Of inputs, and outputs and. Here also each of those different thing I can now send. It to. Different. Inputs. And different, outputs, wait, I just make it a little bit bigger so one. Can see properly how it works my, left and my right Channel two different, I set, it now to five different outputs, that, I can manage, here directly, so, this is also a very, interesting way. Of looking, at, things the. Last application I want to talk, to you about is. Installation. Museum's. Installation. Audio. Installation or, the type of installations. Outside. Installations. Shopping. Malls as well happens. Is that. This. System can run, all on itself in the morning wake up to, its show in, the evening closed down again and do the same thing tomorrow there's some system installed, working. Since for years like this, but. Going in bit, more in-depth I wanted.

To Show you. Two things about. Automation. Snapshot. Automation, and. And. Some, plugins in the mixer before that just. Want to explain you one thing in terms of the system structure, we. Work of course if we wish on a native, structure meaning that use we will use the OS so. It has will have its latency, it will have its number, of track count that it's limited and we, have our own engine called mask o which is basically a, layer. Underneath the OS which. Reserves, one or more than one core for itself and for. That we have a tremendous numbers. Of track count basically, 384. Plus 256. Buses will. Then go over the ravenna structure. And. We. Have also a limited. Latency. Between my in and my outputs, which is of course crucial for. Live end. For installation, in general for all types. Of application. Like that, coming. Now back, to my mixer. My. Mixer for the moment has been static. So. It means that this. Mixer has has been static the way it is and now, I would like to add some movement to this mixture so for. That I will create, a. Cue. Short. Cue for example, that, I will call snap, one. You. Will understand, in a second, why, there. We go yeah. I just have to write it properly. Snap. One and now. I have, here, underneath. All my. Communication. Possibilities, of amid ers, and so on as we saw already mix. Automation. I have. Snapshots and now. It will take a photography. Basically, of the status, of the mixture as it is now I can. Make my entire mixer, or just a few strips or even, just a detailed button, of something, of a plugin for example, let's do the whole mixer this. Is my whole mixer and I. Will do, it instantly, or a glide let's say over 15, seconds and now. I will. Do a second, cue. Which. I will call. Sorry. I just mixed it up this, is snapshot one I will, call make, a second, queue which is here that I will call snapped up snapshot, two or snap two and this. Time my mixer will have a complete, different status. Like. This and of course I can, move the panel's around I can. Move those panels around I can. Really manage, this as I, want. And. Here. I can move all those panics, like this and this, will be my snapshot, number, two. Which. Is. Down. Here sorry. And. Now. Again I right over, it and in, 15 seconds, from one snapshot, to the other it will change the status of the entire mixer, from, one point to another and it, will apply it. Independently. Of the audio I passed through this is the beauty of it my cues are independent, my audio cues talking about my, audio streams are independent, of my snapshot, so, I can launched and one of whenever I want. I. Then. Have my mixer where I have some quality. Plugins on that mono. Stereo but, also multi-channel, plugins, so it means that I will have proper, multi-channel, reverbs. Involved. In there which, are very, interesting to see. And, I. Can have, now. The possibility, to have those plugins, directly. In here and mixing. All of that together, a few. Last things to talk about first. Of all once. I worked with all the project, with different locations, from my medias and so on I can pack all. Of it. Pack. The show because, I will go on tour whatever just to have it all on one location this, is one thing I have, a show lager in case there's a problem with, a voodoo, rule or GPI. That doesn't work or whatever so. It will tell me where and why and. I have a show validator, which, then. Analyzes. All the interaction, rules for example or also analyzes. If there. Is properly. The media behind my queue so. That it's able to buffer it and tell me when there's a mistake or an error. So. I hope, that I, could help. You or at least give you some more ideas about what evasion, is thank. You very much for listening you. Will have of course more. Information, and also an evaluation, version of. Ovations, on our. Emerging, web site which, is of course limited but. If, you want to have a, proper. View at it our. Distributor. In all countries will, be happy, to help you just, go on our website and you will find all, details all, details, about your country.


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