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Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhya, and Kursan are no longer considered frontlines in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Instead, attention has switched to the Crimean Peninsula. Russia launched 44 Shahid unilateral attack drones near Crimea, 34 of which were seized by Ukrainian air defense forces in the past 24 hours. To rephrase, 34 Shahid drones were shot down thanks to the combined efforts of the Ukrainian air force and air defense units. Strategic fronts including Primorsko, the Akhtarsk region, and Cape Chauda were among the locations where drones were shot down. Six operable tactical reconnaissance drones were destroyed just hours before these repulsive operations, also in Crimea.

Incredible events took place today on the peninsula. Multiple large explosions occurred at the same time in Crimea. Many of the peninsula's communities were impacted by the blasts. Krasnopereka Pulse, in the briefly held Crimea, saw one of the worst of these explosions. From Tolvi village and the Baharo villages in the Leninskai district, explosions were heard in Akia and Brisky Stary Kremsvobodny in the Zankuy area. Crimean Wind, a local telegraph station, broke the unbelievable news.

The Russian military announced at 12. 33 that the Crimean bridge was temporarily closed to vehicles. There were reports, particularly in the morning, of the purported destruction of explosive items on Crimean territory. They foretold of potential bombings. The following is a log of all recorded explosions in Crimea. From 1 to 3 o'clock, Altiya Brisky will be available.

Local authorities said that the Kerch Bridge was closed to traffic from Stary Krym between the hours of 11 a. m. and 1 p. m., Svobodn in the Zanka district between the hours of 1 p. m. and 3 p.

m., and from Twelvy village and Baharov community in the Leninsky district between the hours of 10 a. m.

and 6 p. m. The Russian government has announced the closure of the bridge in order to do rehabilitation work. Activists of the Yellow Ribbon Movement on the peninsula are resisting Russian security measures at the Kerch Bridge. Supporters of the Yellow Ribbon Movement tied more than 350 yellow ribbons in towns throughout the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which is currently under international control. Ukrainian activists tied yellow ribbons in a number of cities near Crimea, including Sebastopol, Sudak, Alashta, Aluka, and Yevpatoria.

The nature of the weaponry employed in the assaults on Russian military installations in Crimea remained unknown. Ukrainian forces almost certainly used long range kamikaze drones and cruise missiles simultaneously, despite the great distances involved in reaching the strike sites from the front line. There is also the possibility that the incident was an inside operation or partisan sabotage, given the numerous scandals involving members of the Russian military in Crimea.

The other day, some startling accusations were made in this regard. According to reports from Ukrainians and Crimean totters, Russian naval officers allegedly gave Ukraine information about the whereabouts and activities of attached partisan movement commanders in Kursan and Crimea in exchange for financial rewards. According to this source, people who aid the Russian occupiers feel that the Kremlin dictatorship is waging a deadly war and that the delay in salary payments by the aggressor country is not enough to confront them. But he stated that the financial incentive plays a role in their decision to collaborate with the fire movement and provides additional motivation. Without going into specifics, the movement claimed that the cops and their families were compensated for the dangers they faced by paying off informants among the occupiers. In addition, the partisans claimed that the Russian commanders in question had knowledge of the operational procedures of the Black Sea Fleet Command.

The Atesh official confirmed that his organization maintains open lines of communication with numerous special agency representatives, including those from the SSU and the main intelligence directorates. It's embarrassing for Putin and the Russian armed forces. The actions in Crimea are causing concern in Russia. Between Crimea and southern Ukraine, Russian troops have already encountered military logistical challenges.

Russian military officials worry that they could be caught between Crimea and Ukraine if similar steps are taken by Ukrainian activists. As a result, Moscow has started working on the problem. The Kremlin intends to build a rail link between occupied eastern Ukraine and Crimea.

The rail network would be built within range of Kiev missiles, but the line would greatly boost the logistics of the Russian army. According to the city's exiled mayor, Petro Anderchenko, repairing a bridge close to Mariupol is a major component of the railway infrastructure project. If this bridge is built, as Petro Anderchenko has pointed out, rail cargo can come from far within Russia to frontline depots used by Moscow forces. Andryushenko also mentioned that repair work on the broken railroad bridge near the town of Ranakhn had begun. However, as we've already indicated, these rail lines will fall squarely inside the firing range of the long range Storm, Shadow, and Scalp missiles used by the Ukrainian military.

The Russians efforts will be for naught, especially if the Ukrainians add ATOM's missiles to their arsenal. To what end, then, does Russia seek to diversify its means of transport? The Kremlin's sole train supply line to forces operating in southern and eastern Ukraine currently goes via a fragile bridge in the Kerch Strait to the annexed Crimean Peninsula. There was a bridge near the Mariupol port that connected the Russian and Ukrainian rail networks in the southern Azov Sea region before the Russian innovation of Ukraine. Troops from Ukraine retreated in March of 2022, and as they were leaving, they detonated it, essentially cutting off train service between southwestern Russia and southeastern Ukraine. Because of the collapse of the bridge, Russian railway managers had to redirect traffic between Russia and southern Ukraine along a 400 kilometer road. The path diverged and went around by way of Kurtz Bridge and Primea.

Since the Kurtz Bridge is currently out of commission, the Russians have begun additional construction projects in the region to ensure that their military supplies can reach their southern Ukrainian bases. Officials in Russia want to build a major rail connection from Mariupol, Volynovka, and Donetsk in Ukraine to the Russian rail network. This would open the way for substantial cargo and passenger traffic along the Tagan Rostov lines between the captured Donetsk area of Ukraine and various locations in Russia. However, the proposed action is absurd. Donetsk front lines are where the fighting is at its fiercest, and the Ukrainians have the means to blockade Rostov with drones and missiles.

This means that the Donetsk area and the Taganrog Rostov route are not likely to see any expansion along this line. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Ukrainian President Zelensky met in reaction to Russia's operations. They discussed bolstering air defense, the combat situation, and basic defense. The NATO Secretary General and the President of Ukraine spoke at length about Russia's full scale invasion of Ukraine, the alliance's Western Allies support for our country, and Ukraine's potential future membership in NATO. President Zelensky stressed the continuation of fighting in Ukraine and the need for military aid during his discussions with the NATO Secretary General.

The meeting concluded with a joint news conference between Secretary Stoltenberg and President Zelensky. Victory for Ukraine over the aggressor Russia, says President Zelensky, will provide peace and security to more than just his own country. It had been speculated that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization meeting in Vilnius did not provide many benefits for Ukraine because its leaders were unwilling to take on too much responsibility. This was due to the lack of backing among the residents of the host country's individual states. But it appears that these taboos have been breached with the recent statements from NATO and the military aid packages.

Followed Amir Zelensky's input is significant, of course. The Ukrainian leader keeps fighting for his country in this and every other area. President Zelensky stated that Ukraine's recent admission to the IAEA Board of Governors, which gave Kev a voice in the organization's policymaking, has highlighted Ukraine's position internationally in the security field. As for Russia's nuclear threats, President Zelensky said his country would do everything to shield Europe from them.

The Ukrainian president called this a historic decision for his country and all of Europe. In a nutshell, the Ukrainians were making significant strides on the battlefield and in international politics. Russia's aggressive campaign in Ukraine has sparked the most tense era along Eastern Europe's borders in a century. Tensions along the Eastern European borders are centered on many key countries, including Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia. Since the conflict's inception, Poland has been on high alert for any potential risks posed by the Russian Belarusian collaboration and its role as a key ally of Ukraine. In contrast, Russia has often utilized Belarus as a second front to amplify the effects of its invasion of Ukraine and apply pressure to Eastern Europe's borders.

Under Russia's yoke, Belarus's self interested politics in this process persisted. The Wagner Group, which fought on Russia's side in Ukraine and included over 5, 000 troops stationed on Belarusian soil, posed the greatest security threat along these borders. On the Belarusian border, Wagner forces set up almost 2, 000 military camps. These military bases also served as training grounds for the Wagner troops. When the leader of the Wagner faction, Yevgeny Prigozhin, was defeated, however, the entire dynamic shifted. After Yevgeny Prigozhin's death, the mercenary commanders abandoned their encampment along the Belarusian Polish border and began making their way toward the Polish frontier.

There were several instances of illegal border crossings on these Polish frontiers. Wagner's men made an attempt to sneak through the Polish border. The use of a mercenary organization that had disintegrated after the death of its leader as a threat to the Polish borders was widely believed to be a combined Minsk and Moscow tactic. Because of this, Poland became involved in conflicts over potentially volatile borders. The government of Poland sent numerous warnings to Belarus about this. Recently, Poland 000 soldiers to the border with Belarus.

The Polish army has also stationed thousands of main battle tanks, armored infantry vehicles, and other military equipment near the border with Belarus. Belarus and Russia's hostile rhetoric towards Poland's border, however, persisted unabated. Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus's self proclaimed leader, has made inflammatory claims in the past, including that PMC Wagner militants could travel from their current location to Warsaw and Vilnius in less than a day. The Belarusian leader's words were met with silence from Russia's president.

In reality, Putin exacerbated tensions by saying that Polish territory was Stalin's gift to the Polish people during this time. That is to say, tensions increased when neither Russia nor Belarus withdrew the Wagner Group's mercenaries from the Polish border. The United States has stepped in to help defuse the situation, as Poland is not alone in its opposition to the Moscow Minsk partnership on these boundaries. It was just recently disclosed that military drills involving U. S. hardware had begun in Poland.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko were frightened by the news that the autumn fire drills will be held on the grounds of the Infantry Training Center in Bomovo, Piska, about 80 kilometers from the border with the Russian Federation. According to the Polish government, 8, 000 servicemen participated in the drills alongside Abrams Main Battle Tanks and HIMARS MLRS. Warsaw claims that there are about 70 pieces of equipment, including fighter jets, involved in the autumn fire military exercises. The largest and most direct response to Belarus and Russia has been this major military drill. It will be interesting to see how Belarus handles this situation. As we've already noted, the self proclaimed president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, has been urged by officials from Poland and the Baltic states to expel the Wagner PMC mercenaries now stationed on his soil.

We think Lukashenko was unaware of how dire things had become. Poland's right to use armed force to defend its borders is understandable. Remembering that Poland is a member of NATO is the first step. The situation is better explained by the fact that, despite Warsaw's alliance with Kiev, neither Belarus nor Russia have the authority to use the Ukrainian war as a reason to take any threatening action against it. But Warsaw will have assistance from the Baltic states, and Poland's retaliation won't be restricted to this large scale military drill. If Lukashenko doesn't get rid of the Wagnerites, Poland and the Baltic states have threatened to restrict their borders with Belarus.

In a letter to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the presidents of Lithuania, Poland, and Latvia Gitanas, now Seda, Andrei Duda, and Eglas Levits warned of a threat from Belarus and urged the strengthening of the opposition to the threats of the Lukashenko dictatorship. According to the final records of the meeting between the interior ministries of these nations, they also decided to cooperate and stop provocations at the borders. To counter the Russian and Belarusian alliances, the Baltic states have formed a common deterrent. Utilization of the Wagner Bluff When it comes to countering Minsk Moscow's Wagner threats, where will the Baltic states, especially Poland, put their attention first? The SÅ‚owacki Corridor is a hotspot for these dangers.

There is a section of the border between Poland and Lithuania known as the SÅ‚owacki Corridor that runs through this area. This passage, which is the quickest route from Belarus's Grodno region to Russia's Kaliningrad region, follows the border between Poland and Lithuania. It would be one of the primary lines of attack for Russian soldiers in the case of war with the United States and NATO along the border. Russian Belarusian provocations against Poland and Lithuania feature prominently, with PMC Wagner militants playing an active role.

So far, these mercenary groups have only been seen doing one thing, rounding up illegal immigrants from Central and Southeast Asia in camps in Belarus and bringing them to the borders of Poland and Lithuania to be crossed by force. As a result, efforts are being undertaken to undermine Poland and Lithuania in the eyes of the European Union and destabilize the region. Those unable to stem the tide of illegal migrants into Europe may instead resort to more extreme measures, such as allowing PMC Wagner mercenary sabotage and reconnaissance groups based in Poland and Lithuania to break into European territory with the help of Russian and White Russian special services. The purpose of these provocations is to heighten tensions in Polish and Lithuanian society, put more pressure on their governments to back Ukraine, and distract them from the more pressing matter of securing their own security. At the same time, this would raise tensions along the border between Belarus, Poland, and Lithuania. Possible causes include border skirmishes when militants make advances, accusations of bombing neighboring territory, and preparations for or actual attacks on both sides.

If the parties are unable to find a diplomatic solution to their differences, the conflict could spread across the entire Baltic region, requiring not only the involvement of forward troops but also the main army of the countries involved in the military conflict. Both Russia and Belarus would be involved, as would the rest of NATO, which is obligated to help Poland and Lithuania under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. As a result, the Baltic states should step up their sensitization efforts on this topic, and other NATO members should back the security efforts being made to counter Russian and Belarusian threats along the Suwakie and Suwakie corridors. NATO membership gives Poland and Lithuania some military clout in the event of aggressive behavior on the part of Belarus and Russia along their borders. Poland and Lithuania, both of which are embroiled in border conflicts, could deploy up to two brigade tactical groups from their respective national armed forces, as well as some special forces units and NATO response force units, backed by battalion level units, tactical groups of barrel and rocket artillery, artillery, helicopter squadrons, and tactical aviation squadrons.

NATO would have nearly three times as many troops as Russia and Belarus combined and twice as many aircraft in the event of a battle in northeastern Europe, due to the superior tactical and technological qualities of western armaments. In fact, this is what would ensure NATO's ultimate success. Here's the latest on the situation in the southern Ukrainian pocket.

Prokopiko were successful for the Ukrainian army. The war between Robot 1 and Verbovy continues to cost the Russians dearly. An S 400 Russian Triumf air defense system was reportedly destroyed in a drone strike in the Belgorod region of Russia. Close to 1.

2 billion dollars is needed for it. About 20 explosions were reportedly heard in the area where the system was placed, according to Russian telegram channels. Nearby communities experienced a power outage. In the past month, the Russians have lost two Triumf complexes.

The 14th of September saw the first one hit in Pretoria. The Russians may want to rebrand this structure with a new name. From now on, Triumph is shorthand for victory. An AIM 132 surface to air missile system from the United Kingdom is stationed in southern Ukraine. Russian ships fled Sevastopol after Ukrainian strikes and a Russian Iranian Shahad 131 drone.

The bulk of the Russian Black Sea Fleet has relocated from Sevastopol to Novorossiysk. Five big landing ships, the majority of small missile ships, and all three of the operational Project 06363 Kilo class submarines have been relocated to Novorossiysk. Also present are both frigates from Project 11356, Admiral Grigorevich class, and one patrol ship. In addition, two modern minesweepers from the Project 12700 Alexander class and one huge landing ship sailed from Sevastopol to Feodosia. Russia's anti fascist partisans continue their struggle against the government by attacking military recruitment centers.

Russia will retake Poland, Finland, and the Baltic republics, according to Yevgeny Bolitsky, chairman of the Russian Occupation Administration in Zaporizhia. The Russian Empire survived despite a persistent reality check. Cacta fatally wounded novice Kozily Bershrisko. Helsinki's Orote Basla Padrigam, a penny maestro to Warshawa, heals in force, he revealed, and Shau Nash's Imli Nashulnika Diplomadu have both done new videos showing that the Ukrainian military has both a tyrannical invisibility cloak and the ability to see through walls. The Ukrainians have developed cutting edge defenses to counter Russia's use of thermal imaging technology and drones equipped with infrared cameras. The cloak protects the wearer from the sun's rays and renders them invisible to the opposition.

Digital Development Minister Mikhail Fedorov called them victory technologies from the brave one, describing their origins as secret. The structure is small and lightweight. Can carry up to 10 kilograms. Provides excellent defense against wet snow and rain. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense claims that the raincoat is flame retardant and heat resistant. I appreciate your help, and I thank Belgium.

In this training video, Naz, a Ukrainian spec from the 73rd Maritime Special Operations Center, uses a PZD 556 light machine pistol made by the Czech company DSS. It would appear that he enjoys it very much. Always remember to sign up for updates by subscribing. Click the super thanks button below to show your support for the work my team and I are doing to stop the invasion of Ukraine. Incredible offensives were launched today by the Ukrainian military on the Donetsk Sopratsy front and in Russian cities. The situation on the Donetsk front was as fraught as ever.

Drone attacks on Russian cities continued today, further shaking the country. Several hours apart, a Putin linked secret service center and the missile complex were apparently hit by Ukrainian kamikaze attacks. The Russians are having a hard time holding out in all of these areas. However, recent events show that the Ukrainians are making their final preparations. The following are the day's most important war developments. Our first stop on the news train today is Russia, in 2014.

Several Russian localities, including the Olympic Coast City and popular Holoda Resort of Sochi, have reported being hit by drones. This morning, there were allegations of drone strikes near the Russian cities of Sochi, Tiny Ends, and Belgrade. Ukrainian social media users claimed to have observed multiple drones flying above the Sochi resort area.

The Krasnodar cry involved a drone infiltrating Russian airspace and launching an attack on the city of Sochi. The airport had to be closed for a while by the local authorities, delaying any and all aircraft. More than 10 flights were also cancelled at the city's airport at the same time. Video footage of the incident, which was both graphic and shocking, was shared widely on social media. A dramatic video shows the drone smashing into a building at the helicopter station in the Krasnodar region, not far from Sochi International Airport.

The military group is suspected of being an FSO offshoot that handles covert communications for Vlad. Multiple films shot by onlookers show a drone hovering above Sochi. At about 7. 45 am local time, the drone landed, as reported on local telegram channels. The drone malfunctioned and crashed in the suburbs, as captured in one of the recordings. The drone explodes into a huge blaze as it hits the ground, and a plume of gray smoke rises into the air.

The Russian military claims air defense systems shot down the drone, however, video reveals the craft was undamaged during impact. Just over 500 kilometers separate Sochi, one of Russia's most popular tourist attractions in Krasnodar Oblast, from the annexed peninsula of Crimea. Vladimir Putin, the dictator of Russia, is widely believed to have a sizable summer home in the suburbs.

Sochi is around 420 miles from the nearest land controlled by the Ukrainians, whereas Putin's official house is only 28 miles from the airport. Due to these factors, the Sochi attacks have become a bombshell that has set off alarm bells in the Kremlin. Ukrainian military intelligence also claims an attack on the same day on an aviation factory in Smolensk where lethal Kh 59 missiles are manufactured. According to Kiev, a drone hit a key Russian plant in Smolensk, interrupting the manufacture of cruise missiles.

Ukraine claims success with three drone strikes, while Russian officials said no strikes occurred. According to Ukraine's military intelligence service, Moscow claimed that five drones were shot down by air defenses without causing any harm. Three of the four UAVs reportedly made direct hits, severely impacting the aggressive United States defense company's production capabilities. Putin takes a major hit since Kh 59s are among the most often deployed Russian missiles in attacks on Ukraine. The missile's origins are unclear, but some Russian sources claim it was made at the Smolensk Aircraft Plant. According to Astra, a Russian news agency, the Kamikaze drone crashed into the factory's Workshop 55 ceiling and then exploded.

A hole measuring 2 by 2 meters was cut in the roof. According to the study, the workshop's machinery has never been vandalized previously. One crashed in front of workshop number 63, according to Astra, while another struck workshop number 55 after the Russians tried to shoot it down. Pieces harmed runway 70 at the airport. A residential building and two apartments in the Kutuzov commercial complex had broken windows.

Several witnesses have reported seeing a drone in the area around the Volna car wash and the Kutuzov retail mall. The governor of the little district of Ansk, Vasily Anokhin, said on his Telegram channel that the Ukrainian military is attempting to launch multiple terrorist strikes using kamikaze drones. According to Anokhin, electronic warfare or air defense systems downed five fixed wing UAVs. The governor has dismissed reports of damage.

Russian media sources admitted harm after graphic photographs of the attack were shared on local networks. The planned 70 foot airstrip is also home to the aircraft manufacturer's experimental flight test site. The website for the Smolensk Aviation Plant lists serial production of Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation developments, production of YAK ATNT SM 92T aircraft of various modifications per request, maintenance of YAK ATNT aircraft, and the production of spare parts for YAK 40 and YAK 42 aircraft as its primary areas of operation. The regional administration said in October 2022 that the facility's output will treble from 6 billion to 24 billion Russian rubles within a few years after the Ministry of Defense placed government orders at the plant through 2025. The number of workers at the firm has to be doubled for this to be possible.

It was reported this morning that an attack on a market in Shepkino, Belgrade Oblast, resulted in the injuries of three individuals and the destruction of business property and vehicles. The governor of Belgrade told Cheslov Glaskov that the area borders Ukraine to the northeast. Meanwhile, the Russians are returning their strategic bombers, the Tu 95Ms turboprops, to Engel's air base. Planet Lab's satellite photos are frequently posted online.

The Russians have apparently drawn two Tu 95Ms in the bombers parking spots, at least according to satellite pictures. A real bomber, shielded by automobile tires, sits next to the sketches. The Russians reportedly began using vehicle tires to cover planes at Engels Air Base at the start of September.

In light of the threat posed by Ukrainian drones, the Russians are taking measures to defend their strategic bombers. It is unclear whether such protection will be successful because of the flammability of the tires, the open space, and the difficulty of extinguishing them. A sketch of what appears to be Sukhoi made fighter jets was captured using satellite imagery near the month's conclusion. Several months of drawing practice took place at the Yiskeir base. So, the Russians are trying to manufacture phony targets that are invisible in low resolution satellite photos.

The satellite's photo would need to be taken at a 90 degree angle for this to operate. Due to the absence of texture and shadows at any angle, this pattern is easily discernible in high resolution satellite pictures. Drone cameras, which often include both regular daytime and high resolution thermal image transmission channels, further complicate the issue of the efficacy of such photos. Furthermore, if the satellite uses radar reconnaissance, which is also employed by the Ukrainian defense forces, then such drawings will be useless.

The impact of the Ukrainian offensive appears to be felt across the entirety of Russia, from its borders all the way to its interior cities. The Russian leader, who has brought the conflict he started to his own country, is remaining silent and has not issued a comment in response to the strikes. Donetsk Frontline is the second story we'll be reading about. The Ukrainian Shadow Air Reconnaissance Unit's sustained success in destroying enemy vehicles was largely attributable to their skillful employment of first person view FPV drones. This time, a Russian tank and its crew were the intended victims.

The battle armor was making its way through Staromelanivka. The 31 second clip shot by the drone camera and shared on social media featured striking pictures of the destructive operation. Over the Russian armor, the FPV drone can be seen flying.

In the video's subsequent seconds, the drone zeros in on its prey and deals the final blow. At the climax of the clip, smoke begins to billow above the Russian weaponry. Russians are worried because Ukrainians are utilizing F P V drones equipped with thermal imaging cameras propagandists for the Russian military have claimed that Ukrainian ground forces have deployed first person view drones with thermal imaging cameras. The Ukrainian army now has a new weapon to use against Russian troops and armored vehicles operating at night thermal imaging technology. Therefore, the Ukrainian army might not be able to employ thermal imaging equipment on Mars due to its prohibitive cost. The Russians are aware that the Ukrainians will use the weapon when it will cause them the most trouble.

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2023-10-08 14:24

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