The best of Chrome games Chrome Developer Summit 2020

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to articulate it is jake explaining words of my choosing to paul he cannot say the word he cannot say words that rhyme with the word and he cannot draw the word or make sounds he has to describe them are you people ready ready to go yes off you go okay uh if you want to you've got passwords for websites but if you want to make it uh more secure you add this in uh https uh so so you you log in you get an sms or something and that's called oh two factor uh giveaway two factors yes yes yes you said it um okay um the fans of vim really hate this text editor that's a vmax yep thank you um oh okay um on a joypad you've got um the analog sticks but you've got another thing there to do directional stuff the d-pad d-pad um thank you summer uh okay so um at the at the end of a line um you you'll sometimes leave some punctuation like if you're doing an array uh you can miss one of these out uh on the last item but i i like to leave them in there yeah but if it's it's um it's kind of just hanging around there isn't it it's sort of like the trailing cover almost it's kind of like sort of hanging off the edge there isn't it it's just sort of i have no idea what this is so if if you were sort of um holding on to a cliff edge you would describe it's like well i'm really it's got it's got two syllables the first it'll be first syllable is something like an american would say if they're not they're not wanting to properly swear so they'll say this oh man you this is not a good explanation i'll be honest with you okay um a comic book character in um in the uk as a scottish comic um he's desperate dan right dang dangling thank you very much excellent oh wow um dangling comma so uh so you've um uh you you can call these in javascript functions yes but but sometimes sometimes you just do that straight away and immediately invoke function yes yes excellent thank you very much um okay so in uh we have um uh dot window or you've got the window variable you've got the self variable um a new standard was made to join together what olive all this thank you very much um all right uh so if you were say in the late 90s and you really wanted some music but didn't want to pay for it you would use this software kazaa oh neely keep naming them uh oh what was it called ah no it begins with an s uh no okay so so if you had a very short sleep what would it be napster excellent thank you um all right so um we've got chrome but like if you want to use the nightly it's called this uh canary yep excellent um so if you're starting a project with a set of files uh you would call it this it's also the name of the css framework uh all of the sites look the same because they all use this set of css bootstrap correct um okay uh so we've uh blink um came from webkit but webkit came from conqueror and what was the html yes absolutely and we're out oh wow absolutely i'm like miles away but i could basically hear you sweating oh so i was really struggling with the dangling comma i just couldn't i couldn't think of i thought you were into lentus i call it i'd call it the trailing club yeah i call it trailing comma but dangling combo works as well yeah that's that's that was good i looked it up that's that's what that's what the rule in prettier is called i'm just saying oh very nice fair enough fair enough today i learned well chaps well done okay we're going to play another game of charades surma is going to be describing to jake as always he's not allowed to make any kind of noise draw words or letters in the air or mouth the letters or any of that kind of stuff he has to say completely silent uh and describe the word of my choosing to jake i've sent the word across the sermon but he hasn't seen it yet so he's about to see it for the first time try and describe it for one of a better term to jake and jake's gonna try and guess it let's get ready gentlemen are you ready for yeah yeah yeah okay on your marks get set let's go you're welcome i just disappointed two words first word string yoyo spiral circle web web second word web bundle web package uh oh web so that's like build where [Music] construction web constructs where keep going web construction web constructor web builder what are we doing come on give me another clue you need to work on it's your thoughts summer not mine it's great i can insult i mean i can't even like talk back it's like so you're really bad at this you're dreadful uh okay so we've got are we doing back or butt but second word second word is more versions of the word but i think he's going for him web bottom i mean i only know the rude words apart from web oh yeah you want a rude word oh web ass i am really not getting this like so we got okay so we're talking right we've got a big old web arse a web arsenal a web an american way of saying ass web ass right up what's he doing web web ass web assimilate free syllables web architecture i don't know i hate this i'm not having fun anymore this was fun before i'm not enjoying this okay i'm kind of like repeating what you're saying web assembly i hate everything because that's so obvious now ah an emotional low point or high point depending on who you are uh i would like to say well done but i think well done summer uh we'll leave it there okay so it's time for a wikipedia race the idea is fairly straightforward i start serma and jake off on one particular page of wikipedia and i give them another page that they have to get through by clicking on the links around wikipedia so the starting point that they have here is the chrome disambiguation page on wikipedia so this is the chrome page so if you just type chrome to wikipedia it'll ask you which chrome you're talking about and that's where they're starting they don't know where they're headed yet i haven't told them um but you'll be able to see on screen both of their browsers and the idea is the first one to get to the target page wins does that all make sense are you happy are you clear i'm not happy but it's well i was gonna say are you clear uh not necessarily happy all right the page that you are gonna go to and i'll be obviously watching along and uh all the best to you both the page that you need to get to is empire state building oh thanks mate oh okay all right i've got a plan um yeah so straight into the browser yeah yeah have a look at it yeah i'm okay and you're allowed to search apparently yes control f is allowed yes okay i am all right so empire state building right yep empire state so if i remember correctly the empire stealth building is in new york it is united states this summer's got a great plan here yeah well i'm trying to do this server has arrived was good work okay from margaret hamilton your target page is arctic monkeys the bats monkeys oh my word um interesting first choice there by paul ah come on you must have okay um i see why do some of these not have links this is really annoying uh ah i'm not even sure what it would be this is so upsetting i haven't even left them [Music] it i know i'm thinking if i can find points of uh where where are they from arctic monkeys are they sheffield i don't know yes they are um so that's some some very generous information sharing from jake's side it was it was not that it helps me because i i'm trying to i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck um ah we have arrived at sting also i know i know i know and i'm still desperately trying to think uh see i have something in the meantime jake has arrived in sheffield but it doesn't seem to be very helpful come on i mean spice girls also i know they're good again i'm just hoping that somebody somewhere is going to reference the arctic monkeys from one of these famous musicians i mean the spice monkey's infamously inspired why does the channel you got to i was like why does the sheffield page not list the bands from sheffield like there's loads of good bands on sheffield you can't get to sheffield from the arctic monkeys mate you just click it there you go oh oh oh see and now i'm on the proper sheffield page i bet it's like i bet the arctic monkeys there they are ah well that was good knowledge i hate this game i hate this game so much i'm not having fun it is time for a checkup gentlemen are you ready i'm already sweating i'll take that as i'm just i'm already in game mode i'm just concentrating all right get the game faces on on your marks get set expo okay oh oh server this is uh if you did brain surgery on something uh to and then the second word would be a bird a kind of bird night it flies at night and it's uh it's known for rotating its head all the way around an owl right that's the second word and the the first one would be brain surgery to kind of uh oh the lobotomized owl yes um okay it's the standards body w3c correct okay it's a really old programming language from like 1950s 1960s it's the kind of thing you think of mainframes cobol correct um this one would be an old uh way of connecting to a monitor to a pc for example oh vga uh slightly newer uh dvi right now expand it to what you'd actually call it it is a dvi watt plug socket cable keep go yes there you go dvik video cable oh summer right an old way of archiving that you'd have done uh on uh windows no winrar yes brilliant love it okay yeah um write the standard that you write all your markup in yeah but then you add a letter on the front that's again a little bit on the older end the standard that i write on my marketplace so what do you write your markup in what directory markup the vs code no as in text what's the yeah but what's it actually known as the standard for writing you've got documents and javascript css and what javascript css and html right put another letter on the front xhtml another one keep going it's it makes it exciting and moving and oh html perfect perfect right now you know when you do uh thing and thing and thing and that's really annoying so there's a new operator that lets you just check oh no and it's a it's a question mark it's the nullish coalescing operator yes brilliant okay um apple have a connector of this type um with lightning keep going another one oh thunderbolt perfect okay going back to the standards body um there's a different layers of of readiness for specs uh uh editor's draft there's perfect recommendation that's it excellent yeah all right the one that's up from uno is duo brilliant end well done well done oh you did very very very well with those there were some lucky slabs in the dark there like with cobalt and whatever like i was i was not i was expecting to have to list like a ton of all programming languages but yeah that was uh the i think dhtml was surprisingly difficult to land um yeah i was thinking like s html and all of that i didn't enjoy you you're dancing around with a lobotomized owl i i was very very i am i've never heard of it what is that i need to go on do i need to google that i'm not sure it's a css selector star plus star is called the lobotomized owl today i learned ladies and gentlemen we have another wikipedia race coming up right now are your chaps ready yes your target page is standard deviation style i hate you um right i was hoping there'll be something about mathematics uh but there isn't so let's go with javascript i see we're doing exactly the same thing it's very helpful to find other mathematics related articles but it's not it's not really helping because they're not linked to the word math or math i mean that would be oh no all right okay i see both participants are engaging in wild control effing uh yeah uh this is this is hard we have arrived at java which is not that big of a departure i went to java and then i came back because i really am struggling hang on i've got to go to standard deviation right jake has arrived at lua which is also a questionable choice at this point reading about the syntax of lua ah we are slowly abstracting from concrete languages to abstract concepts maybe maybe this is the way to go to what is right i'm i'm going off the wall just this is this is it i'm in the department of computer and science university of cambridge this is my video who knows paul whatever i'm still comparing okay okay okay okay i thought you got it then um ah looking for the what math and the answer about mathml that's yeah but that was that was fine i've got i've gone to mathematics uh standard oh come on how did you get how do you not have standard deviation in mathematics that is a good question maybe something worth editing on the wikipedia page ah we have arrived pause our statistics that seems like it's very close the pressure is on for jake standard deviation where's my mouse cursor yes oh that was so such a close call but it was just fast enough to deny jake get his only chance at winning yes i hate you so much i hate you so much oh i'm so happy i denied you the victory i mean oh wow tough good fight good fight [Laughter] i think this one is complete rubbish so you have to get to the wikipedia page landfill off you go ah yes okay um uh okay i'm going to go with ju i am just like i'm impressed at how quickly someone moves around pages i can see why i just lost this terribly um okay what are your strategies i'm trying to i'm not telling that i'm not gonna well it makes a very boring video let's all just sit here in silence i'm trying to go he finds the page via agriculture but for some reason oh yes there is no dedicated link landfill got there what oh i'm so happy with that tell me yes how did you do it what was yours okay let's go backwards i'm gonna have to rewind this i'm actually quite pleased with this uh path that i went through i went web 2.0 went to javascript library to javascript to v8 the javascript engine figuring garbage collection no way that worked oh so that then yeah that led me to the disambiguation because it has a disambiguation click at the top so i went to the disambiguation page the top one garbage collection or waste collection is part of municipal waste um management brilliant great so then i went to the waste collection and there is landfill that's incredible that is a path i would not have thought would ever work so do you deserve that when i was working yeah i was absolutely amazed unbelievably chuffed with that one yes well done so we have been filming these little interstitial videos uh all day um and we are running out of ideas and patience uh so we've come up with a final game a final game and what we're going to do is we're going to see how long we can not blink for was that was that the correct grammar to use not really but the words were all there you just have to make them work for yourself don't blink any of us for as long as possible if we miss a little mini blink then you know i'm sure i'm sure everybody will hold us to the high standards of honesty that we expect from ourselves here so you know how i'm trying i'm trying to get a quarter of blinks yeah i'm just saying you know how you how you hyperventilate before diving because it allows you to hold your breath longer i wonder how the same thing applies to blinking if you're hyperballing hyperbolic yeah there's gonna be somebody out there who's going that's the worst thing to do they've all completely stopped you just lost three years of your lifespan or something especially with a big light in my face here as well okay here we go are you ready you ready i think so yes okay i'm ready three two one go oh i kind of went for a huge eye open at the start there which i feel like i might have uh i blinked well you've gotta be rubbish with something yeah well he's twitching moving your eyes fine this is really hard oh you would think this would be easier than this but my eyes are like properly stinging now yeah i i i just enjoy watching your frozen faces staring into the camera so the light the light is drying out your eyes as well it is cause like i mean obviously to film this we've got like a huge well i've got a huge light right there and it's like oh i've linked i blinked ah hey i'm still not blinked yet i'm going for i think i haven't anyway just go oh there you go okay that was the nicest blink i've ever had unless unless i'm much mistaken i don't think i blinked there throughout um i'd be interested to just i might just watch that back for myself at some point it turns out i have a recording that you can re-watch online of you i'm just blown away this might be one of the most uncomfortable gifts we can make well we're definitely out of ideas then so uh yeah yeah that's enough from us you


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