The Chinese Superweapon That s About to Start WWIII Angel Research Podcast Ep 5

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you see countries like Russia and China  strengthening their positions and they really   only have one goal and that is to challenge us and  the Western order that has basically dictated to   them and everybody else the rules of the game  internationally speaking for the past 70 years okay everybody welcome to the angel research  podcast my name is Jason stutman and as usual   we are here today to discuss the Market's hottest  stock stories investment opportunities and money   making strategies for you the retail investor  today we're specifically going to be talking   about opportunities in Aerospace and defense  that market is red hot right now as nations   are ramping up spending during a period of uh  High geopolitical uncertainty and instability   and that means uh a lot of money funding into the  sector and we brought special guest Jason Simpkins   with us today to walk us through this topic and  Jason is a specialist in the Aerospace and defense   industry specifically as it pertains to investing  um Jason is otherwise known as J Money uh that's   how much Jason likes making uh making money he  actually even has a tattoo with a dollar bill   on it I don't know if it's appropriate for you  to break it out it's it's it's just the nickname   oh it's just oh it doesn't have a dollar bill  sign it just says so Jason's going to walk us   through the uh you know Aerospace and defense  Market some new technologies that are coming   around but first a really quick disclaimer nothing  that we say here today is personal uh investment   advice we can give you the tools the insights and  the strategies that will help you make your next   breakout trade but we can't make these trades for  you also please uh like the video subscribe and   comment show us some love uh we do this for free  all you got to do is take two seconds to you know   just click the like button it ain't hard give  us a like show us some love come on guys uh and   with all that said with all that out of  the way welcome Jace to the show it is   great to have you here how are you doing  I'm doing terrific I'm excited to be here   this is my first podcast experience it couldn't  couldn't be better okay uh so look there's a lot   of gurus out there uh some of them worth their  uh worth their weight in gold some of them not   um a lot of them have different um different  you know areas of focus but uh you know we have   options guys we have guys who are into resources  guys who are into Tech but uh one thing is for   certain is that you have a very unique focus  in this uh inter in this in the investment   newsletter space um as far as what you're focused  on and that is Aerospace and defense I don't know   of anybody else who really focuses on that space  uh so you know it is uh it's exciting to have you   on here today and maybe we could start off with  you giving us a little bit of background about   yourself and then maybe give us the elevator pitch  on why investors uh retail investors specifically   should be involved in and interested in the  Aerospace and defense industry right now okay   so I've been doing this for about 15 years now  I've been a financial analyst and researcher and   you know I started at 23 uh so it's it's been  a journey uh and you know I guess I decided to   launch trading Services focused on this specific  sector Aerospace and defense about five years ago   the reason was effectively twofold there was  a short-term investing kind of Horizon and a   long-term one the short-term one was Donald Trump  winning the presidency and I felt like that made   for a tremendous catalyst for military investing  because you know the bra the Barack Obama   basically started kind of cutting defense spending  around that time our wars in Afghanistan and   Iraq were winding down they weren't necessarily  concluded but they were starting to to come to   a close uh there was a shift in the way that we  were preparing our military that you know there   was an idea of doing more with less uh focusing  on you know certain more lethal projects certain   like you know very specific highly concentrated  areas of investment rather than just splashing   the pot with money which had been you know pretty  much the way things had gone for for a few decades   with the election of uh president like Donald  Trump who you know was very strong with his   America First agenda very big into projecting  American power uh it was pretty clear to me that   defense contractors and the defense space  was going to accelerate that that defense   spending was going to come back up uh that it was  going to be resurgent and it was uh now a lot of   people didn't expect that to carry over into the  Biden Administration I I did even before what   we saw with Russia and the reason for that and  something I always tell people and this is kind   of an important thing when it comes to investing  in this sector you talk about the government money   military projects are bipartisan there are Boeing  plants that make Munitions in Washington in   Democratic strongholds across the country there  are factories and plants all over the country   they're in Virginia you look at the DC area here  in in Maryland how many jobs are supported by   defense contractors the industry itself employs  millions of people and when you build something   like an aircraft carrier it's almost like you have  like with the with the Auto industry you have a   supply chain you have this knock-on effect it's  the same thing it's it's an investment it's almost   like an infrastructure investment it's like it's  putting people to work so when you put the money   into defense you're putting it into jobs you're  putting it into something that is very sellable   for politicians which is a strong American  Military and you know being able to to secure   our country and basically really if you're super  idealistic about it promote democracy overseas   uh all that the short-term Catalyst in terms of  why I would get into this space the long-term   Catalyst the more cynical person that I am now  I view America and the Western order as a power   in Decline I I see waning influence okay and you  see countries like Russia and China strengthening   their positions and they really only have one goal  and that is to challenge us and the Western order   that has basically dictated to them and everybody  else the rules of the game internationally   speaking for the past 70 years they don't want  to play by those rules so the only thing they   can do is keep funding their own military machine  keep putting money into their own offensive and   defensive capabilities until the point where they  are capable of asserting their own Sovereign will   on the world sure and breaking out of that Western  order that's the longer term catalyst and that's   what we started to see really this year when  you see the aggression when you see Russia it   had already I mean around the time you could look  at it I I in the first Annex Crimea back in 2014   2015. uh so that you know that obviously played  into into the you know potential for the industry   as well but now with the full-on invasion and you  see with China reabsorbing Hong Kong and we all   kind of know Taiwan is next right so it's just  a matter of them challenging the order and us   you know the West the United States and Europe are  going to have to rise to the occasion to defend it   how do you see that whole situation playing  out as far as Ukraine goes and then maybe just   expanding on that like is you know you said you  think taiwan's next do you think that that's do   you may have a timeline for that happening uh  do you think that's a maybe you know is that   a certainty you think it's a likelihood I think  it's an overwhelming certainty I mean China has   said as much they have the one China policy so the  one China policy says this is ours I mean there's   there's no other it's called The One China policy  reason the the objective is singular uh and so   that that's just gonna happen whether it happens  peacefully whether they're able to reabsorb it   through political pressure uh which right now  Taiwan is obviously not willing to do that they   don't want to be a part of of China um so it  seems like the only way they're going to be able   to achieve that is through military intervention  and so for them everything that they do is about   basically mitigating or negotiating or negating  any kind of U.S or Western defense of Taiwan um   you know that's that's the principal goal it's and  it's it's not even just Taiwan too A lot of times   people talk about the South China Sea they've  been very active there trying to like there's   this ocean the South China say it borders about a  dozen Nations like Malaysia Indonesia uh Vietnam   now internationally every country gets 10 miles  off their Coast it's it's their it's their water   that's that's your coastline China does not agree  with that they they think that the South China Sea   is called the South China Sea because it belongs  to them and not only is it ripe with resources   even like it's a great fishing area there's a  lot of fish for commercial fishing there's oil   and gas reserves underneath it's got resources but  it's also a major shipping channel it's a lot you   know so there's a lot of control there and that  for them is very much in their kind of sphere of   influence and they they want that they want all  of that and they want to be able to say this is   our border and they again they want the ability to  say what is and what is not within their borders   they don't want the United States or Europe or  the UN or anybody else telling them what is and   or is not China they're gonna tell you and so  that's that's where we're at with it and that's   where we've been everything they've done for the  past few decades is about achieving this goal and   they're not going to stop until they do it so you  know that's that's a certainty but again how when   it happens to put a timetable on it I would think  sooner rather than later A lot of people thought   it was going to happen at numerous times a lot of  people thought that the pandemic would give them   cover that that the world was so chaotic and that  our military somewhat hobbled because we even had   like whole aircraft carriers being basically taken  out of commission because the entire Crews had   come down with covet it was a kind of a wild time  a lot of people also speculated that once Russia   invaded Ukraine well now here's another great  opportunity because the West now is so preoccupied   over here trying to fund UK Ukraine's war and and  resistance to the Russian invasion that they can't   necessarily go and divert too much attention in  resources to Taiwan should it be so you know it's   it's interesting I don't know what time exactly  but I I it's going to be in our lifetimes that's   for sure I'll tell you that are there any specific  options or strategies that we have if China were   to just you know tomorrow move in on Taiwan or  how do you think that we would actually respond   is there yeah the way that would play out is  probably a lot like it did in Ukraine it would   be a question one of how long can Taiwan hold out  with the with the weapons that they have how long   can they withstand and basically the Pentagon  is going to tell you they've got 24 hours yeah   um you know it's they're just they don't  really stand much of a chance in that respect   if they can put up more of a fight obviously  the better I mean you saw it with Ukraine the   longer you can hold out and you know once the  countries and the world sees you fighting for   yourself and see that there's a window they  they will act um but that's I would I would   imagine if especially if China is better prepared  than Russia was which I suspect they would be   I think they're probably inherently better  at planning than Russia was uh I think their   system of governments I think they've you know  probably frankly have smarter people in charge uh   I think they're a little bit more ready and know  what they're doing but even though I think Ukraine   might give them a little bit of policy might  have been like oh well maybe it's not as easy   as all of that you know uh but overall they're not  gonna have much time and then you're gonna get the   same kind of sanctions you're gonna get economic  and diplomatic pressure from the Western world   that's probably not going to change their minds  that's going to be something that they're again   prepared for they'll look at this whole thing  they'll look at what rush is doing is more of   a trial run and they'll say okay well they  they were sanctioned in this way they were   cut off from the banking system they were cut  off from Swift let's be prepared for that let's   be prepared let's know you know where what we  got to do what we've got to have ready what   kind of stockpiles we need whether it's food  or energy resources technology where might we   be cut off where might our choke points be where  are our vulnerabilities uh economically speaking   um and you know and I think China obviously would  have way more uh economic weight to throw around   uh you know I feel like it would be more difficult  for us to to Levy sanctions on them because we   rely on them so much you think that's true yeah  China is without question a bigger part of the   global economy yeah uh you know just each period  I mean outside of its energy resources Russia   you know really has very little to offer um and  then you've even seen with with this Invasion how   willing the world's kind of been do at least for  the for the in the short term to stomach higher   energy prices or at least try to pursue them from  other sources uh you know no matter where it is   uh so that's that's that's all that's kind of  like they're they're one ace in the whole China   has far more than that I mean China has you know  stockpiles of U.S debt it is over two trillion  

dollars of U.S debt that it's holding it has you  know basically a a not a Stranglehold but you know   a considerable amount of the world's manufacturing  capacity like you talk about supply chain issues   today like sanction China in a wartime effort  and see what happens it would get ugly for sure   think of everything that says made in China on it  and then you know quadruple the price of it yeah   uh so I see a lot of this as a lot I see a lot  of what's going on right now is kind of posturing   um there's a lot of like chest people you know the  countries are puffing their chests out and uh you   know one of the ways that you know countries do  that is through spending and uh in 2023 the dod   is going to spend 773 billion dollars uh which is  up four percent from 2022. four percent doesn't   sound like that much but when you have a massive  budget that's uh that's an additional 30 billion   dollars into this already massive industry that  you were kind of talking about earlier is really   is too big to fail so maybe you could give us  a quick uh just run down of maybe three to five   key areas in the Aerospace and defense industry  or Technologies anything specific that you think   uh investors should be looking at right now all  right first um for just for the headline number   it's actually bigger it's actually 858 billion  that's the figure that came out of the Senate   uh armed services committee earlier this week  okay because that's what like the the president   makes his budget request and then this is what  actually has happened over you know basically   the past several years the Congress comes back  and gives them more than what they asked for   um so actually the 850 billion dollars that the  Pentagon is getting the Department of Defense is   getting this year is a 10 increase it's 80 billion  dollars more wow than what it was in the fiscal   year 2022. so now we're about specific investing  there are so many ways to play and that's one of   the things I I genuinely love about the space  because you look at it and it's it's exciting   it's there's a lot of fun technology so you  there's basic stuff one I like I I would always   start with the basics and I mean these companies  are in my portfolio but I don't mind mentioning   them because they're they're pretty I'm going to  interrupt you for a second just speaking of your   portfolio I was looking at it earlier um we're  in a period right now uh year to date S P 500   is down 21 uh and I took your portfolio average  you're up 6.74 so I'm hanging in there uh that's   I mean that is beyond impressive on a normal year  it's like you know if you compound that over time   it's actually really good return but you know  it's not something that like we would be super   impressed with here but in this environment I mean  I think that's incredible so I think that's kind   of a testament to you know you you know knowing  what you're talking about with these stocks but   also just being in the right place at the right  time well right and that is an important thing to   remember too when you talk about defense stocks  you're talking about government spending that   isn't going anywhere right so this isn't Consumer  discretionary spending you know I'm reading about   you know like I was just reading about like the  CEO of Target and he's like we got a problem uh   you know because people are cutting back  on their spending that's what's going to   happen in a recession you've got to worry about  these things the reality is you know the there's   there's no rainy day really for defense spending  in America and so that government money is going   to come it's not just going to come from the U.S  government as you said it's going to come from  

other now European countries that are scrambling  up their defense budgets as well in light of of   uh Russia's Invasion so I recommended Northrop  Grumman uh sometime in I don't know earlier this   year I think it was February February yeah  that's I think I'm up about like 20 or so   percent on that that was well timed but it was  also like you could you could kind of see that   coming you could kind of see the storm clouds  and I looked at it as as much of a safety stock   as one with growth potential it ended up having  more growth potential given Russia's Invasion and   the momentum that defense sector picked up after  that but at first it was a safety play I've had   Lockheed Martin the portfolio for years for the  same thing and that's I think that one's up to I   had to re-buy it when I when I changed uh services  but like I've I've had I've basically been telling   people to invest in that since 2017. I know we're  up on that uh those stocks are never going to go   out of style uh they just won't and neither will  stocks like I always like Raytheon too raytheon's   not in my portfolio but like it I used to own it  and uh they make a lot of they make a lot of the   missiles uh that are used in combat uh including  like Patriot missiles and that kind of stuff   and and that like they're like bullets missiles  are like bullets you cannot have enough okay   like you're going to war like that's the one thing  Ukraine has to keep asking for too it's like we've   burned through all these Munitions we need more  okay because it the the offensive weapons from us   are just going to keep calming the tenant columns  just keep coming to most of these defense Giants   do they pay dividends they do okay that seems  like a really safe that makes it more important   100 yeah you can get like two or three usually  around two or three percent yeah nothing crazy   but it's enough you know quarterly and for a long  time that's more than you were getting out of you   know savings accounts at the bank it still kind  of is I I feel like uh savings accounts are still   probably about one percent or so uh so if you're  getting that from a from a dividend you're doing   okay every time I see my interest coming into my  savings account I just left now it's going up now   with the rate hikes but you know it's still it's  not going to be the the two or three percent for I   don't know depending on that the rate at Jay files  going sure maybe maybe it will be higher but okay   so you gave us a specific company are there any  specific technologies that you're eyeing right now   or okay yeah uh multiple uh first cyber security  is always a good one uh because that's that's   another you talk about like 21st century Warfare  and weapons uh another one hypersonics I've been   talking a lot about Hypersonic uh weapons and  it's funny because I've actually been Fielding   a lot more questions about Hypersonic weapons  since uh top gun Maverick came out because and   I have not seen this movie it took me a while  they're hypersonics in that yeah someone told   me he sees he like he like takes a Joyride on on  like a Hypersonic plane in the opening scene he   pops Dark Star yes Dark Star exactly and he flies  off so I started getting all these questions about   hypersonics which I've been talking about for five  years no one really seemed to care and then all of   a sudden this movie comes out and everyone's  got questions about it so so there's a lot of   stuff going on right now too with hypersonic  so maybe we could focus a little bit on that   um so some numbers that I pulled earlier on  hypersonics here uh in terms of the increase   in spending uh so I had 4.7 billion in 2023 versus  3.8 billion in 2022 which represents a 24 increase   and you compare that to we kind of talked about  the the four to ten percent increase in overall   spending so I think it kind of puts things  into perspective in terms of like how much   the U.S military is prioritizing the growth of  this particular technology over the the broader   military industry as a whole yeah it's significant  I can tell you right there too because you nailed   the number it is 4.7 billion in the upcoming  fiscal 23 year in fiscal 2017 you know what it  

was 250 million wow so it's more than a 10-fold  increase it's about a 15-fold increase since yeah   uh maybe you could give us some information  on Hypersonic missiles I know there's a lot   of like kind of like I feel like sometimes people  overuse the term what specifically is a Hypersonic   missile who's developing them um who's leading  this race uh should we be concerned about them   just let's you know yeah Hypersonic technology  has been around uh for a while uh for actually   for really about almost 50 years I think uh it's  basically you know hypersonics it needs to go five   times faster than the speed of sound it means you  go multiple times faster so at least mach five the   speed of yeah the speed of sound uh and so that's  kind of how fast they go now they you can do this   in any kind of number of of ways uh in in Top Gun  they had a manned vehicle which is not yeah you   can do it and it has been done in the past the  original uh I guess Hypersonic plane I think of   the the SR-71 Blackbird that was a reconnaissance  plane that was manned but now especially when you   start getting up to the speeds the you know we're  really looking at now you're talking about like   mach 10 even like mach 20 like these incredibly  High rates of speed uh there's really no sense in   putting a person in that it's dangerous and you  don't really need them to fight at that point   sure and in terms of reconnaissance you I don't  I don't think you're going to get too much more   out of that than you would just with modern  satellite technology um but the the big thing   is the missiles right okay so there's it could be  there's also different types of missiles one would   be a standard kind of cruise missile that shoots  in a straight line right uh a Hypersonic missile   would just be an incredibly fast missile uh that  would that alone is kind of dangerous enough they   can be unloaded from any kind of platform uh you  know standard kind of rocket launcher they can   be shot from Planes they can be shot from ships uh  that's that's the kind of thing and to to say like   who who has them and he's developing basically  Russia and China have them and Russia just became   the first country to use one on the battlefield  they blew up an arms Depot in Ukraine with one   um I don't know that there are Hypersonic weapons  have performed I think to the as much as we feared   they they might I think they've been a little  bit uh less consistent than than Russia probably   projected which is typical in terms of what  like their ability to Target their accuracy   their actors yeah yeah so it's one it's one  thing to make something go really fast it's   another thing to hit your target with it correct  uh again China's probably a lot further along   China's uh Hypersonic weapons pretty much winning  service in 2019. uh and again the United States   doesn't have any in service right now uh so it  shows you how far behind we are uh but like the   the big ones they have that kind of tend to  really scare people now you're talking about   uh not the cruise missiles you're talking about  like intercontinental ballistic missiles right so   a standard ICBM like if Russia or China was going  to attempt like say a nuclear attack on the United   States they would shoot uh ICBM up in the in like  a parabola in an arc and it would go up out of the   atmosphere and it would come down in a relatively  predictable trajectory you know you could kind of   see it would be difficult to stop because even  with modern Warheads that just do that they   tend to break off into about a half a distance  a dozen different smaller Warheads so you can't   hit them all and I can tell you that on its best  day the U.S missile Shield uh and there's there's   numerous ways there's numerous layer star missile  Shield most people refer to the Triad which is air   Land and Sea power the sea being Seabourn missiles  from submarines and Aegis Cruisers uh land-based   missiles the big ones that come up out of the  silos uh and then bombers which are kind of a   proactive uh attempt to neutralize those set the  missile Shield is on its best day about 80 percent   effective okay so if Russia or anybody else shot  half a dozen nuclear missiles at the United States   in a best case scenario we'd knock five of them  down but one would still hit okay uh that's that's   a traditional ICBM now with hypersonic missiles  they do something different they have what China's   developed and what we're kind of working on  it's something called boost Glide technology   they shoot out into the atmosphere on this Glide  vehicle the Warhead releases and it goes on an   unpredictable path basically it doesn't just shoot  up in a parabola and come back down it goes up   travels horizontally more or less on a kind of  an like an up and down kind of crooked pattern   only kind of chaotically and then it fires  directly down onto its intended target and   it does this again at an extremely high rate of  speed we really don't have the technology to stop   that okay so that's what's got most like defense  experts concerned and it's what's been concerning   for the Pentagon and for politicians for you know  like I said for the past several years that it   became evident this happened even last year last  year China conducted a test in which they shot a   Hypersonic missile or I don't know if the missile  Hypersonic vehicle at least around the world twice   it circled the planet twice and then came back  down and you know the U.S scientists depending  

on they said we don't know how to do that we  don't know how they did it and we sure as hell   don't know how to do it okay and you're talking  about two trips around the world and a hyper side   going to Mach 5 that's 3 300 miles per hour that  means those two trips around the planet probably   took less than about a half hour okay so you can  Circle The Globe twice in the time it basically   takes you to order a pizza like that's that's kind  of how fast the technology goes it's it's a three   to four minute Journey from Beijing to Washington  DC or from London to to Moscow so because we're   so far behind in this or you know presumably I'm  assuming that we're kind of just dumping money   into the space right now what are or if any uh are  the specific investment opportunities surrounding   Hypersonic missiles right now there are at  least 70 Hypersonic programs in development wow   um and most every major contractor the big ones  are working on a principally Lockheed Martin   they are the most advanced uh you know Hypersonic  company in the U.S they like they're pretty much   all of our Hypersonic technology has been coming  out of Lockheed Martin it comes out of out of   their Department uh but Northrop Grumman Raytheon  they're also collaborating on several projects   so all that's happening I just recommended  a company that builds rocket engines for all   those companies because you know that's I think  that's the better play it's a smaller company   it's not as big and regardless of who's building  the end product whether it's a Hypersonic missile   or Glide vehicle or whatever they're going to  buy this propulsion system and so that I think   is probably the best way to play it but you know  that you know a close second would probably be   a company like Lockheed Martin okay um and  do you uh give this information to your uh   to your readers uh can you maybe maybe it's  a good time to actually kind of tell people   about like you know your newsletter service um  and then like where they could get that that   information on that particular company and  and maybe some other companies that you're   recommending sure all those stocks are in right  now my wall Street's Proving Ground portfolio uh   Lockheed Martin Northrop Grumman and then the the  rocket engine manufacturer um you know they're all   doing pretty well but that's where one would find  them sorry what's the other question oh no I was   just you know what uh you know that information  is in reports or how yeah I have several reports   on that I've been yeah I've been writing reports  on that for years I'll probably write more I'll   probably do a fresh one because it's it is so  kind of timely and because now I am kind of   getting these questions it's not something you  know I really do have to update because things   are kind of moving so fast and developments are  coming out uh about four Hypersonic tests in the   United States were conducted over the past couple  months there was uh one in March that failed one   in April that succeeded those are part of the uh  hawc program that's uh Hypersonic air breathing   weapons concept uh and then there's the arrow  program that Lockheed Martin's working on that's   air launch rapid response weapon and that's that  was tested in May successfully and there's another   test coming up in July so the advances are are you  know happening very quickly we are in this massive   race to catch up people understand the urgency I  even just saw like Congress even demanded to be   briefed on this uh because they're kind of just  now learning uh the size of the gap of and the   disconnect and like I said we talk about China  and its intentions they have this window to act   right now where they've kind of got one over  on us you know and they can they can hold us   at you know hostage in a way because they have a  technology that they know we can't defend and you   know I think it's unlikely that China would bomb  the United States I think what's likely is they   would fire a Hypersonic weapon at uh our bases in  like Guam or our aircraft carrier groups in the   Pacific the Pacific Fleet and the U.S presence in  the Pacific so they can have their way there okay   um one more question before we wrap up  um are there any adjacent opportunities   to uh to hypersonics like I saw that you had  some reports on us on a satellite firm I was   wondering if maybe they do like tracking of the  of the Hypersonic missiles and then you had one   on uh kind of laser laser guided weapons which I  know that they've kind of been Fielding on some   some uh some boats in terms of like the basically  they're heating up a missile to explode is that   realistic or what's the in the defense industry  everything kind of overlaps okay you know a lot   of times your offensive weapons are your defensive  weapons as well okay so like you know more or less   you're going to use a missile to shoot down an  incoming missile right you know where you're   going to use you know uh cyber warfare to to fight  cyber warfare uh they're the laser weapons are   also common like uh they're called direct energy  weapons directed energy because a lot sometimes   this laser can be microwave or something like  that where you basically fry the components and   this is be this would be very helpful against  drone swarms so like you've got this you know   swarm of drones come at you if you can shoot  like a microwave pulse that fries their circuits   that neutralizes the problem and you know a lot  of those things are specifically with respect   to China China's never going to build as many  aircraft carriers the United States has the United   States has something like a dozen or more aircraft  carriers I think China has one or two they're not   going to go and build a bunch they're not going  to try to compete on that front sure what they   want to do is build up you know swarms a smaller  Expendable drones that they can use to take down a   13 billion dollar aircraft carrier on a with you  know with a hundred million dollars what's the   company Lucky Palmer I know it's not publicly  traded but a private private company they're   they're working on drone swarms and things like  that a lot of people are working on it yeah I mean   or do you have any drone companies in your in your  portfolio I have a I have a drone company in my   secret stock files portfolio Okay um okay speaking  of uh we'll wrap up what we'll do is we'll leave a   link in the description of this video uh with so  that people can get access to your reports um and   that has what like you know ticker symbols um sure  a full explanation of all of you know basically   the market uh the company uh its products  it's management everything everything that you   could pretty much want to know about if there's  something in there that you want to know that's   not in there I would say send an email to customer  service at and I will answer your   question okay awesome but we can link we can link  that one as well uh Jason thanks for coming on uh   for everyone else uh please comment let us know  what you uh want us to cover next uh like And   subscribe to the video and uh thanks again for  coming on the show Jason and we'll see everybody


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