The AI-era of Industrial Transformation BRK271H

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[Music] hello everyone I'm Kathleen mitford corporate vice president of global industry marketing here at Microsoft thank you so much for being with us today businesses today are under significant pressure pressure to drive growth different differentiate your products and increase operating margin at the same time many companies recognize the technology can help but struggle with how do we implement the latest technology Innovations while driving transformation and this next wave of industrial transformation driven by the error of AI is driving a convergence a convergence of people of processes of places to allow us to produce better products people people are at the heart of all of our businesses but our existing Frontline workers are aging and many companies struggle with how do I attract top talent and get them trained on the latest technology Innovations before my existing Frontline workers retire places we all want to build intelligent factories intelligent factories that Leverage The Power of it and OT data combined and processes now we can combine data from Engineering Systems manufacturing service supply chain and many more to allow us to not only optimize our processes but also build better products these Technologies they're not new to many of you in the room here but what is new is how we can now bring them together and realize industrial digital transformation and the next wave of what's possible with the error of AI So today we're going to take you on a journey a journey journey of Microsoft's latest portfolio Innovations Cam's going to join me and talk about the latest advancements in Cloud to Edge and iot and how you can use this data to create a strong industrial data foundation and then we'll have Lily and Darren join me and talk about our mixed reality portfolio and how you can put this data in context and go deeper on the announcements that Saia made this morning about co-pilot and then we're going to take a trip to the Expo floor and we're going to see a live demo bringing all of this together and see the possibilities with that let me welcome cam vibrat GM of Edge and iot to the [Applause] stage thank you thank you Kathleen the pace at which customers are adapting to change is really really inspiring and it's been amazing to see how advances in cloud and in AI are empowering organizations all over the world to reason over data in unprecedented ways adapting to this continually changing environment requires the ability to harness dat data at a global scale in order to really achieve business goals let's take a look at a few examples of Microsoft's customers and how they are approaching transforming their businesses with data Chevron is B Chevron is building facilities and operations of the future they're combining Azure cloud and Edge Technologies alongside responsible AI to achieve greater safety and efficiency group Gro bimbo is leveraging digital technology to reduce downtime and waste while zealously safeguarding cleanliness and quality they use data to make decisions across their Global Bakery operations and partners like TCS and avanade are critical to helping customers s critical to helping customers succeed as they extend the value of what our platforms offer by building industry specific Solutions upon that Foundation industrial transformation can be complex due to the unique nature of physical operations each operational site has its own mix of Equipment Technology processes and use cases and most organizations have many such sites spread around the world in a diverse set of places they have people in diverse roles each with their own tools metrics and kpis and these people need to collaborate to drive change with advancements in technology There's an opportunity to simplify all of this by embracing a centralized approach to digitizing physical operations you can break down silos replicate Solutions across assets sites and and and locations and G and gain visibility at a global level a standardized approach to transformation can Empower collaboration and help your organization move faster making it simpler for your people to harness data at the shop floor and at the global Enterprise leveraging AI on a global basis requires a consistent scalable Foundation that can cultivate data with a composable architecture from a diverse set of sources that can Empower your people with low code and no code solutions that can make it easy to build and deploy Solutions using Cloud native tools and help it manage all of this in a consistent way today I'm excited I'm really excited to announce the public preview of azure iot operations Azure iot operations extends our Azure iot portfolio with a composable set of Arc enabled services that help organizations to easily onboard assets and devices so you can flow data from your physical operations to the cloud using low code no code tools you can build applications on the edge that are powered powered by that data and enable collaboration across OT it developers and data professionals to power insights and decisionmaking by using Azure iot you can dramatically reduce the complexity and time involved in delivering an end-to-end Solution on the edge we offer an extensible set of kubernetes of composable kubernetes Based Services they integrate with your industrial environment using Open Standards such as opcua otel and mqtt and the whole solution works natively with fabric so with Microsoft fabric so you can build context-rich data experiences using Power Platform digital Twins and Azure AI Azure iot operations connects cloud and Edge using bidirectional messaging so insights can extend to actions closing feedback loops and enabling automation all of our Edge services are managed all of our Edge services are managed using Azure Arc to allow greater visibility and orchestration for it while reducing friction and maintaining control for your OT people this approach unifies siloed people places and processes enabling collaboration across different sites assets and infrastructure we bring just enough Azure to the edge to power your operational outcomes resource on the edge can be managed and secured like any other any other Azure resource in the cloud and you can rely on the Azure control plane to drive repeatability agility and automation to scale your AI initiatives this approach owers your whole Workforce to collaborate and solve problems faster let's take a look at this in action meet Zara a site engineer at Koso who's passionate about ensuring every doughnut coming out of her Factory is made to Perfection today Koso is finishing the installation of a new fryer and adding a new doughnut line to their operation Zara and her team need visibility into the production process so she can optimize for maximum throughput and minimal loss to achieve this Zara uses Azure iot operations she first represents the new fryer and its characteristics as a digital asset she then selects the data points she needs and the events she wants to capture this action gives her near realtime information about the fryer including notifications if the oil temperature exceeds its ideal threshold next Zara needs to transform the data so it has meaning to kso's business teams Azure iot operations simplifies this process with tools for easy data processing and transformation Zara has configured Azure iot operations data to automatically land in Microsoft fabric a SAS data analytics platform during the installation of the new fryer Zara Works closely with her colleague Nik in it who's based out of Koso Dallas office niik can check that the asset Zara configured is now visible in Koso Azure portal as an Azure Arc resource he also navigates to kento's Arc connected kubernetes clusters and checks the status of the Azure iot operations workloads making sure everything is working properly because Azure iot operations is running locally on a kubernetes cluster Nico can install edge specific workloads for additional monitoring applications for endtoend visibility now data is Flowing from the new donut line to the cloud via Azure iot operations Cartia a data professional at Koso can use Microsoft fabric to quickly build insights and train AI models that will run at the edge and further optimize the new production line Cartia can create an update analytics views like this one that allow decision makers to analyze their operations and derive insights into their production lines and factories across the globe including overall equipment Effectiveness metrics Cartia also supports site engineers and production teams with the data points they need for daily operations she creates the dashboard Zara monitors while working on the new donut line she sends a preview to Zara via teams now Zara has near realtime insights to optimize her production processes ensuring every dut meets kso's high expectations if anything should happen with the new fryer Azure iot operations enables two-way communication between cloud and Edge so that a remote engineer can help Zara and her team troubleshoot with Asher iot operations kso's production will experience less downtime meaning more donuts and more happy customers [Applause] so you just saw Azure iot operations on a production line for donuts but these same capabilities can be used in any operational setting from auto assembly to equipment production and more to learn more about how this new product improves industrial outcomes join our session tomorrow uh called evolving iot for physical operations with azure iot operations now let's shift Focus to how Frontline workers can use AI in industrial settings please welcome Lily changen corporate vice president of emerging Technologies and Darren Bennett product manager for mixed reality [Applause] apps thanks cam so Darren and I are going to share with you how we're taking these insights and and moving them into action using mixed reality and AI um using your input your voice your speech and your gestures um to dve the co-pilot so as Kathleen and Cam said Frontline workers are really the heart of industries from field service to manufacturing and these workers have a lot of deep skills um their job might include going and repairing some Machinery that might have a long complex history of service or operating sophisticated equipment um but their jobs can be really cumbersome so imagine it's you you are looking through a manual or looking through a customer service record holding heavy equipment um wearing protective gear it's a it's a very challenging environment you know especially when you're out on the road in fact yesterday on campus I was watching someone fix a door a door is a typically a simple thing but the doors on our new campus have not only locks and handles but sensors for your badge reader your accessibility input cameras they're very complex so the physical world is also getting much more sophisticated and so we're hearing not just from Frontline workers but also from companies that this is really a challenge for them only 7% of Executives feel that they are prepared for the skills Gap that they're seeing happen over the next 5 years we assume that there are will be over 2.4 million unfilled jobs in this sector um based as Kathleen said on people retiring or other people just not being maybe as interested in doing some of this work because there's also insufficient access to technology so 88% of HR managers want to invest more in technology over the next two years in the past if you look at the tools that Frontline workers have you know we haven't really invested in all of your Workforce and what we're also finding is that for many many companies they have more workers out in the front line than they might have behind a desk doing work and they really want to be able to see their whole Workforce in a holistic way um so that they can manage the work um and the service that they're providing um as Cam said you know this really is a flow of information a system of intelligence so for the Frontline Workforce um typically the manager the supervisor will want to see an overview of what are all the work orders out there what's the planned work that I have what is the sort of new disruptive work that um might be called in today because of some repair that's needed and then those dispatchers and managers really want to be able to schedule people as well as equipment um based on you know where the location is what's the availability what's the skill set so it's a complex um scheduling Tas askask then the Frontline workers want to be able to perform their tasks to be able to get step-by-step guidance on a task if it's new for them um and then be able to really easily update the record to say this job is complete or I need some other person to come out and service this and then obviously all that information needs to feed back into the system so that as more people work in the system it becomes smarter and we can mine this information um to improve your overall workflow so today we have Dynamics 365 field service which provides this endtoend service it's one of our fastest growing products in Dynamics and the product that we're announcing today uh really is in this perform area with adding co-pilot and um more capabilities for the Frontline worker across Hollow lens the web as well as mobile um show some of you most of you were probably in saa's keynote this morning um it was really exciting to see how much across the board we're investing in co-pilot and how we're really taking co-pilot to the next level um seeing taking gesture and vision kind of into the system so I'll play the short video and then Darren will walk you through how we're really making this reel um for our customers today so we can play the video this is work what's up Mike we're giving eyes and ears to AI so the world becomes your prom and your interface this is work working these are thoughts happening hey co-pilot plans populating co-pilot when was this last replaced information gathering instructions guiding schematics aligning people connecting problem solving co-pilot hey co-pilot co-pilot this is conf confidence growing eyes widening these are questions I just finished co-pilot what's next rotate the engine block 90° questions the way you ask them please get me the detail view of the optical cable layout never too many questions all right let's highlight the relay switches go ahead keep asking it's in position what's next keep learning the hydraulic filter was changed 6 months ago okay can you pull up the service record co-pilot what's the tolerance of this locking rate here is a copy of the last service record the tolerance is 9,000 of an inch remind me where this fits into the assembly step four align the spindle the locking ring is highlighted this is work getting smarter this is work working better this is work working this is work making sense of the world around you co-pilot let Ruth know that I'm finished and close out the work order this is AI for the front [Music] line all right so in our field service product we have millions of connected assets and when an iot signal is out of range it can trigger and generate a work order uh now let's say I'm a manager I might be spending a lot of my time inside of teams communicating with my crew uh while I'm in there I can just ask co-pilot uh to catch me up on what work orders need to be scheduled so you can see see I can just in the chat I've got all those work orders upcoming if I want to dig in a little deeper I can get into Dynamics further and inside of there I can understand more about the work order and then co-pilot can actually suggest technicians that are ready and available to do the job so it's great we're generating more highquality work orders faster and getting them to the technicians uh but how are we supporting the technicians to perform the work work well mixed reality is really great at delivering understanding to the technicians we can render things volumetrically and even show what goes where in their world and this leads to a 24% reduction in door to floor time for a new technician and a 30% increase in efficiency for all technicians the other thing we have is something called remote assistance so if you're on teams you can see through your co-workers eyes into their environment and annotate into their world showing them what to do this means you don't have to get on a plane train or automobile to go and solve the problem and this is leading to a 45% reduction in training related travel and companies will also see a 23% reduction in equipment downtime now a lot of the companies we talked to they're suffering from this Mass retirement of experts right so all of that workplace wisdom is walking out the door and we need to get the understanding of the physical process into the system so that everyone can benefit from it and we have pretty simple authoring tools inside of guides but if you really want to go to thousands of guides and take this to scale in a company generative AI is going to be necessary to get us there so a little bit of uh what we're looking at under the hood um you're going to access the capabilities with d365 guides and field service our data sources are going to be things like SharePoint or Dynamics 365 dataverse where we store our data and which is interoperable with with fabric um and that's going to grow over time the databases that we can access uh and then we've got some enabling Services some of the key ones here are Azure spatial maps and also azure AI where you might have vision technology this is going to let us understand the world in your context and use that as part of the prompt for co-pilot uh so as I mentioned you've kind of got spatial which understands your world dimensionally and vision that understands it visually uh spatial is going to be really good when you have a lot of PR proprietary equipment that might not be general knowledge you're uh or it'll be good if you have um dimensional equipment so imagine a car engine and you want to know what's going on layers deep inside of it uh and vision's going to be really good for stuff that's general knowledge and publicly available and things that you can see on the surface together they're going to be really powerful and help us they're going to play off each other to help us generate the best under overall understanding of your context so uh I'm going to go a little deeper on the spatial uh side of that equation here we see Azure spatial maps at work uh with a hollow lens on a manager can walk the floor and in an afternoon have a mapping of an entire facility and then you can start uh associating information with the Assets in that space on the right here we have object Maps which will allow you to actually precisely attach to a specific asset for uh using Holograms then Azure remote rendering allows us to stream from uh you know your CAD models with the hierarchy intact all the naming intact into the environment up to millions of Parts uh where you can also associate that asset and the parts uh that are nested under that asset in data verse here on the right uh and then you just upload the material have so if you have manuals you have imagery you have uh you know work order history all of that stuff gets associated here and so when you point to one of those parts with a part number it will associate it to the right content for co-pilot and it'll bring you a relevant answer so that in general is how we're making this really simple interaction happen of you can just point to something in your environment ask about it and get a relevant answer back and so this mixed reality co- pilot is going to mean that technicians no longer have to kind of pick up a big heavy paper man manual rifle through it to find their information or go chase down a mentor uh they will have that spatial knowledge on tap to help them resolve issues faster so now I'd like to hand back to Kathleen to see how we're helping organizations Implement these Innovative [Applause] Technologies thank you Lily and Darren wow this has been great so far we heard from cam how we're bringing together our Cloud to Edge and our iot portfolio to bring together it and OT data we heard from Darren and from Lily on how we're having advancements in our mixed reality portfolio and using the power of AI and co-pilots to really transform the work that Frontline workers do so now let's see what happens when all of the these Technologies converge so now let's go see Susie over on the Expo floor hey Kathleen uh we are coming here from The Hub floor we are on floor five this area is so full of energy and excitement there are people all over this floor and so many demos from both Microsoft and our partners please come up and visit us it's so incredible here but what we have to show you today is a manufacturing environment that we've created with our partners kis in Rockwell now this manufacturing environment is meant to be representative of what you might find at one of our customers facilities but what's really powerful here is that this is connected to Azure iot operations so similar to what cam shared with you that means that we're able to pull real time insights off of this machine to provide your connected workers so that they have access to all the information that they need and now when this becomes extremely powerful is when you're in a down state which we are in right now so this particular particular robotic arm is unable to pick up these donuts and we've got a full production line now that is down we are costing our company money we need to move as quickly as possible so now how do I access those insights so that I can take that action and get this back in a running State as quickly as possible so I can access with just about any Cloud connected device but today what I have is a smart walkie talkie this is actually from one of our partners at weix um this walki talki allows me to get access to that information no matter where I am at on the facility floor all right so I've gotten an alert this alert is going to help me get a little bit more of the insights of what's going on so I'm going to go ahead and accept that alert here and it's going to give me some more details Frontline worker accepted the alert fing procedure all right so it's following some information First Step the pick and place fall procedure is to troubleshoot the issue if the vacuum pressure is below 18 in of mercury the S point should be increased on the HMI touchcreen all right so I've gotten a hint it's telling me that there might be some issue with the vacuum pressure there's a certain set point it's pulling all of this information from a secure environment in at Cloud that is actually holding a knowledge base and a set of protocols and procedures that are specific to this device so now I no longer have to go and hunt and search for all that information right here at my fingertips all right so because I'm standing here I'm actually going to be able to use the HMI screen to be able to see what the actual current vacuum pressure is this is your real time data but if I was somewhere else on the facility floor I could use this walkie-talkie to get that same information so I'm going to take a look I see that the vacuum pressure is too low okay so now we know why the robotic arm is not picking up these Donuts so I'm actually going to use this weix controller to be able to send a command to this machine and correct the problem hopefully in in a matter of second all right increase vacuum pressure and there you go in truly less than a minute I was able to get an alert that there was a problem get the information I needed and then solve the problem all with Azure iot operation at this smart controller just unbelievably powerful but what's even more powerful is we're actually building this today it's not a hypothetical we are working with Microsoft's most strategic Partners in this space one of which is Chevron and we're seeing opportunities for them in the future to increase their productivity to improve safety to give their employees more space for upscaling and value added tasks but is just incredibly powerful for them so we're really excited please come visit us we've got experts here we've got Partners here we would love to talk to you more about this uh and please just stop by and get immersed in industrial metaverse and AI all right back to you Kathleen thank you Susie who doesn't love a live demo especially when the demo has Donuts in it so that is great so now we want to talk about another customer story I want to talk a little bit about craft Hines so craft Hines is well known for Hines ketchup and Philly cream cheese both favorites in my household my 8-year-old son puts ketchup on everything and I mean everything so what crafter looking to do craft hind is they wanted to create a digital twin of their manufacturing line the we wanted to create this digital twin of their manufacturing line to get realtime insights from data in how they can increase operator operational efficiency of their production line for the manufacturers of you here in the room think about all of the places where you could increase your production line whether it is packaging loss whether it is quality whether it's reducing unplanned downtime to solve this craft is using Azure open AI digital Twins and 3D virtualization to get realtime insights from that factory line to test different production methods and make recommendations which would then reduce their yield loss and reduce the unplanned downtime so today we saw a lot of great Innovations in both our product portfolio and we talked about customer stories of where they're getting value today but what I want to do is bring you back to the beginning and where we talked about the convergence of people of processes of places to allow you to design better products and what is the road map to get you there so first it all starts with having a strong industrial data Foundation taking data no matter where that data lives if it's in the edge if it's in the cloud if it's it data if it's OT data creating that strong industrial data foundation so that you can then use the power of AI to drive innovation in your business and then bringing this all together in the industrial metaverse with using mixed reality and co- Pilots to transform the experience of your Frontline workers so I hope today that you've been inspired by what we showed and you can see how use these Tech you can use these technology Innovations in your business so I encourage you to get your data AI ready with Azure iot operations and Azure AR Empower your Frontline workers with Microsoft co-pilot like Dynamics 365 guides and then go see Susie on the expert floor and check out uh that live demo for yourself it's right through door number one so thank you so much for joining us [Applause] today


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