THD 89 Dinaburg Technologies C2S Speakers Active Driver with a Passive Ring Radiator Explained

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foreign [Music] everybody Dave Lindberg in Hong Kong with another  episode of the THD podcast today we have a company   from the States called dinnerberg technology and  as I always like to do I pontificate on what it   is so I believe it's a technology where they have  a passive and driver in plane so for things where   you can't put a passive on the back like maybe  ceiling speakers or in-car door speakers this   might be the solution so let's let's get into  the meeting them and we'll find out about that   but before we forget let's remember the ulti  association our sponsor so be sure to check   out their website and it's a great Organization  for networking within the audio industry so we   encourage you to get involved with them but  today we got a big panel of people joining   us uh so we have uh Mike clasco in the Bay Area  with uh Menlo scientific hi Mike how you doing   hey Dave all right and Roger Shively in the  Seattle area he's got his flying his flag behind   him there so shy Lee Acoustics International  uh yes good afternoon Roger how are you hello   hi Dave how you doing good all right and Simon  Weston in Japan uh good morning to you Simon how   are you very good night thank you all right and  the uh the the man of the hour here Simon dynberg   in uh the state somewhere where are you Simon  now let's Texas Dallas Texas all right so uh   dinenberg Technologies uh so yeah maybe Simon  dynaberg why don't you uh introduce yourself   thank you Dave uh for providing a platform  for us being able to spread awareness about   our company our journey and our big idea hello  my name is Simon dynaberg and I'm am one of the   founders of dynabrook Technologies dynamook is a  technology startup focused on evolution of sound   we have developed a new speaker technology that  helps achieve big sound from a smaller package   when compared to Conventional passive radiator or  poor design today I'm looking forward to discuss   the benefits and advantages of our technology  with help of Roger Shively and Michael classical   who have been our guides and mentors when  it comes to navigating this space thank you   all right unique approach go go on go on sorry  okay sorry um our unique approach to packaging   a passive radiator not only optimizes the  possibility response but also harnesses the   back wave energy from a loudspeaker diaphragm  more efficiently greatly enhancing the active   driver performance this is primarily achieved  using our patented concentric coplanar stabilizer   or c2s technology how we call it which is  basically a passive radiator concentric   to an active cone driver with additional benefits  that cannot be achieved without the c2s technology   our company goal is to provide audio product  developers and manufacturers with Competitive Edge   let's dive in Dave all right that sounds  like a head full for me hopefully some   of these Tech guys have digested that  but yeah let's get into a presentation technology the Dyna Board of technology  is a big Sound small footprint   the sound is a physical phenomenon it's creation  design and development must admit to the physical   laws of nature Michael dynaberg this is the  gentleman who originally came up with this idea   my father is a physicist by trade and he  spent probably last 20 years trying to   convince me industry and everybody else that  uh the simple idea he he put together actually   have a lot of benefits which we've been  trying to prove for the last five years   trying to utilize uh most advanced  uh comes on multi-physics approach what are the c2s benefits compared to  traditional passive radiator the way   we would like to think about it uh we are in a way   standing on the shoulders of the Giants  and we're just trying to take what already   exists and improve it the benefits uh which we  were able to prove through testing and console are lower Distortion extended frequency range  greater efficiency when it comes to power   consumption simpler packaging when you compare  it to passive radiator or a pork design you have   a single acoustic Center better dispersion and  pattern control and better physical linearity   of the sound uh one of the questions we were asked  uh during this journey what is the marketplace for   this technology and one of the things we had to  prove and confirm through prototyping and console   multi-physics that technology scales because at  the end of the day we're using the same driver   and the same passive radiator which been used  by technology for over 50 years and they scale   depends on what the product is required and today  we know with the certainty that this approach can   be used in portable devices Automotive airspace  headphone architectural or put it blindly any   design where today you would use the passive port  or passive radiator you can use a c2s technology all right I'm going to pass Botana at this point  probably to Mike to let him speak a little bit   and then we can go to Roger shivley and we can  dive in a little bit of more technical data   all right so so basically a lot of people look  at this and say I've seen a passive ring radiator   before uh isn't it obvious how did these guys get  a patents but there's a half a dozen other claims   in the patent for a secondary and third order  effects that are optimized in this design uh   there's some things that go on behind the baffle  that keep things more uh laminar and the pressure   axiosymmetric that is to say that if you have an  odd shaped High aspect ratio box and or passive   radiator that's on one side or the other uh you're  likely to get some rocking in the driver and some   rocking in the passive radiator and having the  passive radiator axiosymmetric the coupling with   the cone and uh the pressure behind the baffle uh  gets rid of some lossy effects uh there's another   benefit to a passive ring radiator and that's to  say the um pattern control at the lower end of   the mid-range is a little bit better controlled  uh and if you have a small box and with a small   speaker where the driver has a relatively extended  bandwidth then there's a lot of stuff from inside   the box that's going to come through the port  and have calm filter effects the passive ring   radiator acts as a band pass where the thickness  and its characteristics will drop off some of the   crap from inside the box so there's many many of  these side effects that going through the patent   they have benefits that you hadn't anticipated  that actually show up in console measurements and   show up in oralization uh not just in the physical  measurements but they're perceived in listening   and this is when I hand the torch over to Roger  who did that testing okay all right so just a   question before you start Roger so when you talk  about this axiometric and rocking is that for the   lay person is that kind of just in general like  rub and Buzz with a more complicated moving masses   going on with the passive plus the driver is that  well let me just say axial symmetric means that   every radii the coupling to the passive radiator  is equidistant and the phase is the same and the   pressure is the same and the distance is the same  just just so things are more closer to what we do   and expect and when you have a passive radio on  the back or the side of the pressure that goes on   in the box is a little different and it loads the  edge of the diaphragm and this around a little bit   and when it's exactly concentric um things are  just better behaved without some sort of weird   side effects that you have to worry less about  okay all right sorry Roger jump in no no it's okay   um good question is jump in with questions the  that's the best part so um I guess this is yeah   this is from uh the slides that uh Simon's got  there and this is some of the data that came out   of uh the console comparison to a traditional  passive Radiator in this this passive radiator   um that we're comparing it to is one with a  passive radiator it has a consistent same size   of surface area surface dimension um but it  has to be placed on the back side of a box as   opposed to one that's concentric and in the same  plane essentially as the the active driver and so   that's what you were talking about earlier how do  you package something that goes into a ceiling and   has a passive radiator to get some of the benefits  of a passive radiator or put that into a car door   for that matter and uh that's that's the benefit  here this is showing on axis now that may be   enough for some to see that there's a difference  but in general it's it's a subtle difference   um if we go and see what's going on off axis  between the two then you'll see some in benefits   here and you know why do I focus on off axis is  because in the home or the business installation   for say a ceiling or a wall speaker you're never  on Axis or rarely on access and likewise in a car   which in case you're never on access and so when  we're looking for uh you know an improved sound   experience something that's full band and that  has a very smooth off axis response essentially   a smooth power acoustic power response so  that wherever we are we're getting a very   similar experience is important for us to get the  qualities and in this case on the right hand side   you see the response of a traditional rear firing  passive radiator versus the dinoburg solution on   the left side there and this is showing I guess  all the way from 20 to 10K it's good and you can   see that when you get to the Dina Berg up in the  higher frequencies uh in the 6K 4K range you start   to see that it's broadening out um in between  0 to 60 degrees and that is what does actually   happen there's the measurements that we've had  made of some prototypes show that and and the   other part of the experience as Mike said uh  there and when you listen to it whether it's   through this simulation which we have done but  actually with the prototypes that were built off   of the simulation you'll actually hear on access  and off access improvements that you can walk   to 60 degrees off axis and get something that's  very similar to lawn access versus something that   doesn't have that with a passive radiator and so  one of the things so we see it's happening we know   it's happening we're hearing it that is happening  we were starting to wonder why and understanding   the technology behind it and that's why we  we built the the console model to begin with I think it's the 6K hurts that stands out the  most is there's a big rear lobe on a traditional   passive radiator and not on the C2 is um what's  the mechanism of that is that passive radiator   rear facing is it generous it is yeah I could  actually show you some of the modeling here in   a sec and you'll see that yeah it is rear facing  and so if you stuck it that into an installation   then you would lose it um completely because all  the the benefit is from the back and so in this   case there is no rear firing radiator for the site  the the dinoburg alignment and so it's all forward   facing and then what I could show and I might  do that if it's okay Dave if I I switch screens   here okay so I'm going to share my screen okay so  this is a sort of a picture of the construction   so what I'll do is I'll I'll kind of give you an  overview of it here real quick there it is what   it looks like this is the design um the center  is an active three inch and the outer portion   of it is a is the passive radiator and that is  a six and a half inch and so and initially when   we started working with the Simon the the design  was a much larger size and we just we did model   that just to understand it but we didn't have any  real prototypes to compare it to and when you're   doing a simulation you really want to validate  your model in some way and so we went and picked   the standard size of a six inch diameter you  know woofer that you could fit into a into an   installation whether it's a ceiling or a wall or  even a door but that's the mounting footprint and   so what we did is built it into that in the six  with the three inch active driver in the center   and the passive radiator there and that's the the  data that we we generated in console to compare it   to but we also compared that to you know an active  three inch with the rear passive radiator and   that's the the model that we have but if I show  you this real quick run so you can kind of get a   feel for the inside dimensions that we have going  on there um let me quickly advance to some other   pictures of this so this is what was modeled in  concept where you have the outer ring interactive   and then you have this device here which is  a phase ring in a sense because you have back   wave energy coming around interfering here and  coming back and re-combining with the outer ring   and what part of the design optimization that we  went through in the model was to figure out one   the optimal size this is a 2.6 liter enclosure  for a woofer application and we were able to you   know improve that with the passive ring radiator  here but you could also add one to the back as as   Simon was also saying you know where does that  come from that the comparison is to a passive   radiator mounted on the back side and in this  case the other optimization was the length of this   phase ring where you know when there's a back wave  combining and coming around how what's the optimal   length of that to have the combination to be you  know constructive as opposed to deconstructive   the actually here's the model I'll go through  these quickly because that's and this is where   we calibrated the model and so we come to the you  know the on access response of the dynaberg one   and we can show you some of the things that go on  inside uh here quickly I'll go into some you know   Sideshow here's the phase ring again and you  can see it lowers this is 450 600 we'll skip   up to the higher frequencies of 800 you start  to see what's going on here you see a phase uh   null going on and at 1200 and 1600 and then as  you get into the four thousand six hundreds we   start to see this type of behavior inside the  box and we can in some ways start to see the   correlation to why we're getting more cohesive or  coherent uh combination of the the off access for   the the mid-band high frequencies because we're  getting this back wave that is contributing to the   passive radiator so it's actually contributing  to the higher frequencies as opposed to what   it would traditionally do is just help the low  end so if we go into a uh you know this is the   the ring radiator design you've got the with  the pat with the passive on the back this case   this three inch on the front the passive ring  Radiator on the back as you can see this is   that comparison curve that we saw earlier here  again again on axis and we can take a look at   the behavior side by side we'll skip this one  because it's hard to keep your eyeballs on it   but this is the same frequency points for the the  rear radiator you can kind of see the outline of   the Ring radiator the radiator back here with  the active driver in the top this is 450 600   800 1200 and 1600 you can see that there's not  much going on whereas in the dandenberg set up   um there was something definitely going on we  were contributing to the forward you know to   the radiation on the front and here you see  that we're seeing rear radiation at the best   and then as we go in the higher frequency four 600  and so on you see that most of the radiation is is   deconstructive or just useless inside the box and  so we lose it so it doesn't really contribute to   the high frequencies and then when we pull up that  curve that we were looking at before you can see   again and then hopefully that helps understand a  little bit the differences in this this particular   plot that you were asking about Simon a lot of  it comes out the back and not to the front and   um what's happening with the the passive ring  radiator it's helping to make a constructive   combination of the rear radiation from the three  three inch active driver with the passive ring   radiator and one of the things we did which I  don't have here to show is and Mike mentioned   it the the oralization portion of that once we had  this design built for the the deanerberg alignment   we did build up some prototypes and those things  were actually available to listen to and there was   you know the feedback on those listening  experiences with the actual Parts was that   this is you know the mid-range is so much  clearer I see hear the voices better uh   and I cannot in the off access response is very  good in a lot of cases there seem to be less low   frequency harmonic Distortion as well so that  we had cleared up some of the mid band issues   that that could happen or at least make it more  cohesive and coherent and we wanted to be able to   compare that to an identical version of of the  passive radiator reading from the rear we just   didn't have the materials to do that so what we  did is took the output of the console model and   put it into another tool we use from familiar  Sonics which is available and we've used this   in vehicle simulations before where we wanted to  listen to a vehicle through headphones and through   oralize with the head related transfer function  I just took the results and put it into a room   so we could listen to the two I don't have that  to demonstrate but what we what he was talking   about with the organization is we could go back  and forth between them a b listen to it and then   move the speaker off axis from 0 30 to 60. and  those results were very impressive as well and   they actually mimicked what people were Hearing  in the the real time in a real product of the   The Dana per one that you all you walk off axis  and you've got a very good consistent experience basic understanding you imagine a passive  radiator or a port for that matter you uh   plunk this component into your speaker box and  you get a an extra Peak at the low frequency   somewhere slightly below the driver's frequency  but what you're talking about mostly is uh its   effects in the higher frequency range yeah the  the difference that you saw on that the the on   access response you see that Peak that goes up  right and that's what you would expect with the   port or a passive radiator but what's happening  here is that we and and when I first started the   modeling I'd never listened to this part I never  experienced this part I just did the modeling to   see what would happen and when you think about  it in a very lumped parameter way all you think   that's going to happen is the port or the passive  radiator experience which you just talked about   and what we discovered is that there's something  more going on above that in in the primarily it's   in the mid-range frequencies that we're hearing  it and that contributes to a lower harmonic   Distortion so as well as a fundamental Improvement  on the fundamental frequencies in the mid-range as   well and so that's what we've discovered and  we took away the the phase ring and looked at   it and so to see what its effects were and it was  pretty significant also but uh you still got the   improved off axis but you didn't have it optimized  so when you put the phase ring back into the model   and start playing with this height you then get  this ability to fine-tune and make that off axis   response like it is here or decide what you want  it to be to be honest you could change that by   changing that design but that's the essence of it  we saw a lot of mid-range changes and you could   see that with the phase relationship inside the  box that we just showed earlier and that's that's   exactly the benefits that we're seeing we're  not only getting the effort the effect of a base   response improvement with the port or the base you  know passive radiator that you would traditionally   find but you also get this Improvement in  the mid-range and the off-axis response   I'm gonna say saying that the same thing  but looking at instead of the basic electric   circuit analogy where you look at the speaker  as an electrical filter at low frequencies now   you're looking at everything more pneumatically  or fluidically of how air is the gas is moving   around what's the laminar inside the enclosure  even that's sort of a DC way of looking at it   and the effect of radiating of the speaker is  better behaved as you go down a little bit lower   in frequency it acts with a passive ring radiator  acting axial symmetric and equidistant it's sort   of controls the pattern a little bit lower so the  off axis response and the power response doesn't   change as rapidly there's all these second and  third order effects that are good using this   stuff that won't show up in something like leap  or something because it's not looking at at the   air transmission both propagation and distance and  phase and and pressure and variable stiffness at   each radii because of the box and what's behind  the box but all of it is improving it and so it's   not just a a passive flat ring but there's a lot  of other things in the way the speaker couples   into the room in the front and the way it it's  better behave for Less spurious anomalies in its   butt yeah and that's kind of the first thing that  occurred to us when we were modeling is you know   we thought well this is just a ported or a passive  radiator model and that's a one-dimensional uh   lumped parameter model than it did on axis it  behaved that way and then you start to see the   effects of the mid-bange in you know with the Box  enclosure and this is something that happens a lot   you have to concern yourself where you're mounting  this in a car or you're mounting it in a in a wall   or a ceiling and you have to worry about those  boundaries and what it turns out is you have   to worry less because the off-axis response is  better but and we didn't know that until we did   the three-dimensional modeling this take case  taking some you know advantage of some of the   axisymetrics portions of it and started to see  that there is this effect in the mid-range that   we didn't anticipate because you don't get that  in a long parameter model you have to actually   see the the physics going on inside the Box  let me clarify things even to Roger it's what   he's saying is there's a difference between  friends and Friends with Benefits [Laughter]   there you go and some of the measurements that  were taken also you can see and I think I may   have some I could show you here in a second in  terms of things that other other things that we   we care about the the the phase alignment you know  and the the THD there there are definite benefits   in the design you you get a very concentric uh  Center of acoustic Center here and so you don't   see a lot of the you know the things that happen  when you have two radiating surfaces where the   phase don't doesn't align and you get these delay  issues between the two two radiating surfaces so   it has those benefits for that very reason because  it's it is concentric and it in Practical terms it   is uh planar even though you do get an effect of  the cone it acts a little bit like a horn as well   and you can scale this that's one of the things  that did happen we started out with a much   larger model and just shrunk it down to something  that seemed to be most efficient for a six inch   mounting Arrangement that but it can take it down  to uh you know the the earbud size or anywhere in   between well that's one of the beautiful things  we did this year we cooperated with Peter Larson   who builds the fine Circle software and we were  able to integrate the c2s technology into the   fine Circle this just gives the ability for the  engineers when they Tinker with their next project   to be able to go and see you know what will this  option work for me based on whatever parameters I   have and they literally can see apple to Apple  if they want to have a port or if they want to   have a passive radiator or if this technology May  land and deliver them a better product as the end   result okay so after the uh the technical Let's uh  like I think some people that might be considering   to implement this in their products so uh if  we're combining basically two so if it was a   system that had a passive radiator obviously  there could be some Bill of material savings   um in a ported system probably not so much but  where where are we going to find some efficiencies   on the commercial side like how how are we gonna  how are we gonna we've got we've got something   better okay now and now uh where where does it  fit in in the commercial side of things is there   any and also how far are we towards uh going to  mass production we are working on couple strategic   agents for in-house installation for Hi-Fi sound  for movie theaters and um the similar version   of the same driver will be used for commercial  space because you don't need to over achieve 20   000 Hertz just because there is no need for it  pretty much we're hoping that in the next months   or so we will have production ready ready to go  units which will be able to send to some potential   customers to show the case what technology capable  of doing and at the same time we're experimenting   with multiple verticals at the same time uh  Roger is helping us to understand the best way   to implement this technology in automotive we're  working with few potential clients and trying to   explain to them the benefits of this technology  and something like a headphone driver because   potentially you cannot install the port or  plastic Radiator in your headphone design but   you're still generating the backwife energy it's  it's there one way or another this just gives you   a better way to to capture that and and use  it as a benefit versus trying to fight with   it and get a bit of it and we can we we explore  in few strategic Partnerships and entertaining   questions from potential licenses let's put it  this way okay so the basic strategy is to go   where it's impossible to put a passive somewhere  else on the quote-unquote box or a port and if you   focus on that where there is no competition it  sounds like it's a good pathway for a business   um okay um so anything else that we need  to add to or questions from Simon Weston we'll see how we go nothing for now for  now uh Roger uh do you have anything to add   uh no other than um the the potential for it is  just like you said and it is very scalable as   as Simon was also pointing out so one of the the  benefits say for exclusively for automotive but he   also for the audit the home install is the fact  that it can be packaged in a way and especially   if you take the six inch you know and it's only a  A 2.6 liter box that fits right into the the wall   mounting that you would typically run into and  it also fits into a car mounting so um one of the   things we would like to do is demonstrate that put  that together and you know there are two different   things that you're talking about there one has an  environmental impact for the cars so you have to   look at whether it's going to survive that so one  of the next steps is to make sure that the bill of   material is not only what you expect it to be but  it's also Automotive grade and you know anticipate   those issues and nothing in this is exotic it's  it's not exotic materials it's a new approach   and a new idea so that is straightforward I think  all the materials are genuinely transferable to   Automotive grade and no problem and you know the  weight is also going to be less because you're   not using the same size driver to get the same  effects okay yeah all right Mike any uh any random   comments you'd like to throw in as you're always  good at yeah well I mean you know one of the   benefits if you take the case that Roger describes  you go with a smaller speaker then the um Power   response will be better and like in sailing  speakers you can space them further apart on the   other hand one of the benefits is the mechanical  depth of the speaker will be net shower as Roger   was mentioning uh when you go to a smaller  speaker it's less deep and and then a lot of   the alignments that work with this end up needing  less back volume and then you have the potential   of using a meta material like this end-based stuff  that Apple uses that lets you half the back volume   so you could sort of shrink wrap the speaker uh  with Dina Burke but it also acoustically means   you don't have to EQ to get that bass back in so  you have very shallow installs with very endless   speakers in the room because they have wider and  smoother off axis response so all these things   add up uh but also this all applies to personal  audio in a car where you use headrest audio and   now you have you know good low end to the passive  ring radiator you have a very shallow product that   fits into uh both you know Electro acoustically  but also physically into a headrest and stuff so   there's there's a lot of places where this really  is a silver bullet for a half a dozen reasons   um that have great potential yeah the point  that Mike just made about headrest is you   know say I put this in the door maybe I don't  need an enclosure in the door someone says but   in a headrest I'm going to need an enclosure in  some of these applications you definitely need   to have an enclosure because you can't live in  the space that it's existing in subwoofers are   one of them usually so you know if there has to be  an enclosure this is a better approach to it for   that reason and if you can put a you know a form  factor that fits into the door as an enclosure   that's very shallow already which we do today in  many applications then we're better off at this   approach as well so yeah and with headrest audio  the if you're using say a six a five inch frame   with a three inch speaker uh then the frame can be  without punched windows and now you have a modular   approach that's cost effective and very shallow  that the car manufacturers like to see modules   um all right okay Simon donnenberg  any last words Before We Say Goodbye   I think the back idea the big idea I want  to leave you guys with is that this design   is have a lot of potential and time will  show how far they will go is just about   how much imagination we have that's pretty  much it but there is a lot of areas where   this technology can go in and help to improve  the future products let's put it this way   all right okay well I thank all these  guys for joining us today so everybody   like subscribe share uh wherever you're  watching this or listening to this and uh   we'll see you all in the next episode thanks  guys thank you thank you thank you very much


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