THD 88 Hypex Class D Amplifiers Designed with Discrete Components for HiFi Pro Studio

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foreign [Music] with another episode of the THC podcast thanks  for tuning in and checking this out today we   have a class D company from the Netherlands  joining us they're doing class D amplifiers   DSP power supplies for pro Hi-Fi and all the  good uh exciting Market spaces uh but before   we forget let's remember that we have the ulti  association to thank for our sponsorship uh we   encourage everybody to check out that organization  um I know they're going to be next show is that   not until Munich next year in the Hi-Fi show but  without delay let's get into uh saying hello to   everybody so we have Simon Weston in Japan as  always good afternoon Simon good afternoon Dave   all right and joining us Niels Burma the  account manager at hypex in the Netherlands   uh thanks for joining us today Niels yeah  you're welcome uh Dave and Simon yeah all   right so yeah we've been uh we've been trying  to get you on for some time uh you guys are in a   kind of a a special space there's not too many  players in your category and you guys do some   neat stuff so we wanted to get you on and find out  about your product and your offerings uh there's   some interesting things about your business  and how you guys are pretty much vertically   integrated with your own factory and we're gonna  find out about that information as well so maybe   without delay let's get into your presentation all  right yeah um thanks for uh for uh interviewing   us and uh giving us the opportunity to share  something about um uh who we are and what we do   um really uh keen on on sharing this with  everybody uh of the viewers uh so hypex   Electronics who are we you already introduced us  we're from the Netherlands an Innovative supplier   um and exactly what you already mentioned  in the introduction our Core Business   is class the amplifiers um and apart  from that power supplies switch mode   and indeed also some Digital Signal  processing to complement our products   um as mentioned an innovating supplier we are  always looking for um for Innovation always   improving our Technologies as we recently also  introduced new technologies which I will go into   detail later uh always to try uh to to be ahead of  the game in the market and as you said there are   not a lot of suppliers that are doing an excellent  job in class D amplification it's difficult   um so yeah we we put a lot of energy and  time and resources into the Innovative part   uh we're based in the Netherlands our headquarters  is in the North in Groningen which we where we   found it in 1996 so already some time ago uh we  also have an r d office in Eindhoven in the south   of the Netherlands that's more the technology  uh heart of basically Western Europe so a lot   of good Engineers can be found there so that's  why we have an r d office there as well and as   you mentioned indeed we have our own Factory  in Malaysia we started that in 2012 already 11   years ago just with the idea to have full control  over the whole supply chain and over the quality   controls and everything so yeah that's what we  why we started that with with good good results   um founded in 1996 by our late uh founder  Ian Peter from Ameren died in uh almost   two years ago really unfortunate but he left  us a really good company really nice company   um uh still the CEO now currently was already an  employee at ipex so the Integrity of our company   hasn't been compromised or anything we didn't  get sold out or stuff like that so that's what   everybody's really really fond of we are close  team we have very uh very limited amount of   hierarchy structure so not a lot of management  layers or stuff like that so we can get things   done quickly short lines internally and that  benefits our customers as well so that's um yeah   that's always always really nice to have R D team  is the biggest department of the company hypex   itself is around 30 employees almost half of that  is R D um because as mentioned before we're doing   a lot in the Innovation part so yeah you need to  put a lot of resources in that um so yeah that's   why our R D team is multi-disciplined and uh yeah  the biggest team in the company okay um since 2004   we actually only started with class D before that  it was just Class A B designs we did we always   done our own designs we never bought Technologies  or anything already from the start we developed   everything ourselves and since 2004 we started  with class D technology with the UCD technology   um so yeah that's in a nutshell Who We Are  mm-hmm uh what we do well we are a specialized   OEM supplier that's the core business we Supply to  um uh manufacturers indeed in Hi-Fi high-end Hi-Fi   Pro Audio studio monitors um system integrators  for multi-channel amplifiers stuff like that and   we also supplied a DOI Market directly it's not  a core business it's nice to have on the side   um we we often get the question why why do you  supply the DOI Market because it's a difficult   Market to supply well yes and no what we get out  of it the benefits is that we get direct feedback   of end users not through our OEM customers that  have their own end users now we get feedback from   direct end customers and that's that benefits  us uh in terms of what we need to develop how   we develop it and what the features need to be of  those products so yeah it is a nice Market to do   to supply and we are loyal to them because they  have given us so much and we we I think already   from the start we supplied to the DOI markets  um so yeah we keep continuing that it's it's   a yeah small margin a small part of our overall  turnover but it's still a nice Market to supply   um so yeah the most um um yeah most time goes  into at OEM Market um we help our OEM customers   with the full support on the system integration we  know our products uh we know how to integrate them   um on on every part on heat dissipation  the cooling design of the of the chassis   EMC designs and stuff like that we know exactly  how to implement that and we are always keen on   on helping our customers making uh making a good  design it benefits us to do that already up front   instead of finding out implementation  errors when it's already in production   so would the customers be finding this in like big  block Hi-Fi amplifiers as well as plate amplifiers   on the back of powered speakers uh what kind of  devices would we see this in yeah exactly complete   active speakers for uh high-end Hi-Fi Hi-Fi  studio monitors as well and pro audio of course   um it's nice to see also in the high and high five  markets more and more manufacturers are going into   active speakers they they see the benefits of  that now as well of course in Pro Audio that was   already for many years the case that they go for  active systems um multi-channel solutions for um   for custom Integrations uh um we do a lot of that  as well we Supply the solutions for 16 channels   or more with their modular systems so all kinds  of amplifier Solutions we have a vast amount of   customers also with a musical instruments but  that's from bass guitar amps up to electronic   church organs we have I think I think we have  we Supply more than half of all the electronic   Church organ Supply manufacturers in the world so  that's uh that's a bit odd but that we already do   that for many years and actually in many of those  manufacturers are from the Netherlands so that's   uh that's also a also nice to have but yeah  and actually exactly everything that needs to   have an amplifier amplifier inside we supply for  all kinds of solutions okay yeah and apart from   all our offerings of standard modules we have we  can do a lot of customizations we do full Custom   Designs also for for a few customers but also  just slide changes on our standard products that's   really easy to do for us we can tune our products  whatever our customer would like to have achieved   in general Our intention is the amplifier should  be as neutral as possible a lot of new customers   or potential customers ask us say Okay looks nice  on paper and the DHD and everything really low but   how does your module sound actually there's  only one answer it's it sounds like nothing   and then they usually Lucas uh look at us a bit  bit odd and say what do you mean well you don't   want your amplifier to sound like anything because  it needs to amplify the input signal as good as   it it needs to be but without colorization  or or anything like that and so that's our   general intention it needs to be an amplifier  for every solution and it needs to amplify the   signal that's it nothing more nothing less but  there is still of course a lot of Manufacturers   especially an i5 and high and HiFi that like  a certain sound signature to say we don't we   don't really say colorization because that's  I think a negative thing colorizing the sound   but a sound signature so more emphasis on on  the low mid or high section of the frequencies   um that's you know every brand has their  own signature bit on that and we have a   lot of knowledge in our designs to uh to get that  result that the customer wants and that's just by   component choices or tuning the tuning the modules  and we have a lot of knowledge in that and we can   then do customizations to to supply basically  um yeah each manufacturer in the industry okay um so yeah that's that's what we do uh actually  in a nutshell and how do we do that going into   indeed Technologies on the amplifier techniques  we have now actually already four levels we   started in 2004 with UCD technology uh originally  python from Phillips and used by US already for   many years that was a first class D technology  which we integrated first in custom designed   for studio monitors actually and later on we  developed indeed modules for the OEM Market   uh still our Baseline technology we have a a  really nice family of separate amplifier modules   which you can design basically anything with up to  my multi-channel solutions to 32 channels but also   uh indeed active speakers you can build anything  from it smallest modules are two times 100 Watts   up till two and a half kilowatt modules for Pro  Audio especially and combined with our separate   power supplies you have a really flexible system  so you can go yeah any kind of Channel count with   one power supplier two power supplies any kind of  power per channel it's a really flexible system   so it's um it uh yeah it can offer a lot of  different applications is that an acronym UCD   it stands for Universal closely okay yeah so  it's uh it is indeed an acronym but uh yeah   really uh it is exactly what what it says  Universal is really for uh for everything   it's already really good Hi-Fi quality uh  so it's it is our Baseline technology and   basically our worst sounding module what's  actually already really good amplifier   um one of the first class D Technologies back back  then in uh basically 2008 to 2009 that's already   showed the world that the class the amplifier  doesn't need to sound bad it was already a good   sounding amplifier later on we have our own patent  on Encore we started the developer there in that   2008 and patented in 2011. we started using this  technology in uh in modules and complete Solutions   um more intended in Need for high and high five  we showed a world with Encore that class D can   also compete with really good class A B and class  amps it was a first class D technology that showed   that class D is coming coming in other markets  where where audio quality is really critical   um so that was really really nice to see um also  manufacturers in high-end Hi-Fi jumping on board   in the class D trained so to speak for the first  time because we proved class D as the benefits   of the less heat dissipation and everything and  smaller designs so it can be a cheaper amplifier   as well because you need less big parts and stuff  like that but still get a good sound quality you   would need for such such applications we take a  quick tangent just on that point so what what are   the what is the what is it that historically made  a class D amplifier sound worse than a Class A or   Class A B amplifier that is a really good question  um it's really technical I'm not exactly sure but   I do know that a Class D design from origin um  isn't isn't a topology that really uh wants to   um how do you say amplify the signal that is  coming in basically you really need to to keep   full control of what is going on in the technology  and in the circuitry and there are several   different topologies in class D we always have  self-oscillating amplifiers with with feedback   a lot of people also believe and amplify with  feedback is a negative thing but that's a part   of our topology and but that's also the reason why  our amplifiers are that good because we have um we   have developed uh we have developed that part of  the technology really well and improve that over   the years as well with our new technologies could  we say could it be said a bit like this then that   um historic plus the amplifier would not reproduce  the waveform quite as perfectly as a class in low   frequencies it was easy uh so forth base for  subs and everything it was easy and the cloth   the amplifier was good enough and then you have  the benefits of the class D amplifier being fast   High damping Factor so full control of the of your  subwoofer and for subwoofer that then the harmonic   Distortion is maybe not so good it's less obvious  uh and not not really hearable but going into the   mid-range and especially the high frequency ranges  it was just terrible the the Distortion was just   too bad and you couldn't the historical class D  amplifiers were not good enough on on performance   uh wise on the on the on the harmonic Distortion  and everything so yeah that's why it wasn't   used in in Hi-Fi applications or high-end HiFi  applications and that's nothing to do with the   filtering that's related to how well controlled  the pulsing is and things like that is it   uh well it has to do with that as well and um in  January speaking um already back in the years has   been First Class D amplifiers were out there you  could still already uh with with the technology   available then you could make a good class  D amplifier but it was just not invented yet   um and that's since the UCD technology it was  actually that was the period in the time when   um the the good topologies were invented where  um also theoretically the calculations on on   the model of the Class D model were were invented  so and to uh yeah and then good day the knowledge   came how to actually do it properly yeah yeah  because if you look at our designs we use we use a   lot of discrete uh some some competitors of us use  a lot of ICS as well but of course there are more   and more ICS out there now with class D technology  our designs are still completely discreet   um just using transistors and such um  so that's that's not new technology   uh of course also on on each uh components there  are Innovations over the years so you get new new   transistors and everything but um yeah it's  it's completely discreet designs and that's   why we also have full control of the complete  class D topology in terms of the modulator the   um the steering comparator we can control  every aspect of what is happening there   um instead of just using the chip which  yeah is basically locked in how it does okay   yeah okay so since um almost two years and now we  introduced our new technologies Encore X and nilai   Encore X is really an improvement on rancor  um what we did there is as I mentioned before   we always have amplifiers with self-oscillating  amplifiers with with feedback and that feedback   loop is where we could make a lot of changes with  the anchor X we have improved that feedback loop   of Encore so you get indeed nice improvements on  that we have the the if you look at uh the amount   of Luke and we we we have added because of uh if  we have more feedback you have more Loop gain Loop   gain is uh at least plus six DBS more compared  to Encore in high frequency range and the low   frequency range it goes up to plus 18 DB um that's  also the big change with Encore and UCD we always   chosen to tune the module with flat looking um  it has um it always has benefited Us in terms of   sound quality when we did the developments on and  correction Eli we actually experimented a lot with   is that the best way to do flat looping or not  because we could easily make even higher Loop   gain in the lower frequencies without compromising  in high frequencies and we listen to that we did   tuning we did measurements and you see indeed Loop  gain changes but that wasn't where we stopped we   listened to it and say how does it sound so put  all the equipment aside and just hook it up and   listen to it that's what we did a lot with Encore  X in the eye tune the modules really by here   um also um you know with a lot of people just  putting all the opinions [Music] in a row and see   okay how do we like our modules to sound and the  feedback we get now from our customers for with   anchor X and Eli is astonishing and it proves  that uh to ourselves that we made good choice   um so yeah the tuning on the modules we we did now  uh differently than we previously did but also on   that part we can do customizations OEM customer  prefers a different tuning of the module we can   do that so that's now we have a lot of playroom in  our techniques um to to yeah to fiddle around with   the settings of the module so it's really neat  to have which we previously did to do we just   leave the settings alone and just just did some  component swaps but now we can offer our customers   full tuning of the module so to speak and that's  really nice uh nice to have now with anchor X we   really aim for still price competitive so we going  to use this more and more in future OEM products   we're going to upgrade uh existing Encore line as  well uh to Anchor X to benefit of course the sound   quality but also in terms of heat dissipation the  idle losses and everything also can be improved   because of the better class D topology and that's  also something we can tune between if we have an   eye and Hi-Fi customer that says I can put in five  kilograms of heat sinking in my chassis no problem   at all just make this module sound as good as it  can be and I don't care about the heat dissipation   we can tune the module to optimize to the sound  quality but if it needs to be useful for example   a 16 channel amplifier for a Zone amplification  and stuff like that then maybe heat dissipation   gets more important so we can tune also to have it  uh uh you have to less heat dissipation and tune   it more for the idle losses still benefiting  on the sound quality improvements as well   with nilai that's really the new  benchmarking class D technology   what we did there with the feedback loop and  the loop gain is um is just another way to do it   um instead of just improving the look and use  on Encore we've done that in a different way uh   cannot really go into detail in how we exactly  did it but it does mean it adds an additional   15 DB of of loop gang compared to Encore um  so that's a really really nice step upwards   um the technology is uh again with Encore X we  can also tune whatever we like but with nilai   we really want to be competing to the best class A  amplifiers out there in high-end Hi-Fi and we know   we can so yeah that's really really nice to have  at the moment we only have a DOI module uh we just   decided to start with a really nice DOI module  was intended actually to launch two years ago but   do during the coveted years with all the supply  chain issues it was on the launched last year but   two years ago we had our 25th anniversary um so  that's why we wanted to launch the module as an   anniversary unit for the DUI Market unfortunately  one year late what it is here now we can supply   um but that technology will indeed also be  implemented in in OEM products eventually um hold   on go ahead yeah I was just going to say out of  curiosity using mostly discrete components versus   ICS was the component shortage during uh covet and  such was that easier to manage or more difficult   uh in general easier because we use uh not an uh a  Gate Drive IC or or anything like that or a Class   D chip then you are relying on just one supplier  that can supply that chip because it's in a unique   part because we use indeed discrete designs and  use a lot of transistors you have basically 10   or 20 different suppliers of the transistor now  because it's completely discreet and it is really   complex technology we cannot use all the all of  the 15 manufacturers on each position we can maybe   only use four or five different manufacturers  but that's the knowledge we have but still we   have alternatives to choose from and yes each time  when a chair chip or each time when a component   is uh has a long lead time we need to test it and  and yeah trial and error to see which alternative   component does work which we previously didn't  test out now but in generally speaking we didn't   have really big issues we hear our stories of  uh stories of more than 12 monthly times and   stuff of products we never had that we had a few  months delays sometimes with products but we could   still manage and change the designs and continue  production again relatively quickly so yeah that's   that we were lucky with that yeah Simon yeah I was  um I get the impression that your designs there's   no microprocessor in the design we still use some  microprocessor but that's more for the protections   and some modules have I squared C connection  for communication so you can use it in software   mode for controlling the module and reading  out temperatures and stuff like that and all   the other protections so we use a microprocessor  for uh for all the controls but the actual class   D design itself we use op-amps yeah of course  in the really high-end stuff we uh we developed   our own op-amps also completely discrete we  developed our own voltage regulations for   auxiliary voltages like 12 volts for the albums we  also made completely discreet designs uh so yeah   we know we know how to develop a really high-end  product as well before talking to you know how it   was under the impression that class D amplifiers  used a microprocessor to generate a pwm signal   is that not is that not what a class is it's a  self-oscillating amplifier so it's it's not uh   with a switching frequency deferred uh generated  by an uh by an IC or anything okay is that   um uh is that kind of unique or is that the  normal is that a very standard way that it's   done for this type of amplifier uh I think for  for each self-oscillating amplifier it's it's   a gen it's normal uh I'm not exactly sure what  what our all our competitors do I do know that   purify does a relatively the same as we  do um um what Ice Bar and Pascal I think   they use more chips like ice power they have  their own chips developed and stuff like that   um so if there are more topologies to use and  and how to uh generate the switching frequency   actually I'm not sure how they do it but it is  for self-oscillating amplifier it's common to uh   okay that we're done by a process so it's almost  like an analog digital amplifier it's completely   analog yeah and so the input signal is a uh is  an analog uh signal of uh like a single-ended   analog you always have balanced balanced inputs  balanced inputs yeah yeah fully balanced all right   so there's actually no there's no uh a to d as  such this signal is just driving the whole system   exactly yeah it is uh it it is indeed  completely analog amplifier and that's   always of course a lot of um uh confusion with  a lot of people that think class d stands for   digital but it's just the next letter  in the alphabet that's the only thing   literally only the thing of course you have class  D uh digital designs with a digital input and   everything those exist as well but the majority  of Class D amplifiers especially the good ones   um are all analog designs interesting so uh is  there is another category of digital class D   amplifiers then yeah there are yeah yeah I'm not  exactly familiar in what offering so of course   a lot of Class D chips out there from a lot  of brands are close the digital designs uh as   well in the module Market where we operate most  our analog yeah okay very good very good thanks um on the amplifier techniques well that's um  yeah the four different levels of techniques   we currently offer of course more and more new  designs will be based on the new technologies we   have because we yeah we have so much more benefits  with that in in terms of sound quality and idle   losses um so new designs will not be based on the  other Technologies um but still the UCD technology   we have a really nice price competitive offerings  so still being implemented as well in New Designs   um so that's that's really nice uh one more  actually one more thing um uh in the past that   I encountered across the amplifiers uh that use  some capacitors and doctors as an output filter   is that uh is that something that you use too  well yeah yeah because you have a uh the self   oscillating design you need to have the uh the  switching frequency filtered out at the end so   that's an that's an LC Network basically okay  but it's that's already embedded on the on the   module itself yeah don't need additional filtering  but that's already embedded on the design that's   correct yeah uh that switching frequency would  be well beyond the audible range as it filtered   out for uh it drives too much power into the  speaker or what uh no it is a switching frequency   usually is around 400 kilowatts with our designs  depends a bit on which which technology and which   modules uh and that's completely filtered  out indeed uh hardly measurable at the end   yeah I mean is there a reason to  filter it out why filter it out   it's uh it definitely needs to be filtered  out because you have harmonics and everything   um on that switching frequency uh you don't want  that on the output because it yeah it produces a   lot of noise you don't get the THD figures we  get if you don't filter that out um yeah okay so so basically the sub-harmonics of  that 400k come back into the audio path   uh yeah I do believe so yeah  yeah yeah yeah definitely all right so yeah yeah if you have more  questions on the amplifier techniques or   okay then one more is there any limitations  in terms of impedance load of their speakers   uh there is always a limit because you  don't uh don't want a short circuit   I should say in another way is it is it any in any  way different to a uh Class A Class A B amplifier   uh it is different but uh if you have a well  uh well designed and the stability of the   amplifier is really important and our designs are  really stable so a single ended amplifier can can   easily drive a one ohm load will be below that  doesn't really benefit uh the overall power that   you get because you run into current limiting  uh because there is always a limiting current   what you can do with the modules of course um  but yeah the single amplifier from us each of   the Technologies each of the modules can easily do  one ohm loads basically yeah they are stable yes   okay and then as always curious um it may  not be able to answer this one but uh uh   what is it that makes a class D amplifier more  efficient than a Class A or Class A B amplifier   in in general it's it's the same with  the switch mode power supplies if you   um if you need to amplify the signal  and you do that in lower frequencies   you will have more higher losses that's  generally speaking they're not going to   too technical on it so if you modulate that  first that same signal on a 400 kilohertz frequency then you have a much higher frequency  signal in general to amplify and that can be   easily done more efficiently so then your  the power fits and everything can can be much   smaller and operate much if more more efficient so  basically the higher switching frequency you can   operate on the efficient more efficient the module  will get and that's also with the current trend is   of course using genfets for example again feds if  you the benefits that you can operate on a much   much higher switching frequency so benefiting the  overall efficiency of the module the disadvantages   of using much higher frequencies that you uh it  gets more complex to actually make a really good   amplifier So currently there is a trend of course  using genfed because of all the benefits but it   still leaves you with the challenge to actually  develop and design a good sounding amplifier   usually a lot of people think okay again fetch  is the future you you get automatically a good   amplifier with it in terms of heat dissipation  yes definitely you can run kilowatt amplifier   without any heat sinking and everything like that  but actually sounding good is another uh not thing   but yeah that it's of course we also recognize  the future of these kinds of Technologies and   as we are innovating we are always looking in  new technologies as well currently no plans   on the roadmap yet but of course looking  into these Technologies as well for our   own our own designs yeah so that uh the thing  about the heat sinking and the efficiency are   this they're actually saying the same thing  that's what it comes down to is heat loss   yes yeah Power amplifiers are in generally  percentage-wise around 92 93 efficient uh   depends on how much power you draw out of  it because there's a certain idle current   so running the modules in idle without uh an  input signal then they are least efficient   um but running more and more power out of it they  are more efficient and that's a calculation of how   much uh Power you put into the system and how  much you just dissipate across a speaker coil   uh yeah yeah okay so as you as you approach  no signal then the efficiency goes to zero   basically because nothing happens oh yeah of  course because yeah you don't indeed you don't   get any power out of your speaker without an  input signal so yeah so it goes into heat loss   um but but still of course with the class  D design that's uh relatively speaking but   uh uh yeah the module gets already warm  when you turn it on but the nice thing is   if you draw full power it doesn't get  really that much other so yeah yeah um okay so yeah for a good amplifier you need a  good power supply so that's why we develop our   own power supplies so we have that under control  as well uh and two to of course offer a complete   solution for our customers as well power supplies  are really crucial uh in the node audio amplifier   as well also for sound quality um so yeah  that's why we develop our own power supplies   and of course we have like you see in the  background one of our Encore Mains powered   amplifier modules this is the NC 502 MP which is a  2 times 500 watt module complete with power supply   and standby power supply so this is basically one  of our Encore building blocks which our customers   can Implement for a subwoofer a stereo amplifier  uh active speakers or using multiple multi-channel   is also uh also optional so um that's why  we make a power supplies as well foreign part of the triangle is a DSP processes um we we  don't have a lot of solutions yet in the DSP uh   processing we have a really nice line of plate  amplifiers also complete for manufacturers in   the DOI market and offer those boards including  the DSP board also for oems working on expanding   that portfolio in dsps for the nearby future so  yeah that's the market which has a lot of demand   as well a lot of Manufacturers want to have a  One-Stop shop for their Electronics especially   for active speakers a lot of Manufacturers are  used to making passive speakers so they don't   know anything about Electronics so they once yet  want to work with a partner that knows what they   are doing that can help them out with implementing  you can help them out making the most optimized   speaker design on the filtering and everything  so yeah we with all the technology we have we can   supply everything needed for for active speakers  all right it's quickly on power supplies uh when   talking about power supplies in your case it's  always transforming Mains power into a DC voltage   yeah exactly yeah yeah we only have AC power  supplies uh so Universal Mains uh usually so uh   115 volts so 230 volts so worldwide implementation  is no problems we don't have any solutions for 12   volts for our new mobile audio applications uh  we have we do get the questions a lot uh if we   make something for car car audio but it's such  a different Market to compete with as well is   really difficult um so yeah we have chosen to  uh to not be involved in that market but still   if another manufacturer makes a nice power  supply working from 12 volts and convert that   to the voltages needed for our amplifiers  it can still be used for our amplifiers   on the DSP stuff what do your customers actually  want the DSP to do is it to do some Equalization   or some other effects yeah speaker filtering so  if you have a three-way design you want of course   each uh each channel to be filtered to have the  proper filtering for your speaker uh you can do   indeed Equalization on the input as well uh you  can set up all kinds of different parameters   because the amplifier modules connected to the  rdsp are equipped with the Same by power supply   as well so we have with the Same by biosupply  you have of course then buy features which you   can Implement in active speakers uh you have  automatic signal detection in our DSP processor   so we can wake up out of standby when a signal is  detected on one of the inputs or automatic input   switching on Signal detection everything like  that so all those kinds of features can be set   up with that as well so that enables our customers  to make an active speaker for Studio or for Hi-Fi   with a lot of with a lot of features with their  already looking for basically with our DSP you can   eliminate any preamplifier you can go directly in  with any Source digital or analog gas both inputs   balance and on balance on both sides so yeah you  can run it without without a pre-opifier there's   also digital volume control which you can even  have an option to control that with an IR remote   um okay uh do your engineers feel that adding a  DSP on the front of it ruins the whole purity of   of a system that operates purely analog signal to  analog signal out uh yes and no if you indeed have   the intention to use the amplifier for really  high-end Hi-Fi we also have the opinion that if   you're setting up an HiFi system or high-end  Hi-Fi system in your home each part of your   system needs to be perfect on its own so um you  don't want Equalization basically of course with   especially with Drac and stuff like that that's  really easy to tune your room because the room is   part of your system it's one of those components  in your system it's not just the preemplifier the   sources the cabling and your amplifiers and  speakers your room is part of the one of the   parts of your system of course which also creates  a lot of distortion in your overall audio picture   uh so that's nice features to have direct but  it's still Equalization so we we believe as   well that the speaker already should sound  good that the amplifier should sound good   um but the benefits of making an active speaker  you can make the speaker itself a much better   part of your system because you are limited  when you create a speaker with a passive filter   um so we see the benefits in using a DSP  in an active speaker and then yeah the   extra conversions you uh you go through uh  going from analog to digital and back again   um yeah it's disadvantaged but the advantages of  the USB overruled our disadvantages We Believe   yeah and just another thing uh the distribution  of signals is still predominantly done as an   analog signal but pretty much everyone is  sourcing their audio from a digital source   so does that seem strange to you would there be  a trend towards Distributing the signal digitally   for our amplifiers uh no not at the moment  um because it's completely analog design we   would need to do to implement the conversion  on it we cannot go directly digitally in the   amplifier itself it's always needs  an analog input for our topology   um so you would need to do the conversion on  board makes life easier for the manufacturer   but then they also have no choice on how the  conversion is being done Our intention is   for our OEM manufacturer clientele is whole front  end what you put in front of the amplifier so all   the pre-amplifier section or any conversion from  digital to analog they can choose what they want   to implement what kind of chip they want to use or  or how advanced they want to have that implemented   so yeah they can do it for themselves and we  just Supply the uh the PowerHouse itself right okay and so um what your suppliers generally  a pcba and somebody builds that into their own   housing uh yeah the majority of our uh uh  of the markets and customers we Supply our   modules we are module uh sub-assembly uh  supplier basically so what you see in the   background is one of those modules being used in  um in subwoofers as well you can Bridge the two   channels so you have a kilowatt amplifier um and  this module because it has the main power supply   it has an output with auxiliary voltages and a  five-fold standby line as well so you can power   all your auxiliary auxiliary Electronics with  it so the whole DSP platform in your subwoofer   or in your stereo amplifier or other active  speaker designs can be powered off our module   um and yeah then you have the analog inputs and  Loud figure output on a module so the customer   can develop their own front end however  they would like to have it with all kinds   of different inputs they would like to have  right yeah and use our building lockers there   as a core of the design yeah got it okay all  right um and basically you'll ask why we do it   um it's fun audio markets we love it definitely I  think I think 80 percent of our all uh Personnel   of hypex has uh affiliation with audio is it  in Pro is it just musicians is it uh just Hi-Fi   lovers and uh like to listen to music uh of course  who doesn't like to listen to music you know um as   I mentioned music is emotion that's uh we really  strongly have the opinion that with music you can   um you can establish so much uh in terms of how  you feel you know if you have a bad day and you   just put on some music and listen to a really good  audio system and playing your favorite tracks uh   it's it changes your mood instantly basically um  we really believe that that is really important   and to have the equipment to to uh yeah to  reproduce that to establish such emotions um   yeah we we feel we uh we do an excellent job in uh  in making that possible on the amplifier side at   least it's up to our customers to to do it on the  loudspeaker side or or all the others but other   parts but um yeah now we are really passionate  about music in general and um we we just love   to do it as you can see in the background is a  big part of our team on the on the show in the   high-end show in Munich where we also exhibit  always each year we always love that show what   you see there and uh yeah all the customers we we  talk with each year we um we love that yes okay   I think that's the universal yeah exactly that's  Universal and actually because of our passion for   music and passion for uh for for for audio we  we also already many years back we started our   own high-end Hi-Fi company called mola mola and  not a lot of people are aware of that it's uh   it's not a well-known brand uh yet we are growing  uh but it is a separate company under the hypex   holding where we develop complete products from a  pre-amplifier to a deck and a phono stage add-on   and also a separate deck and phono stage now  also on offerings and of course on the amplifier   section as well we do some unique stuff hypex  is of course the the developer and manufacturer   of these products but we use this brand really  as also on the power supply section and all the   other sections we use it as an innovation platform  we can really think out of the box and not look   at any budgets at all because it's in high and  Brands which you know can have a a big price tag   there is a marker for it um and so everything we  developed for uh for mola mola can eventually also   be implemented in in hyperx products in the future  as well so that's a really neat to have have as   well such a brand in-house okay so it sounds like  we're coming to the end of the presentation here   yeah that was my last sheet uh yeah if you have  any other additional questions uh one more thing   your DIY stuff where do we where did someone buy  that from the distributed worldwide yeah we have   a reseller Network worldwide with uh mostly  web shops but also uh physical shops we have   our own web shop as well dedicated website is our own DOI website where   we offer our DOI products um they're on the  amplifier side it's also completely separated   we have a separate amplifier modules for the DUI  market and separate amplifiers for the OEM Market   um and the DUI Market cannot buy those OEM parts  and we really uh have a strong feeling in keeping   that separated because when a manufacturer  customer uses one of our OEM amplifier modules   and does a lot of developments on making a really  nice finished product with that module and then a   DUI customer can buy the same amplifier as well  and make their own um yeah that we don't think   that's really a part of the thing so that's why  on the amplifier side we keep that completely   strictly separated power supplies it's it's  equal it's uh it's basically yeah you need a   power supply to to run the amplifier so that's uh  we don't see that as a as a main important part   of the chassis or the designs so that's basically  the similar uh what we offer the blade amplifiers   can be used for DIY customers as well to make  their own active speakers uh their system yeah all right so I think uh we'll put some links  Down Below in the description for everybody to   follow up if they want more information  or would like to order some parts for   themselves but uh Nails I really appreciate  you joining us today it was fantastic and uh   give you gave you some good uh gave us some  good q a on that on the amplifiers and a bit   bit more elucidating I think that we  learned a little bit today so I hope   everybody enjoyed that so uh yeah encourage  everybody like subscribe and share this video   out to anybody who thinks interested so thanks  everybody we'll see you next time thank you


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