Terrified and Heartbroken…WE COULDN’T HELP THEM Sailing Vessel Delos Ep 400

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- Hurricane Kay. - Hurricane Kay. - [Reporter] As Hurricane Kay heads for the US-Mexico border, it's wreaking havoc on Mexico's Pacific coast. - In my whole life, I never felt this weather before. (wind whipping) (waves crashing) - [Reporter] Tearing through beach resorts, littering streets with rubble as severe wind, intense rain, and flash flooding make their way towards Baja.

- We gotta get up there 'cause this hurricane's on our heels. (waves crashing) I don't know man. I think that going this way is a bad idea.

Not sure this is the right call. All the Marinas are full, and because of the direction of the wind, all the swell is gonna be coming right through this cut. That's our whole life right there. - Here comes the rain! Holy (bleeping) that gust! (dramatic music) (wind whipping) (waves crashing) - [Brian] How can you not have your radio on? - [Kazza] I dunno. - [Brian] And how can you not be paying attention? So sad. Imagine what they're feeling right now. (dramatic music) So that's two boats that have ended up on the beach so far.

This will be a long night. - [Kazza] What are you doing now? - I just wrapped the jib up with an extra higher just to be extra safe. I got this other snubber from Calico I'm gonna use as a backup so I'll just rig this up just in case something happens to ours, we have a backup ready to go, and then I gotta tie up the wind generator so we don't overstress the break. If it starts to get over 40 knots, they're not real happy.

(ominous music) (wind whipping) - Well the wind is definitely here. It's this weird like, gusts that come. So it goes from like 10 knots to just like super gusty to like 30 knots.

And then it's usually a little bit like, you know it's not straight from the front all the time because we're getting moved around so the gusts kind of come from the side, (wind whipping) like that. Oh. Looking at the entrance to this bay, it looks horrible. Huge waves breaking. It's definitely ominous today. (ominous music) - Oh, here comes another one. (wind whipping)

Yeah, the wind is definitely starting to pick up. - We're in the middle of it here and Sierra's freaking out. (baby crying) The wind's blowing like crazy and I'm gonna go up to the bow and check the snubber, make sure everything's okay up there. The guy next to us was just dragging. He's dragged two times already and he's had to reset his hook. I hope he doesn't set in front of us.

We're in a really good spot though. The other boats are going nuts and we're holding solid here. Oh. (wind whipping) The gusts are coming quite intense now. This looks gnarly. Those gusts are really blasting through here.

(wind whipping) - It is pretty horrible. - [Brian] So I checked the snubber. Snubber is good. - [Kazza] Okay? - [Brian] Yeah, I mean it's doing its job. It's snubbing.

This guy's really struggling. - I know. - [Brian] I feel real bad for him. I just, I think that's a good spot as long as he doesn't come close to us or anchor in front of us 'cause he's drugged twice already. Our anchor is 105 pounds, just about 50 kilos. It's oversized for our boat.

They recommended the next size down. But I'm always a fan of going with a heavier anchor if you're windlass can handle it. The main reason is that, well, it gives you a little bit of extra peace of mind. It helps you dig in just that much more. And also I found that it's useful for like short scope situations.

So if you ever need to anchor in a place where you can't put out five to one chain, if you have a bit of a heavier hook you can get away with a little bit less in a tight anchorage. And that's worked pretty well for us. And today we are holding rock solid. We haven't budged one inch. Gusts up into the 40 knot range. Whereas this guy next to us has a pretty standard delta, and so he's dragging all over the show today.

I feel real bad for him. That sucks. That's stressful. Nobody needs that. - [Kazza] Sierra, I got a present for you. Do you wanna open it? - Today's video is sponsored by Established Titles. Do you know what this means? Well you are now an official landowner in Scotland, which means that you get to be called by old Scottish Custom and tradition a Laird, which means Lord or Lady in English.

So I now proclaim you to be Lady Sierra Abba Trautman. (bagpipes playing) Wow! - [Kazza] How much land does she own? - So Lady Sierra now owns at least one square foot of land with a unique plot number on a private estate in Adelson, Scotland. (Sierra exclaiming) Yay! Not only do you get to use "Lady" before your name on cool things like your credit card or plane tickets, but Established Titles also works with global charities One Tree Planted and Trees For The Future, and a tree will be planted in her honor. Plus your little plot of natural Scottish woodlands land is now preserved for future generations.

So another really fun thing is the first 200 people to purchase a title pack from our link EstablishedTitles.com/Delos, will be really close to Sierra's plot, actually within a few minutes of walking distance. So depending on how many of you out there wanna become Lord or Ladies, we could create our own little Delos kingdom in Scotland. Established Titles is a fun novelty gift and absolutely perfect for Valentine's Day and that special someone in your life. So just head on over to EstablishedTitles.com/Delos.

Right now they're running a massive Valentine's Day sale where you can get 10% off by using the code "Delos" and support our channel at the same time. A huge thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring this video. Thanks very much for watching, and back to the show. So we thought it would be cool to talk about all the stuff that we did to prepare for this. From like, mistakes that we've made in the past. This hurricane is not a surprise.

In fact, anybody who says that they were surprised by a hurricane is not paying attention to weather. We started thinking about it seven or eight days ago. First thing we did is we got full of provisions, full of food. We filled up with fuel. - And then we sailed pretty much 300 nautical miles away from what we predicted would be the path of the hurricane Seven days out you're still- - It's still pretty fluid. - Yeah.

- We had one direction to go, and that was north. And then about halfway through that trip we saw the "Uh oh," the forecast looks like the worst part of the storm is gonna be where we're sailing to. And so then we literally made a 90 degree turn and sailed another almost a hundred miles to the east to this place San Carlos. So once we got into this harbor, then we found that we thought was a good anchoring position, which then we saw a wind wind direction that was similar to what this hurricane should bring, and we said "No," so then we moved the boat in the harbor to get more protection from the east and the southeast. And that really paid off 'cause if you look at the other boats out here, the one where we were, he's going crazy right now. - [Kazza] He's a lot lighter than us but he's going crazy.

- [Brian] Still, but some the swells are coming right through the entrance. And then we started latching things down. - [Kazza] Anything that could like catch wind and fly away basically. - Paddleboards, we latched down. - [Kazza] Yeah. Took down the flags.

- [Brian] Now we just sit and wait. (ominous music) (wind whipping) (wind whipping) - These gusts are really intense. How much was that? Like 30? - [Brian] Yeah. Probably more. - I feel like it's way more than 30.

(music continues) (wind whipping) I've been having a lot of anxiety about this storm, I feel like for the last couple of days. It's just a huge unknown not knowing like how bad it will be and looking at all the forecasts. And I just want to be like okay from this and just like move on and move further away even from the, it's changed our plans a lot too.

It's just like, I mean I guess we live by the weather and we have to always... see what the weather does and you know, just go from there and stay safe, and I feel like we've done that this time. But it's definitely not a relaxing couple of days, that's for sure. - [Brian] We've done everything to the best of our knowledge. We've set up Delos with a lot of chain and a heavy anchor.

We've paid attention to the weather and sailed hundreds of miles to get out of the epicenter of the storm. We'd spent the last few days battening down the hatches and mentally preparing ourselves for what's to come. But there's always that doubt in the back of your mind. Not only is Delos a platform for fun activities, she's also our home, our business, and ultimately a collection of fiberglass and mechanical components that is meant to keep the water on the outside and us on the inside safe and sound. So there is a lot at stake here for us. And all of it would depend on a big chunk of metal dug deep into the sea bottom and a few hundred feet of galvanized chain tethering us to the earth.

- [Kazza] Sierra, there's a huge hurricane. (Sierra gasping) - [Brian] The entrance is just whitewater. - [Kazza] I know, the entrance looks so gnarly. - I think we're super protected here. Gary on One Life said that he saw 44 knots gusts, and Bill said he saw 40 knots in Marina.

I don't know if we've seen 40 knots here, maybe like 30 something. - [Kazza] It's definitely here though. - [Brian] Oh yeah. (wind whipping) (waves crashing) (dramatic music) - [Kazza] You can see the gusts coming. Here comes the rain! Holy (bleeping), the gusts! (ominous music) It's like really intense.

(wind whipping) (ominous music continues) (wind whipping) (waves crashing) (wind howling) (waves crashing) (Sierra baby talking) (ominous music continues) (wind howling) Well the conditions have definitely gotten a little bit more intense. Yeah. Solid 30, huh? - Solid 30. - [Kazza] That little boat has scooted even further back. - I know. Did it go past One Life now?

- [Kazza] Yeah. He is trying to call them, huh? - Yeah, there's nobody on deck. Like eventually they'll hit the mud I guess. Our dinghy is up, not much we can do. - [Kazza] No. - They're they are dragging quite a bit.

- [Kazza] Definitely. I just measure like by the windows of that house, and they passed the house already. Yeah. I know. - [Brian] It sucks. - So Gary hit him with the air horn and I think he heard it. He came out on deck, but now he's back down below. He doesn't even have a real engine.

He's only got an outboard and... That sucks. I feel so bad.

It's a tiny little dinghy, he's getting into where the waves are starting to get kind of like breaking in the shallows now. - [Kazza] He's gonna hit the shore within like a few minutes. - But there's nobody on deck.

How could you go up and then come back down? I don't understand it. How can you not have your radio on? - [Kazza] I don't know. - [Brian] How can you not be paying attention? - [Kazza] I don't know. - [Brian] I just don't get it.

- [Kazza] Oh my gosh, look at that. - [Brian] Oh geez. And if he hits the, if he hits the mud and he swells, it's gonna suck.

Oh he's coming out of the water now. - [Kazza] It's gonna happen within a few minutes. - Oh shit. - Yeah. He's just hitting ground. We've tried to call him on the radio. Gary tried to air horn him, like.

It's getting windier too. (wind whipping) He's just sideways to waves now. This guy next to us, I think is okay. He was dragging before. We're looking really solid but like it's definitely gotten more intense.

Oh no. Oh my god. - [Brian] It's making me sick. There's nothing we can do.

It's just pounding on the bottom. And now he's got his... oh, come on. (wind howling) - Oh my god. 38 right there. (dramatic music) - [Brian] Oh God. He's slamming.

He's just slamming on the bottom. - Just seeing somebody, like. - [Brian] If our dinghy was down, I would go over there but I'm not taking it off deck right now. There's no way. - [Kazza] We can't do that.

(dramatic music continues) - It's just so sad. Imagine how they're feeling right now. (wind howling) Oh God. - Just like seeing this boat hit the ground, it's just like so emotionally intense for me. because I know they're like, "Ah." Why wouldn't you take like a marimba or go into the marina if you have like not enough anchor and stuff? Oh, (bleeping).

Here it comes. (ominous music) At least we're safe. (bleeping) hate stuff like this. - [Brian] So I just downloaded the latest weather. For our location right here it's showing sustained winds of 33 knots, and this should be sort of the peak.

It should be diminishing over the next like 10 to 12 hours. - Nice. - [Brian] And then I checked over at Don Won, it's sustained winds of 43 knots and so it's 10 knots more. - That's a big difference between 30. - [Brian] It's a huge, because yeah, people don't understand the power of the wind increases not linearly but exponentially.

This is some footage from our friends on SV Basik, who happened to be in Puerto Don Juan, our destination before we changed our minds and sailed another hundred miles east to mainland Mexico. Even though the forecast called for sustained winds in the 40 knot range at Don Juan, Basik experienced sustained 60 knots with gusts into the seventies. Here in St. Carlos, the forecast called for 30 knot winds,

however the highest clocked wind speed in the anchorage was 50 knots. And most of the time we experienced much less as we anchored right under a gigantic cliff face that sheltered us from the worst of it. After seeing this footage, I knew that we definitely made the right call by making our sudden turn to starboard. Having 20 knots less of average wind speed is a huge difference.

- What time is it? Nine. But I have a feeling it would probably go through most of the night. - [Brian] 18 hours now? - Yeah, 18 hours so far.

And there's just these crazy gusts that come through. At least I'm feeling that we're very solid anchor still, and we will probably stay up, or at least one of us. Maybe we'll do like Night Watchers style to make sure that one of us is always awake in case something starts happening. So yeah, this is us the rest of the night, I think. - [Brian] Well I hooked up the iPad to the chart plotter, which is pretty cool.

So now I can look at all the alarms and pretty much fully control everything from inside. Average wind speed right now is about 28 knots. It's a fair bit. (wind howling) (waves crashing) It's not letting up anytime soon. It's gonna be a long night.

- I just had like a minor meltdown. It's like midnight and the wind is still blasting. I just feel so like mentally drained right now.

I would say for the last week, like, neither me or Brian have like slept through a night. I know that like we are super safe and like our boat is so solid right now. Like the anchor is really good and like, we prepared super well.

I feel like it's different now with Sierra, like I feel so much more like emotional and like kind of worried about things in a way that I didn't really used to before I had her. And... (speaking indistinctly) The trimaran.

- Just looked outside. Karen was looking outside and that trimaran that was anchored off her port side. - I think they just ended up on shore. (dramatic music) (wind whipping) - [Brian] Oh that sucks. I feel real bad for those people. This'll be a long night.

- Absolutely awful to see, and like it just makes me even more anxious, you know seeing these people around us like dragging and you know, like, just horrible. - So that's two boats that have ended up on the beach so far. - I just want this storm to pass and like to have some calm weather. I'm gonna try to sleep 'cause I'm absolutely exhausted. Okay. (acoustic music) ♪ There's a lot of colors ♪ ♪ I dunno where to go ♪ ♪ See a lot of colors ♪ ♪ Only feeling blue ♪ ♪ There's a lot of colors lost within a haze ♪ ♪ Don't rely on others to get you through the maze ♪ ♪ The dreams are all the same for me ♪ ♪ Standing by the shore ♪ ♪ While you're on the open sea ♪ ♪ Cannot take this any more ♪ - Well it's the morning after.

Still blowing about 20 knots, but it's calmed down a lot. It's like between 15 and 20. I just looked outside, and yeah. It's the two boats are on the ground.

Brian was pretty much awake all night. I think he came to bed maybe around five, and I really like, I can't express enough like how much that meant to me that he was like supporting me in that way after my minor meltdown for him to be like, "Okay, I'll stay awake and I'll make sure that everything is fine," and for me to know that he's awake and like aware of things meant the world to me. So sad to see the other boats on land and stuff and I don't know if it's anything that we can do. I guess we have to, first things first, put the dinghy in and stuff and I'll show you how it looks like outside. You have that guy over there that is aground, and then this trimaran back here. Good morning. - [Brian] Good morning.

- [Kazza] Thank you for staying up all night. - Ugh. It's a bit of a night. - [Kazza] Oh my God.

- But the waves finally started to go down at about four. And then I slept out here so I could hear the anchor alarm. Because look at this. This is a video of... - [Kazza] Oh geez.

- [Brian] It's up against like a wall. - [Kazza] Oh yeah, like a break wall. - [Brian] Yeah. - [Kazza] Oh my God.

That's so scary. - [Brian] Somebody's dreams right there. - [Kazza] Yeah. - Yeah, that's what we don't want to happen to Delos, Sierra.

(Sierra gasping) Yeah. - [Sierra] That? - Yeah. That's the boat that we saw yesterday. We later learned that the couple on board had set three anchors. Unfortunately none of them were up to the task, and they started dragging at the height of the hurricane.

With only an outboard motors propulsion and a small dinghy, there was not much to be done. The couple was able to get off safely, waved to shore, and were helped by the kind souls in the houses. Even though her rudder was snapped in half, her hull was still intact.

A local sport fisher hooked up and literally dragged her right off the beach and onto a morning for repairs. This lifestyle has many benefits, but it's also a lot of physical and mental energy to stay vigilant and keep your vessel and your family safe. It's terrifying to know that your hopes and dreams can be smashed, and in an instant, months of planning and dreaming can be destroyed. Up next on Delos, (uplifting acoustic music) we set sale north towards the bay of LA, find a super protected anchorage, and enjoy life in the northern part of the Sea of Cortez. - Ahoy Delos tribe! - Ahoy! - I hope you enjoyed the episode. This is a very special one because it's our 400th episode.

- Oh my god. Can you imagine that? - It's crazy. - Yeah. I mean, when we first started making these videos way back in the day, it was just for our friends and family, to let our parents know what was going on. And we had no idea that it would evolve, that we'd actually do 400 videos, and that they would be watched like way over 200 million times. Those numbers just boggle my mind.

- It's mind blowing. - It is. It's crazy. And we had a little idea to celebrate. We wanted to support a good project, and we've chosen something called the Ocean Blue Project. And what we're gonna do is we're actually gonna sponsor their project to remove 4,000 pounds of plastic trash from the ocean. Link for the project is below and in the description.

Check it out. They specialize in removing plastic from the ocean and innovative ocean cleanup technologies. And so we're totally happy to support them for our 400th episode.

- Yeah, it's something I think that is very close to our hearts. - Yeah. I mean we live on the ocean. So it totally makes sense.

And we make our living on the ocean, so it double makes sense. - And we do see a lot of plastic out there, and these guys are doing a great job really trying to minimize the ocean plastics and yeah, it's really cool. And yeah, we also just wanna say a huge thanks to all of you guys that have been watching us all through these years. - And then stuck with us through our evolution over time. It's been, it's been quite a ride.

- Even if you just watched the video or if you liked it or if you supporting on Patreon, you guys are the ones that have made this possible. And yeah, it's been a crazy ride. So thank you so much. We're extending our love and hearts to you guys. And yeah, 400 episode, huh? - Woo! (both laughing) It's so wild.

Okay guys, thank you for watching and see you next week. - Bye. (upbeat music) You look like wet cat. - Oh, I am a wet cat.

- [Brian] You look hot though. You look sexy. We've only been on the job for three minutes. She's already taken her first break. Is this in your contract? - No. - No? - I'm getting kisses from Lady Sierra. - [Brian] That's amazing. Lady Sierra kisses.

- Oh, I'm so lucky. - [Brian] Aw, I want Lady Sierra kisses. Aw, can I have a Lady Sierra Kiss? Oh, a Lady Sierra Kiss. It's the best.

- No, Mama. Woohoo! (Brian laughing)


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