Ladies and gentlemen. Tendencies. A tendency to dismantle the family. Where does it come from? Where are we today? And where we might be tomorrow. We chose this highly interesting theme since it seems like a key (even slightly dangerous) subject. We thank you for our first episode and your great interest in it.
Attention, down here is the button. Subscribe and be our constant and beloved guests. Tendencies are a part of fashion. And it seems critical to me that we need to notice them. Thus.
Where does the tendency to dismantle the family originate? We can probably find the answer here: This book is tiny, thin. Here I have the Spanish version. But it's translated to all other languages. Marx & Engels' - Communist Manifesto The second book: Paul Kengor's - Takedown It's released in Lithuanian and I really recommend it, in it you can find a lot of very interesting events and information. I will quote - don't be scared, my quotes will be very brief and to-the-point and great at reflecting the book's point. So I will quote Paul Kengor who perfectly illustrates where this tendency originates.
"The roots for family erosion are in communism... Marx and Engels were ready to debate the total removal of all parental rights. So.. "The family was a nest for the bourgeoise..."
We must understand that it was their #1 enemy, because Parents would pass on their possessions and capital to their children Families would also pass on Christian traditions and all the crossed-out moral norms, thus of course they were set to combat families very seriously. You'll say: What does Lenin, Stalin and all of these old ideologies have to do with today's post-modernity. However, this system has quite fabulously installed itself into our Social Democracies. And not only the Social Democratic Party. But also along with the liberals and even the same old conservatives actually their differences are minimal.
Today's parties are nearly identical. Year 1919. Moscow. Alexandra Kollontai - a name possibly heard by many, one of the most important women in communism.
Of course - a feminist. She founded Lenin's Women's Ministry - Zhenotdel and propagated the "freedom of love", yes - in the year 1919... which spread like wildfire She encouraged feminists and housewives around the globe to free themselves from the home's Jung.
"The family's days are numbered, since the family is a pile of bourgeoise nonsense. A working mother must learn to not classify kids as "yours" or "mine" All children are of the collective's, and are not best taught by their parents, but the community and the state. Leonid Sabsovich - I don't know how well I'm pronouncing his name but...
Also with Stalin. This character was a Soviet city planner. He supported the complete isolation of children from their parents, and the state's power to punish the ones who wouldn't comply.
He had thought of a utopia - children's cities. They take the kid around 1000 km. away from its family. Not sure if they keep their names or not, but the kid no longer receives any family influence, education and thus is perfectly taken care of by communist Russia. And thus, today we mustn't fool ourselves. We aren't headed to the West's direction. But the West has effectively turned the wheel of history and thus returned to communism's roots and thus reached the East.
Strange, and this tendency truly is focused on the communist ideology. A very important part of Lenin's revolution was the sexual revolution. It did not happen in the West - not the West, I didn't know that, only learned it a few years ago.
But it happened specifically in Russia. In Lithuania it's taboo to talk about it since we already suffered greatly from this (Soviet) system. So of course we won't accept it and avoid talking about it, and of course it will be very uncomfortable for us. But we have to be brave and look this system straight in its eyes. For some time the sexual freedom went on, started by Lenin's Bolsheviks.
The term "sexual communism" - mentioned by Kengor, has originated from this plan to destroy the family. The sexual revolution only reached the West in the 7th decade of the 20th century. Of course you can say: "This has nothing in common, it's absurd - we know how it went during communism and there was no sex whatsoever." However it isn't just as simple. Stalin found Russia so affected by this - there were lots of orphans. Inform yourselves, read about it, learn the facts and dates: Veneral diseases, along with the deletion of all moral norms.
It was truly a sad state, and Russia would've descended even further, so Stalin chose the other extreme end and banned sex outright. This is when it came to Lithuania, and we've known communism ever since. So. During the 70ies there were a lot of followers fans, all type of communist lovers, philosophers - whatever you want.
But one of its main proponents was Herbert Marcuse. He also invented the term "discriminating tolerance". Like "hot snow", but he truly knew, how to apply it into practice. "To create a democracy you must resort to un-democratic measures - repressive tolerance: meaning the punishing of those who disagree with them. Those being the right-wing of course. And the West's progress was built as such: They were sure that the "bad" communism only resides in the East, and that "unprogressive" Russia and other Soviet countries.
And that the "good" communism will be built in the West and we will build it ourselves, and it will breathe freedom and democracy. And the rich, progressive West stayed on this path. They of course categorized people into: unprogressive and conservative and the progressive and liberal ones that enforced this non-violent revolution. Marcuse. By the way we must thank him for another invention, which helped communism flourish again.
He simply said that the no longer would anyone believe the repression of the proletariat. That regular workers aren't the class to stand behind while building communism. And, therefore he offered to get behind or to locate the minorities. Society's cake must be split into a lot of various pieces - so as to facilitate the sharing of them afterwards, especially since people won't get along. So. Human rights have degenerated into wishes, desires and lusts.
The family erodes itself, being affected by destructive tendencies. By boosting the unfeelingness to the ever so distant fringes of morality. Censorship also helps a great lot with this. Propaganda as well, and I'm holding this book to some purpose Everywhere around us - fashion, contemporary art (which is funded by the state). And in the mass-medias too, we can find this tendency everywhere. Let's stay attentive, once this show is over, when you'll be reading, watching movies and fashion - pay attention, there are tons of subliminal messages about this tendency - destroy the family.
There was another character, this artist from the U.S. He's especially known - a great illustration - Jackson Pollock. He was financed by the secret services. It's as if he was supposed to be the incarnation of American freedom, you can see for yourselves what his works look like. And this freedom - it wouldn't slow down, it exploded and they couldn't control it...
Especially when the dialogue touched drugs. In this case I could recommend a movie - "Seattle is Dying", a great documentary movie, I don't know if you've seen it but it's interesting - watch it to see how our children will live. The link is in the description. The last name I have marked for this evening is Richard Rorty: "Sexual and leftist education must be installed in schools." "From the horrible, angry, dangerous clutches of parents... I'm citing young people must be freed by force..."
"If they cannot be taken in while in school, they must be ideologically finished by the universities." "For them, the parents will pay a lot of money." "To largen the public sector - put families under the state's control." It sounds weird, it might even sound mystical, but We will now pay more attention to this - that there are many ways of dismantling a family.
Even the promotion of abortions, and the early sexualization of children. And the expulsion of a mother to go work, of course no one's making women go work, we chose to do so ourselves, we have to, we want to. But the promotion to leave a toddler alone with nannies and the state - hm...
Radical feminism - its success. Destruction of the father as an authority. The tension between genders and its gaslighting. The fragmentation of society: women and men. It's starting to be difficult to agree. The extinguishing of Christianity and melting of moral norms.
And the states' family politics. The state's meddling in our families - it's further than ever before, even in communism - they talked about this, but they didn't actually attempt it. Of course, euthanasia - already legalized in Spain It's causing a lot of passion, since the state is crawling deeper into a person's choices. And the grandparents, their separation from their families and their grandchildren.
The abduction of children and state's meddling - I already mentioned. And children's rights - perverse & distorted children's rights. Where are we today? Very briefly, because it isn't only a Lithuanian phenomenon. It's a worldwide tendency, which probably hasn't yet touched Muslim or Asian countries But for example: Speaker of the United States House of Representatives - Nancy Pelosi And her targeting the understanding of a natural family.
She seeks to eliminate all references to gender. So words like: "mom", "dad", "daughter"... "son", "brother", "sister" - all out of circulation. A very similar situation has occurred in Canada, when Jordan B. Peterson - a renown psychologist, also fought with his rulers and state,
over a highly similar matter. Spain - it's funny for me because I am a witness of events. Spain's minister of Education proclaimed, that the kids are owned by the state, just last year. "...Therefore, we cannot think in any way or form, that the children are owned by the parents."
All of Spain were extremely shocked and disturbed. In Australia during 2019 "The Australian" wrote that a girl was abducted (by the state) from her parents, due to them asking for a psychologist, once their child decided to change her gender. It was unclear to the parents. Was she serious? Maybe they should wait? Maybe there were second thoughts? The state came and its decision to help this family was to take the child away.
Scotland. It's now being attempted to pass a law to do with the gender ideology. A law which would prohibit to disagree with the ideology not only in public, but also in the privacy of your home.
Hungary It's acting in a complete opposite manner. It's trying to define two genders - male & female, in Hungary's constitution. And today, we will get a closer look at two of the most contrasting countries Poland, our neighbor and Norway - also our neighbor. Since we have two guests: we will converse with Jolanta Miškinytė - our guest from Poland. An independent journalist, she knows Poland perfectly well - she's been living in Poland for the past 6 years. Also, she's been trying with all her might to warn Lithuania about Barnevernet's child abduction system and prevent its coming to Lithuania.
She wrote over 20 articles. She's even a part of a Norwegian book. A person who has seen a lot, who understands this system. And attempted to provide Lithuania with help.
Let's welcome her. Hi Jurga, hi everyone. Yes, about 20 articles if you count all the commentaries, human interest stories, and some system analysis. Yes, there were quite a few books published recently about the Barnevernet system.
I hesitate to say books are about Barnevernet specifically, as many countries have a version of that system. Conditionally we can call it Barnevernet based on the applied principles. This is one of the most recent books: "Stolen Childhood" written by Steven Bennett. This book includes an extensive analysis of the roots of the system, about how it manifests itself. Among those articles is my interview with a famous Norwegian psychologist Einar Salvesen, a long-time fighter for this system.
So much about the book. My interest in this began in 2011-2012. There wasn't very much material available at that time. Today if you want to learn about Barnevernet, all you have to do is not be lazy and just Google about it.
Jolanta, tell me why is there such a great trust in the government in Lithuania? Is it good? Wouldn’t it lead the whole society straight to a state of dependence? And what are the differences between Lithuania and Poland in this regard? I don’t know if we can say that we trust the government and that trust causes some of those eccentric trends to appear. I'd say it isn't because we trust the government, it's due to our inferiority complex. For some reason we think we are worse than everyone else, we know less, we understand less, someone knows better maybe over there in Norway because they are rich, they have oil, they have a whole different level of welfare, and, maybe, they are just smarter. Or somewhere in Brussels, or Germany, or France, and so on. I would say that is the problem.
Post-communist countries do not tend to trust the government and the state. I see the problem in this inferiority complex and that being the reason for allowing this Barnevernet system into our country. The roots of the system are clearly totalitarian and ideological. First, I thought that maybe it’s a business, but, the ideological lining became more and more prominent. It begins with a statement that a child does not belong to the parents, to the family. From there this snowball just gets bigger to the point that the family is "a priori" a dangerous place, that maybe the biological principle is not that important to a child's development, and that a child can successfully be raised by foster parents especially if they have more living space or better financial situation, have more money, more opportunities.
Finally, they try to base those theories on science and psychology as a final point. I have a very concrete example: Norwegian psychologist Magne Rondele was given the assignment to create a committee of experts to study whether the biological factor, the real family – parents, grandparents, brothers are important to a child. One year later, they delivered the "desired" conclusion stating that it's not important to a child's development and the principle of attachment was transferred onto a foster family. How does it demonstrate itself? First of all, it is aimed against the biological family. It's very easy to take children away from their biological parents and pass them onto a foster family. All you need is one complaint, the police and the authorities come and take a child.
Then instead of proving that the parents have done something wrong - that there was abuse or some other incident, but parents have to make them believe they are innocent. After all, even if parents win the case in court, the Barnevernet decides, following this pseudo psychologist's (if you can call him that) manual that the child cannot be returned to the family because he is attached to the foster family. This is a short overview of how these schemes are being used against families. Interestingly, we allowed this system into our country on the same basis as other countries, and we are not the only country that adopted this child reform. First, you start seeing articles and statements from the "experts" that Lithuanians, Latvians, I even saw Brits mentioned, are essentially bad parents, that there is a lot of abuse, they don't know how to raise kids, etc.
Then you see stories of how children in these families are suffering. Finally, you have a resonating event, like in our case of Matukas'. By then the public is angry, the lobbyists are extremely prepared, and the system is being introduced as if at the request of society.
Its totalitarian nature is very, very obvious. Just think about what kind of life parents should expect after just getting into an argument with a teacher at school and someone reported them. This is a shame, this is stigma, so I am not surprised that many families are silent and not sharing their tragic stories. In conclusion, we can say that such a society over time is marked by fear and uncomfortable silence. People are scared. I heard many stories where they are afraid of their neighbors.
If you don't have a very good relationship with them or a mean lady resides downstairs and you have a louder child, she can always report you. You can't say that this is giving of feelings of freedom, much less a democratic environment. This is...
…called something else. Yes. This is a system we accepted and it tries to get into other countries very aggressively. There were attempts to introduce it in Poland, but the Polish people got their act together after one child's suicide and decided they will take care of their child welfare system without so-called "positive experiences" Another question. What should our "modern Lithuania" watch out for in its attempts to show the world that we are "progressive", we are "adequate", we are "good"? It depends on how you understand progress and modernity. I read in the science section of one Lithuanian online outlet published reflections by a young self-proclaimed science journalist that Lithuanians should serve as an example to the rest of the world because of the low birth rates.
She wrote such eccentric things as: if a woman is raising a single child, she is progressive and well educated, but women in larger families are from that primitive world left behind. If we call this progress, then I would be very critical about it - to put it softly. Common sense.
No sane mind would never allow us to distribute questionnaires as they distribute in our schools. It has a question for 5th graders, children of 11-12 years old, regarding gender: "do you feel more like a girl or a boy?" Here is another question: "does your family satisfy your needs?" When I was a kid, my parents never satisfied my needs! A kid's needs are always greater. The Polish look at this with more clarity and manage these issues a lot better in my opinion. On the other hand, they have a very strong community tradition, with a sturdy self-governing, a lot of issues are being solved locally.
Of course, there are various funds being financed by the leftist, so-called progressive fads, but they also have very strong parental organizations that have a lot of influence. They have “Ordo Iuris”, a legal organization that has lately become well-known and provides a lot of support for the families. It's being attacked a lot because it's very active and does real work. It helped professors who were fired from the universities because of their views. It helped families who fled Norway's Barnevernet to settle here. Think about the recent big protests in Poland where tens of thousands of people came out on the streets in different towns.
They were organized by Strajk Kobiet, a radical feminist movement. One of the tools for family destruction. Yes, one of the tools to destroy families just like Barnevernet. about two days ago, they organized a new protest – blocking of the Warsaw center. Only a handful of people showed up.
There were more police than protesters. Only a few left from the tens of thousands of people who made it look like there is a revolution in Poland. I want to say that the Polish society demonstrated very clearly their attitude to this narrative, this modernism, and progress. They don’t want further restrictions, but neither do they want any easement because in Polish society, abortion is not a question of “oh, it’s not a person, it’s just a cell or whatever” - it isn't that simple in Poland.
The same is regarding defending the rights of Polish parents in Norway. Let's not forget the famous consul Slavomir Kowalski who was announced a persona non-grata in Norway. How did Poland react? I think Poland reacted very adequately.
After six years of living here, I see, and I am very interested in the place where I live and in its people’s mentality, I see that Poland just wants to remain Poland. It wants to live following its traditions, with its own mentality, with its own view on the family, with their values, and Poland defends all that. Addressing the problems they have with the European Union, the Polish have a very simple response: "We didn't join the European Union for it to stick its nose everywhere. Read the contract you signed and distinguish what is European Union competencies and what are local government competencies."
This is how they explain the essence of their conflict – they don't want any federalization. They say, we joined a union of sovereign, self-competent states. And so this is their position. I hope I explained it well. Thank you to Jolanta Thanks Jurga, good luck in your work. And now, our sight will be directed towards Norway.
Norway - the rich and progressive country is now returning to a communist system. And is dragging the world down in its example. Do we have any resistance? Us - Lithuanians. Are we resistant? Can we recognize danger? And are we capable of defending our children, or even ourselves? Because this system is strong. It isn't even thinking on stopping.
And let's listen to Marius Reikerås A Norwegian lawyer, who also represents Lithuanians in European cases. A person who is currently assisting four Lithuanian families today. Lithuanians are forced to seek help from a Norwegian lawyer.
We will hear his opinion ourselves, about our politicians and our state's actions and stance in this matter. Therefore, let's welcome him. We are witnesses of incredible times. Probably, after this speech (thank you, Marius) I want to recommend you all a documentary movie: "The Swedish Theory of Love" Great movie. Can explain very many things.
It might open your eyes, or it might be just curious to see. I want to direct attention towards the most real problem. Which probably, in my opinion - are our politicians. People who today have especially little responsibilities As I've mentioned before, you can't un-elect them back. Who in the end regulate our lives, along with our privacy.
How resistant are we to the state's violence? Today it is especially refined due to the State earning trust, armed with cutting-edge technologies and comes with good intentions, behind a façade of various, colorful... Words, slangs, posters and visual material. It's simply, by watching the general public, and I don' t see everything, but Lithuania's television and our mass medias, are prone towards the erosion of families and the submission to this system. I just want to say that violence breeds violence. And a state that enacts violence...
I don't know, someday will receive it back. The solution for us as people is to act as more of a community. To hold hands. and stop this locking yourself in home out of shame.
Being afraid to talk. Being afraid to name the problem. In the Social Ministry's portal I was looking for concise data on abducted children in Lithuania - which I didn't find. For that we'll have to wait until this year ends.
Nothing is as clear as we'd like it to be. I'd just like to encourage us to not be mistaken, by the hidden danger under nice sounding words, under children's rights, under our human's rights. Today, under our personal dignity, the state's protection, and all good things, and the state's wellbeing. Because we must remain independent, free people who think with our own heads.
And we must demonstrate how to do so to our kids. To not lose contact with grandparents. And a family isn't just "Me" A family is our past, our present and our tomorrow. Let's demand responsibility from those who make the decisions. And... I want to say, that facts can deceive you.
But if you know the tendency - you'll always know the right path to follow. Thank you Don't forget to subscribe and become our regular guests. Until next time. Lithuania's Constitution: Article 38: The family is a foundation for society and the state. The state protects and cares for the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood. Article 39: The state cares for families who grow and educate children at home.