Tehnologii care vor putea ajuta omenirea sa atinga nemurirea pana in anul 2050

Tehnologii care vor putea ajuta omenirea sa atinga nemurirea pana in anul 2050

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Hello to everyone ! Today I will tell you 10 technologies that can help people achieve immortality by 2050 The love of life and the fear of death are two main reasons that fuel humanity's desire for immortality. From time immemorial, countless generations have sought to understand the secret of long life and, as a result, immortality. Ancient alchemists were obsessed with finding the elixir of life.In the sixteenth century, the Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon traveled to Florida to find the fountain of youth there. Fast forward to the present, extraordinary advances in science and technology have allowed scientists to understand the essence of biological life at the cellular and genetic level.

As a result, life expectancy has steadily increased, indicating that scientific interventions have the potential to significantly prolong human life. As science continues to reveal the mysteries of human life, an important question arises: can we get to the point where we can use our understanding of science to prolong life forever? "Millions of people alive today will not see death if they choose," said James Strohl, director of the Coalition for the Expansion of Radical Life. Such a statement may sound too ambitious, but more than ever we are getting advanced results from ongoing research projects to prolong life. If everything continues to develop along the same path, then, according to forecasts, the next thirty years until 2050 will be the limit at which we will achieve immortality. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Here are some directions that are emerging now that can provide the key to ensuring our endless existence on Earth : The first method would be by using technology, by 3D printing of new organs We can imagine the benefits of being able to completely replace the liver, lungs or other vital organs.

Instead of taking long-term medication, we will simply be able to go to the nearest clinic, where doctors will be able to make and print 3D precise organs using cells from the patient's body. The organ replacement will be performed using a robotic surgery, and in a few days the person will be like new, without fear of transplant rejection or organ failure. This process can always be repeated so that any vital organ keeps it young, healthy and functional at all times. This is the reality that regenerative medicine promises to provide along with 3D printing of biological organs. Regenerative medicine uses stem cells to develop new organs. Stem cells are primitive cells that can give rise to any type of cell in the body. They are found in embryonic cells, but as they grow, the cells of most organs differentiate and lose their ability to regenerate. In this case, mature stem cells are found in the blood, intestines, skin.

Using stem cells and associated biological signals, scientists can grow new organs from scratch. 3D printing is required here to ensure that the exact ultrastructural configuration of the organ in question is reproduced. Bioprinted organs made from human cells are not rejected by the body. Them are not considered foreign, so the body does not provoke an immune response against them. Researchers in Israel recently 3D printed a full-fledged human heart from a patient's cells, giving hope that the technology could be used to replace diseased organs in the future. 3D printing biomaterials will also make organ donation unnecessary. The second method through technology is to reverse aging In the field of longevity medicine, significant progress has been made in recent decades. One of the most important findings is that epigenetic factors play an important role in how quickly people age. Epigenetic factors are things outside the sequence of our DNA that affect gene expression. These include our diet, environment, lifestyle and even our thoughts.

People used to think that it was almost impossible to control the aging process - aging was considered purely genetic. This view has been refuted by numerous studies. Harvard geneticist Dr. David Sinclair, one of the most successful researchers in longevity, has shown promising results in his initial clinical trials. Its activity is based on the anti-aging benefits of calorie restriction. Decades of research have shown that calorie restriction increases lifespan by technically reversing biological age. In doing so, Dr. Sinclair showed that the NAD molecule can mimic the effects of caloric restriction without the need for fasting, thus prolonging human life. Biological age is the age of a certain person's body. It differs from the chronological age, which is the number of years he lived. A person can be 70 years old, but his body is 60 years old and vice versa.

Today you can use the InnerAge 2.0 app to measure your biological age. In 2019, Dr. Sinclair published his book Longevity: Why We Grow Old and Why We Shouldn't Do It, which became a New York Times bestseller. The third method is life in the bodies of androids The concept of such a method has been widely popularized by futurists: it is assumed that humans do not need a body to exist. The plan is to design a brain-computer interface to withstand the limitations of the physical body. This will prolong a person's life for hundreds of years, if not indefinitely. This direction seems the most promising, according to forecasts, will be implemented by 2040. Elon Musk's tireless efforts to develop the brain-computer interface through his Neuralink project have shown significant progress.

Russian tycoon Dmitry Iskov also invests heavily in similar businesses. In 2011, it launched the 2045 Initiative, a human body replacement enterprise with robotic avatars, each equipped with human brain content, including consciousness. The famous futurist Dr. Ian Pearson expressed his vision on this issue: "One day your body dies and with it your brain stops, but this is not a problem, because 99% of your mind is still in order, working successfully in cloud IT. Assuming you have accumulated enough and prepared well, you connect to Android to use it as a body, from now on, attend the funeral and then continue to act as before, however, only with a younger, much improved body. ". As overwhelming as it may seem, it's a fact that we're a click away from integrating our brains with cars thanks to projects like Neuralink. The fourth technological method is existence in the cloud What is life in the bodies of androids? People will be able to upload their identities to the cloud while continuing to live in a computer simulation This type of existence means that a person will have everything he wants, because every sensation will be perceived by the mental imagination.

When the need arises to return to the real world, you can upload your personality from the cloud to the robot's body, use it for a while, and then upload it back to the cloud. The fifth method is nanotechnology Here, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology are combined to solve some of the most challenging problems our body faces - infectious and age-related diseases. Nanotechnology uses very small particles, which are designed to perform a specific and controlled function. The small nanorobots will move around the body like immune cells, looking for and repairing any disorders in the body's physiology. Research is already underway to eradicate cancer, Alzheimer's, obesity and diabetes. But the future of nanotechnology will be associated with more ambitious goals:

"The full implementation of nanobots will eliminate biological diseases and aging. I think in 20 years we will see the widespread use of devices [nanotechnology] that meet certain functions for us. In 30-40 years, we will overcome disease and aging. Nanorobots will look for organs and cells that need repair and will simply repair them. This will lead to a significant increase in our health and longevity. ”- Futurist Ray Kurzwei "We are living through the most interesting period in history," Kurzweil said in an interview with Britain's The Sun. "Computer technology and our understanding of genes - our body's software - are accelerating at breakneck speed.

Kurzweil and many other scientists believe that we will soon have the means to reprogram our body's ancient software, stop aging, and turn the clock back. Nanotechnology will allow us to live forever ", says the futurist Kurzweil. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are already using nanobots to deliver killer genes that destroy late-stage cancer cells. The sixth method is gene therapy The genome is the instruction manual for all biological processes. Everything that happens in our body is controlled by the expression of genes. Telomeres are at the heart of gene longevity therapy. Telomeres repeat nucleotide sequences at the end of a chromosome that protects it from destruction or fusion with neighboring chromosomes. The telomeres gradually shorten at each subsequent cell division. We lose about 50-400 base pairs with each cell division. To protect the cells from complete telomere loss, cell division stops at a certain point to preserve the cell's genetic information. The cells enter the aging stage. Their accumulation is a sign of age-related degenerative diseases and chronic diseases. In short, the shorter the telomeres, the older the human body.

An enzyme that prolongs telomeres, called telomerase, was discovered in the late 1980s. Telomerase can add DNA back to telomeres and has been called the "immortality enzyme". The bad news is that telomerase is only active in embryonic cells and adult stem cells. The challenge is to identify a therapy that specifically induces telomerase activity in adult somatic cells. This is because no one has ever mapped the structure of the enzyme before. In 2018, scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, were able to gain a clear understanding of the telomerase enzyme using cryoelectron microscopy. This marked a significant leap forward in this matter, which took more than 30 years to achieve.

As a result, scientists have approached the development of specific treatments for this enzyme. This could mean that we will soon be saying goodbye to some of the biggest causes of death; diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. The seventh method is regenerative blood transfusion This is by far the strangest and most controversial intervention. By filling with plasma from young people, the elderly can reverse aging! The idea is that something inside a healthy young person can help an older person become healthier. This idea was tested using a horrific procedure called parabiosis in the 1950s.

The parabiosis experiment involved stitching the tissues of two mice to determine if one animal's circulatory system was affecting the other. Specifically, the main objective was to determine whether an older animal could live longer as a result of using younger blood. Since then, researchers have tried to understand the feasibility of this experiment. Numerous studies have shown that young blood can reverse age-related disorders, but this remains to be determined. Younger blood has been shown to contain high levels of GDF-11, an anti-aging protein. As people age, people gradually lose this protein. A startup called Ambrosia currently offers expensive infusions with the coveted young plasma. However, government health agencies have intervened to warn people against the practice, citing claims that the long-term benefits of the procedure have not yet been proven.

The eighth method is cryonic technology Cryonic technology has been around for some time. This involves freezing people who use low temperatures, so that a person who is not helped by today's medicines can be saved for decades or centuries until future medical technology will bring them back to full health. First, the body is placed in a bath with ice water. Ice-resistant chemicals are pumped instead of water. Then, in the next stage, when the body is cooled with liquid nitrogen, it solidifies without forming cells that affect the ice. Cryonic technology is fueled by the belief that medicine will advance in the next decade and that people who have been cryogenically frozen will come back to life and their health problems will be cured. At the stage when the available scientific interventions will allow a person to live forever. Cryonics is a wild experiment in the most literal sense of the word. But companies like Alcor and The Cryonics Institute already offer cryonics services.

Dr. James Bedford was the first person to be frozen in the late 1960s. Since then, more than 300 people have been stored cryogenically awaiting resuscitation. Another 3,000 people around the world are currently on the waiting list for "discouragement" when the time comes. The ninth method is by using pills for longevit The first pills that activate anti-aging enzymes have already reached the consumer markets. It is estimated that in the coming years, these pills will be able to prolong human life by 50% or more. An example of such tablets is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Elysium. The Elysium magic pill is based on the NAD + supplement, a molecule that has been shown to slow down aging.

Here is the tenth method using technology - Cloning organs Cloning is an alternative to organ printing. It can be used to develop new parts of the body. Cloning is not a new technology. In the past, scientists have cloned ears, bones and skin. The aim is to improve the cloning of more complex organs that will be used indefinitely as a procedure for extending life. Of course, the interventions mentioned are not a panacea. People will continue to die because of wars, accidents and natural disasters. However, the extension of life will also cause population growth, which will put pressure on natural resources and the climate.

In addition to simply extending life, there is much more to be done to create a supportive environment to sustain our existence. Fortunately, space exploration and the race to create human civilization on other planets are now underway to prevent us from depleting Earth's resources. Until these things happen, there may be some comfort in the fact that there are already proven ways to avoid meeting the main killers of the Western world - cardiovascular disease and cancer: through a combination of exercise, a healthy diet and moderation in alcohol and red meat consumption. The paradox is that very few of us manage to follow these recipes - maybe because we feel that they deserve even a shorter life, but full of hearty food and wine. Hence a dilemma: if eternal life were truly achievable, would we be willing to pay the price?

2021-01-06 18:30

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