Hello, everyone. Give me a thumbs up if you can hear me. I want to welcome you to another session of our tech nomadic virtual user group. Awesome. My name is Taryn Blake.
I am the community engagement program manager for our DSW Community and we are here today with a session on free driving HGV Basics for plant simulation. As most of you know, our speaker for this series is usually and is today Mr. Stefan Gonzo, who is a freelance simulation expert.
He has been in this field for quite some time and done hundreds of projects and training sessions for us. This is the 20th training session for Siemens plant simulation and techno medics, and so we're very grateful to have another session today. Stefan has five books published on Plant Simulation, and I know he is currently working on a sixth book, so we appreciate his contributions to our Siemens PLM community. Today, the four big steps or sorry, three big steps for the year, meeting our ag pool and markers, creating requests and MGB controls. So as many of you know, we always present Stefan always presents completely live. So you can follow along if you have your software open and you'll get to watch him troubleshoot as he moves along.
And then, of course, we will also live have our Q&A afterwards. If you have notice there is a hand raised button. It should be in the top middle menu, right, right next to the reactions. So you can use that when we get to the Q&A. So if you raise your hand, we'll take you off mute.
You can ask your question more easily, but of course, you can also use the chat to ask questions at the end. So take notes. You can put the question then, you know, as we go along and we'll get to all of them when the presentation, the tutorial is finished. So that is my last statement. And Stephan, you can take the screen. Hello again.
Okay. Today we will we will deal with the basics of everyday driving H-E-B. H-E-B is there will be other webinars with the topic of H-E-B said. And so it's just a starting point. We had already one for track based H-E-B. You can have a look and there are recordings they are should there should find the recording of this it of this webinar.
Okay we start with a very simple model here. We need one source. The source produces parts.
I want to have one station and I want to connect the station with the train. So we produce epic jam here and we need for the free driving of H-E-B. We need some stuff from the resources for the idea that you can find the H-E-B pull itself and we cannot drive a completely free under surface here. We need an element with a name marker and I want to have three different markers which she had let me get well and I want to have the names of the marker for you here. So I make the names visible. Okay.
I want to have four markers that tree markers, one marker, one and one to have a second marker in the machine, marker to and one marker tree and disposition. They you should have a very simple task. You should come out of, out of the H-E-B pool goes to marker one though it's one part from the source goes to a marker to unloads the part here to the station and then of via marker tree back to H-E-B you pull for this I need a control so I need a method I named H-E-B control and I want to have an in it method to call this method for the first time.
So I take a second method, we name it two in it and here we start goes this quite easy. You may have other stuff here and into the end it better. So I call this the H-E-B control point execute the call chain. So that this method is calling with its own call chain and doesn't hold here the in it method.
And so we can program one loop for the HIV here and this H-E-B control at the end of the HIV control, we call it HIV control itself so that we have a closed loop. First I want to have Bobby up off of I object and this HIV here I have only one H-E-B eyes and so I can take and use here transport. If if I only create one then this would be a de transporter one. There are some other ways to call the HIV. We had the HIV pool, for instance, but for this very simple example, I can do this in this way.
And the first step is to source the most important command for the HIV for the free driving HIV app. This statute, HIV point set. I need to set here an array of markers that HIV itself only can can be located on objects of type marker tracks and the HIV pool itself. And so I'm quite restricted. I cannot drive, for instance, into a buffer. In our case, he has to go to marker one and then I need to wait until this HIV has reached its destination.
And of course, this HIV has. So an attribute destination was reached and this attributable to be become true if the HIV has reached its destination, and then maybe I wait 5 seconds and then I load part from the source. Okay. Now not so many commands that you need to remember here. I could test this.
It becomes and loads one part and then my program stops here. Now it's the market itself has to one option use rotational marker, activate this for this marker and then you can turn this marker down, shift, control or shift, and then you can turn this marker with the direction keys on your keyboard. And if I try it again, then the orientation of the marker of this HIV and in front of the source with chain and the same you can make here on the for the mockup near the station open this marker and then activate your sortation of marker for this Margaret's okay. And here I don't need it. Okay, first step.
Next, I need to go to a marker tool and so I can copy this line here or to Margaret two. And then I need again to wait until the destination was reached again. I wait some seconds left on loading time and then I move the part from the HIV to a station. And finally I go back to HIV Point. And again it's said route. And here the route consists on of two elements marker three and HIV, polio.
And then I wait until the movement movement is finished and I start again, apply the changes, and then I can test this here below the parts go to market to unload the pot and we have markets ready for the HIV approval. And then I recall all this stuff and the next cycle starts. Some common questions here.
Do the HIV avoid collisions we can test this year? I place a station here and start no HIV. It doesn't identify any objects on his words and so you need to set the markers in a way that the HIV doesn't collide with any station or equipment of all, or what you have to consider here drawing the rooting of the HIV. Now we can also, as a route you can set objects, but if the newest version, you can also set a positions here, have a look and edit how to do this.
And this is the first example I want to show you us special problems you have. If you have several HIV aids, then you need some control. Okay, who is getting the job here? And you need to create a like a fleet management system. But this would be another webinar in February. Okay.
Starting I guess with version 23 is your tour of you can connect mochas with connectors and then you can use the route finding functions of ben simulation to let a a blend simulation find the shortest route towards the destination. And for you and for this, I want to make another model here. And so I create a new what if I am I close this and we make another example. In this example, I want to distribute to three different parts to three different machines by an HIV.
And so first I want to have three different parts. I duplicate parts and rename it to a I make a second one duplicate the well I open here to three D properties and in appearance you can change to color. Just activate the material here and select a color.
And I need a second part but c and the same change the color of this part added 3D properties that the prior periods activate the material and then select the color for this. Okay. And one source should create this three parts in a sequence. And so I need the data table here to hold information for the sequence, track the table until the source and it becomes here and you select from sequence cyclic and the table will be inserted as table. Then some position will form at this table now and then track the three parts into this table part while A, B and C. And I want to set in the sequence one part B, one part B and two part C, okay, I want to have three stations.
First I set here three D properties. The captions active here so I can see the names of the stations. This would be a station one, station two and station three and four shooting. I want to have a net of markers and so like call here resources markers marker and again added to D properties top captions and activate label.
Okay it's already starting with M one. This is easier on the planning if you're M to entry M four and five and the M6 and then connect the marker in both directions in this direction, this direction back into the HB pull inside here and connected with M and one and then we need a train, one train for all three stations. If each we can drive here between m two and five you have to connect it. There's also and both directions. So a blend simulation can use this to find the shortest way. If this is not possible because maybe here are located some stations and machines and you cannot drive here in this area.
Then you can just connect this markers. Okay, now I want to distribute a part A to a station, one part B to a station two and part C to a station three. And so I need again HCB control again this variable as simple example, only with one HIV that supports all parts of the machines.
So we don't need to program the three control and don't need to decide what HIV I want to use here. And so the same constellation I create one method for the HIV control and I want to have one in it. Method to call this method for the first time. It's the same like in the previous exam, the HIV control executed new call chain. You can have a look into transport via water tap routine and by default automatic routine is is activated and to use automatic rerouting here in plan simulation for transporters, we have to set the destination.
We don't set a route. We set the destination and then a blend simulation. We look for the shortest pass and then we have to wait until this HIV has reached its destination. And this is the same event like the free moving HIV without route finding here its destination was reached and so it's the slightly different how to program this here. You cannot say the route. Yeah you have to use the destination attribute of this transporter.
And so we start with the HIV control. I make the same here. I can show you a I guess very interesting failure HIV. I take the transporter here. And the first instance, this transporter one and then I want to try to source and just I start with destination and one.
You don't need to stop start the HIV. If you set the destination, then then some relation with stop the HIV and drive toward this destination here and then you need to wait under this destination was reached. Okay, I stop here and want to try it.
So let's start this. It's we're coming here and the stopping without any additional command. You don't need to stop it. It's, it stops by themself and yeah.
It loses the setting for the destination because here this is active and it's better to keep it in this way. The destination will be deleted if it reaches here. This markup. Okay, let's continue then. I wait a little bit for the loading time off of the HIV and load one part from source and then I need to select a destination. Depend on the name of the part on the HIV and I can use a switch command to do this.
I want to switch depend on the name of the part HIV second point name and I have three different cases case a HIV point destination this sex? I hope so, yes. A second case as case B and then it's M five and case C is destination M for. And again, we need to wait until the HIV has reached its destination and then we need to load the parts to the stations. We don't have a connection between the MOCA and the Station C And so we need to look where we are locating on M six, for instance, and then we know we need to load on station one. And so I can again use as which command to you which HIV location, point name.
Now the HIV is real located on the on the markers if you move it here with destination and so I can select my cases if we are located on M6 then HIV point and point move, then I move to the part to a station one and now I can copy and paste. If you are on M five, then the port goes to a station to and in case of M for the port goes to station three and it and then I kind of restart with execute new culture and I restart this method and this method will be finished after this. Okay, let's check it out. The idea is going to a station one might be to a station two and then two times C to a stationary. Okay. If it want to have another behavior that the HIV is turning on, this corner points here without moving forward, then you can set the default and spot a waiting the default course radius to zero and then the HIV will behave a little bit in Ottawa.
Now it turns with two sets which to set speed. Okay, so we have two slightly different kinds of approaches for control. HIV is free moving. HIV is the first one is if set route, you can set the route consists of a couple more cross tracks like segments to reach the destination.
And the second one is if you connect all the markers in the right way, you can just set the destination of the transporter and the lesson and plans in relation to the plan, a route by themself to the destination and look for the shortest pass. And I want to show you a very interesting failure here. I have two models here and I start the first model. Okay, stop it and close it.
And then I start this model and I get it. I got an error here. HIV destination and one and most transporter one cannot reach its target position.
And I don't have here. There's no HIV in this in this frame. The problem is I switch on the graphics.
So content came in this way I can show the HIV aids here. If you have on another model here and HIV, then this HIV is transported data point one. This is the first instance. And if you start another model and then this becomes transporter two on HIV Point and this, this HIV here it's another it's in another frame. And so you get a strange message because in the other frame, the transporter is not connected to are not connected. And so you cannot reach and one because no and one is here in model one and in the model we don't have one here.
And so you get the error message from this HIV in this frame, in the auto frame, and this causes a lot of trouble if you make two access like this one here, transporter one, maybe this is transport at all. And so it's better to access to HIV in another way, not directly with the instance number. You can use the HIV pool for this, and there are a few different ways that get get is HIV.
You can access, for instance, the first HIV in the HIV list, the deaths get assigned HIV a list here and your method get either HIV. And then this way I can avoid this problems if I have several models and there's the HIV AIDS and the other models then with we will not access this HIV from another frame. And so it's not a good way to access the abuse if the AIDS. Okay, I think there are coming more changes and more enhancements in the future versions of in relation we will do several topics here and the webinars next year. For instance, how to manage several HIV aids, how to manage conditions between how to deal with collisions between several HIV years and some topics with how to connect. HIV is, for instance, to robots.
How to connect HIV is to toolbox. These are a several topics we were and the here and other webinars are. There are questions. So there is one already in the chat. And so what is given in a plus one and they're asking if there's more than one HIV, is there a way to claim a route so that they don't collide? Only if you program this the HIV.
If we're not, yeah. Recognize each other on the way. That's a way to create some controls here as a distance controller and you can define several zones. And if there's another HIV comes into a distance, then you're then the distance control is called and then you can create some actions.
But if you have several fixed routes and you want to have only one HIV Underwood's, then you need to block the routes before your programing. And so it's not automatically until now maybe a delta changes in the future. And the next question with asking can the HGV methods used in plant simulation be exported to I guess we'd pronounce it C move. Right.
So this is another piece of software that Siemens has. I don't know if you're familiar with that. Yeah, but but you need to check the distance and syntax which we have just to not directly. And now a plant's a SIM tag. It's really a a special language only for plant simulation and so you cannot exchange the programs between different segments of both segments. Programs, yes.
But there is another question in the chat. So is it okay to change route or destination while the HGV is somewhere on the route? So it's it hasn't reached the destination yet. Is that okay? Yeah, not yet. Maybe in the future. So you don't have but you were in the meantime now the plans in relation to foresee your for there are methods here you can set arrival methods methods arrival controls in the marker and this arriving metal a control may be also called if you hit this Marco Underwood and so you can stop the to to the HIV here and create a new yeah a new destination but not in between. Now, somewhere in between to make us there's no way to stop it.
Maybe if a time just distance. But as I said, there are a lot of changes on the way and maybe are this this behavior will change in the future. Okay. So along those same lines, a question came in. If there are shared routes and shared zones between HGV is or trucks, how can we use the marker in connectors such that they don't collide? So definitely seeing a theme here.
Yes. Okay. It depends on your controls. You have you may use.
Yeah. Several a like a sub route to a traffic light and then check on this marker. If the traffic light is right or not.
But then the attribute is stop here. And so you need some stopping points. Video can call the Arriva control and then check okay the next the traffic light this right and so I need to stop to the but you need to come actively to the zones and you are yeah.
Blocked zones but here I want really it to look. How is it done in reality. Do we have some, some technical stuff where you can see, okay, what's on the way only HGV is can collide with each other but it's I guess much too late if you're let's do it. Should we come together quite close.
That's the distance control is be called and so I guess you need an overall control for this to block Sevilla Marcos maybe. And then you check on a marco if the next mark is blocked and then you need to stop and wait and the next marker is not blocked anymore. But it's really it's your duty to program this until now. That's a good answer. While people are thinking about maybe there are next question.
Excuse me, next, we do have about 10 minutes left. I want to share a slide with the audience just to give you the link to the forums where the recording for this and our previous sessions are where they exist. So you should see now on your screen the link to it's a screenshot of the forums, what they look like and there's a hyperlink that you can click on right now.
If you've never been there, it will take you to the page in the image. So on that page that is where we post the recordings for this session. It will be there by Friday and it's also a place where we post Stephan will post the model that he worked on today.
You can ask additional questions any time so you can go there in the forums and at mentioned Stephan, we have some other experts from Siemens and other super users like Stephan who can answer your questions specifically about any of the sessions that we've had for plant simulation with techno madix. So definitely wanted to make that available to you and you should see the animation. It's showing you that we recommend you follow the topic and that after you click the follow button that you click to subscribe to every post for email notifications. So that way that you'll get an email as soon as we put the registration link for the next session and as soon as we post a video recording that you'll receive an email. Okay.
So looks like we do have another question before we go. This person is asking, can we drive on ramps and different decks? So for example, yes. Yes they can. And simulation has a HGV lift.
Now I just tried to. It changed his set time set coordinate of the after marker and the HP vid followed the height of the marker. And so you can. See something you can show and the software. But one moment. Yes.
So think tomorrow and then I take the marker here at the 20 properties I changed this set to position to three came and then. Yeah such would go to one. It's the same problem like this here. I need to.
Yeah. And now it's Triforce. You just need to change the height of the marker. Just change here to your properties, the asset position of the mark currently and then the be of a drive like on the ramp here to the higher position looks good. Now there are some folks in the comments you're asking about practice. So someone said for offline practice, is there an online platform that you practice on? Oh, yes, you can practice in our forum.
There are so many questions and you can read so many for a forum articles and download the test license of plan simulation, and then you can try all the exam bits from the tutorial, for instance, for a starting point. And that's a step by step and plan simulation and I have a book called Plan Simulation and in this box are almost 300 examples. You can, you can test and you can try. Everything that you need. Yes, definitely. Except but more than some plan simulation page, we're using collision control and traffic lights.
There will be a webinar. Have a look. India forum. India in our plan simulation forum, our knowledge articles here and have a look there somewhere. There's a collision control simulation base collision detection.
Yeah. So yeah I would Steffan showing on the screen right now, you can definitely go there and ask questions. He makes himself available as well. You can at mention him so you can see his profile there on the screen, step in bunk. So by using his name, so definitely go to that page, check them out, x plant simulation and then we are I think yeah if you click techno medics and the very specific area that Stefan's always in is the plant simulation virtual user group. So we have almost 100 followers if to where people go there right now and follow will be at 100.
So thank you so much Stephan for this lesson. Seems like it was answering a lot of questions from people. We appreciate everyone coming on live today. And as I mentioned, you can find the recording using the links that we've given you in the chat and shown on the screen. So it will be there on Friday. Thank you.
Yeah, that's good bye, everyone. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Until next year. Yeah. Bye bye.
2025-01-12 09:11