Technology On Its Way Down Carl Swenlin & Erin Swenlin DecisionPoint Trading Room 07 10 23

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foreign good morning and welcome to the decision Point  trading room my name is Erin swendlin and I am   here with my father Carl swindlin it is July  10th and we have lots to say I do want to let   you know that the Q a box is how you are  going to talk to us you can send in your   simple requests and questions that way and we'll  be able to answer them the chat room is for you   and I do believe my moderator is in-house  currently he will welcome you to the chat   room and you guys can get the conversation  going in there amongst yourselves all right   without much further Ado dad I'm going to pass  it to you and let's see what's on your mind and   what's going on with the market okay I think  a good place to start is technology sector um what we have here is a double  top in the technology sector   you know it's the second top is  not fully executed but we have a   top beneath the top and we need to press  to drop below that fully start a new um a downtrend at least in the  short-term interior term   the Silver Cross index is overbought and trying  to top and if we keep the negative pressure   that we've got so far this this morning uh we  should see that drop down Golden Cross index   basically it's almost to the level it was  at the all-time high so um I I think we're um okay there but I think we should  be looking for a top in the technology   sector and therefore a top in the market  let me move something out of the way here okay now here's one of the reasons I feel  like technology will be topping because   you know Apple I think you know you can see  it had a very steady advance and then at the   end when it got everybody was rooting for it  to get the 3 trillion which it did it kind   of went vertical now it's backing off broke  down through that short term parabolic there   and I don't have a downside Target but  I think it's going to take a breather   let's take I've renamed this group it used to be  called fang now I've renamed it to Magnificent   Seven not original I heard it on the business  Channel last week so but I think it's appropriate here's Amazon it is also topping Google has tops over a month ago  and uh it's on the downside today beta is it's still advancing and getting a little  steeper but still not so much that I fast to top   but it's uh it's vulnerable with the rest of the  tech I think Microsoft another top information and shoulders you see we've got this uh  large cup formation and I think what we   might be seeing is uh forming the handle for  that cup going down in this area at least Netflix had a parabolic up move  and uh moved sideways through it   it has a broken novel we do have  a double top there in a short term Nvidia this is what started that last rally that  kind of blew our bearish picture or Outlook out of   the water uh you know I remember remember that  for months we were hearing how AI is basically   going to be the Incarnation of the Terminator sky  that from the movies and uh nothing but negative   about it negative negatives and then suddenly AI  is saving the world and um Nvidia blast upward and   uh basically we still have an island potential  Island versus sitting here right now the the uh   the bullish outlook on AI is not wrong per se I  just think it's it's a bit of smoke and mirrors   at this point nobody knows exactly how this is  going to pan out so there's not any concrete   a reason for this to happen but  again it's uh an emotional Market   always and uh and that's what we have right here and then Tesla this is the Magnificent Seven plus  one right this point Tesla being the plus one   um Gap up and it's moving down to fill  that Gap short term notice that the   pmo has got a top a lower top against the  higher price top so that's a negative Divergence let's see okay yeah I wanted to take a look  at um the earnings for first quarter of 2023   was finalized and we we can see  that after three months of declining   earnings they popped up uh for  the first quarter this is where   it's projected to be by the first  quarter of 20 20 I'm sorry uh 2024. okay back to hey we didn't just get a quick uh question I  noticed so what are the Magnificent Seven okay   um let's see I guess you can see there's the list Apple Amazon Google  Beta Microsoft Netflix and Nvidia   that's that's what I'm carrying  is the Magnificent Seven okay the let's get to the market the current market  got a short term double top in this and spy   um basically I think we're gonna be   treading water until uh about two weeks from  now when the Fed uh has their next meeting   um certainly um we are again due for a pullback  bias assessment basically we've gotta still got a   strong negative Divergence we have this higher  price High and the Silver Cross index is at   a lower top um Golden Cross hasn't top yet and  that takes a little longer but right now for the   for the Silver Cross our potential is to  go to 65 it's already 67 so there's really   not any potential upside right now for a the  Silver Cross index and the Golden Cross index 200 dma is about 63 and okay so there's  a potential upside of about nine points   for the Golden Cross index not saying  that's where it's going but there's the   potential out there at least for  that okay I want to look at the are two primary long-term and short-term indicators  the S start terminal trading oscillator   is short-term uh here's for breadth and  then for volume it topped out last week   our intermediate term indicators itbm intermediate  term breadth momentum nit volume momentum   I notice there's a negative Divergence on the  volume both of those have topped out and uh   I'd say they are simpatica right now so  short term setting down intermediate terms   heading down with a potential for  down around this area here possibly   okay the U.S dollar is basically in a downtrend  we've got currently sideways most movement this   is a one-year chart and uh this is a rising wedge  very gradual no-tilling when it might break down   uh gold is also in a downtrend from this all-time  high here and uh they have the rounded top which   forecasts lower prices now this may be as low  as it goes I don't know right now we've got a a   shorter term rounded bottom here saucer formation  and uh um that may be the end of the decline but   we shall see Commodities are not doing well  and uh Uso is another one it's stuck in this   area I something's got to happen to break these  things uh right now it's just drifting sideways bonds they're drifting sideways and uh but let's  here's a Aron and I were talking about this this   weekend um bonds are have broken a 40-year rising  trend line and they're headed lower maybe not as   it might not talk faith 40 years to get back down  to this level because down is usually faster but   anyway you've got the yield a breakout which  implies higher yields and lower uh bond prices   yields right now we've got this one year  chart showing from the one month to the 30   year and it's inverted the the highest yields  right now the highest right now is is the   three months bill and the one year note   energy is coming back right now we've got  let's just update that chart yes the the 50 um is still above the 20. so we're looking for an  upside crossover of the 50 and the 200. obviously   look that is yeah that's what immediately we're  looking for a crossover of the 50 above the 200   and shortly after that we would get uh 20  over the 50. this is uh a sideways pattern  

and it's hard to make any strong conclusions  when you've got this this kind of threading okay we've covered that and now and that is  there anything else I should uh let's see Bitcoin   um the 10-year yield Bitcoin let's do that Bitcoin yeah that's another thing  let's go to the longer term chart   I was expecting this bounce to pretty much end  about this level but we've got Larry Fink from   BlackRock talking about a new ETF for Bitcoin or  for uh cryptos and so there's there's smoke and   mirrors interest in the you know in the  cryptos again so that might we might be   seeing this uh Rising Trend continue but it has  been stalled right at this level it's this far   and the other thing you mentioned oh the 10-year  treasure yield it's a rising Trend off of this   low and uh has hit resistance bounced three times  three days in a row trying to get above this level   but it's in a rising trend yeah the pmo still  looks pretty healthy yes any other questions I   don't see any yeah questions um you know I guess  Warren Buffett says to buy and hold the Spy   I he and I don't think along the same levels not  that he's wrong obviously he's right a lot so but   I'm just saying I I uh I'm looking for a pullback  on spy so that's that's my uh right on that there   yeah whether it turns into a correction or not  we'll have to see but certainly we're vulnerable   now to that correction when especially when I  look at our Silver Cross and Golden Cross indexes   right absolutely all right let me go ahead and  share my screen we're going to go ahead and take   a walk we've looked at some of the sectors  already so I'll try not to get too involved   in the ones we've talked about but I did want to  give us a good review of what's going on currently   within the sectors and you know the the main  thing that I would say is a lot of these pmos   are decelerating and that is not a good sign for  the market and we have to be really careful with   that as far as where there looks like there is  strength energy you know of course as soon as I   got really bearish on energy energy did decide  it wants to turn back up which is what we were   looking at on the energy chart before and I will  go into that energy chart just a little bit more   because right now I'm looking at this and I see a  flat top and Rising bottoms and that is a bullish   ascending triangle so so there is a chance here  for a break out there and something we might want   to look more closely at I'm also noticing with  Industrials having a really good day today that   pmo which had started to turn over it does  look like it's getting ready to bottom above   that signal line so Industrials are starting to  look pretty interesting Healthcare and utilities   technology right now those are starting to look  really weak particularly Healthcare which is   dropped below that 200-day EMA and now has a new  crossover cell signal on the pmo big problem there   technology as you said you can see a double top  is building here and the pmo has already been   in Decline now I think the good news is that the  pmo has been declining for quite a while and we   haven't seen a huge breakdown in price yet so that  does give us a little bit to hang on to as far as   technology let's go ahead and dive in please  yes on that technology yes that's a short-term   double top one not sure but uh the uh the one  I should pointed out is like a year and a half   double time and that's that's major if it breaks  down absolutely it is all right let's go ahead and   look at some of these sectors in more detail here  before we get into symbol requests but right now   you can see that um you know com service is still  clicking and when we looked at that meta chart   you could certainly see the rising trend is still  intact meta is pretty much the com Services sector   so looking at this chart and looking at Microsoft  should be very similar as far as participation   goes under the surface certainly we got a bit of  a pullback out of overbought conditions which is   very good news and you can see on Friday we did  get a pause in that decline on those participation   readings but stochastic's falling right now I  still think that with this top beneath the signal   line we really are vulnerable to a decline and  a drop below that Rising trend for com services   consumer discretionary again still in a rising  Trend but look at this we now have a new pmo   cell signal coming in and participation also  paired back on consumer discretionary it's   still a healthy numbers still above 50 percent  but certainly cracks in the foundation here   notice also that stochastics are falling it's  certainly been a an area of relative strength   compared to the Spy as you can see the rising  Trend but right now we have to be careful again   in consumer discretionary really it seems we  need to be careful across the board Consumer   Staples not really breaking down still holding  a short term and an intermediate term Rising   Trend but we do have a pmo that's topped  almost below the zero line showing some   weakness here in momentum and you can see  that the participation numbers well below 50   percent so we need to see some action in this  sector to start getting that participation up   but really what this looks like is a sector in  Decline stochastics are in agreement with that XLE we did look at XLE um I was really feeling  quite bearish about XLE and it was all I was   literally the very next day that participation  bottomed and we got it shooting back up crude oil   has been going up and that's certainly helping but  it's also crude oil is against overhead resistance   and so is energy here you can see but we do  have the flat top Rising bottom so really the   expectation here should be a breakout for energy  and certainly we have readings that could support   a breakout here stochastics turning up in positive  territory so energy actually looking like an   interesting place to be we got very bearish on it  and like I said it's it's was incredible the very   next day it was a huge rally in participation just  shot right up through the ceiling financials is   where I'd like to be because that's where we have  a lot of beat down stocks stocks that were really   taken down with the whole Bank problem and they  weren't Banks so there are certainly financials   out there that are going to be good to look at  I like this bounce off of the short-term support   line and the pmo is starting to accelerate so  financials looking kind of interesting right now   above 50 percent on the participation readings  of stocks above their 20 and 50-day EMAs just   now got a 50 reading on the percent of stocks  above their 200-day EMA so really a nice setup   here for financials also notice that relative  strength picking up so Financial is looking like   a very interesting area of the market right now  don't need to spend a lot of time on Health Care   certainly in Decline pmo sell signal loss support  at the 200-day EMA stochastics falling certainly   not the area to be looking in just yet Industrials  like I said looking very healthy another area of   the market financials and Industrials you're  seeing that bottom above the signal line for   the pmo and very strong participation readings  the only issue I can see here is that you know we   do have a very overbought Silver Cross index and  really there's nowhere for it to go but down very   soon so particularly if we get these participation  readings right now we have fewer above their   20-day EMA and that could certainly make us lose a  few of these silver crosses that we have currently   but still Industrials and financials I would say  looking the best materials uh you know really kind   of wishy-washy here and the pmo is showing that  it's on its way down to a crossover cell signal   and participation did tick up on Friday so that's  not too bad and stochastics do look like they're   decelerating here but I would say financials  and Industrials look more healthy than the   material sector right now and real estate this  was an area that I was really liking on Friday   but we are seeing a little bit of thinning in  participation it's at least hanging out of those   overbought readings stochastics now moving just  a little bit below 80 but you can see relative   strength still good for Real Estate I think  there's still some upside potential here but   we do need to be aware that these participation  readings are starting to shrink just a little bit   and finally let's see technology short-term  double top we talked about the longer term   double tops setting up here this is a problem mode  for me this is an Adam and Eve double top for sure   you've got the pmo on a sell signal moving further  down um you've got such a strong Silver Cross uh   index and a golden cross index that is very strong  but honestly they're in overbought territory and   Technology really does look primed for a decline  finally we look at utilities and another place not   too exciting to be in the market we also have a  double top here below the 200-day EMA pmo topping   very low participation readings again not the  place I would be looking to throw my fishing line   all right so really we want to concentrate  on financials and on Industrials right now   let me get this out of the way so we'll go down  to our industry summary so we can dive in and get   a little closer look at what's going on within  those sectors a lot of times when I go in and I   start looking at the industry groups maybe there's  one or two that look good but maybe not so many uh   others so that can tell you where to concentrate  or just to know which one is truly internally the   strongest asset manager is looking pretty good  but the pmo is topping Banks trying to make   their way up pmo is at least on a Buy Signal but  stochastics topping not a it isn't a rising trend   rise in trend for financial Administration this  one looks very strong getting ready to come and   test that 200-day EMA Insurance Brokers not  so great a little bit of toppy here full line   Insurance still in a nice Rising Trend Channel  pmo Rising like the look of that life insurance   nice breakout above the 200-day EMA so this  might be a good place to start looking for   some stocks within life insurance Property and  Casualty well kind of uh stuck around those key   moving averages not really giving us a Breakout  reinsurance breaking out to new highs pmo is on   a Buy Signal stochastic's topping a little bit  I think I like life insurance the best so far   mortgage Finance looking okay pmo flat though  stochastic's turning up in positive territory   but that flat pmo and not getting Above This  overhead resistance makes this a little bit   less exciting Investment Services not so much pmo  topping Consumer Finance flag formation looking   uh pretty good at new highs and that pmo does  look like it is starting to accelerate higher so   Consumer Finance looking interesting in financials  and here we have flat top Rising bottoms ascending   triangle on specialty Finance stochastics did  pause so they're not in Decline anymore but that   pmo still looks really vulnerable to a crossover  sell signal so I'd want to see a break out here   for sure so I would say really going through  these life insurance has the best setup on   um honest charts so checking out life insurance  are in stocks might be a good idea if we just   go really quickly in here we can organize by  the stock charts technical rank get a feel for   which ones might be breaking out and where we  want to concentrate a lot of nice moves here   Primerica looks good on a nice Rising Trend pmo  Rising really pretty much traveling in line with   its Industry Group which is now starting to pick  up strength so not a bad one there in Primerica   citizens looking interesting here getting  close to overhead resistance that does look   like a very low volume stock though let's  go over to Unum group this one looks great   breaking out to new highs pulling back a bit  today but that could offer a really good entry   stochastics above 80 and Performing  quite well against the Industry Group   itself all right so that really gets us  into the next one which is Industrials   we'll go through a little bit there see  if we can't find a stock or two in there delivery services ah looking all right  Airlines really really overbought it   really would have liked to have gotten  involved in Airlines on this flag formation   um broke out above and made some new highs still  continuing upward but uh you know I think most of   the move might be made in Airlines I'm not so sure  we're going to get much more out of it Aerospace   hitting overhead resistance pmo topping billing  materials nice little pop from what could be a   flag formation but pmo topping um defense stuck  beneath the 200-day EMA nice move on Industrial   suppliers we do see that the pmo is turning up  above its signal line which is a nice pmo surge   industrial Machinery not so much because the pmo  looking okay here for commercial vehicles with   that pmo turning up above the signal line gotta  like that heavy construction nice breakout pmo   needs to stay above its signal line but I like  that Breakout Diversified Industrials not seeing   too much in here that's exciting me on Industrials  flag formation possibly on waste and Disposal   I'd have to say the financials are looking a  little bit more healthy here than the Industrials   but we can't um we can't sneeze of what's going  on Industrials themselves as a sector but I have   to say that when we dive in and look at these more  closely that I have to say financials are looking   very interesting right now all right that leaves  us with about half an hour for some some symbol   requests I will have time to show you some of  the trading that you can do using our five minute   Candlestick chart so this should be a really  interesting exercise for us let's get started   okay we've got a question here yes we're  rebalancing NASDAQ effect big cap stocks as far as rebalancing the NASDAQ  when you have a an ETF like um um the S P 500 equal weight they do  rebalancing on that uh quarterly and uh   in that respect the big tech stocks  will have less effect on that particular ETF on the prices but I know what  certainly the big tax are really   excessively weighted at that there are they  balance every rebalance every quarter so in the   last quarter they've been really expanded so but  I don't know what would expect exactly what you're   referring to here I think yeah I mean I think  that uh what's going to affect the big cat big cap   Tech right now is just the fact that everything's  starting to pull back and it's you know certainly   affecting the NASDAQ as it is the rest of the  market with the Magnificent Seven starting to show   some cracks in the foundation for sure yeah all  right let's go ahead uh someone says that markets   now look like 1999 what do you see I remember  that Jeff Sica said this on Varney this morning   I was on my back doing back stretching exercises  I I don't recall exactly what his reference was   there but uh I other than I'm you know not making  any big broad pork and I'm just saying right now   I think we're getting ready for pullback and  I think that's what we're looking at right now   all right let's hop into those uh symbol  requests yeah I have to say I mean really   my concern at this point with the Spy is you  know we are in pullback mode I think there's no   doubt we're getting ready to to pull back even  further my concern at this point is will it be   a correction you know how far down are we gonna  go and with both the short-term and intermediate   term indicators you know I can just pull that  chart up really quick but the fact that both of   them are declining like they are that really does  does not bode well we need the broader markets to   participate here because you know if you look  at our bias chart clearly we had 90s back here   in early um late um January February and even back  here at those August tops but look at the readings   that we had we were in the 90s on these tops and  we're only in the 60s currently so that tells me   that those big Mega cap stocks are continuing  to lead the market while the broader Market is   starting to catch up and that's why we're getting  that Silver Cross index moving there's still   a lot of um portions of the market that aren't  participating in this rally and now we're getting   the pullback and I don't know that the broad  Market is going to be able to support this rally   if those big Mega caps start to turn a correction  we're up in the 80s 80. when those two spots   all right okay you want to try imgn well  let's try it let's see what's going on   certainly a huge breakout here in May which  basically turned everything that happened before   it into a straight line we're not seeing much  there so we'll just concentrate on this right side   of the chart but you can see pmo is in Decline  with price it is sitting here now on that 20-day   EMA I think part of my issue with this one just  out of the gate is that it is in health care and   biotechs while they're performing in line with the  s p there's still so much weakness in that Health   Care sector that I would be very careful with your  health care positions right now this hasn't broken   down we're seeing that pmo is Unwound out of  those really overbought conditions so things   are getting prepped for a nice little bounce here  off the 20-day EMA but the broad markets if we're   going to start seeing that pullback continue this  is going to make this one particularly vulnerable   at that 20 day because we do have that Health  Care sector that's not performing so well but   let's just say we are going to get this bounce off  the 20-day EMA and we might want to be involved in   it for me of course most of you know I don't get  involved in a stock that has a pmo that is pointed   lower so that is a problem for me but let's just  go in and look at a five minute Candlestick on   the five minute Candlestick we like to find  a pmo crossover Buy Signal like we have here   with a positive RSI that's what we're shooting  for and you can see that that's exactly what   we've gotten so if this is something you wanted  we do see the PML getting ready to turn right back   down here so you might be able to get a nice buy  point at these lows um probably want to wait this   one out just another couple minutes but knowing  that the prior buy point was in this area I think   it wouldn't be a terrible thing if you were to get  involved in it now I did have a question and email   about what do you do when you've got a winner  and you want to get involved in it and the five   minute Candlestick is just not um cooperating  what I usually will do is I go back and look at   some prior buy points where did it signal that  I should get in and if I get anywhere near that   that would be great but if you're in a winner that  keeps on winning and you're kind of stuck because   your pmo is just continuing upward and you just  have to make that decision one way or the other   if the pmo is rising and you've got a Parson of  RSI you're likely getting in at a good point so   if that is occurring when you get to your chart  if it just is not you don't have time to wait for   it to change go and look at those prior buy  points look at where you might have wanted   to get in in this case you can see the prior  buy points down here but I would be I would   be fine if it got back down to this 1845 level  as an entry you know that's that's a biotech   start you want to take a look at the Industry  Group yeah I think that's an excellent idea   so we know that Healthcare is really suffering  but what the heck is going on with biotechs well biotechs participation wise are certainly  oversold so that's a good sign stochastics are   turning up in oversold territory pmo is kind of  flat here though we're in a big trading range   for biotechs and you know biotechs tend to be a  pretty lucrative area of the market and we like   to get involved in them because when they move  up they usually move up very quickly but right   now we're in this training range we're getting  the bounce right now though dad I have to say   I mean it doesn't look terrible to me at this  point um we just need to see more participation   under the surface that Silver Cross index is  still in Decline and well a golden cross is   starting to settle in at 35 but that's  still both of these are still below our   bullish thresholds I would really be interested  in seeing what's going to happen with this rally   if we end up with a little double bottom I  mean that looks like that's coming together kind of flat kind of flat not a real exciting  Industry Group to look at here qrbo all right   okay this is a semiconductor since we're  talking the semis why don't we look at the   semiconductor group first and I promise to go  back to qrvo but we happen to have the golden   and silver cross for semiconductors just  like technology the big problem here is   very overbought readings I mean we have  a 92 reading on our golden cross index   that is very overbought territory we should  be looking for a decline here look at what's   happened to participation of stocks above their  20-day moving average that is a huge huge hit   to be down to 36 percent above their 20. this  number the Silver Cross index is going to start   falling if big Tech is going to start failing  like we think it will this is going to be one   of the first places that it's going to fail and  that's in the semiconductors so let's get back to   qrvo and we knew know that right now let me get  that back in there so it'll go to where I want   so with technology looking weak with  semiconductors overbought and weakening   I'm not so sure this is where I'd want to be  I'm thinking that this might be a great area   to profit take here at the top of some overhead  resistance here coming in pmo did turn up so I'm   not going to say that's bad and obviously the  obv's got a little bit of a positive Divergence   going on so this might be an exception to the  rule of semiconductors stochastics moving above   50 I don't think I'd trust this though knowing the  backdrop with semiconductors starting to show that   short-term weakness I'd be really careful with  this one but you know a positive obv Divergence   does suggest we're going to get a breakout here  no actually that's that's a very Divergence really   you've got really I mean we've got Rising  higher obv but it's not pushing prices up   sure so while we have Rising bottoms and declining  bottoms there is the problem that when we were   um you know at these we haven't gotten to the  prior highs where we um above those so that would   be more of a reverse Divergence about a weekly  let's look at the weekly doesn't look that bad   I mean as far as semiconductors go the thing is is  we know that the semiconductors that a lot of them   have really moved higher this one is not really  seen the same kind of action that say an Nvidia   has seen so this one already is kind of starting  off at a disadvantage so while the pmo is turning   up certainly I could see holding this one but  it might be time to take a few profits here with   technology starting to turn over and particularly  with semiconductors themselves starting turnover   we haven't talked about cell points so I'm going  to look at the five minute Candlestick for cell   points a sell point is basically when that five  minute candle five minute pmo turns over on the   five minute Candlestick I don't need to wait  for a cell signal um if we end up moving into   negative territory on the RSI before we get a pmo  that's stopping doesn't happen often but if that   happens that's enough for me to sell basically  I'm just looking for an excuse to sell when I   get to this chart so if I came to this chart  I realized I'd miss the best sell point but   still we're at a sell point with that pmo still  in Decline RSI holding positive here I wouldn't   be looking at this as a buy at this point I it  doesn't look that bad but we know there's too   much background information here there's the  backdrop is um really not working in corvo's   favor right now Jets all right we did look at  Airlines and they are looking like a winner that's   going to keep on winning here but the pmo is very  overbought I think Airlines still might have some   more upside for them but the unfortunate part is  we've missed most of that rally so they are very   overbought I mean look at that RSI typically  you can hold overbought conditions like we did   here but once you get overbought the next level is  usually to move downward so I like Airlines they   are moving higher but I think it's a little late  to get involved in them certainly um hold I don't   see any reason why I wouldn't hold this har i j  r small caps really started to show some strength   last week and that was very interesting to me  because when we looked at that Silver Cross index   for the Spy like I said it's in the high 60s and  it told me that the broad Market was starting to   participate but we needed more participation ijr  is starting to make a move upward and that 50-day   EMA getting ready to cross above the 200-day  EMA I just think those headwinds of a pullback   possible correction I know we keep talking about  this now and I hate being so bearish but there   are a lot of things out there that are telling us  that this pullback might become a little bit more   um you're getting ready to hit this overhead  resistance for ijr I think you know looking   at the overbought pmo I would be really careful  here small caps are going to likely follow the   large caps downward it's really all hinging now  on those Mega caps and those tech stocks and we're   seeing the decline there we I mean I hadn't seen  that semiconductor chart in a while and seeing   that Silver Cross index so high and seeing the  participation of stocks above their 20-day EMA   slashed it just tells me that this is not  where I want to be in this market and I will   be definitely reevaluating my positions moving  into this downtrend but I was really starting to   get kind of bullish here on the market because  we didn't have overbought conditions on that   Silver Cross index but now we're starting to  see some pullback here in those major like I   said in those big texts and that's going to pose  a problem here but still flat tops Rising bottoms   um pmo is turned back up I think you could  hold here but again I think that the winds   are going to start working against the small  caps and mid caps and we're going to start to   see them fall as well it'll be interesting  to see what happens at overhead resistance   definitely would want to see a break out  there if I wanted to continue to hold ijr   bkng DraftKings making another big move to the  upside this is a prior diamond in the rough from   our DP diamonds report pmo on a crossover Buy  Signal we know consumer discretionary still   has some very good participation I like the  out performance going on here for DraftKings   big move over six percent might be a little  difficult to get in let's see what we've got here   all right more than likely this is going to be  around our Best Buy point today the pmo had a   sell signal it's moving downward but we're seeing  no breakdown in price at this point so I would   expect that the pmo is going to eventually turn  up here and we're just going to be making more   highs for the day so I think that at this point  you could wait it out since the pmo is still in   Decline but I have a feeling that you're not going  to get a much better buy point on DraftKings today   uh caterpillar all right okay flat tops Rising  bottoms here another look at an ascending bullish   ascending triangle looks like it's getting ready  to test that overhead resistance pmo I would be   worried about really because it had flattened out  but we're getting a surge above the signal line   and stochastics have turned up and look at the  out performance going on here commercial vehicles   that was an area in Industrials that I did like  so I'm liking the way caterpillar looks here   we go to the five minute buy Point appears to  be coming in RSI as positive we don't have the   crossover on that five minute pmo but it has  flattened and if you look in that thumbnail   you can see that it is rising again so I would say  this is probably an aggressive buy point right now   um conservative buy point of course being if we  get that five minute pmo to give us a crossover   okay I have a a comment here about the NASDAQ  rebalance comment uh apparently the NASDAQ has   announced a special rebalance I haven't read  anything about that but so I can't comment   on that it sounds sounds a bit strange and I  don't I'm not doubting the comments here but I   was just saying I can't figure out what that is  and I'll just have to wrap it up later on today   all right and l-u-g-d-f I'm sorry that's l-u-n-t-o all right metal lines so miners um this is just a  minor not a a gold miner metal lines I'm not sure   if that's considered minors or if it's um it must  be um this little turn here gold miners are really   set up for a reversal here but the problem is we  don't have the participation to support a reversal   just yet uh flat tops mostly Rising bottoms again  so it does favor a breakout coming up pmo on a Buy   Signal stochastics Rising I mean this looks like  the kind of stock I would want to get involved in   five minute candle pmo is turning up so this  looks like a pretty good buy Point looks like   we're going to get a breakout here coming in  so this would be an aggressive buy Point again   the conservative buy Point waiting for the  crossover on that pmo because certainly we   we can see it it will fail at times and  that would have gotten you involved kind   of the wrong time but if we'd waited for the  crossover here that would have gotten you in   back here so that's a better buy point but this  is an aggressive buy point doesn't look too bad   okay another comment the rebalance for the  NASDAQ is supposedly going to take place   July 24th we shall see again I will look that  up later today yeah we'll have to see what uh   how that affects it but you know when we look  at the golden and silver cross you know might   as well switch over there we look at it for  the um let's go over here look at the NASDAQ you know we already know just participation wise  in breadth this is not taking into account cap   waiting when we look at a silver cross or a golden  cross and the Silver Cross is starting to decline   um Golden Cross looks pretty good on the rise but  looking at the participation under the surface   here it's not going to have an opportunity to  rise much more than 37 percent that's you know   maybe two percentage points here from 35. so we  know regardless of the rebalance there's still   problems under the surface it's not gonna you  know these aren't cap weighted and it's already   showing weakness so I don't know I mean the  rebalance is probably interesting and and might   have some effect on the price movement itself  but the participation isn't going to change   okay there's a question that the financials are  good is the or the markets good that's the way I   interpret that yes you want to look at financials  just uh yeah we'll pop back into financials here   I I don't I don't think that's broadly speaking I  don't think that's necessarily the case I'd say if   um the financials is good it's yeah there's  probably a good chance that the rest of the   Market's going to be okay too but um uh what  do we look at here so on financials like I   said I mean I like the look of it part of the  thing with financials in my opinion is you know   they were beat down so far and so hard and there  are those you know stocks on you know discount   prices there and I think that people are still  interested in if they're gonna get in they want   to get into something with a nice reversal some  upside potential and that could be pushing some   of these Financial stocks higher and that could  certainly affect the market we want the financial   sector to do well but certainly we've seen the  s p fall and certain sectors do well in in spite   of that so that could be the case here we might  find financials doing well in spite of the fact   that the rest of the market kind of shows weakness  and moves down uh okay is BR a buy well let's see this is in industrial business support services  which I do recall um not looking too bad um pmo   looks like it's surging above the signal line I  can't really tell if it's rising just yet uh but   nice Rising Trend staying here and pull back and  now it looks like it's getting ready to make a   move to the um higher certainly outperforming  the s p stochastics turning up I could see   this one as a buy the pmo is just a little  concerning because it is near-term overbought   you can see right here this is kind of that level  where it fails um RSI is not quite overbought yet   previously when we get over bought on this  one let me get a crosshairs going on here   so you can see RSI got overbought decline RSI got  overbought decline we're overbought again we were   over by here in Decline this looks like a little  pop we're gonna probably see a little bit more   rally but I would guess we're going to be in for  another little decline so we're going to just do   this sort of back and forth but um melting  up at the same time so I do like the stock and whether it's a buy right now you are on the  crossover buy and you do have the positive RSI   so anywhere in here could be considered a  buy point and it's really not any different   really from where we were earlier to where we  are now so I'd say it's at a buy point right now   if this is something that you're interested in uh  Exxon Mobil looks a lot like crude oil doesn't it   a sideways movement yeah  it makes sense right right yeah you know if unless we get people's not  meddling in the energy area you know it's it's   going to be depressed until that ends so I'd  be looking for something like that to happen   but yeah at this point we're just not  seeing it very mostly sideways movement   um [ __ ] turning up on today's big rally  I just see Moore's uh trading range for EXO   and I don't know that this is a necessarily  a cell at this point I think you are going to   look for a move probably up again um to test  the overhead resistance here I mean energy   as a sector things are improving so it does  look a little bit better that way lthm okay lithium okay um lithium looking pretty  good honestly a nice Rising Trend going   on positive RSI stochastics positive turning up   um relative strength this has been line with  the the market we do want to start seeing it to   outperform the market just because the Market's  looking a little weak right now but I'd say   lithium looking pretty good here again let me get  the that's are you sure that name it's l it looks   like a live event yes thank you live in Specialty  Chemicals not uh quite the same as lithium there   um I do like it it's getting ready to break out  once again looks like it's breaking out again   um pmo flat really not telling us a whole lot  here but that's a function of the fact that   acceleration has really been so steady through  this Rising Trend and it does look like the   rising trend is going to continue okay uh iwm  I think that's uh this will be our last one   all right live in just a real quick peek I'm  not at a buy point I think you're going to   get a better one given this declining Trend  um keep an eye on that for your buy points   iwm we did look at ijr like I said small caps  last week on Friday in particular nice bounce   off this key moving average uh pmo has  turned up on the big move to the upside   um stochastics turning up RSI positive I mean  I think it looks good but again we know the   Silver Cross index four small caps and we're just  going to look at that chart one more time here the Silver Cross for small caps is topped and  it's just above the 58 percent and it's going   to probably continue lower because you can see  that the participation is not really there so   I think it's a little early here to get on board  with small caps particularly given the the in the   large caps are looking weak right now here we have  a minute to go all right well um we were going to   be on making money with Charles Payne today but  that unfortunately did get canceled so we will   have to keep you informed keeps getting shuffled  around um but eventually we're gonna get there   I am sure so we'll keep you informed of that do  come check out our website at   if you are interested in trying us out for two  weeks just use the coupon code DP trial with the   number two give you free two free weeks of the  reports and you can see how much that they can   help you with your trading all right with that  I'm going to wish you good luck and good Trading thank you


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