Technology of War S1E4 - Sea Power

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the sea is calm The Horizon serene in the blink of an eye a massive force of Landing Craft boats and helicopters appear on the horizon at a shocking Pace troops tanks and supplies Forge a beachhead an enemy is caught totally by surprise what makes it possible new advanced technology that is revolutionizing the forces of the Navy and the Marines with unprecedented speed and cunning with oceans covering more than 70 percent of our planet the Navy remains critical to military success and like other branches of the Armed Forces navies around the world are morphing dramatically to meet the emerging threats of the future it's a transformation fueled by the new technology of War [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] new and developing Technologies are empowering Naval and Marine forces to integrate sea operations with Land Air space and cyberspace to a greater degree than ever before this Synergy is now creating one contiguous battle space [Music] how information superiority more than any future development technology-based information superiority will set future fighting forces apart on land sea or air it's absolutely critical to have what we call Knowledge superiority and the simple way to describe that is that we know more than any any of our enemies do about what's going on and to do that we have to have obviously better sensors better intelligence better methods of communication better methods of pulling that information together and so the future is Network Centric Satellite Communications distributed decision making in many cases new designs in Hardware software and weaponry will all feature dramatic upgrades that will be linked and networked so that widely dispersed forces can combine capabilities no longer a collection of independent vessels the Navy has become an integrated Force led by information the Navy's name for this vision of the future C power 21. its goal smart war from beginning to end better information gathering swifter decision making at all levels technology and the advancements that we're making both in our sensors and our weapons and our Command and control will will affect the outcome of war in the future like nothing that we've seen before in the past in the last 20 years Naval strategy has undergone multiple technology driven makeovers from war at Open Sea through today's emphasis on littoral or near shore capability we're witnessing a totally revised Naval strategy soon the Navy will be fully integrated as a global networked strike force that will allow commanders to make more rapid decisions which will ultimately affect the outcome of battle and while all these advances will never tame the sea itself in the early days of the 21st century there is nowhere the Navy can't be no time the Navy can't go and almost nothing that the Navy can't do thanks one overarching operational concept is making all of this possible forsnet Force net will allow the Navy to operate as a netted Force utilizing the sensors from all available sources information is drawn from radar on ships unmanned aerial Vehicles fighter planes satellites and ground-based forces creating an integrated picture of the battle space every platform and every sensor and every weapon and every sailor can play a significant role in the outcome of the war itself development of the force net concept is centered around the combining of Technologies and disciplines the Navy is calling it C4 i s r for command and control Communications computers intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance the bottom line commanders will know where all their forces are where enemy forces are what assets they have available to launch integrated airstrikes Tomahawk cruise missiles Marine Landings and interdictions our job is to not only uh control the cities but also to make sure that we can deliver the forces and support the forces ashore our ability to integrate sensors integrate Communications integrate command control gives us a greater flexibility on where we can start to impact the things that that are occurring much of the battles in the future will take place in the littoral regions those areas close to shore while we've developed new technologies to fight the battle from Beyond the visual range of the enemy when needed the Navy of the future will have the ability to send a lethal force from close range aircraft carriers destroyers and cruisers have been the centerpiece of the Navy for decades but now the battle space has changed new technology is helping to make possible a series of reconfigured c-based platforms the littoral combat ship or LCS is a relatively small high-speed ship that will complement a Navy's Aegis or defensive Fleet by operating in places that larger conventional ships can't access its shallow draft monohull design allows the vessel to achieve Sprint speeds of over 40 knots equipped with interchangeable Mission modules the LCS will be capable of handling a variety of assignments Landing Navy Seals deploying Maritime interdiction operations groups responsible for reconnaissance in support of an amphibious Landing Force intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance teams as well as anti-terror and force protection units wherever they're needed The Versatile LCS will even store and launch aircraft and smaller vessel used in near shore operations it will also be able to launch unmanned vehicles unmanned Naval Combat vehicles are an ideal solution for anti-terror Force protection they're stealthy fast and highly maneuverable fully networked the patrol boat and weapon system are remotely operated an electro Optical system is used for Target identification this system uses a combination of infrared radar CCD cameras a laser designator and a Laser Rangefinder to provide the operator with accurate target coordinates a remote controlled Naval stabilized gun makes it a lethal Patrol vessel wide area data from unmanned aerial Vehicles can be downlinked for a total networked remote control Force to protect the fleet from terrorist attacks it can also work autonomously as a Sentry alerting onboard operators to potential threats it's a perfect partner for use in littoral combat situations the littoral combat ship is expected to be deployed by the year 2008. perhaps the biggest news in the transformation of expeditionary Naval forces in the littoral regions is a projected 12 new San antonio-class LPD amphibious assault ships the lpd17 will mix highly mobile air and ground Firepower with Marine Corps units all part of an amphibious Readiness group their role would be to quickly project power withdraw rapidly and then reconstitute to redeploy for follow-up missions we'll also have a larger well deck to house and launch landing craft air cushioned vehicles and other amphibious assault vehicles as combat in the littoral regions becomes more prevalent the need for new technology will increase the advanced amphibious assault vehicle or aaav is one of the most capable all-around weapon systems in the world with a cargo capacity of up to five thousand pounds it can travel up to 25 knots in water and 30 miles per hour on land it can keep Pace with the most agile M1 main battle tank while the aaav is highly capable the new expeditionary fighting vehicle is truly the stuff of James Bond movies it's able to operate as effectively on land as in water sea-based and land-based at the same time it can cruise at 40 knots on water and 40 miles per hour on land but speed is just for starters this is the first time that a vehicle has been built from the ground up with ceramic armor it's well a composite armor that includes Ceramics the real key is that our armor is a significant advancement over traditional monolithic hauled metal type armors we use a composite system that consists of ceramic as well as a woven fabric material not unlike Kevlar that provides small protection inside the vehicle and it does so at a significant weight reduction over traditional metal armors the most revolutionary advancements on the expeditionary fighting vehicle are the water jets they not only let the efv travel above the water but allow for its amazing speed on the water the two Jets each about two feet in diameter together move almost 100 000 gallons of water every minute that's enough to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool for the first time hydroplane capability has been built into a vehicle this size to lift the efv up out of the water as a hydroplane the Jets must deliver nearly 23 000 pounds of thrust the efv is the only vehicle in the world that's capable of operating in Surf zones they can be launched from an amphibious ship Transit through the surf zone and continue to the battle Inland with our speed then we could Transit across the water we transition the vehicle into a land vehicle before they come through the surf zone through the surf up to an eight foot plunging Surf and then continue Inland to whatever the objective is that the wings are tasked to test and the increased speed of the efv changes the very nature of assault and combat it can stand out beyond the visual Horizon it can even push beyond the radar Horizon the efv can fight as part of a Navy Army Marine Joint Force but it principally supports Marine infantry and because the efv is so flexible so are its passengers they're the primary weapon system those 17 Marines have embarked them back at this vehicle which is a reinforced Marine rifle Squad are the primary weapon it's our mission to deliver them from ships Beyond a visual Horizon to the beach and then to the end on objective and once we're assured to support them by fire as they maneuver against whatever the threat happens to be in the future the potential exists for active Protection Systems things that could be deployed along the vehicle that could sense an incoming round like a rocket Propel grenade and either launch something to shoot it down or deploy some sort of a protective system that would mitigate the effects of that round for the Marines of the future who fight from the expeditionary fighting vehicle there are five mission essential functions of the vehicle shoot move communicate carry and protect in each of those areas the advancements of this vehicle will provide a better capability to the Marines as they fight D-Day June 6 1944. the greatest Armada of War making appears at the edge of the horizon it's a sea-based Invasion that will turn the tide of World War II based from England thousands of Allied troops will die on the beaches of Normandy cut down as they storm pre-planned Landing sites armed with guts and bravery they ultimately Prevail but at Great cost but in the 21st century the next D-Day if there ever is one will look very different if you were to describe a notional amphibious assault with the current vehicle we would have to ahead of time pick the Landing Beach Drive the amphibious ships to within about four thousand to six thousand yards of that beach disembark the AVS swim to the beach that would take about an hour at their current speed transit through the surf zone and then fight inland using speed and a wide array of data at hand Advanced amphibious assault vehicle technology will turn tomorrow's tide if you take the aav and if we stood off 15 miles from the beach and you drew a straight line to the coast and considered that in that same one hour we could travel 25 nautical miles so you made those the hypotenuse of the triangle we now Hazard 40 miles of Coastline with that same one hour Transit time with that much Coastline available for an assault it would be a different kind of D-Day so by launching and knowing we have 25 nautical miles to swim we could choose to land anywhere within that 40 miles depending on where the enemy was the enemy now is placed on the horns of the Dilemma he has to choose where in that 40-mile sector he's going to defend and if he picks the wrong place we maneuver away from it because of our overhead systems intelligence systems on the Fly we could receive input where the enemy is and then navigate to an alternate landing position confronted by this 21st century surprise attack the enemy faces a huge predicament well first of all he could choose to defend everywhere but his Sun Tzu taught us he who defends everywhere defends nowhere because now he'd be defending to punch through so if he picks a particular point we maneuver away from that point if he decides to attempt to outflank us he now places himself at risk from Air delivered fires and as we've seen in recent conflict air delivered fire is extremely accurate and hazardous for their health so now we've avoided his major defenses we've maneuvered a position of advantage and and then we've continued to whatever the objective is that we ultimately hope to see so it's a much more robust way of conducting Conflict at the same time providing a level of protection for the amphibious ships that delivered us into the amphibious operations area technology is also transforming the way the Navy aligns itself for battle new strike groups or combinations of resources will be created to respond to situations around the world as they develop the strike group concept combines new technologies and ships weaponry and high-speed Communications to form a more effective Battle Force what you see now is uh integration with Joint Forces to where you have the Patriot batteries ashore you have the Army and the Marine Corps that are making advances with the troops ashore and we're able to affect that we're able to bring something from the sea that traditionally just just simply hadn't been there no other Force package projects more power than the carrier strike Group which Still Remains the core of the Navy's warfighting strength it typically consists of an aircraft carrier with about 80 aircraft two guided missile Cruisers two destroyers a frigate two attack submarines and supply and fuel ships and Admiral commands this unit usually from the carrier's flag bridge the nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are the largest most modern warships in the world in times of Crisis they operate as the Cornerstone of joint Allied Maritime expeditionary forces and in an era of advanced technology this Fleet is more prepared than ever another group The expeditionary strike group is a departure from the typical carrier battle group and amphibious ready group structure an expeditionary strike group might include amphibious ships a destroyer Cruiser frigate a tax submarine and a p3c Orion land-based aircraft the new mix allows Navy and Marine Corps forces to launch Marines and landing craft while warships and submarines strike Inland targets with missiles and shells critical to deterring and winning future conflicts is the missile defense group this will serve as an independent crisis response Force relying on the Precision attack capability of the Tomahawk missile underwater specially modified Trident submarines will contribute covert striking power from cruise missiles and the insertion of Special Operations forces to support this strike group concept new warships and jet fighters are being developed and deployed with Advanced Technologies to ensure Navy superiority in the next decade a new class of aircraft carrier the CVN 21 will replace the Nimitz class these new carriers are being restructured to house as much new technology as possible these include new propulsion plants reduced Manning improved survivability a new integrated Warfare system and more efficient flight operations with three times the electrical generation capacity of a nimitz-class carrier the cvn21 will boast an electromagnetic aircraft launching system or e-malls which replaces the large heavy steam catapults that are difficult and time consuming to maintain the steam catapult is also approaching its operational limit with the present complement of naval aircraft the trend towards heavier faster aircraft will soon result in launch energy requirements that exceed the capability of the steam catapult the heart of the electromagnetic aircraft launching system is the linear induction motor which propels an Armature with the aircraft attached the e-malls Armature is attached to rollers and a carriage running in channels along the launch track it delivers a tremendous two to three second pulse of power and creates a moving electromagnetic wave by powering just the coils in the portion of the motor where the traveling Armature is located the electromagnetic field accelerates the Armature and simultaneously pushes and pulls the Armature and its Carriage down the length of the motor until the attached aircraft reaches launch speed disengages and flies off but what future technology will be found on the decks of this new class of aircraft carrier enter the F-35 designed as a Joint Strike Fighter the F-35 called the lightning II will be flown by the U.S Air Force Navy and Marine Corps along with the Royal Navy and Air Force of the UK the F-35 will have a maximum speed approaching Mach 1.8 with a range of

1200 nautical miles its payload can be modified for almost any kind of mission and can include almost any type of ordinance found in the Arsenal the F-35 will replace the fa-18 and the Harrier as the Navy's weapon of choice in the air in fact each branch of the armed services has modified the F-35 to serve its own needs for the 21st century the Navy version has larger wing and tail control surfaces to make low speed approaches onto aircraft carriers easier the marine version has short takeoff and vertical Landing capability known as stoval in this version the Pratt and Whitney engine produces a cool airlift Force allowing the F-35 to hover it then can morph into standard fighter mode and travel at supersonic speeds or it can also do the reverse speed to battle quickly and then land in places other planes couldn't unlike the Harrier it's replacing the F-35 has an advanced stealthy design that makes it virtually invisible to radar all have an advanced avionics suite and an improved payload once deployed over the next decade it will become one of America's dominant strike Fighters unmanned aerial vehicles have also been integral to the Navy strategy of full situational awareness providing reconnaissance and precision targeting the rq8a fire Scout is an unmanned robotic helicopter under development by the Navy and Marines for use on amphibious transport ships outfitted with a day night passive imagery sensor and a laser designator it can provide coverage of targets up to 125 miles from its launch site but uavs may one day be used for more than reconnaissance in the future high-tech unmanned aerial combat Vehicles may be launched from the decks of aircraft carriers to fly alongside F-35 Navy Fighters as a unified package of air support for troops and the fleet the first Destroyer was built more than 100 years ago called a torpedo ship Destroyer its goal was to eliminate deadly enemy ships a century later the mission is the same today's Destroyer class the Arleigh Burke is considered the most advanced warship in the world along with a vertical launching system Advanced anti-submarine Warfare capabilities Advanced anti-aircraft missiles and Tomahawk cruise missiles the Arleigh Burke is a total state-of-the-art Destroyer so how can you possibly improve on the Arleigh Burke class the answer the Next Generation ddg 1000 Navy destroyer formerly known as the DDX now being ready for battles of the future the ddg-1000 will be nothing less than a revolution at sea perhaps most arresting about the ddg-1000 is its low to the water wave piercing tumble home Hall form sloping inward above the water this design actually reduces resistance from waves and the heavy rocking that can affect radar identification an all-electric Drive will eliminate drive shaft gears and reduce the acoustic signature it makes the ddg-1000 far less trackable by the enemy running Silent not deep this new destroyer will be quieter than a submarine among its onboard technological breakthroughs the and spy 3 multi-function radar will take the place of five separate radar systems and be able to detect even the most advanced low observable anti-ship cruise missiles plus there's a new gun system that is truly unique we have an advanced gun that's going to be delivered on the DDX which will provide a significant significant increase in range and performance and Effectiveness so that we can not only with cruise missiles we can with Advanced guns affect the outcome of of land battle that advanced gun system will be able to strike at Targets from up to 100 miles away the guns are housed in stealthy enclosures which are open for attack the automatic gun system eliminates the need for personnel in the gun and ammunition magazine the shells are loaded in magazines that electronically roll in and out as new ammunition is needed the gun system can fire up to 220 rounds per minute with tilt correction and highly sensitive radar for pinpoint accuracy but the Navy isn't stopping there now in development ultra-futuristic weapons which may one day in the distant future take their place alongside the ddg-1000s Bold array of missiles and conventional Weaponry these new high-technology weapons may include free electron lasers to shoot down enemy missiles with photons traveling at the speed of light high-powered microwaves to burn out enemy electronic systems the way lightning can destroy home appliances and electromagnetic railguns which can accelerate bullets to over 12 500 miles per hour in just a Split Second construction of the ddg-1000 is scheduled to begin in June 2007 with delivery slated for 2012. if destroyers are the spears then Cruisers are the tip of the spear the first ships on the scene during battle supporting carriers amphibious forces or operating independently the Navy's Ticonderoga class Cruisers rely on the Aegis missile system for defense typically smaller than destroyers Cruisers are no less lethal onboard vertical launch systems enable the deployment of Tomahawk long-range Precision strike cruise missiles together with Aegis powerful weapons make the Ticonderoga one of the most combat capable surface warships at Sea today aimed at replace Ticonderoga is on the horizon a ship that will make the tip of the spear even sharper currently in the design phase they're known as cgx Cruisers the cgx will provide an umbrella of air and missile defense with longer range missiles protecting carrier strike groups and other vessels they're larger faster and longer range missiles will be able to counter air threats hundreds of miles Inland with pinpoint accuracy it's estimated that the cgx will be deployed by the year 2017. but the Aegis system alone won't be a Fail-Safe defensive solution in the past 20 years the Navy has seen its Communications abilities outstripped by the sheer volume of available information the question became how do you speed things up with technology but still keep humans involved the solution something called human systems integration made possible by advances in technology it allows each person to actually be a part of the system there's so so much information that it's really unrealistic to have a person gather all that information sort through and prioritize it and pull it together all by themselves so today we need to focus on what are the real needs of the decision makers within our systems and once we understand what those needs are then what type of information do we need in order to solve those issues and and then have the hardware and software designed to gather that sort that and provide it to the person in an easy to understand easy to access and control methods so that they can make those decisions appropriately the integrated command environment or ice is being tested as an information management system to help put all the naval technological changes into action in this simulated command and control environment commanders from Allied Nations work together to Monitor and react to changes in the joint battle space command environments require correlating and sorting diverse data then organizing the data into a context that the operator can act upon critical battle space information simplified and streamlined will shape future conflicts and provide a clear advantage workstations must fuse data instantaneously that way seamless Communications can be achieved by organizing electronic information from many sources the result boldly going where the Navy has not gone before a command center with less crew and more senior leaders if you look at the DDX ship and you compare that to a traditional Cruiser or Destroyer a significant reduction in Manpower so here you have a ship that's going to be operational in the next 10 years that will have significant advancements in warfighting capability significant advancements in technology and what this ship can bring to the battle with significantly less men and women required to operate in order to do that there's a great deal of automation that's required and a great deal of trying to integrate the operator and the system together so that when they see something on a display or they take actions to affect something in battle that they can do it with confidence and they can do it in a timely manner making better decisions that will impact a battle's outcome and forces on Shore is what it's all about so inefficiency had to go if you were in a combat information center a cic aboard an Aegis class cruiser you would strictly be doing combat systems you would man up with in a pretty active event about 38 people here we're doing not only command and control we're doing engineering control navigation damage control if you took a hit we would be dealing with those issues we're doing all of those the concept is simple do more with less and the logic is basic we did a comparison between doing air defense Warfare on an Egypt ship and doing air defense warfare using these Technologies in a reduced environment we were able to reduce the Manning by half and actually improve the performance it decreases your Communications obviously with less people and so it's much easier for the team to have a common mental awareness of the situation that's happening and to to function effectively without a lot of extra Communications such new technologies are helping to define the Navy of the 21st century we use both 2D and 3D visual Technologies because depending on what task you're doing one is more effective than the other and vice versa we use 3D audio as well we use things like Wireless Communications which are very very helpful and wireless sensors which bring us the information there are other things that we use such as eye trackers such as different methods of alerting alerts can be sound alerts or they can be visual alerts they can even be haptic alerts for example you may wear a uniform that will give you a kick in the side when something's happening or if you're a pilot for example if a weapon is coming at you from a particular direction you can feel that well a person perceives that much more quickly than by reading something perhaps in the future the integrated command environment will help commanders make critical decisions quickly and accurately Captain comms I've just serviced a report that indicates an enemy Ming class submarine may be operating somewhere in the littorals uh that the part of the port of McCall around noon yesterday still unlocated I forwarded details to all the watch stations Roger thanks got it command land Sac has requested immediate fire support nfcs has computed and generated the firing plan ships are in position sir sent concurs with firing plans summary details are on display on screen five star in round selection agum time of flight approximately 90 seconds okay very well land Captain what's our rate of fire amount recommendation sir our rate of fire is 15 rounds per minute for a total of seven minutes fire will be divided equally between forward and aft Mounds go ahead bring the deconfliction display up on lsd5 hi sir deconfliction on screen five this is the ballistic projection and switching to the Oregon trajectory [Music] it looks like those Osby should be clear in the danger area yes sir uh Eric had to make sure we have positive cons of those mp22s and they know what the plan is all right land Captain how are prep's coming to that fire mission what we're adding is an ability to at a glance understand the information that we do have available so that we're not opening Windows and parsing through systems and flipping knobs and doing voice Communications to get the information at a glance we're presenting it to a person in a way that's easy to understand you can use the software to present to the person what The Logical solution is but because people usually have more information than we can program into the software it's important when we present the information or the recommendation from the software that we also have the backup information clearly presented that says these are the reasons that I voted for example that this is a hostel but this is the disconfirmatory information and so the person then can assess both the recommendation of the software and the things that go against that and make a better decision [Music] C battles are often won or lost beneath the surface of the ocean under the waves is where you'll find some of the world's most sophisticated and secretive battle technology in Navy submarines in the mid-1980s the Seawolf submarine class was born its goal was to ensure United States submarine superiority over vessels of the former Soviet Union today the Sea Wolf remains modern and highly effective for the Navy the submarine features eight tube double deck torpedo rules to simultaneously engage multiple threats and the Sea Wolf has the highest tactical speed of any U.S submarine 25 knots its propulsion system makes it 70 times quieter than the first generation Los Angeles class Subs it replaced over 20 years ago but the next class of higher technology submarines is just around the corner is a submarine really a sub if it doesn't have a periscope the answer is yes according to the new virginia-class attack submarine the first without a conventional periscope the Virginia class makes up for this small shortcoming thanks to highly Advanced information gathering capabilities this class of sub is expected to be crucial to the military's emerging concept of network-centric warfare it'll be equipped with state-of-the-art combat systems that are fully linked to external targeting and intelligence grids in fact this new attack sub is the first United States submarine designed for what the Navy calls battle space dominance as it operates in Regional and land-based missions as well as open ocean the Virginia will deploy covert electronic and acoustic sensors for continuous monitoring of the rattle space including enemy electronic signals communication links and local tactical situations but the most radical change in the Virginia sensor Suite will be in the control room the electromagnetic and Electro optic Suite will include two photonics masks high resolution color cameras this means the officer of the deck will never again hang on to a periscope peering through a maze of mirrors the Virginia's cameras will send visual images to large screen displays in the ship's control room of course to carry out missions Virginia will pack the most advanced heavyweight Torpedoes mines and Tomahawk cruise missiles and it will bring to bear even more precious cargo under cover of Darkness blackened figures emerge from the shallow water outfitted with specialized Weaponry a stealthy Elite Force is already Behind Enemy Lines their mission could be one of several search and rescue directing airstrikes intelligence gathering infiltration or sabotage how did they get there submarines have long been used for Special Operations transporting Commando and reconnaissance teams and most often specially trained seals Sea Air land teams on high risk missions while such forces can also be inserted by Air or Surface ships submarines nearly guarantee covert delivery while any U.S submarine can deploy seals specially modified Subs offer the best transport for these swimmers and their equipment today a new Advanced seal delivery system or ASDS is in development this mini sub designed for long range operations will further reduce the risk to Navy Seals through improved design and Technologies six modified Los Angeles class boats and all Virginia class sums can carry the ASDS which will feature a dry chamber for up to 16 seals the result the ASDS will deliver teams better rested better equipped and better able to execute missions whatever they may be the nature of battle is changing on land and at Sea and Navy Sea power is using all available technology for an increased advantage new technology being developed today will help transform the Navy of the future it's a transformation that will continue 21st century technology for winning at War and keeping the thank you me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]


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