Technology Competencies & How to Implement Them 12-6-2018

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Welcome. Everyone and very glad that you could join us today my. Name is Paula Newcomb and I'm the, Northeast, Regional, Coordinator from the Indiana State libraries professional, development office I will, be the host and question moderator, for today's webinar technology. Competencies. And how to implement, them and today's, webinar, is geared towards, management, is, presented, by Heather ale the director, of technology, and special services at the Vigo County Public, Library and Katherine. Huddle computer, training Support Specialists at the Carmel clay Public Library, just. A few housekeeping, items before we start if you are having sound issues during the webinar please see, the sound issues box just below the chat box if there, is a global sound issue we will announce it in the chat box if you, are unable to resolve the sound issue you're experiencing, we are recording, the webinar and, you can watch it offline, after it has ended, again. If there's a global sound issue we'll make an announcement in the chat box if. You have a question, just type it in the chat box on the upper left side of the screen I'll be watching and we'll, get your question to Heather and Katherine as soon as there's a good opportunity and, there, should be time near the end for questions the session. Today is worth one tle you and your certificate will be available, for download at the end of the webinar if, you are watching an archived, recording, of this presentation information. On how to obtain your your, tlu is in, the video's description on. Youtube also. Today's webinar, will be recorded and, archived, after, the webinar has been transcribed. It will be available on the Indiana State library's archived, webinars, page for. Weekly updates on upcoming trainings. And to learn more about what's happening in libraries across the state please, subscribe, to the Indiana State library's enewsletter, the Wednesday word and check, out our continuing, education website, for other professional, development opportunities. Ok. Let's get started I am now happy to turn the presentation over, to Heather and Katherine. Good. Morning can everyone hear me. This. Is Katherine huddle with the Carmel clay Public Library, and thank you so much for joining us this morning for technology, competencies, and how to implement them if, we could just get a raise of hands in the room to see how many people were able to join us for our previous, session on, nology competencies. And how to exceed, them. You. Know we had a large group last, time seen. Lots of hands being raised. All. Right. All. Right well you may see some overlap, with today's session, but this session is geared more towards management as Paula, mentioned earlier. You. Can go ahead and take those hands down, today. We're gonna look at introducing. Ourselves Heather, and myself we're, gonna be looking at what competencies, are we'll. Speak more about 21st, century skills. Where. Do you even start with this process, of coming up with your own technology. Competencies. And implementing, them at your library, once. You create, your competencies. How do you assess and track. Your training, and more. About implementing, some training. So. As i said i'm katherine huddle I'm with the Carmel clay Public Library in the IT department here. In Carmel Indiana and. I've worked for the library for almost seven years and imma go ahead let Heather introduce her hey I'm Heather rail I work, currently at the Vigo County Public. Library, I've, been at this library for, about a. Little over a year previous. To that I worked at Indiana State University as. The emerging technologies, librarian in previous to that I've worked in.

A, Variety of variety. Of positions at the county. Of los angeles public. Libraries for about 10 years before moving back to indiana. Okay. Thank you so much Heather, so. We're gonna start by taking a look at what our competencies. So. Could we see in the chat who is currently using competencies. For technology, skills or, have you tried this before at your library. And. I hear from a lot of people that in the past maybe they've tried it and it was a lot of work and then it just didn't go anywhere that nothing really happened, with it. We. Are not but we'd like to try it not yet. Kind. Of not as thorough. Well. This is really important, to us here in Carmel and I know with Heather as well these. Competencies. Are lists, of basic, skill, these are baseline, checklists. Here. At Carmel several years ago we created a committee called organizational. Innovation and, that, grew out of our strategic planning, goals to just make sure that we could ensure. Consistently. Excellent, customer service, for all of our patrons, every, time they came into the library and that came, down to the core of ensuring. That all of our staff have the same technology, skills for basic things such as ebooks, so, if you came into our library ten minutes before we closed it doesn't matter who's working a public service desk anyone could answer your question about how to get your ebook, so. We looked through and we actually based our, competencies. Off of a list from. Charlotte Mecklenburg and. From, some, medical professionals and from webjunction & IMLS. And we'll share with you the links here in a few minutes about the competency, index, for the library field that IMLS. And webjunction, created, several years ago there's. No need to reinvent the wheel with this and what, Heather and I really wanted to stress the importance of this morning was that these, checklists, and competencies, these are so specific, for your library and, your staff and your community, I'm. Sharing with you a list of the basic competencies. For our library, and, iof, is now sharing these through their website as well but, things such as computer, basics, do you know where the power buttons, are do, you know to check, that a power cord is plugged into your computer. Very. Very basic things. And. Here's. A similar list from Charlotte Mecklenburg, and. These. Are lists that you'd actually use with your staff as you evaluate, them in person and. These. Are all across this isn't specific to libraries, these competencies, you can see in. Enterprise, environments and large businesses, and corporations, so. It's really important that we get up to speed with this so that we can not only help our staff grow but give our patrons, better service, and support. These. Competencies. Are living, documents, once we actually create these we want to make sure that they're updated, because I do hear from so many libraries. That, you know we put all this time and effort into figuring, out what kinds of technology, were using at our library, and what, skill level we, expect, certain levels of staff to have with our technology. But they just sat there in a folder and its really sad they're not going anywhere or being used and we're not acting, on them so, as you get new technology and, you acquire new, things, at your library or new apps or, you update your website it's, really important, to make sure that you go back in you, have quick access to, these documents so, that updates can, be made as they're needed. It's. Also in libraries, as job duties or reassigned, I know we all kind of wear that one size fits all hat for everything, you're either fixing. A broken toilet, or working on a server whatever you're doing at your library, make, sure that your competencies. Reflect, what your staff are actually, really doing which, is why it's so important to have open communication with, your staff to, find out what are you really using, what tech skills do you offer Microsoft, Word that you find that some staff are using Google Drive and Google Docs you, want to find out what they're actually using and.

This. Is what we helped base ours off of several years ago to get us up and running, webjunction, and Iowa IMLS. Got together to. Create these competency. Indexes, and for some of ours I mean they're very closely, worded, to give us a good idea of a baseline of where to start with of what, we should expect our, staff to be able to know and really. It's gonna be so different if you don't offer our be digital you shouldn't expect your staff to know how to help, a patron, get the our be digital app on a mobile device so. Really just sitting down speaking. With your staff your management, if you have an IT department and, seeing what kinds of technology, do you have self-checks, whatever. You use that your staff know how to use it and they know how to use it well. So. As we mentioned these competencies, are usually tied to specific skills. Or tasks, such as you. Know how to fix a paper jam on the printer or you know how to minimize, a window. These. Are things that would, be good organizational. Awareness so, does. If you have a scanner to all of your staff who help the public frontline, that they all know how to use it themselves and. They do have staff who never used the scanner maybe, that's a good place to start. These, things are changing all the time it's, so hard to keep up with technology and, especially with our library apps like overdrive, and Libby and hoopla are be, digital, I think, even tumble books for our children's department they have an app as well and they're constantly, updating these things so. Making sure that we're. Keeping our staff up-to-date, that, we know they're being trained, and that they we can track their training and progress with these competencies, and we're going to speak a little bit about something we do here at Carmel called learning plans later that, helped us with that I love. These competencies, because it also helps to clarify expectations, for, staff and that's, really helpful for new hires into your organization. So that when people come on board right from day one they know even. In the job description that we expect you to have this baseline, competency. For, these basic tech skills. When. We went about creating our skills we wanted to make sure that we had input from our board from, administration. From management and from all levels of staff that. Goes from the director, down to our student, and adult pages. And. With. Seeking, input that really gives your chance your, staff a chance to sit down and they're. Gonna talk about themselves and their departments, and as, they talk about the duties that they have every day and how heavily technology. Plays, into what they do at the library they may not even realize how. Tech heavy, their jobs are and we've, had a lot of staffs say oh my, gosh I didn't even realize that I do all of this I do so, much it's. Really just I open, in and reaffirming, for a staff and a good way to get everybody engaged and, excited about the competencies, and the upcoming, training, opportunities, when you first launch competencies. In your organization, so. Why, should you use these competencies. At your library, these. Are really helpful for identifying. Requirements. For new hires and especially for those job, descriptions if. You have really old or outdated job, descriptions, or things, that just really don't truly reflect, what your staff are doing and their roles these days these, can really help you write those job descriptions or get them up dated and again. Standardizing. Expectations. So, that when we have patrons, come in and say you. Know can you help me get my new iPhone set up and you have a staff member at the desk who says no I can't, that's. Not in my job description, but he says my friend told me that one of your librarians helped him the other day you, want to have that consistent. Experience, for all of your patrons so. If you have competencies. That clearly, state for that level of staff member, that all of my public service reference, librarians, are expected, to know how to assist patrons with setting up a new device. Then. They should be trained on that to a certain level and maybe at your library you're not going to do that so, just having that expectation out, there and that organizational. Awareness and. With. Capturing. Knowledge. From retiring employees, with. Retirements. Or vacancies, or even, creating new positions, at your library these, competencies. Are going to help you have a better idea of, the kinds of skills that you already have that live in house with, staff who may be potential, hires to, fill these positions as they come around.

Identifying. Departmental. Gaps and, opportunities, for growth I hear. From a lot of staff members that maybe they're a higher-up. Librarian. Level and there's no work for them to go but to become a department, manager and, that will never happen so. If you're if you feel that you're stuck in a position or you have a staff member who feels that they're stuck in a position working. With these competencies, and having goals to work towards can really help give people a sense of satisfaction that, their we feel vested, and we are interested, in their growth in their professional, development and, can. Also help prepare them for future opportunities, if they do come along and, I, like them because it sure makes performance, review time easier, especially. With our circulation, staff if, you have longtime, staff who have been working for you for 10 15 20, 25 years. Year. After year asking, for the same goals. What, do you want me to do I'm gonna dust better next year, having. These technology, competencies. That we can then grow goals on to work towards for the next year can, help people. Get. Interested in different, types of technology, as well so that when they're presented, with a device. They've never seen before by, a patron. They're not terrified, of it. Why. Should you use these competencies, I love this coat helping someone improve, is easier, than replacing them and I have a little asterisk, by this what. Do you think about the cost that goes into replacing, a potential, loss, of a staff member there's. Training time roll over, if. It's a behavioral, issue that's a long time behavioral, issue that's one thing but with. So many free training, opportunities. It's, really hard not to be able to offer someone. Gale, courses public. Free MOOCs we, have a list that we'll share with you of free online training, resources. That. We really want to show our staff that we're interested. In their professional, development and we do care about their growth. One. Issue that we had here at Carmel several years ago when we started doing our implementing. Our technology, competencies, was the culture change and getting, buy-in from all levels of staff, so. With that I really wanted to encourage, this, mindset. Of I get to learn some. New skill not that I have to learn it. I offer, at least one or two technology.

Classes Here at the library, for our staff every month on different topics and these, are usually tle you approved we'll do a formal, class that's anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half long on new. Updates, for software, or hardware, or, troubleshooting. Skills and then we'll do a fun class and sometimes. It's snapchat, or black chain or cryptocurrency, or whatever's, in the news maybe, it's even just an Apple operating system update and we, call those tech tea time and we have tea and gadgets, which isn't really a good mix but it gets people comfortable, with the technology and it's really important, for our staff who and their, daily lives aren't frequent. Users of smart, devices or maybe they're not using our apps like ebooks it's, just casual. Less, formal time to sit down and that all counts towards continuing education. For them for the year and we do, require a minimum, amount of four years of continuing. Education, every year for all levels. Of staff so. That certified, and non-certified staff. So, even. Our adult pages have to use get four hours by the end of the year, the. First year that we tried this we only required, three hours and 68%. Of staff completed, the, next year we required an hour more we said let's go for four hours that's only one hour per quarter and we. Tied it in to pay so. If you don't finish your four hours, you do not receive, your annual, pay increase. Yes. How many people, finished, their continuing, education for the next year everybody. So. Having, that there. That. Really helped incentivize. People the first year we still use that model. But, now I have people coming to the regular monthly classes, on. Their own time and they'll say I just wanted to learn about snapchat, or Instagram and. I really like coming to these and I learn a lot just last, week we did one on basic, troubleshooting and, I didn't think anyone would come I had. 12 people in a room that could hold ten people and I got two emails later, that day from people saying that they were, able to resolve, their own technology, issues based on skills they learned in that class so. I really. Vested. In offering. Our staff the skills to help themselves and help our patrons and chocolate. And donuts help I do bribe them sometimes. Um. So. So. Heather's going to speak. So. Yeah um, here. At this. Is Heather at. V Cpl we we. Do things a little bit differently, I. Want. To talk a little bit about the, concept of 21st, century skills. IMLS. Put, together a really nice list of, things. That every. Human being kind, of needs to know in. The workplace today this. Particular, section, that I've screenshotted, here is just about. Technology. Literacy. They talk about all sorts of different kinds of literacies, and skills, that you need having. To do with critical. Thinking and, decision-making and. Evaluating. Information. And. Sort of navigate. In today's world and, this. Sort of the tact that we've. Been taking in. At. V Cpl so, this. Is a snap, of our. Performance. Review and you'll notice that a. Lot, of these things are. Really, focused on sort, of soft what what the industry, would call soft, skills right, so, judgment, critical, thinking adaptability, we do have job knowledge right it's important that you need to know how. To do your job but. It's. We, have found that, if we hire, people that. Have, the right soft skills we can often train them to, do the technology, stuff that they're not as comfortable with but it's much harder, to, train, someone to be polite, and kind and. Use, their critical thinking skills those, are skills. That take, a long time, to develop and, the technology. Ones aren't. Necessarily, as. Difficult. To develop. So. You know you you can train someone how, to. Troubleshoot. A computer, but. If, they. Just have a bad attitude about it and act, like they're annoyed every time somebody asks, them for help that's a much harder issue to address so if we, hire. Someone and, evaluate, someone on their attitude. When. They're at the workplace or, before. They even get to the workplace. Training. That technical. Thing is a lot easier and again it depends, on the staff member right so I'm.

Not In. The maintenance department so, I'm not expected to know what chemicals, to. Use to clean up a spill but. Even. Our maintenance folks we've, required them to have those same sort of soft skills. The. Emphasis, so. Why would you go this route the emphasis, is not on specific, things a person needs to know rather. Than on their ability to be adaptable, and learn, new things and, it's based on. Attitudes. And mindset that every, employee should have so it's, the, same across, the organization. And, like I was describing, hard, skills. Are a lot easier, to teach those technology, things are a lot easier to teach and they vary from. Person. To, person so, it's, probably something that you'll need to think about in your own organization. What what. Route you want to go, could. You advance, the slides please Catherine. So. We. Can't just tell you what. To do at. A certain, point you're gonna have to decide, what's. Most important, from my library what works the, best for my library. And, it's gonna be different for. Everyone. If. You. Could advance please. So, what, we, have some guidelines on how, to get started if you don't have anything you, need to start at the very beginning, with. Your job descriptions, and I know it's. Terribly. Boring and nobody really wants to think about them but. If you don't have, them you need to create them and if you have them you probably need to update them especially if they haven't been touched even. In the last three years, stuff. Is changing so quickly that, you really, need to stay on top of. Keeping. Good. Records of what people do, if. You, don't even have any job descriptions, there, are a plethora, of job, descriptions available. Just, live on the internet ala has a really, giant list of them, if. You, ask the. Indiana. Public. Listserv. I'm sure people would be happy to send you their, job descriptions, you. Can look at. Job. Ads of other libraries, that are hiring to, find them or find phrases. But. You know people need to know, what. Is expected, of them and their job before. You can evaluate and rate them on it so that you just have to start with. That job description that's, really key. And. Then if you could Vance thank you then. You, need to think about what. Sort of policies, and procedures are, you, going to do so are you going to kind of go the compensate.

Um That Catherine is described are you gonna sort of focus on the soft skills and then address the, technology, stuff sort of as it's needed. Sorry. I had to get drink my mouth is very dry um. How. Often are you gonna do it. We'll. Talk about frequency. After, a little bit, are. You going to use rating tools, are. You. Going to be self evaluate, are you gonna evaluate. With. The individual. Things, like that and then are. You gonna have consequences if people don't fulfill. The. The, rating system if that's how you're gonna do it and. I do want, to put, in that if you're in a public library. You. Do need to have. A, chat with your library, board if, you, are implementing, new, policies, to. Make sure that they are aware of. What. Your library, is doing, as well. So, I. Showed, you earlier our. Annual. Review and what. Every employee and and so this is sort of the tool that we use to. Evaluate those, things and this is the section just on. Technology. And you. Can see that these are are the. Behaviors, in. Sort, of each category. That. We. Use to sort of rate the employee so, the. Baseline, employee, is receptive to feedback and often uses feedback to, improve performance but. Above. Satisfactory. Which is what everyone hopefully should be striving for is an, employee that solicits. Feedback, from the supervisor, or. Colleagues. And they. Work, to improve their individual, performance and, so these. Kinds. Of, skills. Are skills that we feel everyone, in. The, organisation, should have and. They're adaptable, to really every position, also, even. Though we do the annual performance. You're part just once a year. What, we tell. Our managers, and what we tell your stat our staff, is that. There. Should be no surprises, so, if you. As a manager gonna, read some rate someone as needs improvement on, their annual performance review, that shouldn't come to a surprise as them because to them because. Hopefully as a manager. You've been proactive, and discussing, I see, that you're having problem. Problems. Helping. People use, over driver whatever. Skill it is let, me work with you so we can make you more comfortable, doing. That and then. You. Know hopefully you've. Dressed that issue and you. Won't have to rate someone as needs improvement. But. It should never come a surprise and continuous. Feedback. And, instruction. And just. Talking to your employees as a manager, is essential. In. This process. And. I. Think I could hand it over to Katherine for a little bit, all. Right thank you so much Heather so I'm going to tell you a little bit about how we turned those technology. Competencies. Into skills, assessments. So. Once you have those baseline competencies. Established, here at our library, we, have so many different levels we have up to 11 different levels of staff so. I have you, guessed it 11. Different levels of competencies, and then there are even more so in our reference department, we have a manager, we, have our level seven full-time MLS, librarians, and then we have our reference assistants, or level sixes and some. Of them just worked the readers advisory desk, or some of them have Technology, room and our public computer labs requirements. So those competencies. Are tailored, to what that person does here at the library, in. My IT department, that I work at we have three people we, all have three, different sets of skills and, job requirements so we have three different competencies. And checklists. To assess at, the end of every year so, it did take me a lot of time to sit down and meet. With people and even our finance, manager finding out that he uses a specialized. Piece of accounting, software he's, the only person in the building that uses it but we want to make sure he knows how to use it to the best of his ability so.

They Are really tailored, to what every, person here needs to know so, once I have those competencies I use, Google sheets which, is an alternative, to Microsoft, Excel to. Go in and I'm literally, copying and pasting those. Competencies. To create a skills, assessment for, all of our staff this. Goes out towards the end of the year and this is self reporting. On a scale of one to five so. Five you are so good at. Some. Of these skills you could teach someone else how to do it and a. One is I have no idea what you're talking about. When. We first started doing this people were writing in zeros I had a negative fifty, five one year so. Some. People are really honest, with you and these self reports, and they'll say I know I need more help in this area and I'm willing, to admit that and some, people do, not want to admit that they need help and they rate themselves fives, plus, plus plus gold, stars on everything, and sometimes. You can speak with a manager or if you are the manager you can right away tell somebody, just blew through this survey and you need to sit down with them and say. I need to actually see or I have seen you not be able to do this skill I know that you're not at the level you claim to be and. We. Need to work on these skills so sometimes you can just assess, visually. Monitoring. Your staff we're working closely with them but, these assessments. Once they're filled out give us a good baseline to work towards, so, anything, that a staff member self, reports, as being a level skill, three or less I. Turn, into an individualized. Learning plan goal, so. We'll, speak a little more about those learning plans but those help create goals. Using SMART, goals that staff can work towards, to, actually take action items, to fulfill. Their training and requirements, throughout, the year. And. I hear a lot we don't have time to get our work done as it is we. Have so much piled on us and it's, really hard to get things done but the nice thing about this is we have 12 months in the year we stretch this out, that's, why here at Carmel we wanted to require the four hours a year so that we could get at least one hour and, orderly so, you're not binge learning, I hate that when people come in at. The end of November, or December and, say I have no credits, yet this year I have one and a half hours, of learning well, you know what you have a week to go you're gonna have to binge three hours and then you're probably not going to retain as much as if you had spread out you're learning throughout the year but, it is really, difficult to find the time to learn these new skills, so, the best thing that we found then that I use myself is that we schedule it if you, have a calendar, system built into your email or you use one we use Google, Calendar in our email system here, with, smarter mail schedule. And this is other if. I could just but in really quick and if you're, a manager, in charge of, staffing, a service desk, schedule. Your employees. With. Off desk, time specifically. For training it's really, key because, you know your employees probably have on desk and off test time but if you instruct. Them like this, off desk time is, specifically. Set aside for you to work.

On, XYZ. That. Will really also help encourage them to use that time productively, as well sorry to interrupt Kathryn but I just wanted to make, that that's that's. Such a good point when, you come into our library you're gonna see a lot of manage managers, out on public desks, and with, our reference department our team services, children's you're, gonna see managers, out on desks because they have large departments, and they are supporting, their staff by allowing them to take, time away from the desk for a while to step back and either watch a webinar get, hands-on, we have something called a tech tinkerer box with gadgets where, staff can work through activities. For e-books and things like that but it's really hard to accomplish those tasks, when you're on the desk and you're trying to manage so many different, things and answer the phone and assist patrons that, providing. That to your staff it's a huge benefit. And. Really, if you if you're having a hard time getting them the off desk time start small. Give them small goals of half an hour a week or whenever they're scheduled, in and. Then work up to maybe the one that once a month requirement, of an hour some, of our library departments, here require more than four hours that's just a minimum. Is free for, all Indiana. Library staff through, the state library I can't stress that enough otherwise, that's a really expensive. Resource. That may not be financially. Feasible for every library and it's, been a godsend for us there are so many resources, and tools there and it's, perfect, for self-paced. Self-directed. Learning I don't work for Lynda I work for the library but I, love it so much because our staff, can pause those videos and come back to them again we, don't want that binge learning, we want to chunk things into smaller learning segments. And maybe, they just need a small portion of a video to refresh, themselves on something in Excel and they just need a three minute video clip from it they, also have activities, to work through and it's something that you can watch with transcripts. On and closed captioned, so I watch these out at public desks when I'm in the computer lab and I'm, able to read, and work, on these activities while I'm still working at a desk and, really. That micro learning chunking, things in the smaller segments, will help your retention and just make sure that staff. Are getting the training they need when you know you can't get them an hour, dedicated. Off desk time. And. I see Colleen is typing. See. If she has a question. So. Once you get the training going how do you actually track what your staff are doing. Again. Just like with the competencies, you don't need to reinvent the wheel with this I'd like to share the tracker that we use here at Carmel that's really simple we just made this in Google sheets or you could use this in Excel. And you just. Want to have, a list. For every single staff member in every department, this. Is also great for certified, staff so that if you are oh we, never want to have audited that, you. Have records of everything even if that's something that's really informal. That you've done in-house just as a refresher that you're tracking everything and by the end of the year you may be really, surprised by, how much learning your staff are doing. Yeah. This is Heather um it doesn't, even have to be a spreadsheet. If you, hate using um, you. Know computer, Google. Docs or whatever. Even. Writing it down having, a log a paper, log that you keep is is a beginning. Start, with tracking it's just writing. It down is is, key writing, it down somewhere, and just keeping, a list of what. You're doing and. I, see Coleen, and Wendy are talking about continuous improvement that's, really what this is all about that especially. In our environment, where we work that we're promoting. Continuous. Learning and providing, all this information, and resources to the public but. We really need to do ourselves a great, service as well by promoting. This with our staff to that this is really important, to us and then especially, for MLS, staff when. You graduate, that's not the end of the road that we're they're always new things to learn and that even, for our director there are always skills, that you can grow so, that if you're out supporting, the library at a local, group and someone asks you do you even have ebooks at your library yes, you better know we have them and you better know how to help a patron get it on their mobile device and that. Continual, learning, Drive, is really is is one, of those 21st, century skills that I talked. About a little earlier so, it. Really is important. To sort. Of build, that into. Alright, so I really like this quote if, you have a goal but you don't have a plan that is just a wish and when. We're making these competencies.

As We work towards creating goals that. Could come out of those self assessments, that our staff are working on if. They don't use SMART goals they may never really act on the, things that name they need to work on to improve so. Here at Carmel we create individualized. Learning plans for staff based off of those self assessments. So, I've just spent the last month and a half working on these and I meet with all of our staff for one-on-one 30 minute meetings. To. Really go over the item so anything, that was self reported as a three year lower we, turned those into goals on a learning plan and with. The learning plan they, set. Time throughout the year and it's scheduled, so, if your goal is I need to learn how to help. A patron install the Lybia on a mobile device I want, to see three, or or dates throughout the next year when you plan to work on this in several different ways so. Maybe one way would be I'm going to sit down and install. This on my own device, and then, three months later I'm going to sit down and review it again by watching a webinar from the vendor and then a month after that I'm going to do this but I want to see it stretched out and actually, timed, in and once, the staff member has actually, completed, that goal they, go back into the learning plan and check off and their supervisor, checks off when they completed, that goal and that action item so if. It's really also not relevant it's it's really hard to if you have a staff member who says I. Don't like ebooks I'll never use ebooks I like the smell and the feel of the real book I understand, that too but, a lot, of our patrons we see our ebook statistics, keep going up and up and if, you're a frontline staff member it's expected, of you it's in the job description and, these, are questions you're going to have to answer and I don't want you to be scared when patrons come up to the desk with. A device. And you, have no idea how to answer the question so this will make your job easier, but, we want to make sure that we're giving you the tools that you need to, learn how to help those patrons. There. Do you have anything on SMART goals you guys um I don't think so I I really do think that the, acronym. Says it all it, doesn't do, any good to. Have a goal that's not specific, enough or you're, not able to measure it I mean it the same thing applies. To sort, of any sort of goal setting. Like. Strategic planning, or in your own personal, goals they they have to be, specific. Measurable and, achievable in, that relevant, and time-bound is, really helpful, when. You're. In an employment, situation and. You can you know if you. Said that you're gonna learn how to install Libby. On your device at a certain time you know it gives you accountability. So. So. With accountability, that's a good leeway into this what. Happens if you have this learning plan and you've given a staff ample. Opportunity. The whole year to work towards these goals and, we. Don't see progress or we don't see progress where we like it I'm gonna hand it over to Heather to let her speak a, little, bit more, about, performance. Plans and tips from fruit or, so. One. Of the things that we try to stress here at BC PL is that we need to develop. Continuous. Feedback. So, if you see an employee, struggling. Address. It right away don't let it just continue, intend you continue. It's, important, to. Be honest with yourself and with your employees. And. Even. If it might be a difficult, conversation it's. Still an important conversation and, you shouldn't be putting it off until that, one time of year that, you may, be traditionally. Do your. Your. Evaluations. It. Also helps to make the employee accountable. But, also as, a manager, you need to be human right so change is hard and if. Someone is struggling. Involve. The employee and, finding. The solution, or finding, training, if they, are involved, they will be more committed, and. They will sort of own that accountability, but. If something comes up you, know you do have it in your. Purview. To be a human and say okay well that didn't work let's see if we can find a. Different, way or a different solution. To this issue, and. This would do for and even, like soft skills training honestly. You. Do need to document so. If you've asked, if, you, and employee have discussed. What. You, know this is what we're. Gonna work on we're gonna work on learning how to use Libby and these. Are the steps just like.

Katherine. Is doing with her individualized, learning plans, these, are the steps that we're going to be doing and. This is the date that we're. Gonna have them done by. Communication. Again is key just going back to that continuous, feedback it. Should never ever be a surprise if somebody, is, struggling, and. Then you have to follow through you know if you've said that you're gonna check with your employee, in. Three, months time check. With them in three months time but, hopefully you've also checked with them between that time as well because again. Continuous. Feedback. Continuous, working with someone. Checking. Up with them. How, are things going, have. You been able to do XYZ on a, consistent. Basis, and the more you do it the easier it'll get and hopefully they'll feel comfortable. Coming, to you in the future as well if they are struggling with something if maybe they hadn't, before. Do. You have anything, Katherine, to add on on, that. Yeah. Especially. With with. The first year you if you tried this this is rough. Gold at first especially. With those skills assessments, and introducing. The competencies, there, are people that get really scared and. Maybe they know that they identify, weaknesses and themselves but really. If you communicate that this this is not to penalize you in any way we're not doing this to be mean this, is just to help us that we're trying to help you so that we can help serve patrons better, and that this is a test, I don't want to use that word I use Kahoot here at the library with our staff and the public performative. Assessment, to, kind of measure learning and identify, some gaps but we play games we try to make it fun as much as possible. Because. It can be a little intimidating, especially, if it's new and, technology. Can. Be really intimidating in general so we try to make it fun and do. Different things with it but yeah it can be can, be pretty intimidating at first so just giving as much support as you can and offering. Different types of learning opportunity, that's also yeah a really good thing. To offering different types so some people may, really, hate webinars. I am actually, one of those people and I'm don't do great with webinars I. Do. Much better with face-to-face training. I just, think it's more engaging for me I know face to face can be difficult, though um, so maybe pre-recorded. Is the, way that, your, particular employee, well-well. Succeed, it just. Depends, and it's really different for everyone or maybe they just need a mix of things. So. Just being able to work with the employee who is struggling with the skill is. Particularly. Helpful. And. I know Heather's mentioned the emphasis is. Really important, here at Carmel - of soft skills. Think we did a few years ago was we had all of our staff, do. A building white strengths, Finder assessment, and stretch, strengths, finder is a great book that comes with a unique code that you enter online so, you take a test and it's a pretty long test, to. Help identify staff. Specific. Skills so. You may find that you have one staff member who is really outgoing, and has a specific, skill set I mean you can help identify learning, trends, to, tailor this training through strengths finder as well. Okay. So we asked, for some questions, ahead of time and we wanted to share, some questions with all of you how. Do you check up on staffs continuing, technology, education this. Person says that they have an, assessment, they use it hiring but following up with those check-ins, on weak areas, fall, by the wayside and, I hear that so frequently and, we don't make mastering, these part of annual reviews, I think that you said it right there at the end that making, these part of annual reviews, gives. You a concrete, way that by the end of the year or whenever you do your reviews. That. This is this, is routine, that every, year it's expected, of staff to do this this is just part of the job yeah. So we, check up on our yeah, get higher back sure job description, and consequences. Right so, um. If. You don't do these things then you don't get this thing or maybe, it even goes as far as you. Don't continue, your, employment relationship, so. Having. A, please. Be accountable, and building. In that check-ins. And, it, probably will honestly, fall with the manager because the manager is the person who sees the employee most often, but. And and making. Them a part. Of your review process. It's. And especially, with things like Google Calendar you could actually make yourself a separate calendar as a manager, for training, and call it your training, calendar and sit down and schedule, maybe it's once a month it's a quarterly. But, we check in with our staff quarterly, I do as the training.

Supervisor. For technology. To. Review that progress on the individualized, learning plan so that's a shared document, between the, staff member and myself it's private, and no other staff members have access to that but. I can check in and see what, kinds of webinars, or activities, or workshops. Or classes they're, doing to. Meet progress. Towards those goals and if, not I can shoot them an email with hey you know I saw this, really cool webinar, that may be pertinent, to one of your goals why don't you check it out as. A little push I also send out a monthly technology. Newsletter, that, includes some great webinars, and happenings, from across the country within, the state and that what we're doing in our building, also, has some fun things like TED, Talks and podcasts. There's a great podcast for libraries called circulating. Ideas, so, I even have podcast, recommendations. For circulation, staff and if, you're lucky and you're behind the scenes at a desk like in technical services where you may have the opportunity to listen to a library. Related podcast. I'd count that as continuing, education, so, maybe that even means changing. Your mindset, about. What you would consider continuing. Education, requirements. That's. A good one. From. A management, point of view we, need to measure our competencies, and have staff either catch up or move ahead what's. The best way to do this without boring all of the people who are already doing a great job and are on top of their technology, and their learning we, had this here at Carmel this was a big one. And again those individualized. Learning plans those are tailored for people's job description, and their level and their department, and, when I see people who are really strong and they maybe only have one goal to work on for the next year I like, to really offer additional, growth opportunities. So, we recruit those staff and we ask them would you be interested in leading workshops. Or classes here, for staff at the library, or for the public so. For example a few years ago we had a staff, member in the audiovisual, Department who. Was great with. Streaming. Services, and, streaming. Devices like Apple TV and Roku and I. Noticed, on her technology, plan that she was doing a great job she, only had a few things to work on but, I asked, you know would you like to teach a class here for staff at the library, on those streaming devices and that, was a great opportunity for her to on public. Speaking and, for getting a workshop set up so, that's also, takes some time off of you as a manager from. Getting that content, created. Yourself. And, also as. Far as like getting, that, baseline, you. Know using that. That. Initial self-assessment. Can. Be really helpful and that way you're not making everyone, take you, know the same, tests. Or whatever, and. Then. Once, the employees do the self-assessment, I have the managers, also go through them because again like Katherine pointed out earlier. You. Some. Employees might be. More confident, than what. They actually are on particular. Skills, so. Doing. That initial. Self-assessment. Is probably the easiest way for everyone, to sort of take their own inventory, of what they're good at and what. They need to work on and then having managers, review that in. That way you can identify people, who do need to catch up and then you can identify people who are on top and, need. To. Maybe. Expand. Their skills rather than work on the skills that are. Specifically. Needed. For their job that they're maybe not so strong in. We. Also offer here, at Carmel we do over we do overdrive specialists, so anybody who, has already reached a level five competency. For overdrive, or Libby apps with our ebooks and digital audiobooks they, can opt-in, to receive additional, training, through, webinars and, one-on-one classes, and workshops, to, become a specialist, so they're, people that we've seeked out and have agreed that, they'd like to perform a mentor. Opportunity. With other staff and that has also helped, reduce, the number of questions that have made it up to, upper level triage, of tech support, but. It's just another opportunity, to give staff time. To grow those skills when they're already pretty competent but, I saw a question from Barb about. Make time and its really. Schedule. It out and do. It in smaller chunks so start really small and it's hard with vendor webinars, like this one if it's an hour long maybe.

That's Not right for your library. For. Example lists. Past summer we adopted, bean stack for a summer reading program, here at Carmel and the, webinars, were, mostly about an hour long somewhere. An hour and a half or two hours long and it just really wasn't feasible, for, us to. Have 50, staff members sit in a two hour webinar and, then maybe there were still things they would need to know that weren't included in the webinar that would be pertinent, for our library, so. I sat. Down and I watched the webinar we had one person watch it and I created a smaller, 45. Minute session that would include the information that just we needed to. Get our information out to the public. And. This is two, and a half. Another. Thing that we've, started doing. Here. At BCPL, is we. Purchased, in each academy and. They have a lot of pre-recorded. Not. Pre-recorded, but the webinars, and and, like, small trainings. On. Library. Specific. Topics. Like Libby or. I. Don't I can't even think of what they are at the moment but that, that. Are available for the staff and for the public and so we've trying. To encourage staff. To use those and then we've started also adding. Our own content. So, like we're working, on one for making. Room reservations, in, the. Product that we use for that so I. Think. Just. Trying to see, what. You're capable of in your library, like, if you can't afford Anisha Academy you. Know but not everyone can so I know that overdrive is really good about using. Or. Creating. Tutorials, on, all sorts of things maybe use, those. Do. Someone. Else is saying. Handouts. Yes. Have, internal. Guides. Even, if they're just in word you can there's Crete free screencasting. Software that, you can then throw up on YouTube and make them private so only your staff can see them so, there's all sorts of ways that you can provide. Training. Opportunities for. Your staff that, don't, need to cost Euler. And. I love this I see Angelina mentions. That she uses theater we, all were really lucky here we have a lot of staff members who are interested in local theater and, that's a great way it's, non-threatening. It's fun it gets people excited and, if, you're dealing even role-playing, with your staff with these things, we do these with, technology, and with soft skills at well so you can you can role play the happy patron verse or that angry patron, versus the staff member that.

It's. Really hard when you you have a staff member who watches a webinar and then trying to translate those skills into, real-world situations. Where, maybe you have a patron, who needs to get a document printed within, the next 10 minutes or they said I have to get it to an office I'm going to be deported the, printers jammed what do I do when. You're under stress we. Panic, and just. Remembering to calm down if. You've worked through a similar situation before. These. Role-playing, exercises, and, maybe, even making little songs or wraps out of it whatever is working for you or that your staff would be interested, in that makes, learning work. For them it's. Relatable, right. And and like, I I too love, you, know role-playing kinds of things but some staff are really turned off by those so but even brainstorming. And. Thinking. About what, would I do in this situation can, really help lay. Those, kind, of off the track. Of. Technology. Specific, but it can help lay those neural pathways so when we do safety, training for instance. We. Stress, that you. Need, to think, the, entire situation through, because, if you've already thought about it it's easier to just do it when, you're under. Pressure. And, I say Jennifer mentioned her how2guide that has information and handouts on things, that you need that but you maybe don't do it all the time that's that's really we have a staff wiki here at Carmel where it's searchable and I know you can do ctrl F to find in documents. That. Are online if you're just searching for one piece of information, on. Things one, of the things that comes up with us as our public copiers, they don't get use that much like the printers do so, maybe you just need to know one piece of information really sporadically, that's a great idea Jennifer. Do. We have any more questions. See, Jennifer's, typing. Yeah. Like I said the role-playing, can. Be a tough pill to swallow for people, but often, people are okay. With talking. With their colleagues talking through a situation even that can help lay, those pathways of, getting. Through. Difficult. Situations. No. Other burning questions. See. Lots of people typing oh. The. Title the, tech toys knowledge, the, chapter, oh that's great we have a program that we we. Stole slash borrowed from Muncie called digital, climbers, and that's. A public program for kids but our tech toys like oli we, also teach staff that and that's a great fun way to get people introduced, to technology, that's not as scary and intimidating if, you have ozobot soar - and dot or any kind of fun, technology, that you're using with children, use, it in a staff training, use it in a staff. Development day. Hummus. At. Least that raises awareness that, you have it and that they. Know where to go Deborah, mentioned would you please repeat the title of the last webinar I think if. I if it was technology. Competencies. And, how to. Exceed. Them yeah that's what it was yeah so I mean it was a very parallel. Title. Let's. See. -. Choo choo choo choo choo how. Do you motivate people to improve performance when, raises aren't on the table um, well. I mean their continued. Employment relationship. Is is a pretty. Strong. Herot. Which. Isn't necessarily, fun. But. That, is is, something.

That You know if you really are having. Problems with an employee. That. At, a certain point that becomes an issue. And. Yeah. Heather I think with Barbara's, question trying, to motivate that performance. If. You, start, using the competencies, and you have the self assessments, and you're able to create goals with a learning plan and you can hold people accountable to, that lower plan and they're, not. Performing. The continuing. Education that they need throughout the year when. If you retest, them and ask them to actually perform, these skills in front of you and they. Failed to do so you can then talk about a 30, 60, or 90 day, performance, improvement, plan and those, Pitts plans you. Nobody wants to hear that so that it really right there is a motivator, too and I hate motivating, by fear but, if you've been given a whole year to work on a topic, and you've been given opportunities. To do so and you fail to do that then it is time to talk about that performance, improvement, and then if. I. Also wanted to say like, maybe. It's time to have a conversation like why. Why. Why. Are you having problems with this right so. There. Was an employee that was. Really. Upset maybe with, the. Migration I, went through a giant, ILS, migration, County, of Los Angeles and there were employees who were just it. Really was, difficult for them and sometimes they. Just need to vent and maybe that's. What you need to provide so, they can vent their frustration, with this. Technology. That they have to learn and. Maybe. After, they vent they get over it and they can move on if. You, have a conversation with them and ask them why. Are you having so much problem with this is there something we can do to. Make this. Easier for you. Having, the employee. Participate. In, solving. The problem often gets that buy-in as well especially, if you make it clear you, know that this I know you, may not enjoy this but it is part of your job description I like saying I hate doing time cards I really, hate it but. It's in my job description I have to do it so I have to, do.

It It's, not something they get to pick and choose. But. Motivation, can be difficult, certainly. I'm. Carol. Pointed out that time off getting. Time off as an incentive is. Really nice and. Definitely, that's something a little easier to implement because if. You get the same raises as a pay, schedule, that it's just sort of you know your cost of living or whatever time. Off is a nice carrot. As well we actually do that with a wellness program here. That. If you participate in wellness, programs, throughout the year and you get a a. Physical. From your doctor then. You. Get a personal. Holiday that you can take in the next year so that's a nice carrot. But. You could do the same thing for technology, training or, soft. Skills training training, in general. Right I think we're gonna wrap up thank you so much for joining us if you have any questions, we're. Gonna share our email addresses on the screen as well there's Heather's email, please. Let us know if you think of anything later on and thank, you so much Heather and thank. You powerin and Paula.


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