Technology Competencies & How to Exceed Them 11-19-2018

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Name is Paula Newcombe and I'm the Northeast, Regional Coordinator from, the Indiana, State library's professional, development office I will, be the host and question moderator for today's webinar technology. Competencies. And how to exceed them and this one is geared toward all levels of staff so. It's presented, today by Heather, rail at director, of technology, and special services from the Vigo County Public, Library and Katherine, huddle computer. Training Support, Specialists from the Carmel clay Public Library so. Just a few housekeeping items, before we start if you have sound, issues during the webinar please see, the sound issues box just below the chat box if, there's a global sound issue we will announce it in the chat box if, you are unable to resolve the sound issue you're, experiencing, we are recording the webinar and, you can watch it offline after it has ended again, if there's a global stand issue we'll make an announcement in this chat box if, you, have a question, just type it in the chat box on the, upper left side of the screen I'll be watching and we'll get your question to Heather and Katherine as soon as there's a good opportunity and there, will also be time near the end for questions, the. Session today is worth one TL you and your sari, certificate, will be available for download at the end of the webinar if you are watching an archived recording, of this presentation information. On how to obtain your Lau, in the video's description in. YouTube. Also. Today's webinar, will be recorded and, archived, after, this webinar has been transcribed, it will be available on the Indiana State library's archived webinars, page and, just. A reminder for weekly updates on upcoming trainings. And to learn more about what's happening in libraries across the state please, subscribe to the Indiana State library's enewsletter, the, wednesday word and check, our continuing, education website, for other professional, development opportunities. Now. We'll get started, I'm happy, to turn the presentation over, to Heather and Katherine. Hold. On just second guys we, forgetting. The screen sharing going. All. Right hi everyone, good afternoon this, is Kathryn huddle with the Carmel clay Public Library thank you for joining us.

Today. We're gonna be talking about what, we do at our library, so that we can give you some more information about technology, competencies. We'll. Also look at what are 21st, century skills, and how, you can develop your list of competencies for your library we'll. Also give you some good resources for finding technology. Training and, one. Of the things that we love our good friend Google and how to develop your Google foo. So. My name is Kathryn huddle and I am the computer training, and support specialist, at the Carmel clay Public Library in Carmel Indiana I've, worked, in the IT department, for seven years and this, is Heather hi. I'm Heather rail I'm the director of technology and, special, services at the Vigo County Public, Library in Terre Haute Indiana, I've. Been, at the County Public Library just over a year before that I was at Indiana State University and before that I was at the Los. Angeles County Public Library. We. Did want to let you know that if you have any questions, this afternoon please feel free to pipe up and the chat will try to respond, to you as we go along. All. Right so if we could do if you can see the hand raised icon, on your screen could I just see a raise of hands for who already is using, technology competencies. At your library, even. If you've tried in, the past and it hasn't been successful. You. Tried and you gave up or you just had them years ago and you haven't updated them, okay. So hasn't seen a lot of hands. All. Right well I wanted to share today the, competency, checklist that, we created at our library. We. Started on this about seven years ago in a committee called organizational innovation, and this. Actually came down to us as a directive, from our board and. Our. Board wanted us to start implementing, four hours, minimum continuing. Education, every year for all level of staff and we, felt that it was really important, for us to better serve our patrons, and to just develop our professional, skills that even if you were an MLS, librarian, or a paraprofessional, and, I that term but even if you were an adult page here at the library that everyone, had the opportunity. To learn four additional, hours throughout the year so. Once we had that directive, for the learning what. Were we going to learn so. We sat down with, management with, staff and we actually found out what, does everyone do what do, you need to know in your job that's pertinent that makes your job easier and what are your basic requirements. Some. Of this information could even come from your job descriptions, although. If you haven't looked at those in years things. Have changed as we all know especially with technologies so, creating. Your competencies, I'm gonna be honest with you it may take a while you're, gonna have to speak and communicate with, people from all over your library. We. Want to go ahead and share this list I've shared this with ILF, and if, you were at ILF last week I did a session on this and. We had a lot of people stop by it's a hot topic right now and I think it's really important, to get all of our staff up to speed and at the same level, and my, big thing here at Carmel is always just saying I'll if you're a frontline staff member we want every patron, to have a consistently. Excellent, frontline, experience, with all of our staff and that, comes back to the root of everyone, needs to be trained on some basic things so. Some of the options. That we have here four competencies, would be things, like Computer Basics so. Do your staff know how, to operate a CPU, do they know what CPU stands for, logging. Into computers, at your library. Lots, of different things and if you want to browse that we do have that available through Google Drive a. Lot. Of other libraries, are implementing, these technology. Competencies. We, can see here from Charlotte Mecklenburg County, Library they, also use a technology, competency, checklist that's, pretty similar to ours. And. This. Comes from really the corporate world from medical fields, lots, of other businesses, are using these types of technologies to evaluate. And assess where their staff are with the skill set that they need to have to survive in, 2018-2019. And. Beyond. When. We were looking to create, our own competencies. We didn't want to reinvent the wheel we. Knew that there had to be a. A checklist that we could go with to work from so we actually found back in 2014. Something, from web Junction and IMLS. The competency, index for the library field we've. Included the link here but this is a PDF that lives on the web and we. Took a lot of our competencies, straight from here and just adapted, them for our library, so. When we talk about technology competencies. We really want to drive home to you and stress, the importance, of these are customizable, this, is going to be completely dependent upon the technology that your library, has so.

Your Staff in terms of what they need to know for. The, tools you use if, you have self checks and what brand they are your. ILS, and what your community uses. So, for example in Carmel our community, I know that our patrons are Apple, users we have a huge number of Apple users so, we expect our staff to be able to be comfortable, and knowledgeable, with Apple devices, so. That competency, checklist from, webjunction is a great place to start to get an idea of how to establish, your competencies. For your library. Our. Competencies. Are job level to specific. So our levels go to 11 if you get the joke. But, even if you are a student, page adult page or our library director you have individualized. Competencies. For your role here at the library, so. That really does mean sitting down one-on-one and communicating. With all levels of your staff to, find out what tools they're using on a daily basis, and that may vary really wildly, for. Example, I didn't know that our finance, director uses, some really advanced, accounting software so. Even if you're in the IT department you, need to know all of the types of technology, that your library offers, even, that if that means digital, signage. So. These competencies, are tied to specific skills. And tasks, you need, to know how to do your job and also just good organizational. Awareness do, you offer printing, or fax machines, at your library and who knows how to use them if someone. Is sick do. You have anyone on staff who knows how to use it these. Competencies, need to be evaluated. As we, get rid of older, technology, or introduce, new technology, they knew they are living documents and, as such you need to keep those updated, things move over time, I'm, also those job descriptions we mentioned go back and look through those this is a great way to not only update, those older or existing, job descriptions, but to tie in new technology. So. This is Heather I wanted to put a plug in for, this. Concept of 21st, century, skills, this. Is a list that was developed, through. Grant by, the IMLS. Museums. And libraries and 21st, century skills and this is just a little. Section. Of it having specifically, to do with technology. And, you'll notice that it's not these, aren't really specific, skills and I want to see if this works. Yep. I'm. Trying to load the page it's. Being real slow. I. Might give up here in a little bit but. Anyway we, will make sure that these slides are available, for. You. Yeah. It's not gonna load. Available. For you. After. The slideshow but basically, this is a giant list of really, soft skills and that, sort of described, the techniques, that you need in. Order to operate in today's. World so. You'll notice like this one that, specifically has to do with. Technology. Use, technology, as a tool to research organize evaluate, and communicate information right so it doesn't tell you which technology, to use or what apps or what programs or whatever to use it just says that you need to be able to do this and it's kind of up to you to figure out how to do it and this list, encompasses. Not only technology but other kinds of soft skills like.

Using. Data and. Self-evaluation, in, those kinds of things so I would highly encourage you, to take a look at this, list when you're thinking about what you need to be. Focusing on at your library and on, you personally, because all of these skills on this list are. Extremely. Valuable in, today's world. So. Many. Of you may have log. Into this webinar, thinking oh they're just gonna give me this great checklist, of stuff and then. I'll know exactly what to do well unfortunately. We. Can't tell you what to do like, Katherine was saying, you, need to decide what. You don't know so I'm sure you've had that moment sitting at the desk or, wherever you sit maybe. You're answering the phone and you, hope, and pray that somebody doesn't call or ask you that one question. Because. You really don't know how to do it and you, mess, it up every time someone calls you or asks you that one question maybe it's how. To check out a book on Libby, or maybe. It's. Printing. From, the Wi-Fi if you have that in your library, so I'm sure in your heart of hearts you, probably. Have one of those questions guess. What that's. A competency, that you. Need to know how to do and it's gonna vary by. Position, and it's, gonna bear vary by. Person. So you. Know even if you're at the same level one person might be better at something than, the. Other person so we, can't really sit here and tell you exactly what, your competencies. And your skills should be they, really, need to come. From you and they. Need, to be in conjunction with your managers, and like Katherine said you, probably should take a look at your job, description, as well. When. You're trying to. Think. About well what do I need to know how. Do I even start you. Can sort of make a list of the, stuff that you have and that you offer in your library, so do you have photo copiers, you know how to use all the functions on the photo copiers, do, you have. Databases. Do, you know how to tell. People how to use inspire, those kinds of things do. You have a fax machine. What, kind of, downloadables. Do you have what. Kind of equipment, do you have do you have a microfilm, machine are you in an area of the library and you might ask to be used might. Ask to. Help. Someone using, it maybe you should know how to do that do. You know the basics, of, the software, that, your library, and your customers, use so some libraries, kind, of offer the same kinds of software to their customers, as well as.

The. The, staff do, you know kind of the ins and outs and the basics of using those kinds of those pieces of software that are most common. Those. The kinds, of things when you're thinking about your own competence. Competency. List, that, you, need to think, of to sort of develop what you need to work on you, can also ask your colleagues another, thing if you don't even know if this doesn't help maybe make. A list of the questions that you're asked to do every, day or make. A list of the things that you do what are your daily tasks, what are your weekly tasks, what are your monthly tasks, a. Competency. Generally, is something that you're gonna have to do pretty, consistently, so, make. Sure that you know it's it's part of your job. Also. Sorry. So. What, and, what questions, again, do you dread when you're working on the desk or your answering phone so that's something, that's just really, really important, or is there, something that you routinely, turn, over to someone else because you just never learned how. To do it I know. There's stuff in my library that. I don't know how to do I I. Have to admit I don't know how to issue a library card but, that's probably not gonna be one, of my. Competencies. Because I. Never. Staff, that desk I don't know how to use the cash register, I don't even have a login for the cash register, but, I'm never gonna staff that desk so that's not one of my competencies. So. The last thing to sort of keep in mind when you're coming up with these things is that it's, really actually very hard, to break a computer. And. So don't be afraid to click on things and explore and if. There is something that you could break probably your IT staff have, locked that down and you can't even get to it so. So don't be afraid to just click on things sometimes. You've, actually learned quite a bit just by, doing that. Slide. So. I. Talked. A little bit about developing your, list and how you go about doing that. And we have a list. That Carmel clay actually uses, for. Their tech, assessments, that you can download from, Google. Drive. And. It's based again on that conference need list that they develop the ILF has been using but again, you. Need to figure out what you need to do so, take, a look at your job description, write down what you've been doing every day what. Are the things that break you out into a cold sweat when you're asked to do them that's, going to be your, basis, for your, technology skills take, a look at that webjunction list. But again it might have some stuff in there that you, just don't do so. Just. Always be aware of. Tying. It back to your position, that's. That's, the most important, thing. We. Just really like this. Quote. A goal without a plan is just. A wish you, need to, have a plan, and, developing.

That Competency, list is your, plan that's, going to keep you on task so, you know, what you're going to end up with at the end. This. Is Catherine over at Carmel clay and I just wanted to share with you for a few minutes some information, about creating, a learning plan for you so. Once you take some time and you've actually created, those technology, competencies. What do you do with those here's. The information that you need to know but how are you going to learn it and how do I know that you're learning it so. We use here at Cromwell clay something called an individualized. Learning plan or an ILP, and once. You have those competencies, established, what we do here at our library, is that we invite set staff to self assess, and survey, themselves. So, with that checklist, ranking. From one to five can you teach someone else how to do this skill or do you have no concept, whatsoever. Of what I am talking about so. We'll, find some gaps there and sometimes, we see patterns where maybe a whole department missed, out on training, for a new phone or, for a printer, upgrade, so. We can actually create some goals here and create SMART goals. So. For example we did recently update. And we move to a print kiosk a print release station here, at our library, it was a big change for most of our staff and we, wanted to make sure that even if you are walking the floor you are an adult page you have an organizational. Awareness that yes the library offers wireless. Printing and here, are where the printers, are located, information, like that in case they are stopped on the floor by a patron, so. With these individualized. Learning plans you could take some information. From those self assessments, that are based on the checklists and start. Small say maybe one two or three goals per year and the. Learning objective may be something like identify. Where you can locate downloaded. Books in the overdrive, app maybe. Your staff member self reported, that they are a two on this they can barely do this so, that's a good goal to work on for the next year so, an action that could come from this maybe, they are going to practice with the app we. Have something here at our library called a tech tinkerer box it sounds, fancy it's a plastic shoe box from the dollar store I went, out and got it and we have some older devices and some troubleshooting, guides and some, role-playing games stuck, in this little box and staff know that they can come anytime and request that they can even take it home and practice if, they want to so. Maybe one action would be I'm going to play with the tech tinker box with, the overdrive app for 30 minutes next week and just familiarize, myself with, the buttons, within the app my. Target date is I would like to do that by the end of the month and then, you go back in to, this document, that's why I say these are living documents and, you update the, date and time you did this, why. Do I ask that we create SMART goals for these learning plans to help work on our competencies, and build up these skills because, if you don't come in and set a date you're never going to do this this needs to be scheduled, time, when. I sit down with our staff and we work on formulating, these plans together.

We. Usually sit down for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and I give them some resources, and some suggestions. On what those actions, could be and then. At the end of the year they have a whole year to work on progress, towards these goals with all of the learning opportunities. And resources, that are going to talk about this afternoon and the. Criteria for success, is clearly outlined, in this document, with staff that, if this is Heather Heather, is going to be able to show me physically, demonstrate, how, to get, to the bookshelf and overdrive, as if I was a patron she only had to do it and we'll rank her on a scale, and if she is completely unable. To do it we know we have some work to do but, these learning plans are a great place to start to help create those goals to work on throughout the year and if, this is your first time trying this at your library start small just one or two things that are very important, for your staff to do so. If you have a staff member if. You discover through the self-assessment, they self-report, that they are unable to copy and paste you, may say I know my staff and that is not an issue you have or you may be saying sitting there saying I know my staff and this is an issue we have. Its. Private, these learning plans these competencies, and checklists the, competencies, are public, for that level of staff so all of my level seven staff know that this is what I expect, of you in. Terms of technology, skills but. What you're working on what your goals are for technology, that's private so. That gives a safe, space to be able to work to develop these skills. And. When you go to find that training, you really also want to start with how do you learn best if you're working, on your professional, development we. Don't all learn the same and for example for me I'm terrible. At webinars, I. Don't, like going to webinars, and I don't do well with in-person, training. I love digital, learning and MOOCs and, self-paced. Learning like Gale courses, and Linda I really respond well to that because I can stop learn. A little bit really. Process, that information and go back and maybe do it a second time so think about what types of learning work best for you. We. Have a document, through Google Drive that we'll have available, here and also Paula can send out this afternoon after the webinar but, there's so many free, resources available. To library, staff especially, in Indiana, webjunction. Is a great place to start, TechSoup. Webinars. I hope everyone, knows in this room that, through the Indiana, State Library, all levels, of library, staff have free access to, that. Includes part-time, staff as well as full-time, staff you're all you have to do is fill out this very easy, form on the state library's website to get access your, facilities, manager, your director everyone, has access, to this and these are self-paced. Courses, I keep hearing from staff on I I know it's so hard when you're on a public desk how, difficult it can be to find, time if. You're scheduled six or eight hours on a desk all week long I love. Linda and I recommend it to our staff because you can pause the videos you, can come back to them at a later date, they're closed captioned, they have transcripts. If you, need to actually have activities, to work alongside as, you learn like I do they, have great exercise, activities, there and these are free opportunities. To take advantage of there's no specific time, date you can come in and jump into a course at any time and the big one for libraries, is that these are regularly. Updated, so. If even if you're teaching, the public how to use in Microsoft Office, products I love. Using lynda calm and even gayle as. A reference, point to establish, the public classes we do at our library, so there's good information on, all sorts of technology, in Linda and if, your library offers Gale.

GCF. Learnfree is a resource, that we recommend to our patrons, along with tech boomers and even. Tech boomers has information about overdrive, and Libby's so if, you know you don't have time or resources, to dedicate, to create training. Or learning opportunities. For your staff or your patrons, on some. Topics that is really they're really important, you can always go back to these free websites. Allison, and digital learn we. Also implemented. A change here where TED talks that are relevant to your position, or technology. Or library, related will, count as continuing, education, toward your goals for the year so, looking for some more informal, opportunities. Like that. Um so. That's. Great thanks. Katherine Heather but how in the world am I supposed to find time to do this well. You, honestly. You just have to schedule it there's, really no, other way around it, you. Can also just, start small so if you, don't, have very much time schedule 15 minutes maybe right before your lunch. I wouldn't, recommend doing it, like right at the end of the day because, you. Might get interrupted. Or, something, like that I like, to do my training stuff kind of first thing in the morning because I'm still very fresh. Sometimes. I don't, even check my email I'll just kind of dive right in 30, minute chunks works, pretty well for me. 60. Minutes is great if you can carve out that kind of time but. But you really do just need, to be mindful and you do need to schedule, it, like. We mentioned Courses, come with transcripts, and closed captioning, and. The exercises, things usually, are on programs, that you have at your computer, so you can actually do these on a. Service, desk if you have, slow periods, because, you can't tell me you can't sit there and tell me that after 7 p.m. you, have droves of people coming in asking you, questions no, matter what Service Desk you're at there, are slow, times on your desk where, you just, are sitting there trying to figure, out something to do. It's lovely, if you are a manager and you can support your staff to provide time for training um some. Of the managers at my library actually do schedule staff for off desk time so, they, can complete training and they're. Required to do training in that off desk time we, also encourage, staff. To look. For those kinds of more, passive, learning opportunities, while they're on the desk so maybe it's looking, at library journal.

Maybe It's looking. At, American, libraries maybe it's looking at oh, I. Don't know must, mean listening. To podcasts, that's a little harder when you're on the desk. Behind. The scenes you can listen to podcasts, when you're sorting, books or shelving, books if you're allowed to do that on the floor I'm, and like like we said chunk, it into, smaller segments. So. Often. The biggest thing can seem really, overwhelming. If, so. Like if you have to learn. Try, to think this. Is Catherine so I have a good one so with our overdrive, and Libby competencies. There are probably a dozen different specific. Tasks, that we, expect, most, of our staff to be able to do so. When assisting a patron one that comes up is, we. See this with families, when you have three different library, cards when you enter them into the Lybia it just says library card library card library card three times so, how can you tell which library card belongs to which family member can, you assist, a patron, in naming. Their library, cards in the Libby app if you know how to do this raise your hand right now, can. You name a library, card in the Libby app you. Can do this it's in settings you tap on Libby's face I know this because we all practice, it so this is also a good one we hear a lot from people I. Have, staff who are really competent and they are my tech gurus, what what do I have to offer them you, can create advanced, goals for them to to work on things such as that so with. Those overdrive, competencies, that's one where we've chunked, it and we separate, those out so that's, something that you could work on it's a small goal. So. With tracking your training once you actually find out those competencies, of what you need to know to do your job and to do it well and you've. Identified the, types of training that you're doing you're doing webinars, you're, playing, with gadgets, you're, going, to conference sessions whatever you're doing you want to make sure that you're keeping track of what you've learned and. One of the things that I recommend, with our staff is that we used Google, sheets or Excel. And you just create a basic, spreadsheet and, track. What you're doing when are you doing it I hate. To see people binge, learn it's great that you're learning but if you chunk it all in and you're doing like a staff day eight hours and that's all you do for the rest of the year we, need to really encourage that culture, of continuous, learning we try to offer that for our patrons with the programs, we put on but, every, three months a, that staff to have at least one credit so. We require four credits of continuing, education per, year but, some of our managers, at their discretion go above and beyond that and they'll require one, a month so twelve a year so, we really want to see learning spread out throughout the year not like we have on this demonstration, template, here that somebody, did five hours in two, or three days but. This also gives you some opportunities to look, back on the things that you did. We also encourage our staff to keep blogs of, professional, development so, if you do attend a webinar write, a little paragraph and, share that with your co-workers if, they were not able to attend and this. Kind of format. Is really nice for tracking if you if, you, have to earn a library, certificate, for the state of Indiana this. Is also really nice it can serve double purpose you know track your Elly use you tle use in this as well so that you're not having to constantly try to count pieces of paper and things just type, them in the spreadsheet put. In a formula if you don't know how to use a formula, in a spreadsheet look. It up and learn, how to use a formula, in a spreadsheet so it'll add those things for. You so you don't have to do it yourself and, this, is Kathryn again so feel free that's just a template that we use but, feel free to make your own and. It's just really important, to track that especially, for compliance, for professional, staff who are state certified. Um. So, how do you evaluate your progress if, if you're not aware in terms, of in, terms of like learning. Terminology. Take, a look at Bloom's taxonomy, this. Is a list of words, action. Words that, are actually really useful when you're writing your learning objectives, too because.

The And they're they're sort of levels, of learning so the the, most. The. Basic, level, is like understand. And. Then you move on up like can, you evaluate it, can, you, teach. Someone else and sort of the highest level is them the. Most understanding, things so like if you're working on. Overdrive. You might start at that basic level find. How. To name, library, cards in app right, and that's. Your first goal but maybe your next goal would, be another, from Bloom's taxonomy and, it's a it's a pyramid if you look it out to. Try and find. -, to, teach. Someone else how to name. It. Forms. Google offers, Google. Forms and you, can use those as. Assessments. Like, if you're developing a training for your library and you want to have people. Like. Take a quiz at the end or something Google form is a really easy way to do, that it'll, keep all of the results in a single spreadsheet for. You, there. Are other form, programs. Out there but Google is probably the most. Accessible, as, far, as being. Free etc. Individualized. Learning plans are also very, helpful Kathryn, talked about that a. Little bit and, this. Is Kathryn again so those GOI end-of-year, mastery, checklists, so once. We have our staff self assess themselves on those tech skills based on our competencies, for their job level we, have those individualized, learning, plans and all. Year long 11 months our staff have to work towards, their goals from the learning plans so. At the end of the year we can sit down one-on-one again, a private session and. We have a checklist so, this mastery, checklist, allows a manager, or training. HR, whoever's going to be fitting this role at your library to sit down with that staff member and say ok it looks like your goal was, to learn how to name library, cards in the Lybia can you show me how to do that and we'll, reach you on a scale of 1 to 4 and then, if additional, work needs to be done at that time we can assess that. How. Do we assess that during the checklist we do role-playing, games we. Have different scenarios, where we can play things out we. Use Kahoot a lot I just, used CUDA dial left twice last week and I'm always surprised, by the people that have never played Kahoot that's, a really fun free. Easy, way to set, up to. Assess your staff to see how they're doing, we. Also compare, those self assessment, scores year to year so for example if Heather said that she feels very confident. She's a 5 on our printer system maybe, things change in the next year she's a three it's just a skill she doesn't use very frequently you'll. Be able to see drops and self-assessment, scores, or where things go up which is really what you want. So. Developing. Your Google food basically. Use. Your. Librarian. Skills to, find. The, things that you need to know so even. Though, forums. And listservs can seem really intimidating, they're actually your friend because, people. Have already, asked. The question that you have I just, I guarantee, it the. Internet, is a big place and somebody's, already asked that question and don't. Be afraid to put many words in Google how. To add. Cells. In, Google. Sheets will. Get you a result, that's really quite specific, you may not even have to visit a web page it might even tell you right there in the Google search results one, two three four five often. These tutorials, online, have. Great screenshots as well. I. T people use. Forums. And listservs honestly. All the time, whenever. It's not that we know, everything, we just know how to look for things and you don't have to be an expert in it oftentimes. To, do the thing that it. Wants you to do and those. Error codes that your computer, spits out at you they do actually, tell you things that's why your IT people are always asking you to write them down or what is the error code say because, it tells you exactly what went wrong and then you can google that error code. When. You are looking for stuff online you, want to remember the crap test. Currency. Is is. The information current, that's, particularly, helpful when you're looking for you. Know computer programs you want to make sure that it's the right version and, things like that is it, reliable. Who. Wrote, it what's the authority the. A and, then what is the purpose or the point, of view that's. Why I kind of like forums, and less serves because usually nobody really has. Money. In that game you know like if you use I. Can't. Think of what it's called the the. Giant. Where. People are always really snarky, for. Ready. Program programming. No I can't, think what I use it all the time and I can't think what it's called.

But. Basically you, know those people aren't getting paid they're just really good at, explaining. Things and, giving. Answers and it's just this giant forum, I'm sure somebody will be able to tell me what it is it's not rented though. Reddit actually can be a good place to, find, those kinds of things too and. Wikipedia. Actually is really good for that background, stuff. Because. People have spent a lot of time writing, technology. Articles so recently I had to learn all about. Telephony. Phone systems like PBX. And VoIP and stuff and I didn't really know very much about it it was a giant. Gap in my technical. Knowledge so, I kind of started out on Wikipedia. First. Of all what, does PBX, stand for I, googled. What does PBX, stand for, or. What is PBX. And it came up with a list and I found the one that looked. Like something that was fun it's a private. Box, exchange, it's, something that people use internally. When you have a bunch of lines okay, that's that's great so that was where I started, and, I just kind of read up from there Wikipedia. Is also very helpful if you've read, something in a forum or a listserv, that, you don't understand, then you can start googling the terms inside, of that I've. Used this method a lot when trying to troubleshoot, server. Issues, which, is hopefully something you will never have to do. But. It's still really helpful. When. You're. Trying to do a task that you don't know how to do um I saw someone earlier saying oh yeah, it was Paula who she looks up formulas, in Google all the time for Excel Excel. Is really, powerful and it does a lot of really powerful things I can never necessarily, remember how to do them but. I kind of know what they're for and so each time I have to look up to, know how to do it and it's, not that you have to. Know. It off the top of the head you just have to know how to find where to do it especially if it's not something that you're doing every day like, I don't do a pivot table every day I know what it's good for but, I every single time I need a pivot table I generally, have to look it up so I can remember oh yeah that's, how you do it so, it's okay not to know everything, right off the top of your head it's but it's imperative. That you know where, to find the information or at least know. That you can look it up this. Is Catherine and I just wanted to add a little bit on there what Heather, was saying is that I feel like as information. Professionals are under so much pressure when, patrons do come to the desk or Collin on the phone with questions, and we, have this fear we don't want to sound incompetent, but, I do have a good book recommendation. For you it's, called I don't know in praise, of admitting, ignorance by, Laura Cohen that's. One that I recommended, to our staff that, it's okay to say I don't know but let's, find out together um if, that means you're turning your computer monitor around and showing the patron how you are finding, that information or, showing a co-worker, how you're finding that information you. Are helping, someone help, themselves, you're. Helping them become more self-reliant with technology. That's. Just a great place to start one of our competencies. Here at Carmel is actually that we ask our staff do you know where to find more information, you. May rank yourself the highest, skill level on all of these other tasks. Related, to this topic area but if you don't know where to find more information when, you run into trouble we're, stuck so, just also having that mindset of I, feel, like I know where to find more information and, that may just be an organizational. Awareness issue again we. Use an internal, wiki, where we distribute, information. And. We wanted to leave you with this quote an, investment, in knowledge pays the best interest and that's really the core of why we do all of this with, the competencies, and testing, and assessments.

And Training. So, that our staff they feel appreciated, we're investing, in them so, that they can grow as professionals and, as librarians, and that they can better assist, our patrons, that's really what it all comes back to that by, training them they're. Happier, at work they know that we're it's. Not just I graduated, I have my MLS, and I'm sitting there we have state requirements, for a reason and we want to help you be able to fulfill those, expectations by, the state, and also to, be able to do your job and do it well I don't want anyone, at my library to feel like I'm. Dreading, coming into work in the morning my stomach actually hurts and I'm going to be sick because I'm so scared of that question from a patron or that situation, where I don't want a co-worker to know that I don't know how to change the toner on a printer, and. I think that it's really it starts with management and boards and good, managers, saying I want to help you be able to do your job to the best of your ability so let me give you these skills and let's find a path in a way to. Get you this information. One. Of those 21st, century skills that we, talked about a little bit earlier is is, the ability to, take. The initiative and be, a self-guided. Learner and that's, that's, really what we're. Trying to get across to you that that you have this power in your hands, and and we can't like, I said we can't tell you what to do we just can't because, we don't know what you do. You. Have it within yourself, to decide, and, to, know, what, you need to do to be the best at your job and. Learning. That in a self-guided, way really is a, 21st, century skill that is. That. That you should develop especially. If you're going to be in the workforce for years, to come. Employers. Will love you even if you don't stay in libraries, I, love. It when our part-time or even our full-time staff move on to bigger and better things you know it makes me proud that I was able to develop them and. Help. Them find their passion because their passion may not be in libraries, and that's okay. So. Just, know that you have it within yourself, and it's. An investment in yourself as well when. You start, working on specific, goals and, develop. Competencies. Even if they're not technology. So. That's. Kind, of what we had for today I have it in my notes that we were going to ask. What. Should be Google but since we can't get that function. To work. You. Can just try that yourself at.

At. Your library or it wherever, you are today. So. At this point do you guys have any questions you want to ask Heather and Catherine. You. Guys have been really quiet today in the chat box there we go. Thank. You Laurie. Thank. You Deirdre. If. Somebody raised their hand but I don't know what that means I. Would. Say if you've got a question just. Type it in the chat, box there so we can see it we're both we're all looking at the chat box. If. You click on the link in this slide or if you visit the link in that slide. We. Have like sort. Of annotations, you, know so it says Linda calm and it tells you what is and what we liked about it so, I hope, Amy that answers, your question. Yeah. So the annotations, do have. Strengths. And weaknesses, and those kinds of things but you're also welcome to write. Either one of us or call us, Andrew. I see your question when you're joining a new library and there are so many associates, who are not familiar with 90%. Of their programs and services, where do you even begin. Well. That's. An interesting question it, might, it. Depends on whether your manager, or not um so. If your manager, you're kind of in a, position. Better, to address that if you're not a manager, I would say. Do. Your best, to, figure. Out what the programs and services are in, your, library, and promote. Them and maybe talk, with your colleagues about them if you. Are a manager, then. You. Can. Lead. Your staff in. Having. Them become familiar with the programs and services that your library offers honestly. At my library we say that our frontline staff or our best advertisement. Because, they're the ones who are seeing, the. Customers who are rocking in and out every day um so, it really behooves, you. To train, your, frontline, staff, on. The programs and services in your library and having them be familiar with everything and so. It it, might need to be a culture. Of change in your library, so it that's, kind of a big question that doesn't have a really easy Pat, answer, unfortunately. But I hope that helps a little bit. Until. On. Dia, asks. Do you find the systems are more prone to adopt, this system-wide. Um. Again. It kind of depends on your library honestly it's probably easier to adopt in the smaller library. Because. There's less people to handle this is Katherine at Carmel claim right now we're a single location with the satellite, digital media lab and we have about a hundred staff, or so but we're getting our first branch, in the next year um so, we'll see how that, works transferring. That out to a second. Location, when. I worked for the County of Los Angeles we, didn't have like a central, thing. To track learning, eventually. The County of Los Angeles bought, this giant, LMS, stands for learning management system, that we sort of imported, everyone, into. If. You are a mid sized library wouldn't recommend that I would definitely. Just kind of go with, like. A spreadsheet saying. But. Yeah I mean it's it's good a very per. Your library, and it might just be within your own department like if you're a department, manager and, that's the only thing that you can control then that's the only thing you can control. Emily. If you are the tech savvy one in your department. How do you balance your own competencies. With teaching and showing everyone, else in the department how, to hit their expectations, this was a big one at the ILF session I did last week where, you have someone who is that go-to tech, person they know that you're the expert and people. Turn to you and say oh I know Emily can do it because she can do it so much faster than me and she knows the answer and let me hand you off to her well that's just bad customer, service you don't want to go around, we don't need six librarians, to change a lightbulb with this stuff this, is a really hard one and for me where. I'm the one who's doing the technology, training my competency. Checklist for, myself, is so long it's. Unique. Compared. To everyone else in the building and my learning plan is so long I have so many things to work on for myself so, I don't do a lot of downtime when, I do have downtime I'm always learning something.

I Even, had a staff member who did needlepoint, and I have a little plaque at my desk and it says always be learning so, we're just always learning and trying to stay on top of it but really think about what's the most important, thing for you in terms of technology, that you need to know. And, as far as, if. You are the tech person in your department, if. When, you're when, you're training, other people when you're teaching other people you, might need to adjust your techniques, so, especially when you're doing tech, things so, what. We. Do and what I do is, you're, kind of the person, who is doing the thing is the one touching, the, computer or, the device or whatever and you're just your hands off you, might tell them, look. In the upper right hand corner but you're not actually touching anything, it, takes a great deal of patience. To. Just sort of stand there and and, let people do. The thing themselves, but they're, not gonna learn how to do the thing unless they're doing it adults. Learn best by doing, also, having staff, members take notes in their own words so you might have lovely handouts, but if they're not taking notes in their own words they may not understand, it five. Days down the road so that's another thing this is Kathryn again I just saw that Deb said that it took two years a six person committee and a culture change but it's working that's really what we had here at Carmel - and it came down from the top from the board and with, our four hours of her required. Continuing, at every year we do have a mandate, that that is directly tied in to pay so, staff. Who do not reach that goal do not receive their annual pay increase so we have that as well and. That kind of ties in with Carol's, question right, after Deborah's, question, should. What. Do you do if you have staff that's always handing, stuff off you, know if, you don't do any sort of performance review, at your library and, you're in a position to implement it I would recommend that, because. If. Staff, are required to, staff. Are required to do their jobs and if there doing their jobs then you have to address the fact that they're not doing their jobs which, usually, means training if they're still not doing their job after training. It, might be time to make that tough decision. And, let, them go or you know it's. Basically they come to Jesus moment you know you really need to do this if you, can't do this you might be happy you're working somewhere else nobody, really likes to hear that but it. Sometimes. Is necessary, and that's, it we're accountable this is really, driving. Staff to be accountable, for their own learning. Yeah. If. We have we missed any questions. Okay. Things. Kept popping up so quickly that, yeah. We had. To back it up a little bit to keep up with everybody so what, I'm gonna do right now though I'm, gonna bring up the Lau forum you guys still put your questions out here and we'll stay on for, about ten more minutes okay. Emily. That's a good one when you get called in the crisis, I had to dispel this myth that I'm the magical tech fairy that. With wings that comes down and fixes printers and it, really was kind, of what, Heather said I I spent quite a while just putting, my hands behind my back and it was so hard not to just do things for people but helping them learn, on their own if I tell, you how to do it and you can actually demonstrate it, that helps a lot for them. Yeah. That that really is key when you're teaching, technology, just keep your hands off of it and if you are the tech fairy at your library and you are getting resentful, of getting all of the questions directed, to you one, thing that we did we, had a lot of people in departments, who were really great with technology but. They were getting handed off all of these patron, questions, and co-worker questions there are specialists, now so these are staff that we identified, through surveys, and self assessments, and went. To them and said would you be interested in being an overdrive, specialist, so, that when we have these advanced, questions, we can kind of have a tiered system and, staff. Are comfortable going to you and you, are okay with taking, those questions, and I, one of the things that I did when I first came into my position in the IT department was, that I was getting so many calls and I kept a log of which, departments.

Types Of calls and problems that was commonly receiving, and. Then I wouldn't, answer the phone so. I know that sounds terrible but when you you get a call and you see it's them I didn't. Answer the phone and I found out that I gave them a minute and they. Figured it out on their alright so sometimes, you, know I call back two minutes later and say I saw missed a call from you what's going on that's okay we figured it out we played with it and we found the printer jam and. Yeah. Then I know, I'm. Talking to the city also has that guru system, Deb you might yeah. Yep. That's, a great great, process, and. Deb. I know you guys have little stickers you put on your name tags to identify your staff who are your gurus I love that too for recognizing, staff. Another. Thing that that I do when, I'm training, technology. Is as, I kind of put the ball in the person's court so like if they're trying to learn. How to write, a paper. These. Days Windows, really, kind of lays everything out for you. And, so. I put. The ball in their Court okay you want to, make. This a heading so let's go ahead and highlight that text now, where do you think you would go to, make that a heading and. Have, them, take the time to look for it and and that's, something that you need to do too you. Take. The time to look before you just automatically go oh my gosh I can't do this because, a lot of things you just kind of have to poke at it again like we said before it's. Actually, really hard to. Break a computer, these days it's, really. Hard unless you're actually doing the programming. But, you. Know and even then you can always undo and, go back so. Just. Just don't be afraid to explore and, click. On things. Try. To break it even that's, what I like to do that we've had but we actually have a local company called Edwin the Duck and they create smart tech toys for kids it's a smart duck and they. Gave us some for free so that we could take them apart and find out how they work so even. Things like getting your staff comfortable, with the technology, in the first place, anything. That we do with our children's department technology. If, it's ozobot s--, I do a staff session, on that usually the children's librarians, already have some type of curriculum or handouts together and I just adapt, it in small ways for adult staff and yes. I had adult, staff a roomful of them with coloring, crayons, on the floor playing with Autobots, but they're getting comfortable with the technology. Yeah. I really. Um encourage, you guys to look at those I am a less 21st century skills because. So many of the things that we've been talking about are. Embedded. In those skills. I. Think. It's I don't know I'm just a big fan of those.

What. Other questions do you have for us we, have a couple more men at 6 more minutes. Elizabeth. Don't worry we couldn't get the we couldn't get Google to work we, have no idea why why it wouldn't work whatever. It's technology it's not gonna work all the time the way you want it to roll. With the flow. We'll. Have Paula answer the the certificate. I believe, that there's a Nellie you thing, that popped up. And. If, you're watching it in the webinar there's, instructions on how to create that Leu after the fact. Thank. You. Setting. The process up in a larger system, really. Will take a. Part. Of you. Need to have your administration. On board and. I would just say start, small and start simple like using. Spreadsheets is really, great if you're, not already doing performance. Reviews maybe you need to start there maybe, you need to start at updating everyone's, job descriptions, if you haven't looked at that in even, five years I would say start. There see. What everyone's supposed to be doing figure out what their competencies, are from there, develop. It into some sort of review, that. You're already doing the. Individualized, learning plans and all those sort of icing on the cake things probably, couldn't come after what, you need to establish first is they're sort of that, accountability. Piece which really comes from, performance. Reviews and making people responsible, for learning the things that they have to know and, it's not in their job descriptions. You know that's. Sort. Of your base this. Is Katherine from Cromwell clang and and like what Heather said but the performance, reviews these things from the individualized, learning plan or competencies. You can tie those directly, into performance, goals. So, for, example if you are in a circulation department and you have staff members who are veteran, staff members 15 20 years it is hard coming up with new goals year after year for staff who do the same responsibilities. And there, are not a lot of new opportunities for technology advancement. Get. Them interested in different things get them a wider, a rate array of tech skills, offer. Them, classes, on 3d printers through Linda do fun things like that so when the time comes when you do adopt, a new technology, they are not as fearful of it and they're more willing to try it um. Performance. Reviews. Don't matter well you. Know if you. Tie them to web you keep your job hot. Then. It does matter I mean we don't get merit increases either we. Do occasionally, get a cost of living increase so, you might, be. Able to tie, that in but if you tie your performance, reviews to whether that person gets to keep their job then. It does start to matter, and. I think too as we see a larger percentage of millenials entering the workforce I know here at our library. At Carmel we've seen a lot of younger staff coming in recent, MLS grads that. Millennial, workforce, they're expecting. Different things compared. To previous generations in terms of, what job happiness, they want learning, opportunities, and growth and advancement for. Professional development and we're looking at almost 50% of the workforce of Millennials by 2020. So. We have like a couple more minutes if you. Have. Anything else. Just. Thanks to everyone for being here today also to our wonderful presenters.


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