[Music] Este panelists and valued participants good morning and good afternoon and warm welcome to our webinar on technology and digital transformation in the legal industry I'm truly delighted to see such a diverse and engaged audience joining us from various corners of of the legal and Technology sector I am Gopi mamidi the moderator for today's webinar I have been an it professional for just under 40 years over the past 7 years at CB I played a significant role in introducing new technology particularly in the intersection of cloud Technologies and the practice of law my goal has been to better serve our clientel by providing them with tools that simplify and enhance their productivity in today's rapidly evolving world the legal industry is not immune to the transformative power of technology in fact it is the Forefront of adopting Innovative digital solutions to streamline operations enhance efficiency and better serve clients with the Advent of large language models like chat GPT the Le legal landscape is undergoing a profound shift one that is reshaping the way legal professionals work collaborate and deliver legal services for the next 1 hour we will embark on an insightful Journey exploring the intersection of law and technology and delving deep into the strategies Trends and opportunities that Define this Dynamic landscape our esteemed panelists who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience will guide us through this exciting Terren our focus in the webinar will be on achieving operational efficiencies via automation of billing filing documents with courts receiving and delivering Court not notices so that we can leverage paralegals for additional respons possibilities we have a panel discussion that promises to provide you with valuable insights and actionable takeaways whether you're a legal professional seeking to leverage technology for a Competitive Edge or technology Enthusiast interested in the legal sector transformation there something here for everyone before we dive into our discussions I'd like to express our gratitude to our distinguished panelists without whom this event would not be possible I'd also like to acknowledge our sponsors and partners for their support so without further Ado let's embark on this exciting journey together exploring the ways in which technology is reshaping the legal industry and forging New Frontiers of posibility to kick things off I will now introduce to our first keynote speaker who will provide valuable insights into the importance of digital information in the legal World Larry Swain our first panelist the virtual floor is yours please introduce yourself thank you Gopi um Larry Swain with rapid legal and Rapid legal is uh a litigation support service provider that's been in in business for more than 30 years providing support for attorneys and law firms related to litigation support processes getting core documents filed service process document research Etc uh rapid legal is one of the first litigation support companies to go online in the early 2000s when we saw the the future and the possibilities of the internet and brought to uh law firms across California the ability to submit orders online and that was very timely because as uh soon after courts across the state began adopting electronic filing uh and that's really has taken hold over the last 10 years and uh rapid legal has tried to stay at the Forefront of offering online web-based solutions to uh law firms and Attorney Services I myself have been with the company for 10 10 of the last 25 years that I've been working in technology um and before that served seven years in the US Navy and to my my role at rapid legal is to look at how do we extend our Solution by integrating with other technology providers who are also serving law firms uh to help automation across all aspects of running the business of a law firm and getting that done so thank you Gopi I'm happy to be here thanks Larry for that introduction I mean uh good to know that you have solid experience in this area uh I will switch to our other panelist Dan O day uh please introduce yourself Dan uh thank you Gopi so yeah Dan O day uh co-founder of ecfx uh we automate the processing of the Court notices so you can say a little bit uh we pick up uh the kind of uh things that rapid legal help create um what we do is we download those uh notices we store them in the DMS we distribute them to the team so individuals don't have to uh we've only been around for uh four and a half years now uh and we launched the product in uh 2020 we do have a quite a steam Client List I'm very proud of uh I've been illegal since I was 16 years old I started out as a court Runner because uh I could drive a car right and so um I went on to be a pargal I I did practice law I had my law license in California but realized that the actual practice law was very evic serial so I ended up in legal technology at a company that some people may know called Elite that became part of Thompson Reuters uh and I have had various roles and but I have been involved since the age of 16 when I first started putting p C's into a law firm in legal technology uh for my entire career so thank you very much W that's amazing I mean you've been in technology for so long and you've done a wide variety of roles that's awesome so um I will uh start with my first question for today which will kind of uh be an excellent starting point uh to to continue with our discussion in this in this uh webinar so Larry uh first question to you what changes do you think have occurred in the last 40 20 years uh that are encouraging humans to take a switch to automation what work are humans doing today that can be used as a basis for comparison well we've seen an awful lot um I will focus on one thing that Dan can relate to the days of the Court Runner are soon coming to an end um what what I think what we've really seen that's primarily impacted uh law firms and particularly the courts is the idea of moving documents electronically um gone are the days of the wet you know print out the document put a wet signature on it and hand it to a clerk uh by adopting e filing we've seen uh courts Embrace online documents electronic documents they're using that to automate their own systems so that's really I think um what's been transformative and that really sets the stage uh what's happened over the last 10 years sets the stage for what can happen over the next 10 years as more information documents payments are moved electronically it's going to bring all kinds of efficiencies and opportunities across the across the legal technology space and uh so switching over to Dan do you also agree with Larry that uh there has been a significant Improvement in the way legal professions work today in the last 20 years there have been a lot of changes that you have seen yeah I I would say that while um I would agree 100% that the move to electronic document transfer and electronic documents has finally taken hold in legal after 30 years of attempting this and they've been talking about paperless offices not quite since I started they started talking really seriously about going paperless in law firms late '90s early 2000s um and I think with the Advent of electronic filing and a number of things that that at least in litigation there is a lot less physical paper um for for certain uh no doubt about it that's been a transformative change uh we see of course the related change in the ecovery process it used to be just plain old document production right and so um these been Monumental changes that have allowed for Automation in ways that um didn't exist uh 20 years ago to your question yeah and uh ecfx do you um also automate uh several processes in this uh legal industry we did so we're essentially what people outside of leg will call robotic process automation or RPA but we're specialized in doing that around Court notices so as Court notices come in we're parsing them analyzing them uh figuring out what documents need to be downloaded where they need to be stored who's on the team that needs to be notified and sending those out uh to those individuals uh We've also integrated with various uh federal agencies uh and the ITC finra people like that so um it's really anywhere that you have some sort of repetitive process around email we can essentially automate it for a law firm right and Larry what about your compan I mean are you automating and uh do you see uh scales in uh productivity gains there when you do the automation the way uh we e file now yeah absolutely so our our primary um um benefit to to law firms and attorneys is to allow them to take documents that they're creating electronically and get those documents handled in whatever litigation step they're they're at if they're fining a new case or if they need uh other parties served we're able to accept those documents electronically route them to the court electronically if the court does so if not have a runner uh there are still some out there um take them to the court have parties served so we've allowed the the law firm to take a lot of that work off their plate um and not have to send people or have Runners come to their office which has really dramatically improved the timeliness and responsiveness of getting those litigation steps completed uh as well as help to honestly reduce the cost uh you see dramatically dramatic cost reductions for the law firms by moving to where the courts have adopted electronic filing saves a lot of time and saves a lot of money and uh what are some typical challenges you face when you try to introduce this process in law firms I mean have you seen any and what kind B that's yeah a great question there's there's always challenges um when adopting technology I like to uh I'm one of those people who always love to run out and and find out something that's brand new or try something brand new quite often um and particularly when you're a business or you're running a law practice you want to make sure that uh everybody's on the same page if you have some people doing one thing and other people's doing something a different way whether that's using different vendors using different software platforms uh consistency of execution I think is one of the biggest challenges um in change uh people naturally we all resist change of some sort um so but what we find is I think once the the team at a firm is on the same page they're they're conscious and recognize the benefits to be had and they can work through uh any issues or assembling blocks to get themselves uh moving forward um right and uh Dan how about your offering do you see challenges in introducing uh your technology into law Firs yeah we do see some initial challenges sometimes it depends on the firm's culture a lot and and whether or not they're embracing especially the administrative staff um it's taking a lot of time you know the administrative staff have often times uh feelings about how they do their work uh and today they're downloading documents perhaps and naming them in a certain way and two individuals in the same firm may have two different ways to name documents because they feel that's the best way to do it and the firm comes in with a solution like ours and even though we can and often do save them multiple ways they often want to in Institute with our software a standard right and so they'll say okay we're going to this standard and now we're going to do everything the same way in all matters across all litigation and that change can be resisted sometimes by the by the staff who will want to go in and rename things they'll want to move things around and stuff uh so we run into that issue the other thing we do is we shed a light sometimes on um people who are not actually compliant with the system so a lot of our value proposition is risk management and it is sometimes the case and some firms and a few of our clients where not every case was being tracked properly some attorney may have made a prohawk appearance in some jurisdiction and just be managing the case himself and his admin and no one else in the firm knows about it uh we often identify those and bring those to the Forefront and so there's a period of um data reconciliation if you will of what's really going on and how many of these cases are actually being properly tracked right and is the resistance at a attorney level or at a paralal level or it it it kind of percolates all right across the board uh the attorneys love it so the partners the attorneys love it there's there's almost no resistance because now they're getting uh you know the work product faster consistent format 100 almost instantly weekends holidays they love it uh it's almost always at the staff level where the staff uh had a certain way of working right right right okay and Larry is that what you see as well um do younger attorneys take to technology faster than and the older ones quite obviously I guess but uh do you see a resistance in taking on your technology in a lot of them if they're primarily older attor in there we we do as as Dan said you know we're we're humans and we get used to doing something a certain way and we find something that works for us so when change is are forced on us or are pushed on us I should say uh it can be harder uh what we what we've seen particularly around um our business and filing documents with the courts is where the courts are driving the change that I think the the attorneys that are resisting it or the staff that are resisting realize that that they have to change um and so now it becomes how can you adopt technology and change your processes um in a way that's going to work for you and I think one of the key things that that rapid legal has all always been about is is supporting our customers through those changes so a lot of times you know a court wants the documents submitted electronically but they don't want you to call them if you have a problem so uh so our our emphasis on supporting our customers helping them through those changes helping get questions answered uh has been also really helpful for those who resist that kind of change to know that they're going to have someone by their side to help them through it that we've seen that to be very beneficial right and are there any limits to the automation you're doing or um is there any advantage of collecting a lot of data over the automations and being able to analyze and do things better I mean do you have examples of that um we do I think one of the one of the key um as as the courts are adopting um electronic documents there are a whole Associated set of data that are going to come with that um information about the case information about fees um we've seen some law firms take advantage and reach out to us say how can we we get the fees that we're paying uh for the services and paying to the courts into our accounting systems so we can do auditing across vendors we can get more normalized cost structures uh predictable cost instructors across our different vendors uh that are providing services for us so what we'll what we see is that as the um automation continues to take hold more and more things are done electronically there's more information available to now uh aggregate that and make better decisions make better decisions about cases make better decisions about the business of running a law firm uh all of those elements right and then uh do you see something similar we we do similar to what Larry's experienced uh we give them insight into something they don't have Insight today if you go into your typical law firm uh of any size and by I mean like 10 or more lawyers and you say well how many court notices do you get in a month they'll have no idea it's it's like right uh it's distributed you know uh it it varries by case and so oftentimes uh when they put the product in they are usually shocked by the number of notices and we duplicate so we remove uh duplicates so four people get it we we narrow it down to one notice um and the volume is often three to five times higher than they had imagined uh that they had and you know they just didn't know it was so distributed and you know and then they can see they can say oh actually we have a ton of work in New York you know or oh our our Hawaii office we have a client who found out that their Hawaii office had as many uh filings as their New York dark office which surprised them right um and so yeah you can often shed light into areas that they uh they just don't have the data today to see right and uh are companies generally aware of different types of automation available or is there um a lag between technologies that are getting created and automation that are getting created and what people know and what law firms know uh done there's definitely a lag uh a lot of people said I had no idea a software like yours existed had I known it I would have gotten it years ago um there's often a you know I have to deal with the court so the Court's making them aware they have to eile it is requiring it they're now dealing with these emails but it doesn't always it's not intuitive to say oh is there another tool to help me now that the Court's gone electronic to complete this process or to tie it all together right and I'm sure Larry's experienced this same thing yeah definitely I I I would say there there's I mean I find this in my own you know work practice in my personal life as more and more stuff happens electronically and gets automated that means there's more stuff coming at you that you need to keep up with um and so so sometimes um you know you you have to deal with a problem like submitting a large number of transactions or processing a large number of Court notices and is there something out there that can help me a lot of people won't even know um there are always the early adopters that are going to be out there trying things first and a lot of times it's as those Technologies mature and more more people begin to use them then more people hear about them uh and then they can bring their benefits and U in general what other automations are available outside of eiling and cot notices are you uh uh do you integrate with other uh similar ilar Services as well D do you have so we integrate with case management systems and with document Management Systems uh and what we're seeing is workflow automations in those systems so oftentimes our software will trigger a workflow perhaps the document needs to go to a reviewer often needs to go to a doting or calendaring team and uh those workflows will be triggered based on tags that we put into the metadata on the document uh some products have like hashtag Concepts uh that allow them to sort and distribute documents uh we have firms that can set a reviewer field to a certain value so you know this individual reviews it on this case and another individual reviews it on another case um and so we are really in the middle uh grabbing the data out of the existing case system and then pushing it either to document management or case management system with additional metadata to keep the workflow going and then those systems have their own built-in workflows so that's a excellent operational efficiency there right there when you receive a court notice and you've created an automated workflow that takes care of uh the the following steps and that's that's very useful to know yeah and uh lar what about your case do you integrate with other systems and how do you uh add to productivity with eiling yeah we do um we're seeing the same thing uh as Dan mentioned about uh doc Management Systems obviously that's where a lot of the documents will start right a document can't be filed until it's created so we're seeing interest and we're developing Integrations so to help streamline the creation of the document and then the filing of the document and as Dan mentioned they're automating the the return of the Court notices U so that's one area the other area that I mentioned earlier was around expense management and accounting um we're seeing a lot of interest from some forward-thinking law firms that that are recognizing there's there's efficiencies to be gained as all the expenses become digitized to get that information back into their uh accounting systems so they can build their clients uh or make make sure that the the appropriate fees are getting put into their um case summaries or um keeping track of what's been paid what's been reimbursed um what what do they you know are owed by their customers so really helping the cash flow uh through the law firm by gaining efficiencies and accuracies and and you know the other thing we talk of a lot we've talked a lot about Automation and improving efficiency but what's really important to a law firm is risk management making sure that you know a key notice from a a case that's an important case doesn't get missed uh time time frames where documents need to be filed don't get missed fees um you know you can you can easily wipe out your profit margin if you don't get reimbursed for the court fees that you have to pay so so risk management is also uh an important part of automation as well yeah Larry thanks for me yeah no thanks for reminding me because we also do billing integration as well uh and uh and absolutely um the other thing that uh we we do for some firms is we give them a stub time entry to remind them to enter time for reviewing the document so we can say okay okay sent you this document you should have you should have reviewed it how much time did you spend on it so you don't forget to record that right and um how do you compute Roi from the service you provide then I mean how does is there a is there a way you can justify to your customer that hey you you pay us so much for subscript subscribing to a service and you will get this money back in X number of days I mean how do you justify the ROI are uh customers yeah so we we actually have hard Roi which is not which is not common uh because what we do is we save non-billable time of Staff members so Denton has saved we have a white paper where Denton has saved over 19,000 at the time of the writing 19,000 19,000 man hours person hours at the time of the document produced it's over 20,000 something hours now of real time because they had people they could they had time motion they knew it was like 8 to 20 minutes to process one of these they saw how many came through they got a dashboard now with all the data right which they didn't have before and they can calculate it that is the number one reason people usually purchase the software I can tell you that they the real benefit and the real stickiness of the product goes to Larry's risk management point because they're like oh now we we're not missing anything like if the partner off hiking in the Himalayas we're still getting the notices and we know to re act to it right it doesn't get lost anywhere and that allows the the GCS to sleep at night and is probably more important to client retention than even the the hard Roi right right right that's a great point I mean uh and lar you did bring up the risk management card sorry excuse me that that is something very important for uh these law phones not to miss notices and then yeah and uh where do you how do you compute Roi uh um Larry is there um sure yeah our we don't have as many examples of hard Roi but the um where we see value where we add a lot of value is as I mentioned before if you have to eile in a document do it with a firm you know that's going to help you um so answer your questions help reach out to the court or the Court's technology vendor if there's an issue um stand up for you and represent you um so that's what we see while the the there's been a industrywide Roi as I mentioned as the cost of getting documents filed in the courts have gone down um the value ad of uh a lot of the businesses like rapid legal is a level of support that we can provide you uh and then um on the back end uh where we've done billing Integrations and and helped with the cost control there's definitely Roi that have been had by law firms there just getting a handle on understanding and making sure that expenses are reimbursed uh costs are covered those kind of things right and is eiling mandated across California or uh it is only for certain types of cases uh it it varies across the state um more and more uh counties uh are mandating so the typical life cycle is a court will shift to electronic filing they'll Implement an electronic filing system and they'll make it optional and then they they will um start to then make it uh required mandatory for certain case types or they will it'll be required by all law firms and attorneys and they'll only make exceptions for self-represented um case parties but uh we've seen a lot of the big counties uh Los Angeles County Orange County Santa clar County Riverside County um are really moving quickly U so we've seen now that I think across the state about 2third of the counties in California are have you filing activated and uh that covers more than 80% of the the case so it's definitely it's it's a mature technology and it's being adopted across the state uh there's only a few uh smaller courts that haven't adopted yet but uh before we know it it'll be 100% coverage right and Dan do you see uh courts in your area um send notices only by email electronically are there courts that do that now or we're not there yet well the federal courts have been there for many years actually the federal courts have been there uh a long time they're all eservice through the Pacer system uh and we've seen some states Go 100% electronic um again maybe making exceptions for prosay or or certain things but otherwise 100% electronic uh New York States on a single system uh it does vary uh greatly by state um whether it's a state level system or or a county level system and that tends to be based on the very simple question of where does the budget for the technology reside and based on where the budget resides is where the tech solution resides right so that's usually how it works right and in California what is the situation it's county level as Larry was saying yeah so each County what happened was there is a history behind here we won't go into it but the state attempted to build a Statewide solution and spent a fair amount of money only to have it partially implemented in Sacramento and ended up uh deciding hey in the counties were like you know you have these large cities are like we need something now and so the state legislature enabled them through law to to take it on themselves because the counties were like we couldn't wait for a Statewide solution in California was too too much pressure yeah and uh how long does it take for teams to learn how to use your product and get familiar with it do they need a lot of training done uh to go to to to kind of understand how your workflows work and then how it gets integrated into a case management system or any of those other products so the attorneys require no training because they're just getting emails and they're just seeing their documents so zero attorney training but you they're usually a couple staff members uh in a large firm it may even be four or five but in a small almost all our smaller clients it's one individual was trained on our system understands how it works understands if something gets stuck why it's stuck and how to unstick it um so there is some training required uh and we usually do them in you know a few one hour sessions to get them fully um firsts in the product and do you also have apis that you need it people to integrate with other systems how do that look we don't require any it direct support uh we do we do integrate with systems and so you may involve it in it uh oftentimes the larger firms do have to involve their it teams for security reasons and other things uh so it varies greatly by firm but we have some solo practitioners uh on the platform that have no it support and we're able to handle everything for them so okay and l h uh the rapid legal um how how is that uh in terms of integration with how do you set up integration how do you train people what what's the background there well gopy it's it's actually very very easy to get started using rapid Legal Services um it's access to a web browser so a very small amount of training our staff can walk through um with the law firm staff who will be using it our services on on how to submit the orders and then how to to uh look at the views of the case documents that have been filed some of the the basic functionality we have around Court notices coming back emails our system will send that's very straightforward uh we now have the Integrations with document Management systems that are really easy to activate and use and some of the more sophisticated uh Integrations uh billing Integrations that's going to depend a lot on what what systems that the law firm is using and what they need from it so those are those will take more time we'll get involved and help solve those problems and work with the IT staff appropriately right and uh this question is for both of you what use case do you see that combines rapid legal with ecfx and are there use cases out there that can create a workflow that combines both the Technologies together and provide uh significant productivity gains for law funds oh absolutely 100% so that's actually we're we're that's why it's a great partnership um if you will think of it uh rapid legal's dealing with the inputs and we're dealing with the outputs and by by putting those two systems together you've now got a full 360 degree solution for your office yeah you you start creating your documents in your document management system send them through Rapid legal um to the courts sent out to get served Etc it all comes back and ecfx can add the Intelligence on how those documents get put back in the document system notifi to people all that handling on the back end it's a really good yeah the conform copy comes back right so they want the file stap comp before the record and we can save that in that docs right next to or whatever document management system they have right next to um the the filing that they made so they will have the draft that they submitted But ultimately they want the court stamp document and since we're no longer walking down to the court and bringing three copies to get conformed copies to bring back to the office we we need the file stamp version that's eamp so and um in terms of integrating rapid legal with u ecfx is there anything special required or they they work independent of each other no we work together on integration so we've built really tight integration so uh for example we know what a rapid legal notice looks like um they've provided us with the information on what jurisdictions they support and so we can recognize which court it came from understand using their apis how to call call and get the documents um it's been a ter terrific partnership from building a tight integration so that our customers have a seamless experience excent lar you had anything to add to that no he covered it yeah we we do the work so uh they don't have to right uh and how is the reception of Rapid legal with um law firms I mean are more and more people adopting eiling I know it's mandated so they have no choice but even then uh is there a kind of resistance to adopt defiling uh the rapid legal as a solution or do people try other Solutions before they come to Rapid legal well um we would love it if they all started with us but uh of course um let's when you have a a county where eiling is mandated they have to efile with someone um there could be that a direct portal that the courts technology vendor has put up there could be other businesses out there what we find is when folks come to Rapid legal and they they are they stay with us because of the level of service um remember you know when you adopt technology it's great to have someone on the other end of the phone when you have questions on how you're using it or an issue using it someone that can help you out so what we've seen is um the level of service uh that's there as well as the ability to work with all these complimentary Solutions so we're not just helping them get eile documents submitted we're able to work with companies like ecfx and handle the full round trip provide all the Automation and increase the value ad um of automation to the law firm by by selecting us because of who we can work okay so uh Dan question for you um is there any question I've not asked and do you wanted to talk about well I'd love talking about legal tax so there's a million things to discuss I I think we can all um appreciate that the the landscape is changing and it's probably changing more rapidly um I think a lot of discussion a few years ago was how um coid essentially forced The Firm to recognize Cloud technology in particular and and as a result um there's data to support the fact that lawyers are more willing to accept technology than they were pre-co right um and they see it as helpful and beneficial um I mean the whole experience of a of instead of waiting in court for four hours for your hearing until the judge could get you getting a zoom call at the right time while you can still do other work me just so much more efficient um in so many ways right right and Larry is there anything I should have asked and have not asked yet about your uh platform and your technology or anything related yeah the the the biggest thought is what's driving the adoption of e filing I'd like to remind people that it's the courts themselves um because the courts have finally come to recognize the benefits of Automation and by getting documents electronically receiving them electronically the courts are also processing them electronically they have court case management systems now that allow the clerks to review them they can be routed to the correct judge to be reviewed um they have full view of of a case now electronically they they saw even during coid when clerks were able to process filed documents from home um there were lots of efficiencies but the the driving I think as we we we've seen the adoption accelerate is because more and more courts are realizing that they need to start adopting technology faster incorporate automation to manage their costs um they're gaining benefits from it so I think as we look to the Future um as they continue on their adoption path that's going to um pull or push uh more law firms to um come along and also I think create a lot of opportunities for as we we've already talked about uh how much automation has been able to help um what we're seeing right now that's only going to continue to increase okay and I thanks for that and and I don't think we can end the conversation without talking about chat GPT how do you think how do you think chat GPT done will change the way firms will work using your technology are you incorporating chat GPD in any manner do you plan to do any of that and what what's your vision there so so uh yeah so C GTP is obviously generative AI in generically and large language models whatever you want whatever classification and having wrote my college thesis on artificial intelligence I've been thinking about this for most of my wow career um and so I I would say that there are there are two types of AI that are being used in the legal industry and I do think it's important to separate out the generative AI from kind of your other types of AI expert systems uh things we do like parsing um various uh ways in which you can approach things categorize classification engines things like that um and so those things classification engines um things that pull out and identify dates and titles of documents those are really important Technologies for what we do the generative AI is obviously more involved on the drafting side of the equation um I have some theories uh that uh I'm pretty sure is not controversial that not every company that's entering legal Tech with a generative AI solution will be around in five years um because these Technologies are early Technologies and the we all know how lawyers are they're going to look at this stuff and go like what this is more work for me or this is too it's t too much effort for me to to deal with all the edits I have to make to this thing that was generated for me automatically um I do have a big question though when it comes to the bar associations it would not surprise me at all if the bar association start to step in and do something along the lines of you have to disclose if you use generative Ai and you have to review it because you're it's just like if you had your paralal draft it you ultimately it's your license you're responsible for it I think that's the position they're taking now but they I think they're going to be more explicit about a lot of this stuff um I do think that you'll find that it's going to be used by as it has been it's going to be used more by plaintiffs attorneys than defense attorneys because of the economics of the two sides um so I I have a lot of thoughts about generative AI in legal I'm sure you're don't want to give away your secrets on how you're changing your product by using generative AI but yeah not again it's not for us it's more about the extraction and classification and pulling out dates and so you will see AI in our product but it won't be we're not going to be writing stuff now that rapid legals in in more in the submission business but but we're not so and Larry how do you see large language models like CH GPD enter your uh world of rep legal well similar to what Dan answered you know our business is not in the model we're not in the business of helping the law firms create their their documents or argue their case we're uh we're all about helping them get it done but I what I think I we we'll see happening is as the more and more these documents become automated um well and the courts start to share information from their own automated systems that the body of knowledge about legal cases uh that's available for systems like chat BT and others to to ingest will it grow that'll only grow as uh you know chat TPT can't ingest a document that's sitting on a paper file somewhere in in a courthouse so as more of the um information becomes digitized those large language models will have a larger data set to look at um so that only help so it's it's need to be a part of the process of bringing you know what what used to be all paper based to more electronic that can help Drive these kinds of automations that'll help us in the future sure thanks um there Dan any closing comments there uh final comments so I I think we are seeing the changes that we we've discussed are just the beginning obviously or we're somewhere in the middle of the road maybe uh you know what I guess the early days of the word processor in the law firm was probably just the beginning uh and now here we are um and we I do think we will see paperless offices I know there's some practices already that have gone paperless because of the remote work combined with everything else right um so it's nice to see that that day is finally here um and I am excited to see what the next uh 30 years brings this uh this area legal Tech yeah yeah thanks for that Dan uh Larry how about yourself any closing comments there yeah I I agree it's an exciting time um as we see uh all the there's lots of parties involved in the case right the law firms the uh the courts uh other entities as all of those connections Move online and those system systems uh evolve it's just going to create more opportunity for Automation and streamlining and saving a lot of time you know the the the the generation of web technologies that are out there now systems in the cloud can talk to each other so much easier U like rapid legal and ecfx um the accounting systems will evolve the billing systems the practice Management systems were you know we're already in the early stages of having them talk to each other so as all these systems um develop and are able to talk to each other more naturally uh it'll save a lot of time uh for the staff in running the business of the law firm so they can focus on what they do best and where their true value at is is the practice of Law and all of these administrative aspects and we'll just get easier and easier to automate yeah thank Larry thank Dan Larry both of you um so um uh it is clear from what uh you've both said today that law firms need to embrace technology faster than ever to stay ahead in the game right uh Cloud technologies have made it easier for law firms to introduce new systems into their uh workplace so there is a whole bunch of applications available and couple of good examples are rapid legal for E filing and ecfx for uh managing Court notices so these are some really good examples and this these are the heart of any law firm uh this work so these are very useful for improving operational efficiencies so I think uh this has been a great session um thank you Larry and Dan for this insightful talk and sharing your knowledge with CB's family um that's all I have for now goodbye thank you GOI it's was a pleasure thank you go