There is a new era in data management Dell Technologies makes data innovation a BRK1115

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And thank you for that all, right so Steve McMaster, I've been with Dell technologies, right at 20 years a little bit over 20 years now I've, been doing a bunch of stuff sells, roles management, roles but I've been aligned for Microsoft, complex, solutions, for about seven. Or eight years now supporting. A bunch of different roles but I really, went back deep into the technology, a few years ago and, the. Conversation. That we're going to be talking about today was. Kind of a oh. My. Moment. That a lot of us had about nine months ago and it. Very specifically, has to do a sequel it this. Conversation, Microsoft, meeting, we're gonna be talking about sequel but, it's, not just about sequel, as' about data and what, we were recognizing. Was we. Heard about sequel 19 and we knew what was coming and the. Things in it and you, know buck woody and Bob worden they they all had their sessions I'm not gonna replicate those sessions fantastic. Individuals. Goodness. They just run, circles around me, but. When we started looking at what was coming we recognize this, is as big of, a. Change. Focused. Around data as. Really. When virtualization. Was kicked off like. 1819. Years ago I remember VMware. Was coming out with the virtualization technology, and I was selling servers to Dell at the time and we were running around like Keystone Cops it was really silly the sky is falling the sky is falling we're not gonna sell as many servers, what are we gonna do our IDC numbers are gonna go down and. Then we recognize well this is something that you need to embrace and we did and. We didn't sell as many servers that, first year but, we still bigger beefier, higher. Profit, servers so we're kind of okay with that but. That, virtualization, wave. That, happened, changed. Well it you're, still dealing with it now right that. Next wave is happening right now and hardly anybody's aware of it so, we're going to talk about that here today is that we're. Seeing all, of the, different, big. Players. Microsoft. Dell. VMware. As part of Dell, Oracle. I mean how many any of you guys go to Dell technology, world at the beginning of the year or, you may you may have seen the picture of where, we had. CEO. Of VMware CEO. Of Dell CEO, of Microsoft. All up there you, know with Pat and Mike and and SOT, you all hand shaking right, and you're like hmm. Microsoft. VMware. This. Is like ghostbusters. Right human, sacrifice, dogs and cats living together masses Jerry I can't believe that I'm seeing this and the, reality, is that's our. Reality, and so, we saw that over. The last couple of years with even Microsoft. Embracing. Open infrastructure. Right when, you look at the, the virtual machines that are being run in Azure I mean is it that groundswell. Has already tipped over into non Microsoft. Windows Server based architectures, right and it's like more than half of them are off of that open. Infrastructure, and then you see the acquisition, to get and is embracing of this technology, the, recognization, is that this is a, fully. Multi. Cloud world and, not just as you're an AWS, and Google but all the private cloud and hybrid cloud details, within that and there's. Not just one single answer, to this and Microsoft. Interestingly has, been embracing, that and you see that with the announcements, that happened on Monday. With. Synapse. And arc this idea of intelligent, edge and, Saatchi. Kicked. That off actually, a couple years ago with the focus around intelligent, edge I got a couple of this slides there there's, a multi cloud world but. The fundamental. Focus and all this is data and. I'm, not talking about sequel I'm just talking about just data, data. Is where all these things are revolving, around and, we, recognize, that there's a lot of things that drive that on. Why, data, is the fulcrum. In which the entire seesaw, of the world is pivoting, right now and that's, driven around people, and processes, and technologies. And those, can have been historically, limitations. In the past as well I could, easily put up politics, right, so, all of you are learning about all this new cool stuff and you're like I want to go implement it but I can't because, I've. Got internal political limitations. Right we. Got infrastructure, people that aren't listening to the DBAs they're. Not listening to the data scientists, or they'll kind of listen but they'll kind of also give them the Heisman and say, yes but we're doing this and the. Epical, change is happening right now is forcing, all of us to think about this different, now, there's three big, thanks, that we recognize, that made, us do our . again about nine months ago it's really when it hit us, kind.

Of This, area here, okay tommy-boy reference here but. It just really hit us in the face right where. It made, us kind of stop and think okay so the first is the. Idea of data gravity, what is data gravity well. Just like when we were growing up and we learn about Isaac Newton in the Apple, data. Has weight, I mean not literally it, doesn't have mass but, it kind of does when you think about it because when. Data is created we find over and over again that, data. Tends, to remain, where it is the, ability for us to move data and munch data together with these big ETL, awful at events is because it gets painful gets expensive. You, know the idea of having to put all the data and just a common date of like and some instances sounds great but it's, completely different architectures, modality. Languages. Structured. Versus unstructured, it might sound easy sometimes, it's hard and what, we find is silos, of data are, existing, all over, the place and you're already familiar with this especially if you run different. Architectures, within your environment you could have, a. Great, big sequel data farm you might also have s AP and Oracle, within your infrastructure, as well I know by the way there's a little thing called unstructured, data IOT. Data image, data Hadoop. Architectures. I got cloud era architectures. And you're like wouldn't. It be great if I could access all that data but. The reality is that there's these walls these silos, to where if I'm, a, sequel. Guy that's, been using T sequel, which by the way is the most common language sequels. The most commonly, distributed databases. Out there how. Do I access the Oracle, stuff without doing. Some kind of really expensive migration. Event and porting, stuff over and how, the heck do I get to Hadoop, and. What we recognize is that these silos, of data gravity. Islands specifically, around the edge we. Find that with manufacturing. And oil and gas and retail stores I mean the data tends to remain there is that. There's an embracing of that intelligent. Edge idea, you. See that with Microsoft, with Azure stack right data box edge with just remained as your. Stack edge. The ability for me to recognize that that data needs to remain at the production facility, there I need to do my machine learning there. But. I need to be able to access that data holistically. And so, that brings us to the next idea which is data virtualization, this. Is not virtual machines, so a lot of people just think well we already know this is different, how. Many you're familiar with sequel, and Poly base. All. Right so hopefully all of you will get, a better understanding in the next few seconds here poly. Base is effectively, a translator. It's more complicated, than that but that's what it is let me give you a scenario in. That, scenario let's say I'm a T sequel, daddy be a guy and I'm. Comfortable if I'm Aryan been using sequel they even. Before 2008. And then there's a. Unstructured. Hadoop. Architecture. Where I got really really smart guys you, know they never opened the door which slide pizzas underneath the you know they, put some newspaper in the corner and in case they have an accident you know really really smart guys working on Hadoop infrastructure, they, speak a different language than, me I mean we used to teasingly call them cone heads they kind of would speak throwing meat meat meat language, I'm.

Being Facetious here but, there wasn't a lot of communication. There with, poly base which used to be on that old ApS, analytics. Platform, system that turn gives like a refrigerator you'd, buy from Adele, and Microsoft had. A tool called poly base where. You could put, a query and T sequel, poly. Base would carry that over to an unstructured architecture. Like a do. Redefine. That and a language that Hadoop could understand, Hadoop would do its data processing, provide, the answer back to you translates. Back into T seek when you're like Eureka. I have access, now to Hadoop. Data in a way I never did and Microsoft. Took poly base and they, put it in the sequel license, starting a sequel 2016, so. If you don't sequel 16 or later you have poly base it's a tool that you can use today and, that's. Great from that Hadoop perspective, and not a lot of people were doing it but the technology, was there and. Sequel, 2019. Which by the way just launched on Monday we recognized that they just injected, a whole bunch, of steroids. Into poly base, with. Poly base I can access. Almost. All the, data I can, access, Oracle like an access SP I can leverage spark I can access Hadoop the, whole idea that you see around, synapse. Right from a natural cloud perspective, having a massive data to Lakefront structured, and unstructured data is that same basic idea using. Parquet and poly base and again we can go way in the weeds on that discussion, but, access, to all the data is. There magnet matter-of-fact I carry, a little sticker around I've been handing out four laptops this is contraband, by the way this is not adult issued. Thing but how many of you seen that all the things meme all right it's a little, stick figure can all the things that says containerize. All the things data, is democratized. Meaning. Everybody. Has access to the data using, traditional T. Sequel language scripts so. I can write an app, or, I can write an analytics, engine poly. Base can be my interface, to.

Go Access, all that data and pull it into things like big. Data clusters, or, things, like that from a synapse point of view that, technology. Is now super. Enabled you have a question. There's. A mic right there if we want to pick you up on audio. Is. There anything about. Oh. There's an overhead sure yeah, that's not it yes not, just speed of light but yeah there's a translation that has to happen but is there a performance, delay was a question yes, there's an overhead however I get access to data and it. Passed I was you know open. Open, open I went in and they couldn't, get in right now. What's, happening is that data still remains where it is I have, access to it so instead of it being a silo think of it more like a hedge between neighbors and I'm reaching over and I'm handshaking that data I think you know there's a big conversation I'd, be happy to have after this because this is only 45 minutes where. We can talk about the things that the sequel 2019, big data cluster team is doing to. Take advantage of that but when we recognize that we're like okay there's. Three things that are happening data, gravity, the ability for me to access all that data and oh by the way the little meme I was just showing, you, containerize. All the things. Containerization. Is no longer a science experiment, it. Is running production, some of the biggest automotive. Manufacturers. In the world and running full production around containerized solutions, today. And that, is a thing that's kind of crept up on us because this whole idea of containerization. And we'll talk about containerization. Here in a minute a little bit more detail is the. Big ethical change where all of these things are coming together, they all kind of pulled together - such a way that if I put my Stephen Covey hat on it's the new paradigm, and it's, crept up upon us in a way that we never really thought about before it's, to the point where we, need to disengage and rotate and then. Re-engage and just think different, about how we're addressing that data because, all three of these things are self-supporting, and what I mean about is holistic approach is. Containerization. Can run. Pretty. Much anywhere. I mean it's you. Don't look where you can run it you actually look where you can't, run it because those are the instances, that prove my statement, whereas holistic, meaning, that traditional. Three-tier architectures. That are running sand technology, using, the CSI plugin I have. The ability to run containerized, and, persistent. Storage. Targets, within those, architectures. I can. Do it with converge and hyper convergent. For structures, using. Containerization. Kubernetes, orchestration. On top of that like, from an azure stack perspective, I can use aks, right, from an azure perspective, from, a VMware, perspective, with V San and with VX I can run PKS, on that heck, I can even throw this up into AWS. And use your eks, and so. The idea and that we see specifically, around as your. Arc is, the, ability for me to do all of these Postgres, sequel and sequel data. Warehouse, engagements. On anything. That can support a container, which is becoming almost. Everything, so, it, then becomes, not so much of a how many of you had the experience where you're working with Dell and Dell. Comes out talking about a new technology, and immediate you're like oh son of a gun I'm gonna have to forklift, this I'm gonna migrate that I still got three years left on this I'm not quite ready for that I get. I've been selling for twenty years the, idea now though is that I can do it on all the, things including. Stuff that you're probably already running today and, using. The infrastructure, enablement, technologies. There again it's making, this all think. Different. Because, you're like my architecture. Is this will work probably yes I don't know what your architecture, is but let's talk about it all, of these things are making us think fundamentally, different, so. As you think about the existing, infrastructure, and private, and public and hybrid cloud and all this the, underlying, technologies. Of the enablement, from this DevOps, idea, and cloud native and all the things that are happening around, digital.

Transformation. And IT transformation. Infrastructure. As a service, and platform as a service, and all these as a service, acts as the service ideas are enablement. Technologies. That we find that are keyed around these two basic. Ideas, data. Virtualization, and, containerization. To, where I can have a common, architecture we have a case study on this Adel where, we have a common architecture running. Both Oracle, and sequel. Now. I can run a sequel 2019, on it completely. Sequestered, in the in the sand they don't see each other at all but within the PowerMax infrastructure, but over the top I can use sequel. 2019, a poly base to go consume, that Oracle infrastructure. I mean there's all kinds of crazy ways that I can do this it's just an instance. That we, showed and the, embracing, of that new technology is something that we decided we had to do so it's a journey, that all of, you are on right now, because. This isn't even the endpoint we get in a more containerization. Stuff as we look over the horizon but. For many customers are still looking at this I still, have sequel 2008. And. Into. Support was for three months ago on that and it, still is I think over half of all install base is 2008. And older and and. You're like the fly you know well I got app, dependencies. And analytics, dependencies, I can't move it right and there's, all kinds of compatibility, engines. We can run in sequel 2019 to where we can make that problem go away as people, start migrating to, this idea of sequel. Likes to be virtualized, so I can run at bare metal a lot of people did but. I can run it on top of a hypervisor, and it could take advantage of all kinds of nimble performance, things whether it's vSphere. Or hyper-v, what. We're finding is the next step of enablement here on the far right has to do around docker containers. Then, have to be docker but seems like everybody's going on the docker route and some. Type of an Orchestrator, and it seems to be kubernetes, is the direction everybody's, going. The idea around how I can strip off all of that overhead, and almost. In your mind think of it almost like they're their sequel, vm's. In. Other words they're not. VSphere. Or hyper-v, virtual machines. Running some type of almost, sync of sequel, as being. Its own self. Included, architecture. Running. A really, thin version of Linux and being. Super, nimble and I. Can run that either directly, down on the OS, or we've seen a huge amount of value of, running. Containers, on top of a hypervisor, because. One of the things that's happening, in this wild wild west and containerization. And it's, almost like Red Dead Redemption right everybody's walking around with the six-shooter you know there's open technology, right, the. Idea of it is is that everybody's doing this container idea but at some point you have to recover, you. Know the whole burrow story, backup, recovery archive, is still a big play and doing. Things like and, you can barely see the dotted line I don't know if I have it yeah I have a little, see. If it shows up here oh man you can barely see that later see a little dotted line the, persistent. Volumes, running on top of kubernetes, connected. Back to the architecture. That, it's running on is super. Important that's where the plugins with, container. Instances. With CSI, from, a traditional. Architectures, comes into play the.

AKS, The eks, the PKS. Interfaces. Here because, when we have a conversation like, I was having two days to go with buck he. Was like if you don't get the storage right from the start. You're. Gonna be in trouble and that's. Super important for us obviously from Adelle EMC and Dell technologies, point of view because. This, idea of the infrastructure, matters, on top of these containerized. Architectures, is super important, because what, if I do have a recovery event, right. If I look at my container pods you know if I lose one of the members of the pod great, you know it's, a Chae and immediately comes up but what if it's a more. Drastic. Issue, that, I'm having from, a recovery perspective. Because again containers. This whole idea is that they're they're, ephemeral right there should be able to move all over the place and that's great but that might be a problem so what is a container, to. Me just to dumb it down and there's some words appear on the screen but to me. Containerization. Is to step beyond virtualization, its abstraction. On top of virtualization, if you're, comfortable already with the idea of a virtual machine and, the. Ability for me to do software can find compute. And memory on an architecture. Abstract. It one more level up and push away the hypervisor, that's effectively, what a container does it takes the, barest. Minimal. Wrapper around, that. Specific enterprise. App and it, can run anywhere, that has the interface, to be able to support that docker, container, is a ssin technology, and what, that allows you to do is become very nimble, with. That capability. Very. Lightweight stand-alone, is an executable, package, and Microsoft, saw that coming. Specifically. When they came out with sequel, server 2017. So. They did all these new things in 2016. They brought in poly Bay's columnstore, or stretched database all the school stuff they.

Went From 16, to 17 and what was a big change, they, abstracted. Sequel, off of the tie with Windows Server onto Linux I mean, you guys are starting to using Linux on sequel. A few, people because. It actually in most instances runs faster, on Linux as a matter of fact the, sequel, code, itself, is fundamentally, unchanged, so this changed the interface down to the OS and again we can go away in the weeds on that but it's effectively sequel, and, the ability for me to run it on Linux allows me to do this containerization. Pitch because. While I could in theory run it on Windows containers. They're. Not quite, ready, for primetime this, is more of a linux conversation. But, the ability for me to be super nimble around that from a new era of data management becomes, very live very, real and we. At Dell technologies, are embracing this very, aggressively, so, what's the idea what does it actually look like well here's some topology, Maps here that. We have where, we can look at you know what what is that CSI. Is that, that storage, container interface, on this I want. To be able to do all of these things right I want to mount unmount, I want to be able to dynamically, provision, I'm, going to take snapshots. And again I said at the beginning, storage. Really matters and using a technology like. Traditional. San architectures. Like what we have with you what we have with power what we have a power max that, becomes super important down here at that bottom layer because that's the plugin for the consistent, volume to, where I'm able to do things like all. These orchestrators, and again, there's, a number of them out there it just seems like the critical mass is kind of gearing more towards kubernetes by, the way how many you guys know what the abbreviation. For, kubernetes. Is. Anybody. Down, here I saw. Your hand first. K8s. Okay I'm gonna give you a gift for that if. You can tell me what the eight means. Say. Again. Not. The sound, it's. Close it is 8:00 8:00 means 8:00 meaning, that there's eight letters between the letter K and the letter S and the word kubernetes. Come. On guys these are geeky, guys that are. It's. Like the idea you know Microsoft's, talking about their next-generation stuff, they could named it Tina do you know why they called it Tina. Their. Previous architecture, was called Ares I think it was so. Tina was this is not. Ares. I mean. Yeah slide the pizza underneath, the door right okay so. As. We look at the architecture you know kubernetes, seems to be the way that we're, using there's multiple, different flavors, of kubernetes, that are out there, I've. Recently, got, some exposure to rancher, and didn't really know much about them that's very interesting technology, a Red, Hat is a huge partner with. Dell and using, some of their kubernetes. Orchestrators, all these things come in by, leveraging the, CSI, plugins, or their, equivalent, if you're using hybrid. Cloud, or HCI, components. Like Azure. Kubernetes, with aks or. Pivotal, kubernetes, from a VMware perspective, with PKS, that, interface, becomes really important, because, the orchestration. Of all, of that with the applications, on top becomes. Critically, informe important, around storage. Again. The guidance, from Microsoft, on the sequel side has been very, very specific, if you, don't get the storage right you're. Going to have a very very bad day so. What is it what what is kubernetes. You know kubernetes, and the visualization they had with was the whale so they called it pods well, that's, kind of the idea it's kind of a cluster, idea, do, I have multiple, nodes based off of use case and that's why it's visualizes, different sizes, different. Instances, and this isn't necessarily sequel, by the way just, different applications. That are being shared and they're shared across the multiple nodes and controlled, by, that Orchestrator. Which. Is kubernetes, it makes it way easier than, to try to manage docker and the individual, containers themselves and, so, the idea is with this instance. Of again leveraging, Dell EMC, storage, like, VX flex like, power Mac's there's a few instances that we have specifically, around the CSI, plugin I have, that integration, to, where I can keep that persistence. Through that CSI, plugin down, to the individual, node so. Then the layer above that is my, Orchestrator. Right the, kubernetes, piece, over the top allows. Me to move nimbly, those, individual. Containers, that. May easily. Be some type of big data cluster, or it could be and as, your. Database. Coming. From what, we were just talking about with Azure Ark because. I can land that wherever I have a containerized.

Architecture. Again, these are all things that kind. Of crept up on us but it makes a pretty, significant, game. Change, of the way that we look at the architecture. From. A Dell perspective. Of course we're not just. Services. And, working with software but we have a long history from, a hardware perspective we've. Been working with Microsoft specifically. For well over 30 years and what, we found is when, we're looking at this new paradigm around. Data, gravity, and data virtualization, and, this it's a holistic story, there's. Three fundamental. Ideas from a Dell perspective. That, we're really focusing, on accelerate. Protect, and reuse, accelerate. Has to do specifically, around all, the. Amazing. Changes, that are happening on the hardware, and the hardware components. Protect. Has to do about what we talked about earlier if I'm, running a containerized. Architecture. Sequel 2019, big data cluster, I have to have a backup recovery archive, I have to have some. A story, of where I know that, my data is protected when that event happens, and then. The other really neat thing is to reuse perspective. The idea of where. We're getting back into the idea of like gold master, instances. Of the containerized, sequel, 2019, version two where I don't have to manage and patch an update hundreds. Or maybe even thousands. Of databases, out there that's. A nightmare that most most, DBA is I talk to you're dealing with today I've, got so, many instances of 2008. And 2012, and 2016, and other. Non, sequel, architectures. Just, patching them and updating, and keeping them supported, around their underlining, operating. System and I'm, running so far behind and, I, also have to be attributable, to the apps and the analytics, owner over the top at. Some, point I'd like to be able to go to bed or kiss my kids that's. The scenario that we see with DBAs today is how do I make that that, become. A reality, to, where I'm not dealing, with just, like we had, the problem with the VMware, sprawl we're. Seeing the same idea on the database, sprawl, there's. So many different instances that are out there it becomes nightmarish. And the, whole idea that we're doing around specifically. Sequel 2019, is I can, run in compatibility, mode I don't have to support. Necessarily. Hundreds. Or maybe even thousands. Of instances when I can do it maybe in a dozen or less and I, keep pointing to that and when I do my update with the container I just collapsed a container point, to the new container update, and set, it right back up the whole migration, path, within it within it that docker. Pod. Becomes. Actually, quite, easy, for. Me to maintain patch, and update around, that containerization, idea again because that containerization. Wrapper, removes. Me from all that underlying. Firmware. And OS stuff, that. I used to have to be so mindful, of it, abstracts. Me above all that so, from a DBA perspective. Having. An actual life and work-life balance becomes. Important, on the reuse perspective, let, me start with accelerate, how many of you familiar with intel and octane have you heard that buzzword. Okay. Who can tell me what. Are the two platforms that. Intel obtained, exists. In today, I. See. Hand up Kirstin, I don't know if we're gonna be able to give him a gift but let's find out. No. No no the platen the actual what's, the hardware what's the obtain hardware, when you actually buy it what, what actually is it. Two. Types of obtain. Persistent. Memory. SSDs. Yes, winter, winter fantastic. So there's. New technology, that's come out beyond, the technology that we've thought about for the longest time and beyond spinning disk and flash with SSDs, nvme.

The New protocol. Intel. With octane, it took, nvme, and it basically, is a steroids, did the whole steroid events on that by, using the obtain technology, on. Top of nvme, with an SSD, type, architecture. Yes that was good, but. What they really did that was interesting, around the naming convention, around octane was the whole idea of persistent, memory so. I got the memory bus right next to the processor, it's. Ridiculously. Fast because, the throughput that I have just right you know historically, I've always had that within a motherboard wouldn't. It be great to put almost like a. Storage. Prime. Not. Necessarily, memory but actually a tier. Of storage, on that interface and that's effectively, what we see with persistent, memory so, what that means is I like. To use analogies it's you know it's Thursday, we can be silly right here's. My analogy how many of you guys have seen the greatest move in the world called space balls I mean. It's the greatest movie in the world ok so dark helmet is. Chasing the Winnebago I mean be with me guys be in the zone here and he. Realizes, that they went Lightspeed, what does he do he hits a button called. Ludicrous. Speed right, they go so fast to go plaid that's what this is ok almost but now. We're starting to measure, databases. In the, nanoseconds. I mean. Stupid, fast right you're really running into, true. Physics. Issues, going. Much faster, than this we've. Done some testing your grant granted you know lab testing, you'll see here are numbers but we're actually seeing this out in production as well where. Customers, are recognizing. That you know I'm beating, things up from, a sequal perspective, or maybe I'm doing an app like I'm beating it up with doing test dev with dynamic, so if that's a use case that I've run into recently where, they can't put enough horsepower behind it they wouldn't run faster and faster and faster because. They're hitting these things so hard so, they're using this persistent. Memory within. That architecture. The sitting right, on that, same bus and, it's, effectively, acting, as a drive for, one of a better term right it's, acting, as a tare. Drive above even in vme and by, doing that I can put the things that require ridiculously. Fast lighten C's from. You know all my log targets, and all the things that I just need to be super fast and dumping those there and the, performance, numbers that we're seeing are just silly I mean.

They Are there, are things that you know a few years ago we're like seriously, really yeah really, and. So that technology, will continue to be enabled but from an accelerate, perspective, we're recognizing that, as you're building your architectures. This, is something you might want to look at now granted this, is not inexpensive. There. Is a price for performance. Conversation. That we need to have but. For some of you that are looking for a highly performant. Capability. Needs of running some. High-end, analytics. On top of your infrastructure, on premises. From. An AI ml, point of view technologies. Like this are an enabler and then. As we go farther around one of the things that we like to champion, is the ability, for us to even make it easier, for you to manage infrastructure. So one of the things I have there up on the screen is we. Are injecting our. OpenManage. Consoles. Into, management. Tools like Windows admin Center how many of you guys are Windows, Server and using. Hyper-v within, your environment a, few. Of you a sequel, conversation, this should be a lot of that right and it used to be directly tied sequel. Had to run on Windows Server how. Many of you are using Windows admin Center. Too. Should. Be a lot of you. When, does admin center comes with your Windows Server license, I'm not going to say it's free but it's free I mean you already bought it so use it when. Does admin Center is the one ring to rule them all going forward, so, we when you're managing Windows, instead. Of managing 15, or any physical windows, in your console, of your managing Windows server and all the different tools when. His admin Center consolidates, them all into one console, and through. That I can then go connect, into Azure services. And then very importantly, oleum. Partners, like Dell we inject. An open, managed plug into this so. I can manage the net single console, all, the way down to my bare metal I can look at inventory regarding. My compliance on firmware from an IDE rack perspective, this is true just for power. Edge as well it doesn't have to be hyper-converged. Architectures. But again taking. Advantage of the technologies. From an accelerate, point of view is something that we're trying to make it even easier for you to get more performance so there's, a plug that we have for an open managed if you want to talk more about it I'm happy to hit that and then, we get in to protect. The. Told Dell technology, story Dell EMC is a huge part of it I came from the Dell side versus the EMC side, but I was selling EMC, going all the way back goodness, 18. Years ago and it, was a Boro story, be you are a backup, recovery archive, you know what that is still in play, even. Today and the idea of how do I protect, my. Data. Specifically. As we look into the new technologies. And these holistic. Platforms. In which I'm using containerization. Technology, becomes. Super important, because there is a layer, cake, of, opportunity. For me to address protection. I can. Protect, from an application, point, of views using tools like sequel always on most of you in the environment, hopefully you're familiar with that when, you go into sequel Enterprise Edition, the ability for me to do all kinds of replication, either, local, target or distance target with always-on really. Really cool technology and from, a DBA in an application under that might make sense but. There's also replication. Technologies, that we see from a hypervisor, perspective. That, is still of great value. You know the idea of the motion of using what vSphere. And hyper-v, has, at the table being able to leverage that as well, as storage. Level replication, that we've been taking advantage of for some time the. Question then comes with what do I do to do some kind of consolidation. And data. Domain, is really the play that we have here of having. A. Protected. Arc texture, and all, the ideas of a layer cake to where I can still take advantage and. Pick and choose what makes sense for me for, a lot of customers it's going to be multiples, of these at once the storage administrator, might be doing something specifically, around storage replication the DBA, might be saying I want to use always on is it, a or story, no. And that's necessarily, in many instances, it's an and story but. The ability for me to have some type of a common, target to. Be able to look at a holistic. Recovery. Event and oh by the way this isn't just about sequel, this, is true for all types of applications, with sa P with.

Oracle, With, Microsoft, Exchange with. Sequel, how, do I address, that, recovery. Point of view from, an accelerate, protect, reuse, point of view and then. The last one I want to talk about reuse, so. The goodness, that we're seeing specifically. Around sequel, 2019. And the, idea of it being able to run in compatibility, mode within it coming out of the engine and the, way that sequel 19 is actually, being addressed and validated. For the analytics, and apps over the top of it means. Effectively, I can have incredible, peace of mind for a DBA to, where I have kind, of like the idea we had for virtualization, technology, we had gold copies, right. You would keep replicating all, for that gold copy that same idea so, where I have a number of smaller you. Know pick your color of the rainbow copies. That. Are my pristine. Versions. And I start pushing those, out through replication, and, repurposing. Out, to the DBA s for dev test where. They're actually able to touch the data but not fully in production, those, capabilities, are really coming to advent, now with sequel 2019, in the big data cluster, to, where I can literally give them access to that data and using, tools like always-on, and a few other things within that idea, but, to where I have the DBA only, managing, a very. Discrete. Sets, of my, golden. Super, C this is it and instead. Of having to maintain hundreds. Or thousands, of databases, because. I'm container, izing, that whole idea all, that, chaff falls, away. Because. It's all abstracted. Within the container and again. That means for the DBA is you. Actually go get to watch the soccer game, because. In the past that wasn't always the case, all. Right we've. Talked for a while my. Voices still. Here, barely, I feel it hanging on we've. Got a couple other handouts. That we want to hand, out based, off of good questions I wanted to allow a little time but. Why don't want to make sure that I stress is when. We look at it this new era of data management, and this, ethical, change, epic. EPOC. H epic, not, epic. Like super, duper but there's.

This Yeah. Not. Processors, bill, you know like the the rise of the dinosaurs, right so, as we look at the change that's happening with virtual, machine technology now. Coming up with the same idea of containerization. The. Recognizing. Event, that we're having is there, is no, one, right answer. It. Is absolutely. A journey, and when. You're sitting here in your back of your mind saying Steve, that was interesting. However I'm. A vSphere. Shop, and I'd like to use a lot of beasts and and you didn't talk a lot about that and my, answer is we. Absolutely can, because there's a way for us to do that on that technology or, you're, like Steve, we, decided. That the EMC product, with power max is the greatest thing since sliced bread and we, bought one of those about three years ago and can, we leverage that technology and, my answer is absolutely let's, talk about that because the ability for me to use things like CSI, plug-in comes into play. Or. You can say Steve this is interesting however I'm a huge adoption, model around public cloud everything, is going up into AWS, and you didn't talk much about that and I don't know why I'm here at ignite. Well. Okay but. The reality is that. Containerization. Story resonates, there, as well, interestingly. As, your, Ark supports. That environment. You're running as you're in AWS. Yes. Please it's very interesting how all these things would come together from. A multi cloud world there's, not one, answer and and, we have a fantastic partner, I see them right over there hi Doug we. Have a fantastic, partner that is doing a bunch of different things like, there's. Not just one answer here where. I might want to use Hyper converge architecture, to be my storage target for. Sequel 2017. And even looking at being. Early, adopters, around sequel 2019, big data cluster, next. To that I have as your stack bring in Azure as your stack hub now bring, in Azure behind, the firewall so I can do some as your services, on Prem, meanwhile. I might also have an unstructured database, sitting there on ISIL on the ability. For me to address all of that data using tools like poly base is something that can be a reality, there's. Not one architecture. That makes sense it is I'm. Going to go back to my my. Little meme guy right it's all the things. Containerize. All the things and that. Right there it makes a lot of people's eyes cross they're like really. Seriously, yeah. It's really not that hard if you get the storage right but. The ability for you to do all these cool things by the way when, I look at the architectures, that we're doing for sequel 2019, big data cluster, and I, kind of squint I was like man that sure looks like Kafka, and unstructured it's. Almost the exact same architecture, because. It's all running off the same, general, idea to, have mixed use environment soph, of a common architecture. Containerize. All the things data, becomes, democratized. Hey. We're really good at this from a Microsoft perspective. We, have over a 30 year relationship with Microsoft where, Microsoft's, largest partner still. By. The way Microsoft, is our largest partner we. Tend to internally.

At Dell technologies, get real distracted, with VMware right, it's part of our umbrella of the seven Suites of product that we have who, is our largest partner, Microsoft's. Billions. And billions and billions of dollars, we're, deeply invested with them and we. Have been for three decades and the reality, is nobody, but, Dell technologies, can address the entire, suite, of Microsoft, platforms. Because. All of our competition, is segmented, they're. Not under in one common, architecture anymore. So. Whether you're talking about data and sequel whether. You're talking architectures. From a client perspective like, with office 365, when. You're looking at support, when you're looking at migration services, when. You're looking for security conversations. And Billy business resiliency. We're. There we, have the expertise, we've been doing this longer, than anybody I've. Got. 16,000. Brothers and sisters at Dell that are focused, on microsoft. Services, whether. That's support. Deployment. Or very. Importantly, consulting, services, and we've got all the competencies you can have Microsoft keeps changing the number but we had all of them and we're. Deeply invested, with them not only from a services, perspective but on the design perspective so the reason, why we. Were able to make that full stop about nine months ago and peel. Back the layers of sequel 19 and say guys this is actually quite a bit different. This, isn't just the next version this is a pretty fundamental architecture. Redesign, it's, because of our deep joint, investment. That we have within, our individual, product groups so, the reason why you can throw names out there like buck, woody and Bob Ward and Travis Wright and some of the members of that team is because. We're tied in with them we spend time there up. In Redmond they spend time with us not, just in Round Rock but a lot of our different data centers when. We start designing our, sequel ready solutions, it's based off of their input, and then, we just the enablement, technologies. To make the music happen, with, tools like, CSI. And aks, and PKS, to be able to support that we. Got really. Aggressive on this about nine months ago so. We are far ahead of our competition right now regarding, white papers, regarding. Blogs regarding. Aggressively. Embracing, the idea around. Sequel, server 2019. Big. Data clusters, and containerization. I wrote a blog myself a couple of weeks ago hot off the presses talking, on exactly. This conversation. And how, big of a deal we're seeing it from a Dell perspective, and it's, not just sequel, by the way we're. Seeing other similar. Stories with Oracle, and s AP and unstructured. Architectures. Like Hadoop so. When you're looking at data and the criticality, of data and being, at Microsoft, ignite we're talking about Microsoft. But when there's a data conversation. Reach. Out to us ask, us questions, we, very likely have an opinion and you can get the right resources to, gather, alright. So I thank back at our Dell booth down at the hub we're. Doing one less drawing, at, 4:30, today for, it was the headsets right. GoPro. And the headsets, and. Christine, so. We are doing one last drawing today so if you haven't, already entered, after, 4:30, yesterday or sometime today you, could get the little stickers right here so as you as you, leave will be able to get that in there you, just do a little stamp on each one of those you have to be there at the drawing at 4:30, but. It's the very end of the hub event right before you get ready to put your Mickey Mouse ears no we're not going to make you Mouse we're going to Universal right before you bring out your Wizarding. Stick or the wand right the unicorn tail wand right right, before you do that and get on the the, shuttle bus to go to Universal, Studios drop. By the hub and see if you might be able to win okay.

Got. About a minute left any questions, was this helpful was this interesting. Fantastic. Anything, that, you have a question about. Wonderful. Thank. You everybody have, a wonderful, time at the Universal, Studios thank you very much.


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