TechDays 2018 - Delivery Optimization vs BranchCache - a battle of the peers

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You. Words, are closed I think and it's 1614. So we'll start a little bit early so nice. To see you here, this. Session is being recorded. So. I can't be swearing too much or, tell, you too much about Microsoft secrets, I'll. Try to anyway. This. Session is a, 400. Session so it's not gonna be any, configuration. Manager consoles, or anything like that it's gonna be only command-line and, that's. Pretty, much it I got a bunch of marketing slides as well some, non marketing, slides. But. If you expect lots of demos, you're. In the wrong session, if. You expect lots of theoretical, how can I reduce the, network impact you're in the right place does. That make sense. Good. So. Who am I. Got. My little title or my name up there to there to, the right. My, name is Andrea Samarkand I come from Sweden from Gothenburg, and. He. Started, up two points offer which is company, we focus, primarily on these, type of topics so network, management, and, network content. Management been, doing automated. Employment, for about 20, plus years, I think the. First OS margin, I did was from. Windows 311 to Windows 95, automated. Using floppies. So, and we have to increase the RAM memory of RAM as well open up each box put dust them with a Hoover you know those. Were the days we, work very close with the product groups so. We sit on a lot of information that we can't talk to you about we also sit on a lot of information that we can talk, to you about so I'm gonna try to get as much as both, of those over, to you without. Breaking too much India's. We're. Talking, only about delivery. Optimization. And BranchCache, today, there. Are of, course as you probably know. Three. Elements. That comes into play when we're talking markers of peer-to-peer is, this branch cache which been around since. Windows. 7, it debuted, it actually came with Vista but there, was so many other issues with Vista so branch, cache kind of flew under the radar, delivery. Optimization. Came, to the Microsoft. Platform. Around 2010. It. Was actually an acquisition. Of an, American, Israeli. Company, called Pando. Networks, and, it. Was bought by the Xbox, division. Wonder. Why we're, talking hopefully, a little bit about that later and, then we got Pierre cash Pete who, sits, on top of configuration, manager so, race, of hand who in here has anything, to do with configuration, manager. Pretty, much everybody, all right so I'll try to tilt the towards, this a bit so. We have more sessions, on the, network side of things to tomorrow, one. At 10:30. With, Joanna Reed mark he will do much, more demos. Of how this sits with config manager how. You use each technology and then. Amy's. Our remark is presenting, it to they're, both here as well so I'll hold them to their. To. Their sessions, that, have to talk about this but they. Will also or, Amy will also talk more on how to reduce the network impact, for Windows 10. But. We're. Here to talk about theory. And how. We can make things, a lot better, so. Who's. Using do today. Yeah. Who's, running Windows 10 today in any. Shape or form yeah so if you are using, Windows, 10 you. Are using, delivery, optimization, there. Seems to be a big, confusion, here, saying well we don't have any haven't actually done anything with do so we're not running it that's. Not, how it works so, if you have Windows 10 and if you haven't, physically.

Blocked, It. Then. You are using it. And I. Don't, know if any who in hearing it attended, joint session get right before this one oh, yeah. Quite a few so, it, is pretty chatty. Microsoft. Is pushing all of their download technologies, to use a do so. Visual, Studio will, stop doing its own thing, office. Will stop doing their own thing who's using, office, click to run installer. Yes. So, the latest version now comes with, delivery. Optimization, support in. Tunes coming with delivery optimization, support. Con. Fig manager is coming with op delivery, optimization, center support so. It's. Gonna be a lot more content 17:03. When. You build that out of the box the Downloads about 1.3, gigs, or did a year ago. Before. It, then went to 17. To 9 and after, that it down rated it downloaded, another 1.3, cake, is. The story better today. No. It's, actually a little bit worse so. If you deploy a Windows 18:09, now, it. Will sit for the next two hours or so or three hours it will try to download if it can. About. 1.4, gig. So, what is this data and how, can we make it better this. Is some what we're going to talk about but. A lot of people get confused with what delivery optimization, is it's. The download, technology. It's. Not, responsible. For doing the actual or in charge of the downloads, and says hey we're gonna use all your bandwidth just for fun, there. Are programs within. Windows that is using, this so. This is from a customer, of ours or. The. Tester that we were talking to and they contacted it's in panic, because. All of a sudden they see tons, of delivery optimization, traffic network, team screaming, everybody screaming what, was happening is that they, had love forgotten, or didn't. Know that they had lots of machines in dual scan mode, that. Was basically upgrading, it and it was peer-to-peer traffic because, they hadn't config, your deal because. They weren't using it, they. Thought. So. People. Get very angry when you take down your point-of-sale, systems, so that's apparently when you make where you make your money. So. Keep, this in mind when. We dig into it so. I got a couple of management, or marketing. Slides. Here to cover but who. In here knows what do really is. Not. A single hand alright so a little recap it's a download, technology, so it's a service, it sits on Windows 10 it's. Responsible, kind of like bits there it has a bunch of api's the, windows, update and the other consumers, say hey, download, this content, for me the. Do service, then goes up to asher and talks. To its servers, and finds its peers to download the content that's basically. What it does so. There, is a service that you can you, can disable it and we're gonna talk of why that is a bad idea. And the. Last point here fast. And furious, is one. Of the major reasons. Why. Markers. Have acquired. This technology, so. It's a if, you look at bits bits. Has the technology which it built, more or less around a round, robin and a simple, queuing system internally, it's, changed. A little bit than the later of Windows 10 bills now they have an EOC database, where they put all their chunks so they can run multiple, jobs, in parallel which you didn't, used to do but. It was never designed. To run in the background to do small, chunks at at a time when. Windows 10 that they have to push much much more content, like Windows Store if you go in and you say I want to watch this movie you.

Don't Want to sit around and you know wait for it bits to do its thing and says no. I'm gonna download at, around a mega minute you. Want it to go fast so. They. Had to do something else and the, reason why the Xbox, team bought it because they wanted, this technology, to stream. Videos. For. The on the export platform and their larger, games that, were starting, to be like 9, gig 18, gig 35. Gig in, size. Which. Bits could. Have probably done but it would have taken a long time and then they would have to port that so, instead they. Moved it over the. Windows Update team, saw, that there was lots of issues with bits not. Necessarily, that they were related to bits but they saw, that it was the technology that they had they, saw issues with it so they were like maybe if we switch to Windows. Delivery. Optimization, we'll get much better success and they have gotten some success that's better but, there's still some issues but that gives you a background of. Where. It comes from. So. How. It works. The. Consumer. Ie, the ones that you want to use delivery, optimization, today, it's, only Microsoft, who is the actual user. That. Will change pretty soon, where. You then publish, your content to Asher. Well that actually happens, is that the. Publishing. Engine hashes. Your content, very similar to what BranchCache does, into. Chunks and. Sends. It up to a server, which. Is, similar. In a way to what a bit. Torrent tracker, is it, keeps track of all the little bits and all the peers and where they're all enrolled so. When someone comes to download. The. Client goes to the tracker the publishing servers, figure. Out where am i closest and best peers and, downloads. Count to starch tries, to get content, from those. When. It has downloaded content, he then caches, the content as long as possible so. Microsoft, are they're not the only ones that realize, that content is getting a lot bigger people. Have you, know onedrive Xbox. Dropbox. Onedrive. More. And more data caching, sources, and the cameras, get bigger and the discs get bigger Network. Is not really keeping up so. Apple. Has announced. And I think Apple has released, their, peer-to-peer, does anyone using Apple peer-to-peer today.

So. It's one, of the major reasons, why Apple, started most, because, in schools school, systems they need to rebuild and get their latest iOS release they got hundreds, of thousands, of tablets. And for instance updating, them at the same time, Apple. Was one of the best they. Started, with LED bat early. Early on to say we're not gonna break. The network but they forgot that LED, bad the algorithm, in LED bat had an issue with late comers, advantage, so. Five guys are already downloading, a sixth guy comes the. Other guys gonna say oh there's, new traffic, that then the seventh guy comes. On and starts dialing means that the sixth guy is gonna say oh there's traffic and it. Didn't really work on an enterprise. Scale. So. Apples now doing, peer-to-peer, and who. Else has a lot of Chromebooks. Google. So, Google, will do doing, peer-to-peer too and the. Reason is just because there, will be much more updates, and much more frequent. Updates and. It's just gonna have something you're gonna have to get used to so. As Windows, is. Component. Component, icing. Itself. It. Will download more, and more and more and it's, just gonna be the, way it is there's. No saying, we're, not gonna do this anymore because. The. Patching, process will, move more and more into these individual, little components. And if you don't upgrade them you're not going to be very secure. So, on, the conflict managers side of things, they're. Currently. Developing. This so. It's, a bit of a change for the for, the delivery optimization, team though because previously. They had one, publisher. Now. They're getting 60,000. Publishers, in one go by. Not allowing. SCCM. Content, because you guys with your comfort. Manager servers are, gonna publish, up there, so. Then he did a bit of change in order to take. On such a heavy load but. The service side is gonna scale really, well it's just the publishing side that needed a bit of work still. There's a lot of things that, you. Do in config manager today, that. Would require changes. So, for, instance there is no delivery, optimization, component, for winpe, but. I would expect that to come Peretti not. In the first wave I think they will do delivery, optimization, support for applications, first, so, the new app model that, will get it then packages, and program and the last thing will probably be images. And boot images etc because, that requires the. Add on to wimpy. So, this, is another little slide. From the. Marketing. Department but. Basically, here. You can track, using. The windows analytics, and the, Microsoft 365, analytics. The. Way to see. How are, my devices where they're getting the content you. Can see here the little red ring here's where you can actually track office, which is one of the I think it's the first consumer. Outside, of the windows world, and. You could see that this list will build over time as, more and more publishers, use, the platform. So, let's. So, yeah in tune as well was also announced, at ignite and. I. Think this one if you go to the or, either Google, or Bing or go, to the ignite site to list the session, for, do you. Can see that there's quite a lot of them these. I would say are the most key, ones so. 3019. And. Also. If you're using office, that 30 to 60 session, they. Have a lot of content on them so I'm, not gonna cover. That much more I think. We'll dig in and a. Bit of a demo. So, since not, a lot of people. Had seen this. I was, dead. So, here. We, have, the service delivery optimization. So. That's the guy that's actually doing the work I, think, if you click, it up you'll, see that the service name is a do SVC, and it's run by the service host as a network service not. Much strange. About that in. Later builds its stops. Itself quite often. It's. Also built, around, one, of the new event, logging types that new, type, of components. That Windows has. No. But, and, that, means there's no event lock but, there is now. And. I hope. To, figure out which commands. That you can run in PowerShell. We. Couldn't get two machines to run at the same time so I prepared, all of this on my other.

Is, It visible in the back, bigger. Little, bit bigger. Make, it. There, we go so. Get, command. Thank, You Jonah. There, are a couple of command, Allah so you can run one, of the new ones I think it came in 1803 is the gotta get, delivery, optimization, log and it's, pretty verbose but it will give you entries. Of what actually comes in very. Much like the Windows Update log so. It's pretty interesting to see there and one thing that you will see there is that it's it's, working with something called correlating, vector salt. Called CV and then this is a little short hash in there it, means that using the geo tracking to, know where you are because. There's no point sending. You to peers that sit over in Germany, because I mean this plenty appears around here, so. It's using the geo tracking to. Do that, so. Some people think like well I don't want to send that information to myself but, they're pretty open, about what they keep so, the service, keeps all of this information but there's nothing that they store, so, when you're disconnect. That goes away so. It's not something, that they store forever to try to use. The data they're using it just to be able to do this as an effective, network resource. Utilization as, possible. So. If, you're. Having. A. Setup. Where you're using Internet, you're like lots. Of small offices, but you don't have any dedicated network traffic's. Going over the internet you can still use, the do traffic to find neighboring. Peers down the street using. This car. Leg a new vector stuff which. Is pretty cool it might sound as an easy thing but is really hard for a network from, a theoretical standpoint. To, know that. We are close to each other. Like, GPS yeah, but without that it's actually really hard. So. That's, why they use the some of that so. You can run this and typically. You. Get. This back which, means there is no upload or download a good, way to get. Some updates and downloads is to, now this is not my machine, so I can do. Hopefully. Whatever I want. If, I go to check. For updates let's see if Remini. Let's see if we go here here. You go, so. This. Is typically will you get back so. It. Works with something called file ID which, is a very. Long string. But. I need. You can see you got some status, some, priority etc, so, before. 1803. I think there was no way to bandwidth control. Foreground. Downloads. They. Basically took all the bandwidth that they could, so. We date you know three that's now fixed so you can actually set that and. Then. You can actually see the URL, and in. This case is pretty easy to figure. Out what it is so. I can, learn here but this is probably one, of the defender, updates.

They. Have the world, defo in them and. It's, already completed, so. If, I then run some of the others commands. To. See what Amy's. Machine has been up to the last month. We, can see, that. This is what she's been doing so she's been downloading, this month about 2.6. Gigabyte. This. Is for a month. So, we're talking to a customer there. The machines in rural, tobacco. Plants, in Africa. They. Have a couple of machines they. Have a, 128k. Uplink. And they're like can we deploy. Windows. 10 over, the wire and, we're. Like. Theoretically. Yeah but. Once those machines are deployed you're not gonna do any work on them because. They will be taking all of that, bandwidth. So. It gives you a pretty good understanding of, how just how much data that delivery. Optimization, is trying to take so. An interesting, aspect of like. What is using. All of this, data. Like what, components. Are there so. We have with the Windows Store right that's, using it it's. All store apps which, is the most frequently, used store. App you think on Windows 10. Edge. So. Edge is, actually a modern, app. More. And more which, which, which. App do you guys use every, single day. Start. Yeah, that's a good one another, one. Settings. When. You connect to a Wi-Fi yeah. Apps when. You unlock your screen, that's, apps. Who. Wants, to be the guy that said I deleted. Or stopped do service, that we couldn't download any content, to update any component, and then, they discover that there's a bug, in the, that. Marks off fix nine, months ago that, everybody else got that. You could just bypass the lock screen by holding down control shift + f9, I. Wouldn't. Want to be that guy. So. Just turning everything off doesn't. Stop all the traffic, stopping, the speech admins, because. That's another thing that people think we're, not using this store. No. But you're still using do to update a lot of stuff on your machine. So. That's the key takeaway from the from, the do side of things, let's. See if we can find if. I do this. Nope. Let's, see if we can get. Something. Who better. Thirty-two. Something. That Oh. Any pop. Search, what jelly is always good. Candy, crush you can't beat it. I'm gonna give you try to give you a little bit what happens behind the scene here. So. Even. Before I launched the store it's interesting because the store actually starts, to download before I actually, click, because he knows that I'm interested. In this it actually goes before a click click get. It actually goes and get, so. Hopefully, I'll. Have time here to go. To Microsoft, Windows and this is the first 10 how you show with the wind the windows team built something or it was acquired acquired. Companies end up under windows, currentversion where. Does the Microsoft people old-time, guys, write to, Windows.

NT Current. Version, so. That's a good way to figure out if something was. Acquired. Or not so. In here, you. Can see a bunch of registry keys. Where, it's actually storing. And using some of this data, so. Once, the, download gets, going. Oh is. It. You. Should hopefully see. No, we're, too fast but, there's a bunch of register keys that, you can see in here. If I go back to my PowerShell. Hopefully. You could see that this, so. My previous download, just got, vanished away it just disappeared, but this one is now. In caching. So. This is the whole peer-to-peer aspect. Once, you. Download something. It. Starts, to cache it why. Didn't the first things, cache. Because. It was smaller probably. Than 10 Meg the. Default setting for, caching. Anything, is. 10 Meg or. Is it huh no it's the 100 Meg. 15. V is it 50 now, yeah. You might laugh that we don't know the answer to this but even the even, the actual do, p.m.. She. Didn't know the answer she thought it was 15 but it wasn't 50 and, then she said his notes ten and then the team said you know it's been hard coded, 50 for. A long time, but. Now it should, be changeable, so you can set it but. The default is 50 so. As you see this file size is 83. So it's passed passes, the threshold for. Being cached and. Foreground. Any job. That you do as a user, will. Be foreground, any. Other, content, that will be foreground. When. Microsoft, push panic, patches, they. Push them as foreground, to. And then you can see your suits or URL and then. Underneath. The. Actual windows. Suffered. Distribution, structure there, will be a folder. With. This file ID which. Will basically post, the files in their, windows. Files are not. They're. Not encrypted. Because. There's, no real point to encrypt them because. They're, available, just, as regular downloads this, is of course something that mark stuff is gonna have to fix. Going. Forward, if we're, starting to deploy other, things we don't want to have a share where, you can go and get whatever, you want that was downloaded so. That, is actually that came with 1803. But. It's not really in the, product, yet because there's no point until, you.

Can Actually do other distributions, than Windows ones that. Make sense. I think. There's pretty much on the. So, if I find my. Did, the download. So. It, is a proprietary, protocol. It's. Not something that's documented. Marks. Off tries to get away with this by saying it's a client-to-client, protocol. It's. Not a client-server. Protocol, I might. Not agree on that but, European. Union and the like. The. Rules say that any client-server. Protocol, has to be documented, but, client to client protocols, don't have to be documented, so. But. There's a lot more coming, on. On. The do track and that's in my later slides I'll have some more information on that but. It's basically, it's. Very similar, to torrent, Microsoft. Gets very upset when I say it is like, BitTorrent because. BitTorrent, has a very bad name apparently. Especially. In corporate enterprises when you go inside it's like BitTorrent. So. We're trying to not use that word but it's very similar to that, but. In. 1903, I think it was that version that's where the encryption comes, so for each release they were adding, more and more component, a lot. Of them are not visible to the eye but. They under, the hood and if, you look in the event. Log, so, use the PowerShell commands to get to the event log and look at them you'll, see quite, a lot of interesting information in there. So, we'll. Be covering a little bit more in but deal but, now we're. Gonna talk about branch catch Bob who, in here he's using branch cash, few. Brave hands that's. Good, so. I'm not gonna cover. Branch. Cash in any details. Too much. These. Are two branch. Cache level, both level 400 sessions that I did at ignite 2017. And 28 noir 2016, and 2017 they're. Not the same so. You can watch both of them they have some overlap, but not much, so. On the kind of the the, prereq, to know those 400, sessions before we're going to do this session so. Hopefully. I won't lose the audience too much here. Branch. Cache has been around for almost 10, 12, years now. And. The. Biggest issues that we've seen is server. Cache gets corrupted over time has anyone experienced, that. Yeah. One, two hands maybe. More. Issues, companies, like to set a lot of policies, and this. Leads to branch, cache not working, so, they try it out it doesn't perform they, think its branch cache but branch cache never really had a chance if. You see very low. Savings, when. You use branch cache maybe. Ten fifteen. Percent that's, typically, down to the branch cache deduplication. Algorithm. On the download side only. Is. Saving, that data there's no peer-to-peer traffic whatsoever and, that. Happens quite a lot I. Had. A couple of Swedish, customer and a couple of American customers that both did this and, they said the savings are not very good well. It's not working at all and then. When you make it work it goes up to about nine to five percent savings, so. It's a big difference. Lately. Which, is well. This. Morning when I was trying to get together to, do my demo on my 1803. Patched. Machine. I couldn't. Get to brass cash to work. Works. In 1809 he. Works on in 1803, unpatched. And. Luckily. Last. Night. Last. Evening I got an email which. Basically says that yes Windows Defender. Think. His version. 4.13. What, something. Breaks. BranchCache on the, 1803, it just doesn't work or it's somewhat work and then stops working, so. The. Defender, team has acknowledged. This and they, will be pushing a patch to fix it so if you go home and test, this on 1803, nothing works it's mostly, that you're still using an old defender.

So, This is kind of what you will see. Is when. You try to do something on the client then it says no no. There's, not enough disk space and I'm, gonna follow, so. That, was pretty much on the on. The slides now we're gonna focus a bit on the actual hashing, out her. So, I've got a bunch of scenarios. To. Go through but it's all going to be around how can we, lower. Its. The font size okay for the back bigger. Is that good. Good. So, I, got. My little temp. Folder here where I'm gonna do all of my experiments, so my machine's gonna be both the server and the, client at the same time so, you have to try to imagine. What's gonna happen when you do this during it download but. The first thing I'm gonna do is. Take. Probably, a. Little. File, that I have here. So. I probably, take the data, MSI, and, we're gonna create. A hash, from it using, a command-line tool that's basically what the server, does service. Sees a request, coming in hey can you give me the content, it creates the hash and it's sensitive, to the client and then the client reads, that talks, to its peers in this case I have no peers so, the. Clients gonna use is only its, own cache. For. The content but. It's the same thing that goes in when you're actually doing. Just, gonna clean up. And I think I have some. Sheet. So. This. Is an interesting aspect as, well and. I was hoping maybe if the end of the demo done. With old slides and the doubt of the demos I can demo, my failed machine. But. If you tried to set this when. You have the defender, thing it basically says, nope doesn't work and. When you tried to do this just nope it doesn't work so but, I'll leave this I was hoping to show that but I can't get the two screens working, simultaneously. So. Instead, I'm, gonna run our dear, BranchCache, tool, it's a free tool that we've, released. It. Actually came from Microsoft. But it never made. Actual. Daylight, because. I don't, God knows why but it's, a full set of all the branch cache API functions. In command line tool so, ever anything that the API can do you can do with this little command, line so. It's really awesome it was designed to help people understand, brash cash and help partners, to implement branch cash but, they're never released it but. With, by. Running that I. Basically. Say, publish. A CI so. Publish, content information. Give. It a data file. Then. You just have to give it a Content, ID which is in just a string identifier, for the database and. I'm. Gonna squirt. Out that content. Identifier. Into a file. You. Don't have to do that for, instance the server doesn't. Really do that it takes that data and sensitive, the client it doesn't write a file but in this case I'm gonna write a file and I.

Can Also give. It an actual, version, so. Covered the different versions, later but in this case I'm gonna do version. 1. So, that completes pretty fast and, if. I do. Dear for, my. Data. Duct. Version. 1 CI you can see I have a 40 1000, bytes, of. The CI, so. That's what the server gives to clients when, the client goes on requested data. With. That I can, actually inject, data. Into. The, cache, itself. There, we go. So, if I can run this command which add data point. To to this data. Source we still have to have the data and. And. That's basically what the client does when it's downloading. It or assets, downloading, it and then. I give it to the CI then. What, will happen. Yes. It. Will inject some data and if you do net BR, show. Status. All. You, will see that. There's, a bunch of data that has been injected and you could see that you have a publication, castus. So. This is we're gonna do this many times so if you feel lost here it's like what is he on about. We're. Going to flush. And, then we're gonna do it again. So. Just, for the sake of it I'm gonna run these two commands again. Just now we're gonna start comparing, the data. So, in this case. You, can see here it injected, eighty, four thousand, three hundred and thirty three bytes. Into. The cache right and if. I go to my actual data. Is. That the data dot zip which. One did I do. Ms:i. Should, see that, that more, or less matches. Exactly. The number of bytes right. Make, sense. Good. So, that, was using version 1 of the hashing algorithm. That came with Windows 7. Now. It's. Going to get more confusing and a little bit more interesting. Because. This is not very interesting but now when we switch to, version. 2. Of, the hashing algorithm. If I run the same to, get my stats. It's, one Meg smaller. Than the actual file, in. The. Cache and. Then. You start wondering how. Could it be smaller. So, I'm. Not gonna dig into much, more detail here, but, leave, that and, go talking about some of the hashing, so. Version, one had, a static, hashing algorithm. It, looked at 32. Meg block if this file was smaller than that it just did last block but a segment. Hash was for 32, mega content. Which. Was okay it was pretty good so if you had multiple. Of these segments, that was sim similar, it didn't download much, more of those content, but. If you, then actually did put a. Single. Byte in front of it since. It's all hashed on a 32, Magdalen, or megabyte. Block level. Wouldn't. That break, the whole thing. So. You put one little, bite you make one little bite change in the beginning. Basically. The whole hash is invalid and it doesn't match. So, that wasn't very good so. With, Windows. 8 they. Went back to the drawing board and it was actually from the server team, that got they got unsuspected. Help because. The server team built. Something, that, was. Called. Deduplication. In. The deduplication, on storage side you, had a better hashing. Algorithm. So. We're gonna cover that in detail but using. Version 1 of, downloading. To so this what you looking at here is the screenshots, basically, downloading two files that are very similar. Number. One my one wim and my to win. You. Can see the green little stars here means that it did he did BranchCache hundred, percent of the content in there but, in the beginning it's. Different. So. This comes from one of the videos that it a the, one of the session I did at ignite so look, at those videos. Because. The wim files are basically, if. You add stuff to a whim, it's. Always added at the end. But. Why did it not get the first bit in the beginning. Because, they've been the beginning there's, a header in the file and it's an XML header and the XML header knows, exactly how many files and bytes is in the wim file, so. I failed in the beginning, to, get the first 32 Meg block. Because. Big tiny bits in the XML was different but. That those, couple, of stars they're their birth represent, exactly, 32, megabyte. From, there on the file was very very similar so, it could BranchCache until, the end where, my a couple of one or two Meg.

Actual. Driver that I had added to the same wim was. Found and their, difference still. Pretty good savings right. But. Now we're gonna make it a little bit more amazing. So. Version, two came dynamic. Hashing. Which. Means I think they have 13, patents, on this so. It means that they're looking on the, file itself, and. Depending, on it breaks it up in blocks where it thinks this, is a natural, chunk. Of data, that's most, likely not going to change, so. It reads the actual structure, of the file applies. The algorithm. And makes. The identifiers, in different. Sizes. So, more, or less if we did the same thing using. Version, two, the. Only, difference, would, be a couple, of K in the beginning where the XML headers were different the, rest would match and then, the in the end it would only be a tiny change for the actual driver itself. So. This is a screenshot even, though the names are, the same they're. Not actually, the same it's. Not the same files these are very different files. But. You can see that the the. Way that the, data. Is spread, the cross is. Very different, so. What the XS, means that's basically, a download, off, the. File then it is a second, download of the file but. Any block that's any, color, it means that it found a partial, match on the network and. The. Chunking in version 2, typically. Is around 100. K so. As long as there's a hundred K difference, you. Can get, benefit, and say. Hey I already downloaded this so. Will. Can benefit. This when we're using the windows 7 and 10 at the side-by-side but. I think I'm gonna go, back. To my little command-line, tool here and see so. We did you. Saw that it was slightly smaller this guy right, so. Let's take something more interesting. Flush, in-between go, back to my cheating. Then. We do a version one for the data sip right. Sips, about four hundred Meg's I think, so. It takes a little bit longer time. Nach. Be our show, status. All. And. You. Can see it's injected about four hundred megabyte. Right. Let's. See how version, two does on that. Oops. So, here's exactly the same command line but. At the end I'm saying, use, version, two hashing. What's, the what's the guess. Is it gonna be good or is it gonna be the same. You, want to be I can give it make it a little easier I can show you what's in the zip file so here's the SIP that we're injecting. Here's. The data. How much data do you think's going to be. In the, branch to hash. Eddie. That's, pretty amazing huh. So, it saw that the SIP file actually contained, the same information, multiple. Times. And. They don't so if you would have actually used BranchCache to download, these four hundred Meg file it, would only the, client this is before any peer-to-peer it. Would have only downloaded, 83, max. That's, pretty good done you'll shave, off quite a lot, of information. So. When you're doing your install. Wims BranchCache. By default. With, an install, wim shaves, off typically. Depends. On the skew a little, bit but it shaves us about 10 to 20 percent, automatically. Before. Just, even downloads, it. That's. Pretty good. So. If you have other types of data structures, how, does it perform then so. If. You, do a couple of other demos, here. So. That. Was that one. So. If I were to do the same thing you. See here and I got all of these. Skype. Versions. They're all different versions that we would cop it in and they've got funny names but they're all actually different versions like 17. Blah blah blah blah blah up, how. What would happen if you were, to inject all of this. Are, the savings gonna be good it, takes about a bit of time and we're running a little late so I'm not gonna do it but these, Emma sighs they're stalled stored, not using, a nice. Algorithm, for compression, it's using this else EDX, which is a very aggressive algorithm. So. Even if you make it tiny change, to it, you're. Not gonna get any good savings, so. If I were to inject this I would pretty much end up with about 780.

MEK. If. I were to do something with. Using deflate, which, is the algorithm, that, we, use, for. Regular. Sips, that, Windows does I. Have. A couple of here that are very small, and. If I were to do them you still see savings maybe 10 20 30 % savings, but. It's really when you're doing larger. Blobs, that the algorithm, can find the, more interesting, chunks so I got to sip files here big one I'm big, too, and. If I were to do those, guys. So, basically what, I'm doing is, clearing, out the cache again. And then we're going to inject both, of those files into, the cache. So, let's say we say we downloaded, both at the same time or over time it doesn't really matter. But. The content, that ended up in the cache and the, IE was downloaded. Is. About the same size of one of them. Should've turn that around. Our, where's the size. So, even. Though I injected, about 110, Meg. BranchCache. Shaved. Off about, almost, 50%, of that just. They saved me the cash, so. The files has to be a little bit bigger for the algorithms. To, to, work really. Well. Tiny. Files not so much so. Another, good example where. People do is. They. Do things. Like this, how. Do you think a folder. Structure, like this which is a driver. Would. Perform, with BranchCache. He would do pretty, well over, time but. Much better, and. We'll probably talk more on this on the tomorrow session is to, actually sip, up, your. Driver packages, or any content, that has multiple. Use. A nice deflate. Because, BranchCache is very good at finding, the differences, even, in sip files you. See here you're shaving off even transferring, 2.6. Gig, is the actual uncompressed. Size you can press it down, it. Goes down to a gig and. Even. If I have another version, BranchCache. Will find, the differences. Within. That file. To. Only download the Delta. Have, I lost you completely. So, I promise, to go back a little bit on Windows 7, so. Windows, 7 uses the version 1 hashing which, makes that you can never talk to a, Windows. 2, machine, using. Version 2. Interesting. Aspect though a version 2 machine can hand out content, to a version 1 machine as long. As it has it. So. In here come's we come back to the tools or, the powershell, scripts that we have which. Can basically take, content. Of folders, inject, them into the cache as version, 1 content, so, that your Windows 10 machines can serve your. Windows 7 machines as long as you have it and. Which. Which, version. And where looks strategy, to go with here is, really hard to tell. Because. It depends how you if you're just trying to get off Windows, 7 as fast as possible, it might be better just to treat them as they are but. If you're still, deploying, new, Windows 7 machines this little quite a lot of people doing that, then. You, probably want to make sure that you're like. Oh is these sequences, after, they finish in winpe they, have the version 2 content, typed you.

Go Into Windows 7 you then inject, all of that content, you downloaded, as version, 1 content, on your, on your tense, so, that they could serve the, seven machines. The. Images, you don't need to do but all of the apps the, images themselves will probably, come from other Windows, 10 machines because, they have the same. Unless, it's a seven image and then you want to do it. So. He can serve other ones. So, we're. Running out of time a little bit the. Reason we have, a partial. Script that this. Basically. Looks, at all your TS content, and just injects, it as, version 1 content so make, sure we'll blog about that but. One key, aspect to, take away is that do, and, BranchCache are not competing. Technologies. They, will live side by side and. Will. For quite some time, they. Do very, different things, so. Windows. BranchCache. It is in maintenance mode. Doesn't. Mean is bad it just means that it's pretty mature this. Little bugs that can happen marcsa, fixes them. But. It's on every, single OS, from windows 7. Delivery. Optimization, it requires. An internet connectivity, is. Only for Windows 10. BranchCache. Is I, would say. Stable. And in the way that it's not developed. So there's not so much that you need to read up on every month or every release do, you need, to read up on every single release. And there's, currently no HTTP. Integration, or, announced, plans to do that in. Delivery. Up to my session so if you're using BranchCache. To speed up sharepoint etc, it's gonna continue for a long time. But. This, is a good slide I think to describe what marks our strategy. Is it's probably extremely, hard to see in the back. Let's. See if I can zoom here. But. These, are the bits, interfaces. The, names so, I background copy, call back. Do. You see the do interface. Name. So. They're basically. Made. An exact, copy of, the comm interface, four, bits on. Top of the O, so. For Microsoft, it's, a switch of a button and they. Anyone, that's in like, a suffer, vendor that's use it creates bits jobs they. Will just think they're creating bits jobs but they don't dig hurting do jobs. So, they will at some point in the future say, we don't longer need bits because audio, would do all of the transfer for us. But. If that is in five years or 10 years time I. Do. So, last, slide. If you're not using think, you're not using do think.

Again You, are. Use. The windows analytics, to. Figure out what you're actually, getting the content from is it only internet. Downloads enable. Peered appearing read, up on the policies, and set, them, BranchCache. Is here so if you using configuration, manager start, using BranchCache because, the contents not gonna get any less and. You might think that you didn't need it before but, as you least start competing, with. All of the bandwidth, with other technologies. Like do at the same time anything. That you could take down on the configuration, manager side will help a lot and. To. Make sure that you set your do policies. Measure. If, that make any difference over. A month change them again, change. Them again follow. Up and change, them again and. Both. Of these technologies, windows. Delivery. Optimization, is actually the first consumer, of lead bat so when. A Windows. 10. Machine is serving, content, with. Peer-to-peer its, using, lead bat on the outgoing connection. Doesn't. Use it on the incoming. Per. Se so most. Of the problem when people have issues it's. Because it's uncontrolled. Other server, sources, where it's getting the content from not from other peers because the peers are pretty good of setting. On musingly, bat so, I'm not going to send. Too much data on, that link. So, make, sure you evaluate, the session, we. Do have six. Minutes for questions. I've prepared a couple of you for them. Unless. You come. Up with any of your own. But. If there is any other questions please, let me know otherwise, I'll be around here. Yeah, so the question is would let bat you said the Apple they. Have an issue with like it's, called in the algorithm, band, like team we call it late comers, advantage, so. If you join the crowd later you, have a theoretical power. To push down all of the other connections, meanwhile, you will not detect, that there is other traffic, because. The traffic it's kind of like if, you're pushing your way into the valley where with your back you don't know that you had lots of people behind you. But. The other guys will see you but you don't see them so if you come in but, then some other guy comes in then you have to back down too but the other guy doesn't. Yeah. Yeah, so if you the last guy you will consume all of it. Which. Is the bad part. So. But Microsoft did fix this and there, they, actually did add to the RFC so, Apple. They, should just update their own algorithm. It's. Big the basically update. They on the RTT, a little bit I'm more often so. The windows team did according to, smart things there any. Other questions. Who's. Having problem with Wi-Fi, and. Period. Appearing. Patch. Tuesday. No. Problem. It's, pretty common one otherwise yeah. Switch. Storm, control is another big one. So. Multi, D, or. Brash. Cash is using multicast, to, find other peers so when they all start sending out lots of multicast packages, the switch the default values on the especially, the Cisco switches the, default action is if you enabled it is to drop the port. That's. Not very good we, had a customer. They had 12,000 machines it. Dropped every single port. And. What. Do you think when you can't get to your port who, do you call. Helpdesk. I had a pretty bad day. So, the best is to set you can still use storm, control but set it to drop the packet, don't drop the port and maybe. Set it up a little bit higher than the default I think it's a default it's like 20k on the, entire switchboard. Which. Is, very. Low. Any, other questions. Question. Could be a Swedish - I can translate. No, all, right thank you very much for attending.


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