Team 2. Space and Satellite Technologies in UK

Team 2. Space and Satellite Technologies in UK

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uh okay okay well hello my name is andrea and  we are going to start with the team too   talking about the space and satellite technologies  in the uk this is a topic and here we have some   well the table of contents that we are going to   talk during the presentation first um part of our  team i will introduce the topic and then i will   talk about the theoretical framework after that we  are going to talk about uk program then innovative   space companies contributions and why they are  important and finally our individual conclusions okay here are the names of the team and let's start with the introduction thank you okay good afternoon my name is jorge carricales  and we are going to start with a brief   introduction of this presentation and in this  exposition we are going to talk about the space   and technological facilities its  description origins theoretical frameworks   uk programs and also important facts  of the technological contributions   of the uk space companies and why they  were too important for the humanity okay uh first i will mention some some important  points about the origins uh of the space   technologies in uk as with the other post-war  space fair nations the british government's   initial interest in space was primarily military  that means that they were not interested in going   to um the moon or investigations about that field   but they were interested primarily in military  stuff early programmers reflect this interest   with all other nations much much of the rocketry  knowledge was obtained from captured german   scientists who were pursued to work for the  british so here's when german in the uk start   working together to develop these technologies  work together because they were captured um okay the british performed their least post-war  test of capture v2 rockets in operation backfire   less than six months after the end of the work in  europe and i think that a war is a very important   thing here because that is the point where these  all explode and talking about the development of   these technologies in 1946 a proposal was made  by ralph as meet to found a british cruise award   suborbital launch in modify b2 called mega rock  that is here in the in the screen this was however   rejected by the government and from 1957 british  space astronomy used a skylark suborbital   surrounding rockets launched from pumera australia  which at first reached highs off 200 kilometers   and finally uh the last important point is  the development of air to surface missiles   such as blue still contributes progress towards  launches of large orbit couple capable rockets okay i will talk about theoretical framework  um during or throw through the years   from 1952 to the actual time and there in 1952  the first official british space program began   in 1959 the first satellite program was  to start with the aerial series of british   satellite satellites both in united states  and the uk and large using american rockets   i think that most of us have heard about  this of their first satellite program and   ariel um well this was a british satellites  in contribution with generistics and in 1962   the first british satellite ariel 1 was launched  and here we can see the picture of the ariel one and during 1960s and 1917 a number of  efforts were made to develop a british   satellite launch capability okay then we can talk about 1971 in which this  rocket named black arrow did succeed in placing   a single british satellite prospero into orbit  from launch site in australia in 1985 the british   national space center was established to  coordinate british government agencies   and other interest bodies in the promotion of  british participation in the international market   of satellite launches satellites constructions  and other space in divorce so here in this year um   the government was now involved created in  this in these things and development of these   things participation in international  market and to develop new technologies   and in 2010 many of the various separate sources  of especially funding were combined and allocated   to the centers the placement the uk space agency  that we are going to talk later in others slides   and because this agency is very important in the  uk in the development of this field of course   in 2011 the british government did not  provide funding for the international   space station until 2011. so in this year  is when officially the british government   started to provide funding because after that  time they they don't well they didn't sorry okay now we're going to talk about the uk program   and that's the topic of  another classmate thank you hi my name is diego and i will talk about the uh leo we cannot hear you is okay okay then the next topic is  innovative space companies voices no but um topic five not four okay sorry who's topic it's me sorry sorry well hi uh i am alexis diaz  and this is the first company that i'm gonna   talk about well we have the as you can see the  one the one web satellites and as we can see in   the picture they offer yeah well satellites  but what makes them better or gives them a   like an advantage well there are multiple benefits  but the main the well the best advantages are   first they have a greater range the second one  are cheaper than than than other satellites but   they also have a good quality and third they're  easier to acquire well uh the next slide please well the second camera this is the  second one well the space technology   it is a british company but they they have  four classes of products the first one is you can see right okay yes well they have four classes  of products well the first one   is the commercial aircraft well it's very easy  to understand they offer planes that are bite by   by companies like for example viva  rules american islands and other more   then the second class is choppers or  helicopters but are four types the first   one is the civil one the second one military  third ach the ach is like the civil one but   we can say like the looks or with a better  equipment and therefore a better performance   and the fourth one that it's not very common they  are pre-owned those are like limited edition well   the third class uh we have military jets  for aircraft combat and transport troops sorry the military jets well they  offer just one type that is known   as the eurofighter and it's the world's  most advanced new generation multi-role   swing roll combat aircraft  what it means it can be used to   to air defense or or it can be also used to to  support ground units and they have other three   transport troops the first one is the a 400  m it is just to the to the river troops the   second one is the a 330 mrt in that plane it's  used to to transport tanks and and sometimes   aircraft let me small dividers and  then we have the third one it says c295 then it's the one that you can see in the picture   and then the last one is uh is for space well  what do you offer well they offer satellites   for telecom for navigation for space exploration  and also satellites for for services in orbit   but i also have satellites for earth observation  they also offer launchers spacecraft equipment   and it's not very common but also  spaced at a highway this is like a   a web of telecom by but many devices well  that's all from me thank you for attention i think and now we are going to see more important  companies one of them is the airbus the airbus is   an international pioneer in the aerospace industry  they are a leader in designing manufacturing and   delivering aerospace products services and  solutions to customers on a global scale   also they aim for a better connected safer  and more prosperous world the next place the airbus design and built the flagship as we  can see in the image this emission solar orbiter   which was launched in february 2020 solar orbiter  has already provided stunning images of the sun   and during its 10 year life it will be the  closest camera ever sent to the sun as well   as if here's the spacecraft to orbit the sun at  the same speed as a as its gravitational rotation   providing providing valuable data on the workings  of or nearest star so we can affirm that in a   future the airbus we develop better machines  like this flagship that and it can help us to to take more information about this  on and the and also this on life   that also is important to know how much  time it will be and the next please and that's it that's all for my part uh thank you the next topic is  contributions and why they are important   hello guys my name is and i'm gonna talk  about contributions and why they are important okay uh so i'm gonna start off with the royal  aircraft establishment uh the royal aircraft   establishment or dry you know for short was a  pretty british research establishment known by   several different names during its history  that eventually came under the aegis of the uk   ministry of defense mod uh before finally losing  its identity in mergers with other institutions   in 1988 it was renamed the royal aerospace  establishment before merging with other research   entities to become part of the new  defense research agency in 1991 and uh that's uh that's a picture of the  establishment and uh just to end it here   these are like some of the projects that they made  there uh like for example they invented a carbon   fiber uh also two space satellites orba x2 and  prospero and that's actually uh it's in a museum   and that's a picture of the satellite and uh  we also have some rockets like black arrow   uh black prince black knight  jaguar and skylark and that's it okay and the last point are the conclusions   and here are the conclusions  of each member of the team okay that's all from team two thank you thank you

2021-09-18 12:55

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