Tales From The Vault With Allen | Payment Processing News | B2B Vault Episode 94

Tales From The Vault With Allen | Payment Processing News | B2B Vault Episode 94

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Hey everybody, what's up! It's Justin Live from  B2B Vault: The Payment Technology Podcast with   your host, Allen Kopelman. And we'll be providing  you with educational information about business,   payments, FinTech, decentralized finance,  and the technology businesses use in today's   world. And in today's podcast, we'll be having  story time with Allen, where he talks about   interesting, or maybe not so  interesting, but nightmarish   scenarios in the payment processing industry.  He's been in the industry for over 20 years.

So, there's plenty of stories that he's told  to me that. One, you can't really talk about   on a podcast, because it's not suitable for  everyone's ears. And two, you can't just throw   everybody's dirty laundry out there, so a lot  of the stuff that he's going to digress today   is personal. You know what I mean! So here you go.   Hop right into the story times session, buddy.  All right. So, we're going to talk about   today in story time, and we're going to do  this episode once a month. We're going to talk  

about the point-of-sale. So, what's interesting  is next month, from August 22nd to the 24th,   I'll be speaking at the MPC  digital commerce event in Atlanta. And I'm going to be talking about point-of-sale.  So, I figured why not tell a story   about the point-of-sale? So, what's interesting  is, I came from the restaurant business,   so I remember like the first point of sale, the  first time I interacted with the point-of-sale,   I worked at this barbecue rib restaurant,  and they had a little system, basically the   waitresses and waiters pressed the little button.  Press down on buttons of the items and then print  

magically printed a ticket, Scoot over, please,  sir! You're messing with the microphone. Magically   printed a ticket in the kitchen. Thank you. And  it was very efficient. And then the next time   that I experienced point-of-sale was a  little more complicated was when I got   at a restaurant and started working in hotels. And then we installed a point-of-sale system  and, it was one of the very first times that   micros installed the point-of-sale in  a fine dining restaurant. Micros? The   point-of-sale company! Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, they  had to have, people ate different courses of food.  

So, you would place your order. and you would  say, oh, I'm going to have an appetizer. Then   I'm going to have the salad, then you're going  to have, let's say the fish. You're going to   have all that. So, instead of the waiters going  and having to remember when to go put in the next   course, we created it so that it said, oh, the  first course was this, the second course was that.

So, there was a little course line.  Got it. That was a workaround,   so they had to do it. How did you do that? You  had to program that into the machine? They did,   micros did! Ah, yeah. They came out to the hotel  and then. What was really funny was years later  

after that, and I got into this business, I signed  up this Italian restaurant in West Palm Beach for   credit card processing and they got micros. And  the same two women who installed the micros at   the hotel were there installing the micros at this  Italian restaurant, they recognized me. How many   years later was that? Quite a few! It was,  that was a really long time because that was   probably like seven or eight years later. Wow. It  was crazy! But the point-of-sale has definitely  

come a long way from a massive workstation,  a massive workstation to now these points   of sale are in the cloud operating on, an iPad  or Android tablet. So, it's pretty amazing how   small computers have gotten even like your phone,  is powerful enough to run a small point-of-sale   program on your phone, even. So, it's pretty  crazy, how small computers have gotten. And the cost of point-of-sale has come way down  from where it was, years ago. And there are a lot  

of options. And now there are a lot of companies  coming out. There's even a virtual point-of-sale.   Where it's all virtual, it's like, it's operating  on your computer, and then it's in an app.   Crazy! So, you can just open the app and then  the app has all these functions of, let's say   like for a field, let's say you have a field  business, like a, you're an electrician,   a plumber or pool company. You can create! Create  a profile for each one of your technicians and put   all their appointments in there for the day they  can map out which one is first, second, or third,   they know what to do at the appointment. They  have the address, they can get directions with   one push, point-of-sale, it will just come  a long way. In the last, I started in this   end of the business in 1998, started Nationwide  Payment Systems, 2001. Now we're 2022 and  

probably, I would say in the last five years  is the most innovations with point-of-sale. As a younger person, I'm not that young, I'm  42, but I feel young. I've literally watched,   go from paper checks. As a kid I guess I don't  even remember that too much. Like I remember cash   and then it was paper checks   and food stamps. Remember when food stamps were  paper. Yeah! That was food stamps were paper. That   was not anymore. I remember that even the social  security check, they used to mail the checkout.  

Now it just goes right into their banking account,  and it was checks like, oh yeah. Cause then the   machine you put the check and that's when the  check would go, move the check around checking. Yeah, checks went through a whole phase! Where you  took a paper check to a business that had taken,   you had to take it to a bank. What was that  one thing where you had to what was that? We  

were in, oh no, that was for the credit card!  Yeah, that was for the credit card. But I'm   saying for checks, in the beginning, you just got  a check, you took it to the bank. It could take   up to a week to see if the check was good.  Yeah, to be cleared right? You could watch  

that movie Catch Me If You Can tell, which  explains the whole check thing. But then,   you had a check to where it, you put the  check in the machine, and it checked to   see if it was at a real checking account.  Yeah. It didn't really check the balance. And then the next level was it actually took a  picture of the check and converted it to a cash   deposit for the merchant! Like a digital? Yeah!  It was, they called it check imaging. Oh yeah!  

And conversion so, it took an image of the check  and converted it to cash, and deposit it in the   bank account. And then. When did like debit cards  come up? What year was that? Debit? No, debit was   around for a long time, because I remember when I  was young, about 18 or 19, there was a card called   the honor card and it was similar to a debit card.  So, you would go to the machine at the grocery   store and put your honor card in there. And let's  say you wanted to write a check for 60 bucks.

You had to guess because you know, oh,  I need, it's going to be 60 dollars.   So, you would put it in there and it would,  okay. You give you a slip saying, you can   write a check for 60 bucks. So, it's like a debit  card. And then you would give them the check, they   would put it in their little machine, and they  would match what you did on the other machine.   And if there was some change, they would just give  you the change. I just don't remember. That was   like the first debit card, but I don't remember  going from like cash to debit. I don't like around  

2001 around 2000, 2001 is when debit cards started  to become very popular. Cause like when you,   when I would go to the bank,  let's say at 15. Right! You're too young to get a debit card! There was  no card no, you just went to the bank and you,   yeah. You had to stand in line.  Yeah. Write your withdrawal slip. Or   get your withdrawal slip and get  your cash. Yeah, or cash a check.  

Yeah. Wow. It was, yeah! Today.  Now you can use the cash app,   whatever you can possibly imagine to pay  for something. Yeah. Now there are apps,   and monies move. We talk about it all the time.  FinTech. What is it? What is FinTech? Real quick,   before we get into that! We want to say thank  you to all of our new followers and fans,   we appreciate all the love that you guys show  us. Keep subscribing to the YouTube channel. We reached 177 subscribers trying to  get that up to a thousand. Come on,   guys. I know you guys could do it! Follow us on  Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook, please  

Like the community B2B vault on all community  pages. Get there's going to be some cool giveaways   that we'll be talking about there. We will be  giving away the Oculus very soon on the giveaway.   The post that we've posted. The 100th podcast  is coming up. Couple weeks. Yes, that's going   to be cool. Head over to B2BVault.info to get in  touch with Allen or me! If you have any comments,   questions, or suggestions for the show, maybe  you think we should talk about something that   we haven't talked about yet, or maybe  we don't know what we're talking about. Let us know anyway. Yes. Watch out for our  new feature FinTech Friday. Oh yeah. FinTech  

Fridays. That's cool. We're going to  be releasing episodes every Friday   in the afternoon, early afternoon. So, it's not  too late, so you can still catch it. Yeah. Also,   we love you guys! That's it. All right! So back  to the story. So, I've seen the iterations,  

right! Of the point-of-sale business and  the point-of-sale business. When we first   got into this business, we were able to, a  lot of companies would buy point-of-sale.   And then we would put the processing in  it. Today, that's completely changed! Now,   the point-of-sale companies are all  becoming credit card processors. Right! So, they're their own credit card processor.  So, we partnered with quite a few different  

types of point-of-sale, point-of-sale  for restaurants, and point-of-sale for   and they're getting smart. They're very industry  specific. Like we have one that's for smoke shops   and vape shops, cigar stores you can do  is a convenience store with that one!   So, it's a very specific, and liquor store.  It's very specific to that type of inventory   control for those businesses. You  mentioned retail too! Yeah. Only re yeah,   but just retail. No, I mean like clothing,  something. No, we don't do anything with  

clothing. Clothing is very difficult because  you get into, in the database, you got to get. You could have the same shoe or the same, like  this shirt right now, you got this shirt and a   men's shirt and a woman's shirt. Then it comes in  extra small, medium, large, and extra-large! Pink,   gray, yellow! So, that takes a that's an immense  inventory program. So, do they have those? Yeah.   Oh yeah, there are point-of-sale for that! It's  very complicated. Do businesses use them a lot?   Yeah, bigger businesses. It's very, it's difficult  for like someone that has a small clothing store   to use one of those because the inventory is,  you got to be on top of your inventory. Yeah.

If you're organized with your vendor, it's  easy because of the vendor. You got 10   men's shirts that small, medium, two of each, or  whatever. You got 10. But it's easy if they give   it to you all like on a spreadsheet. And then it  can be uploaded in, but we don't really deal with   clothing stores and cheap stores, because it's a  huge job to get all the inventory in there. Sounds   like I'm sure it will be. People sometimes  use like we offer people the Clover system,   but it doesn't really handle a large clothing  or shoe store, for that kind of inventory.

It's very specialized and that's what we're  seeing today. There are a lot of choices if you're   a restaurant and for retail, if it's a small  retail store. We have a good program for that.   What's been the difference between small  and large? So, I was laughing when,   so like a small program would be somebody let's  say they have like maybe 50 or a hundred items.   So, there are like small programs for that,  maybe it's a food truck. So, there are quite   a few little programs then let's say up to  8,000 items. Can you imagine? That's a lot! So,   there is point-of-sale for that, when you get  over 8,000 items, you need a whole different   kind of point-of-sale, because now you're  talking about that, that's an immense program.

That's running with a database, and you have  to be organized. It's not, the person selling   it has to be organized. It's the business that  has to be organized to have all that in there.   Let's say you're doing a grocery store or a small  meat market. You got to really be organized. You   got to have all your items, you got to assign  your UPC codes. You got to buy a special scale,  

that prints out the barcode. So, you can put, like  when you go to Publix, you're the meat has like a   special thing. It's all coded because they, the  butchers, weigh each package. And they have to   set up the scale. So, the scale knows oh, the  packaging for these weighs, let's say two ounces.

So, they don't charge you for two ounces. It  already knows oh, that little tray and the little   thing they put in there and the plastic is going  to weigh, whatever it weighs. So, it's called   tare. Yes, sir. Yeah. I am familiar. Yeah. So,  they put that on, there's a tear weight, so they   get it. And we have a program, the same  one that does the smoke shops will do like   a small meat market. Not talking about that.  Just, I don't know. Talking about this topic.  

It just makes me think about all the little  intricacies that go into running a business,   that's all. Yeah! Like when you were just saying  I can only imagine, someone opening up their shop   for the first time and then they get their POS and  then they realize that they have to input like, 8,000 products into here. But there are  easier ways to do it. I'm just saying   manufacturers are organized.  Yeah. I'm just saying that it's a,   there's a lot into running a business, man! Yeah,  there is! And there are just little things that,   every day when we're talking and there are just  little things that come to mind. Wow! Shout out  

to all those small business owners, running shops  out there, you guys are killing it, man! Yeah. You   got to be like a little bit of a tech wizard  today! Right! To get all this stuff going in   your store. For sure! You got to be like a tech  wizard. And then you got to be willing to learn. For you got to be willing to learn and, different,   every best thing has a different kind of want  and need. So, let's say, you're a restaurant,  

oh, now you need online ordering. And then  today, since then the last couple of years,   now you need to be linked to like Door Dash, Uber  Eats, and things like that. So, the same thing,   and then retail stores, they want to be  linked in so they can have a shopping   cart for everything they're selling. So, their  customers can pay online too, and do you know,   you have to, we've talked about this before,  you got to be able to do in a business today. You need to be, face, do  your face-to-face business,   have your curbside pickup, have your in-store  pick up, and then your delivery. Yep! And no   matter what kind of business you have, you got  to incorporate all of that into your business.  

So that's, the new business model today is  incorporating. It doesn't work obviously like   liquor stores, you're not going to really, some  liquor stores offer curbside pickup. It's a little   bit of a pain. They got to go outside, make sure  it's not your somebody's teenage kid coming over.   Right. Used his dad's credit card, and he's  coming over to pick up a case of Budweiser.

There's a business. Technology for every business  now. So, you, there's a very specific technology,   for different types of business. That's  why that company who does the smoke shop   does liquor store because they ID people, so  it's a similar business flow, and it's a similar   business flow and that you buy cases of stuff  and then you might sell one, right? You buy cases   and then break them down. So oh, there are 24  candy bars in a box, and you sell them one by  

one same thing. The liquor store buys 12 bottles  of vodka. So, it's the same kind of inventory type   system. That's why it works, but that system's  not going to work for a shoe store. So, you don't   want, when you buy point-of-sale, you don't want  to stick a round hole, a round peg in a square   hole. Or a triangle in a round hole, you got to  get the point-of-sale that's designed specifically   for your business type. So yeah, it's very  important that you have a point-of-sale selection,   and you select the right type of point-of-sale. And we provide consulting for that, where we meet  with a merchant, I say, I need to point-of-sale.  

And then we start the conversation. What's your  budget? How many I, what kind of business is it?   How many items are you going to have in the  store? Then there's always the discussion? Are   you comfortable with Android and Apple? Or do you  want to step it up a little higher to the next,   where you're doing a PC? And the same thing in a  restaurant, depending on how busy the restaurant   is, and how many stations they have? Do  you need a back office, computer or not   a back-office computer? Or now, like we're  working with a company with a hybrid of that! So, they assign one, one of the computers is  like the head, and then everything else is in the   cloud. So, it's a combination! So, there's all,  the cloud became a big thing. So, everything's   in the cloud and it's great for running a  business because you get this almost, just about   every point-of-sale at some kind of cloud option.  So, the business owner could be at home login and   see everything. And that goes to all types  of businesses, your credit card processing,   everything that you do, there's a dashboard you go  in and you can manage your business right from the   dashboard. But it's funny, years ago we put out  dashboards and hardly anybody use the dashboards.

Now, I think people are getting a little  bit more used to it. They do a lot more,   you can run, you have to decide like with your  point-of-sale system, what are you going to do?   Do you need a loyalty program?  How does the loyalty program work?   Do and you don't even have to give out cards,  you can just do it with a phone number now! And   then also use it for, because most of the time,  like the ones that come with the phone number,   also give the business text messaging. Which  is probably one of the best marketing tools. We   added text messaging to the podcast now where you  can text the word "book" to 9 5 4 8 2 7 9 8 1 8. And we'll send you back the link where you  can book us an appointment and we can also   have a two-way conversation with you. So even  the point-of-sale systems I've developed now,   like online chat. So, you need customer service,  you have a problem. You can just click on the chat   button and get in touch with somebody instead of  being on hold. That's very cool! Open up a ticket  

and so on and so forth. Technology is growing and  getting more complex and then different types of   payments, come into the point-of-sale. So soon,  what will we see at the point-of-sale? We'll see   maybe direct bank transfer, where you can pay with  your bank account without using your debit card. Do I think we're going to see that at some point?  Maybe! I think time is down the road! Are we going   to see crypto? Like you're going to pay, come up  and pay for your burger with crypto. Maybe we'll   see that, in the near future. You can do it now  is just not integrated into a point-of-sale yet!  

But it's coming, it's coming, there are all  types of stuff! QR codes. So, a few years ago,   we were using QR codes when we were making mobile  apps. And now, boom, in the last two years,   everybody knows what a QR code is. I'm annoyed  with the QR code menu thing. I think restaurants,   a lot of restaurants are using that because  they're having to change their prices on the fly.

I get it! And they can't keep printing  menus. Yeah! Yeah. It's getting it's too   expensive to print menus. I like  the, I went to this restaurant.   Last Thursday and they had iPads! For everybody?  That's cool! What restaurant was that? That's   interesting. Oh, Ali Mexican restaurant. Mexican  restaurant. That's cool. Yeah, there's actually,   we talked to a company it's expensive to do that  though. Unless you went out and you just bought   a lot of, like refurbed iPads. I don't know  if they had one for every table, I'm sure I.  

I'm sure they had, you wouldn't need one for every  table, but you probably need one for every two. Probably need 10. There's a pretty big  restaurant. So, they need at least 10   50. No. What I'm saying is you need  one for at least every two tables.   Two, I would think for every table. Yeah. Two  for every one or two for every table. That's a  

lot. You have 50 tables. You need a hundred iPads  that can, it doesn't need to be an iPad either.   Oh, okay. It could be an Android tablet. You get  a refurbished one for maybe 50 or a hundred bucks.   At that point, you probably could find phones. I  don't know. Kind, just you'd have a small program   it, yeah. It's small. There you go. You  could get like an iPad mini or something. It could use older ones. It's going  to be a strain on your Wi-Fi too!  

Because it is coming from the Wi-Fi. So,  everybody is on Wi-Fi at the same time.   Yeah. You're going to have to set up some separate  networks, I'm sure. For all that. Yeah. I've seen,   I just thought it was cool that they had that  instead of, I'm like I said, I'm just irritated   with the whole, the QR code thing, because  sometimes they're depending on their website. I'd rather see the QR code thing than go  to a restaurant, where they got stickers   on every menu. Oh yeah, and you don't know  the price and you don't know the price,  

I agree, and, you know that no one else is  touching it. No. It's also piled on there,   they've changed the price three or  four times. And that's just kind of   that's just. No, just saying you got to  use tech, we always talk about this, put   technology to work in your business! Yep. Like you  have a salon, there's a point-of-sale for a salon. We have some guy with Ax Throwing and  they're going to try to use the salon   system for the Ax throwing. And we think it's  going to work because instead of the cutters,  

they're just going to use the lanes of the ax.  That's going to be the cutter. That makes sense   said, so it should work, and you'll be able to  book online and everything instead of booking   Susie to cut your hair, you'll be booking lane  one. Exactly. So, it should work and they're   spending way too much money on what they're  using now. And this is going to be about 20%  

of the cost. And then they're going to get a  point-of-sale and the reservations all linked   into one system! That's here in Fort Lauderdale?  No, it's actually in Hawaii! Oh, which is crazy! That guy's killing it out there. Yeah! We have  one sales rep and he's he relocated during the   pandemic from Las Vegas to Hawaii. Because he's  from Hawaii. Yeah. He told me to start. So, he   ended up moving there, we serve as businesses in  all 50 states. That's it. We cannot do Guam, or   we can do a little bit in Puerto Rico.  But we can't do the Virgin Islands and  

over there yet, it's all, it's a different  Visa, MasterCard region. Got it! This is crazy,   you would think are US territories, it should  be part of the US, but it's not! Same thing   with Guam. Like why not? We should be able to do  that. Shout out to Guam! It's not how it's set up. We got; we've gotten inquiries from there before.  If it's an internet business, we probably can   do it because there are ways to get a, because  they probably have a US bank account. And a US   Federal Tax ID number. So, there's a way to get  around that kind of stuff. But with a physical,   you need a physical machine in  your business. We can't do that.  

So, it's good though because, we have, there's a  variety of things you can do with point-of-sale.   Like, I said, it's, it comes down to, how  feature-rich do you need the product and   how robust, do you need it to be? Because, when  people look like we talked about micros. Right? You can't compare micros to the Clover system,  someone who goes from micros and then they start   using a Clover. They're going to be very upset  because it's not going to be. not going to have   the same experience, right? So, you got to have,  you got to make sure that you have the features   and the features and the robustness that you  want for what you're going to be tracking in   your business. The same thing with inventory,  as we talked about clothing, is very difficult,  

you're tracking, you're tracking styles, sizes,  and colors. It could get complicated. Darren   Skippy. Yep. Complicated and expensive! So,  if you're interested in going to the show,   you'll see, that we'll be doing a few more  posts about the MPC 22 digital commerce event. We'll tag it in the podcast. You'll  see it come out. I'm speaking at the  

event. And on the last day of the  event, they're having alternative   products. Cannabis! Expo featuring cannabis,  CBD, and other alternative products.   So that's going to be pretty interesting  and I'm going to be at the booth there.   So, we'll see, hopefully, we'll see some merchants  there in need. We'll help you out, there is a  

point-of-sale for that too. All right. So, thank  you for listening today. Storytime, talking about   point-of-sale, the evolution of point-of-sale,  where it was, and where it is now! And   everybody Have a great day! Carpe Diem! Enter the  contest and win the Oculus and other cool prizes. Win the OCULUS! Rocky likes the Oculus. He wants  it. He doesn't want anyone to win. That's why   he growled! He wants to wear the  goggles and go to the doggy Metaverse!

2022-07-25 14:47

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