Tactics to WIN against the Left

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typically because nobody would talk back to these  people they're bound by and my institutional   friends will appreciate this they're bound  by uh having to be considered respectable by   their peers or civil in public discourse and i  went out on my own and i didn't have to do that   so you know these people start talking about how  they want to sexualize children i say okay groomer   and i just leave it at that and i clap back  at them vigorously and my intention from the   beginning was to teach people that you can stand  up to these people that you don't have to be bound   by these kind of made-up rules of decorum that  keep you on your back foot because most of the   things that they do are manipulations they have  three primary tactics that are all meant to drain   you of your ability to stand on your own too the  first of those is to make you look stupid to train   you of what i call intellectual authority  or epistemic authority if you want to get   philosophical about it so they know better than  you they know the complicated theory you don't   even know what anti-racism or systemic racism is  you don't even know what how racism really works   you're dumb you didn't go to college whatever it  happens to be you have a degree in math not social   science so they try to drain you of your ability  to feel smart enough to be seen as smart enough to   say what's plainly in front of your face like that  men and women are different like you're not smart   it's like you're telling these biologists friends  i have i'm like guys nobody needs a biologist to   tell anybody that men and women are different like  people just know that and so you just instead of   letting them drain your intellectual authority  you make fun of them they just they said something   stupid you make fun of them back second is  they try to drain your moral authority they   try to make you look like you're a bad person for  doing what you did and uh you can't fall into that   you're not the bad person for telling the truth  you're not the bad person for speaking plainly   you're not the bad person for standing up for  kids or whatever else you're not even the bad   person for using harsh words like a groomer uh or  something like that to call out something that you   see that's inappropriate and they want to make  you look like you're the bad person the third   thing they do is try to drain you what i call  psychological authority that's where everybody   keeps using the word gas lighting it's not really  in north carolina you just heard that it's not   really here this thing that you're talking  about the new newest boogie man on the right   so they're trying to make you look crazy trying to  make you look like you're a conspiracy theorist in   fact the term conspiracy theorist was invented to  make people look crazy who were talking about the   things that they were doing in conspiracies  and again and again and again you troll them   to show that you're not afraid of that because  you're not going to get that taken away from you   and uh the simplest rule is if you're laughing  they're losing and so my my kind of general advice   if you want to get on social media or  whatever and you want to participate   in this if you aren't writing something  that makes you laugh don't write anything   because that's when they got under your skin  if you're mad and you're writing a little   thing and you're getting all defensive and you've  already lost so if you're laughing they're losing   and so you what that means is you got to flip  it over and make it funny if you're not good at   that just go outside and do something better  with your time then argue with idiots on the   internet because it doesn't matter there's an  infinite number of people who are wrong on the   internet lots of them are paid to be wrong on the  internet lots of them aren't even people they're   ai they're built to be wrong on the internet  so i just can't let it get to you too much um   but yeah i am trying to teach like this is how  you attack this thing it doesn't have to be taken   seriously you don't have to take it on its terms  and you don't have to be manipulated into caring   about the things it says or talking about things  in the way they say you have to so on and so forth   and you can just kind of carry on so i have to  deal with every issue area in my job so it's   not just crt it's energy it's you know but just  this morning i got an assignment i got to look   up do a paper on lithium batteries to china and  uganda so i'm all over the place and so i look   at social media as a little bit of a sport and  and like i find in a new area i've got to figure   out what the best arguments are i have like maybe  10 in my head but which one's land and which ones   are the most effective so there's a little bit  of back and forth i try to find a thread where   there's leftists there that are willing to  engage that i can see what are they going to say   and then figure out what the best way are  to attack it and then once i figured it out   i tried to assert the moral position from  the assets so let me give you an example   you talk about the border if you're talking about  it in terms of we need a secure border there's 20   million illegals in this country immediately the  left is going to come out to serve the moral high   ground by saying that you hate brown people and  blah blah blah so you know what's the way around   that well i like to assert from the outset that  if you are not for a secure border you are for   cartels trafficking children for sex your four uh  cartels raping up as as little as as little as a   third and as as much as eight tenths of female  migrants and so and look we can disagree in   here on the position on board or whatever but the  point is find the moral high ground stick it to it   and then put them on the defense immediately and  sometimes you know like getting to james point   i'll open up my uh i used to have a bigger  twitter thought i deleted it uh when i was   working for chip but then so i restarted one  when i left and i'm building that one back up   but uh one thing i love to do is if they're just  going at you you know someone will come in and   say well you're a white male that's your opinion  and i'll say that is a racist and sexist comment   and then just leave it there and go to bed and not  even look at the replies and all night long i'll   wake up and they will spend all night with all  their friends growing at it i'm fully refreshed   they have no sleep i get a little bit of a kick  out of that knowing that they i won i'm right   and then i ruined their entire night knowing that  they had to defend the fact that i'm now calling   them a racist and sexist so that's a little bit of  the beginning you gotta kind of i mean there are   serious aspects of it but you do need to have fun  with it and understand that the people were truly   vile like you know i just get a kick out of maybe  ruining their evening that's always fun and so you   know max how do you decide or how do you know if  someone is entering into a good faith attempt to   have a discussion or they're just a troll from the  get-go yeah um it's a good question on the social   media front i am less of the master or maestro  some more kind of constraints a little bit less   wannabe temperamentally than james says some of  this so i try to have more of my conversations   face to face to test out my theories and uh  i think maybe you know you you can tell very   quickly if somebody you're talking to is totally  captured by these ideas or if they are genuinely   persuadable in a way that am i richer you can  tell like prayer online i think you should   probably default to assuming anybody who's going  to argue with you online is not really seeking   further understanding uh but face to face is very  different right and to go back to you know some of   the themes i was saying most people who are doing  this don't know that they're doing it and so how   do you make them realize what it is that they're  doing uh and the most the thing that seems to   resonate the most with people is simply asking  hey did you like use that word five years ago   because a lot of people understand at least  somewhat instinctively that what has happened   politically is downstream of a vocabulary  shift and that this vocabulary shift has   not been a natural shift in language that has  been done through normal human discourse and yes   language evolves right but language is very  rarely seized and utilized for explicitly   surreptitious and subversive purposes the advance  of the ideology that james has described has gone   entirely by kind of buzzwords buzzwords  right words that actually mean the exact   opposite of what they appear to mean but then  as james pointed out when you call them out   of what it actually means they'll say oh no  it's what it appears to me so i found that   you know asking somebody hey there's a lot  of inequity what do you think equity means   when did you start hearing that term were you  aware that this person defines equity this way   isn't it kind of dangerous for there to be  this word that might mean this horrible thing   that you didn't start hearing until five years ago  if you really think it's it's good to advance that   i mean and i'm a pretty young guy all things  considered a graduate college 11 years ago   i never heard the word problematic that word is  fundamentally redefined how people think about   each other people think about life i never heard  the word microaggression uh i never heard the word   and i really tried to keep it rubbery at yale 2011  never heard the word transgender it was not a word   so when it comes to face to face i found like the  most like the most advanced i can make is when you   just bring up people like all these words seem  different do you know what these words mean do   you think that they know what these words mean  and then you can you know bring up stuff that's   prepared by scholars that you saw found the  line but wait this means this that means that   aren't you concerned i am and you'll probably get  them to actually be a little bit concerned again and as far as uh you know when we  counter actually when we're leading right   we're taking blackberry over the target as they  say um how do you defend your values michelle   um while not letting attacks get under  your skin how do you do it well first   we have to remember that we stand on the  right side of history we stand on what is true   and i think separating the attacks from a personal  attack like people will say things and call me   names or say things and i don't even address that  i just say it sounds like you're concerned about   this is this your issue and i think what um what  was just brought up with max is asking questions   is huge because most of them do not know how to  express these talking points that they have just   been downloaded into their mind from watching  whatever they're watching on the television   and so this is true and i say this to people  often there are two ways to govern one   is through civil discourse and the other is  through force and we need to ask ourselves how   do you feel like we are being governed in 2022.  i think it's very important to bring it back to   and i you know being a follower of christ  i believe that the bible is true and i will   tell people truth is offensive i don't think i'm  offending you i think the truth is offending you and generally speaking uh some this as it pertains  to online communications it's mostly holders it's   we're not there's not a lot of people who are  truly centrist there's mostly people who are   on there that have their minds on et cetera so  that's a whole different i look at that more as a   political this is how we set the way that the the  national conversation has taken place that's all   and and how to win that because you're up against  media who are automatically going to take this   the position and the narrative and the wording  of the radical left online and they're going to   push that and so you've got rest of america  who may not be as polarized uh you know and   they're generally you know want to know and so  there's different audiences there's you know   who are you trying to convince your neighbors  activist groups elected officials and all of   those have a different framework and they all  have different interests and centers of gravity   that you have to consider when you're trying to  convince them sometimes it's very specific like   you know this member of congress takes a lot of  input from his brother-in-law or his wife and   so understanding their positions and that's  how you can convince someone of something or   someone maybe that's an activist that's very very  very passionate about one issue and if you're on   their side on that issue they're going to be more  willing to listen so it's it's very strategic in   terms of being persuasive to get your ideas across  and but you're right as much as we can do this to   uh in person uh especially on the specific  granular level that's going to be way more   successful this is why like your door knocking is  so highly valued and political operations because   online as people in the safety of their own  home retreat back to and they're just you know   immediately throw it they feel empowered to say  anything and everything they want about james i   see it all the time they'll make as many you know  every claim in the world to call him every name   of the book and he's a genuinely nice guy but  that's just the the area maybe not i'm just uh   i could be wrong and so long story short uh we  just have to figure out what avenue we're in but   but again you know you don't want to gaslight  your friends but online i do think that you   need to because that's what creates the you know  the discourse on online social media is what kind   of creates the the narrative that the media is  going to use and so i do think that we have to   have a different approach there a little bit more  aggressive we need to take the moral high ground   because if you can show other people that yeah i'm  going to engage in these controversial topics and   i'm dominating them and i'm shutting them down and  none of their attacks are getting through to my   armor and you know through my armor at all other  people are empowered and they know how to engage   it and they can use elements maybe not the full  monty there but they can use elements of this in   the workplace you know they can use elements  of this with their neighbors and then they   they figure out the best ways to kind of defend  their culture and in these controversial settings   um also a few years ago dan bongino said something  that has just resonated with me and he said the   conversation that you are having with that liberal  lunatic is not for the liberals luna tickets for   whoever is listening and so i think we need to  remember that too and i think one thing that   our nation is in desperate need of is hope and  solutions and so instead of us all just talking   about how horrible everything is a horrible  horrible horrible if we can say you know what   i agree with you that x y or z is an issue what  would you think if we tried this because i think   when we get down to the basis of it especially  when we're talking about education if you say to   to people across the board regardless of what side  of the aisle they find themselves on politically   if you say do you agree that the up the objective  of k-12 education should be that every child that   graduates from our public schools should be ready  to enter into the workforce and be financially   responsible and be able to express what their  worldview is do you agree that they should be able   to handle struggle right and deal with people that  think differently from them and if you want to go   on to college great that's wonderful but after  12 years of us funding an education i think they   should be productive members of society by the  time they're 18 years old and voted and i think   i think everyone would agree with that every sane  adult would agree with that so then you take that   and you say okay well i think x y or z we should  try this idea because this one hasn't worked and   you know in education we can you know sloane has  done an excellent job of showing the decline in   education specifically here in north carolina and  when you say okay when did that start oh that was   the experiment that we called common core so we  did an experiment and it failed so why don't we   do this why don't we go back to when we were the  greatest educational system in the world and why   don't we repeat what we were doing back then right  and and it's hard for people to argue with that   it's also just very important to draw people  as quickly as possible towards reality   um i was i was particularly struck by what james  said about the uh the student director from   california who was going home to a yearbook  to study crown outs right in a way that is   beyond the scope of this panel that you know if a  couple hours we could talk about it for five hours   what is the current madness is kind of downstream  of assertion of language over reality right   um the idea that you should even foreground  yourself with a pronoun is asserting that   language has privacy over the physical so the  sooner that you can draw people's attention back   to just real practical concerns which are the  kind of things that are pretty likely to catch   the person in the middle who's just listening  and it's gonna stick and also something that   the person who is peddling or pushing this stuff  won't really have a clear answer to it right and   they're not being inclusive of your viewpoints on  gender well and so the the gender thing there's   there's something else i mean i said a little bit  james a little bit i don't i don't think it can be   said enough like there there is no issue on which  the other side is more over its skis than this one   and it is borderline criminal the degree to  which the right has not like seized on the   basic physical reality of what is being done and  the basic physical reality of what is being done   under the name of being affirming which is a  great work how could you not be affirming right   i don't know because that leads to sterilizing  children right we haven't seen that many   republican politicians conservative funders  because that truth is mean well it's it's   terrible it is the reality is meaner and you  have to remember that these are these are largely   invalid by all you know empirical accounts these  are largely autistic or homosexual children   uh or just generally socially awkward children  who go through a certain phase they would   otherwise fall out of and instead of otherwise  falling out of that phase they are sterilized   uh that is sick it is demonic and  the physical and i like i think   we could fall far further as a country but  i think we'd have to fall a lot further   than we're likely to follow these next few  years for sterilizing children to pull well   um so bring it up and i really don't think  people know this i think that what james   is saying what i'm saying wait saying i think  probably recognition that hormone therapy leads   to sterilization i would be shocked if more than  five percent of the national populace realizes   this at this point and this is a great question  for us i have this question as a nurse these   children that think that they might be a different  gender explain to me why when we have the medical   ability to give them a synthetic hormone why  are we not giving them their biological hormone why did we automatically jump  to you must be in the wrong body because queer theory is a war on the normal that's  right that's right it's to invert that which is   normal you can't reaffirm what is normal and so  this comes back to what max was just saying about   reasserting reality um speaking of topics that  are too deep to get into without five hours   i actually think of marxism in its broadest form  as a religion where i know a lot of christians   who will understand if you read your gospel  of john it's very beginning as in you know it   appeals directly to god being the logos the logic  of reality the structure of reality as it is right   and so what you have with marxism is a religion  of pathos to draw the greek parallel which is a   religion of feelings and so what you have  is a conflict between how somebody feels   and what's real and i have a fairly good  example about why you shouldn't rely on   somebody's feelings it's been very persuasive i'll  share it with you but this is ultimately also what   we're talking about if you don't want to get into  the whole war on the normal career theory thing   uh it is because we have to affirm those feelings  we have to put feelings ahead of reality we have   to put feelings ahead the temporary subjective  feelings ahead of that which is you know down the   track in reality for these people um the example i  give though resonates with people very quickly is   if anybody ever knows anybody who has had a panic  attack a lot of times i'm mistaken for having   a heart attack and if you go to the doctor you  say doctor oh my god you know go to the hospital   emergency room i'm having a heart attack and  the doctor they admit you they really back very   quickly they put you and you still doctor doctor  doctor get get get the paddles shock me shock me   my heart attack and the doctor's trying to hook  up an ekg to you because the doctor needs to know   if you're having a panic attack or a heart attack  and if they give you the paddles when you're   having a panic detector going to kill you and  your subjective experience your phenomenological   interpretation if you want to get really  philosophical about it of the the thing you're   going through when you're wearing panic attack is  a bad arbiter for what's really going on turns out   looking up an ekg is way better at telling you  what's really going on and that's why the doctor   is going to do it if he's worth anything so when  you start looking at that should the doctor affirm   the feelings of the person coming in and spouting  off and saying having a heart attack or should   the doctor do the rudimentary test to make sure  they bring in the right treatment that resonates   with people immediately and it's very easy to  then go from that example into other examples   and say you know why are we taking the word of  an upset 12 year old about how they feel on a   particular day as a reason to engage in absolutely  life-changing behaviors for them you know we   wouldn't let them get into the tattoo and we're  going to let them you know cut off their breasts   or undergo hormone therapy or whatever else why  on earth we do that to affirm their feelings um   it's not any different than somebody going  to the heart attack or going to the doctor   saying having a heart attack and in reality  what they're having is a subjective feeling   caused by an emotional response that mimics that  feeling physic physiologically for them what would   kill them if they were treated for a heart attack  can be put on like statins or something like that   would be a horrific idea you wouldn't put people  in those drugs so bringing it to that kind of   level can help bridge that disconnect finding real  examples of of other things where your feelings   are not the best arbiter of reality your feelings  they love this word valid your feelings are valid   no that your feelings just are there are emotional  responses happening in your limbic system they are   not valid or invalid it's not invalidating you  to say the way you feel right now is not the   best way to react to the situation you're in every  toddler that's ever decided to throw themselves on   the floor in the store and kicking screen their  feelings were not the best argument of deciding   whether or not they should leave the store  with their mom right now you know and so   bringing these kinds of examples back to  drag people back to reality to get them   back if you want to be christian divided to  the logos and out of the pathos where they're   lost in this sea of feelings i think  is incredibly important to winning over   minds and to the other point that was raised every  minute you spend arguing with some leftists on the   internet or wherever else i always get asked how  do you convert these people i don't know you don't   maybe you're talking to them for an audience but  what i found is that there are 10 or 20 people out   there who i can talk to who are interested to  figure out what the world's going on right now   who will hear me and we'll go look into it and are  reachable versus this one person who doesn't want   to be reached and if i get 20 people away from  what's going on in the amount of time i would have   wasted squabbling with one person who's not going  to change their mind anyway you know that's that's   a gigantic win for me so focus your resources also  you know i don't try to convert will be but okay   that's your belief great okay and i just  go find other people to talk to because   they're spouting nonsense and i don't have time  for that frankly so so one thing i want to build   on because i was getting ready to say part of  that although in words that were way smaller   and more simple because i don't know i don't  know what half those words mean so there's two   you know scenarios here on how you can kind of  address someone who disagrees with you if there's   a serious like they're seriously they have like  they disagree and they want to know why you don't   agree with them i think there's power and and  pointing out to them kind of the logical uh   problems with some of the arguments they're  asserting you just outlined a couple of them   you know and if they're if they're just  not and this is gets more into the meaning   of of of conversations you know there's a more  sarcastic and it's not that it's funny it's   funny and how absurd it is but you know getting  back to the gender thing you know you can throw   their terminology right back at them in a way that  shows just how ridiculous they are so if if you   know they want you to use gender pronouns you can  say well you know i don't believe that you're not   affirming my deeply held position on this and  i feel that's a microaggression and i am now   triggered by this and that that's a form of  discrimination and you know just throw it in   their face put them on the defense uh you know is  that going to be effective and it changes their   mind no they're just going to dislike you but it  is effective and kind of meaning the absurdity   of that entire world view and how dumb it is not  necessarily effective in changing uh uh you know   academic uh conversations that will probably solve  no problems there but it is it is helpful in kind   of memeing the political conversation and and  assisting and pushing it into the absurd so that   it's not considered serious because it's really  not serious when you have a serious conversation   to unwind it it's observed so so you really have  to go to do a lot of work especially people might   you don't know this on the level that these two  gentlemen do uh so that's i do a lot of that and   then activists go out and take it from there and  push that at the micro level that really can't   work i'll tell you um right at the end of 2020 i  created on the internet critical election theory   and i literally just copied all the verbiage  critical race theory like word for word and change   it you know election fraud is systemic anybody who  benefits from election fraud is going to continue   to prepare perpetuate election fraud they're  complicit i had all these people be really mad   seeing that i was claiming that um the election  was stolen because it was but i wasn't actually   as a matter of fact what i was doing was  you know throwing back in their face the   model of argumentation about critical race theory  everything's racist because blah blah blah well   the election was clearly stolen because blah  blah blah so anybody who would come these big   journalists with their blue checks and their fancy  pants and all these things would come and try to   dunk on me and then i just would say something  else like oh you're just showing your election fragility political stamina to deal with the  fact that you're in a political environment   that you don't like yourself you know all just  to hear their language oh and what what it showed   thousands upon thousands of people who got the  joke was that they have created a false form of   argumentation where they're just basically always  right and you can defend any proposition that way   if you wanted to and so throwing it back in their  faces that way even if it's just for the joke   is a worthwhile tactic it takes a little bit of  cleverness but if you figure out just a little bit   of how they argue everything um calling basically  anything they say to you a microaggression it's kind of funny to see what they do with it  and you will not make friends that way though   you'll make friends with us and i have  this for conspiracy theory everyone that   wants to call you conspiracy theorists  this is my response i say you know what   um it's only a theory until there are  the facts to prove it was a conspiracy   um and i think people have just come to  the idea that conspiracy theory is one word   you know like like it really doesn't exist  i'm like what you don't understand is we   have an idea that maybe people were conspiring  to do evil against us and now we have the proof   that they were conspiring so you're right it's  no longer a theory it's just a fact future yes that's good yeah exactly so i mean i think look  the that we will need to enter these discussions   um is it as a foregone conclusion we have to right  i mean again i talked earlier in the day about the   overton window we've talked about it all day and  that window of what becomes politically acceptable   um that only shifts by people it doesn't shift  by legislative it shifts with people and in order   to do that you've got to go back and um and carry  that message with you and so one way to do it that   we're talking about is to put yourself on stage  right to put yourself on stage and model if you   will how to have those discussions so that you can  have the courage um others can have the courage to   do that but you're going to to have to to get into  these discussions and so you know these are the   ways to do it um doing it in person is great um  you know doing it at work can be risky but again i   think a lot of people and suit are your perfect  examples who there was a teacher here in this   district the charlotte midfielder school district  um when we met a year ago and um she was a teacher   who had been brave standing for nine years and  finally had enough and said i'm going on fox news   which yeah which and had to weather the storm but  you know there's a defining moment for all of us   um and i you know the thing about our board um  at efa is every one of us have been cancelled   and have come out the other side it was very  important to to me to put together a board   that could you know and our thing is we're not  going to ask you to do anything we haven't done   except for we've been canceled but living through  that and our job really with this organization is   to make people actually confront look you know  when you train in martial arts if you've done that   um the best thing to do is get punched in the face  readily right away because then you don't fear it   right right and so we're here to help get you to  the other side of that but you know these you know   academics influencers candidates here um can help  you because they're modeling doing just that right   and so they've tried to cancel every one of us  right i mean uh but we're still here and you're   gonna be canceled by people in your own party by  the way yeah yeah uh horizontal oppression is real   definitely is and so but don't let that um don't  let that daunt you don't let that get you down   um you know it's important to um to we don't like  to ask for help a lot of times but reaching out   and saying look you know i'm being crossed  here by somebody i thought was in my own   tribe what's going on right and so are you giving  out your number for when we need to get this one well i i don't i you know i deal with that  a lot i deal with a lot of former friends   um it's a wonderful feeling uh you have to  kind of develop an attitude of gratitude when   a former friend shows you that they weren't really  your friend because they were only your friends so   long as you agreed on everything um so i have  developed that attitude and it is difficult at   first but then you realize you know um and not  to get it's funny that i always wax biblical   but uh the truth is that you know when god called  gideon he went and he took his army and they like   took him down to the water and i forget which  way the drinking went but everybody who drank   wrong had to go home so gideon has this way  small army and they go down and god's like   get rid of the stupid ones because you're  going to fail if you go to war with them and so he ends up with like 300 people or whatever  paraphrasing that's exactly how it's written that's exactly that's a different translation um that's true so you can't get too upset about  that uh a separate and unrelated point that i want   to bring up though is that the the biggest hard  the biggest challenge that we often face is people   present this stuff we want to bring people back to  reality we want to we want to do that the problem   is is arguments tend to polarize they tend to get  people oppositional one another we've heard some   really great advice about asking questions instead  that's very powerful i cannot urge you strongly   enough to support people and i'm sorry dad you're  probably not that funny but the support people are   genuinely funny to get comedy that's effective  about the stuff out there because what actually   changes hearts and minds is the ability to have an  offering to laugh at yourself for your own stupid   beliefs so i agree with max's hypothesis that the  vast majority of people who are perpetrating this   do not know what they're perpetrating they're  going along with it i think it's integral to   being a good person they've caught up with a fad  whatever it happens to be some of both some of all   maybe they've imbibed a little bit of it maybe  they bought into a little but if they can laugh   at themselves and maybe you're not the person to  make them laugh themselves or maybe jp sears is   right so you find somebody who's funny who's  brought up this topic and you get him to   laugh a little bit i am still utterly convinced  that for all of the power and all of the magic   and all of the the things that matter that  happened with the civil rights movement   the peaceful protests the passages of the laws etc  that people like richard pryor and eddie murphy   did this this racial comedy that tour that gave  white people who were still racist the ability to   laugh at themselves for their racism did more to  to drop racism in this country than probably any   other thing laws actually just make people mad i  mean we're in the south but we still fly this to   the flag because i mean i get it but if you can  give people who are stuck in this and maybe you   aren't the one to make the joke maybe you are but  if you find comedy that makes you laugh about it   and you share that with people the easiest way to  off-ramp them from this ideology or any ideology   is to get them to be able to laugh about it  and to see that it's silly and in that sense   kind of forgive themselves for participating in it  because otherwise you're going to try to save face   so if you say conditions of your argument you're  participating in communism which i do all the time   then they're going to say i'm not participating  and they get you're going to get their back open   as well but if they start laughing about it  it's a completely different circumstance so   try to promote humor um and if you're bad at jokes  or which means if you think you're good at jokes and one important thing to remember is we  all have different roles so we're not going   to have the same social media persona  and that's completely fine like max is   going to have a completely different  persona than me and james of course   uh you know i think you just in a minute  your own unique silo persona which is awesome   uh but so we don't all have the same we  don't all have the same mandate and we all   have different responsibilities for what we're  trying to achieve and so that's going to take   different uh different strategies a journalist  called me the donald trump of intellectuals   stable genes i think i've called you a stable  genius no wait i called you a statement genius uh i don't want james to have a  monopoly on biblical illusions marxism is a form of a religion um he is not  the first person to say this the first person   by the person who said it best to my taste  was whitaker chambers a man who literally   was a communist agent um became a convicted  american christian patriot accused somebody   conspiracy theory of being a communist agent who  actually was split the country but he said that   marxism is the second oldest religion known to  mankind founded when the serpent whispered to eve   ye shall be as gods right and i think that that is  something depending on who you're talking to right   like a little bit of appeal to a little bit of  old religion very basic stuff can con that was   a big reaction i got from this room this is the  self-like room but i think a lot of people can see   that within this there is just a movement for man  who tried to assert himself as a god over others   to invent a theory of man to invent a theory of  man this is all pretty new stuff in some way uh   and then to try to impose it from a position  of authority now it takes a lot to do that it   takes a lot of social power a lot of capital stuff  james tweets about all the time i mean it's taken   hundreds of millions billions of dollars over the  course of many years to kind of beat people into   trying to accept it it's not going to take that  much to flip it because it is all very stupid   because people aren't very smart we're  smart people no offense we're not very smart   people aren't very smart we can't really create  an account of ourselves and other people live   ahead of it and expect not to get mocked uh for  very long unless the you know the the the other   side manages to control the means of production  to which is attempted but which it will fail so   there is a certain tone depending on your talking  to maybe it's just saying doesn't this feel kind   of evil to you i think a lot of people will  be like how evil that's a word i remember   when that word used to be a common lexicon um or  as james said you know make fun of other people   who are more woke than your friend who might be  dabbling with it and let them see the absurdity   of that and nobody likes being laughed at a lot of  this is kind of has cultural cachet because if you   don't agree with it you'll be called a bad thing  that can be flipped if you agree with it you look   ridiculous and i think we're in the process of  doing that and you know if the time will turn it   will turn partly towards partly from you know an  appeal to god in the basics and partly from just   mocking the stupidity of mankind  trying to claim the ideas of god   i'll give you a good example of the humor that  just popped in my head but first i'll tell you   i think the first reference to marxism being  a religion was actually made by karl marx   who originally had titled the communist manifesto   the confession of communist faith until engel said  that's a little too on the nose carl don't do that   the original title for the communist  manifesto was a confession of faith for   communist ideas so certainly marx was the first to  name it but a good example of giving it somebody   something to laugh at i was talking with this  fellow unfortunately the podcast got eaten by   the machine and it wasn't a lie it really did but  i did a podcast with a guy that's pretty far left   his name is josh steps he's a very nice man from  australia i think he's a confused man but we were   having a conversation he's telling me the story  about how he thinks crooker's theory is important   they're at this barbecue with his friends  he said and somebody ends up telling a joke   there's a little rage lay off color and somebody  got all offended and they called him out and said   you know i was a little bit racist and then you  know he's telling me the story is like bad side   is that the barbecue kind of fell apart we weren't  really having fun and everybody kind of went home   and i said well i have an important question  for you about this and he said okay well i said   was the joke funny and he started laughing  yeah actually it was and i was like racist   and he cracked up he cracked up because  he knew that i caught it man exactly that   kind of thing though was the joke funny that you  know somebody told her a school was a joke funny   uh and then when they when they say yes because  they thought it was funny of course then you point   out that that implicates them in the thing that  they think is great that was just you know one   little example of the kind of things that you want  to kind of look for those opportunities if you're   going to become you know in this conversation with  somebody who's kind of in the middle middle of the   road but i agree 100 with what max just said i  invoke the story of genesis 3 very frequently   um this is the oldest battle in humanity it  is the oldest spiritual battle in humanity   and whether we want to frame in terms of logos  versus pathos reality versus fiction or language   whatever we want to frame it and it's the  exact same thing it's the idea in marx's   ontology of man or theory of man is in fact  just exactly that man makes man by making   society that makes man in its turn um with the  purpose of making man increasingly socialist   is in fact exactly the whisper of the serpent we  shall be as gods and you can read that throughout   their literature so you you if you want to know  what story you're in go read genesis 3 you're in   that story and see what you can do and to keep  your children from eating the apple uh that's   basically what's being offered and of course  the absurdity of that is you don't even need crt   at all to oppose racism it has nothing to do  with opposing racism so you know that that's just   struck me that he thought you'd need that system  and framework to to oppose racism but anyways well thank you guys for coming this is uh the end  of the program i want to thank you guys very much   to have this much brain power in  one room is really for this movement   it's a turning point it is an opportunity  that no one in the country has had so i want   to thank you for giving us that and we take  it as a great responsibility to do something   great and to be the shining light  for every other state in this


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