Comment la 5G va transformer le secteur de l’industrie

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How will 5G transform industry? Orange presents How will 5G transform industry? Hello everyone! I'm excited to be here for a new 5G Lab webinar! Today we're focusing on the revolution in industry with several questions: How can digital and 5G help industry to innovate? What kind of innovation? In what fields? And how can we build a strong ecosystem to innovate together? These are some of the questions we're going to explore together during our hour today. We have some exceptional guests today whom I'm thrilled to introduce to you. We have Stéphanie Cavaillès, Head of Insight and Innovation Promotion at Orange in charge of Orange 5G Lab. We also have Sébastien Dudreuilh, Head of Industry 4.0 for France at Orange Business Services. We have David Baillet, Regional Director at Siemens Digital Industries.

We also have Bruno Chavagneux, Implementation Manager at Diwii attached to École des Mines de Saint-Étienne. Diwii stands for Digital Intelligence Way for Industry Institute. We'll see shortly how fascinating they are. And we have Thomas Waendendries, who is VP Sales & Marketing at AMA. Is it AMA or EM? AMA Thank you, Thomas! We'll learn more shortly about AMA and all the experiments you're doing.

I'm excited to have all 4 of you, as well as Stéphanie, with whom we will introduce this episode. Hi Stéphanie Cavaillès! Hi Romain! You are Head of Insight and Innovation Promotion at Orange in charge of Orange 5G Lab. Since this is the Orange 5G Lab webinar, you're our regular guest to tell us more about 5G Lab.

So to better understand the transformation of 5G, let's start with a simple question: What is 5G? Hello Romain, and hello everyone! There are so many of you with us today! That's a great question, Romain. 5G is... an upgrade to mobile networks, that is compatible and complementary with previous generations, but it's above all a revolution in use cases with the new uses it will power.

Of course, its roll-out will happen in stages with its first goal being to strengthen the network to support the growth in uses that we are seeing now. To give you an example, we are exceeding 40% growth every year, so we have to support that growth in uses. In concrete terms, we will have 2 main stages in the roll-out of 5G. Since 2020, we now have bandwidths 3-4 times faster than 4G which enables us to support all the growth in new uses. But the main stage will come in 2023, with the arrival of the 5G core network which will deliver 10 times the bandwidth of 4G that's when we'll see extremely low latency which will enable more futuristic uses like new applications in e-health industry 4.0, smart cities, connected vehicles, and so on.

It was to prepare for these new uses that Orange set up the Orange 5G Lab program. Romain: And we can see that you are inside the Orange 5G Lab. Stéphanie: Yes! Romain: In addition to 5G technology, there are also dedicated 5G areas.

Can you tell us about them? Absolutely, Romain. I'm thrilled to be at the lab in Châtillon in the Paris area. And I also encourage everyone to come visit the lab. We'll give you all the sign-up information if you'd like to visit. So the goal of the Orange 5G Lab program is to help people adopt 5G technology with information and training, as well as all the tests and experiments made possible by 5G.

So we wanted to offer all our partners, meaning all economic players, the possibility to discover the benefits and impact of 5G, and to drive co-innovation within their organizations and businesses, and also to imagine and anticipate future uses. So this program is truly intended for all these players. To welcome them, we carried out surveys and studies in several countries, and we saw that businesses have high expectations. Over 72% of them and over 87% of the largest companies expect their telco operator to help them test, discover and experiment with 5G. So this was our main goal with the program which is divided into 2 pathways. The first is the Discovery pathway.

As the name suggests, it's a discovery of 5G that provides information and answers the questions of everyone visiting the 5G Labs, as well as demonstrating, through use cases, demos and the solutions developed at our 5G Labs, all the benefits of 5G. And for those who would like even more basic information, we have our website: which presents all the value propositions available at the 5G Labs, so be sure to sign up if you'd like this information, and you can also watch all the webinars we've produced over the past few months on various topics including events, education smart city and so on. The second pathway is for economic players with a more advanced grasp of 5G who would like to test and experiment with different solutions.

We have a dedicated program with the commercial network at our 5G Labs as well as the experimental network with all the new futuristic features. We provide all the 5G equipment they may need, including devices and tablets all the basic equipment and of course our tech and marketing experts are there to help all companies with their testing, brainstorming and development processes. As you said, Stéphanie, this is the 6th episode we're producing together. And today, we're going to talk about industry. It's an important topic for Orange.

Why was it important for you to talk about this topic today? Why is this such a crucial topic for Orange and 5G? In fact, Romain, we believe that industry is one of the most promising sectors in terms of the 5G transformation, which combines artificial intelligence, robotics, connected objects and so on. We can imagine that all these elements will bring massive productivity gains to factories. Of course, we'll proceed step by step but there are already many experiments underway all around the world, which enable operators to work closely and in collaboration with all industrial players to co-innovate in these sectors. That's the goal of Orange 5G Lab which we created within the campus at Lyon-Charbonnières: to enable the whole ecosystem of partners and industrial players to work with us at Orange and our entire ecosystem to help them develop future uses. The images on screen now show the 5G Lab at Lyon-Charbonnières. That's right and we will speak later about the 5G Lab in Lyon because several of our guests today are in Lyon so we'll connect with them and learn about what's happening with industry in Lyon where there is a flourishing ecosystem which is incredible to see and we're trilled to discover all the work going on.

There is so much work being done in Lyon. Having this 5G Lab is a great opportunity to connect with so many players. Thank you, Stéphanie for all the information about 5G at Orange and the 5G Labs. We'll see you next time! Thanks everyone! Enjoy the webinar and see you soon, Romain. Thank you, Stéphanie Let's move to the first part of our round table and find out what our guests are working on.

5G Uses Welcome to the first part of our round table, where we'll meet all the guests we introduced earlier. It will be interesting to learn more about their experiments so we can find out exactly what they're working on. Let's meet now with Sébastien Dudreuilh, Head of Industry 4.0 for France at Orange Business Services.

My first question since you work on Industry 4.0 and have met with many industrial players what are the most common questions about 5G? Hello everyone! Industrial players have practical questions about 5G. They ask what it is, of course when it will be available, what are the use cases covered by 5G and also how they can implement and try out these technologies. We touched on this in the first part about the 5G Labs, but 5G is a network with a complex environment including frequencies, antennae and other components, so our answer to their questions is based on two fundamentals: now and tomorrow, or next.

So we take a practical approach to questions about experiments. We're using what is available today for accessible use cases to implement these practical use cases. For example, the first operational trials of 5G in the field of industry and factories.

These focus mainly on the benefits of mobility such as boosting efficiency by giving connected mobile tools to employees. Anything that creates an experience through augmented or virtual reality. It's all better synchronized with 5G in terms of latency and user experience. The second aspect involves collecting and analyzing machine data. In short, these are the two major pillars of what has been tried so far with this initiative. Romain: Very interesting.

We're seeing images from the Port of Antwerp where one of your tests is carried out. Exactly. It's also interesting when talking about 5G or cellular networks in general, we're talking about networks with a huge capacity to connect entire regions, as well as networks that connect smaller areas like a factory. There are two facets to these experiments: there is the facet impacting the industrial player at their site, as at the Port of Antwerp, where a group of industrial players use the network for a set of uses within an area. What's interesting is to see networks empower interaction and interoperability. No matter who is using the network, they can interact with their environment and with their colleagues at the same or at another company.

What I find truly interesting, Sébastien is this idea, which may overlap with our other guests, but I like your vision of two time frames: one long-term time frame corresponding to industrial lines and their research and understanding through standard tests, and the short-term time frame where there is an immediate opportunity in mobility with new use cases. It's interesting to see these two aspects at the Port of Antwerp. Let's meet now with Thomas Waendendries, VP Sales & Marketing at AMA. You're a partner of the 5G Lab in Rennes. That's right. We're inaugurating it on Friday.

We can't wait to see the photos! What's interesting, as Sébastien Dudreuilh pointed out, is that there are two uses or thoughts in terms of industrial players and 5G. You focus on the revolution in mobility. Can you explain what you're doing at AMA? How will your deliver solutions for these new uses in mobility? We've been working for over 7 years on a platform for supporting mobile workers. 80% of workers are out of the office so we're bringing a digital solution with a full software suite including assisted reality which offers live streams with a special feature which makes up our global expertise in term of connected glasses and advanced vision. The benefit of this platform for connected glasses is that it enables interaction while protecting employee safety, so employees can work with these tools to improve their safety and interact with one or more people. The idea for this solution is to have one audiovisual stream which travels in both directions to provide context as well as a collaborative environment with photos, information and data sharing as well as IoT data transfer and screen sharing.

It's clear today that this type of solution which is designed specifically for mobility needs daily support from connectivity. More connectivity now means more possibilities. More bandwidth means more data sharing and higher quality to maintain the best user experience. So there are two levers at play: the stream quality and the capacity to interface data with this stream.

As we saw in the video, a user can directly annotate a video or photo which adds data to remote collaboration. That's right. The goal is for these platforms to integrate into more processes throughout industry and medicine, but what will really improve things is having a more realistic experience. We're already working now, at our sites in Shanghai and Hong Kong, we work often in APAC, where those working on 5G have seen much higher quality compared to 3G or 4G networks even though our solutions work by satellite. It's true that lowering the streaming quality, also lowers the quality of the experience.

In terms of high-definition expertise, the benefits of 5G are clear. Thank you, Thomas. Let's turn now to David Baillet, Regional Director at Siemens Digital Industries. What Thomas said about mobility is interesting.

There's another use case we can look at which involves an industry working across such a large area that connectivity like Wi-Fi won't suffice and this is the complementary aspect of 5G. In some cases, 5G is almost required, because there are no other options. I believe you have a similar use case at Siemens to tell us about? How can 5G help in these cases? We actually have several examples.

We just mentioned ports before. Going back to industry, there are many relevant areas. We can take the example of interconnecting several factories which is very relevant. It makes it possible to exchange data and information between several sites of varying size. We can take the example of waste water treatment where treatment sites may be spread out across an entire region. With 5G, we'll be able to communicate and exchange information between these sites.

It's true that with this new technology we'll be able to access new distances with more substantial data streams. So industrial players will be able to rethink their communications and geographies between their various sites or even within a single site, because 5G also makes it possible to solve logistic and transit challenges at increasingly large industrial sites. With these new technologies we can exchange data at the same site more easily and efficiently even with larger data streams.

Thank you, David. This notion of connectivity is interesting and we'll see later how we are creating intelligence within this connectivity as well as smart uses. Let's finish our first part. We'll take viewer questions after, but let's finish the round table with Bruno Chavagneux, Implementation Manager at Diwii, Digital Intelligence Way for Industry Institute.

Can you tell us briefly what you do at Diwii and why in Lyon? We've been talking about Lyon, so what's happening in Lyon? Of course. A lot is happening in Lyon-Charbonnières, which is a western suburb of Lyon. The Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region set up a Regional Digital Campus which hosts 3 types of activity: education & training organizations, transformation clusters and innovation activities, for which it set up a research & innovation factory where Diwii plays a key role. Diwii is a learning factory. It's a technology platform.

It's also a partnership consortium led by the Ecole des Mines de St-Etienne which already created an initial platform in St-Etienne called the IT'M Factory. We took inspiration from that first platform to create ours in Lyon of which you can see some images on the screen. The consortium is led by the Ecole des Mines and it features other partners like EM Business School, the SIGMA engineering school in Clermont-Ferrand, CETIM and industrial partners. So it's a unique partnership between public and private partners. The industrial partners include Siemens, as well as Bosch Rexroth and Human2Data which is a consortium of 4 companies working on data, as well as CETIM, the Center for Technical Studies in Mechanical Industry.

Together we operate this platform, based on different activity areas which are major businesses with more than €4 million invested across the Diwii platform with more than €4 million invested across the Diwii platform in robotics, cobotics, IoT connected spaces, operational excellence an industrial Fab Lab... So it covers a lot of technologies and use cases, which enables us to organize explanation, discovery and demo days. That's also what we'll do through our partnership with Orange. While 5G covers the entire campus, our partnership with Orange and teams from Orange Business Services will enable us to develop new use cases based on industrial 5G technologies, including geolocation for our AGV, or mobile robots, as well as data capture from all our sensors on site. So it's a discovery and test day for our proofs of concept, as well as skill-building and training on all these technologies, and it will also present 5G. So it's a very rich ecosystem.

It's incredible to see that ecosystem and how interconnecting different players can drive innovation and collaboration and we're thrilled to have you with us to tell us more about this project. We'll talk more about it later but now let's take a few questions. Nicolas asks us, and perhaps Sébastien can answer, when it comes to factories/industry, are we talking about public or private 4G/5G? Sébastien? Thank you for the question. As I touched on earlier when talking about coverage areas, private 5G, just like private 4G, created a private bubble around the factory for its dedicated uses.

But there can be several models, whether fully private, open or a hybrid format, open to the outside by sharing the public network. When protecting data, we want data to remain inside the campus or the factory, so we operate in private mode. To make the private network worthwhile, you need to create a lot of use cases to split up the cost. Public networks offer strong value for covering a factory especially for augmented reality, remote maintenance, support from external operators to use a network that is easier to use on a campus or in a factory whether in the parking area or even further away. Both options work well for industry and the choice depends on the use case. Thank you, Sébastien Another questions for Thomas, it's from another Nicolas: What advantage does 5G offer over 4G for connected glasses? It's not as much in terms of latency because we're already working with software but we'll be able to do more and improve quality.

We don't have HD quality yet due to network limitations so we're optimizing all that. But we'll be able to improve quality over time. As we can see in Asia, we already have high quality cameras and screens but we're often limited by the network when sending data so we're focusing on the quality side and sending data. Thank you, Thomas. We have other questions we'll get to at the end, but to conclude our first part and move on with our round table, let's go to our survey! We want to know what you think.

The questions is simple: How soon do you plan to implement 5G in your business or industry? Now In September In 2021 Or after 2022 We'll find out what you said at the end of the episode. Thanks for your presentations. Now we know what use cases and tests you're conducting. Let's analyze the market now and discover the major trends that will shed light on the future of this industry.

Business impact Let's continue with the second part of our round table. Let's start with Bruno Chavagneux, Implementation Manager at Diwii and you work at the Ecole de Mines de St-Etienne. You have an exceptional background and I encourage all our viewers to check it out, as you've worked on many industrial use cases. What are the major transformations we've seen in the past and today? Can we identify the major trends and developments to better understand this shift? And in terms of use cases, is Industry 4.0 truly disruptive or is it more a gradual advancement of industry that has led to this question? We talk a lot about the future of industry, but this is actually today's industry. This 4th Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0,

which is the era of ultra-connectivity, data aggregation, robotics, cobotics, additive manufacturing and so on. So we've had new issues and challenges for the last 10 years, especially this year with the global health crisis, which cover environmental and energy issues, as well as reshoring, controlling raw materials and certain production chains, as well as questions about quality of life at work, because all these innovations have shaken up businesses and jobs. We're going to have to work on all these questions.

I would say that the key question for now and in the future is mastering data. Data is and will surely remain the fuel of business competition. 5G will of course play a big role in capturing, aggregating and mastering this data.

I'm glad you mentioned data, because that's the whole point of 5G, to distribute and receive data. Sébastien, for you at Orange Business Services, how do you see these major transformations as Head of Industry 4.0 for France? What's your take on this changing market? And I'll have another question for you from Nicolas, but let's start with this one. How do you see it? What are the major innovations in these industries? I say my title in French to keep it simple. But to sum it up, I cover France, which is the territory of existing industry, with very few new factories built from scratch. It's very rare.

The French market has this unique quality, and it is important in these exchanges. Going back to what we said at the start, the big innovations or changes, and I wouldn't say revolution, will come from optimizing existing solutions and the ways in which digital tools enhanced by a reliable network will bring greater performance and efficiency. In general, our clients and leads today are interested in robotics and cobotics, smart machines that can work together for more efficient production. Also in conditional maintenance: how we can use machine data to improve our operation with algorithms to detect future failures treat them in advance and also improve performance. In terms of operating tools, we spoke about augmented reality, which offers strong value to enable people to receive support from tools to improve their actions, as in the pandemic which kept people from coming in to work.

So when you have to replace someone the support tools can facilitate work for operators. And then there is the part shown on screen, which is the location portion, or asset tracking, including geolocation and monitoring of moving objects. This is an interesting field for industrial clients in terms of their transformation and efficiency. But this is still a market driven by operational efficiency. What can I gain in the field in my operations from this technology? We have a lot of questions on cybersecurity. This question wasn't planned, but it came from a viewer.

As an industrial player today looking to secure my network, 5G may be a public network, so how should I secure my data? How can I keep my data from getting out? That's the question from Fattouma. What about security? How can we secure data today? That's a complex question so there is no easy answer, because there are several angles at play. We can consider that the potential sources of intrusion or security threats to a factory's operation are of two types: they often come from inside.

Before even thinking about the risk involved when exporting data, there is already a risk inside. So in addition to the technical side, we carry out training, audits operator support and best practices. These are all important in the field.

On the technical side, we know that with private 4G or 5G networks we create a bubble, so data can remain inside. We also know that 5G and its infrastructure compared to Wi-Fi networks, is naturally an elaborate infrastructure so it enables us to create. in simple terms, control or barrier points to know if we are exporting data if it stays local, etc. Romain: So it's a return...

Sorry we had a delay. It's a huge question and we don't have the time to answer it here. We're also available at Orange Cyber Defense to discuss these topics with our clients and leads. I just wanted to sum up by saying it's a global monitoring process from the sender to the receiver to understand the security issue. But great idea, Sébastien, to get in touch with Orange if you have more questions. Given our time limits, perhaps our team can better respond.

Let's turn now to David Baillet, Regional Director at Siemens Digital Industries. Yet again, we have limited time to answer a vast question, but we've seen that this is a competitive market, even more so with Covid we're seeing rapid changes, and we want things to move even faster, but industrial players cannot change overnight, they need time to think through their processes. How can we reconcile the fast time frames as consumers and the slower time frame of industry, which needs time for these massive investments and to do things well? To start, I'd like to underline what we've heard.

I was speaking for Southeast France since I'm director of the greater southeast region where I'm also a founding member of Diwii with Bruno Chavagneux, so I'm often present at the Charbonnieres campus which answers part of the question in order to support industrial players and their high expectations. We have used the campus to build an ecosystem with all our various members, including Orange. So it's important to build an ecosystem and work together with the people here today. Our different companies work together to offer the best response to industrial players notably in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes. Next, to address the question directly, we're going through two transformations: the technical transformation, in terms of Industry 4.0 and 5G, and the consumer transformation.

As consumers, our habits and needs are changing and the challenge is to support industrial players so they can serve consumers and thereby capitalize on the levers of these new technologies such as 5G, in order to respond to these new consumer habits. To go back to what was said earlier, that very few new industrial sites are being built in France, there are a few in the region, with a new plant built from scratch in Greenfield which provides a case in point for our messages today in terms of using tools like 5G and the new features of Industry 4.0 to meet these new needs and build new factories, for athletic shoes for example which were previously mass produced in Asia. New technologies make it possible to produce in smaller, more customized series to meet these consumer needs. So we're responding to a new market, creating value and building a new factory by combining these new technologies.

5G will bring even more features by making it possible to change shoe types and interconnecting different production lines at a factory by using 5G and wireless technologies. So this is what we're working on with these technical and consumer issues. The campus and Diwii consortium enable concrete responses to these needs. What's interesting about your approach at Siemens is your vision on hardware and software based almost on platformization or standardization.

One thing I found interesting when we were talking before the show, is that in terms of technological revolutions, you try to offer a solution to streamline these industries and to gradually improve their technology in terms of both technology and support, notably to avoid disruptions, in favor of support and connecting existing machines, as well as future machines. It's an agile vision, within an environment that spends X million on a line and fully replaces it when it stops working. That's one approach. But you try to bring in more continuity. Continuity is important, that's why I mentioned Diwii, the Campus and everything that's possible with Orange today.

We do this every day. For our industrial customers, their goal is to produce and meet a need, but together we try to support these industrial players so they can upgrade and meet customer needs by combining these new technologies. I often think of smartphones: there's great hardware with a processor and its given lead time. But as consumers, we want to know what we can do with it. What tools and apps does it offer? That's exactly what we do when supporting our industrial customers and helping them to integrate these new technologies which we saw today.

Thank you, David. Let's move to the end of our second part with Thomas at AMA. One interesting point when you presented your solution is that there is a geographic challenge, which is both physical and temporal, because we can save time and improve geographic proximity. In the end, was that your starting point or something you noticed afterwards? And does it align with the major industrial trends, where strong competition creates a need for physical proximity and temporal proximity to boost profits? Absolutely. The major challenges today are productivity and the growing concern for reducing carbon emissions. But you can't compromise security, data exchange and secrecy.

That's what we monitor on the software, platform and publisher side. We aim to maintain security and protect these exchanges in the most secure way possible. We help various operators save time. We use fewer people. We help build their skills through more regular exchanges, all while saving time and consuming less carbon since people had to travel often before the health crisis, but the carbon footprint is a major challenge for corporations. So with these solutions, we want to contribute to this advance in manufacturing and industry.

For 5G, it's great that it's a public network and also private. That's what we offer in our solutions: a platform that can be local, private and open only to our customers. That flexibility will enable users who work with us, as well as Orange and 5G, to benefit from enhanced security and responsibility. Thank you, Thomas. To sum up, we talked about data, a major topic, as well as data security.

We also spoke about cobotics and augmented users, which raises the important question of people, and we'll devote this last part to the people using these technologies. It's an important question for all four of you so we're going to talk about that. There's also the notion of agility, which we spoke about with David, in terms of business continuity. And Thomas raised the interesting question of how industrial players can think about their impact, both on people and the environment, and how we can build new technologies to innovate and solve these challenges Thank you, sirs! I just noticed it's all men today.

Thank you all! We'll have to pay more attention next time. Thank you again. Let's move to the third round table where we'll look at your vision of what's next, and how we can imagine the future of industry. What will Industry 4.0 bring tomorrow? The future of 5G What is the future of Industry 4.0?

The point of this part is to imagine the future while analyzing the market and thinking about how we can get a head start and what to focus on to understand these changes. Let's start with Sébastien Dudreuilh. This is a big question, but in your opinion, what is the future of industry? You've really put me on the spot! Let's take a practical approach, since industry is very practical.

The point is to analyze the the reasons for a factory, how it can remain competitive with global competition, how can it survive or develop, so those are the challenges. The technology benefits of 5G and related technologies will be leveraged in the coming years to improve continuity and performance. In the long and short time frames we mentioned, there may be a difference in scope. Industrial players will seek out ROI from new technologies on today's use cases, with any benefit as a bonus.

In the long term, corresponding to massive investment, this benefit is calculated. For a factory, the investment period is 20-30 years for machines. I don't have a crystal ball to see 20-30 years in the future, but in the short term, which is more accessible, and which we saw through the experiments we mentioned, the focus will fall on the operational environment of people working with machines, as well as the question of how to improve working conditions for people and make them more present and skilled in their work, how they can get more support and travel less, by using connected machines, connected glasses and the combination of these tools, how to locate items faster with tracking tools. I think all these facilitators will provide an initial lever of optimization, especially in France, where labor is relatively expensive. No one thinks labor will disappear in France and I think future technology choices will make labor more efficient allowing workers to focus on the most valuable tasks. I think the goal of industry is smart machines assisted by people who are in turn assisted by smart tools.

That brings us to the augmented human. since we're talking about people and the split we might imagine between people and technology, but it's not that way, people remain at the center of this technology. Let's turn to Bruno Chavagneux, because you work at the Ecole des Mines de St-Etienne and the main question we have to ask today is: How can we support the people who will be using these robots and technologies? How can we train them? Does Diwii already respond to this goal? How do you see this question of training? It's true that this industrial revolution and the acceleration of innovation are imposed on employees and workers so it seems incredibly important today to think about how we can provide meaningful work. Innovations certainly make it possible to facilitate or even eliminate some low-value tasks. Innovation is also destroying many unskilled jobs in favor of new jobs that are often more numerous but which require certifications and skills and that's where schools like ours, as well as technology platforms have a crucial role to play in acquiring these skills.

in training and what we call in research the technology transfer for these jobs in order to support these companies in this transformation by rolling out technologies and also by managing this change, or making sure that employees can accept these technology changes and experience them in a positive way instead of generating stress. So all the difficulty and the challenge of the future for industry is to continue to innovate and integrate these solutions which are largely mature today, while also taking care to prepare for these changes so they remain positive. So yes, Diwii can serve as one answer to discover, test, prepare, build skills, train through short training programs and longer certification programs. Thank you, Bruno. I think that's a crucial point. If any of our viewers is in Lyon, they should get in touch with you and the teams at Orange and Diwii to come visit the space.

I'm stuck in Paris due to Covid, but I find your work absolutely fascinating. Congratulations to the Diwii teams, including Bruno and David, who all work together on this incredible project. I'd like to return to David now to talk more about Siemens, and the question of platformization, meaning long-term support for users.

In the end, what's next for the platform, once we've understood the goal of connecting things together regardless of the duration, to build ties? What is the future? How do you see the platform developing? The future is simply the continuation of what we have today. The platform that enabled us to become a leader in Europe and worldwide, is offering a single platform to our industrial clients, which is present at the digital campus with the Diwii demonstrator. On this platform, industrial players have access to all data and all configuration and programming tools for their lines. The next step is to integrate 5G into this platform, which is already underway, because we've been working on this for years, since 2017-18 on this technology.

Wireless is already there with Wi-Fi so the Diwii demonstrator has always had wireless communication integrated into the software platform. So the next step for it all is to build on our work and integrate 5G so we can provide industrial players with a flexible, user-friendly management tool that integrates technologies like 5G while maintaining the same dashboard. Just like with a phone, they want more apps or a new tool that remains user-friendly and on the same Siemens platform that they already know today. They already have Wi-Fi on their site and soon they'll have 5G which will bring longer distances, larger streams both inside their factory, since there are both inside the factory, and also at more distant sites.

That's the goal. The goal for us is to give industrial players this continuity with the platform and its tools, so there is no disruption, while helping them integrate technologies as we saw. And to underline what Bruno said about what we all built together with Diwii and the Campus, there is another wider dimension beyond the Siemens management solution and that is the rich ecosystem that enables us to offer better support to industrial players in this transformation. It's a complete system and the goal is to maintain the continuity of the platform and Siemens tools while integrating the 5G technology we've been working on for years.

Keeping that culture of the ecosystem, of sharing and interconnectivity to create value for everyone. I want to end with Thomas at AMA. How do your connected glasses point to the future of industry? Because it's still a new use case, so what's next for you? What is your future? And how do your glasses fit into it? It was only 5-6 years ago that did our first trials of connected glasses with our industrial pilots.

We were called a "nice to have". But now we have over 450 clients, both medical and industrial almost all global Fortune 1000 companies. We realized that employee safety issues meaning the people working in secure environments, we spoke a lot about data, but the worker or expert working in this environment we can transfer know-how to them in a secure and user-friendly way and it's true that our technologies today are much more mature and fit better into processes because we focused on follow-up with a lot of workshops at first, but we also got a lot of client feedback and developed a solution to meet their needs both in terms of performance, including environmental, but performance to solve their challenges, and which gains more use cases every day while improving every day through hardware enhancements because we're a publisher, but we also need to work with good hardware, and of course good communication, which is always important, and this trio works well together to support our remote workers efficiently and over the long-term. Thank you, Thomas, and thanks everyone. It was interesting and important to talk about the importance of people, because we've talked about industry and 5G, but we have to talk about people and see how we can support them and work together.

Thomas mentioned communication, and it's almost a fundamental issue when thinking about Industry 4.0. We have 3 minutes left, so let's move to our viewer questions. Questions & Answers Unfortunately I can only take one question which will go to Sébastien. I've been killing you with the questions. But for our last question, Will Orange have several offers based on the desired performance: latency vs device density vs high speeds? The answer is yes. Our Sales teams are working on it and they'll continue to do so.

They're leaving room for several possibilities and offers. There is also the question of size, of customer accounts and locations, fleet volumes and other factors, so yes, there will be different offers. Thank you, Sébastien. Thank you to everyone for participating in this webinar.

I was thrilled to introduce you to these figures who all have so much passion for their business and their incredible projects, so I hope you will follow them. I think we can all follow you on LinkedIn where I believe you are all active. Thanks for sharing your experiments, thoughts and analysis. I'll see you soon for a new episode. See you very soon! Don't forget to check out our site

You can find all our webinars from the past few months and you can also reach out to the Orange teams to learn more about visiting a 5G Lab and leading experiments with the teams. If you want to work with the Orange teams, reach out and they'll get back to you. I wish everyone a wonderful afternoon.

See you soon! Bye! Thanks everyone! Have a question or 5G project? Head to our website:


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