Surveying with Emlid Flow & Emlid Flow 360: field-to-office demo

Surveying with Emlid Flow & Emlid Flow 360: field-to-office demo

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Hi everybody! My name is Julia and I'm an  application engineer at Emlid. Today we're   going to check what features we have in our  software Emlid Flow and Emlid Flow 360. We're going to check   the features themselves, how you can use them, and  in which workflows they are handy. We're going   to work as I mentioned with Emlid Flow and Emlid Flow 360, our cloud-based app.  You can see it on the left side of the screen. Now it's time to get prepared for your   fieldwork, import the data, and to work with  the results, so once the fieldwork is done,  you can export the files from here and save them  directly to a laptop. We're also going to use  

our mobile app of course Emlid Flow. It's available  for Android and iOS. The app covers basically two main tasks. The first  one is the configuration of the receiver, when   you configure it as a base or the rover, configure GNSS settings, use it to record raw data   logs for PPK. And the second main task is  of course data collection. And today we're going to  

focus specifically on it. So we're going to mostly  collect the data, check the features that we   have for it and use cases of course. How the  apps are connected for that. We have our Emlid account, so now I'm logged into my account in  both apps and, yes, once I collect the data or   import the data in one of the apps, it gets synced  and appears in another one too. So okay let's

begin I think. And we will begin in Emlid Flow 360. So  let's create a new project here. We can call it Demo. And yeah, here we come to the first feature  we're going to discuss. So here we're going to use   a code library, why codes are needed, and what  this is all about. Codes are helpful for    topographic surveys when you want to define and  specify what type of object you're collecting. 

Whether it's a fence, a building corner, or  a pavement, for example. Default options for code   libraries. There are two of them. First  one is point/lines, so here you see only point and line. Well, this one is not about typographic  survey, it's not about adding some additional   information. It's just about distinguishing whether  you collect a point or a line. And we also have   a default option with the Emlid library. It contains 100  most popular codes for topographic surveys, so you   can also choose it. And we're going to use it today  in our project. But let me also talk about   one more option that we have here. You can  see a custom one. It's a spoiler. So if you are used to  

working with some custom codes that are convenient and handy for your project, you can add   a custom code library here. You just add a name for  it. Okay, let me name it My library. And after you   do that, you have an option to import a CSV file  with the codes you want to use. Here we also have   an example, so you can see in what format the CSV file should be to have it all displayed   properly. But again for today let's just use the Emlid library and let's proceed. Our next option going   to be choosing a coordinate system. And here we  also have options. The first one is just to use  

a coordinate system from our registry so here you  can use either the name of the coordinate system,   the name of your country, or EPSG codes to find the  right one. Our prepared project for today is for   Switzerland, so I'm going to just write  it. My project is just in the UTM projection,   so I just chose it. And here I can choose  the height I want to work with. Let's apply it.   Let's talk about other options that we have.  So apart from choosing the coordinate system   from the registry, you can also use the Global  option. This one is about working with the   geographic coordinates only. So when you don't  have any transformation, you just work with the  

latitude, longitude, and height, no  projections, and transformation. The last option here is using a custom coordinate  system. So what is available here. Technically   it covers two workflows. The first one is  when you work with some local coordinate system,   and you know its parameters of transformation. So  then you can just specify them here, just add all   the parameters, save this coordinate system, and  it will be stored in your account. So you'll be  

able to use it for all future projects. Another  option may be to work with localization. And we're   going to try it in the field soon. But this one, let  me just add a short note on this one. It's about   the case when you don't know the parameters  of this coordinate system, but you still have    a local one, and you have some points with known  coordinates in this coordinate system, so you   define the coordinate system by the points in  it. We're going to try it soon. So, yes, just  to note that once you also do localization, the  coordinate system, the parameters of it will be   stored here, and you will be able to apply it to the new projects. Today we chose   the coordinate system from our registry, so we're  good to proceed. What else we have here. The linear  

units. Here you can choose feet, if you'd like to  work with them. We're going to stick to meters   today. And there's also a setting for angles,  so you can display them either in decimal degrees   or in degrees, minutes, and seconds. I use degrees and milliseconds. If you want to adjust it, just do this   in the preference, it will be applied to all the  projects you have. So let's go o. And now we  

have our new project. For now, it's empty, we didn't  add anything here yet, but let's fix it.   Now to import the data to the project, you just  hit Import, and you choose the format of the   file you want to import. We support CSV, DXF, Shapefile,  and KML. My prepared file is in CSV, so I'm   going to use it. And let's open it. So  now you can see the data loaded and  you can also see it actually in the Emlid Flow.  Now okay we have different backgrounds. We're going   to talk about the background soon. But once I  loaded the data in Emlid Fow 360, it also appears in   Emlid Flow. And technically I'd say that I'm already  good to go and proceed with surveying. But let's  

check a few more features, a few more options  we can do in this preparation stage. So one more   thing we're going to work today with is surfaces. Let's also import it. We just go to Import and choose   the surface file. We support surfaces in LandXML  format. Choose the surface, and voila, now we   have our surface. I bet it's also already synced  to Emlid Flow. But we also need to activate it manually.   Yeah, not very good. Okay, yes. What else  can we do in the preparation stage? If needed, you   can add points manually. So to add a point, you  can choose a code you want to use for it.  

For example, let It be Anchor, and yes, here specify the  coordinates of this known point. You have local   or global ones, it's up to you. The ones you have. One more thing you can do is add a line   oк polygon. Just draw some geometry. For example, I want to connect these two points and draw a   line. I just choose them and save them. Oh no, let's  check it this way. Let's choose three points.   And here you see that when you choose three points,  you can either leave it as a line or make it   a closed line, so make it a polygon here. This is how  I save it. And if needed, all the data can be  

adjusted before I start to work. You  can see it's all already in Emllid Flow. Already good to good for measurements. If I  have the opposite goal, so I want to remove   some geometry, I just hit it here.  Oh sorry, Delete. Now I need to choose the line. And   when I delete it, I have two options to keep  a point or delete everything. So deleting everything  

will remove the polygon completely. Keeping points will  allow me to save the points themselves, just   remove this polygon. Okay let's check one  more thing and we will go to the field.   It's layers. So by default, you usually have  just this regular map. So this one is not accurate,   it's just an approximate map, but it can help you  navigate. So it can help you understand what   happens around you. A convenient satellite  map is sometimes a bit more detailed. So you can also   switch to it and work with the satellite map.  You can see that it can be configured both  

in Emlid Flow 360 and Emlid Flow to your convenience. But  both these layers are approximate. If you   want to work with more accurate data, you can  add a WMS layer. So here I'm just going to use  the previously added one. But overall, to work with  the WMS layer, you need to have a link to the  

WMS service. And then once you access it, you can  choose the right layer, the one you want to work   with. Just one layer  I found that can be used. Let's choose it. Okay, for example, this one. Once it's  set, you can also apply it to a project, and   yeah, I saw it even faster in Emlid Flow. Okay,  by default, it's not much fun. This one is  

a layer with different segments  for Switzerland. You can configure it for   the layer here. So choose the opacity, how  transparent the layer should be for you   I can keep it like this. But overall  of course, working with the WMS layers it's   not only about this kind of map. So it may be any  information you want to display in the background.  

It may be a utilities map. It may be I don't know, any  additional drawing. It may be an orthophoto, for   example from your previous drone flight.  For example, a drone mission and orthophotos   can be converted to the WMS layer, and then  you just add it here. Okay, this one layer. Let's just disable it for now, and let's move to  the field. Okay and let's check one more feature   before moving to the field. Okay, two  features. The first one is that you can   adjust the coordinate system of your project,  if needed. So for example, if you by accident  

chose the wrong UTM zone, you can change it here. And  all the points will be recalculated to a proper   UTM zone. And one more feature I wanted  to show you is NTRIP profiles. So here, in   the Profile settings. Technically I think we  discussed everything already. Coordinate systems   that you've added manually. Map layers, I mean WMS  layers that we work with. Code libraries.   And finally NTRIP profiles. So NTRIP profiles are  needed for NTRIP connection. For connection   to get corrections from the NTRIP service. You  need to use credentials. Yes, it may be really  

convenient to add them here, directly in Flow 360. You  can copy and paste it. I have credentials   for our Emlid Caster that we can use. Okay, let  me call it just NTRIP. It's going to be And the password. I also  need to choose Mount Point. Okay let me choose this   one. Then I can save it. Once I saved it in my  account, they also appear here, on   the phone. Now I can use it for my NTRIP  connection to get corrections, to get a fix.  

It's just I'd say simpler this way with Flow 360.  But now let's finally move to the field. For that   I'm going to use the phone I have here.   I'm using a demo mode here, so the unit   has a fixed solution, even though well we are here.  Because it's a virtual receiver, it's really good for   demo. So that I don't need to go outdoors and record it all there. What we going to check  

first? First, we're going to check two features  which are technically still on the preparation   stage. It's base shift and localization. A few words  about the base shift. So shift is needed when   it's not really convenient for you to place  the base on the point with the coordinates   you know. So you want to place it in some different  location. For example, you have a point that is   located close to the tree, so the sky view there is  still good, but it's not really gracious.   It's not perfect for the base placement. In  this case, you can place the base in the area with  

better environmental conditions. And this point,  just measure it with your rover connected to this   place base. So let's look through the  steps and let me check. The project should be here. Let's say we are working here. So  what we have here. You see two points. They're  

prepared for the base shift. We have a known  position of the benchmark, so it's a benchmark   with known coordinates. Let's say that the  sky view there is slightly obstructed. So instead   I place my base in a good location and  I average single at the position, I connect my rover   to it and then go and measure this point As  a result I get a point that is different   from the point with no coordinates, because my  base was placed in single. So what do I do next? I do  

a base shift. To apply base shift, we just go to this  window for our project and choose Base shift here.   We will need to choose the measured point. So it's  our measurement with our rover of the point with   known coordinates. The known point is going to  be the loaded coordinates of this benchmark. We can   use for the reference here. Now we have  calculated shift and can apply it to the project.  All the data that is going to be collected  after the base shift applied will be shifted.   It will allow us to keep the accuracy to  centimeter, so have it all absolutely accurate. 

Even though  our base is placed in a location with  unknown position. Please be careful that the base shift  is not moving your previously collected data.  It only affects all future measurements.  One more feature we're going to check. Let's disable the base shift. One more feature we're going  to check is localization. And as I mentioned a bit   earlier, localization is helpful when you want  to work with some arbitrary coordinate system   and you don't have its parameters. You just  have some points with known coordinates in this   coordinate system. It may be for example the  coordinate system of your construction site.   How to do localization? You need  to place your base, connect your rover   to the base and measure the points for which you know the coordinates in this coordinate  system you'd like to work with. In my case, 

I have three measured points. And what I need  to do now is to create pairs. I already have   imported the points with known coordinates.  Here we go again to the project screen,   choose project localization, and here add pairs  of control points. So it's like points in the  

coordinate system we want to work with. It's going to be this one.    And measured points. I named them accordingly. So that not get confused, we have 62 One more there. And it's going to be  67 here. Today I use just three points  to shorten our demo, but overall we recommend to  use five points or from 5   to 10. Once you've added the pairs of points, you can see the residuals for them. You can also choose to remove some of  the parameters, like remove from the   calculations. You will also see the estimated accuracy  for the whole localization. You can preview the results,  

the calculated parameters, and you can apply  it. Let's do so. Localization actually   moves everything that you have in the project  accordingly, so recalculates all the points.   You can also save it as I mentioned before.  Let's just name it Localization. Now this coordinate system will also be  stored in my account, and I can use it for my   future projects as well. Now you can  see that the drawing that I had previously moved  

here, and the whole project got recalculated.  Okay, that's it with the localization. Let's move to the project we've prepared to  check more features for data collection. We will   start with this simple data collection. When you want to collect a point, you just tap   on plus here. You can check right here the height of the rover.  

Just make sure that it's correct. If needed, adjust it. For me, it's 1.8 m here. You also see    the precision values and the coordinates that you have  currently for your rover. To collect the point,  just choose the right code. Let's say, it's an anchor.  And tap Save. So now we have the point collected.  Let's check the settings that we have here.  The first one is just an option to collect the points   only when you have a fixed solution. I really  recommend you use it. It'll help you to    make sure that all the data is collected with  a fix. Here you also have a Precision limit.  

You can specify here the tolerance for your point collection.   For example, here I can specify it for 5 cm and  save it. Now if I have the precision values   higher than 5 cm I just won't be able to collect  the data. The app will wait till the values   actually get within this tolerance. Let's check  what else we have here. Now the collect mode is  

set as instant. You can see it here. Which  means I just hit the Save button and the data   is collected. We also have averaging. During the point collection, you will see a timer for   a specified time. So it may be recommended option  just to average the position for a few seconds.  

We also have an autocollection option here.  Good, so we checked how to collect the points.  Let's also check how to stake them out. Stakeout  is helpful when you know the coordinates of the   point, and you need to find where it's  actually located on Earth. For that, you just   choose the point you want to work with and hit  Stake out. That's what you're going to see.  

You will see the distance to the point you're  searching for on Earth.   You're staking out. There are two modes  for a stakeout. The first one allows you to see   the North/East and Fill/Cut values. But you can also hit this button.   And switch to the mode for staking out by  Direction where you see again Cut/Fill values and Asimuth. So it can also be used  for stakeout. One more option that we have here  

is measuring in stakeout.  It's convenient when you do   an as-built survey. For example, you have a project  and you need to see how the final result   matches the project. So you just start staking  out the point from the project and   collect it when you get its actual position. Then  you do this measurement in stakeout mode. Okay we   set the timer, so let's average it for a few seconds.  As a result, you get this staked-out point.  Let me move a bit. You will see this flag   that this point is staked out. When you check the  

details for this point, you will also see apart  from its coordinates, of course, the Deltas. They show how   this position is located in comparison to the  original point we were staking out. Good.  I think we're good with the points. And now we can  proceed with the lines. We've   checked how to work with the point, now let's  proceed with the line. To work with the line,  

I need to choose the code. It was  Building, let's choose a Bridge, for example.  Well, the process will be really similar to  the point collection. Let's remove the timer though.   Okay, so I just go and collect the points  for my line and get a line.  If I want to start a new line, I just click here,  and now I can proceed with a new line.   Here you can also see an option to collect  from the other side if you'd like.

Let's collect one more point here. I can also close it and make it a polygon.  This is it about the line collection. Let's also check  the stakeout for line. So to stake out the line,   it's also similar to the point stakeout. You just  choose the line. You can choose it by tapping on the   screen or from the list of objects. Just choose it,  and it's staked out. But the options for stakeout here will be a little bit different. So first of all  you can see there are two modes: To line and    Along line. So To line stakeout is really similar  to the point stakeout. It just helps you to find  

the line in space where it is. You will see  the values. Okay, in my case, now it's North/West,   but of course, it can be South/East too, and Cut/Fill  values. If I switch to the Along line mode, here I'll   see a bit more information with the different  parameters of the line. So you can see the offset.   Offset is the length of the perpendicular  to the line or it's extended   version. So you can see if I move here, the  line is just extended. And I still see this offset   to it. Or I can get closer, and the offset  will also be less.

And the values you can see here are the  distances to the beginning or to the end of the   line. So to A or to B, you can switch between them.  Here in the upper part of the screen. And this one   value is the measurement along the line.  So you see this blue part, the line   itself. You can also switch between different segments of   the line and work with them separately. Again just monitor the offset, check the distance   to the beginning or to the end if needed. That  was the line stakeout. Let's check a few   more features and proceed with the surfaces.  So what we also have here, it's  

Inverse and Traverse. You can find them here.  When and why are they needed, and how to work with them? Inverse helps you to check the parameters of the  geometry when it already exists. For example, I want   to check the distance from this point   to this line. So I just choose them here and the data about it is here.  The direction, the slope distance, height difference -  all specified. If I choose more than two points,   I choose, for example, also this one, you  can see that not only the information   about the distance, not only the perimeter is here. But also, it's more fair to say, 

you see here the separate information  about the line itself, but it's also closed, and   app automatically shows you information about the  area and the perimeter as if it was a polygon. You can also switch between different segments  of the line and check information for them separately. Okay, one more feature that we  have here is a Traverse. And Traverse at some   point is opposite to Inverse. So Traverse is  about creating a new geometry when you know it's  

parameters. For example, I want to draw  a square from this point. I choose the start   point, then I choose the distance. Let's  say, I want my square to be with 5 m side. Then I   choose the direction. Let's say I want one of these  sides to go directly to the north. And height difference.   Let's say it's going to be 1 m. Here you  will see the preview for it, and you can   save it here. Choose a code for it. And it's saved now. So now I have a new point,  

and I can proceed with the Traverse actually  from it. To build my square this time   the direction going to be 90. And let's say, I want   actually to have the height difference negative.  Let's save it. The code again, let's call it anchor. Save. Okay, no I think I  need to change it. Let's add one more   vertical here. It's going  to be 18. Again 1 meter. Done, save it.

And let's check what we have in  the result. Here is our square. Let's   quickly use Inverse to check the area of it, for example. All good, 25 square meters, okay.  This feature is available in Emlid Flow, but it's   also available in Emlid Flow 360. So of course, you can  work with it there as well after field work.   

I think we've checked everything in the field  and we can get back to the office to check how   we can export our data. So now let's imagine we get  back to the office. Open our Emlid Flow 360.   You can see that all the things we've done in  Flow is in our account and synced. So you can see the   square that we've built here, all the data, all the  measurements are here. To export them, you just hit   Export. Then you need to choose the format for  the export files. We support the formats   CSV, DXF, KML, and Shapefile. For CSV, you can actually  customize the file. Choose whether you want to  

keep header or not, what you want to use for a  separator, choose what columns to export. And for the columns, what  order do you want to keep them in. Let's just   save it and export. What else. The stakeout  reports. So today we also checked working with  

collection of the point in stakeout mode. Remember  when we check the deltas for the point> So here   you can also generate a stakeout report where you  will keep all the measured points, staked-out points,   and the deltas between them. We've tried two  collection modes directly in the app using the   demo mode on the phone in Emlid Flow. Let's check  also autocollection feature. But for that, it's a  

little bit tricky with the demo mode because you  need to move. So let's just check it on the video.   So here you can see that we access the same menu,  choose the autocollection mode here. You can   use it by time or by distance. Specify the interval.  Here it's 1 meter. And now we start moving. So  

what happens here is every time you reach one  meter from the previously collected point, a new   point is collected. You can also see the progress  of the data collection. Like how close you are to   one meter distance now. Well, this is what  it looked like. Let's also check it for the   time. So here you can choose the time interval, for  example, we will use 10-second intervals. Let's choose a line. Lines can also be collected  this way. Again start the data collection.   Once we start moving, the timer starts. And now  every time you reach 10 seconds from the previously  

collected point, again the new point is collected. So  you're going to keep collecting the data this   way till you stop it. Okay, let's  wait for this one more point. This is how  autocollection works. To work with the surface,  let's also move to our videos.   You can see different statuses  for surfaces. The first thing is just to make   the Surface visible and activated in the  app. Now we choose the surface and hit Stake out.

What you can see. The first status you  can see it's out of surface. So when the rover is   not in the area covered by surface, you  will see this. Once you get to the area covered by   surface, you will see cut or fill value.   You can see both of them when you get to the   surface. So it's like you're on the surface, this  value becomes green. That means you're within   the tolerance, you're on the surface. This  one is mostly practical for earthwork, so when   you have a construction material and you need to understand whether you need to cut   and fill. Well, cut and fill values are here.  Now let's check one more video.  

How you can work directly with the surface in the  app. How to stake out and check cut and fill values,   but also work with the points and lines  on the surface. For that, the points and lines   which are located in the area covered   by the surface, you just choose them and   hit Stake out. Now you will see not only the  values you saw in the regular Stake out, but cut and fill values, as if this line or point was located  on the surface. You can proceed with a   regular stakeout and that's it for today. Thank you very much for watching me today.  

We covered most of the features that we have for  data collection both in Emlid Flow mobile   app and Emlid Flow 360 cloud-based app. You can  try yourself everything for that. Just follow   the link we leave in the description to start  a trial or subscribe and get the app. Thank you once again and see you next time.

2024-12-30 23:14

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