Supermicro 5G Live Forum Keynote

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Welcome. To Super, Micro 5g. Live. For. And learn. How Super, Micro 5g. Solutions, are better. Faster. Greener. Better. With, the broadest portfolio of, 5g, in telco, systems, for optimize performance including. Compact, 1u servers. Short. Depth to use servers. Wall. Mount. Compact. To. Meet ITX. Edge servers. Hold. Mounted, servers. As. Well, as to uterine architecture. And. Super. Glade solutions. Faster. Industry. Standard data center class performance, like the short depth to you ultra server with, hyper speed and hyper turbo, technology, for ultra-low, latency. And. Greener. With, reduced TCO, and environmental, impact, using resource, saving, architectures, and high efficiency, power supplies, free. Air pooling sub-assembly. Refreshed, and long live chassis components. For. The broadest was, reliable, fastest. And energy-efficient. 5g. And telco, products, in the industry, join us now. Welcome. To the forum. Ladies. And gentlemen, introducing. Michael. Clegg. Welcome. Everybody to, the Super Micro 5g. Live for, me Super. Micro is a u.s. public company, headquartered. In San Jose global. Operations we an office in the Netherlands, that looks after the Europe Middle East and Africa and. An office in Taiwan that looks after asia-pacific. Region, Super. Micro invests, heavily in engineering. And R&D missus, enabled, us to grow every revenues consistently, over, the past 20 years. This. Is what's enabled us to become a top three system, server provider, worldwide. So. For those of us who have been working from home during the covert time we. Have really come to appreciate the. Benefits, of high-speed broadband, and the, flexibility. That Wi-Fi, dreams what. We will see is that 5g, are going to be 5g, is going to bring the same benefits, to, the wine area market, so. Let's take a look at the evolution of mobile networks. 3gpp. Which is a mobile there to extend a setting body sets. A new generation, around every, 10, years every decade, typically. Each new generation introduces. One major, new feature in to the network but 5g. Is a little different the, 5g, there are many applications and, services, as well as network, architectures, being introduced, so. Much so that it is actually coming out in multiple phases. The. First phase release, 15 which is currently being deployed it's called non standalone, mode in, on standalone, mode you connect a 5g, new radio to, an existing, 4G core. But. Actually many 4G radios can be software upgraded, to 5g. Doing. That and using, a technology called dynamic, spectrum sharing we can upgrade those radios that have them simultaneously. Work in both 4G, and find you mode so. One time they were operating, 4G initially mostly with a little bit in five to you and, as we get more 5g, terminals, they will operate mostly, we, eventually completely, in 5g, right, but. The real benefits, of 5g come in we do release 16, standalone. Mode in, standalone mode the core network architecture. Changes, from. Being traditional. Fixed-function hard way to. A cloud native architecture. The. Cloud native they store to operate and look like the data center solutions that we are used to and with. A cloud native network, the. Software, runs on this software. And hardware is disaggregated, so you have software that is now a virtual, network function, running. Or standard, off-the-shelf computer. Dre. So. Let's take a little look. At the 5g, ecosystem. So. Yeah on the ecosystem, we have the core in the middle and. Around. That we have three categories, three, application. Categories, that have been defined in fire to you the, first is. Enhanced. Mobile broadband this, is where your network is faster and the capacity, is much greater, the. Second part is mass, of machine-type communications. The. Mass of machine-type communications. We cannot connect the Internet of Things devices. To, the 5g network for. Those of you as far times you will know that small times became a lot easier when Wi-Fi became, pervasive because. Now you could put a sensor, into the home without having to run a wire to each sensor, with, 5g, we will be able to connect many many devices to the 5g network without, having to run a separate broadband network. But. The real part of 5g that is unique is.

Ultra. Reliable level, agency, communications. But. Ultra reliable low latency, communications. We can start to do functions, and applications that, are not really possible, on 4G. So. For those of us who've been using these cloud communication. Services, which is most of us, we. Won't know how it is like when the latency, is weak somebody, will be talking and stopping there's an awkward gap everybody, interrupts, each other and told you start talking again but. When the latency, is low the, communications. Is real time it, feels far more natural and it, happens the way it would be if we weren't working of the network also. Reliable low latency, communications, have been that same capability, into. The 5g network. So. Now we can start to do things like. Automated. Guided vehicles, what. Autonomous, driving, drones. These, types of applications, or mented reality virtual reality that rely on a real-time connection. So. Let's have a look at the network. Architecture. As deployed on. The bottom plane over you see your 5g, Network, you have your data center, at the right hand side member, 5g, with cloud native looks just like any other IT data center and. We have some talks, today about the servers and products we have for that this. Goes out to the radio access network the, man and even the rare network is following this desegregated, software, and hardware model, and, we were speaking about that with a partner telefónica it was the Sun Pollux but. Actually going further even the networking. Protocols, can be desegregated, and we will talk about that in an example today as well, at. The top you have your application plane, you will see that these two look very familiar because, again everything, is now cloud native you have a data. Center in the cloud and, you have your terminal in your application, process but. In. Order to take advantage of that ultra reliable of latency you also need to move compute, closer. To their application. So, now we have edge compute, multi-axis, edge compute, or MEC so. What we're going to see with 5 G's that is going to drive a completely. New market in edge compute applications, and services, now. Benefit, of 5 G's when the traffic comes in from the network, you. Can do a local breakout and go straight to that edge compute that is co-located, with the radio access network so. The traffic no long games to go all the way to the core and come back again where. You suffered at a high latency to, keep it learned I keep, the low latency you can break it locally, and process, locally so. This is what is going to make this ultra reliable or latency communications. Possible, and we'll see a growth in edge compute, and we have some products and services. That we will talk about there today with their partner T systems. So. As we go forward you really see the 5g network is going to be quite revolutionary, edge. Compute, by itself is going to drive many new applications. Including. Augmented, reality and. Virtual reality and other. Services, that will require real-time. As we can see on that slide. Now. Intel. Has been very instrumental in. Driving. The industry towards, us the segregated software, and hardware model, there have been a big proponent that general-purpose, computers. And have become fast enough to, operate on the 5g network and. With. That I would like to introduce Caroline, Chen from Intel Caroline. Is going to speak to us today about Intel's the insights and activities, that they have been doing in. 5gn, together with super micro so with us said I'd like to hand over to Caroline, thank. You introducing. Caroline, chen. Hi. There this is Caroline, Chen I am, part of the Intel, Network -. Thanks. To super, micro to invite, me to share, with you what, Intel, thought about 5g strategy, as far as how it really, moves the edge forward. So. Let, me share with you what we thought where. The industry, is going so. There we are really, at a juncture, that there's a three, mega, trends, of the, that transformed. The industry as we know it the telco there's. Really three elements. The first one is the proliferation of, cloud. All the way to the edge so the cloud services. I see evident, from today you see. Make. The affirmed acquisition. By Microsoft. The, ADA s going, to wavelength, everyone's. Really pushing, the cloud computing to, the edge to. The enterprise the other, one is the a, you. See AI everywhere, especially with. The pandemic, that we are facing today and I apply, to all aspects. Of our life. What. Really makes us all possible. Is the fact that we be seeing a rapid, codification. Of the network, just by, making, the network, more. Cloud like were, able, to carry, much. More data much. More cost-effectively. To, allow the AI, data, to be brought, on to the cloud for training and then. To, take. It back to the edge to be applied so there's a lot, of good things happening, and right, in the middle is something, we call, gee that really made all these.

Possible. So. Then we looked at what have. We seen today the. Network, and edge country what are the. Opportunity. For all of us in the ecosystem. Because. The fact the fact that 5g, rapidly, bringing all this together, we're. Seeing a significant. Growth. In opportunity. Look, at these numbers and we've compiled. From different analysts. There's. A just. IOT, silicon, alone is a thirty billion dollars, so, people been talking about IOT for a long time until now. We have a, lot, of connectivity, net 5gm you have cvrs, and, we. Have this private LTE, concept. Really, brings, IOT. All the data's through. That were true, the car to be applied via. Enhanced. By artificial. Intelligence and, machine learning so. We do really see a significant. Growth in these verticals, Network. Silicon, the estimate, is twenty, five billion dollars it is not that far away it's like, 2023, three years from now of course, you've heard of Thomas driving, into, Sur in China, for example there, is a kinetic, cars happening, v2x, will be partnering with Super, Micro in that area and here, in the US FCC. Is going, through the motion to put. Out a. Frequency. Special, just, targeting. Video X so, as you can see there's a plenty of opportunities for us to go in together to, win this market, space, so. I want to share with you some of the 5g, use cases that Angel, has been working on these, actually, globally, and it's, not just, within, the US or, in particular geo. The. First one is. Really. Is triggered by the fact that do you have a technology, transformation. Brought. On by, 5g, but really has been put in place long, ago when we started looking at how. Do we push the. Network. To be more agile to be virtualized, and software defined, only. By doing so you have an infrastructure, that can, accommodate, all, those and use cases so, from the before when, we are doing 3G and 4G we, really designed a network to be very focused, and. One, single, spectral. Efficiency driving. That is as a single purpose network. But, today one when we see the network much more virtualized, and agile, you, are able to carry a different type of workload on, it is beyond. Just doing the connectivity, at your RC, have cases that, you can run Smart. Stadium which, we've been working on and starting. With the universities, and now we're working on a professional. Venues. Smart. City and that is becoming. Even more important. Now that we're facing this epidemic this, crisis, a lot. Of things that we thought that was very. Like. Cloud gaming that. Is, still going on but through. This this, year we, see a heavy, usage. Of telehealth. Remote. Education. Started. To take some of the things we thought that's ten years from now to. Actually this, year so. Really, becomes, much more prevalent. To all of us so take up the action and put. That you really. Put that into practice so. You see there's. A consortiums, there, is the US government, started, putting investment. Into 5g, all of, that trigger because you, have both, the new business opportunity, as well as the necessity.

That. Really started driving this so. Let's look at what, angel has done. Providers. Network transformation, journey, we, started this way, that more ten, plus, years ago, we, started by doing with, the core networks, running. The virtualization, and through, with, working, with ecosystem, partners like. Super Micro today. We see. 80%. Of the core network is on this, path of being virtualized, FF. O5g every. Single core, network RFP, that we have seen all as for virtualized, core so now. The. Battle, that it really started moving towards, the red. The the SS network which traditionally, has been very, difficult it's. Very latency. Driven, virtualization. Technology. Was not built for that but through the collaboration. And, the Intel engineers, as well as all the ecosystem, partners together, working. With the VMware a hat, and Wind River and so on we really started taking that driving, that latency down just, something, that's very tolerable, with being the 3gpp so, we are seeing at rapid, proliferation of, virtualization, into. All the way throughout the network. So. Having. Said that really. We need to start looking at how, do we bring all of that together so. Remember, I talked about there is the cloud, proliferation. To the edge and the, AI and, the, network virtualization, what. That really meant is that we no longer just, deal. With a single. Mode, of ecosystem. The, ego's is a much more rich in, cause. Of many different protocols. You can see that from. The left were the open, source and standards, consortium, you. See beyond, just 3gpp, we have something for all wrap which is a group of service. Providers really driving, an open and. Interrupt. Interrupt, bull network. For 5g, we, see, tip. Our telecom. Infrastructure. Project, which, is Intel. Is a co-founder. With Facebook, DT, BG. Telefonica, beau'iful, the, though is driving, the best known methods, that runs in the car into, the network in, addition, you see some of the symbols they're called f5 GAA which is a faction of Thomas. Automotive. And we. Have even fight ACI which is taking a 5g, into, different. Industrial, verticals. So, as you can see this is no longer a, homogeneous, among, a, type. Of ecosystem, we are seeing, a varieties. Of partners. Coming in that. Because, 5g, really runs on a broad. Ecosystem the, collaboration. Is very important. So, we enjoy, has something, for network builders, and Intel, Developer so, which, is saying should. Take an hour suffer. Our silicon. To brought, ecosystem. Bring everybody together the, entire supply. Chain all from, the users, to. The to. Technology, partners, to. OEM. ODM like, smart. Super. Micro and to, the service providers, all together and, in charge us recently announced, a 5g. Innovation. Zone within up, in Seattle, which, we will be, shepherding. A lot of startups, coming through because, we believe that this new. Ecosystem. Needs, innovation these, startups, are bringing fresh ideas into. This so. They so accelerating, time the market becomes really a battle cry so. That's why we have Intel Celeste solutions, and the VI and you see PE start. Dropping different form factors, and wide variety, in order to account the right varieties, of use. Cases so. We is. Through the study we're very lucky to, work very closely with, Super, Micro some, of the success stories we recently launched. Telefónica, launched a 4G. And 5g, opener and trials in Europe if you pay Germany. Spain. As well as Brazil, with.

A Child Super Micro together, we, have other industry, partners into this this really, shows that, what, we were together we, can take the most difficult. Tasks. And running in, virtualized. And ET. System which is a subsidy, subsidiary. Of DT, they've, to set up an edge compute, platform, delivers a low latency performance for. IOT applications. Really, becomes a center, enterprise. Facilities. Running, on intel-based. Super, Micro edge compute, and servers, that, fulfills, our promise. That 5g, is not just for consumers, 5g. Will go all the way to. The edge and to. Enterprises, so. Very, very excited about that coming, up this year we were close we'll be working closely with Super. Micro on viren partnering. In 5g, h compute. Different concepts. And trials, we're also looking we'll, be exploring, some network, service which is that you really the holy oil, everybody's, going after, so thank you very much for letting me to share some of that Intel. Strategy, with you and wishing. You a safe. Wonderful. Rest of the day thank, you. Introducing. Mori Lin, will. Come to super mikro fire chief forum my, name is Marilyn Syria director, Altium Betty Pradhan leading-edge. Computing. Innovation in, Super Micro, the. Keynote session here is about the Phi G and high. Performance edge computing, after. The great presentation, done by Intel VP Caroline Super. Micro would like to continually. Share our, innovation. Here with you for. The Aged computing. Deployment, with. The 5g technology. In. Front of you you notice that there is a non-traditional. Recommendable. Machines. Yes. It's. An outdoor computer. Allow. You to deliver the server performance, to. Solve the problem you have an H for. The telco environment. We. Understand, the telecom, and virtualization infrastructures. Suffering. Lots of challenge. Because. Of this we, hear lots of feedback from the partners and customers as, well. They. Would like to decouple. From the proprietary, design however. But. I also need to keep the highly, secured. Environment. Cohesively. Exchange. The data efficiently. Because. Of this. The. Open radio access network in, the. Open. Radio access network lions, become. A very. Good options. For you, to think about, in. The. Cloud environment, there's. A lots of orchestration. Ready, for virtualization. But. When you extend, your computing, power to. The age, there's. A lot of things need to be considers, such. As the asset, management. Remote. Controlled, and also. Remote, update. And. Also you need to keep the zmd performance, with. The ZM scalable. Ability for the LPGA as well oh these. Things are very friendly. For. The data center environment, but. At the. Edge site all, those beautiful things. Become, very challenged. We. Understand, so. That's why after we, have a so many. Experience. In the data center for the core networks, for. The high performance edge computing, GPU, capital, storage, all, together here, we. Bring those technologies, to the aged but. Still stay with small form-factor. For. Indoor and also for the auto environment.

We. Understand, a coming future for the edge computing, not, just about the. High performance, there. Are lots of factors need to be considered. For. Instance like the low power and high. Performance, scalable. Architecture, in. A, very secure environment, because. Of this, from. The cloud to the age it's. Possible. To make this Phi G or m m e, CSD, when a UCP, all together and. To. Make this possible, we. Also need to have, the more. Aggregate. Intelligent. Gateway to collect, the data and. Fellows. For sure will be very friendly to all kind of environment. We. Also keep the Xeon performers inside. Because. Of this it allows. You to scalable, your. Architectures. From data center, and, also allow your orchestrations. Extended. Through the channel all the way to the age, it's. A beautiful, ideas and, it's. Also a, deployment. Now. We. Understand, because. Of this combinations. All together. Customers. Were asked, you to give you more choices to. Solve. The all kind of challenge they have right now. For. Instance they will ask you. How. We are going to solve the problem together will. Not have the machine need to mount outside, of data center. On. The, pool around. The wall, I. Have. A different power source mixed with the DC, and, also AC environment, do. You have a platform allow me to switch. In the, different computing platform, without. Changing too much, and. We. Also have the from i/o designed allow. You to do the easy service, abilities, oh. This. Oh combined together, still. Cannot solve the province the, machine. Need to be cloud native. For. The architectures, design. For. The Phi G say I and, H. To. Combine all this together there. Are several things could, be managed, which. Is the one example to share with you is for, the V code to everything, be 2x. When. The autonomous, driving machines. Talking, to each other. The. Related, C will create a huge challenge and. A. High-definition camera collect. All the data also need to process locally, with FPGA. To. Make this all possible. Then. You need to have as iam performance, state at the edge and solve. The challenge from the operation, environment, and also. Community, varying the performance, and. All. This kind of the great thinking's. Will. Be shared with the following breakout, sessions, by. Many, delighted. Guests and presenters. We. Hope you enjoy the Super Micro 5g, forums thank. You.


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