Summer 2023 Commencement: 11 a.m., Saturday, August 5

Summer 2023 Commencement: 11 a.m., Saturday, August 5

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♪ >> Ms. Joanna Flynn: Good morning. My name is Joanna Flynn and it is my privilege to serve as the Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost at Penn College.

I welcome you to this Summer Commencement ceremony, which begins with the entrance of the candidates for graduation from the Schools of Business, Arts & Sciences, Engineering Technologies and Nursing and Health Sciences. Please join me in welcoming our candidates for graduation. [Applause] ♪ "Pomp and Circumstance" [Applause] >> Ms. Joanna Flynn:

Entering next are the Pennsylvania College of Technology Faculty and Administration, and our platform party will complete the processional. ♪ "Crown Imperial" >> Ms. Joanna Flynn: The National Anthem will be sung today by Tamaka Carter who is proudly employed at Penn College as a financial aid assistant. Please stand if you are able. >> Hello, everyone.

♪ Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night, that our flag was still there. O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. ♪ [Applause] >> Ms. Joanna Flynn: Please be seated. and thank you, Tamika. That was great.

Joining us today are family and friends who have in many different ways, supported these candidates to reach the goal of graduation. On the platform are the College faculty and staff who have motivated, encouraged, and inspired our students as they completed their collegiate journey. Before us are the candidates for graduation, who have become good friends, mentors, and colleagues, developing relationships that will serve them well as they move into the future, together. We join, then, as members of an extended support network to celebrate with our candidates and to witness YOUR accomplishments. That celebration now begins! And now, it is my honor to introduce the President of Pennsylvania College of Technology, Dr. Michael Reed,

who will preside over this Summer Commencement Ceremony. Dr. Reed. [Applause] >> Dr. Mike Reed: Welcome, everyone, as we honor the accomplishments of the Summer 2023 graduates of Pennsylvania College of Technology. To our soon-to-be graduates: Today, we join with your family and friends in celebrating YOUR success as you prepare to embark on your next rewarding and memorable professional and personal journeys.

I trust that each of you will build upon the skills-and life lessons-that you have learned here at Penn College to make your indelible mark in the world. Your skills and perseverance have led to you earning Penn College degrees and certificates. You have the foundation for sustainable success as essential, indispensable employees in business, industry, and the public sphere.

You-as well as your supporters-should be justifiably proud, and the Penn College community, which includes our faculty and staff comprising the platform party behind me, wish you all the best in your career pursuits. An enthusiastic "well-done" to all the graduates who are receiving their degrees and certificates today. This ceremony will deliver milestone memories that each of you will cherish forever. As a college president and educator, acknowledging students as they embark on rewarding careers and significant life passages is a privilege that I will never take for granted. As you make your way in the world of work and service, I am confident that you will make us all "Penn College Proud."

Our goal is always to put our graduates in the most competitive position for long-term success. We are eager to hear about the accolades and rewards that are bound to come your way as you put forth your best effort. Please stay in touch and provide your insights-as valued Penn College alumni-to our students, who can learn much from your work and life experiences. Congratulations again on your achievements, and best wishes to you and your families! thank you. [Applause] >> Ms. Joanna Flynn:

I would now like to introduce Dr. Jennifer McLean, Dean of Students. [Applause] >> Dr. Jennifer McLean: Good morning. well done.

President Reed, Senator Yaw, Distinguished Faculty and Staff, Family, Friends, and most importantly, the August 2023 graduating class: It is my great pleasure today to introduce your student commencement speaker. Penn College folks know that if you need to find a student in a Nursing and Health Science major, you can reliably locate them in one of three places: Class, lab, or the library. Everyday wisdom tells us that health science programs don't allow for a lot of extra time beyond the class-lab-library triad, but Kathryn Ann Plankenhorn is not your everyday physician assistant student. A Dean's List student, Katie served as vice president for the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society chapter on campus, treasurer for the Physician Assistant Student Club, participated in the Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants Challenge Bowl in Pittsburgh, and was a science tutor in biology, chemistry, and anatomy and physiology.

While you marvel at how she made all of that fit into a PA student's academic demands, let me keep going. Katie was also a member of the women's cross-country team, was a North Eastern Atlantic Conference Scholar Athlete, and a member of the Chi Alpha Sigma National Collegiate Athlete Honor Society. She also participated in multiple volunteer activities through student organizations, including the Science Festival, Open Houses and community cleanups. If she looks familiar to you, you might know her from Amazon Prime, where she served as an ambassador for the Penn College episode of "The College Tour TV series." Katie told me she wanted to make the most of her college experience. I believe she can check that box with confidence, and Penn College is a better place for all of her contributions.

Today, Katie receives a combined Bachelor/Master of Science degree in physician assistant studies. Last night, she received the President's Award for leadership and service to the college and the Physician Assistant Achievement Award. Those of you who live locally will be happy to hear that Katie is putting her clinical skills, enviable energy, and caring presence to work right here in town at UPMC Family Medicine at Pine Street, where a job has been awaiting her since April. It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to your August 2023 commencement speaker, Kathryn Ann Plankenhorn. [Applause] >> Ms. Kathryn Ann Plankenhorn:

Thank you for the kind introduction, Dr. McLean. good morning,. It is my pleasure to welcome all families, friends and distinguished faculty and staff to the 2023 Pennsylvania College of Technology August Commencement Ceremony. I am truly honored to have the opportunity to stand before you today to speak on behalf of our class. Most importantly, it is my great pleasure to welcome my fellow graduating classmates. I wish to share encouragement, as well as some truths I have learned along the way, with you all.

Now I don't know about you, but this past year has been the fastest of my life so far. I haven't figured out if it's because I knew I was so close to the finish line of graduating and anticipating all of this excitement, or if it was because I was going to a new clinical rotation every 5 to 6 weeks like my peers in the PA program, and constantly on the go. I'm sure many of us have felt like we've been living life in the fast lane due to our full schedules these past few years.

I encourage you all today to take the time to slow down amidst your busy lives, and truly soak in every moment of this great accomplishment. To all of the family and friends in attendance, I urge you to take the time today to help your graduates to slow down since they have been working nonstop the past few years, and to recognize and truly celebrate them today. As JFK once said, "Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try".

Simply, that is the reason we are all here today. We all decided to "try" something brand new. We have achieved this monumental moment in our lives of earning college degrees, by setting our eyes on a desired goal. When preparing for this speech, I was thinking back to before my first day at Penn College even began.

I'm sure our stories are all similar in one way or another. We first started out at Connections, not really knowing anyone and playing icebreaker games to open up a little. We attended our gen-ed classes, met new friends, joined sports and clubs; but most importantly we overcame the newness of college to ultimately thrive. One of the biggest lessons I think I've learned throughout my 5 years at Penn College is that growth is only possible if you allow yourself to be placed in uncomfortable situations. If you remain in your comfort zone out of fear of failure, you will remain stagnant and not be any closer to your goal.

All of us have put ourselves in uncomfortable situations throughout our time here, and I want you to just pause and look at where you're seated now. Whether your uncomfortable situation stems from test-taking, joining new clubs or athletic teams, practicing new skills in your respective fields, or public speaking like mine, we have all grown, learned from our experiences, and succeeded. Remember this truth as you embark in your new careers. You have all have been in uncomfortable situations, and have overcome them. And just learned. I promise you this will not be the last time, but you are well prepared to face these situations in the future.

Penn College has set us up to overcome adversity both in our careers and in our lives. This is evidenced by how the covid pandemic was handled here at PCT. Many colleges had online classes and shut their campuses down for more than one semester. We, on the other hand, returned quickly to campus, adapted to the new change, and persevered. I encourage you all to not forget the struggles you've faced the past few years, but to remember your hard work and success in overcoming them. Trust yourselves. You know more,

and can do more than you think. I remember the first day of PA school; we were all told that these next two years would be analogous to drinking out of a fire hose. While there was certainly some truth to this, we were encouraged to ponder our "why" for going into this profession for us to reflect back on, when things got tough. I encourage all of you to take a moment and think of your "why" for going into your field and maybe even write it down to reflect on when you need encouragement to persevere. Keeping in mind our purpose, our "why" will drive our hard work and dedication to our respective careers. To reiterate, I encourage all of you to slow down and take in the celebration of today, to continue to allow yourself to try new things, be in uncomfortable situations to grow, to remember the strength and courage you all possess to do great things, and to remember your "why" while embarking on your new careers. In the midst

of all of this, I encourage you to live with grace. On behalf of the Class of 2023, I would like to thank all of the friends, family and support systems of the graduates for being here today to celebrate this milestone. Each and every one of you who received a ticket for this ceremony have made a lasting and profound impact on the graduates sitting before you today. We have come a long way and are ready to take on the world, thanks to your love, help and support.

To the faculty and clinical preceptors who have helped us along the way, thank you for having a hunger to teach, being patient with our questions, and believing in all of us. I'd like to personally thank my family, fiancé and friends for their unconditional love, encouragement, and words of wisdom. And prayers.

I would not have been able to get through this journey as smoothly without all of you. I would like to close with something my grandfather used to end his radio show with - "Keep smiling, makes people wonder what you've been up to!" I lift this statement up as encouragement. That we find happiness and success as we step out into this world and achieve new and great things. That we do so with humility and humbleness amidst this newness we will be experiencing. That we remember where we came from, and recognize all who have helped us along the way. That we never stop learning, both in our respective careers and in life.

And that we never stop smiling. Congratulations Class of 2023. I truly cannot be more excited for each and every one of you as you embark on your new and exciting journeys.

I sincerely wish you all the best. And am proud to say -- we did it. Thank you. [Applause] >> Congratulations, Katherine. How about another round of applause for Katie.

[Applause] >> Dr. Mike Reed: The Alumni Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes Penn College graduates who have generously volunteered their time and talent for College events and activities. Today, we honor Whitnie-Rae Mays, who earned a bachelor's degree in applied technology studies in 2014 and an associate degree in advertising art in 2012.

Whitnie-Rae is employed as a graphic designer and marketing specialist with Lycoming Engines. She also is the owner of Whitnie-Rae LLC, which offers photography and design services to individuals and businesses. Previously, she worked at Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships as a design and marketing manager and business development specialist. While at Penn College, Whitnie-Rae served as a Presidential Student Ambassador, a Connections Link, and a Community Assistant, and she also worked as a Student Photographer for Public Relations & Marketing.

Whitnie-Rae has continued her strong Penn College connections since earning her degrees, serving on the Penn College Alumni Board and volunteering as a Penn College Alumni Tomorrow Maker. Alumni Board members collaborate with staff from the Alumni Relations office to provide feedback and brainstorm ideas to enhance the alumni experience, while also advocating for and engaging alumni. Alumni Tomorrow Makers help in identifying and recruiting the next generation of Tomorrow Makers at the College.

Whitnie-Rae routinely attends alumni events and has returned to help with Welcome Weekend move-in activities for students and their families. She has also volunteered to be a mentor for the Wildcat Alumni Career Mentor Program, which connects Penn College students and alumni, providing the students with opportunities to interact with industry professionals, grow their knowledge of potential career paths, and develop professional networks. In her professional role at Lycoming Engines-and previously at Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships-Whitnie-Rae has continued to build on the strong relationships the College maintains with both employers. Please join me in welcoming Whitnie-Rae Mays, the 2023 Penn College Alumni Volunteer of the Year. [Applause] >> Ms. Whitnie-Rae Mays: Good morning.

Congratulations to all the graduates. Thank you Dr. Reed for that incredible introduction and thank you to everyone who was involved in the selection process. This is a huge honor and I am very humbled and never expected to be standing up here one day.

I wouldn't be who I am today without Penn College. My life changed the moment I first heard about the campus and it was one of those moments that I knew I was meant to be here. You may have heard the saying "everything happens for a reason" and if you can take anything away from today, it is to trust the process and trust the timing of your life; everything is going to Work out exactly how it is supposed to. The day I received the email saying that I was selected for this award, was by far one of the most "everything happens for a reason" kind of day in my entire life and I started reflecting on how I got to that exact moment. But, let me ask you all a question first.

Think back to where you were five years ago. Summer of 2018. Did you know then that you would Be where you are today? Show of hands, who has been asked "Where do you see yourself in five years?" Just about all of us, right? The question isn't to paint a permanent plan in your head; but Rather to get you to dream big and keep you open to possibilities. There should be a different question. "What opportunities can happen for you in the next five Hours?" You have probably never been asked this, but it's quite possibly the most impactful. You have a plan for the day and while out an about, a unbelievable opportunity arises.

You could leave here, grab lunch at Bullfrog or Barrel 135 and potentially meet someone that will offer you the job opportunity of a lifetime. When I was a senior in high school and all my friends were applying to colleges and getting Accepted, I was bringing pamphlet after pamphlet home and begging for my parents to let me Go to college. Maybe it was a reverse psychology tactic, but my dad really pushed for me to get A job after college and for all the right reasons. He had a successful job and so did my grandparents, all without a college education.

Fast forward two years when all my friends were now going into their third year at college, I was standing in my dad's office with a "Proud Penn College Dad" t-shirt and told him I was moving out the next day and that classes started the Following week. Earlier when I said that I knew I was meant to be here, I felt it so strongly, that I did everything I could to make it possible. I did get a job after high school, but I also came up to Williamsport on my days off and toured the campus, met with admissions, paid the $100 application fee all on My own. It was a terrifying experience As well as standing up here in front of all of you -- since I was the oldest of four girls and never went against My father's wishes.

I followed the rules. As you can imagine, it was a few rocky months, but I Made sure to work even harder and prove to him that this was a good move. He first visited the campus when I received the "Penn College Award" in 2012 and we took a photo that day, which Has been used over the years with him and I in frame holding a sticker that reads "Proud Penn College Parent".

Today, he sits here along with some of the most important people in my life who continue to support me as I've recently accepted some amazing new opportunities through my new job and work towards my Private Pilot's License. Which brings me back to the day I found out I was selected for this award. That morning, I had a flight lesson that I will forever remember.

Once I landed and taxied over to fuel up, a woman and a young boy just landed before I did. I saw that his shirt had the Lycoming Engines logo on it And after I got out of my plane, I talked with them and found out that they were waiting on Another plane and they were going to tour the Lycoming Engines factory. Luckily, to their amazement, I told them I worked there and could chauffeur them around for the day. The woman turned out to be heavily involved in women driven aviation organizations and fly-in Air Races.

While writing this in Oshkosh, Wisconsin and working at the World's Largest Air show, I , just a week ago, I Have been able to connect with her, join two women in aviation organizations, and already see her as a huge mentor in my life. none of this would have been possible Through the aviation community, I have learned to see a bigger picture and gain confidence in Spreading my wings through them helping me take off to fly solo. The sky is endless when you Are up there and so are the opportunities in your life. I will leave you with one final thing and that is a quote by Henry Ford. When everything seems To be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off into the wind, not with it. Thank you.

[Applause] >> Ms. Joanna Flynn: As many of you know, the legal corporate body of the Pennsylvania College of Technology is its Board of Directors. This is the body that, by our charter, is given final responsibility for the governance, welfare and all other interests pertaining to the College.

Though some responsibilities are delegated, ultimate authority rests with the Board. At this time, I would like to call upon Senator Gene Yaw, chair of the Board of Directors, to authorize the conferring of degrees at this ceremony. [Applause] >> Good morning, everybody. >> Senator Yaw: This is a very special occasion for all of you. The degrees being awarded have come from hard work, from the guidance and wisdom of the faculty, and from strong support from your family and friends. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I extend to all of the graduates our congratulations and best wishes.

And to all the supporting family members, the faculty, and friends, I extend our thanks for your support. Now I turn to my official duty: Dr. Reed, by virtue of the authority vested in the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania College of Technology, I authorize you on behalf of the Board, to confer on each of these candidates the degree earned, as certified by the appropriate School Dean.

>> Thank you. [Applause] >> Ms. Joanna Flynn: Will the candidates for Master of Science Degree please rise? and the combined bachelor and master of science degree please rise.

Dr. Reed, upon recommendation of the faculty, I am pleased to inform you that these candidates have satisfactorily completed The requirements for the respective degrees. >> Dr. Mike Reed: By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania College of Technology, I do hereby confer upon you the Master of science and combined bachelor and master degrees you have earned, with all of their rights and privileges and with congratulations from the Board of Directors, the administration, and the faculty. [Applause] >> Ms. Joanna Flynn: You may be seated.

will the candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree please rise. Dr. Reed, upon recommendation of the faculty, I am pleased to inform you that these candidates have satisfactorily completed the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree. >> Dr. Mike Reed: By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania College of Technology, I do hereby confer upon you the Bachelor of Science degrees you have earned with all of their rights and privileges and with congratulations from the Board of Directors, th administration, and the faculty. congratulations.

[Applause] >> Ms. Joanna Flynn: You may be seated. will the candidates for the Bachelor of Science Degree please rise? Dr. Reed, upon recommendation of

the faculty, I am pleased to inform you that these candidates have satisfactorily completed the requirements for the respect the associate degrees and certificates. >> Dr. Mike Reed: By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania College of Technology, I do hereby confer upon you the Associate Degrees and Certificates you have earned, with all of their rights and privileges and with congratulations from the Board of Directors, the administration, and the faculty. Congratulations. Please remain standing and I would ask that all other graduates also rise.

Kathryn, please join me at the podium. You processed in today as candidates for the certificates and degrees that you have earned. A few moments ago, I had the honor of conferring on you those degrees. As a symbol of your entry from student to graduate, I ask that you turn your tassel as I turn the tassel of your class representative.

This symbolizes that you are now graduates of the Pennsylvania College of Technology. [Applause] Congratulations, once again, and you may be seated. >> Dr. Mike Reed:

As individuals and institutions, we all pass through clear stages of development, points in time where we grow into new roles and responsibility. This ceremony is one of those transition events for all graduates. Today the Pennsylvania College of Technology will recognize individuals with academic honors. Outstanding academic achievement will be recognized for all students. The gold, silver, or white cord they wear during these ceremonies, white for honors, silver for high honors, and gold for highest honors, can identify these students.

Blue cords signify academic achievement for certificate students. In addition, we are proud to recognize graduates who are members in Phi Theta Kappa. Their gold stoles and gold tassels can identify these students. We will also recognize graduates of the Alpha Chi Honor Society. The white stoles will identify these students.

We would now like to recognize the Veterans, identified by their red, white, and blue cords, who are graduating. can our veterans please stand. [Applause] I would ask for you to remain standing while I share a little bit about our veterans. Penn College has over 200 veterans on campus.

I would like to tell you a bit about them: More than 150 of them have served on active duty in all branches of the military before coming to Penn College. They have fought in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and have served around the world in places like: Germany, Kuwait, Japan, and all throughout the United States. We have over 50 students that are currently serving in the reserve components. Penn College students in the Reserves and National guard have deployed to Guantanamo Bay Cuba, Djibouti Africa, Somalia, Poland and Egypt. They have assisted in national emergencies such as covid pandemic support, and Hurrane Maria in the US Virgin Islands.

They have also responded to civil unrest msions in Philadelphia and Washington DC. All of this while pursuing their degrees here at Penn College. Please join me in giving our Vet. [Applause]hank you.

And you maye. e graduates theombined Degree in PhysiciaAssistant graduatesf the Master o of Science l crosthe age and receiv provost, Ms. We will al ackwledge Commenceme awas for the gradtes n by faculty a sta for distguished academ performanc learship, service, a strg character. Awards wilbe aounced by Mr. Anthonyace, Dean of Eollmt and Acemicperation and stage.ted graates cross the Graduates,reou >> Yes! >> Gat.

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The choices yos. butust know thereill a otogpher over heretanding Lemenow ahead of te ifou e gog to doomething iquebecause photrapher will want capre this ment to setn the mantle. And one la note before w begin tn Parents anguests - we welcome you to comdownront to the stage, wjustsk that youg leave the ea in front of our official ptographers clear. respective sool Pace and the representaves will present the candidates [Applause] >> President Reed, I presents the graduates from the school of nursing and health sciences. Kathryn Plankenhorn She's the recipient of the President's award for leadership and of the college and outstanding academic achievement. Derek W. Baldwin

Brianna Ashton Broome Courtney Morgan Case Katherine Alexandra Deibert Brynn Marie Dunkleberger Gabrielle Renee Fries she's the recipient of the Bardo memorial award, devotion to duty, helpfulness to others, friendliness and high ideals. Fatma R. Hassan Jawairia Islam Joy Melinda Keener Katherine Marie McLaury Skye A. Miller Elise Carolyn Mullen Tori Morgan Siler Tori Morgan Siler Dustin Michael Taylor Recipient of an award consistent with the physician aassistants virtues. Kori-Ann Angelique Taylor Latricia Rae Yocum The recipient of the UPMC program award for physician assistant for strong leadership, teamwork skills, excellence, professionalism and commitment to the healthcare profession. >> President Reed, I present the graduates of the school of nursing.

Nicole B. Cowperthwait >> Recipient of the award for scholastic achievement and service. Alicia Marie Freed She's the recipient of the Bardo memorial award for exemplifying the ideals, devotion to duty, helpfulness to others, friendliness and high ideals.

Crystal Lynn Hanner Lauren M. Scheetz Rose Marie Hall Peyton E. Homan Karah Elise Bremigen Shaunice M. Douglas Cement's the recipient of the UPMC award for nursing, demonstrated excellence, professionalism and commitment to the healthcare profession. Fawn T. Fulger

the recipient of the Morris award for outstanding qualities of a nurse in a clinical area. Antoné S. James Taylor Shuman Taylor S. Tharp

Kertrina Alicia Vega >> That's my aunt! Nayla M. Winder >> President Reid, I prep the graduates of applied health studies, allied health, dental hygiene, health science from the school of nursing and health sciences. Devin Marie Heimbach Morgan Feeley Kayla M. Kent Riley Ann Stewart Cassandra Faye Wagner Sarah Claire Bennett Samantha J. Cohick Tiffany L. Feese

>> President Reed, I present the graduates of paramedic science from the school of nursing and health sciences. Elizabeth Anne Goodrich she's recipient of the paramedic director's award for achieving the highest GPA and all phases of the curriculum. Kaylin Jessica Hicks Breyann E. Johnson MacKenzie Hope Karasek Allison Lavallee Harris she's the recipient of the Dory memorial paramedic award for achieving the highest cumulative performance grade average.

Camden Thomas Nuttle Emilee Katherine Snook Emilee is the recipient of the U PMC award for paramedics for professionalism and healthcare profession and for demonstrating the traits of a humanitarian. Aleyah D. Walter >> President Reed, I present the graduates of physical therapist assistant from the school of nursing and health science. Lauren Bennett Janel Eck Kayleean A. Finan she's the recipient of the physical therapist assistant founding director award for academic excellence and teamwork skills and commitment to the physical therapy profession. Nathan Hoyer Sydney J. Keister

Danielle R. Landis >> Congratulations, sister! Love you! Selena A. Martinez Aric Root Emily Y. Smith Nathan M. Wolf recipient of the award for physical therapist assistant for teamwork skills, demonstrated excellence, professionalism and commitment to the healthcare profession.

>> President Reed, I present to you the graduates of radiography from the school of nursing and health sciences. Alexis M. Auman Gabrielle Nicole Betts Erin R. Dean Sofie Anja Dean Kaitlyn Renee Hauck Danielle LaRue Hoffman She's the recipient of the clinical excellence award for radiologic technology student achievement from the hospital in memorial of Bethany hughes.

Customer courtesy, dependability and loyalty. Kasady Kondash Kassidy Anna Krammes >> Way to go, K! Kelsey Jo Kronenwetter Frederick T. Leland Jr. Thomas L. Lewis III She's the recipient of the imaging associates award for selflessness, unusual devotion to duty, sensitivity and service to colleagues, and the hospital beyond the ordinary.

Alyssa Ann Martz she's the recipient of the UPMC award for radiography, demonstrated excellence, professionalism and commitment to the healthcare profession. Skylar Jae Merrick Mya L. Ott Jordan C. Palmer

Grace E. Pfleegor Austin Rizzo Ashlee Robins Elisabeth Ann Shaffer Megan M. Shaylor She's the recipient of the radiography award, technical skill, and the recipient of the medical center excellence in customer service award for exceptional service and commitment to excellence during her clinical practicum. Abigail Marie Wisniewski >> President Reed, I present to you the graduates of the surgical technology from the school of school of nursing and health sciences. Gabrielle P. Krupilis

She's recipient of the clinical performance award for outstanding clinical performance and professionalism. Brittany Nicole Neeper Alexis Short Kimberly Marie Smith Sarah J. Strain She's the recipient of the surgical technology outstanding program achievement award for clinical performance, professional behaviors and academic achievement. Abby L. Underhill

Abby is recipient of the surgical technology outstanding academic achievement award for outstanding academic achievement. >> President Reed, I proudly present the graduates from the School of Business, arts and sciences. Richard James Holz Helena Nicole Floyd Monique C. Anderson-Parker Chyanna L. Galagarza Jessica L. Rolley

Alicia M. Walters >> President Reed, I present the graduates of the school of engineering technologies. Aaron N. McBean

Griffin D. Kunze Jamal Robert Tagba Keegan A. Braund Jacob M. Klokis

Zachary Brion Smith Emily Grace Witherow Austin Clyde Fagan Zackery W. Emswiler he's the recipient of the Myers award for being the top performing graduate of heavy equipment technology, and the recipient of the heavy equipment equipmentaward. Peyton A. Biscoe Tanner A. York Jacob Benjamin Keir >> As our graduates make their way back to their seats, let's give them one more round of applause. [Applause] >> Dr. Mike Reed:

Our primary goal is to place our graduates in the most competitive position for long-term success. We work closely with industry experts to help you, our graduates, accelerate within your chosen field. As you transition away from Penn College and into your career, I ask for you to share with us what is going well, and areas we can improve. We strive to be the best for our students-and your insight is invaluable for future planning and future graduates. As graduates, you are now members of the Penn College Alumni Association.

On behalf of our Alumni Relations Office, I welcome you to the alumni family. As the main link between you and your alma mater, the alumni office will be in touch regularly via email and on social media. We look forward to seeing you back on campus and in your community at future alumni events and activities, so please be sure to keep your contact information updated with us. Six months from now, we will ask for your participation in the graduate survey. This survey is important because it tells us how you are doing in your career path as well as to inform future students on job placement rates, average salaries, and other indicators of degrees that work. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

"Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out." "Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out." That wise counsel is attributed to John Wooden, arguably the greatest college basketball coach of all time. The UCLA teams he led from 1948 to 1975 won 10 NCAA national championships in 12 years, including a record seven in a row.

They amassed an 88-game winning streak and won 38 consecutive NCAA tournament games. Wooden was much beloved by his players, and after his illustrious coaching career, he shared his positive life lessons in books and lectures. He certainly made the best of the hand he was dealt, having inherited a team with a losing record and immediately turning things around with a 22-7 mark in his first year.

Coach Wooden knew the value of hard work, industriousness and-perhaps most importantly- perseverance. And grit. He also once uttered, "Failure isn't fatal, but failure to change might be."

Graduates, as you leave us to embark on your professional and personal journeys, know this: Things will not always turn out the way you intended or hoped for, but it is in those crucial moments that you will have the opportunity to prove your mettle. Our faculty and industry experts have worked you unapologetically hard to ensure you would reach the milestone you have achieved today. Ultimately, their aim was to help you discover just how incredible you can be, and to place you in the most competitive position for long-term success.

You now have the skills, the grit, and the determination to chart YOUR course. You have worked through countless disruptions and pushed yourselves further and harder than what many of you thought was possible. You should be justifiably proud. Remain steadfast in your beliefs and focused on YOUR goals. Savor the taste of success, and remember what it took to reach this milestone. More importantly, carry forward the lessons learned on to your next journey.

This is YOUR time. Thank you for stepping up and stepping forward when others stepped away. Our nation and our communities need more leaders like you. We are extremely proud of what you have accomplished thus far to place your long-term aspirations within reach, and I can't wait to hear what awaits you on the horizon.

Best wishes to you and your families. Thank you. [Applause] >> Ms. Joanna Flynn: I invite those who are able to please stand for the singing of the Penn College Alma Mater. ♪ >> Ms. Joanna Flynn:

Thank you. [Applause] The platform party will begin our recessional, followed by the graduates who will be led out of the Community Arts Center by our ushers. Family and guests can follow the graduates' recessional and reunite with their graduate outside in front of the Community Arts Center.

Congratulations and please join me in giving one final round of applause for our graduates. [Applause]

2023-08-12 22:58

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