Link Building SEO 2021 Tutorial

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all right hello there my name is Chris Palmerr and  in today's video we will be doing a link building   seo tutorial this will be a step by step on how  you can create manually a magnitude of different   backlinks so we will be going through i was given  a fan submitted list you know somebody said hey   chris here's a list for you so i decided to go  ahead and share it with you so you could also   benefit from this list now i've not gone through  this list i haven't looked at this list i just   know that this is a list of i believe 85 do follow  back links allegedly so what we're going to do is   we're going to go through them step by step walk  through them not step by step but we're going to   go to each of these sites we're going to check out  the metrics and we're going to cherry pick out the   best for me the best for you so of course let's  start this video off with you're going to need   a temporary mail so why do we use a temporary  mail the temporary mail is going to be utilized   you know when when you're creating all of  these links you don't want a lot of emails   coming in there's signups you also you're  basically signing up for lists like who knows   where these links you know we're just there to  build links all right so uh i always pretty much   use gorilla mail no i'm not affiliated i i have  no idea who they are it's just something that i   noticed uh this one or i really like all  right you know for a lot of the harder stuff like   say you're doing edus if we run across edu's  i generally i have a mail but i can't remember   the password i usually use because like  almost nobody blocks these sometimes these will   get blocked you know if i'm doing harder stuff  i'll go over here and get a but with that  

being said i want to go ahead and welcome you uh  let's go over here let's see what's going on okay awesome awesome so um i guess we'll just come  into here just looking at some of these pdns make   a video okay and uh let's go ahead and get into  it so first and foremost we're going to go ahead   and pop up this list we'll go to the very first uh  link just to make sure i want to check this video   and see what it looks like i want to make sure  that everything is working properly it is okay   because i i never use the pro version of this new  software or whatever um so i just wanted to see   like what's it look like how does it work um so  it's pretty cool okay i never used it before so i   guess that's it um so let's go let's go let's get  into it i guess i'll redo the video this will be   i in streaming videos you know i usually mess up  but we're gonna start over uh now that i can see   what it looks like it looks clean you can't  really see my stuff uh so here's what we're   gonna do we're gonna go here we're gonna restart  this video basically again not not technically but   we're going to um so here's what we're gonna do  we're gonna go back here we're gonna go up here   oh this is not a okay that's cool we could go here  we'll fire this up here's the link list that i got   right and i i will give you the entire list  there's supposed to be like 80 of them here   um they were given to me so that's that so gorilla  mail so let's go ahead and restart this video uh   briefly so hello there my name is chris palmer  and in today's link building seo for 2021 tutorial   i'm going to walk you through 85 backlinks now  we're going to be walking through these backlinks   step by step on how you can create them literally  we're going to go check them out see if you can   just create an account drop a link we're going to  start this off with a temporary mail you're going   to want to use a temporary email why because you  don't want to be inundated with a bunch of emails   with that out of the way i'm using gorilla mail  i'm not affiliated you could use any mail that you   want for those harder to submit sites i suggest again i'm not affiliated with them by   any stretch of the imagination i wish i was so as  we're moving on i have a list here i will share   this list with you i'll be more than happy to give  you a link in the very first comment you'll be   able to get the entire list but we're basically  curating this list because it was given to me   for me and i want to share it with you all right  so we're going to go through figure out which ones   are do follow we're also going to figure out which  ones are the easiest to place along with that   we want to see which ones have the most value  for value all right a third-party metric that   we're going to be using only because it's just so  easy is going to be moz all right so we're going   to utilize moz for checking spam score and the  power of the site so we're going to start off at   the very first link here we're going to start  with this one here we're going to click enter   and we're going to go here and we're just going to  literally go one by one and figure out if they're   easy to create now as you can see in the very top  there is a moz bar there's the bar this is a pa   38 da65 with a spam score of two with that out  of the way uh what we're looking for is a quick   sign up or a way to drop a link to see if this is  a viable solution this would be a pretty good one   uh page score 38 it looks like it's 30 plus  across the line here so what i'm looking for uh oh there it is so this is actually pretty  good so this is actually teaching english dot   or dot u k um so that's a winner winner it looks  like you're able to go ahead and drop a comment in   here you just have to quickly sign up so i guess  that's going to be a win so let's just keep it   going here we're going to go to the next one we're  going to check this out now i'm gonna go through   about 30 of these and then what i'm going to do  is i'm going to share the entire list with you i   will again leave the url in the very first comment  we're going to go through a couple of these though   just so i can share some of these destinations  and show you you know so it was actually quite   interesting i was asked hey chris you know how  do you you know a how do you find these b how   like how do you decide you know for me  for a lot of these i literally just go   and visit the site and i see if i can create  an account and see how hard it is and i drop a   link you know sometimes people give them to me  sometimes people share them with me sometimes   you know i sometimes i just use scrape box you  know it it just really depends so it looks like   we're able to go ahead and jump right into here  utilizing this and then once we're inside of here   we'll agree to this and we'll continue cookies it  looks like chris palmer will go into the profile   i think this is going to be a profile link uh  and then along with a profile link yeah about   yourself it looks like you could just drop a link  right inside of here and this is a da69 so this   one's looking pretty good actually and i noticed  inside of here i think it looked like you can   go and comment on other people's stuff is that  how this was working so this one's pretty cool   so this is a d869 page authority across the site  it looked like was in the 20s high or mid 20s   so this isn't too bad um it's not too bad i mean  it's not too bad it's a keeper i i did i think   there was 150 of them here oh i wrote new links  i think there was like 150 of them and i started   i went through like the first two and uh one of  them was bad so that was actually that's why i   was like hey you know what here let's let's do  this together and see if we can get something   going here so it looks like so far  so good we have two pretty good links   um high scores so this one's not opening right up  so i i generally don't like when that happens um   that aggravates me uh quite a lot i i don't know  why i don't know what it is okay i see why so it   looks like readers log in and writers log in so  we're going to go to writers and see if we can   just get in here would you like your username  and password to be emailed to your address   uh we have on file so yeah i would i would so  email so we're just going to do uh chris let's see   if we can just get in here chris at grr dot l a  we're gonna see if we can just get right into here uh which would be kind of cool three  two one and done doesn't look like it   did it or is it gonna yell at me and  say hey no you need to uh make one   uh your email do you do you like the  website recommend this page to a friend   uh i'm not seeing where to create i probably just  looked over it be the first to know about stories   your email your name and subscribe no thank you  we're gonna head back we're just gonna double   check there's login did i miss something here  request your username and password let's go back   here and see if they sent anything no they did  not all right if you're not a member oh click   here to join okay so that's probably why so what  are we gonna do we're gonna go josh we're gonna go   uh i don't know r-e-i-h-e-a-r-t reinhardt what's  my name it's uh chris what's my password it's   uh uh i i i i i how many did i use no let's go uh  chris confirm password chris we're just we're just   having fun here chris at g r a address is 42 42  11. this is gonna be uh fort myers i don't know   who in their right mind would ever fill all these  details out but you know what i'm gonna do it uh   three three nine seven one country usa fl uh phone  number nine four one three six eight one four six   five i don't know why somebody would fill this  out uh nine nine eight let's see if that runs   please check your email oh and  then i'm brought to a warning okay so it looks like this one's relatively easy to  go ahead and fill out so what we're going to do   is we'll leave that one up and we're just going  to move on to the next it looks like that's a win   looks like it's a link we're going to go to this  one now copy again i i didn't go through any of   these um usually i'm just gonna drop the good ones  so this one looks pretty cool uh page authority is   a 30 page not found here so let's see if we can  get into here uh location excellence get in touch   um this is kind of an interesting uh page  so we're just going to keep it pushing here   all right so we'll go to this one and uh let's  see if anybody has anything for me any questions   at all anybody uh okay oh sure we don't need that  up there we could do this one though all right so   let's go down here brand uh messages where's the  messages okay cool hey chris hey chase what's up   man good to see you the legend man i wish i was  man one day one day brother one day i will be   a legend i i i would really like that i would  you know i i would like to get there one day   i mean so this platform's pretty cool i've  been playing around with it uh this is the   first time using it live you know like uh so  it's pretty cool um but let's keep giving out   let's keep handing these out i didn't see  a place to get anything on here um on that   last one so i'm just going to put a notation  here uh no find again i'm going to literally   share this entire list with you i i didn't find it  but i'm not wasting any time like if it's not a a   cut and dry easy like a profile or a comment or an  image link or something i could just drop and move   on it seems like what you're looking for is not  here um terms of service so this is probably easy okay so the comments this is a pretty strong  link um actually this wouldn't be so bad   i wouldn't mind getting this link right  here let's see here we'll go to read more   we're gonna see if he lets us comment on it   uh it doesn't look like it um we're gonna go to  one more and just try it out a lot of times too   what i've found is with these blogs is if you if  you go back really far uh like let's go to 2019.   there's stuff from 2019 no this is a new blog this  looks like a uh this looks like a spin job to me   uh sometimes when you go back on these you can  find places to drop a link uh as they get hit   the stuff that this looks like it was fixed so uh  that's no dice um i don't know where the dude got   this from but i appreciate him submitting and  if you guys ever want me to look at anything   you know especially links hey if you want to  send me a list of links uh i have no problem   running through them sometimes i plug them into  a gsa too or i'll plug them into yeah usually gsa   uh welcome members so it looks like we can  get in on here so let's scroll down to the   bottom we're just keeping and looking not  every single one is gonna hit for us uh   i'd like to cherry pick out a couple more i don't  see any in here uh it looks like you could create   a um it looks like you can create an account this  is looking pretty husky too uh domain authority 57   so this is a pretty uh big one here let's  see if it'll let me run one through here so   what is it it's chris so let's see  if they let me drop a link in here oh yeah   so be sure to use your company email to ensure  you recognize as a member of the organization   oh okay uh so it looks like you're you know you  it looks like you would have to figure out very   easily um and you'll probably get to do follow  once you figure out so society of commuter effect   consumer affairs so once you figure out the  association there you'll probably be able   to drop a link i'm assuming that's why he has  that on here so that one's not too bad we're   looking for the low hanging fruit but remember  especially doing this kind of link building uh   you know the low hangers are probably already  flooded um let's see here he shared that he   gave me the strangest links you know it's like  learn more and register today okay so i could   see what's going on here it looks like you'll be  able to make a drop on here pretty easily uh okay   let's keep it going let's keep it pushing uh  bionutrient let's get rid of that one actually   um this looks like it's going to be a post  we'll copy that we're going to bring it up here   you guys can feel free to go ahead and ask  a question this thing is spammed to death   um let's go to edit and see if it  lets me drop something in there uh um sure let's keep taking a look here did  this take me to a different page it did   okay so oh so buy carpet for a living room so  this one's definite you can get this but it's   really really really it's a strong domain but  i don't know if it's gonna be the best domain   uh i'm going to leave it on the list it's a da  58 pa-48 so it's you know as far as metrics are   concerned it probably has a lot of referring  domains i don't know if i'd go on this page   let's see if we can get on another page let's  try 17. oh so there's a lot of them so okay well   it looks like i would probably let's go to  the earlier ones let's go to a really old one   so you know what i would probably do i'd probably  pass this domain into like a tool right and figure   out which one of these numbers because each one  is a different little forum i would just figure   out which number is actually getting traffic  and then that's where because if it's getting   traffic it's getting crawled if it's getting  crawled it'll get indexed so if i'm going to   point one of these i would go i would throw this  domain into a tool figure out which one of the   actually you know what let's go to voy i would  just go like this like site you  

could probably just do it this way and then i  would just figure out well which one of these   boys uh oh you should probably go like this huh  is it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah   let's figure out which one of these bad boys  so voy okay which one is this so betting on   inconvenience so let me see so this one right  here is the first one when i did the site colon   uh wait no it was this one so it looks like the  two four nine one one four uh this is probably   if you were gonna drop one this is where i would  drop it i drop it right here on this page here   so this is the spot i'm going to go ahead and  give this one to you guys i'm going to change   that link out uh to the uh 249114 because we  know that it's indexed uh within google and i   did a site colon search so that one's not so  bad it's it's it's got a high spam score but   that doesn't necessarily mean anything that's  that means according to moz that it has a lot   of outbound links which we already know that so uh  here's this one this one's looking really good um   and this guy's tricky too the guy who sent me this  so um if you're you could probably let me see here   images yeah it looks like he's dropping on the  images here you could probably if you're seeing   images or if it's an image link it's probably  you might want to drop a link onto the image   all right so this one's not so bad it's probably  going to be an image link all right let's keep   going here so it looks like definitely three  so far we're pretty i mean at least metric wise   were pretty healthy uh you know um contact  something for assistance page not found uh   login so there you go forgot your  password i don't know what a cht id is   but let's go to user you'd probably have  to create something uh verify cht status   all right i don't like that  one let's get rid of this so that one's no good let's go here i'm probably  gonna cut this video the main goal here of the   video is to share a free linked list with you  that's really the objective it was shared with me   i'm going to give it to you right i wanted  to go through and just see uh if there was   anything i could find so this looks like an  easy dropper uh again where you have a high of a   moths how they rank it what i've noticed is if  there's a lot of outbound links um there's going   to be a high spam score the second thing that  i notice is if there's a lot of links coming   in with varying like varying different countries  like if it's if there's like a whole boatload   of usa or a whole boatload of china or a  whole boatload of like you know pakistan or   or or whatever like i i've also noticed this where  there was no outbound links and the only other   thing that i noticed was there was a whole mess of  different ips coming in and they were all built at   a very fast rate i think there's something  there again i don't work for moz um so um   you know i i can't say for certain but uh  this looks pretty easy to drop so this is   uh page authority 40 but i'm assuming  if you come into here you could probably   yeah it's one of those again so you could  probably find a better page that's higher indexed   uh but with that being said these n o g g dot s  es are looking pretty strong um so i would just   uh come into here and figure out which one's a  lot better so this isn't so bad uh i'll probably   ditch this i mean if i'm gonna share it i want  you guys to get the best you can let's come   into here put that into here let's see what this  is oh yeah that's no good we were here already   that's probably why i set that there  so let's go ahead and put these up   all right let's have some fun now let's just  pick one out uh you know what i saw though   i saw something on here that was actually  really cool i saw an edu so i guess we'll   end with that one oh here's a good one this is  a good one i know for sure i looked at that one uh let's keep looking at these so all these i'm  assuming you could just hurry up and drop on so   let's just take a look at this one quick let's  see what it looks like see if it's a comment   so it's it's a relatively new blog a high  page authority on this yep you can just   drop a link right on this blog it doesn't  look like the most authoritative but it's   obviously a free link so that it is what  it is um again i would go through this list   yourself it won't it shouldn't take you too  long um but hey you'll probably be able to   find one or two little gems on here i don't  know your niche so i'll share them all with you   um so that's what i will do it'll be in the  first comment if you guys have any questions   i'll go ahead and share this entire  list with you there's probably now   eight we'll just say there's 80 of them out of  that 80 you should depending on your niche you   should be able to get at least one or two good  ones but let's take a look at this quick here   let's see if we have anything uh what kind of  information can you give the details okay so chris   so all right we'll start with theo we'll go ahead  through and ask uh you guys can ask anything you   want uh i have no problem with that this was  just i just wanted to share something with you   that was shared with me i thought it would be  helpful i figured somebody could benefit from   it i i shouldn't because there was a there was a  specific link on there um that was pretty pretty   pretty good it was an edu i think i took  it off but let me double check here quick i think i grabbed that one for myself  because i did not want that one um   i think i grabbed it for myself i'm  gonna be pretty honest with you guys   uh i went through the i just like scanned it  quick and i was like oh this is pretty good   uh i might have moved it for some reason  i get weird like that sometimes i think   i might have moved it let me see  here quick it is an edu though uh   yeah i think i took that one  off here let's go edit undo yep no i maybe it was this one i  think this is a good one edit undo yeah i think i grabbed that one off guys  so you guys could be mad at me later   uh all right so i i don't want to waste any more  time on that again i'm giving you guys a list   you should be able to find something i mean i  i it looks like a lot of them are going to be   comments or or or profiles there's a couple i saw  two link uh site builders like newer site builders   in there so i'm sure you guys will find something  awesome there's got to be at least one or two   so you can look at them for yourself uh gov  first also love q two of them we bad boys oh dot gov dot gov there was a dot gov on there  i didn't see that did was there one on there edit find uh we'll go to uh dot gov no there was no gods on there let's go up no go no  oh we'll go down down down down no no gov's edus   oh there was an edu i knew it fine next oh there's  a couple of them oh these this guy see okay let's   let's go take a look at these i knew there was  some of them because that's that was the uh that's why he sent me the email was he gave me a  couple of them so um and this was just on the list   uh uh news um frame let's let's  take a look at this quick here   i'm sure you guys will be able to find it it  looks like there were three or four of them uh so you obviously can drop somewhere in  here all right so i again i i don't want   to get too far off track i'll give you guys  the whole list all right so uh here we go   so you got you're right there there wasn't  gov's but there was edu's okay so here we go   i too have a couple of pages that have not been  indexed but thanks to you and a couple other   youtubers i i have many number one ranks in my  niche just made my first five dollars on amazon   a week ago that's excellent to hear i'm thrilled  to hear that awesome that's why you know i get you know it's it's kind of  funny i have a not eric but   i have another pretty pretty close friend he's  not you know uh he's not a tech guy at all   and he he often wonders you know like why do you  why do you do youtube you know like why do you   teach these why would you teach this stuff and  that's why because that five as you progress   because it's only time if you're able to earn  five that can easily become 500 easily become   a thousand easily become 10 or 20. um so  many many kudos to you funny moment uh   so good good luck hello sir updated meta dashes  each and everything still that error url not   indexed uh updated meta datas so metadatas um  what's the url give me the url we'll go take a   look at it so and two if if there was a no no  index no follow or any type of tag like that   and it's still not being indexed then you need  to look at quality you need to look at internal   linking you need to look at your xml sitemap  is there an html sitemap is there links being   pointed at the site a lot of times if you're  putting stuff out and there's an xml sitemap   you've checked all the metadatas you have internal  linking going to it then it might be a quality   issue um and have you checked the server that  have you checked the logs are you getting crawled   um you know go check your logs uh can you give  details uh i'm not sure what details you want but   if you're talking about the links i'm gonna i will  a thousand percent be more than happy to share   those with you what kind of information okay it is  in search console error url discovered currently   not indexed and crawled the url is in sitemap  content is fresh and well written still there   is an error so that happens quite frequently  um url discovered not indexed and crawled uh   it's usually it was discovered discovered but  not indexed right so they know it's there but   they're not indexing it so um your evaluation  and their evaluations might be different as   far as quality is concerned perhaps  internal linking but they've seen it   so if you go check your server log then you know  it was looked at um you know have you put have   you tried adsense throw an adsense on there i  i shared that not too long ago what's the link   it'll be in the first comment i have to add  the list can i see it yeah i'll be happy to   give it to you um how to make the oh you're  talking with him that's fine uh this u r l okay all right with air okay that's that this is my  client website i'm stuck in between he is not   ready to pass the payment due to this error  please help well give me the url and i will   uh have a look at it if you would like please i'll  be happy to help you put the url in without https   put some spaces in it so it'll actually show up  within the comments i block um urls my friend so all right what do you tend to put as a comment  when it's a blog comment type link opportunity   um if i'm doing that kind of stuff it's  generally spam but if i'm buying it from   a particular source vendor which i there is  there's a couple vendors that i've been using   for comments just because they have they're able  to get comments placed um i've noticed that what   they're putting is they're putting actually a  thoughtful comment and then within the comment   uh is going to be a url right so a lot of  these are naked naked urls is what i've seen   um but usually it's a thoughtful comment that's  based upon the content right it has significant uh   topical relevance to the actual piece of the  document also what does what does it make sense   to create more than one link to your target link  using these links so these are different places to   build links right each link is a different source  to place a link right i'm not telling you by any   stretch of the imagination to go through  every single one and place a link however   if you're going through and you see pretty good  metrics or if it's anywhere near your niche   you have an opportunity to get a free link a link  is a link is a link especially i want you to think   about this if you go out in the marketplace  and get a a niche link a link that's related   to your niche that a lot of those scores that  i was showing you were above page authority 30   with da scores of 40 50 60. so if you go through  that list that i'm sure completely complimentary   it's niche specific you put a site colon for the  page that you're dropping the link on it's indexed   it's getting crawled so you have a link that's  indexed and getting crawled that's topically   relevant that has good metrics in the marketplace  if you go buy that link what's that link worth   at least 20 bucks right 20 dollars 50 you go  to these guest post vendors they want a hundred   dollars plus for a link so you get what i'm saying  that that's that's one of the reasons why i like   sharing these links with you guys you know what i  mean i'll give you a whole i'll give you a whole   list of them you get what i'm saying because  if you just find one that's basically like me   giving you anywhere between 20 to 200 dollars  in all honesty it maybe not a profile or or a comment would be that high in  value but a topically relevant   high metric crawled indexed link it's worth  something it's got to be worth something and   i'm glad to give it to you and share it with you  but that's that's the value in it my friend and   i'm glad i could share it with you also how soon  should you run these pages with a tool like Omega


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