Stephen Wensley Founder and CEO of Acuspire on the Future of Recruitment

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I am here with Stephen founder, and CEO of a Kew spire imagine. Going through a thousand, resumes in one, second, that's what Stephen is promising, we, had a great conversation about, the. Merging of recruitment. And AI into. A cyborg, rule where, it's a partnership, where. The, AI provides. The. Top 25, candidates, out of a thousand. And then the human, then, is able to look through those 25, candidates, and the, AI probability. Of having those top three candidates, in those 25, are quite, high we talked a little bit about how, recruitment. And marketing. Are really. The same thing you're just marketing, and recruiting different, things and you can use the same tools as marketers, do like chat bots and being, a lot more mobile-friendly to. Improve, the customer experience and. Guess, what your customers, are, the, candidates so improving, the candidate, experience this, coming up I. Am. Here with Stephen so, over. The course of the, last few weeks that I've been doing interviews, everyone. Has been talking about how to put the human, back, into, human resources and to add a spice, of humanity. Into, recruitment, rather, than. Focus. On how. Technology can. Help improve. Us with efficiencies. And helping out candidates, Stephen. Here is trying to merge the two where. He says you can still have, the, humanity, but. With. The aid of technology, not with the reduction, of technology so I'm really looking forward to this conversation so, Steve. And I met on. Almost. A year ago maybe two years ago at a disrupt, event where he was talking, about the candidate, experience, and how, artificial. Intelligence, can actually, aid in the recruitment process, we. Then followed. Up with a meeting, by, accident, through an indeed, meeting. Where. We after. That had Stephen. Came over and we had a really long discussion, about a very, interesting. Project. That is now his company that. He has turned into that, we're gonna talk about a little bit about a cue spire but we will also focus. Really more on how, technology can. Help in the recruitment process so, Steven for, those of you who don't know you can you just tell us a little bit about who you are, sure. So I'm, founder, and CEO of, a cue spire and, essentially. I'm a sole founder at this point we, do have three other people on our team full-time, and, essentially. Our. Company's mission is, a future, without job search in. Very simple terms so, we. Were kind, of the first in the world to. Make. This our mission statement, if you do. A Google, search for a future without job search you'll, only see our company so we're. Very forward-thinking. We're. All fans, of you know like the, futurism. Articles. Online in terms of where society, is going with technology, and we're, big believers and, the. Power of technology for, positive change so. In, terms of my background and, how I got here, I actually, started, out as a job seeker. Experiencing. Some big pain points, so, I have no background in the recruiting industry although. We now have people, on our team with expertise. My. Initial. Experience, with. Job search came. You. Know in. Terms of looking for a career, opportunity came, directly, after graduating, college and, I was. Searching and applying for, you know dozens upon dozens of, jobs.

The. Only job I ever had a response, from was. Kijiji. Ad and the guy had a basement, office and. He. Was doing some kind of graphic design studio and. Even. He. Ghosted me like apart. From that I had zero responses. And I was like wow, this is really shocking how the industry, works I didn't know it was this hard and you. Know ultimately. I ended up freelancing. For a year instead of doing doing the traditional. Job. After. That I. Ended. Up going finally. Into the marketing and advertising, industry. Working. For two different agencies for a period of years about. Two, and a half years, and, you. Know I ended up going. In back into, you. Know consulting. Work, and what, happened was every every time you're. Looking for a new consulting. Project it's usually you, know three to six months periods, you're always searching right so you're you're talking to recruiters you're, going for coffees you're searching job boards you're going on recruiter, websites and. It's a lot of work so, I went. Through this process every three to six months, for, about four years straight. And it, was like. Really, really, a. Ton, of work a ton of time and then. The recession hit in. 2014-2015. In, Calgary my. Wife ended up being laid off from, oil, and gas company, focused, on the geosciences, side, of the oil and gas industry, and, so. As November 2015. Her company eventually in the following months reduced their headcount from about a hundred to twelve so, they were hit pretty hard as was, many. Other companies in the city, so, all in all there were about 90,000, people laid off in Calgary if you just take all the press releases and you add up all the counts of the, staff that were released I, was. On contract, at the time and so six months later they decided not to renew my contract at. The company I was at so. By. That point my wife had been you, know searching and applying for about six. To eight months and. Had. Zero results, she, ended up going for another six months, searching. And applying for jobs and still had zero results, and that, was the reality of the. The market in Calgary right now is it, was very competitive. There, were a lot of people in the same situation, you. Know recruiters. Are overwhelmed, in, terms of the volume they were getting so getting, upwards of 1,500, to 2,000, applicants for a, position. And in project, management, or, engineering. Or something like that was was, not unheard of that was just very common so. What. Happened, was I decided. To interview, other job seekers, as. A job seeker which is kind of a funny thing to do but I was. Asking you know what are your pain points with your job search how long have you been sir for many people said I've, been searching for one year I've been searching for two years, and. It, was just crazy so, all, in all I think I talked to about at. Least a hundred to two hundred people, and, you. Know it eventually ran some surveys, on LinkedIn and Facebook gathering. Feedback, and. Then additionally, I talked to about two. Dozen employers, so, I was, talking to people like. Yourself Adam you. Know trying, to understand what, the pain points were with. The recession hitting, and what. Kind of volume they were getting how, long it was taking to fill the position how many people they had this screen and that sort of thing so ultimately I, found there were some some, really, big pain. Points, for, the recruiters, just. In terms of like they, were feeling, demoralized they, couldn't respond to this many people it. Was taking a long time, you. Know ultimately it came down to like a lottery of you. Know you roll the dice and you picked someone out of the stock or, you. Know you close, your eyes and points at the spreadsheet you picked that name I literally. Talked to a recruiter, at a large one. Of the top five oil and gas companies, in Calgary and she said she, literally put, all the names in a spreadsheet and she.

Would Just do a random selection and she said she assumed if, she picked five people, they'd all be moderately, qualified, they'd, interview them and they'd pick one from that and she said they didn't have time to do anything else so. I found this process, actually, really. Surprising. Being. That it was still very high. Touch very, low tech despite, the amount of technology we have I. Found many, companies, saying. You know we're doing away with job, postings, and we just go on LinkedIn and we contact people, so. That's a becoming. A newer trend but then unfortunately, it's it's, not a fair playing field anymore, so. That's a problem and job seekers are actually becoming upset with that approach. That you know there's not an open access to. Opportunity. And. Ultimately. We believe in an, equal playing field open, access to opportunities, at companies. You, know the company can decide on the cultural fit and qualifications. And all that sort of thing but we think it. Should be fair I mean, that. You mentioned a couple things that you feel, is wrong with, the recruitment, process if, you can just give me serve. Three. Big picture, your. Three. Big issues that you feel is wrong with, the current recruitment process, I think that you mentioned, a high volume of, candidates, 1,500. To 2,000, and I agree, with you having, gone, through. 3,000. Resumes at one point it took me a week, of eight hours a day scouring. 3,000, resumes so exactly. I know. That, pain points what, are some of the other pain points other than high volume, of high, volume applications. I. Would say the what. I call the customer service, experience. Is. Extremely. Lacking. With, most companies. Where. Ultimately. You, don't really matter to the company. Until. You're at. That interview in front of a human, apart, from that LA the process I feel is really dehumanized. Where. There's very. Little care respect, paid to most applicants, in, terms of giving. Them a response or giving them a reason why they wouldn't consider we're. Considered, that. Sort of thing so. The customer experience I think, is an area for a lot of companies to become extremely competitive in the future. They, say, you. Know if you hire the wrong person, they can actually. You. Know cost. You not just the, losses, in terms of their salary but they can cost, you additional, resources, and staff. Having to redo their work or support. That bad hire. So. I think there's going to be a huge emphasis in, the next few years in terms of. Recruiting. The right people, and making sure. You. Know those people you're your tracting, are our, top caliber and the only way you do that is having a really stellar. Experience. That people know they're, not going to have to you, know go through this crazy, gauntlet, just. To get to to. Be proven, qualified, right, so. You. Know ultimately I think. The. Process, of you, know every company having like. You. Know their, own registration. System, their own applicant tracking system. Their own five page forms, to fill out. I think, that's eventually gonna give. Way to a more streamlined, process, you'll, see many, applicant tracking systems, already having, the apply with LinkedIn feature as one, example where they're trying to streamline things and. That really. Improves the experience I think there's going to be even more beyond that I think, eventually if a company doesn't give. Get. To a hundred percent response, rate to their candidate flow I think, they'll be at, a disadvantage versus, their competitors, who are giving.

That Response and also, the turnaround, time is going to be a big factor in terms of your ability to recruit so, top, candidates, as you may know they don't end up on the market for very long if, they're available or. If they're actively looking while, they're currently employed they're. Snapped up very quickly so, if, if. An, employer has a position, open for four. To six weeks and that. Their top candidate, applied, on day one but, they decided to leave the posting open to. See what else they would get quite, often that candidate, will be gone by end of the first week or second week it's. Quite common for that to happen and then, the, employer and ends up going with their their second, or third best pic so. That's a big challenge you, know if we can improve. The turnaround time really. Shorten that up, improve. The candidate experience and. You. Know just make, sure the process is really smooth I think that'll make a big difference and it I. Think. Also. Leads. To more positive word-of-mouth, so, it's a positive brand effect for your company, so. There. Are some companies out there mostly, tech firms that are really really good at this and, they. Treat every candidate like gold sometimes. They send you you know a nice little personalized, thank-you note or. You. Know they're very appreciative that. You, know the candidate even considered, them they treat them like it's an honor that you applied and, it's. Very rare to see but when that does happen you're, just it's, a wow factor, right. And ultimately. I call it the customer experience because. Every. Touchpoint you have, with. Your company with a general public is an. Opportunity, to. You. Know make a difference in, terms of. Getting. Your brand over there so, it's it's almost like a kind of marketing job search. Let's. Say recruitment. Is really marketing at the end of the day you're, putting a brand out in front of thousands. To tens of thousands of people in the hopes that you attract some people that really like you and. So. You, know ultimately the, the better the experience the. The better the word-of-mouth the better the, awareness of your brand of the market the you, know the more competitive you'll be because of the people so. You, mentioned the customer experience about. Turnaround. Time improving. Candidates. Turnaround, time you. Do that by. Improving. The communication that, you've received the, their. Application, where their applications, at maybe, even a rejection letter that they just don't mean the qualifications. Treating. The, candidate, as gold as the wow factor. Are, there any other. Points. About improving. The candidate, experience other than the ones that I mentioned I, think. You covered most of it I mean there's potentially, other things, beyond that that, might come up in the future. I think, follow up with your your, you. Know older. Pools. Of talent that you've, you, know acquired, from older postings, that you've already you, know you've filled those positions I think, that's really a way to stand out from your competition as, well so. Say. You had you know three to five really outstanding people, apply for a position but you can only hire one well, if you keep, those other people in the loop if they're interested, and, you follow up with them and six months say hey where's your career at are you still interested we're hiring again, maybe. A year later and you, kind of keep a warm talent, bench going I, think, that does a lot for your.

Brand In the industry and it does a lot for, getting. An edge in the recruitment now. That's a great point a lot of people feel that you know they have to pick the best candidate, and then candidate. Too and, they're, just gone forever but, a really good strategy is to keep them warm reach, out to them every, six months once a year seeing how they're doing because they're just getting better as. Time, moves forward and, maybe they weren't the perfect, candidate for you then or you, just happen to have that Unicorn come in and beat them out just by a small. Margin and a lot of people forget about that point. So. How are you trying, to solve. What's, wrong with recruitment, right now yeah. So essentially, we. Talked to a large number of recruiters, and we, said. You know how long is it taking to. Screen a thousand resumes or 2,000 resumes and quite, often they're there looking through them by hand you know it's like eyeballs, on screen you know they have software that they, can click through very quickly, but. Ultimately they still have to read through each one, there. Are some recruiters. That they'll just dump, them all into a database and they'll, just do a keyword search on that but we believe both of those approaches. Are flawed the. First one is very accurate. But consumes. And an enormous, amount of time the. Second approach is is, very. Inaccurate, but, saves a lot of time so, what, happens when. You just do a hard. Keyword search or a knockout search as they call it you know for a specific hard, skill or tool if that, person didn't have the exact same phrasing. On their resume. They, would be missed, so you're potentially losing, those unicorn candidates, that maybe describe this go cluster in a slightly different way then you're you're phrasing, it, you. Know if you're doing, the manual process, you. Know you're, you're, costing your tongue company, a lot of time you know and ultimately. That time is money so. Like. In your example, Adam you mentioned it took you you. Know a full week to screen a huge. Number of candidates. You. Know so that if you think about that in terms of your. Salary plus overhead, to the company it, really adds up you know you start to fill a handful, of positions even, just one per month over a year that's you, know potentially. Tens, of thousands of dollars so what. We're trying to do is. Mimic. The human approach to the most accurate process, which is that that manual screen so can we make it cuter do the same as a human would you, know reading top-down all the way through. Every. Criteria great, so we're looking at education. Job title, you. Know the skill clusters, that they have industries. They've worked in competitors. They worked for. You. Know types of roles they've had in general. You. Know just their their level of interest in different areas, so. A very comprehensive. Perspective. Similar to a human and really. The kind. Of the holy grail of AI. Is if you can surpass eighty percent, human, accuracy, on a task and. That's. Really, extremely. Difficult to, do even for very generalized. Tasks. So if you need to. Say. Determine. Whether a tweet, is is, happier, sad or angry, or. You. Know or, something else that's. That's, already something that is is, really, hard to do beyond eighty percent accuracy for a machine so, what we're doing is is multiple. Levels of complexity, and. We've. Actually successfully, passed seventy, six percent accuracy, and we're trying to get toward that eighty percent human. Accuracy, where our, results, would match the same as a humans so, ultimately. You, know if you can put one system. That's. Producing. Results by an AI side-by-side. With a human, and. And. Say you know go let's, say I see, how long the human takes let's see how long the computer takes human. Will take you know a week computer. Will take one second. You, know if you actually. Reach eighty percent human accuracy, with a computer in a second that's pretty compelling to a company and that's. What we're going for because. Say. You have a, thousand, candidates, if, you can get eighty with an eighty percent accuracy, of the top twenty-five selection. Suddenly. That's very interesting and if. The computer can guarantee that the top five will be a hundred percent the same as what your recruiter would do then, that's a very very compelling so. That's kind of what we're, aiming for and I think. That's where the industry is going is, you know can, we do this process really, really fast and then can we respond to all of these people the same day or real, time you know that's the dream correct. And so one, of the things that people don't think. About it'sit's either AI or a human. And where, a lot of people are missing the boat is that there needs to be a partnership at least for now until the overlords, take. Over that. And. Your, strategy, is very, comprehensive.

That, Okay. The, system. Might not be able to get to, pick the top candidate, but, they, will be able to out of, 1,000. Candidates. Pick, 25. The, most qualified, candidates. And then instead, of a human being having, to go through a thousand, resumes. The. Human, then can go through the 25, and the, likelihood, that the top three candidates, that the. Recruiter. Would. Choose themselves, if they weren't tired if they weren't exhausted, if they weren't bored if they weren't rushed. What. The AI picked out of the those 25, candidates, most likely the human recruiter would also choose. Those candidates. Without. Going into any secret. Sauce how. Does an AI system, learn. That. This. Would, be a top candidate, versus not, a candidate. How much information how, much time does, that, artificial. Intelligence need. To, be served. At an, 80% capacity. Right. So ultimately, it, takes an enormous amount of data because. The, computer, is always thinking, from. A perspective of, you, know all this other data I have that's already been marked and tagged and classified, in different ways, at. What is this document most similar to is it most similar to you, know this job or that job and, and, how much similarity is there right so we're, we're, always. Relative. To everything, else that it's already looked at so. If you have a very small. Sample. Of data that, it's previously. Looked at. It's, not going to be very accurate, if, you have say you know millions of resumes, or millions. Of jobs that it's looked at that it has a very wide range of let's. Call it expertise, and in many areas. It's. Going to be very, very accurate understanding, what, goes where and, ultimately. I think, with. With refinement. Computers, will not just be very, very fast, but ultimately, more accurate, than, the, human at judging. Best. Fit so. That I think will be happening, within the next five to ten years and I'm I'm. 95%. Confident. That will surpass human accuracy, within that timeframe so. One, of the troubles, or the human, versus AI is the. Artificial. Intelligence can, take millions, and that's why they I performed, doctors with diagnoses, and things like that then they can take millions, of medical, files or resume, files and start making sense of that whereas a human, can't however. Where artificials, fails, as they can't make a decision on three resumes, without. Having that backing of the millions of other resumes, that it has gone. Through its process. This. Is a challenge, for most, companies, more, small, companies, that, are looking into artificial. Intelligence, to help them out but they don't have a database. Of previous. Resumes. Of good/bad and how, would a company. Address. Those how, would a company gain access to that database, and that artificial, intelligence. Yeah. So one way is working, with companies like ours that you know we've already partnered, with larger, organizations, that.

They've Shared their data with us and you. Know we've been able to use. That for our own learning another. Way as they you know they partner with any other vendor in the industry that's doing, similar things like you. Know IBM is doing some exciting stuff in the talent space, Google. Is doing a lot as well really. Every major software. Company, is making a big push into AI and machine learning now, so, it really comes down to your use case you know you can, buy. A lot of off the show solutions, that are are. Very generalized, for, they. Can be transferable, to many different subject areas like if you. Just want to do sentiment, analysis, like detect whether. An. Email, is happy or sad or, you. Know even more. Range of emotion than that you. Can just go on and online, and within a matter of minutes, purchase. A service from Google or IBM, and integrate. That within your software, and. You don't have to have the data to train it so, yeah. There's some great solutions already on the market if, you need a very you, know super specialized, solution, for your particular. Company. Where, it's you, know something. That can it be very generalized, that's very industry specific terminology or, something like that then, you probably have to build your own and you. Have to figure out how to gather enough data to get the accuracy, at a sufficient level so. Yeah, I mean, it. Would really depend on the use, case okay. Walk me through the candidate, experience, if I, was, to go onto a cue spire and. As. A candidate, there's. A great video that I'll, put in into the link that surf shows, us that I said but just walk. Me through of, first. Time I've, created. A profile. What. Does my initial. Experience look, like and then what, is the process of, the. Services, that you provide and, how long before the. Jobs just start coming to me yeah. So ideally. We want to start showing, you jobs you're qualified for right. Away so, first. Up is you, know you can register with your existing Google or LinkedIn account we don't store any passwords, or anything like that, and. Then you know essentially you just draw drag and drop your resume and you'll. See it spin, away and it'll start working and it. Will automatically. Classify. Into. The tree. It's, a good fit for, it'll. Find the best role type and. You can change those if you like so if you're you're, thinking of other industries, or other role types you want to do you can you can change, that you can change any data or system.

Interprets. About you and. Then, ultimately. You. Know you can select your your, city and then see, results so, once, you see results you can tell the system whether a match is good or bad so, you can say oh this is a great fit and you can just select that job or this, is a bad match remove, it you know I don't want to see anything more like this and. Then. You, know it's a very traditional, kind. Of approach of going. Through results, opening the description, and then, if you want to apply. It's a two click process to apply for, a job that's registered, directly in a queue spire for. External jobs we have about fifteen thousand or so jobs from all, over Calgary. From various employers that. Will direct you out to the employers website to, apply and. Ultimately. What, we'd like to do is you, know bring more and more employers, within. A queue spire so we, can have that to click process and then what happens is the employer gets a real-time, email. Additionally. They can get an SMS text alert as, well and because. These people are already. You. Know only seeing the job because they have enough of the criteria. Already. And you're, not gonna have welders applying to be, a cook or cook. Supplying to be farmers it, won't happen within our system, in. Most cases I mean like I mentioned we're running. Maybe like seventy-five percent human, accuracy, so, you'll occasionally. Have. Some degree of error or you see something that's like oh this, one job further down the list looks a little off and. That's because we're. Not it's, not a perfect system right. There's no AI out there that's perfect, except. Maybe you. Know a chess engine or something like that but, it's. Very very complex, when you're dealing with unstructured. Text, like jobs and resumes it really is its. Own literary, form is what I like to call it you, know employers, have their own way of writing things jobseekers. Have their own kind, of way of writing their resume so, we. Do our best to kind, of bring two and two together then. For employers, what, they can do is it's a very similar process you drag and drop your posting. You. Just confirm the criteria, we guess for you and then, you see within, a second 25 up, to 25 qualified, people and. Essentially. That's, within, our existing talent, pool if, an employer wants to use their own talent, pool they, absolutely can, essentially. They can upload. A zip folder of you know say they have 500, resumes they, drag and drop into, a system and then it. Will just select. From that candidate pool that's something people have to let us know if they want to use because. It's a separate service but you know we can do that for them as well so you, mentioned that a, candidate. Can see a job posting, we, think this is a good fit for, you, and then, you can tell the system yes this is a job that I'm interested, in or no is it, just a yes or no or do tell the system why, you are, interested, why this job, would appeal to you but this one would not. Currently. We're not that complex. We're. Planning. To add a bit. Of a drop down menu in there where, you can select the reason why the. Job is actually a bad fit so, what that does is. You. Know that goes back into the AI side, where we'll be gathering that, data and each, person will have their own AI. That, learns from them and personalizes. Their results better and better over time so, what happens is your job search no longer becomes the sort of ad hoc thing that you, do where you you, gather some, job. Listings, and you apply for them and then, that data is all erased, after some time. What. Happens is we, want people to curate, their results, you know on a regular basis, in terms of opportunities, that they like and then, it, gets better and better and follows their career path and. You. Know if people are always doing this passive job search where they're always interested, in seeing what opportunities, are around when. When you. Know they say luck is where preparation, meets opportunity, if, someone is you. Know looking for a raise and their boss won't give them a raise but Aki spire sends them this great opportunity they're. Already qualified, for it, can get a guaranteed, interview. You. Know that's that's pretty compelling and maybe they. Want to move up in their career so what we'd like to see ultimately is have a key spire be a career, path tracking. Opportunity. Engine for everybody, in the world and we're. Starting out with calorie but you know long term we, want to be everywhere, right. And you mentioned, about. Increasing. The. Customers. Or, customer. Service experience, of the candidate, what are some of the things that a queue, spire does, that most companies might do poorly. Right. So one. Thing that we're trying, to get better at doing is giving, you real-time alerts as opportunities, come on the market so if an.

Employer Posts, a job on their website. You know we'd ideally like to have that with an IQ spire, within. An hour timeframe and actually. Send you an SMS alert, so, you. Can apply to that position. Additionally, about 10% of employers, in the market. You. Know have a way to submit, your resume. Instantly. Through their website or through an email address so, what we're planning to do is eventually allow you with a you, know a simple, text message to. Respond, to that opportunity and submit. Your resume on the spot so say you're, you're out at the mall shopping and, it's, a Saturday afternoon and, there's there's, some CEOs. Just, working, at his office and he's like I'm overloaded, I need to post this job he, hits. Post on his website, or on indeed suddenly. Your phone buzzes in your pocket it says you, know Adam, you got a new recruiting, opportunity, at Google or something like that and, you're like wow that's my dream job and it. Says would you like to apply and it's, one step you just say yes so. You. Type three letters hit, Send and, it's. Gone and then what happens is the employer on their side they see you as a preferred. Candidate, that you, know we've determined you have enough of the qualifications. To apply and. You. Know they see that a keeper or seal of approval and, they. They call you back for an interview so that's the level of simplicity where, we're, working on so, what are some of the things that the AI system, takes a look at to, match the job candidate, with. The. Applicant. You mentioned, experienced. Competitors. Does, dates. Time. Years. Take. A new account or are you just looking at the. Probability. Of keywords. And experience, or, are you just looking at sort. Of words, I guess lack. Of a better term yes. So we don't really do any kind of hard keyword, matching, we found that was really failure prone initially. So. What we're what, we've evolved, to doing is more of a we're actually doing deep learning and our approach, where.

It's Very, similar to how a human sees, a. Resume. Or a job opportunity so. Say, it's a software developer, position. Which. Is my industry so I'm going to speak to that you. Know say it says full stack developer, on the, job description and, your resume has some programming languages associated. With that but. The two are not equal directly. So that phrases. And text on on the job or not equal to the resume but, our system can tie the two together and see that those are essentially. Equivalent and. Say. Me you. Know if it's a. Technical. Job for, you, know engineering or, even, a human resources role where there's a lot of you. Know specific, tasks, and skill requirements. You. Know our system can understand. Very. Close to a human in terms of what what it entails. Yeah. The, reason why you and I are talking right now is, last. Week you posted, on LinkedIn, what. Do you got oh two candidates, what do you guys think about automatic job, postings, and. It's. One of the things in the back of my mind I always wanted to chat with you with the with. This interview, but kind of said Oh. Stephen, would be great to chat. With one of the things that I hate as an employer and actually left the service was. When. Websites. Or services, provide, this Auto apply. Of, I. Post. The position and within. 20. Minutes I have 200, resumes of people. That a had no idea that they applied to my position but they checked off a service, saying, that if a similar position of, this kind of caliber, or this company. Send in my resume, right, how. And, I think you've touched upon us but how. Are you addressing, that. To. Avoid that hi serve. Apply. Rate to candidates. That are not even interested in applying. Right. So first of all we don't apply automatically. On your behalf so that situation of, you. Know you see, sent out or. A service sent, out an application on your behalf to, Acme Inc and Acme Inc calls you up and you have no idea who. This person is calling or why that. Never happens, with our service, I, I don't really believe in that approach I think a person asked to have any interest, in the company that they're applying to and really understand, what that role is and what that company is so. Yeah. Our approach is you. Know we'll do an instant, apply but first of all you have to a be qualified. For the job and B be, interested, in that employer, right. And you that's why you do that initial, stop process, that here's a job would. You be interested in that job and then you hit yes rather than oh you've asked, that similar jobs we. Just apply for you and make, it a lot easier. Exactly. You, mentioned, a couple of serve things moving towards the, future or you think that in 5-10, years there's going to be this hybrid. Cyborg. Recruiter. And AI partnership. Where, the AI goes, through, the majority of the. Candidates, has a high probability. Rate, which is already here now will just increase over time if you, just look at technology, even if the, improvement. Is incremental, given. Enough time it's, going to get to that human, level, what. Are some technologies. Or, trends. That you're seeing in, recruitment. Selection that your serve keeping, an eye out interested. Whether it be positive or negative what, are some trends, technologically. Wise and recruitment wise that you're seeing, yeah. So I think there will be a, push, into two big, areas and the next ball, probably three areas in the next few years so. One that is really. Hyped, the. Past year, is. Chatbots, so more, employers having. Informational. Chat BOTS and betted within. Their website that replaced, the role of a recruiter, fielding random phone calls all day long. So essentially. A chat. Bot can answer. Any, question whatsoever about the company that may come up. You. Can answer questions, about the job questions. About compensation. You. Know questions, about when the job. Posting, is is. Closed. You know really. You name it and. You. Know apart from that we're gonna see more push, into mobile, I don't, think employers, have really tapped the full power of. Accessing. Like. Marketing, to job seekers job. Seekers through their. Mobile device people, don't like to download another, app usually, you. Know they'll have the big ones like Facebook LinkedIn. Twitter installed. On their phone but apart from that they're, probably not going to download many. Other apps so. We. Really believe in some other ways of getting into, the. Market so. Yeah. We'll see where things go in the next few years here apart, from that I think virtual, reality, will. Be a big piece, virtual, reality and augmented reality, so, imagine you're walking down the street and you. Have some, sort of jobs app on your phone you. Know maybe even linkedin will do this but maybe you you, hold it up and you move around the street and you see like little stars where there's companies, you can apply, to and, as. You, know you tap the star and it gives you a list of the job openings, that you'd potentially, be qualified, for, so.

That's You. Know I think a big untapped opportunity, that will, probably see and imagine, you know maybe in 5-10 years we'll all be wearing. Virtual. Reality glasses and, we'll just see things popping, up in in our, visual. Periphery, and and be, able to interact with all of those things you know so there's some really exciting trends, coming I think the, technology, has not fully been tapped in terms of its power we, already see AI and a bling a lot, of things in our daily life a very simple example, is. Is. Kijiji so. I was just posting my son's bike on Kijiji because, he outgrew it and. I did that probably two days ago what happens is if you put you. Know a description and the title you. Know say. Young. Boys mountain. Bike you know and, you, post that Kijiji. Will automatically, determine the categories, that, are most relevant to, posting. That item and that's, just using machine learning it's, a very simple approach to machine learning but, what it will select, is kids, mountain bikes or. Sorry kids bikes and mountain bike says it's, suggested. Categories, and, that's. A very simple approach for. AI which is machine learning and you. Know a lot. Of sort. Of I call them like AI and, air quotes solutions. Are, just. Really. Fast search, as kind, of dressed up and there's. A lot of companies that provide. You. Know very complex, high. Speed search for. Very specialized, use cases so I think you'll see more more. Of that. I mean, how many people use Google every day right and, people just get used to using these services because, they make our lives so much easier so you. Know Google has done so much for I think improving, people's quality of life, you, know I use Google search all, day I. Use, Google, Maps it, helps determine. You, know using their machine, learning, route. Finding algorithms, to. Determine the fastest route home so I can pick up my son. You, know after school so. You. Know these technologies, are very powerful for. Giving us a better bitter. Life saving. Us time, you, know making. Us more money whatever, it is and it'll. Just gradually integrate, with our lives over time it won't be you, know kind of AI controlling, us it'll be AI enabling, us and I think that's a great future know, you when. You were speaking a thing, popped into my head with, virtual, reality but I'm, sure there'll be a time where you're walking by a company, and due. To. Artificial. Intelligence and. Databases, and Google they. Will it, will be a moment where the, company's looking for somebody of your skill set and it, will be like hey did you know a company X is looking. For this. Type, of role that you're completely qualified for, and you got that notification just by a geotab, and and that, sort of thing so it's. It's. Definitely an interesting future. And one, of the things that you really pointed out with, that recruiters. Have to understand, is recruiting. Is marketing, but, marketing, of people. And the organization. And all the kinds of things that you are talking about chatbots. Mobile. Acts ability. Accessibility. These. Are what the marketing challenges, are for companies, to purchase products, but these are the same challenges. That.

Companies. Will have to overcome on the recruitment, process so, those were very good points lastly. Thank. You so much for your time and insight on the technological AI, and, it's. Funny, that a non recruiter, is trying, to solve the recruiting, rules but that's, what's needed because I personally feel that. Yours. You have the dogma of what you should or shouldn't do as a recruiter, these are the golden rules and by, having, just an outside perspective from, the candidate, side at candidate. Trying to solve the, recruitment, challenges. Is a very interesting, approach so before I leave you is there anything, that you would like to share, ultimately. We're. Just looking, for people that are, very open minded to creating. Positive. Change world. And, with. An open place we, really. Try. Some exciting new approaches, and, you. Know ultimately, if that sounds, like you, contact. To contact. Me directly Stephen. At a key spire com, I'd, love to hear from you, if, anyone, has any critique, of our approach or they think there is room for improvement, obviously. I always, endorse. Any. Feedback, or criticism, whatsoever, it, really helps us become. Better awesome. Well thank you so much for your time and good luck with AK you spider Thank, You Adam after the chat Thanks. Thank. You for watching the interview, don't forget to like the video subscribe and. Click on notifications. You. Don't miss the next one.


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