Flat Earth - A Flat Debate Proof Watch And See

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I watched. A video from, my, perspective his, videos called Flat Earth Sun, beams part, 1 that's outside. Ago and, let, me try that but. I just kind of ran and I grabbed some cardboard I, cut some. Holes in it and I wanted to see how the Sun reacts coming, through so, here. I am raising. It high over my head so, we're about 8 feet away from, this and the. Light. Doesn't, diverge. Or, spread. Out no. It doesn't splay out. So exciting. Incredible. From. Our clouds. But. We see the Sun race playing, out from the clouds as though it were a closed Sun, and not a faraway, Sun, well, you, can see when it is far away the light beams are parallel, and they don't splay out or, diverge. From the clouds. So. Then I got a little bit more sophisticated, I went inside and I cut some nicer holes and another cardboard. You. Know my budget went up and here. They are and I put, some CGI, here, I put some, beams. In there you can see they are dead, straight. No. Splaying, out and. Then you can also there's, a part. Here where I have it up overhead and I had the same results, no. Splaying. Out so. This is the example of the Far Away Sun, that. The Rays this, is what we should experience, coming through the clouds the rays. From the Sun that's, almost, a million miles in diameter and, 93. Million miles away when. Those rays get here they should be parallel, and dead straight, if we don't see them as dead straight we see them splaying, out or, diverging. From the cogs, something's. Not right here. So. What I would like to say to. Everyone out there and this this is geared more especially. Towards. All. Of you that are out there attacking, people for, questioning. Where. We live. We. Are at the point where, it's not a debate. Debate. Time is, over, there is no debate. We, all need to prove anything. They. Don't need to prove a, model. We. Don't need to do anything all. We need to do is just keep piling, evidence, up stacking. Evidence. Upon. Evidence upon evidence upon evidence and that's what's been happening all. These observations. That. You see when. These videos are called Sugar Mountain is. Being seen off in the distance behind, other. Mountain, peaks.

Wha-hoo. Being. Seen from Kauai. Over. You know a 90 plus miles. Our. Videos, like those. Are. Clear, evidence. Of missing. Curvature. The. Chicago, skyline. Daters. Countless. Videos with, this type of evidence, the. Footage you see behind me. Is evidence, you. Know this is our alone, footage of a hundred twenty-one thousand. Feet up. And. You see a flattered. That's. Why this video was so. I chose this footage to put behind me, and. To, those of you out there that say you know I saw a few people that were pretty upset on, my last video. Saying. Oh they gave like eat a green screen to, to, talk about the flatter who gave me the green screen. Nobody. Gave me the green square I bought the green screen. Anybody. Can do that these gamers go out there and buy green screens and set up an elaborate, studio, for themselves, to play. Video, games and. You. Know haptic. Feedback round. Worthy, where, they're sitting deep. Basally. Taken. Out and put the game in behind them situate, themselves inside, the game like. I'm doing here for this Flat Earth footage. It's. Not a big deal. Any. Of us can do this so imagine, with us doing this and creating, simple, Studios. From where were located. What. Do you think NASA. Has. Been doing all this time all this fake footage they've, had these technologies. Like this long, ago. So, right there, Yoshi. To. Say that I got. Hurt you know I went ahead and got a green screen or somebody gave me a green screen to do this is, ridiculous. If. You turn up the exposure. You can see the stars in the back. Every. Photoshop. Expert can, tell that this, image has been digitally, manipulated. Here. We, can see a square like shape just, look around to this star. Here. We have a set of matching, stars. Take. A look at this. This. Is another square looking shape. I'm. Not, quite sure what, is this this. Is an obvious mistake performed. By the employee, who, got the task a Photoshop, a computer-generated, image of. A ball earth, my. Friend, this right here, is a red flag a. Flier. From Shanghai, going, to Munich. Germany, now. This young lady that passed away. Y'all rest your soul but. What, can be gleaned from the fly is, if, you pull up the link the. Article link below you can see this wig is. What, went down was. That, they. Had to stop off, an. Airport. Due. To a medical emergency and. What. Actually, went down is, when, they touch down this, Airport. You, know they they had to take a. Stop. Off in flight at what was. Going although. The situation. Is. Here. Is the airport. Close. Encounters, of. The Third, Kind. Let's bring, in. Things. Which, can. Be. Wealth, determined. Either. Extraterrestrial. Or demonic. Intervention. And, all. Of the great mega, stars, well they don't hide, where. For. Their affiliations. Are as, you can see. Simon. Cowell's. In a jet ski with his nice long Masonic. Symbol, right on the front they're, not scared, and, today. Everything. Is out in the open. If. You are interested. You can go to, the web and you. Can punch, in any. Actor. Any. Actor. That. Is prominent, in the world today any. Singer. Any, group, and look. At the alcohol. Connections. They Masonic, connections. I had, a young girl who, got tickled. Pink and started, doing this she, drove me crazy with, the thousands. Of all, things, she sent me, but. She. Did a great job, every. Single one is. Involved. And they. All, blatantly.

Confessed. To their affiliations. On their, Facebook. Pages and, on their listen on their that I don't have time to look into all of that stuff, but. If you're interested, you can verify it I don't have to give. You the details that's, not what I'm here about. Some. Pictures of. This. As well all these four figures, dancing. This, is not some, docket. Believe how I've never heard of him. In the Encyclopedia. Britannica. Says, he was. In. 1962. Swiss-born, business. Known for his exploration, of both the upper stratosphere and the. Depth of the sea in ships. The. Study talks. The. Sun here he ascended, to seventeen, thousand. Eight meters. 5,800. Feet completed. Later. On, he. Was born into a family of Swiss scholars. You. Know it, worked with like, a city worker that Albert Einstein, here's. A picture of him with his assistant, in the. Capsule. And that they went up in and, had poor pulse and this is a porthole. And. Then I found this. This. Is a popular, science, magazine. From. August. 1931. They did this in May so. Just. A few months after his ascent, to a world record high. There. Was an article in there 10. Miles high and airtight balloon now. Just so people could say that that then I didn't get this all in turn and I didn't little research so. I. Went on in betting in search for. Popular. Science magazine. 1931. August. Edition I, found. One I. Paid. $15. For the decisions 25 cents in 1931. Just. To verify this. Fact to read this article to, you this. Is the testimony. Of. Physicist. Scientist. Engineer. The first man to, reach the, stratosphere. I his. Testimony. Of. The. Shape of the earth. Gonna. Read this day says. A huge, yellow absorbs, powdered a few weeks ago from Augsburg, Germany, instead. Of a basket, it trailed in airtight black, and silver aluminum, all within. Professor, are mystical power of physicists, and Charles, PEPFAR, aimed to, explore, the year fifty. Thousand feet up seventeen, hours later after being given up for dead they returned safely from an estimated height of one fifty two thousand, feet almost 10 miles shattering. Every aircraft altitude, record. Oxygen. Tanks kept them alive while, they made observations. I. Can. Sit in church and. Not. Picking on any denomination, or, the Catholics, or Protestant, as. I don't think that's fair because some people kind of interject and they. Think they, know what I'm talking, about but I'm being general, here so I'm not accusing anybody of anything is you. You you hear a teacher or, a preacher or a priest or somebody at. Church preach, something, but. In essence that's, kind of what they're doing is neuro-linguistic programming right, so they're they're, communicating. To a crowd or a people, and. They. May or may not be using scripture properly. They might not they might or might, not be putting in an order, so. They're trying to communicate their, point of view which could be rewriting, your neural, pathways to believe something which may or may not be right so, in, essence, it could be good or bad right. In. Actual. However. After. 190. Million miles of supposed, orbit, around the Sun not. A single, inch of parallax, can be detected in the Stars proving. We have not moved at all, if. Earth were, truly constantly. Spinning eastwards. At over 1,000. Miles per hour, vertically, fired, cannonballs. And, other projectiles. Should. Fall significantly due. West. In, actual, fact however. Whenever. This has been tested, vertically. Fired cannonballs. Shoot, upwards, an average of 14, seconds. Ascending, 14. Seconds, descending, and fall, back to the ground no more than two feet away from the, cannon often. Directly back into the muzzle if. The earth were truly. Constantly. Spinning eastwards. At over 1,000. Miles per hour, helicopters. And hot-air balloons should be able to simply hover over the surface, of the earth and, wait for their destinations. To come to them if. Earth were, truly constantly. Spinning eastwards. At over 1,000. Miles per hour during, the Red Bull stratosphere. Dive Felix. Baumgartner. Spending. Three hours ascending. Over New Mexico should. Have landed two thousand, five hundred miles, west, into the Pacific, Ocean but instead landed, a few dozen miles east of the take-off point. Ball. Believers, often claim, gravity, magically, and inexplicably.

Drags, The entire lower atmosphere. Of the earth in perfect, synchronization, up, to some undetermined. Height where this progressively. Faster, spinning. Atmosphere, gives way to the non spinning, non, gravities, non. Atmosphere. Of infinite, vacuum, space. Such. Nonsensical. Theories. Are debunked. However, by, rain, fireworks. Birds. Bugs. Clouds. Smoke. Planes, and, projectiles. All of which would behave very differently if. Both the ball earth and its atmosphere were. Constantly. Spinning eastwards. At 1,000. Miles per our if. Earth and its atmosphere were. Constantly. Spinning eastwards, over 1,000. Miles per hour then north south. Facing, cannons, should establish a, control, while east firing. Cannonballs, should, fall significantly, farther. Than all others Wild West firing, cannonballs, should, fall significantly, closer. In, actual, fact however. Regardless. Of which direction cannons, are fired the. Distance, covered is always the same, if. Earth and its atmosphere were. Constantly, spinning eastwards. Over 1,000. Miles per hour then. The average commercial. Airliner, traveling, 500. Miles per hour should never be able to reach its eastward, destinations. Before, they'd come speeding, up from behind. Likewise. Westwards. Destinations. Should be arrived at thrice the speed but, this is not the case. Quoting. Heaven and earth by Gabrielle, Han riot if, flying, had, been invented, at the time of Copernicus there. Is no doubt that he would have soon realized, that his contention, regarding. The rotation, of the earth was, wrong on, account, of the relation, existing, between the speed of an aircraft and that of the Earth's rotation. If. The earth rotates. As, it is set at 1,000. Miles an hour and a plane flies in the same direction at only 500. Miles it, is obvious that it's place of destination will, be farther removed every, minute on the other hand if flying, took, place in the direction opposite, to that of the rotation. A distance. Of. 1,500. Miles would be covered in one hour instead. Of 500, since. The speed of the rotation is to be added to that of the plane, it. Could also be pointed, out that such a flying, speed, of 1,000, miles an hour which, is supposed, to be that of the Earth's rotation, has. Recently. Been, achieved, so, that an aircraft flying at this rate in the same direction as, that of the rotation, could not cover any ground at all it. Would remain suspended, in, midair over the, spot from which it took off, since, both speeds, are equal, if. Earth and its atmosphere were. Constantly, spinning eastwards. Over 1,000. Miles per hour landing. Airplanes, on such fast-moving. Runways, which face all manner, of directions. North south east. West, and, otherwise, would be practically, impossible yet. In reality such fictional. Concerns, are completely negligible. Organization. Tells. Me. To. Ignore. All. Five senses. When. An organization of, pseudoscience, is, tell, me. To. Go completely against, what all. My, senses tell me that we're, stationary and, flat. The. Berger proof is on them is on. You Sun. Worshiper, the. Burden of proof is on you I. See. It it's it's flat it's a moveable and I'll go outside when I send a camera. Without. GoPro. Or, fisheye. Lens, when. I send a, balloon, up a hundred, thousand, feet it shows the horizon. Flat I. Can't. Go against that. When. I see skyline. Sixty. To a hundred miles. Away. When. Spherical. Geometry. Says, they. Should be beaten, behind a lot. Of sites behind. The curve. One. All. This stuff, isn't adding, up when. Were, able to send. 360-degree. Cameras, panned. 360. Degrees you know what that means, Oh what's. It supposed to, look like a 360. Great camera let's. See the edges, with slightly curved. Constantly. If we're on a a ball. Think. About. There. Are some people that are so. Indoctrinated. So. Full of cognitive. Dissidence. They're.

Batshit, Crazy. CD, makes an, individual. Makes. Them have scatterbug, makes him jump all over the place. When. Entertainers. Like b.o.b and until, it's akela started, talking, about it in Twitter, sometimes. In all caps which as you know lends a lot of credibility I guess and POV, in particular. Was, was. Involved, with a Twitter, a Twitter, beef a, healthy, conversation, a spirited. Discussion, with. Scientists, Neil deGrasse Tyson, over. The, shape, of the earth and how. So. Many people's that believe it's a sphere do. So many people believe it's a sphere because there is a vast conspiracy or. Do so many people believe it's, a sphere because it's, true. This. Leads us to an interesting question, which, is how much of this propagation, of this, Flat Earth theory, on the. Part of entertainers. Can. Be traced to a, sincere. Belief, on. A marquee. Flat, Earth clues part, 3 the. Mapmakers, this is. Part of a series of clues that can help you get your head around both the design of the Flat Earth system, we live in and who. Has been involved in the deception to hide it from you this, clue looks into the USGS, otherwise, known, as the map makers of the world and. A few surprising. Things that they and others have in common with, the Flat Earth idea, all. The, reference links are provided in the description below and. I encourage, you to check them out for, those of you outside of the United States USGS. Stands for United States Geological Survey, a scientific. Branch of the US government, formed. In 1879, and, with the help of the ever-expanding American. Empire they. Quickly became the premier, map makers of the known world. Currently. They, have around 9,000, employees and an, annual budget of over, a billion dollars a year. They. Also have extensive science, departments, covering, biology, geography. Geology. Hydrology. And many, programs tied, to them their. Motto since the 1990s, has been science. For a changing world, and I'm, gonna show you how, true that really is what. Does this large really. Boring government, group have to do with the Flat Earth, to. Understand, that you have to look into their origins, which. Is in geography, to. Do this you'll, need to open another page that specializes, in maps, the. Maps you see in this video are from Wikipedia, but there are others you can reference as well, the. Wiki list of map projections, isn't, much to look at as a whole although. There. Are a number of interesting takes in the world view, not. Only do they have just about every perspective when it comes to the land we live on, but. Some detailed information, on where the map originated, including, name type the. Origin, or creator and the, year the map perspective, was proposed, now. Some of these will be very familiar especially. The ones that you would see on your classroom, wall there. Are a number of variations here, but. The one that has been debated on recently, would be this one the, galls Peters. Which. Accurately shows the size difference, between the continents the most obvious clue being that the white continent, of Greenland, is actually, tiny compared. To Africa, but. I digress, if. You keep going down through all the different shapes you'll. Get into circular, maps but. Only one of these is a top-down perspective that. Shows the continents, in the center surrounded. By, an unbroken Ring of ice in, wiki. It's, called the azimuthal. Equidistant, and, just. To make it easier I'm going to abbreviate and call it a e for, short. Why. Is this map so interesting, well. If you're looking at the wiki page you'll, spot a few reasons the. First is, that. In the notes section of the map and I, quote. Used. By the USGS, in. The, National atlas of the United States, it. Also mentions, that, it is used as the emblem of the United Nations of. All, the maps on this screen it. Is, the only one that references. A group, of any kind, and, if. You keep this page open and, navigate, over to the Flat Earth section, of wiki you'll. Notice towards the bottom of the page a similar, map, I've. Referenced it here and you can tell quite easily it's identical, but. Not referenced, or linked, as the, AE model. To. Make things even more strange, we go back to the usgs model and you, see that it was first proposed, a thousand, years ago and you, may think well that's, a bad link, so. You compare, it with the person who proposed, it and you get this guy al. Biruni. Who. Was al biruni well. He lived around a thousand, years ago it was considered one of the greatest scholars, of his era schooled. In multiple, sciences. Have you ever heard of him I hadn't.

Maybe. It's multiple, bad references, in wiki well. No because. NASA, knows who he is and named, this moon crater after him so. Why is the USGS, using. A version of the world map designed, by a thousand-year-old, Persian, scientist. Because. It's correct that's. Why so. To be clear let's. Compare them again, the. United nations flag the. Usgs. Official, map of the earth and. The. Flat Earth model all. Identical. But. One isn't recognized, and instead, ridiculed. As an, outdated look at the world and. This. Is one of those political. Quandaries that. The authority gets stuck in the. Short version is this, the. Government is on, the same page as the, Flat Earth but. They can't admit it even in confidence. We. Know the earth isn't flat they, say but. It really is. We. Know you use the same map as we do but. Ours is just an image, and. Anyone who says differently is obviously. Crazy, it. Makes you wonder how long the USGS, has been using that model has an official reference. The. United Nations started using it for their logos in 1945. And then. Made some final adjustments in 1947. And the UN. Flag also, raises, a few questions like, why. Isn't Antarctica, represented, on the map is it. Supposed to be assumed in the outer circle, or perhaps, the spiky olive branches on the outside. They. Don't mention it anywhere, online. And. This is what I'd like to focus on the. Gaps the. Holes in the plot the. Unanswered, questions, the. USGS using, the same map as the Flat Earth but. Not saying why not. Recognizing. It or, that. You can't link the very same image from the Flat Earth wiki, back to the actual AE definition. Of the projection. The. Authority figured out in the 1950s, all the, borders of our enclosed world and, have, done a great job hiding, it over the decades but. The world is a complex, place and, there. Are clues out there just lying around I think. It's time you saw some of them so. Do some of your own research and, ask questions, please, feel. Free to email me at em sergeant 23 at Comcast net, or. Three oh three four. Nine four six. Six three one. Now. After, world war ii, during September. 1957. Pope, John the 23rd, gave. Jesuit, theater, broader, horizons. With his encyclical. Mirror, and approach. -. And. This is what he wrote. Men. Must be brought into closer, communion. With one another, they.

Must Become, socially. Minded a viewed of social, doctrine. The. Technical, arts cinema sound. Broadcasting. And television, can achieve the same far, more easily than, the printed word the. Catholic Church is keenly desirous. That these means be converted. To the spreading and advancement. Of everything, that can be truly called good, I. Want. To remind you that in, the. Occult, world in the etheric. World, good becomes evil, and evil becomes, good so, if somebody says something is, good. You could. In your mind justice, the drug and, say, evil, was trial. Embracing. As she does the whole of human, society. Within, the orbit of a divinely. Appointed mission. She, is directly. Concerned, with the fostering, of civilization. Amongst, all people. So here is a move to, embrace all of. Humanity. That. Means all of humanity, must receive, the same mindset. John. Xxiii. That. Pious national, folks reviewing. Offices, be entrusted to mainly, while experienced. In cinema, at. The same time we, urge that the, faithful and particularly, those who. Are. Militants. In. The cause of catholic. Action. Added. There that, must be the Jesuits. And their Protege. Where. Are the ones being. Suitably. Instructed. So that they may appreciate, the need for giving, these offices, they're willing United. And. Effective. Support. In. 1964. Pope Paul, the sixth. Amplified. This. Encyclical, mirror. On the forces with. The decree, intermarry. Freak amongst. The wonders, and. What he said is stunning. He. Said quote. It. Is, the, church's. Birthright. To, huge, please, not to. Use, and. All. The. Press. The. Cinema. The. Radio. Television. And. Others. Of like. Nature. That must include the Internet. So, how much of the media world does he control. Do. They want to control, own and, control. Oliver. Oliver. Then. He cited a special, responsibility for. The proper, use of the means of social, communication. Which. Rests, on journalists. Writers, actors. Designers. Producers. Exhibitors. Distributors. Operators. Sellers. Critics. So. Even, that which you hear about that, which is done by them. Will be done by, them so the critics, will be either, on, this. Side or that, side of, the spectrum. Using. High gallium. Dialectic. To, sell confuse, you that you don't know whether your author or, Martha at the end of the, day. So. It is the church's, birthright. Not. Only to own but. To control, all. Media. Social. Media. The. Quality, of the entertainment, content was, decreed, in a section, of in turmeric. Encouraging. The chronicling. The description. The representation. Of moral. Evil. Which. Can with the help of the means of social communication and. With suitable. Dramatization. Lead. To a deeper, knowledge and, analysis. Of man, and to, manifestation. Of the true and the good in, all, their, splendor. Here's. The battle for the mind good and evil, now. What. Good'll evil. Biblical. Nice. Good. And evil. Or. Worldly. But good.

And Evil. Is, a theory, good. And evil. Well. Let's continue, emboldened. By this papal decreased, social, communicators. Have. Been talking, about free. Speech, and, all of the issues, that are. Involved. Now. If, we take. Cognizance. Of the fact that, there. Are two own. Control. All, the. Media and to, use, it to instill. Mindsets. In people. Then. I would like to know, how. This, is achieved. Without. Anyone, knowing how, it's done. Isn't. That what the general, soldier, said, we. Have to achieve things. Without, anyone. Knowing, how. It's. Done and, we. Must never, ever be, the target. It's, always good to use the enemy, to do the work for you and even. If you represent. The, enemy, you will pretend, that you are not the enemy, that someone else is the enemy, so that it's never you there's always a fun. You. I. Watched. A video from, my, perspective his, video is called flat earth sunbeams. Part, 1 that's, outside, ago and, let, me try that but, I just kind of ran and I grabbed some cardboard I, cut some. Holes in it and I wanted to see how the Sun reacts coming, through so, here. I am raising. It high over my head tell, her about 8 feet away from, this and the. The. Light doesn't, diverge. Or, spread. Out you. Know it doesn't splay, out like. We see the crepuscular, rays and. This. Suns far away just, like in heliocentric. Model the, Sun is far away right 93, million miles away from, our clouds. But. We see the Sun race playing, out from the clouds as though it were a closed Sun, and not a faraway, Sun, well, you. Can see when it is far away the light beams are parallel, and they don't splay out or, diverge. From the clouds. So. Then I got a little bit more sophisticated, I went inside and I cut some nicer holes and another cardboard. You. Know my budget went up and here. They are and I put, some CGI, here, I put some, beams. In there you can see they are dead, straight. No. Splaying, out and, then, you can also there's a part. Here where I have it up overhead and I had the same results, no.

Splaying. Out so. This is the example of the Far Away Sun, that. The Rays this, is what we should experience, coming through the clouds the rays. From the Sun that's. Almost, a million miles in diameter and, 93. Million miles away, when. Those rays get here they should be parallel, and dead straight or, if we don't see them as dead straight we see them splaying, out or, diverging. From the cogs, something's. Not right here. So. What I would like to say to. Everyone out there and this, is geared more that's. Ashle towards, all. Of you that are out there attacking, people for, questioning. Where. We live. We. Are at the point where, it's not a debate. Debate. Time is, over, there is no debate. We. All need to prove anything. They. Don't need to prove a model. We. Don't need to do anything all. We need to do is just keep piling, evidence, of stacking. Evidence. Upon. Evidence, upon evidence upon evidence and that's what's been happening all these, observations. That. You see when. These videos are posted. Mountains. Being seen off in the distance behind. Other. Mountain, peaks. Wha-hoo. Being. Seen from Kauai. Over. You know a 90 plus miles. Videos. Like those. Are. Clear, evidence. Of missing. Curvature. The. Chicago, skyline. Daters. Countless, videos with this type of evidence, the. 40g see behind, me. Is, evidence, oh this, is our balloon, footage, of a hundred twenty-one thousand, feet up, and. You see a flattered. That's. Why this video was so. I chose this footage, to put behind me, and. To those of you out there that say you know I saw a few people that were pretty upset on, my last video. Saying. Oh they gave like eat our green screen, to to. Talk about the flat earth who gave me the green screen. Nobody. Came in the green square I've bought the green screen. Anybody. Can do that these, gamers go out there and buy green screens and set up an elaborate, studio, for themselves to play. Video, games and. You. Know haptic. Feedback round. Worthy, where, they're sitting be. Basically. Taken. Out and put the game in behind them situate, themselves inside, the game like, I'm doing here for this flat or footage. It's. Not a big deal. Any. Of us can do this so imagine, with us doing this and creating, simple, Studios. From where we're located. What. Do you think NASA. Has. Been doing all this time all the straight footage they've. Had these technologies. Like this was long ago. So. Right there, Yeltsin. To. Say that I got, it you know I went ahead and got a green screen or somebody, gave me a green screen to do this is, ridiculous. If. You turn up the exposure, you, can see the stars in the back. Every. Photoshop. Expert can tell that, this image has been digitally, manipulated. Here. We, can see a square like shape just, look around to this star. Here. We have a set of matching, stars. Take. A look at this. This. Is another square looking shape. I'm. Not quite sure what, is this this. Is an obvious mistake, performed. By the employee, who, got the task a Photoshop, a computer-generated, image of. A ball earth, my. Friend, this, right here, is a red flag a. Flower. From Shanghai, going, to Munich. Germany, now. This young lady that passed away. Y'all rest are sold but. What, can be gleaned from the flight is, if. You pull up the link the. Article link below you can see this Whitney, is, what, went down was. That, they. Had to stop off at, an. Airport. Due. To a medical emergency and. What. Actually went down is, when they touch down this, airport. You, know they they had to take a. Stop. Off in flying, at what was. Going on though with the situation. Is. Here. Is the airport. Worried, up, here okay, so on the globe flight it makes no sense. To. Go up there now you might say look it was an emergency, look, guys all of China's, right here there's, so many, places to, stop along. The way you, just can't get me to Bob they had to go all the way over. That. Far into. Lo, multiple. Countries over. Okay. If they're needing them emergency. Land or not there's plenty place to but, it you know on the flat earth that makes perfect sense cuz that's where they were flying across but. Just, bear with me a moment and, as, you can see right here Shanghai. De, Germany, should never, at any point in time uh. Crossed. Mother Russia except. For a through here I mean it just should not because Munich. Is actually. You know if we're looking at Munich it is down in the four corner.

Breaches, Of Germany. Right there so, there's no reason. At any point, I mean that is so far. Off the Nile. To. Go up there it's just it, makes absolutely. No sense until. We. Pull up the world with the most high y'all created. And we, see that flying, from. Shanghai. To Germany. Would put you rot over on. That, area in Russia and, rot near. That Airport then it. All starts. Coming together. Caught. On camera. Amazing. Moment, a woman, gives birth to a. Premature baby, girl, at 30,000. Feet on, a. Airplane. Flight, from Taiwan, to Los Angeles. What. Does this have to do with the Flat Earth well. Here. It is folks check, this out, I'm gonna read the actual, page, here, from, Daily Mail Co, UK. Dated. October, 13 2015. This is the published, time and. Date. China. Airline. Flight, landed. In Alaska. With. An extra passenger, the. Newborn baby after, expecting, the mother to. Give birth to a baby girl. Several. Weeks a little bit early. Taiwan. To Los Angeles fight. Was forced, to make an emergency landing. On. Thursday. After. A Taiwanese. Passenger. Water. Broke. Six. Hours into the. Nineteen. Hour journey. Okay. So. Listen up. We. Have Taiwan. And. We have Los Angeles, it's pretty straight, flight rate across the Pacific Ocean agreed. Agreed. Alaska. Is. Way. Up north on, top, of Canada. Okay. Why. Is it that. The. Emergency. Stop. Went. To Alaska. Okay. Doesn't, makes any sense. Well. This. Is the this is the Fox here folks check this out all right, skeptics. Leave. Your. Globe. There's. A sphere. Not a ball. Well. If we take a look at these pictures here, this, is going to explain, everything, here we have the map of vehicle. These. Are the destination. Points, so, from Taiwan, -. Yeah. It's a pretty straight flight but, they. Take, a detour, and go to Alaska. We. Can reason, intelligently. Only, from what we know and without, demonstrated. Facts, are fancied, knowledge, is worse than ignorance, with. Those who take no delight and true history, the, proverb, may apply where, ignorant, is bliss it is folly to be wise. It. Has been quite often remarked. That all history, is uncertain. Whether. It's true to the extent, there, would be no use in attempting, to show the value of that which may be known. With. Certainty. While. It is true that the detail or minute events, of profane, historians. May disagree it. Is also equally. True that the more valuable, part of history rests, on immovable, monuments. Which, admit, of no uncertainty. In their prime character. And results. To. The student, of history sacred. Or profane the, decline, and fall of great empires, is no less important. And instructive. Than their origin, and rise, to. Him who wishes to know his approximate. Whereabouts, in the history, of mankind it's, physical, duration. And that of his fellow beings the pleasure and permanent, satisfaction does. Not consist, in highly, colored pictures, of crime nor, eloquence, or rhetoric of the writer but, truth in its simplicity. The. Facts, of four Universal. Monarchies, or kingdoms, having. Existed, on the earth in times of the past like in Babylon. Macedonia. Persia, and Greece, no. Person, of ordinary intelligence. Will deny. History. And historians. Pyramids. And monuments, and. Excavated. Ruins, relics. Etc. Are too, numerous. For any successful, controversy. On the part of the skeptic, further. That, so sure as there existed, the first Universal. Kingdom so, sure there exists, did Nebuchadnezzar. The king of Babylon and. Daniel. A Hebrew. Captive. If. You did like this video give. It a thumbs up and if, you didn't like it give it a thumbs down, if, you haven't, subscribed, hit. The red subscribe button. Also. Click on a little bell icon to. Get notifications. Of my Flat Earth videos. Which, I upload every day. And. As always thank. You so much for watching I'll see you.


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