Stay Tuned NOW with Gadi Schwartz - March 24 NBC News NOW

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good evening thanks for tuning in I'm Gotti Schwartz coming to you from Los Angeles and here's some of the stories we are watching tonight a death threat and an envelope of white powder is sent to the Manhattan district attorney just hours after former president Donald Trump warned about quote death and destruction if indicted then Gwyneth Paltrow is being sued for allegedly running down a retired optometrist on a ski slope but she says it's the other way around and on the fourth day of the trial she's taking the stand there have been two separate attacks on U.S forces in Syria in the last couple of days one of them killing an American contractor now the Pentagon has launched an airstrike we will always reserve the right to respond appropriately if our forces are threatened on this final day of water week we have a special report looking at why millions and millions of children are without safe drinking water and how it's leading to thousands of deaths a day and we're going to show you something that feels like the future might be moving way too fast we've been talking a lot about artificial intelligence answering questions but what about AI that can literally read your mind stay tuned for more [Music] and yet another celebrity trial is dominating headlines this time in Utah all over a skiing accident in 2016 involving Gwyneth Paltrow She's accused of crashing into another skier Terry Sanderson and according to the lawsuit causing a concussion of brain injury four broken ribs and then fleeing the scene but Paltrow says that is not what happened at all she is counter-suing saying that Sanderson is exploiting her wealth and celebrity and claiming that Sanderson crashed into her not the other way around Mr Sanderson categorically hit me on that ski slope and that is the truth and and I'm sure that that's what you believe I'm not saying because it's the truth and Gwyneth Paltrow also claimed that this was not a hit and run that she didn't did leave her information at the scene I would not have left the scene without leaving my information and my information was left I I didn't engage in Risky Behavior I wouldn't with my children there or without my children there and Terry Sanderson was also in the courtroom today but he hasn't spoken yet in court NBC News correspondent Maggie Vespa joins us now Maggie we're so used to seeing Gwyneth Paltrow on screen but today we saw her on the stand she didn't seem to hold back so how how is this all playing out yeah so essentially as you said she answered every question really directly and she was adamant she said unequivocally this guy plowed into me on his skis in fact she said he hit her from behind she didn't even see it coming and she said it multiple times even when the plaintiff's attorneys who were the ones compelling her to testify even when they said couldn't you have been distracted by your kids saying mommy watch me ski or haven't you said in interviews before including they referenced a clip on Jimmy Kimmel that you're clumsy and you like run into things isn't it possible that you were maybe behaving a little recklessly because you were excited to ski and you were excited to be at this Resort and she kept saying No this is what happened he ran into me here's one answer that she gave kind of during one of those exchanges take a listen I was skiing and two skis came between my skis forcing my legs apart and then there was a body pressing against me and there was a very strange grunting noise so my brain was trying to make sense of what was happening I thought am I is this a practical joke my mind was going very very quickly and I was trying to ascertain what was happening and she was kind of explaining there how during like a traumatic moment sort of an adrenaline fueled moment your brain kind of slows down and you're recording almost every nanosecond and certain parts of of what's happening to you because they were asking if she could have seen him coming if she heard something ahead of time and she said I'm just telling you what I remember and that again had Gotti she kept saying despite what the plaintiff says he is the one that ran into me so two directly conflicting accounts Gotti and as I understand it Paltrow's team is is now expected to take over next week right what can we expect from them right so the plaintiff has presented his case as attorneys have saying that she plowed into him she has said the opposite um when cross-examined now her team takes over and two key Witnesses who have we have yet to hear from will be taking the stand or at least are expected to take the stand and those are her kids her daughter apple and her son Moses who were 11 and 9 respectively at the time and were on the ski slopes again skiing with her and in front of her they are going to give their account of what they say happened Paltrow was very clear they saw the aftermath they did not see the crash but again she maintains the plaintiff crashing into her that's why she's countersuing for all of One Dollar Plus attorney's fees in this case Scotty such a fascinating case Maggie thanks so much and American military forces are on Alert in the Middle East after two bases came under attack in the last 48 hours the Pentagon thinks Iran is behind both attacks and let's pull up a map real quick to show you what's going on yesterday a drone attack killed one U.S contractor in Northeast Syria in retaliation President Biden authorized two separate airstrikes against iranian-affiliated forces there then militant groups launched rockets at another U.S base uh it's clear that these iran-backed groups these militant groups that Tehran is supporting they don't want to see the United States presidents in Iraq they don't want to see it in Syria and they're retaliating what price does Iran pay uh for continuing to supply drones that that Target U.S Service uh men and women and and and and kill Americans well a couple of things first of all uh they paid a price last night with these retaliatory strikes that the president ordered and they'll continue to pay that kind of cost uh if they continue to strike and attack our facilities and our people and just yesterday a U.S general told Congress that Iran has been responsible for attacks against U.S forces 78 times

in the last few years Iran has previously denied that and has not acknowledged these recent strikes and if you're wondering why are American forces still in Syria here's NBC News Chief foreign correspondent Richard Ingle to explain according to the Pentagon an iranian-made drones struck a coalition base in Syria housing American troops and killing one American contractor wounding five service members and another contractor U.S troops quickly responded with air strikes against iranian-backed militias also in Syria we don't hear much about American troops in Syria but they have been there for years in small numbers right around a thousand Elite American Special Forces operating in this country they are in the country and have been in the country fighting Isis trying to prevent Isis from reconstituting but Iran does not want their presence there Iran sees the American Military presence right next to Iraq not far from Iran as a threat to Iran's influence across the region so it seems that Iran is stepping up its attacks against American troops to make it more painful for the Americans to stay in that country with the hope that the Americans will pack it in and leave allowing Iran to spread its influence even more across the region and now for an update on a story we brought you last week about that nuclear power plant leak near Minneapolis well now authorities say they found another radioactive leak and they are shutting down that nuclear power plant temporarily officials say there isn't any danger to the public and that new leak was coming from a temporary fix to the original leak that happened way back in November and NBC's Jesse Kirsch is following all of this for us Jesse people who live nearby they are being told not to worry they are safe which is the same thing that they were told last week but just to recap here the first leak happened in November the public wasn't told till March then another leak was detective are people having trouble trusting authorities here yeah so I think we've heard some mixed reaction got out of that Community but here's what the company says at the heart of this they believe the company says that when this first leak happened they put in place something that they've compared to a container just think of it as a bucket essentially trying to collect that water as it was leaking out of the piping the company believes that that water which was being collected may have overflowed and thinks that may be what is causing this second leak the company says that the piping at the center of this is part of the original infrastructure from this plant it says that is more than 50 years old Gotti and Jesse any update on whether there could be any radioactive contamination into the river you see those shots from the chopper there and you can see how close the river is to this plan yeah obviously that's something that would be a concern for people in the community here's part of what was shared at a press conference from officials it's very unlikely that this tritiated water could reach the drinking Supply Monticello's intakes Ritz drinking water are actually Upstream from this Becker's intakes are actually across the river so it's really not physically possible for that tritiated water to reach those Wells oh the company says there's no drinking water or safety or environmental concerns and local officials say the public water system is not impacted furthermore gaudy Federal officials say that in small Trace Amounts there you can see this material tritium in groundwater worldwide but says that it is something that doesn't go far when it is in the air and says it is not something that can penetrate the skin Gotti Jesse thanks for keeping an eye on it for us and add to a possible Tick-Tock ban the controversy that is pitting lawmakers against young voters a tech giant against the government and China against the U.S we've been hearing from experts from lawmakers in Congress and the white house but so far we haven't heard from the average Tick-Tock user unless of course you're scrolling the for you page and if you're not on Tick Tock we did it for you take a look if this platform gets banned we are in so much trouble because that right that freedom of speech that we have on this platform to educate other people is going to be stripped away from us we just might wake up the next day Tick Tock will no longer be on our phones what the hell are we going to do so you also got to remember that that is what the tick tock algorithm is serving up on its own app but tonight a new poll is also giving us a rare glimpse into how younger voters really think about this issue and a majority of gen Z voters show those between the ages of 18 to 26 oppose a ban of the app but it might not be as many as you think and it turns out a majority of millennial voters were talking those between the ages of 27 and 42 support a ban tick tock's active users here in the United States now tops 150 million this year and gen Z and Millennials make up a large percentage of that let's bring in the brain behind this poll and so many other polls when it comes to the pulse of young voters director of polling at Harvard Kennedy School Institute of politics John de la Volpe John this poll is for your company social sphere you study the attitudes of young voters more closely than anyone I know I saw you tweet that this was an eye-opener for you why it was got a you know so many times I've tweeted about the generational Gap in America today usually talking about you know gen Z versus gen xers and Baby Boomers right but now what we found for the first time in my research that there's a significant generation gap between gen Z and Millennials it's not really about values but it's about technology and and this exact issue that we're talking about with uh with Tick Tock you have a solid majority at this stage of gen z a pose a band while you have a majority of Millennials at this stage support a band this is the first time we've seen such a disconnect were you surprised by the majority of Millennials that were supporting a band here well um not really once we dug into the numbers Gotti and what we found was that essentially seven in ten gen Z voters are regularly using Tick Tock they're using it for entertainment purposes they're using it for for dance videos for prank videos for outdoor videos for for some politics they're also using it for like life hacks and advice it's essential to who they are um they they talk about it makes them it makes them feel like feel United and connected to other members of uh of of their of their generation and I I think of it's it's it's gen Z's version of like Seinfeld you know to to what gen xers might have had it's their daily entertainment so for Millennials they just grew up in a different era technology moves so quickly and they are far more connected to to to Facebook to Twitter and to to Instagram to some to some to some extent now we saw the split about the band but there also seems to be unanimous concern over the apps ties to China possible misuse of personal data right sixty percent of gen Z voters are concerned about misuse of personal data versus 72 percent of Millennials I mean it's almost like hey Tick Tock is fun it's risky but it's fun is that is that kind of what the poll is bearing out here well what what the what we see and as the pole evolved Gotti is we shared information similar to the information that lawmakers were sharing you know yesterday during the testimony and what we saw was that the public opinion even among gen Z is malleable there was a a net 11 Point shift towards Banning Tick Tock even among gen Z once they learned information about the connection to to to China about the extent to which China is collecting personal data the extent to which China or or byte dance the owner of tick tock has the ability with their algorithms to shape a opinion public opinion and also potentially to to use that personal data uh you know kind of as blackmail potentially in the future those are some of the the of the chief concerns that lawmakers have and when we share those with members of the of the Gen Z voter population opinion did shift huh you've talked about the political consequences too of banning Tick-Tock I think you said disrupting or censoring one of gen Z's main entertainment Outlets without clearly communicating the personal and National Security risks would meet a certain backlash I think that's a very important caveat there would you would you say that a tick tock band could be a political suicide for President Biden if it's not communicated right I'm not I'm not willing to go that far got it got it um I I do think there is a pragmatism and I don't think it would ever get to a point where there would be a ban without like an all hands on deck kind of communication of uh of what's at stake in terms of in terms of National Security what we did find though just to give you some some context is that the risks associated with China are pretty low down the uh down the list when we ask members of gen Z in terms of what the greatest risks are to America so there has to be a lot of Education a lot of communication about the the National Security threats of China and specifically the use of this technology I think before younger people would be would be ready to support some sort of uh ban but at the end of the day we did ask if it should happen what kind of what would your opinion be and we we found more people disappointed than angry so again that gives me some some sense that they wouldn't be that um that political suicide perhaps that you mentioned for for politicians who supported the band more disappointment than anger fascinating John Denver thanks so much for the update looking forward to to seeing what you find next of course and tonight the CEO of tick tock is finding himself in a bit of a pickle you see yesterday he spent nearly six hours testifying before Congress trying to create some distance between the app and its Chinese owners well today that might have unraveled a bit after China stepped in and said it would strongly opposed a forced sale of tick tock the Biden Administration recently said it wants tick tock's Chinese owners bite dance to sell the app or face a possible ban in the U.S but China's Ministry of Commerce has said selling would undermine the confidence of investors from various countries including China to invest in the United States NBC News foreign correspondent Janice Mackey Frayer has more well Tick Tock CEO is being grilled on Capitol Hill yesterday trying to distance the company from China's government officials here decided to weigh in on the debate over selling Tick Tock to an American company by basically saying it'll never happen any sale or spin-off by tick tock's parent company bite dance which is based here in Beijing would be subject to Chinese law on the export of certain Technologies like algorithms based on National Security concerns it's the algorithms that make Tick-Tock so successful now U.S lawmakers say they're worried about National Security that China's government could force bite dance to hand over user data or other information on Americans using the app Tick Tock CEO says they never have and they never will and he adds that forcing a sale would actually do little to address the fundamental concerns about data flows and access a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs here yesterday said that China has never made those demands of a Chinese company doing business elsewhere and accuses the U.S

of a quote xenophobic Witch Hunt in its pursuit of a Tick-Tock ban now ironically Tick Tock is already banned here there is a Chinese version of the app called doya it's also wildly popular and it's also heavily censored now China's clear opposition on this issue leaves the body Administration with new obstacles and no clear next move whether to impose a ban on an app that is a big part of American culture now or confront Beijing Tick Tock banned in China important reminder there Janice Mackie for you thanks so much and still ahead we are keeping an eye on severe weather in the South where a line of storms is bringing a strong potential for tornadoes Bill Karens will be here with the forecast and remember these pictures from earlier this week this is right here in California so how is it possible that the state is still in a drought we're going to explain coming up next [Music] thank you now we've got some breaking news right here out of La the Los Angeles Unified School District and school Workers Union SEIU Local 99 have finally come to an agreement now the school district says that the new agreement not only increases salaries for roughly 30 000 people but it also expanded health care benefits for part-time employees move comes just one day after school workers and teachers ended their strike which kept roughly a half a million students out of the classroom for three days and a line of strong storms is sweeping through the South tonight tornado alerts are in effect from Texas to the Tennessee Valley and just look at what's already happened in the town of Poolville Texas right now 15 million people are at risk of extreme weather especially between Baton Rouge and Nashville and another 17 million people are under flood alerts as the northern side of this weather system is bringing flood threats from Oklahoma to Arkansas and all the way to Pennsylvania joining us now is NBC News meteorologist Bill Karen's bill uh what are the storms looking like right now uh Gotti up to this point I mean to be honest this has been a lot more tranquil than we were fearing earlier today it's not over with it it only takes one tornado to make it a horrific evening but up to this point we haven't had any tornado reports no damage no injuries now this tornado watch does go till midnight so we still got a ways to go and that's central time too so we have a ways to go until we get the all clear on this we do have a couple really strong thunderstorms we're watching one of them is just North of Greenville I'll show you that in a second we've been watching what we call a supercell just outside of Jackson Mississippi the supercells are individual storms they're not on a line like this and those are the ones that can produce really big tornadoes and what we call Long track tornadoes ones that are on the ground for a while that's what we were fearful going in tonight so far up to this point we haven't had any of those we have had a very strong thunderstorm there is a tornado warning with this one this is Greenville Mississippi this is the Mississippi River going north here and just in the north of this and towards Cleveland Mississippi this is a tornado warning so I'm sure the tornado sirens are going off right now everyone is getting into their safe room and of course we'll let you know if anything materializes out of that so as far as the risk the storms are right now on this line here so we've already gotten through this portion of the storm system now in the next couple hours so we're about halfway through so we still could get some strong storms if we get any strong tornadoes it would be in Tennessee in Mississippi as we go throughout the next couple hours then it should be more of a wind damage threat towards Northern Alabama and through the Nashville area that's going to happen late that'll wake people up uh probably a little after midnight uh Tennessee time so as far as the flash flooding goes little Rocks Under a flash flood warning you had about an hour of just constant storms and a lot of lightning so you're hopefully going to dry out here as we go throughout the overnight we have one other flash flood warning there just north of Poplar Bluff so the flash flooding could continue through the night about one to two inches in general but if you get any training of those thunderstorms we could get a little more and finally Gotti the other thing that's gotten worse instead of better the snow forecast the storm will be cold enough for a band of heavy wet snow tonight Chicago I'll go probably see snowflakes but not a lot of accumulation but yes Milwaukee up to a half a foot of heavy wet snow power outages could occur and also areas from Cadillac Michigan that's possible 6 to 12 inches of guys imagine that you know you're starting to enjoy your spring beautiful weather and then you wake up on a Saturday your first spring weekend the eight inches of snow ah just as long as that's not in California is that what it's looking like in the next couple of weeks here on the West Coast too again I'm sure you've already been hearing the buzz people are already talking about the next storm this one's going to be Monday into Tuesday so let me give everyone I don't want to skip over your weekend of course so the weekend forecast you know pretty quiet through much of the country the Intermountain West still ski country is getting a ton of snow in Wyoming Jackson Hole Steamboat uh you know the Wasatch rain Provo around Utah so Cascades are going to get some snow but again nothing really that's going to cause any harm out there through Sunday so let me take you into our next storm fast forward all the way into Monday and another big storm this is not an atmospheric River storm this is just a big old strong storm it's going to have a really low Central pressure so it could be another big windmaker almost like the last storm and yes as we go throughout Monday night into Tuesday the blue shows you heavy snow in the mountains and we're going to get some rain out of this too in the coastal areas and yes that's 18 to 24 feet of snow possible again because God you know it it's been cold in California these snow levels are still unusually over this time of year and we will get the rain with a flood threat this time it looks like more in Northern California and I know you're talking about the the drought debate in California people have been asking me so is California still in a drought it's only the northern portion of the state really is dry still the rest of the state's gotten soaked well take the rain just as long as it's not another atmospheric River NBC Bill Cairns thanks so much and the UN says that water is a basic human right and that everyone on Earth should have access to it but right now about two billion people don't have safe drinking water and nearly 4 billion don't have access to basic sanitation it is a crisis so serious that the UN held its first Water conference in over 45 years this week and they made one thing very clear we are not on track to meet our Global Water goals by the end of the decade and because of climate change the situation is only getting worse especially for young kids across Africa NBC's Stephen Romo has more access to clean water affects much more than hydration the U.N says without clean water not only are a child's health and nutrition at risk their education and safety are as well it's the tragic reality for roughly 190 million children right now in sub-Saharan Africa this is a crisis that hits the whole world indeed but I mean more so in Africa Ruben Bahia is unicef's regional advisor of Water Sanitation and hygiene or wash for West and central Africa in a recent report UNICEF found that these 10 countries are considered some of the most water insecure places on Earth those countries are facing multiple priorities we're talking about water supply here but I mean they also have priorities in terms of health you have priorities in terms of of Education in terms of livelihood of the people living there so sometimes you have then this this competing priorities in a fragile situation doesn't really help these sectors and it's where millions of children are facing a deadly triple threat of water related crises climate risks sanitation and related diseases more than 65 percent of children in these 10 countries don't have basic Sanitation Services roughly 25 percent are forced to defecate out in the open this lack of wash can cause a number of deadly diseases like cholera around the world more than a thousand children under the age of five die from diseases like this each and every day about 400 of those deaths happen in these 10 African countries alone and those countries all of them the 10 have listed here they are among the to 25 percent most hit by The Chemical Crisis the extreme weather events linked to climate change are making unpolluted drinking water harder and harder to find between 2001 and 2018 nearly three quarters of all natural disasters were water related that includes floods and droughts Zara is a climate activist from Chad where hundreds of thousands of people were affected by catastrophic floods just last year we all deserve clean water we all deserve water and I know that some of our region in chat they don't even get water I can give you an example of the water that people in my my neighborhood is drinking something like that and I hope you can see the color change and many things in chat if you want to have clean water you have to spend hours and hours that's the reason why most of the girls the Abundant school for searching water they face many problems when they go they go searching water they they maybe get raped violated UNICEF says this Water Crisis could be fixed by the end of the decade but it comes with a cost an estimated 114 billion dollars a year at least time is not for promises time is for actions if all of us we join our voices we can we can move things we can change many things we thank Steve Romo for that and coming up some utterly fantastic news out of Brooklyn NBC's Maya England will have the happy ending for that cow who really got on the Move earlier this week but first you got to see this no you are not watching a deleted scene from the movie Madagascar this is the actual footage of a zebra who escaped from a zoo in South Korea Cerro the zebra broke out of the children's Grand Park Zoo in Seoul he then decided to take on the sights of the city spending the day Galloping through Alleyways and Street traffic it was captured safely after a few hours and brought back to the zoo officials say Sarah's Behavior changed after he lost both of his parents but they've got a new plan to keep his spirits up a girlfriend so we're gonna wish the best of luck to the new couple we'll be right back and it's time now for some of the other headlines we're watching tonight police are investigating a death threat made to Alvin Bragg the Manhattan district attorney his office received a letter today that contained a small amount of white powder along with a message quote Alvin I'm going to kill you officials say the substance was not dangerous but there have been security concerns surrounding Bragg's office because of its investigation into former president Trump in Virginia the police officer who fatally shot 37-year-old Timothy Johnson was just fired that shooting happened last month during an alleged shoplifting incident where Johnson was unarmed a County's police chief says authorities are still investigating why shots were fired and King Charles was supposed to be on his way to France this weekend for his first state trip as a new monarch but that is not happening because of those intense protests that continue throughout the country last week the French government pushed through a new pension reform plan and now union leaders are calling for a national day of action next Tuesday Disney World has reached tentative deal with union leaders to up their minimum wage from fifteen dollars to eighteen dollars if approved the raise would take effect by the end of the year now check out these stunning images last night the northern lights were visible way further south than they usually are that's because of a severe geomagnetic storm that set off Dancing auroras all the way down to New Mexico Oklahoma North Carolina and if you missed it don't worry experts think this could get more common over the next few years and President Biden has been making the rounds in Canada today alongside prime minister Justin Trudeau the two debuted a border agreement today that will turn back Asylum Seekers who enter their countries without authorization this comes as the amount of migrants crossing the northern border is reaching record highs and Monica Alba joins us now from Ottawa Canada for more on this Monica break down the specifics of this new policy for us and when does it kick in Gotti it takes effect almost immediately just some hours from now technically it will be the new rules starting after midnight Eastern and this really will apply to border crossings going both ways this is for migrants who are coming from Canada into the U.S and the U.S into Canada this new agreement will essentially allow both countries to turn those Asylum Seekers around and send them back to either Country and this comes really after Canadian officials had called for a stepped up update to this 20-year-old agreement that was applying to official ports of Entry where migrants were arriving but it didn't cover unofficial border crossings and they have seen a real uptick in that in the last couple of months and so that is why the U.S and Canada have agreed now to update this new agreement and in exchange Canada is going to allow for 15 000 slots for migrants to apply to be able to stay here in Canada as a result of this in the next year Gotti do you anticipate any legal challenges to what we're seeing today it doesn't seem like it and again the Department of Homeland Security and the Canadian government is already preparing for this because they say what they take took a look at with the agreement that already does exist but of course this is something that immigration rights and Advocates even some Democrats have spoken out about saying they feel this is too restrictive President Biden and prime minister Trudeau for their part say they believe this will encourage safer more Humane legal migration and they spoke to really some of the treacherous conditions that some of these migrants have had to face up here on the northern border when they're traveling through these freezing forests to try to seek Asylum Gotti and Monica what other policy issues did Biden and Trudeau talk about today yeah migration was definitely at the top of the list but there was a lot else to deal with for one there was Haiti the humanitarian crisis there when we're seeing this uptick in kidnappings in gang violence and in deaths this is something the U.S has asked Canada to take more of a leadership position on so the two were able to talk about some other efforts they're going to be able to do and then also the modernization of NORAD which is something that really became significant in the last couple of months with that Chinese spy balloon and the aerial objects that were shot out of the sky in the weeks that followed in coordination with Canada that's something where the U.S again would like to see Canada do a little bit more to protect North American airspace those are just some of the issues here Gotti but really the president stressing this is a key relationship and a visit to Canada his first since taking office that he really has been wanting to do now for these last few years Monica Alba thanks so much and how well do you know the news our friends on Snapchat are putting that to the test kicking off our stay tuned this week segment is one of my very favorites from our own Lily umana it's something that we call Lily on the street CEO of this social media company testified before Congress as they consider a ban on the app is it tick tock or SnapChat I'm gonna say tick tock it's tick tock Guinness World Records announced the world's most popular artist can you guess who it is Beyonce it's not Miley Cyrus it's not Miley Cyrus unfortunately it's the weekend two car brands recalled over 500 000 Vehicles due to a fire risk can you guess what the car brands are yeah with our cities no no Jeep no not dead it's gonna be really disappointed yeah it starts with an age yes protests were held in this country after the president raised the retirement age is it France or Italy uh Italy it's France this celebrity took the stand in a trial involving a ski accident I totally would have missed the weekend one there my England is now here to chat with some of the other stories we've been seeing trending this week Amaya let's start with the the brutal reaction to the new I love New York logo Bloomberg described it as an iconic failure you're in New York what do you think it is a brutal reaction Gotti so that original logo was designed in the 1970s and this new Wii is meant to be inspiring and like create community support and friendship some people like it it seems like a lot of people don't we actually asked our stay tuned viewers what they thought and some of them had to say the new logo design is bad someone else said stop changing it and my personal favorite if it ain't broke don't fix it so Gotti what do you think about the design I I mean I could go either to be honest I'm so distracted by those plants how do you keep those plants alive behind you what's the secret I have to say I'm at my mom's house celebrating her birthday so this is all my mother's work oh my gosh the happiest birthday to your mom those plants are amazing one other story that's that's pretty amazing is this happy ending that we saw uh with that runaway Bull in Brooklyn can you tell us a little bit about that yeah so this is a great update from a story we told you about earlier this week there was a four-month-old calf that escaped a slaughterhouse and ran the streets of Brooklyn well his name is actually Stewie now Stewie was brought back to the slaughterhouse but that viral video caught the attention of Skylands Animal Sanctuary in New Jersey they saw it they took Stewie in and so now Stewie's gonna live the rest of his days in a peaceful sanctuary hopefully in a good mood all right no that was a good one that's a good one guys I'm done Maya thanks so much good seeing you thanks and the U.S Postal Service is honoring

the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg LX news contributor Greg Bledsoe takes us to New Orleans for that story some people you can paint and the light just comes right through she did have a kind of a twinkle in her eye beautiful eyes and when I got the call I was just thrilled I was really thrilled because it was Ginsburg she is an American icon my name is Michael Dees this will be the 25th postage stamp I've done from the U.S Postal Service uh these are some of the stamps I've done this is the first temperature was Tennessee Williams and then Marilyn Monroe Betty Davis I did that one in uh Lewis and Clark is Edgar Allan Poe Bogart duka hanamoko Cary Grant Thornton Wilder I think it's six or seven covers for Time Magazine this is the logo I painted for Columbia Pictures George Bush and Gerald Ford one of the easiest I've had to do was Ronald Reagan we couldn't miss one of the most difficult I ever had to do was Audrey Hepburn and if you were off by just the tiniest little hair it didn't look like her or it lost something Have you ever gotten a letter in the mail with a stamp on it that you painted yeah that's a kick it's it's a it's a kick it's real thrill um yeah you see a particularly nice postage stamp it kind of pulls you in it's like a little you know miniature piece of art if it's good okay this is a photograph of Ruth Ginsburg by Philip Birmingham and then from this Photograph I did a series of sketches the most typically believe it or not was her collar she had her descent collar when she was going to disagree with the rest of the course she was one specific caller trust me there's something about that collar it's geometric and if you don't get the geometry just right it is a ripple effect if you try to fake it it looks like you're trying to fake it so the pulses are they have a research company that looks into the thing and they found somebody in Europe who made a replica of it and then this is the finished version that took about two weeks at least to paint just that collar looking at their face either draws me in and I get interested like who is this person what were they really like regardless of how you might perceive her politically like she's the real deal I mean she's a so straightforward and such a clear thinker and you know not flamboyant with words very common sense how wrong it is to judge people on the basis of what they look like she made a tremendous difference in in women's rights one of the things I try to do in the stamp is um to get a little hint of a twinkle in her eye like a little bit of a rye wait I think she did have a kind of dry subtle sense of humor to add something to it I don't just copy a photograph I mean anybody can do that but I wanted to give it a little Sparkle and a little bit more of a smile this sort of delicate looking elderly woman was such a Powerhouse I hope it captures her in the best life possible I think if it's good and well printed um people notice I mean a good stamp you'll remember it thank you thanks Craig and coming up on the future of everything we've got another mind-bending story on artificial intelligence with an emphasis on the Mind part because it looks like AI is getting a whole new set of abilities that look a lot like telepathy we're going to show you next so stay tuned [Music] and what if we told you that AI could read your mind without you ever saying a word we're talking as close to computer telepathy as we've ever seen and you're about to see just that computers able to project the very pictures you're looking at just by reading the activity in your brain NBC's Jake Ward has more Jake for a decade scientists have been pursuing the ambition of being able to read our minds using computer technology but now because of the rise of artificial intelligence teams around the world are making progress on that goal the campus of the National University of Singapore Professor Helen Zhao and a team of researchers say artificial intelligence is letting them see well a version of our thoughts this subject demonstrated the process our colleague Eric right now is inside the scanner using a database of fmri scans the AI first got to see what people's brains looked like as they viewed more than 1 000 photos then it was shown only brain scans as the subjects looked at new photos using a special language of brain activity the team developed an image generator called stable diffusion then tried to recreate what each new photo had shown wow so as long as I have seen it and you know the patterns of my brain then the AI will read that out of my brain yes yes yes exactly scientists have pursued this for years but AI makes the difference here's a giraffe shown to a subject now ready here's the image the AI created and it is sometimes very different between people here's the original image of a grassy field now here's three different versions generated from three different people's brain activity now what you're seeing is a recording of previous scans not a real-time demonstration and this process is slow it requires an expensive machine and it has to be individually tailored so unless you have taken a long time to train the model on an individual it doesn't work yes at least at this stage but we're trying to generalize across subjects in the future and that future is upon us at the University of Texas another team is learning to pull word sequences using a similar technique and a multi-university team last year founded in fmri tests these regions of the brain reliably predicted whether a subject leaned liberal or conservative it is all part of a grand scientific ambition to decode and maybe even transmit thought to restore lost sight and hearing to observe Consciousness itself but research is one thing I worry that it quickly leaves that realm of well-meaning scientists to commodification of deeply personal information about people the last 30 years have seen an explosion of new brain tech companies and patent applications now as AI makes the text smaller and more powerful Duke law professor Nita farahani worries it'll be used to not just read minds but judge them this is a world in which not just your brain activity is being collected and your brain States from attention to focus is being monitored but people are being hired and fired and promoted based on what their brain metrics show even for the team leader in Singapore the prospect of a corporate use of this technology without privacy laws in place is too risky are you the kind of person that would want to wait for better governance before you let somebody decode your brain I might be the person who want to try I think once there's a commercialized product for example then we I would like to wait on the script mind reading with all its Unthinkable promise and Peril made real now experts argue that the ethical issues here are vast and are going to have to be dealt with extremely quickly but there is also of course enormous scientific questions here for one thing it's the difference between how two people see a scene that really has scientists baffled is it the AI kicking out some sort of algorithmic Randomness or is there truly a fundamental difference to how you and I perceive reality that is going to somehow be revealed in this as scientists continue to use AI to pursue the very nature of Consciousness back to you fascinating report Jake thanks so much coming up one girl's efforts to keep a stranded octopus alive until help arrived it's a rescue that's pretty tent to cool if you ask me that story coming up next foreign [Music] is incredible it is about a man who has risen above challenges in his life to create some pretty amazing art and you won't believe how he does it Julie Sherman from our NBC affiliate wvit has tonight's the best of us I've been painting this for I want to say like six to eight months meet Ryan Rosario an artist who can bring a blank canvas to life but this artist uses a different kind of technique Ryan holds his paintbrush not in his hand but in his mouth every dip into the paint every stroke of the brush every wash being a person that was so active and an able-bodied person that all of a sudden you can't move is very traumatizing in 2007 Ryan suffered a diving accident which left him paralyzed from the from the 21 years old at the time time when he was just quote figuring himself out but he would go on to do more than that Ryan discovered himself an artist with a hidden talent painting to me is kind of like my way on telling the world that I'm here and he and he plays with vibrant colors different subjects and unique materials I do love to do sneakers as much as I do painting So Far right now I think I've sold over like 20 to 25 pair of sneakers that's on top of the 100 paintings he sold across the country from Connecticut to California if you look around the room Ryan's artwork is a reminder that anything is possible he says he can't go a day without painting because it's a hobby that's helped him heal and find so much joy painting has also helped him cope after losing his wife to cancer in 2021. she was my biggest motivation so if she was here right now I know they should be so proud of me today Ryan is a single dad of three but every day he teaches his family and his supporters a powerful message I've always seen my disability as my superpower you know because you know other people think that your life is over just because you're disabled well I'm here proving to you that just because you're disabled your life continues in a whole new different way but you know so you have to find your way on making your disability your strengths what an incredible report and before we go we have this story of an amazing rescue in Washington state a little girl found a giant octopus on the beach and gave her quick thinking and it helped save her life Brady wakayama from King 5 News in Seattle has more looks like it might be ready to try to make a break for it Swift action taken by a group of people with one Mission getting this giant Pacific octopus back in the water they can't survive out of water for more than several minutes uh it collapses their gills that's Annie England with the Padilla Bay Reserve she got a call from the ranger at Bayview State Park in Mount Vernon last Wednesday about an octopus stranded on the beach it's an anticipating finding such an alive healthy octopus England credits a little girl who was visiting the beach with her family for keeping the octopus alive it was taking uh water with her little sand bucket and she was filling it up and she was pouring it on top of the octopus England says the actions taken by that little girl is the best thing you can do if you ever encounter an octopus out of the water we would never encourage the public to try to move an octopus or touch it but definitely pouring water on it and calling a local aquarium or or organization that you know works with marine animals she says finding an octopus alive out of the water is not common and says this is the first octopus rescue she and her team has ever done we had to be very conscientious of where we are putting our our hands um while we're removing the octopus uh thankfully we were able to get it into the bin and then we were able to drag it out octopus rescue England says she's relieved the mission was a success and hopes the octopus doesn't have to ever experience something like this again what a massive octopus thanks Brady for that report and that does it for us tonight happy Friday everyone I'm Gotti Schwartz we see you next week but until then stay tuned now thanks for watching our YouTube channel follow today's top stories and breaking news by downloading the NBC News app


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