Startup Spectacle by JUKTI Club of CSE

Startup Spectacle by JUKTI Club of CSE

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[Music] [Music] okay uh good evening good evening and welcome to the very first day of startup spectacle so building your own startup can be frustrating they might not even end up working always but you should not give up uh jukti brings you a start of spectacle where successful startups from all around the country are coming to share their knowledge with you this event is being organized in the memory of faint sally visionary entrepreneur and co-founder of multiple startups who sadly passed away last year today we have a very special guest tonight as our speaker mr nashidali who is the founder and ceo of cloud creative i.t and also our alumni alumnus with an extensive background of about 19 years of it telco he is advent about propelling his startup cloud creative into becoming the top cloud and i.t services company around cloud creative works hand in hand with local businesses and mcn mncs to transform their business with innovative technologies to achieve their respective goals and overall help the community at large i'm faisal moore the member of jupiter and the host for today's session and i uh wholeheartedly welcome you all so i think we can start with the first question and obviously the basic one like how did the idea for your startup come about all right thank you faisa uh thank you jukti for inviting me to talk about uh our startup journey in the startup spectacles the idea is very different than the than everyone else there's a story behind right so i started my career uh back in 1999 when i was um third year or fourth year in iub uh um i graduated in 2001 so i i started working with a startup uh worked in an isp as a system engineer and then uh worked almost uh 16 plus years in a multinational company right so when i was working in a multinational company so 16 years is a long time right so uh working with there i learned a lot um i learned how things uh new technology is coming up and everything but at the end of the 16 years i i was like not really pissing up my carrier right in terms of learning learning a lot of new technologies and others and 16 years is a long long run so then i decided uh why not i take a shot and join a startup company and build something uh from a scratch so luckily uh enough i joined uh one of the startup companies where why uh we built a local business in the cloud and and software development uh then uh after after working over there and uh some other startup for two and a half years i thought like why not we start our own why are we why we are making someone's rich right why we should start our own because uh within this 2.5 years i i just learned how the startup works because uh one of the companies i worked in in a very small rooms we have coops we have dry uh chauffeurs and but but but the basic idea was like uh to scratch something from the own so after 2018 right 2018 um based on our huge expertise in the area of i.t cloud and software business with my some of my telco co-founders we started this cloud creative to help the community at large uh in terms of cloud software development like erp cyber securities and training as well so this is this is one of the stories uh where i get because we started my career i started my career in startup and now it's it's our own child we are taking forward okay that's nice so what was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur right uh because uh working from a multinational companies we saw a huge uh uh like uh new technologies but but the cost was huge right uh and uh that time back in 2016 right 2016 um uh 2016 2018 there was not not uh moving towards the new technologies like cloud or some other ais and everything right so uh the key drivers for us for me to become an entrepreneur it's it's something like i i want to i want to provide a new technologies when we start back in 2016 in the cloud services there was a few uh companies who who were uh who knows what the cloud service is all about so i i was blessed to work with amazon to start and and we we hired one uber car and we roam around the dhaka cities we moved to let people knows and then then uh they know what is something like people people are just talking about the clouds so we need to teach them we need to learn them the technologies and everything so we get an idea uh that in back in 2016 august right so we have an idea right why not we start a seminar we invite large audience of the people and we can we can we can learn a hundred people in one shot right and luckily enough uh uh luckily enough we have like 120 people in that seminar and gradually uh during this 120 people out of this 120 people we got seven customers from there right so based on this experience based on this experience uh you know uh something that you own is uh it's much better you can move for ahead and working with the technologies uh bangladesh autobahn like something um under a catch cody right so we just want to overcome these words and work for our own and work for the passion to help the companies uh in terms of uh cloud software development of the new technologies these are the key driving areas right that's very inspiring so uh how do you uh market your startup and which tactics have been most successful okay um right so uh basically um the tactics is pretty simple so we use a lot of testing we use um mostly the growth marketing or growth hacking technologies and everything and and and also we found that uh learning uh curve is different from every company's and every organizations right so attending seminars webinars organizing seminars talk about the technologies i've been i've been uh working with amazon microsoft uh in terms of uh in terms of our company in terms of as a speaker right so that really gives us a good mileage uh to talk about our technology to to uh to also know uh what are the problems we can solve uh being on the other side of the table right and and you know what the thing is when you solve a particular problem to a people to an organization and give them of all factors in terms of service and solutions that's one of the satisfying uh faces what we see to the customers right okay uh just wait for one minute i can add on the chat so after that i'll just continue [Music] okay sorry for the interruption i think we can start now so uh what is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur uh the favorite aspects of being an entrepreneur it's just uh what we see is like to helping people right and uh you know what what the uh what we set up in this about creative is something like we provide the latest technologies of clouds we provide the uh software development or the erp on the clouds as well as we have cyber security training and some of the new technologies we worked with one of the customers for the iots it's something like uh what we call it um it's it's a buffet right it's buffet buffet or what you can say uh when you when you when you go to a restaurant you have continentals you have chinese you have banglas right so you have all the options to work so we want to set up or we set up our our business or in the cloud creative is something like when organizations or when a customers want to try out uh clouds when to try out our services we want to try out our customized training we can we can bring them every solutions what we worked for and we have uh we see a lot of traction during the poet and the biggest aspect is when we solve a particular problem to the customers when we have uh satisfying customers and referral customers when he or she brings another customers that's is one of the key achieving part what we see so far so uh going back to your questions it's it's something like uh during this scovie without before the kovitz the technology is going a very uh very uh fast right so we have to we have to move on with the technologies we have to bring latest technologies as well as uh one thing to mind that uh we need to solve a particular problem to the customers it's not only uh it's like a push cell or we are just selling our services it's something that we hear uh or we learn from our customers and we build the products by that right got it uh so i think we can uh take some questions from the comment section sure okay so over here it's uh would you say it is optimal to start uh startup during or just after university life what are your views about it and why right good question sir i i i got the same question when when i was speaking in the startup grind in in daffodil university it it it's it's a it's a two way of choice if you if you want to start uh in from the university point of view it's very good right uh because you you can you can you can learn by doing some mistakes right if you don't if you don't do the mistakes you cannot learn right uh but the but the point is uh one of the thing i all i want to stress out over here is something like you need to have experience right so you know how many times you have to fail right so you if you had like jack ma like uh you need to you need to learn by your mistakes you fall down and then you get up you fall down and then you get up it's very good to start from from if you talk about the university it's good because you don't have you have you have you are you have a young bloods so you can you can just go around you can crack the markets you can have a lot of things that are being being um experienced people cannot do right because uh when you talk about the experienced people he or she has a family to sustain he or she have some carriers here she has some communities staff but the one thing is different is something like the experience so what i uh want to tell uh to the students because i've been blessed enough to teach in iub as a faculty of csc computer science and engineering so i tell my students like start start something start from your passions make mistakes right and then you can learn get get the experience work in a community work for a com for a company and you learn and and when you learn from the mistakes when you try to talk to themselves the most uh common mistakes what people do is like they want to sell the service that's that's the common mistakes don't sell the service just learn how you can help other people listen to the customers listen to your friends showcase your products and make mistakes and just learn and but but the most important part is you need to have some experience so experience really matters that's the reason why people uh people started entrepreneurship at 40 and abroad entrepreneurship it's hard but that's how the story goes you have the experience to offer so it's it's a it's a two-way balance right so you need to have experience you need to have you need to be young but there isn't there is no time that you will see that amara shall show my night to start every time is the time you need to start that's the matter yes okay sir uh i think we have more questions okay so could you talk about the mission and vision of cloud creative okay so mission and vision is pretty simple we want to be uh we want to provide the latest technology and we want to provide less technology built on cloud because we work with amazon web services aws as well as microsoft azure and definitely we are not bound with these two companies we will uh go to the other companies if the service is available in bangladesh as well as other countries the vision and mission is simple it's like to being a local company uh to sell world-class solutions in terms of uh software development erps we have couple of products like human resource management system accounting and payrolls and others but we want to be we we have we just started it it's it's a three years journey right now so it's just started that the game just started right so the point is we have to move a long way ahead but from the mission and vision point of view we want to be the company that people can talk about and people can see that hey this is the company you can trust this is the people that can they can serve better uh in terms of the technologies that's that's what i can see to tell okay uh i think we can take one more question from the comment section okay what can cloud creative offer to the undergrads okay uh cloud creative already offered some of the good working environment to the undergrads couple of ivy peoples are also working and other peoples as well so we provide the internship we provide hands-on training as well and we provide if if the undergrads are very good in terms of programming uh we we we only focus currently in dot net and python but it's not very stick for our language we offer but these are the two language we are working on in terms of uh analytics and others so if undergrads is well uh well skilled and can work with us you're always welcome and just two heads up we already have couple of people's working and mostly from diabetes okay that's nice so personal question from me would be what do you look at in an undergrad when you are selecting them yeah uh basically a problem solving skills right because university in university will not give you everything right university give you everything how you can sustain the long run but the but the real life experiences are very different because i was also a student i am also now a teaching but we see a lot of the people a lot of the things people uh students work like hey sir i work in ai i work in machine learnings and everything these these will treat as a jargon when you cannot solve a particular problem so when we take the interviews when we talk to the people we give a hands-on a problem to solve we we want to know how you can solve the problem what will be your programming skill and what will be your technology skills as well as the programming and others so these are the particular key aspects we see in students if they can fulfill our requirements why not join the team okay thank you so much so probably you can move uh so what has been your most satisfying moment in startup uh my satisfying moments in setup because when i work in my uh startup journey not being an entrepreneur the first customer is always hard right so yeah yeah first customer is always hard and and we we were dying for the first customer so we started back in april 2018 all right uh not april 2016 when uh when i walked when i worked in a company so gradually we have our first customer in july right if we move back to my entrepreneurship journey or our entrepreneurship i mean cloud creative we started in my parents guest room right three of the founders and that guest rooms we have two customers and you know what that's the satisfying moment we have it's a very very negligible amount we got from the customers but it's not the amount it's something like we crack something it's the first uh customers we have and from our startup and from our uh guest rooms right so this is one of the greatest moments and when we gradually work with different companies like grameen phone unilever expo group aci bra uh shahoch and keeps going on and we still see that this is the day one for us like it's a there is a saying in amazon like it's always the day one so it's something like a day one to us right but but adding customers solving problems and also uh when we see the customer is talking about us and referring to the other companies that's the water satisfying moments we can share it that's something surely to look forward to so what are your ideals uh the ideals is very simple right so most of the companies uh uh we see that we they provide the service and and that's that's the end right so you know that when you buy anything like uh bihar taka by akachaka or anything less after you bought it right yeah people got changed right so this is the number the common uh phenomena um everywhere so we don't want to be uh following that's that trend we want to stay strong we want to be uh be uh service providers and and that's the one of the reason is like uh we want to have the customers uh having the service for a long run two years three years or most of them and adding customers and satisfying customers so these are the greatest uh experience we provide and uh so far the journey goes on okay so what motivates you motivates uh me or our company is uh solving problems right so uh solving problems as well as giving um giving our digital transformation solutions are helping companies our customers are individuals right now to uh to uh get them a one step ahead so as i work with my students uh i i see that the students want some guidance students want some mentorship so when we help the students or the companies or the individuals and and we see the attractions is going good and also uh learning a lot that's really motivated us to get one step ahead right and when uh when uh when i see like the companies or the customers is adding more uh more values in their business and say like hey we want to get a service or hey can i give your numbers to one of my customers or one of my uh other companies which i work for he or she will contact you for the services that's really motivated us and because we did something good to the customers including the same with the students if the student says hey sir i i was in your students or i learned uh from you or or i just know uh that calculative is working good can can i can i have an interview or can i join in the cloud creative or sir hey i i just joined in a masters or the phd and really helped really see that uh your your teaching helped me a lot that's really what debates right it's actually very motivating okay so i think we can go back to the comment section and see what the audience has to say uh what is the first obstacle sir you experienced while pitching the startup okay uh first obstacles is there are a couple of obstacles uh because when you talk about uh that's the that's the difference is we also we already also talk about the experience right so when when i teach with the startups or when i talk with the startups it's something like we talk about the experience first like hey uh we are the guys who work 19 years and or 18 years of multinational companies experience so we are not like just graduated and start these companies right we have the experienced people on boards and everything so uh from the start-up point of view the obstacle is something that we don't see a lot of business plans we don't see a lot of plan startup is a different ball game right it's it's a it's a roller coaster ride and during coffee you know every day or every month we need to change our business plans to set are are we in the right track what are the motives so the main obstacle for startups is like people just have an idea and jump on it don't do it you need to have a solid business plan you need to have a solid plans three years six months one year and you to see what what people are doing just try out with your friends and everything so the biggest obstacles is the business plan as well as the family and the friends right so uh when i walk in the multinational company people say like hey this guy worked in grameenphone this guy works in uh bangladesh but now people people say like oh a business startups right so that can be one of the obstacles but uh you need to keep mo move ahead so don't listen to them because once when when you succeed these are the people will tell like hey we we trust this guy and we know that he and she will successful so you need to move on that can be an obstacle right okay so the next question is has it ever occurred a time when your business was not doing so well and you felt demotivated if so what did you do to overcome the situation it happens every time right so in setup it's happening every time because because when you talk about the experience right so uh because we were we worked in um multinationals uh a couple of times we need to travel to the business class to uh attend the trainings and everything sometimes we thought like hey did i do the mistakes did why i left my job why why i did this when the things are not going good but then then i realized that hey we are doing something great right it's just to move on patience is the key so you need to have patience so if you have a patience and then things will be things will be going good so during kobe yeah when kovit hits last year it was like couple of days we were like stuck what to do we we we worked in the work from home right we walked into one from home because we worked in uh companies like grammyphone and bangladesh we we worked in uh work from home before but not my my employees didn't have any experience work from home so we learned them a lot so couple of days couple of months we were like thinking what to do and everything so we were left behind of uh planning and others because it's hits and run but what i tell to every people if you survive during the kovitz you have good things to do because kobe teaches us a lot of struggles and everything and obstacles so coming back to your questions yes startup journeys you you you have you need to demotivate you need to demotivate but on the other hand you need to you need to ask yourself right hey you are in a mission to satisfy your passion and you need to overcome so if you sit down and with a demotivating faces you cannot go so that's my message to the people like hey it will happen it will happen and and kobe teaches us a lot i think this will be really helpful for the young entrepreneurs so uh i think i think we can take another question yes uh what is the future of cloud technology in bangladesh right uh cloud technologies in bangladesh futures is very good uh because uh because now everything is going online right we are working in a uh stream year right so back end there's a cloud going on and people talk about the cloud and the only they see that it's a hosting service it's not when you use hotmail when you use uh when you're using facebook instagram when you're using snapchat everything running on the clouds right right so it's not on hosting services talking about the uh feature and prospects feature in perspective is good very good because people are tending to the clouds and kovit teaches us how you can work from home and do the service and if you have a cloud service running at the back you need to work anywhere in the country anywhere in the places right we have couple of peoples we had working in a different areas different zones because we work in the cloud technologies and others so the future is good and you need to just sit back and learn the technologies so that everything can be fine it's not a really hosting service where you host the service if you work about the programmings if you talk about the technologies if you talk about the cyber securities everything is running on the clouds so and and the world is going moving towards the clouds in the high pace so the future is very bright all you need to do is stick around so we are having a lot of questions from the comments uh but we'll come back to that a bit later so uh my next question to you would be who has been your greatest inspiration right uh greatest inspirations uh because i i i changed my mindset when i left my comfort zone right uh so uh now and i joined couple of sessions uh and still joining in couple of webinars a couple of sessions in in tedx and everything but i used to follow but i'm i'm following a lot the great leaders great entrepreneurs like jeff bezos elon musk and everything and but there are a couple of others who is one of who is my mentor to follow so the greatest person i see that how people fail uh youtube is my favorite channel uh entrepreneurship technologies and everything so [Music] what i follow is something like how the company struggles what are the key aspects there are a lot of good people are talking about their failures their struggling points how why they failed in the first year how they enjoyed the first year and failed the company right so these are the couple of stories you need to see we need to see when you start your entrepreneurship or when you want to plan to entrepreneurship thanks to youtube there are a lot of stories you need to see the stories you need to plan ahead so those are my inspirations and every day and you need to keep on learning right you need to you need to read books you need to keep on learning learning never stops you feel like you know everything you are dead that you need to have you need to keep on your learning curves ongoing so basically you are learning from other people's mistakes as well yes and and and that i transferred to my students because it's uh we we cannot only only only downloads from the internet we have responsibility to give and that's one of the reasons uh one of my passion is to teaching students and that's why i joined ib to give our experience to the students so that they can they can bring a good site in bangladesh and other countries okay so what is the part of your life life experience you would alter if you had the chance to uh to start the startup early uh rather wasting time in the multinational companies uh uh that's that's one of the things i can alter but going back to the questions is something like uh i i needed that experience and we needed that experience so it's it's it's it's something like if you if there is a time machine to go back i need to start my startup early okay well better late than never yes okay so um sorry what are the questions or doubts you had in your mind when you first started to think of your new startup right uh when we start our new startup back in 2018 there's a doubt is like should we sustain how can we sustain uh there's a lot of markets it's our own child right uh and and how we can grow how we can see the markets and others and everything so there were a lot of doubts but before that 2.5 years uh uh working in in in other other people's startups helped me a lot to know the markets to go where to reach the people to know the customers because you cannot uh create a good things when you are in the comfort zone right so two and a half years working two startups uh that really helped me a lot to take the decisions and that really helped us a lot uh because we already know who will be our potential customers because we've been working two and a half years uh day and night to build other startups so that's really motivating factors and honestly that really helped us a lot and still helping okay so uh what were your plans back then when you started your school and what are your plans now and how much has your how much of your plans have been accomplished okay that's so because i i started in canada college so uh you know you know that's uh one of the uh we teach a lot of uh physical and mental strength uh studying in the colleges uh because some military activities and others and everything but that really helped us or me uh to be uh or to motivate uh myself to go something bigger right so what the plan sees something was i i was i graduated in iub uh in computer science then i see working with the multinationals that hey enough of i we know the technologies right so back in 2010 i did my mba in marketing justice just to uh tell my told myself that i need to see the other side of the table if there isn't any opportunity in my life that i want to sell or i want to talk about technologies or i want to go to the market i need to have a mba right from the marking so so the plan was very simple if any opportunity comes in the future to become an entrepreneur i need to have both degrees uh computer science technology experience and having an mba that really helped me to be a long run and alhamdulillah these plans really worked me well right so these plants work very well and the experience really helped us and two and a half years working with the startup really helped us to achieve our plans but it's a long way to go we just we just finished 3.5 years in our startup

journey but it's a long long long way to go so we need to stick to our plans and we to have patience to achieve more in coming future okay so i think we can move on to all the questions from the comment section uh what were the challenges you faced while managing your team okay the challenges uh we face managing the teams because we hire a lot uh we had a lot of uh students uh in the beginning we hired a lot of experienced people and everything from the student point of view uh you see uh we we saw a lot of flashy cvs and everything right so when you start working as your first job uh in our companies or any companies uh both both are struggling yeah from the other side of the table that the employer is struggling to teach you and to keep the technology or the learning curves ongoing from your point of view uh you need to observe a well right so these are the uh challenging times we see when we worked with the young people but uh you know the technology is coming up very good uh and you need to have a charismatic right you need to have a charismatic you need to have a lot of because in our companies we don't have uh very much hierarchies we work in the metrics organizations right so there is no things like people cannot talk to the ceo ctos and everything it's it's a flat organization so we gave every people in the same uh leverage to discuss to share the ideas to work and fights to own the projects so the challenges every company has challenges we do have the challenges but we can overcome very quickly uh i think we can take another question what makes the company better than others in your opinion what makes uh the company means our company or any other companies any company better than another okay uh what i said what i told you before right you need to have something selling points in marketing we call it usb the unique selling points right so if you if you sell anything or if you provide anything right you need to have some key selling points or key uh solutions that really help to the companies so it can work uh for every organization we work with startup we work with multinational companies we work with telcos we work with a group of companies we work with local companies at the foreign companies so you need to have you need to work with your services and the product is some way that every company can be benefited if you talk about the people the students the interns the mid-level managers the uh starting system engineers software engineers they can also learn and being work as a team so that's one of the key messages i can give to the people okay so i think we can move on to the next question since you previously had experience building up another company were the obstacles familiar for cloud creative or did you face new challenges as well uh okay the question is very good when you work with another when you work with someone else's company the challenges are different right the same challenges when you work in your company the challenges are quite different because that time you are solving some problems with another companies right but the key aspect is really helpful is like when when i see the similar problems i already or we already know that we solve this by by that areas right that's really helped us a lot right and and the new challenges we just sit and see that did we come across these challenges before or it's a new challenges covet lockdown work from them is a new challenges but we need to adapt we need to adapt quickly so working with the startup is something like you need to add up very quickly it's a it's a horse race right if you can if you cannot move fast someone else will take over someone else will come and uh get the job done so you need to face forward out really high so that experience that challenges really help us but every day we got our challenges so if you work in a startup or if you build your own startup you need to you need to uh you need to discover every day there is a challenges there is a change there is a problem but you need to figure out how to solve a problem that's really uh the amazing part of working with the startup okay so i think we'll take the last question of the day where do you see the company in 10 years oh uh that's good yeah it's something like i'm giving an interview right jokes apart right yeah yes yeah yeah i can what i can see my company is at 10 years we just have to work on what we are doing and from now to 10 years we want to see companies are talking about us companies are taking services and we want to solve as much as problem to the customers and we want to see ourselves being one of the top companies in bangladesh for the la for the next 10 years in terms of cloud in terms of software development erp's and latest technologies but the journey is still going on okay thank you so much sir for your valuable time i i hope it inspired all the young entrepreneurs and if somebody's planning they do make a move and take all the devices so yeah i think we're done for today thank you thanks a lot uh thanks a lot ayubi and chukti for inviting me and definitely it's a really good sessions onboard and hope you guys learned a lot and keep discovering and also we are also i'm also learning a lot from your questions and we can fit it to our next session thank you

2021-08-29 00:00

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