Spring 2024 Undergraduate Student Commencement Ceremony

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[Applause] for [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you and please remain standing for our national anthem oh say can you see by the dawn light what so proudly we at the Twilight last gleaming whose stripes and bright stars through the fight or the RS we watch were so G streaming and the rocket red BS bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there oh s do that star [Music] spangled the land of the free and the home of the brave thank you and you be seated distinguished grass and graduates welcome to Michigan Technological University's 2024 spring commencement exercises we also welcome those who are viewing online from around the globe good morning and thank you for joining us at Michigan Tech undergraduate students commitment ceremony graduates congratulations on your latest accomplishment this is an important milestone in your lives it's truly a time to reflect rejoice and celebrate your hard work and your dedication for most the road to graduation is not traveled alone there are many who had partnered with you on this journey would the parents grandparents spouses children another special guests in the audience please stand so we can recognize you graduates join me and recognize ji your family members and to our audience thank you for your unwavering support you can be seated now there's another group I'd also like to recognize and that's Michigan Tech faculty and staff who renowned for their scholarship and research their exceptional teachers and mentors and most importantly they're passionate about your education and success would the faculty and staff please stand thank you thank you you can be seated graduate let look around I hope that you remember today's celebration fondly and with true appreciation for the many people who have contributed to your educational Journey including those who could not be with us today now on stage assisting in today's ceremony are a number of individuals I'd like to call out first is chair of the University's Board of Trustees Steven tomacheski Dr Andrew Storer Provost and Senior vice president of academic Affairs Dr Robert Hutchinson University Marshall and University Senate President Dr David flash Pooler dean of the College of forest resources and environmental science Dr Dean Johnson dean of the College of Business Dr Audra Morris dean of the College of Engineering Dr robery Pandy dean of the College of Science and Arts Dr ma seagull dean of the pabis Honors College and Associate provos for undergraduation Dr Zing langing Wang chair of the Department of computer science Laura bullet vice president of student Affairs Dr Kelly relli deed of students Colonel gayen olela United States space force Lieutenant Colonel Ben zanga United States Air Force and Lieutenant Colonel tyde Gile United States Army and Chang Park president and CEO of universal remote control and Emily McDonald president and alumni board of directors now I'll give you a hand thank you for joining there's a tradition here at Michigan Tech of having a student address their fellow graduates this year's student speaker has a dual major in computer science and implied mathematics he grew up in Georgia before moving to Three Rivers Michigan where he graduated from Constantine High School he enrolled at Michigan Tech as a computer science major in Fall of 2020 and picked a second major in Applied Mathematics in Spring of 2022 at Tech he had been a member of two rise teams Humane interface and design Enterprise and the Blue Marble security and was also coach of computer science learning center for a semester for the last two years he's been a fraternity brother of Sigma row and he says joining the fraternity was the best decision he's made as a husky after graduation he plans to build a career in software development and machine learning it is my pleasure to present our 2024 student commencement speaker Vincent Barfield Vincent you here thank you fellow graduates we've made it the time and dedication we have put into our education has led us to this moment the spring 2024 Michigan Tech Comm vement ceremony I for one am excited and honored and uh terrified to have made it to this moment after all this university has been my home for four wonderful years it's housed me it's fed me and it's educated me it's introduced me to like-minded students who I now have the honor of calling my friends and now after all this time I'm supposed to leave why would I leave the snow covered statues and the brick buildings that I've grown to love this is the question I asked myself earlier this semester and I believe many of you have been asking yourselves the same uh and I think I may have found an answer and I hope it gives you the same strength that it's given me every time I'm struck with fear about leaving I end up reminiscing about my early times a tech like many of you here I had a non-traditional start to my college experience all my classes were hosted virtually and I didn't even come up to Michigan Tech until my second semester that first drive through a up winner taught me a lot like how to drive without seeing the little dashed uh yellow road line and uh how to fight back the anxiety that chech engine light can cause driving up here felt like my first test and knowing that I had passed the test made seeing the Ros poke through the trees for the first time that much more rewarding looking back a lot of my experience in Michigan Tech had been like that experiences and challenges that make life more rewarding I think you have to embrace them because at the end of the day didn't we come up here to be challenged each and every one of us came to Michigan Tech because we had a purpose some of us us were passionate about the future of an industry and want to help make that future a reality some of us wish to conduct groundbreaking research that helps to expand scientific Horizons my purpose was just to understand computers well enough to help me solve problems and then maybe by solving some of these problems I can make the future a slightly better drip place for generations to come so our motivations for coming to Tech were different on the surface but at their core I think they're pretty similar whether you're an anthropologist or a mathematician an engineer or an economist we all came up here because we saw something and thought I want to be someone who can make that better so what did we do we came to Michigan Tech because this University is not just an institution for acquiring knowledge it's a hub of transformation and a catalyst for change every time our professors challenge us to solve a problem that seem seems impossible we persevere we grow into who we need to be to solve that problem and after a lot of these problems all that growth culminates into us being a better version of ourselves a person equipped to make a positive impact in the world granted sometimes this transformation is difficult even for the best of us but that's why we have each other to lean on whether it's a student Enterprise or a student organization or a senior design team we've all found communities that motivate us and encourage us to succeed for me personally that Community is sigar fraternity during my time there I've been able to have amazing experiences like running a small initiative to replace the ethernet wiring in our house or serving as a court marshal for the Lake Superior rally races this organization is significant to me because no matter what we're doing we're all in it together and we're probably having a good time doing it because you know there's this feeling you get when you're all collectively motivated to get something done it's like it's all of you against the world and no obstacle is insurmountable it's a feeling of having a purpose in knowing that everyone around you is working just as hard to fulfill that purpose of all the memories and experiences I've had at Michigan Tech that feeling and the opportunity to be a brother at sigaro is what I'm most grateful for now I return to the question why must we leave the place that is made us into who we are today it's because our stories must not inhere Michigan Tech has given us the tools and knowledge to enact meaningful chains in society we must take what we've learned here and strive to make a difference in the world the challenges we Face are immense but within each challenge There's an opportunity for Innovation for progress and for change so as we embark on this next chapter of Our Lives let us do so with a sense of purpose let us harness the knowledge we have learned and the skills we have honed to Foster product progress and make a meaningful difference in society then once the world has seen our impact we can tell them we're huskys and we learned it all here in the Copper Country congratulations graduates on this momentous achievements leave a legacy worthy of Michigan Technological University thank you Vincent excellent words and our commencement speaker today is an entrepreneur a philanthropist a social activist and Visionary Chen Park graduated from Michigan Tech in 1973 with bachelor's degrees in both electrical engineering and Engineering Administration he's the founder president and CEO of universal remote control a leading Global development and manufacturer remote controls and home automation devices Shang was born and raised in Korea and came to the United States as a teenager to pursue higher education after graduating from Michigan Tech he joined a Philadelphia engineering consulting firm specializing in Rapid Transit design among other projects he worked on electrifying the Washington Metro subway system and the Northeast Corridor rail system now after earning his MBA from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Chang joined JP Morgan in New York and spent eight years in international financing with a strong belief in social causes changen has been a board member of bread for the world in Washington DC and w& a parent company of PBS in New York and surrounding states he is an Emeritus board member of the national governing board of common cause in Washington DC and the union Theological Seminary in New York Chang has received several honors including an honorary PhD for Michigan Tech and the University's distinguished alumni award he's been inducted into the Academy of electrical engineers as well he is recipient of several notable Awards including the impact award in philanthropy leadership from care an international humanitarian organization the Art sment Award for bread for the world and the Lifetime Achievement Award from Ceda a home automation industry trade association with 3700 members Chang is also the chairman of the Chang K Park Foundation an organization that supports human rights the elimination of poverty and hunger the implementation of political reform and economic Justice it is my honor to introduce to you our 2024 commencement speaker Dr Chang [Applause] Park thank you Vincent for your excellent remark and thank you very much for president Co for your very kind introduction for a while I thought you were introducing someone else but well it's a great honor for me to be here and graduating student family members faculty and friends and staff and president KC and member of University Board of trustee it is a great honor for me standing here today and I'd like to congratulate the graduating student for your extraordinary achievements thank you and I'd like to express my thanks to your family for supporting you during all this year to make today possible and I also like to thank our faculty for nourishing our student with education during all this year about this time of year I see a bird building a nest outside of my window and it layer egg and hatch them and nourish them when they become strong enough to fly they fly away and you are about to fly away to a new and exciting World congratulations when I was invited to speak at this special occasion after 50 years of graduation it reminds me of story of a child throwing a stone at the shore it create a small ring of Ripple in the water and then ring become larger and larger and enter the sea as a small wave the wave become larger as it enter the ocean and it become even larger is it encounters number of storm as it circle around the globe it became a huge Way by time it returned to the shore where it began as a small Ripple I'm not quite sure if you have changed that much as a person but I certainly hope I became a wiser person than when I left Michigan Tech 50 years ago and thank you president KC for inviting me back to Michigan Tech where where I began my journey and it's good to be home I heard that I heard that confession is always good for my soul so I'll just start with one confession when I began at Michigan Tech I had to take a chemistry course H 101 like all the engineering majors in their freshman year and legendary doctor Barry was conducting that class in a large Auditorium in Fisher hole that was always packed and Dr Barry is known to ask his student at the beginning of his first class look to your left and look to your right because one of you is not going to make it meaning not being able to graduate and I look at the fellow on my left and then the one on my right with a sympathy but I never thought it could be me well almost I FR that course and I was put in probation I Reed a letter from De M stating that unless you improve your grade you'll be expelled from from the school in six month so I have to improve my grade in six month and I thought this is a very ominous beginning at Michigan Tech well nowadays I can now I can make a claim that I was on the D's list too he so so at least I have to remove myself within 6 month and if there are any graduate here who went through the same type of predicament as I did don't be discouraged by it you will do all right in fact you will do very well in your life you manag to survive against such a great odd that whatever challenge life brings to you will be only piece of cake and when you have that kind of experience intend to stay on with you for a while about 10 years ago Dr Glenn morat then president of Michigan Tech was in New York and he asked me to visit the school since I did not return to school after I graduated but then I had a dream few early few month earlier in that dream I was well it's not a dream it's a really nightmare in that sense in that dream I was back to Michigan Tech and standing at the front step of Union admiring all these change that took place after I graduated and then Professor Lind Lind who was my student advisor at we saw me standing there and he came up and grabbed my arm and said we found out after you left that you did not take one required course of course I objected what do you mean I didn't take a required course I was able to get a job I even went to graduate school with a diploma from Michigan Tech I need to go back to New York to run my company this you are not going anywhere you are not going back until you take that course and then you have to start it all over again and eventually I lost that argument and I start to unpack even though I forgot all the basic needed for that course and then I woke up I told Dr muras I want to make sure I I want your promise I want to make sure I do not have a Tabu when I return to Michigan and when they nominate me for the distinguished alumni award about 2 years ago I jumped on it thinking that this is a confirmation that I did indeed graduate from Michigan TCH however I'm not taking any chance and I'm still trying to stay away from that Union building looking back to my life it has been quite improbable Journey if there's a one word to describe it is a gratitude I'm quite grateful for all the opportunities that I received in my life as a child growing up in Korea after the war there's a plenty of poverty and hunger that caus so much human suffering hunger was a way of life for most of us at the time I have a five siblings and when we sat around to eat as a child sometime my mother would not eat saying that she was not hungry looking back I think those are the days that we not have enough enough food at home to go around for all of us when I left Korea as a teenager the country was still quite poor the income per capita was only $140 it's hard to imagine how people could leave $140 for whole year and that's the way it was with that backdrop it was illegal to take more than $100 with you out of country the government want to preserve the foreign currency to purchase essential good from abroad so they will search my luggage and then they will Pat me down at the airport just like TSA does now to make sure I do not carry more than $100 and my mother was so worried how I will make out in this country with only $100 that she went to Black Market and then converted another1 and then Stitch it in my underwear you know mothers do that fortunately it was a very cold day in December when I left the country I was waiting a thick thermal underwear over the underwear and they could not feel the Stitch money when they pat me down and I'm sharing this now thinking that there's is statue of limitation after more than 50 years it was a number of opportunities that I received in this country since then that brought me up from where I was that's why I strive with passion for the society that empowers his people to attain their aspiration you know the Seminary students were taught in their homic class not to try to make too many points in one sermon for an obvious reason when a student asked late Peter gum the chaplain at Harvard how many points should be made in a sermon he thought about it and he said well there should be at least one I'm going to make seven point for next 8 minutes or I hope you remember some of them looking back to my days at Michigan Tech we are quite young of course and we are very idealistic we thought we could change the whole world and we are advocating for the need to protect our environment and we advocating for woman's right prison reform and of course opposed the war in Vietnam at that time all these two very skeptical audience the whole concept of the need to protect our environment was still quite new and I remember having a first Earth Day on campus there was an abandoned lot along the College Avenue next to that Lutheran church and we cleaned that up and made a small stamp siiz Park on that day and we proudly named that as a People's Park and what I found is that the the town change a name to College Avenue Park after we graduated they must have thought that we a bunch of socialists probably we were then but as you know there's a great deal of progress on what we are advocating at the time but still there are number of areas that we can make it much better than what it is so I urge you to hold on to your youth ideal even after you graduate and guard yourself against the cynicism what zero way of thinking because it will imprison your spirit and hold you back from realizing your full potential and have a faith what we can be as a society and participate in a political process that will affect us all if not we may end up where we do not want to be as a society I want to talk about the importance of sharing I was in on campus last October for a meeting and I decid to take a early morning walk on Saturday and it was still quite dark and I saw students setting at the table in front of Union so I spoke with them I went over to talk to them and they said that they are preparing for the 5K run in that morning to raise money for high school band in hancok I was quite moved by them so I gave them all the money I have in my pocket and I wish I had some more but U I hope they raise enough money for that high school band in hancook on that day and if you are not doing so already I strongly encourage you to develop a habit of giving early on in your life it could be only $10 or even $5 it has a lot more meaning when you give while you do not have much to give than giving out of abundance there's a joy in Sharing sharing your time or sharing your money or both your time or and money it will enrich your spirit for the rest of your life I want to talk about how we are depend depending upon others the other day I was driving to New York airport to catch a flight to the West Coast and I almost missed that flight missed that flight because a fellow had a chy car that broke down at the middle of Highway and I was stuck in the traffic with so many other people I thought about it afterwards and realize that it does not matter what kind of car I have or how well I maintain my car if someone has a chromic car that breaks down it will affect me as well as so many people and speaking of road safety your safety On The Road Not only depends upon how well you drive but it also depends upon the fellow who is driving behind you or on your left on your right even the car that comes from the opposite direction so as you can see we are in this together so let's care for others and let's work together to pursue a common good that will benefit us all and we live in a internet and social media age where we are bombarded with far more information than we could ever consume however it does not make us any Wier you see information that leads to knowledge is different from wisdom knowledge comes from the external Source while the wisdom is something that you have to develop by your own and we need both knowledge and wisdom in this increasingly complex world so I urge you to have a open mind and keep on learning the issue we face as a country is becoming increasingly complex that if I may speak metaphorically we can no longer solve it with a basic skill set of algebra we need to use calculus what deploy even differential equation to understand then solve the complexity of the issue that confront us as a nation so keep on learning and keep on expanding your horizon if if you if you're not counting I'm going to make a fifth point now out of seven maybe we should take a break as you leave M G tag there'll be a you will start a new journey and there will be a lot of exciting opportunities ahead of you but it may not always be a smooth sailing you may run into an occasional storm in life when you run into that such a storm keep in mind that good Sailors are being produced from the stormy sea I'm a firm believer that there's always a purpose for setback and there's also always something to learn from it so once you address it and put it behind you stand back and reflect on it and see what you learn from that experience you may have heard the saying that the 10 year experience could be onee experience repeating for 10 times the life without any reflection is exactly that one year experience repeating 10 times as you proceed with your new journey I urge you continue to be curious and venture and do not be afraid to step out of your own comfort zone to face new challenge you will be quite surprised to find the vast amount of unta talent that you have within you that you never knew you had as you struggled to overcome the challenge and this is how we all grow in our life and finally finally we live in a rapidly changing world and what I learned from my own experience is that there are certain immutable value that are cherished by our society they are decency integrity and humility make this three your core value that defines you who you are it is like building your life on a solid rock as a foundation and you will not only be blessed in so many way in your life you will also become a blessing to so many others and this is a true true meaning of life that we all strive for thank [Applause] you thank you Ching on occasion the Board of Trustees finds it fitting to recognize individuals who through their personal and professional achievements has set outstanding example for our Michigan Tech graduates the Board of Trustees silver medal was first presented in 1968 it specifically honors Michigan Tech alumni and friends who stand as shining examples for younger Huskies whose careers are just beginning yesterday the board voted to bestow this Honor on Chang Park in recognition for his achievements and the example he has set for University graduates both personally and professionally it gives me great pleasure to present with him the Michigan Tech Board of Trustees silver medal Ching please come [Applause] forward well thank you very much for such a high honor you know the yesterday B Robert our vice president of advancement he asked me have you ever thought about being a commencement speaker when you are in school and I told him not while I was in probation but come to think it's possible that I may have thought that the when I receive a letter from din me saying that you could be expelled from Michigan Tech I become so angry that I may have told my myself someday I'm going to return to Michigan Tech to deliver the commencement speaker but I never thought that I'll be receiving silver medal and thank you so much for such a high honor I'll cherish this thank you thank you thank you J presentation of degrees many of you have excelled in your studies and are wearing honor chords and recognition of your accomplishments those of you graduating kumala are wearing copper honor cords those graduating magot kumot are wearing silver honor cords and those graduating sumacum LTI are wearing gold honor cords in addition those of you graduating with honors P from the pis Honors College are wearing medallions each of you can be proud of having earned this honor would you please stand so we can recognize [Applause] you thank you you can be seated and many of our students are wearing additional cords and sashes signifying their involvement in everything from Athletics to study abroad to University and national student organizations you may also notice a few wearing red white and blue honor cords they're Veterans of our armed forces and we salute their service will the veterans graduating today please stand thank you at this time will The ROC candidates please rise and come forward Michigan Tech takes great pride in its officer training programs these graduates have not only met the rigors of earning a Michigan Tech degree but have also fulfill the requirements of The Reserve officer training corpse and will now be presented for their oath of office Lieutenant Colonel tide GL of the United States Army will present the Army candidates and Lieutenant Colonel Ben winga of the United States Air Force will present the Air Force candidates second Lieutenant Nicholas Abbott United States Army commissioned on to active duty branching engineer his first assignment is at Fort leonwood Missouri second Lieutenant Jillian Pixley United States Army commissioned onto active duty branching field artillery her first assignment is at Fort Sil [Applause] Oklahoma second Lieutenant Max tardella United States Army commissioned into the Michigan National Guard branching Aviation his first assignment is at Fort novasel Alabama [Applause] second Lieutenant Daniel vermal United States Army commissioned into the Tennessee National Guard branching Transportation his first assignment is at Fort Greg Adams Virginia second Lieutenant Seth AO United States Air Force will interactive Duty with Air Force specialty weather and environmental Sciences his first assignment is Wright Patterson Air Force Base [Applause] Ohio second Lieutenant meline Ario United States Air Force will interactor Duty with Air Force specialty remotely piloted aircraft pilot her first assignment is joint based San Antonio Randolph [Applause] Texas second Lieutenant Kyle denif United States Air Force will interact Duty with Air Force specialty Air Battle manager his first assignment is Tindle Air Force Base [Applause] Florida second Lieutenant Nicholas dresler United States Air Force will enter active duty with Air Force Special te intelligence his first assignment is good pillow Air Force Base Texas [Applause] second Lieutenant Ayah heer United States Air Force will end actor Duty with Air Force specialty office of special investigations her first assignment is Hill Air Force Base [Applause] Utah second Lieutenant Mitchell creger United States Air Force will interactive Duty with Air Force specialty developmental engineer his first assignment is egund Air Force Base Florida second lieutenant John Lina United States Air Force will interactive Duty with Air Force specialty developmental engineer his first assignment is kin Air Force base New [Applause] Mexico second Lieutenant Garrett quante United States Air Force will interact Duty with Air Force specialty pilot his first assignment is Vance Air Force Base [Applause] Oklahoma second Lieutenant Samuel Russ United States Air Force will interactive Duty with Air Force specialty operations analysis officer his first assignment is whitean Air Force Base [Applause] Missouri second Lieutenant Casey zalone United States Air Force will enter active duty with Air Force specialty civil engineer her first assignment is yet to be determined [Applause] the oath of office has its roots back in ancient Roman times and the first modern oath of office were given to those serving under the continental army in 1775 today all officers of the United States uniformed military services swear an oath upon commissioning execution of the Constitutional oath signifies the acceptance of their officer Commission administering the oath of office this morning is Colonel Galen oela United States space force he currently serves as a space chair to air University and faculty of air War College air Education and Training command Maxwell Air Force Base Alabama colon OA graduated from Michigan Tech in 1998 with a degree in mechanical engineering and received his commission through Air Force RC Detachment 400 since then he has led a very distinguished 26 years of service in the Air Force and space force colel OA [Applause] raise your right hand and repeat after me I State your full name I having been appointed an officer having been appointed an officer in the armed forces of the United States in the armed forces of the United States in the grade of second lieutenant in the grade of second Lieutenant do solemnly swear do Solly swear that I will support and defend that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic against all enemies foreign and domestic that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I take this obligation freely that I take this obligation freely and without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion without mental reservation or purpose of evasion and that I will well and Faithfully discharge and that I will well and Faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter the duties of the office upon which I'm about to enter so help me God me God congratulations on your appointment as second lieutenants in the armed forces of the United States of America Dr Andrew store will now present the candidates for the undergraduate at degrees will the candidates for The Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees please rise there we go chair tomaseski I present the candidates for The Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees in their respective Fields upon completion of their required curricula these candidates are hereby recommended by The Faculty to receive this degree thank you proor members of the class of 2024 upon the recommendation of the faculty and having completed your required curricula and by the authority invested in me I Do by con I do do hereby confer you the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts in your respective courses of study with all the rights and privileges there too pertaining to congratulations please be seated [Applause] on behalf of the College of Business and interdisciplinary programs will the candidates for the Bachelor's of Science degree in construction management mechatronics accounting economics Engineering Management Finance management management information systems and marketing please come to the platform to receive your diplomas [Applause] presenting candidates of interdisciplinary programs Bachelor of Science construction management Devin Prim Connor [Applause] Worthington Micah Wilson Pedro [Applause] Sanchez Gavin Lawless Suma [Applause] kumla Dominic crous Magna kumau Bachelor of Science mechatronics Kyle Letterman Magna kumla Eric ever [Applause] presenting candidates from the College of Business Bachelor of Science accounting Renee Ringer Suma kumlati Maria Escola Magna kumla Jordan Robinson kumau Edward White Magna [Music] kumla Daniel jeffri Magna [Applause] kumlade Bachelor of Science and economics Nolan Smith Suma Kum laud Andrew NY will Romano Suma Kum Alexander white Magna kumlade reys [Music] Wagner Bachelor of Science Engineering Management Andrew Meyers Magna kumlade Jonathan mazour Easton Armstrong Jacob Mau [Applause] kumau Eliza Stone Magna [Applause] kumau Olivia Leen Suma kumla Kieran Ren Rowan Magna kumla Zach Hooper with an additional degree in management information systems Nathan caser Joshua [Music] Nolan Caitlyn O'Reilly Magna kumlade Maggie Gallup Owen Watson Magna kumau Bachelor of Science and finance Jonathan [Music] [Applause] Vader Brady ing [Applause] britson Nick Schwarz Megan Lee with an additional degree in accounting Suma [Applause] cuml Arvid karoth Magna [Applause] cuml Kevin Boswick Magna kumau Colin Hicks Magna [Applause] kumla Bachelor of Science and management Ethan Kennedy Hunter [Applause] Chambers Garrett [Applause] Muran Meredith Rosio [Applause] kumla Kevin Hofer Suma kumau [Applause] Tim hawkwell Logan latvis Magna [Applause] kumau Ashley [Applause] Hayne Victoria gazelle Casey lwit [Music] [Applause] Nina Baker Olivia Von Holtz kumla Davis Nali Bachelor of Science and management information systems Joseph gerardi Suma kumau Ryan [Music] [Applause] Hannah Hilton in Sarah Gilbreth Jordan Craven Bachelor of Science marketing Maggie Zimmerman sui Lee Elizabeth [Applause] [Music] AMT Stephanie Ola Suma kumla [Applause] on behalf of the College of computing will the candidates for the bachelor science degree in computer network and system administration cyber security electrical engineering technology computer science and software engineering please come to the platform to receive your diploma [Applause] presenting candidates from the College of computing Department of Applied Computing Bachelor of Science computer network and system administration Russell labau kumal kumit bosek Daniel [Applause] Douglas Nicholas jelovich [Applause] Kum Jacob goodro Kayla blunt Justin reams Rory labin Suma kumla Adam fton Suma [Applause] kumau Zach HR Magna kumau Evan rxm Magna kumau Nathan but gurit David Scott Kevin door Bachelor of Science cyber security Devin midf Suma [Applause] Kumi Gina adragna Suma kumau Ryan jacklick Suma kumau Matthew Bailey kumla Ashton purum Suma kumau Kyle kig Joseph [Applause] Vargo Jonathan Hoffman kumla JD chaor Dawson Utley sha alisy Magna Kumi Caleb leavesley Summa Kum laud artam Shota Trevor sepanic Audrey sgel Cole Kar Suma kumau Bachelor of Science electrical engineering technology Brandon web Hala [Applause] bule Sierra Das Russia Magna kumla Landon Knight Henry eang Suma kumau Eddie [Applause] KS presenting candidates from the Department of computer science Bachelor of Science computer science Connor Bodel Suma kumau Braden coyer [Applause] Nicholas radakovitz Magna kumau Wilmer Eep Suma [Applause] Kum Logan [Applause] July Elise Walker Tyler puyer Magna [Applause] kumau reys [Applause] bunker Adam Spade Joshua [Music] Hoffs Cody Whitworth Magna kumau Tim pear ran Clem Suma cuml Logan [Music] erdman's Matthew penoyer kumla Daniel verum kumla Payton Hall Ellie sackrider kumla Hunter malanowski kumlade with an additional degree in Psychology Leia rycki Mia Kelly Dominic vandenelzen Magna kumau Trent [Applause] betters Anthony [Applause] Safford Shan [Music] leveren Ransom Duncan Ricardo nunas qua kumla chanek hang kumla Shane analy Sam Russ Su [Applause] kumla Addie rounds Suma kumau Logan wack Jacob stro Justin Carlson kumau Kade [Music] buds Kevin [Music] Usher Noah Kinski Suma kumlade Gabe SMI Magna kumau Owen Quinn Nikki Franklin Magna kumau Ben Drees Suma [Applause] kumau Brendan powers Preston Foster Levi Milan Andrea [Music] Sarabia Seth stagel Vincent Barfield Magna kumla [Applause] Bachelor of Science and software engineering Ian Hanby kumla Peter lamantia [Applause] [Music] kumau Roger Lind Suma kumau Benjamin fosic Suma [Applause] cuml Jonathan aus Stringer Brendan Ferman Suma kumau Joshua Staples cuml Shan McFall kumla sidharth [Applause] regi Grayson Wagner [Applause] Jordan bramer Kevin Bach kumau Alex McWilliam on behalf of the College of forest resources and environmental science will the candidates for The Bachelor of Science degree in Flight ecology and environmental science forestry natural resource management sustainable bioproducts and Wildlife ecology and conservation please come to the platform to receive your diploma [Applause] presenting candidates from the College of forest resources and environmental science Bachelor of Science applied ecology and environmental Sciences Serenity Snider Magna kumlade Connor for Magna kumau Sophie theme Magna kumau McKenzie Russell Magna [Applause] kumla Ellie Helman Magna kumade Lydia vandercoy Magna kumlaude [Applause] Elena chagnovich Suma [Applause] Kumi Louise [Applause] Ramirez Alicia Soul BNA [Applause] Kum Bachelor of Science and Forestry Stuart Tolsma Magna kumau David Holz Suma [Applause] kumla Dylan [Applause] mcau John sisan ninet Magna kumau Kathleen [Applause] creger El Soderberg cuml [Applause] Emily Bergman Magna kumau Shauna Carr Suma [Applause] Kum Evan platsky [Applause] cuml Will Anderson Suma [Applause] kumau Braden barage Cole [Applause] Hoffman trig Solberg Suma kumla Andrew [Applause] neimi Olivia whitting Magna kumud Georgia smolinski [Applause] Katherine dorvinen kumau Jasper Johnston Magna [Music] [Applause] kumau Sierra Roston Jonathan [Applause] Baker Mitch Stacy Mitchell Stacy Kum la [Applause] Bachelor of Science sustainable bioproducts Nicole mcgwin Suma kumau Hannah Moody Magna [Applause] kumau Bachelor of Science Wildlife ecology and conservation Madison Allen Suma [Applause] kumlade Nicole Bennett Suma kumau Zoe schaer Suma [Applause] [Music] kumla Michelle Powell Suma kumla Travis [Applause] Taylor Evan harell Amy householder [Applause] Prudence fenan [Applause] kumla on behalf of the College of Sciences and arts will the candidates for the Bachelor's of Sciences science and Bachelor of the Arts degrees in Biochemistry and mic biology biological science Sciences computational biology ecology and evolutionary biology human biology medical laboratory science nursing biochemistry and micro biology chemistry Medicinal Chemistry pharmaceutical chemistry psychology Humanities communication culture and media English scientific and Technical communication exercise science math ma matics mathematics and computer science Applied Physics physics anthropology history social sciences sustainability science and Society audio production and Technology sound design theater and electronic media performance and theater and entertainment technology please come to the platform to receive your diploma [Music] [Applause] presenting candidates from the College of Sciences and arts department of biological Sciences Bachelor of Science biochemistry and molecular biology Christopher [Applause] Downey Aaliyah heer Magna kumau Lydia [Applause] Schroeder Bachelor of Science in biological sciences Jennifer final Holly Hill Magna [Applause] kumau Quinn Agnes Magna kumla Bachelor of Science computational Biology Lucy arbanas kumau Bachelor of Science in ecology and evolutionary biology Jack Ral Suma [Applause] kumau kin Smith cuml Alexander mosic Kira long Suma [Applause] kumau Bachelor of Science in human biology Olivia Graham kumud Freda Visser Magna kumau Courtney romis Suma [Applause] [Music] kumau Maya gazali Suma [Applause] cumladi J Curtis Magna kumud Lucille jalinski Suma [Applause] kumau Madison Taylor Tessa [Applause] leas Catherine Walch Magna kumau Emy olua right Magna kumla [Applause] Alyssa Church Bachelor of Science medical laboratory science Grace joli Suma [Applause] kumau Holly yayi Suma kumau Owen hilbre Ella kitzer Magna kumud Hannah [Applause] Montgomery Haley maresi Suma [Applause] kumau Caroline Suma kumau Britney Peele Emily maringer Camille Keeler Magna kumau Jada trevathan Su Kumi excuse [Applause] me Danica [Applause] bck Jaden hooki Jason Broner kumau Grayson Broner sorry Bachelor of Science in nursing yerri junti Magna Kumi Rachel costic Suma kumau Jennifer Cooper Magna [Applause] kumau presenting candidates from the Department of chemistry Bachelor of Science biochemistry and molecular biology lyanna Rose Magna [Music] [Applause] kumlade Riley Parsons Justin Anderson Magna kumlade giovana Bobak Suma Kum Bachelor of Science chemistry Max Soha Kum [Applause] La Nick Nicholas Subic Joseph Peters kumau May Waters Suma [Applause] kumau Danica lemons Magna kumla [Applause] Sophia [Applause] joerger Bachelor of Science pharmaceutical chemistry Caitlyn [Applause] Fletcher Jenna [Applause] canine camon cocher Suma kumau presenting candidates from the Department of cognitive and learning Sciences Bachelor of Science in Psychology Jenna [Applause] white Anna [Applause] Lindgren Katherine ulinski Magna kumud Alysa Weedman Suma kumlade Lydia bilz Suma kumau McKenna nutal Magna kumau Kyla Richardson Suma kumla Jaden middle [Applause] camp presenting candidates from the Department of humanities associate of arts and humanities juxa pra sprag with an additional associates degree in engineering Bachelor of Arts communication culture and media Cole Risco Magna kumlade Elijah [Music] [Applause] puyer Lindsay lre [Applause] [Music] Melissa Dowler Ashton [Applause] Verdine Bachelor of Arts in English Charlotte hanona Summa [Music] kumau Cara laram Moore Karissa Sanders Cameron gorlic cuml Aspen stampler kumla Bachelor of Arts scientific and Technical communication Maline [Applause] Nas Michael bunker with an Associate Degree in Humanities Bachelor of Science scientific and Technical communication Daniel August Ryan Suma kumau Austin McFarlan Mindy [Applause] Pierre Grace Pary [Music] Kenan Elsie B with an Associate Degree in Humanities presenting candidates from the Department of Kinesiology in integrative physiology Bachelor of Science and exercise science mea P Kum Deandra Koo kumau Colton salani kumau [Applause] Bradley San regret Betty Joe swagan Suma kumau Dalton Williams kumau Dalton uland Lily Baker Suma cuml [Applause] Mason Alexa Suma kumau Grace Lawrence kumau Jamie Hendrickson Sierra [Music] sliss Luke Lenin presenting candidates from the department of mathematical Sciences Bachelor of Science mathematics Noah painter Magna kumlade David Cunningham Noah Olen Benjamin wman Suma kumud Bachelor of Science mathematics and computer science anakah price Magna kumau presenting candidates from the Department of physics Bachelor of Science and applied physics James turkovich Michael went Bachelor of Science and physics Dylan Richards [Music] Lauren magdoff [Applause] Michael Martin Magna kumla Grant Lambert Daniel Watson presenting candidates from the department of social sciences Bachelor of Science anthropology Skyler Chef the late Kenneth M brg accepted by his brother Steven brag [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Bachelor of Arts history Carla level Magna [Applause] kumlade Ben imig kumau Bachelor of Science social sciences Olivia [Music] zovich Jenna Messer Kum Mary Wiggins Magna kumau Jenna [Music] Wier Bachelor of Science sustainability science and Society Lexi Tater [Music] kumau ingred so up Suma kumla [Applause] Ella Bowski Suma kumau Claire Fiddler Magna kumau Elizabeth [Applause] Brown presenting candidates from the Department of Visual and Performing Arts Bachelor of Science and audio production and Technology Bradley hildwin [Applause] David Hodgman [Applause] kumla Cole [Music] Bennett Bradley [Music] Summers Bachelor of Arts and sound design Rowan Parsons Suma [Applause] kumau K Moyers [Music] seir monget Samuel Digraph [Applause] [Music] Kumi Noah luceri Magna kumla Bachelor of Arts Theater and electronic media performance Spencer dro Alyssa helminen Frankie strable Bachelor of Science in theater and entertainment technology denell lanin Magna kumau Chloe offkey with an Associate Degree in engineering summer day summer day [Applause] K on behalf of the College of Engineering will the candidates for The Bachelor of the SC The Bachelor of Science degrees in biomed engineering chemical engineering civil engineering environmental engineering geospatial engineering Computer Engineering electrical engineering robotics engineering engineering applied Geo physics geological engineering mining engineering mechanical engineering technology Material Science and Engineering and mechanical engineering please come to the platform to receive your [Music] [Applause] diplomas presenting candidates from the College of Engineering Department of biomedical engineering Bachelor of Science biomedical engineering Lance weit Magna [Applause] kumani Josh Bradfield [Applause] Alex lamir Magna [Applause] kumau Nick butcher cuml Jenna jorns [Applause] cuml Lindy or Jerry Suma kumau Lydia shy Magna kumau [Applause] meline Dr Magna kumau Emma heurst Suma kumau Caleb zabor kumau Isaac bolt will Braun Magna Kum La Steven Sylvio kumla Zack Peterson David Bradbury Suma kumla Nathan Roder kumau Alexander [Music] [Applause] enholm missile Cruz Magna Kum [Applause] [Music] Justina Penola kumau Elsa huckles kumla rain [Applause] Avalos Sarah Goen reys Bowerman kumla [Applause] Megan radkey Morgan reamer Kumi Ian [Music] Souza Megan Owen Dominique [Music] Baker Thomas Krauss bronwin wer Magna cuml Rachel Callahan cuml Delaney Fritz kumau Nora kopman Magna kumau Emily Hal Summa kumla Alex [Applause] tibo Sarah R Magna kumau Madison ID Suma [Applause] Kum presenting candidates from the Department of chemical engineering Bachelor of Science and chemical engineering Grayson [Music] Hartwell Jacob shu [Applause] Jack chapleski Jeff deal Anna white Kum Lark [Applause] jankowitz James bod [Applause] Kum Stephanie list [Applause] Sydney Daner Magna kumau Cameron poog [Music] [Applause] stron Jillian [Music] Pixley Josie cop Kira larouche Dylan Conlin John Gall breth Tom Morrison Magna [Applause] kumau Allison wood Suma [Applause] kumau Jacqueline Foreman Suma Kum Michaela Marshal Suma cuml Alysa [Applause] mayor Maddie Owens [Music] cuml Spencer costra [Applause] kumau Carly Lindquist mag Magna Kum Haley olet Magna [Applause] cuml Jackson vidin Magna kumud Joseph bachmeier Suma [Music] kumau Joseph Kuro Suma kumau Joe leco Magna Kum [Music] Joe Wade Josh Shane Magna kumau Josh derer Josh Lynch kumau Luca jordash a Foster Matt Foy Summa kumud Ava farquar Magna [Applause] Kum da salami salame Caleb ker Suma kumla Connor Krueger Magna kumau Hannah Collins Allison [Applause] Terry Ariana Milner Magna kumau [Music] [Applause] meline Johnson Suma [Music] [Applause] kumau Liam Lindstrom Brandon Espinosa Gary venson bin Rinko reys [Music] [Applause] Yan Cassandra Ludy Elizabeth Schuman Suma kumau Amanda Tharp Magna Kum Sierra Reed Magna [Applause] kumau Allison Swanson kumla Cade kjun Magna [Applause] kumau Jonathan Wy Magna Kumi Mia bedi Suma [Applause] kumau Zoey Rines Magna [Applause] kumau Lydia Nelson Magna [Applause] kumau Erica [Applause] perole Sarah shrer [Applause] Kristen Couts Magna [Music] [Applause] kumau Holland [Applause] vanzon Sarah [Music] vanzon EMT Nelson Suma [Applause] kumla Kevin Garland Suma kumau Luke tanyan Andrew bot Nathan LaFontaine Caleb pittz [Applause] kumla Nick dpri [Applause] Jake mathson [Applause] cuml Seth Marianos clay Patterson Justin Williams [Applause] [Music] cuml David Moore Brennan [Music] Puget presenting candidates from the Department of Civil environmental and geospatial Engineering Bachelor of Science and civil engineering Cody toe Andrew [Music] frrom Blake Kane Matt Mory Magna kumau Brody bevans Suma kumla winon Harrison kumla Matt lemonsky Andrew Schultz Megan wilgus Summa kumla Kylie vanbeck Briana [Music] Ralston Lexi [Music] [Applause] gross anali hlit Magna Kum [Applause] Sophia Mets Sydney strer Magna kumla with an additional degree in GE geospatial engineering Casey zalone Maddie [Music] orio Luke Sturm Magna kumau Duffy krom Jacob Evan Magna kumau Joseph Shmo Ian Erikson kumau with an additional degree in geospatial engineering Khloe [Applause] C Natalie jupy Samantha Bon Magna kumla Madison Block Magna [Applause] kumau Justin Anthony Grant sorell Jacob Bishop Michael Beam Josh gold kumla Anthony L Suma [Applause] kumau Mark Sipple Magna kumau [Applause] Jonathan lefave kumla Jordan [Music] Dent Drew wble kumla Grady McDonald Magna kumau Benjamin Nagel Suma kumau [Applause] [Music] Colton hadia Caleb novich Suma kumau Connor shefferly Suma kumla Ryan [Applause] birie Thomas shol kumla [Applause] Dayton [Applause] [Music] Moy Grant [Applause] rovak Sydney [Applause] kie Dylan Lane Bachelor of Science environmental engineering Matthew Harmon Grant [Music] nemc Jake Schiller kumau Aaron Brown kumla Allison DOD Suma [Music] kumau Joe delos Magna Kum AR lethia [Applause] Bell Clark [Music] [Applause] Fedor Lena raash Tanya Bernal Avery Reno kumau [Applause] Allison Olen [Music] kumla Kalin Bishop cuml Eden TR Magna [Applause] kumau Francine rosinski Magna Kumi [Applause] Ali [Music] Moffet Molly bowang Angela [Music] saletto Claire Kristen [Applause] kumau Madison krauk Suma kumau Aaron show Suma [Music] kumau Ellen [Applause] [Music] cernol Jared siguenza [Applause] kumla Elaine gearbok Jared Parker Sawyer [Applause] Richards Sierra Urban Adia Powell kumla Seth [Music] AO Gibson Gibson ell Bachelor of of science geospatial engineering Jacob wisco Magna kumau Wesley Hislop kumla Rebecca backer Magna kumau Andrew Olsen [Applause] Owen sepen Matthew [Applause] Janowski Braden Brinks Suma Kumi with an additional degree in civil engineering presenting candidates from the Department of electrical and computer engineering Bachelor of Science and computer engineering Alex guzan Suma kumud [Applause] Jacob goo Magna kumau Thoren Lex fold Magna [Music] kumau Evan gr Suma [Applause] kumau Ben [Music] grman Ethan Summerfield [Music] [Applause] RK Sant kumla Benjamin gch Charlie kniper Nathan [Music] Soul Zoe michler Debbie Brink Magna [Applause] kumau Zachary Wells Suma kumau Connor Anderson Nathan [Applause] white Isaac Rodriguez almanar Magna kumau Drew bar [Applause] FR Abby jenman Devin farmer Magna kumau Rachel Richardson kumau Liam Copo Summa kumla Thomas korski Ryan Sweeney Matthew [Applause] jarmin Justin [Applause] Balmer Ben Bolan Magna kumau Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering Michael [Applause] thoris Bryce Burke Sam Brewer Magna kumla Moira brol Shelby Wills August rasmason [Applause] Olivia O'Brien kumau Jonathan Hannas Magna kumau Miranda Meyers Alex Reby Suma kumau Kos Johnson kumla [Applause] Ben Steinbach Magna kumau Mitchell [Music] Creer Marshall Janice kumau Justin mcneel kumau Nick Piper Suma kumau maias kosi Magna kumau Joel We Garden Magna [Applause] kumau Ian Wine Garden Magna kumau emiline Beck Julia ston Lake kumau Nate [Applause] green Olivia Rulo with an additional degree in mining [Applause] engineering Braden Roots Mike van hoval [Applause] Alec Di [Applause] Maria Christopher Romero Diego [Music] Hernandez Eric old [Applause] cuml Drew sturos Benjamin witp Suma kumau Jonathan Joseph Nathan Morris Ryan Seaford Alexander belts Ryan Corby Suma kumau Evan Terell Magna kumau Evan jaminski Jack [Music] philp Gracie Dilworth Suma kumau Von Wen kumla Bachelor of Science robotics engineering Seth Thurman Magna [Applause] kumau Joshua Parkinson Nathan fiser Magna [Applause] kumau Howie [Applause] Howland presenting candidates from the department of engineering fundamentals Bachelor of Science engineering Sam Ahern Suma [Applause] kumla Jack Ashburn [Music] cuml Paul [Applause] Bose presenting candidates from the Department of geological and Mining engineering scci and Sciences Bachelor of Science in appli Geo physics Brendan [Applause] Harville Bachelor of Science geological engineering Karina constant braon [Applause] Murphy Bachelor of Science mining engineering Max tardella kumla Ian repic Nathan cidel presenting candidates from the Department of manufacturing and mechanical engineering technology Bachelor of Science and mechanical engineering technology Donovan [Applause] choah Ethan eckerly [Applause] Ryan [Applause] Klick Elliot [Music] veronda Nicholas ree Oliver shakle [Applause] kumau Nathaniel Eastman Suma kumau Cheyenne Goff Isaac steers Luke Hensley Teresa hoving Suma [Applause] Kum Tate [Applause] nulan Dallas Hall Jack Shepard presenting candidates from the Department of Material Science and Engineering Bachelor of Science in Material Science and Engineering Seth Johnson Caleb [Music] [Applause] jenter Braden apps Abigail Grace Armstrong [Applause] Christopher cluka Carly [Applause] [Music] delore Greta [Applause] [Music] riow Margaret eninger Suma kumau Skyler Patton Magna kumlu Jack schaer Magna kumau Jonathan ricken Lauren Cornell Daniel Linley Ryan d [Music] Anna [Music] Cole Seth eer Magna kumau presenting candidates from the Department of mechanical engineering engineering mechanics Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering Matthew persa Suma kumlaude Chase Cummings Magna kumla [Applause] Sean Miller Carson linders with an additional degree in robotics [Music] [Applause] engineering chrisy laap Magna [Applause] kumla Caitlyn Burmeister Magna [Applause] kumau Cara Hardy Magna kumla [Applause] [Music] Katherine Seward Luke Collison Noah Smith Magna kumau Jim Wayne kumau Linda Joe Magna kumau Claire risto kumau Kyle denif kumau Chris Chalmers kumau Nicholas dresler Suma kumau [Applause] Garrett quante Aaron [Music] Peasley Nathan luzac kumla Jenna luban [Applause] cuml Hayden long Magna kumau [Applause] Robert [Applause] Parker Leo helie Scott Locas Brent Locas David storm Matthew [Applause] henin Wesley Johnson kumau Ethan Baker Ethan loel kumau Lucas Reiner kumau Brady H kumla Thomas tunison kumla bod [Applause] K Zachary Jager Jacob [Music] [Applause] Maro Thomas Ross George [Applause] Mackey Keegan [Music] Ripper Ryan [Music] [Applause] Wilson Joshua [Music] andari Kenny Abraham Magna kumau Toby boner Magna [Music] kumau Shan Jones Hannah [Applause] kette Richard grow Ryan schy [Applause] kumla Greg redund Magna kumau Cooper [Applause] coatsworth Heather GS Magna [Applause] kumau bill [Music] blackor Seth [Applause] Quail Alexander albanes Christopher [Applause] S Connor Haynes Suma kumla [Applause] Christopher fosc Riley Walters Summa kumla Max [Music] MSA Amanda [Applause] West Ellie Zimmerman Suma kumau [Applause] Parker Bradshaw Magna kumau auen Newman Jacob Byron Kyle zerbel kumau Julia veror kumau [Applause] Hunter [Music] wheeler Brian kilman Justin urula Connor Gort Magna kumla Tristan dong kumau [Applause] Sarah Eastman cuml Connor Davis Tim Sandford Holden McFarland kumau Caleb kobal kumla [Applause] Lewis Henman Suma kumau Gregory [Music] JWT Evan Cronin Christopher KS Nick giler David Wallace [Applause] kumla Michael Miller Hunter ranki kumla Abigail Smith [Applause] kumau Sophia Bolen Kum Jack Holmes Johnny Wagner Brantley nnit cuml Harmon newat cuml Steven Carson Andrew quillin Magna kumau Dives Haram kumla Michael LS Suma kumla Caleb bournes kumla Alexander po [Applause] Jack [Applause] Blake congratulations Kaye elmblad Magna kumau Ryan Ball Suma kumla Nicholas Abbott kumau [Applause] ftor galdino jordal sumuk kumla with an additional degree in Engineering Management Ron [Music] Henderson John Martin Magna kumau Jack [Music] Lina Henry Snyder Catherine [Music] [App


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