Spring 2019 NSCC Commencement 2pm Ceremony for Arts & Sciences Business Industrial Tech and STEM

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Please. Be seated. Good. Afternoon I am Laura Howell Chort chair of the board of trustees at, Northwest State Community, College on behalf, of my fellow trustees I, now declare this, 49th, annual, commencement to, be in session, our. Thanks, to miss Pam Donaldson. For, serving as our grand marshal this afternoon, miss. Donald miss, Donaldson, has served as the faculty member for 25, years in both Human Services and sociology. Thank. You Pam for your dedicated, service to. Northwest State I. Would. Now ask that all veterans and active members of our armed forces to also stand to be recognized. Thank. You for your service. Well. The audience please, stand and join. Us in the Pledge of Allegiance I. Pledge. Allegiance. Thank. You you may be seated I, would. Now like to call to the podium dr. Michael, Thompson the, seventh president, of Northwest, State Community, College. Thank. You madam chairperson. Ladies. And gentlemen it is my honor to, introduce to, you today the members of the platform party and. When asked to hold your applause to each of the groups are recognized, and first, let me recognize the North West State Community College Board. Of Trustees, chair. Laura, how, whom. You just met represents. Defiance. County. Representing. Henry, County is dr., robert hall and. From. Paulding county we, have second. Vice-chair, Lisa, McClure, and Sue, Dirk, and finally. Representing, Fulton County is Sandra. Barbour let's. Give them a round of applause. Also. On stage today we have the College administrative. Team, and I ask that you please stand, to be recognized. Thank. You I talk. A lot they, do all the work let's be clear about that. Now. I would like to recognize the heart and soul, of this institution. And that is, the faculty, and staff here at Northwest, State our, faculty, provide transformal. Trance transformational. Learning environments. And they, as well as our staff take. Great care and support, our students, and we would like for them to receive that recognition. I'd. Also like to recognize two. Young ladies who helped us out today ms lucia, myers and ms, holly to, civic they were serving, as our junior, marshals.

Today, Are they hiding last I saw them they were sitting over there so let's recognize, them today. No. One completes, a college. Degree alone. For. Every graduate, here there are supporting, family. And friends, who help our students, overcome. The incredible, barriers, they have to to reach their educational goals. So, at this time I would like our graduates, you look very nice, like our graduates, I'll, give you this opportunity, to rise, give. A look at your friends and family, and give, them a round of applause for helping, you reach your goal today so, go ahead. Thank. You. To. Our graduates, on behalf. Of a very grateful, Northwest. State Community, College team. I commend. You for your dedication, and your. Persistence, that have led to today's remarkable. Achievement. You've. Managed to overcome many things and balanced, work and family and other obligations, all so that you could get to this day and complete, your degree or certificate. To. Our community, members, Northwest. State Community College provides, a nurturing environment, that. Helps our students, hopes and dreams become. A better life we. Know that the degrees and certificates. Earned here today represent. Far, more than just educational. Milestones a Northwest. State education, helps, our students reach other, goals, including. Family, sustaining wages and meaningful. Civic, contributions. The. Reason that we call today's, ceremony. A commencement. Is because. It marks the beginning of a new chapter in, our students, lives one, filled with hope and. Potential. As we. Celebrate, our 50th, the anniversary we. Remain, resolute. In, our, mission that, is to provide excellent, accessible. And affordable education that. Provides and improves, the lives of individuals. And strengthens. Our communities it. Is student by student than. Family, by family and then. Community, by community we. Help Northwest. Ohio, maintain. The high quality of life that, we enjoy and we're pledged to, continue to, do so in our, next 50 years. Now. For those that are new to community colleges, community. Colleges, students. Represent. Over. 40%. Of all, of college community, colleges over the last 50. Years have, totally. Reshaped, the, environment, of what. It means to go to college, our. Students, often, take. Longer because. They work many full-time, and they. Overcome incredible. Barrier. To get to their success so, this year the, commencement committee, decided. That, instead of inviting, an inspirational. Speaker, to inspire, our graduates. We would let their, very. Voice. Be. The inspiration at today's, ceremony, at. This ceremony you will hear the incredible story of Mark Oliphant, and I, so look forward to hearing, from mark in a few minutes now this, morning, Brittany, op Summer provided, the student address brittany. Is a great example of someone who overcome, many, barriers to, her degree completion. Including. Navigating. A very, difficult, medical, situation, and navigating. A long-distance. Marriage with two children and a husband, in military, service far, away, despite. Those many challenges. Brittany, graduated. Today with, honors, much like mark, Brittany. Received, her associate, degree in nursing this, morning also received the president's, outstanding, award she was also president, of Alpha Delta Nu nursing, Honor Society. And, is, the award of merit student, for the top student. In registered, nursing, so, we are so proud of Brittney and of, mark who you'll hear from and all, the. Graduates, today it's more, than, just an. Educational. Milestone. It represents. An overcoming. Of incredible. Difficulties. To get to this place and for, that I am very, very. Grateful and, with. That I would welcome dr., Cindy Kruger vice, president for institutional effectiveness and, student services who, provides us with a great snapshot of the, 2019. Graduating. Class. I. Would. Also like to extend my congratulations to. The 49th, annual, graduation class, of Northwest State, today. Your family your friends and the college community are, really here, to help you celebrate, your achievements.

So. Who makes up the class of, 2019. The. Class has. 286. Graduates. 161. Women and, 125. Men, there. Are four siblings, along. With a parent, and a child. Graduating. Together today a hundred. And two members of the class completed. Requirements at the end of fall semester. There. Are seven graduates, who, completed, requirements through. Reverse transfer. By. Taking their final courses. At a four-year, institution and. Transferring. The courses, back to earn their associate, degree. 91%. Of the graduating, class lives. In the sixth County service, area of defiance. Fulton. Henry. Paul. Dean Van, Wert and Williams counties, and the. Average age of the class is 28. There. Are several graduates. Who are members of honor societies. There. Are ten graduates, who are members of Kappa, beta Delta, which is the business Honor Society. Forty. Graduates, who, are members of Phi Theta Kappa, the. Two-year. College, Association. Graduate, or. Honor. Society. Nine. Graduates, who, are members of Alpha, data new, nursing. Honor Society and, one, graduate who is a member of the dean's leadership, cluster. There. Are 41 members graduating. With honors 12. Are Mac. Laude 10, are magna. Laude and there, are 19, summa. Laude graduates. The. Average, grade point average of the class is three point two three. Today. Also there will be three, hundred and twenty three Awards. 249. Associate, degrees and, seventy. Four sir tickets, will be awarded. To our 286. Graduates. 48. Degrees and certificates. Will. Be awarded, in Arts and Sciences. 99. Awards, in allied health business and public services. 61. In math science, and engineering technologies. 54. Awards in industrial, technologies, in business and industry and. 61. In nursing. We're. Also honored, to be awarding, for college, credit plus students, for. Associate, degrees and two one-year, certificates. Before. They receive their high school diplomas, this year. Yes. At. This time will mr. mark Oliphant, please come to the stage. Representing. The class of 2019. As the class speaker, is Marc, elephant, who, will receive an associate, of Applied Science degree. In industrial, technology and a, one-year certificate. In machining, he. Is the president of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and, is graduating, today magna. Laude, mark. Works part-time, at, CK technologies. And he. And his wife Cindy, are the parents of seven children. Upon. Graduation, he plans, to begin an apprenticeship, program to, earn a journeyman's, card. Mark. Was nominated, by the faculty, and, selected. By the commencement. Committee to, deliver the class address, his. Nominators. Stated. Mark. Withdrew, from classes, in the early 2000s. Due. To unfortunate, circumstances. And I, am so proud of how hard he has worked over these last two years, his. Goal was to make something of, himself and, he. Has proven, with hard work and determination. That. He has been able to do that please. Welcome mr., mark elephant. Thank. You for the introduction dr. Kreuger I've. Kept telling myself all day long, don't, be nervous don't, be nervous and then I couldn't find out I get up here and guess what I'm, nervous. But. Uh. Graduates. Family, members friends, faculty staff. And honored guests, welcome. And good afternoon, my. Name is Marco Lafont a second and let, me begin by expressing the appreciation. For. The great honor of speaking to you today. Thank. You all for coming and being a part of this celebration of. The 2019. Graduating. Class of Northwest State Community College. My. Fellow graduates, we. Should be very proud of ourselves we. Have made it through enormous, adversities. And have made many sacrifices to, make it to commencement. Everything. We have persevered, through has paid off and that's, what makes today, all the sweeter. All. The hard work that we have put into this journey has, been well worth it I. Say. This because on this wonderful day we. Are here to celebrate our academic, success by. Graduating, I. Would. Like to start with, a quote from Colin Powell. There. Are no secrets, to success, it. Is the result of preparation. Hard. Work and learning. From failure.

We. Have prepared, for this day by studying for exams. Mastering. Skills, writing. Papers. Lots. Of papers, all. Of which required. Hard work and determination. And, a lot of time, but. Perhaps more importantly, thus, the key to our success has been the benefit, of failure and making mistakes so. As we progress on, this journey through life we. Are going to experience failures, and make some mistakes. The. Benefits, of these failures and mistakes come, from the lessons we have learned and, the growth that results, from them, but. It. Is not about dwelling on the failures and the mistakes that we have made but. Rather acknowledging. Them, then responding, to, them in a positive manner. Remember. That the. Lessons we have learned from these failures and mistakes are what molds us into, who we are in who, we will become. So. Let me take a moment here and tell, you a story about myself a. Little. Over four years ago I, was. A drug addict. And. As an addict I made, some huge mistakes I. Truly. Failed myself, my. Family and, society itself. The. Mistakes I made landed me in prison I could. Have blamed everybody, else and. Just, devote on my failures. But. I chose not to. Instead. I decided to learn from these failures and mistakes, and, I, knew it wasn't gonna be easy it was gonna be a long road. But. I told myself that I was gonna stay clean and sober for the rest of my life. So. Here I stand before you today. For. You all with. Four years, and ladies, and gentlemen at 8 p.m. tonight 8, days clean. And sober. The. Lessons I learned from the from, my failures and mistakes has, molded me into the, better person and you see before you and, I'm. Challenging myself to, remain a lifelong, learner and continue. To learn from my mistakes so, that I may be better tomorrow than what, I was today. So. I challenge, each and every one of you, to. Go out into this world and make your mark. Even. Though life throws. Some unexpected, things at you at the most inopportune, time, I would like you all to stand firm to. Push, to always put, your best foot forward, and. Push. And push, through whatever life throws at you never, cut yourself short your. Potential is infinite. Remember. That if you put the work into it. You. Can accomplish anything I, want. You to keep setting new goals and to. Work at obtaining them and, I promise, you, will continue to be, successful. And. I would like to end this with a quote from JK, Rowling, it. Is impossible, to live without, failing something. Unless. You live so cautiously, that. You might as well as not have lived at all in. Which, case you failed by default. So. What you ought to go out there and be fearless. Try. New things do. Not be afraid of failing be. Afraid of not trying, you. Are all already successful, in my eyes so. Go out there continue. To be successful. God. Bless you and thank you all. Thank. You so much mark what, an incredible, story thank you for sharing that with us and to. Show, you a token of our appreciation we, have a plaque we'd like to award you it. Good. Afternoon I'm, Laurie Robinson the vice president, of academics. And what an honor to be, vice, president of, a student, body such as this. Wait. For mark to return to a seat but then. I would like all the graduates. To. Please rise. Faculty. Would. You please rise and turn and face your students. President. Thompson, upon. Recommendation of, the faculty and, in concurrence, with the academic, deans I'm pleased, to present to you the, students, who have fulfilled the requirements, for, their certificates. And their, degrees. Vice. President Robinson I commend, you and our. Wonderful. Faculty for the outstanding job that you have done in preparing, our students, for this very moment, today I so, wholeheartedly, agree with your recommendation and, now, I get to say the cool words, graduates. By. The authority vested in me by the state of Ohio and this very Board of Trustees, present, here today I award. To you the, Northwest, State Community, College degree. And/or, certificate. Together, with all the rights privileges. Honors. And, responsibilities. Therein. With. The first group of graduates, please proceed to the stage remaining. Graduates, and faculty you, may be seated. Today. Mr., Terry King will be serving as our orator. We'll, be starting with the Arts and Sciences Division. Sage. Elizabeth. Rep. Aubrey. L Kelvin. Samantha. Paige Hanover, summa. Laude. Michael. Andrew, Villarreal. Harmony. Lynne Bell. Adam. Michael, Grant gubins. Brooke. Lauren, Chandler. Kimberly. Michelle, AGGA Brecht. Laude and. Phi. Beta. Kappa. Savannah. Murray alt F er, laude. Alexander. Dylan. Krill. Marisa. And Nicole right. Jessica. Elaine D grazinsky. This. Is Susan. Lucille Kartini, Pope Kumari. Kumoi. Day Kappa beta Delta, and Phi Theta Kappa. Alexa. Renee dem 'land. Jacob. Michael grody. Ginamarie. Henson. Laude. Michaela. Rose nav sugar. Laude. Adrian. Gabrielle. Gabrielle. Get. Him in. Laude. And. Now we'll, announce. The business division. Megan. Lee Anne lker. Trenton. Dean Shoop. Regan. N board. Riley. S Ford. Sean. Parker. Patricia. I Gunther, summa. Laude Kappa.

Beta Delta. Derek. Christian, Humbert, Phi, Theta Kappa. Morgan. Nicole enough sigur. Alexandria. Lee surgeon kumoi. T. Andrea. Alvin, come. Madison. Paige for, kumoi t. Amyl. Ellen Stoller kumoi tea. Caleb. Troy Rick nur. Laude. Matthew. Stephen, riser kumoi, de. Jade. Murray Wolford. Joanne. Key Ordway. Adriana. Irene, Highlander. Jessica. Lynne Cummins. Holly. Marie Mann ki laude. David. Eugene covers, summa, laude Kappa. Beta Delta, Phi Theta Kappa. Next. We'll have the industrial technologies. Division. Rachel. In Buell soon, suma, kumoi day Phi Theta Kappa. Adelio. J Gutierrez. Summa. Laude. Grace. A Smalley. Brent. A Shaolin. Laude. Kevin. Lin Gherkin magna, laude. RUP. Robert. Eugene Simmons, summa, laude Phi Theta Kappa. Mark. Faris, Oliphant magna, laude Phi, Theta Kappa. Next. Will be the science, technology engineering and, math division. Colton. Ryan, Leaf Benton. David. Ellen Hartford, kumoi day. Christopher. Valentin. G in Phi. Theta Kappa. Nicholas. Brant gherkin. Brandon. Thomas Ellen, Beta, Kappa. Jacob. William Earl summa. Laude. Rebecca. And, n tweeze summa. Laude Kappa, beta Delta, Phi Beta Kappa. Kevin. F months. Summa, laude Phi, Theta Kappa. Jenilee. Bishop. Laude Phi Theta Kappa. Jacob. Bleak levenshtein, magna, laude Phi Theta Kappa. Elisha. Fritz, Bach magna. Laude. Jeffrey. Scott Schwab, jr.. Branded. Jean Merce drove. Lucas. Delano. Leonard. Laude. Cadance, Stauffer. Laude. Stephen. Wayne Pope magna. Laude Kappa, beta Delta, Phi Theta Kappa. Justin. Christopher, Corbett, Mullins. Alex. Henry Cummins. Jackson. Lee widely. Cori. James mcLaughlin. Magna, laude. Guy. Matthew ank knee. Kate. Benjamin, Willis summa, laude Phi, Theta Kappa. Colin. Parker rocky magna. Laude. Ashton. Dean link. Alexandria. Rosa now ski. Let's. Give our graduates one more round of applause. To. Symbolize this moment, we have one more step in the process. So. Once again I will ask all the graduates, to, please stand. This. Is will be the turning, of the tassel, so. As one, would, you please turn your tassel, from the right side to the left. Congratulations. You. May be seated. Dr.. Thompson if you would please come forward to offering the blessing, of the graduates. Today. We. Celebrate, and give, thanks for, every, graduate. Each. Has a uniqueness. That, is special and full. Of potential, we. Are so very proud, of our, graduates, of who. They will become and we. Would offer the following prayer. When. Today's applause, is, but, a memory, mayor. Graduates, celebrate, and lift, up those around them who, helped on their. Journey. With. Their classes, in grading, now complete, may, our graduates, strive for, towards, the very excellence. They learned during, their educational, journey. With. Degrees, and credentials, in hand may. Our graduates, use their new knowledge not, just with skill but, with integrity. When. Today's fanfare, becomes. Tomorrow's reality. May. Our graduates, find joy and, fulfillment. In their, future endeavors as, our. Graduates achieve, more, and more, with their education, and their experience, may, they seek out, mentor. Others and pass, on what they have learned as our. Graduates, find their new path in life may, the retreat achievements. Grow to, enrich not only their families, but. The communities, in which they live and for. All that, our graduates, are today. And all. Who, they will become, and the, great good that, they will do we. Give, thanks. Amen. Thank. You dr. Thompson, each. Year, several graduates, are selected, by the division, faculty, and Dean's to receive the award of, merit they. Are recognized, for outstanding academic. Achievement, in their particular programs, of study these. Students were honored at a ceremony, last week and are noted in your commencement program, with. The following students, please stand to be recognized, holly. Manki accounting. Thank. You. David. Gables business, management. Patricia. Gunther logistics, and supply chain management. Hannah. Barnhart, Associate, of Arts. Gina. Henson, Associate. Of Arts and Associate, of Science. Sage. Rep Associate. Of Arts and Associate, of Science. Kimberly. Edgar Breck visual, communications, graphic, design. Mark. Olifant Industrial. Technology. Brent. Shelling, industrial. Technology'. Colin. Rocky electrical. Engineering. Kevin. Months electrical, mechanical engineering. David. Hartford mechanical. Engineering. And. Corey. Mclaughlin network, administration. We. Also have three recipients, of the all ohio academic. Team scholarship. Award these. Students are chosen on the basis of academic performance. Demonstration. Of leadership and, community, service involvement. These. Individuals, were honored at a luncheon at, the State House in Columbus. Would. Caleb Davila, Jacob. Clough, enstein and Mark olifant please stand and be recognized. Well. Dr. Thompson please join me once again at the podium each. Year faculty nominate, a student for the president's, outstanding, student award candidates. Are evaluated. On academic, achievement leadership.

Qualities, Community service and character, the. 2019. Award recipient, this year is graduating, summa, laude and as a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. She. Has earned a certificate in, Industrial Maintenance and plans to continue on for her associate, of Applied Science degree, in industrial. Technology concentrating. And maintenance technician, mechatronics. She's. A single parent of two children her. Nominator, describes, her as very, hardworking, strong-willed. She. Overcame a near-fatal, motorcycle. Accident, ran her own contracting. Business and still has time to volunteer her, time as a, sponsor to recovering, addicts her, nominator, states she, has yet to slow down and I'm very proud to be one of her instructors, it. Is with great pleasure that I announced, the 2019, president's, outstanding, student award recipient. Is Miss, Rachael, Buell. Rachael. Please come. I think, we surprised her. Congratulations. Rachel. Now. I'd call executive vice president, Todd Hernandez, to the podium and he will recognize this year's distinguished, faculty, and alumni. It. Is my honor to recognize this. Year's recipients, of the distinguished, faculty, and distinguished, alumni Awards these, individuals, were honored at a luncheon prior, to the ceremony would. Each of the honorees please. Come to the stage. Dr.. Melissa Faber was nominated by a student, and chosen by a committee of her peers to receive this year's distinguished, faculty, award dr.. Faber has been teaching psychology in, the division of Arts and Sciences, for more than eleven years she. Earned a Bachelors, of Science degree from. Defiance College, and a Masters of Arts and PhD, from the University of Toledo she. Has served on various state panels, and committees, including the psychology, transfer, assurance, guide panel the. Ohio guaranteed, transfer pathway. Panel, and as. A member. Of the Student Success Leadership, Institute, dr.. Faber also, served on the board of Holgate local schools. She. Is dedicated to student learning and quality, instruction, receiving. High praise from, both students, and colleagues dr.. Faber, and her husband James, reside, in Holgate Ohio, they. Have three grown children and, four grandchildren please, join me in congratulating, dr., Melissa, Faber. The. Distinguished, Alumni Award is one of the most prominent. Awards, bestowed by, the college each year the, award honors, the alumnus, who has become distinguished, in their field of endeavor.

Three. Outstanding alumni, have been selected, to receive the 2019. Distinguished. Alumni, Award, our. First recipient is mr. Brad hurtak. Brad. Hurtak is a 2006. Laude graduate, with an associate, of technical, studies degree in machining, manufacturing. He, continued, his education at, Indiana Wesleyan, University where. He graduated magna, laude with, a Bachelor of Science in biblical, studies Brad. Is a motivational, speaker who travels throughout the United States, his. Topics, include handling, adversity, leadership. Motivation. And goal-setting. Brad. Was a featured, speaker on, TED Talks and authored, the book find. A way how. A water bottle took me from amputee, to Allstate. He. Is the owner operator of BH housing, LLC, and Sherwood Ohio where, he resides, Brad. Contributes, to his community speaking at local churches schools. And colleges. Congratulations. Mr. hurting. William. La Mars is a 1997. Graduate, with an associate, of Applied Science degree. In electrical, engineering technology. He. Went on to earn a bachelor's degree in business management and, master's, degree in business administration. And. Business and organizational, leadership from Defiance College he. Has served as a business leader for over 20 years in varying, capacities such. As managing, manufacturing. Plants leading. Plant turnarounds, and being, a certified John, Maxwell, coach to name a few, bill. Is currently the executive pastor at, experienced, church CEO. And founder of the defiance Dream Center, serving. People in poverty abuse, and addiction he. Is also the chief operating, officer of rooted. Advisors a consulting, firm. Congratulations. Mr. lommers. Dr.. Michael Savile is a 2001. Magna, laude graduate. With an Associate, of Science degree he. Went on to graduate magna. Laude with a Bachelor of Science from Indiana, Wesleyan, University and, a, doctor of Osteopathic. Medicine. From Ohio University, dr.. Savile is currently employed as a pediatric, neurosurgeon, at, the Children's, Healthcare of Atlanta. During. His medical journey he, has earned many awards, and has had the honour of presenting on topics topics. Such as, multi. Modality monitoring. In the traumatic brain injury patient. And. Central. Nervous system, infections, dr.. Salvo currently resides in Atlanta Georgia. Congratulations. Dr. Savile. On. Behalf of everyone at Northwest State Community College we sincerely thank you for attending today's commencement to celebrate our graduates, after. The ceremony, everyone, is invited to the reception hosted, in the college atrium there. Is a decorated, cake in the atrium for those interested in pictures, we. Ask that guests remain seated until after, the graduates, recess, would. Chair. Laura Howell please approach, the podium to close the ceremony. As. Chair. Of the board of trustees of Northwest. State Community, College I now, declare this, 49th, annual, commencement at an end. You.


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