Spotlight Session at Air Defence’s Counter-UAS Day Online Event

Spotlight Session at Air Defence’s Counter-UAS Day Online Event

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every day drones are improving  lives optimizing operations   and transforming societies but a small  portion of operators are causing chaos   endangering lives and posing a threat to safety  and national security traditional counter uas   solutions are often not suitable as the  sole component of a counter uas strategy   they can interfere with communications  and authorized drones and cause collateral   damage or even fail to detect the threat  defense solutions focuses on the real threat   dangerous drones that can carry heavy payloads  travel long distances and are readily accessible   enforce air defense solutions flagship counter  drone solution protects military public safety   airport border vip prison major event and critical  infrastructure environments it has been deployed   hundreds of times worldwide enforce air features  radio frequency cyber takeover technology it   automatically detects locates and identifies rogue  drones and their pilots and then mitigates the   drone enforce air is set up quickly the hardware  is compact and can be rapidly disassembled moved   and reassembled for operational flexibility as  soon as rogue drones enter the protected area they   are detected and an alert is immediately activated  their unique communication identifiers are   extracted and the takeoff location is discovered  in four sayers unique takeover technology   automatically takes control and operators lose  their communication signals they cannot control   their drones or renew contact authorized drones  in the area are unaffected the rogue drones are   sent along their designated route ending in a  safe landing a safe outcome is achieved without   disrupting the continuity of communications  commerce transportation or everyday life   defense solutions constantly develops new  capabilities to always stay a drone thread ahead   hello my name is martin brumpage and i'm the  uk general manager for defence solutions in   this brief presentation i will discuss elements  of the drone threat facing the military explain   the limitations of traditional counter-driven  solutions and highlight how our cyber takeover   technology will empower you to take complete  control of rock loans and the instant life cycle   who are defense solutions well we're a company  that has quickly ascended to become the global   leader within the counter-drone cyber takeover  technology space we have hundreds of our enforcer   counter-ua systems operationally deployed across  five continents including locations such as major   international airports forward operating military  bases high-profile national borders and seaports   defence solutions talented team is comprised  of experts with extensive experience in air   defense electronic warfare uh cyber security and  including people from elite military intelligence   technology units in 2020 we tripled our size of  our installed base intensified sales in europe and   added five executives to our senior management  team we now employ over 140 people worldwide   many of you will already know us of course  as we're currently working with several major   organizations here in the uk some of whom  i'm sure will be attending this conference so let's take a look at the threat across the  environment here we have some illustrative videos   uh available on youtube um that just highlights  some of the the threat that is out there   in august 2020 a drone uh delayed the red sox  game with the tampa bay rays at fenway park   the players and umpires had to walk off the field  and the game was delayed until the drone flew away   a low level but nuisance event in may 2020 it was with widespread disbelief  at the footage posted online that the near-miss   incident between the u.s blue uh navy blue  angels and what's believed to be a small consumer   quadcopter in 2017 an audacious criminal gang  using drones equipped with fishing lines flew more   than 500 000 pounds worth of contraband including  drugs and phones into prisons across england and   scotland and in 2017 whilst embedded with iraq  special forces ben solomon of the new york times   was on the front lines in mosul when the threat  came from above and isis drone dropping grenades   unfortunately we're seeing near constant  drone incidents across many sectors   including asymmetrical warfare  against conventional military forces   affordability is easy to obtain drones can  be used to assassinate conduct corporate   espionage so mass terror smuggle drugs into  prison or across borders disrupt major events   and pose dangers to airspace and airports drones  are becoming more compact faster harder to detect   and more durable many can fly long distances  and carry heavy payloads and are easy to operate   all of which poses a safety and security  risk to nearly every type of environment so let's look at a few of those environments  we're talking about military and special   forces law enforcement first  responders air traffic control   government vip homeland security maritime borders  um and right across landmark prisons media and   enterprise stadiums critical infrastructure  and local government a considerable list military personnel understand the drone threat and  have faced it for many years terror groups using   commercial drones purchased online and transformed  into remotely piloted bombs we last saw this   in places such as iraq and afghanistan since then  many other groups have used drones in asymmetrical   warfare against conventional forces but terror  attacks are not just the full scope of the drone   threat to soldiers drones are also being used as  an eye in the sky collecting intelligence on true   movements and military bases drones also threaten  flight to flight operations of military aircraft nefarious actors can easily obtain  sophisticated high-tech drones online   these drones can carry significant payloads  travel long distances and so pose a serious threat continuing on from the previous slide it's  important to ensure a counter drone system   can first and foremost deal with the  most dangerous and accessible drones   not all drones pose an equal  threat from a military perspective   the focus should be on the most prevalent  dangerous drones capable of carrying heavy   payloads traveling long distances and  withstanding adverse weather conditions these there are many types of drones some of  which may pose little or no operational threat   at defend we understand how important it is for a  counter-uas solution to categorize and prioritize   the threat posed by each classification of  drone and deal with them accordingly such as   and diy heavy payload drones capable  of flying several kilometers and   carrying significant payloads commercially  available or home built from off-the-shelf   paths they utilize long-distance radio  communications to fly longer distances   while transmitting telemetry and high  resolution video back to their remote control   it's important to note that these drones make  up eighty percent of the commercial market   shorter range wi-fi drones are usually small  controlled fire and control via a smartphone app   and due to the limitations of wi-fi these drones  can fly for only a few hundred meters these types   of drones are usually considered to be lower  threat use their limited range small size and   inability to carry a substantial type of payload  but they can still threaten operational security again at defence solutions we recognize  that traditional technologies have a role   to play in a layered defense strategy but  struggle in urban and sensitive environments   during detection radars are often had trouble  being used as the main drone component   in differentiating between small drones and  other flying objects generating a high rate   of false alarms whilst they're also complicated  to use electro-optical solutions can be effective   where you have a clear liner site which is  often not the case in an urban environment   user because acoustic solutions um is generally  ineffective in a noisy radio frequency saturated   environment jamming based mitigation solutions  emit large amounts of energy to block chrome's   control signals which is likely to disrupt  other radio and mobile phone signals including   time critical incident control communications  also jamming solutions do not allow for the   full control of the drone the hostile pilot may  regain control of the drone once the jamming stops   for instance kinetic solutions whilst uh which  involve uh sorry shooting down the uh a uh a   drone from the high risk of injury and collateral  damage especially in earlier urban scenarios well some of the units are  using cancer drug technologies   uh that prevent them from obtaining  the intelligence captured by the uav um   kinetic cancer drone solutions risk losing  this intelligence by destroying the drone sensitive environments require a next generation  anti-drone defense system so an rf in detection   and rf cyber detection where you expect the  outcome to be fast and accurate detection   no false positives and no line of sight  required for mitigation you require an rf cyber   takeover technology the outcome you desire  is to disconnect and take control of the   drone it's a safe route to a safe  landing the total continuity and   what i mean by that is no communication  disruption collateral damage or stoppages   enforcer by defense solutions is our  operationally proven flagship counter uas   product featuring our world leading counter drone  software defined radio cyber takeover technology   our system operates in either autonomous or manual  mode to detect locate and track drones in your   airspace enforce air will take control over the  drone and land it in a safe and landed safely in a   predefined landing point enforce air does not jam  signals it does not use kinetic force and it does   not require line of sight to operate so enforcer  by defend is a non-jamming non-kinetic technology   that does not require a line of sight it will not  interfere with other other transmitting equipment   and making it ideal for environments including  sensitive and complex urban sites the enforcer   counter-ua system will passively detect track  and identify road clones of interest whilst also   indicating the location of pilots this information  could be passed the military intelligence   enabling them to target the perpetrator  and pretend uh prevent a further incident on this slide we can see from the left uh  defend solutions unique full incident life   cycle management capability from detect and  alert the system passively detects drones   out to a radius of several kilometers locate  and track the real-time location and tracking   using the exact gps location of the  drone via its public beacon telemetry   signal you can classify the drone defend provides  the drone with a unique communication identifier   and creates a tail number allowing the  drone to be tagged friendly or hostile   and dealt with accordingly discovering the  pilot's position and identification the   system will display the take-off position with gps  accuracy and then track the pilot's movements all   of these actions are conducted autonomously and  passively by the enforcer system for mitigation   we have fend off the system disk where the system  disconnects the control signal between the drone   and the pilot causing the drone to activate its  lost signal protocol or return to home protocol the other option is to take control and land by  transmitting a short control signal the system   takes control of the drone and routes it to a  safe landing point via a predefined safe route enforcer is totally passive during detection track  and identification avoiding the risk of exposing   military units to df targeting systems multiple  protection alert zones can be set up across a   wide area of interest military intelligence can  inspire this captured drone data such as the   drone types and that are frequently attacking them  the launch locations and the drone camera footage   enforcer provides a rogue a road drone home  point takeoff position with gps accuracy   whilst the drone is still in the mid-air  and indicates the drone's pilot's position   and remote controller location during takeoff  military units are increasingly using authorised   drones to help them on the battlefield during  the mitigation process the enforce air system   will not affect authorized drones which will  continue to function without interruption   the enforcer provides a high degree of operational  flexibility its core components can be easily   transferred mounted and reconfigured within a  matter of minutes providing an ability for to   move anywhere at any time our military vehicle kit  offers a moving bubble of protection so the forces   can enjoy full mobility defense solutions ground  level tactical kit provides complete support to   ground forces with full omnidirectional coverage  with hundreds of deployments and thousands   of operational hours all of the deployed  options are operationally tested and proven the multiple sensor commander control or msc ii  to connect enforce air systems across multiple   different locations the multiple sensor  commander control or msc 2 system can   be connected via a data network link to each of  the dispersed enforcer systems this enables the   central management configuration and operation of  multiple enforcer units as one consolidated view   the enforcer msc 2 software runs on an enforcer  central server is managed and to manage the   mitigation process and automatically designates  the best sensor to defeat each hostile drone because our system does not rely on jammers or  kinetic technology it avoids collateral damage   interference disruption or disturbance   enforce air transmits a low-power short control  signal to take control of hostile drones and so   continuity prevails as communications  commerce and everyday life remain unaffected defence solutions is committed to staying a drone  threat ahead we are continually developing new   capabilities to stay ahead and anticipate  the most unpredictable drone challenges   and proactively building the next generation  optimal solutions to defend against tomorrow's   threat continuous software updates result in  an up-to-date response to new drone models   and diy radio components defense solution  takes on this challenge by bringing together   all the necessary competencies and  by employing an extensive team of r   d experts with wide cross-domain and real-world  experience our team possesses advanced skill   sets and a real passion for command for  counter drone threat reaction and response the four core concepts that guide defense product  development and implementation as well as the way   we service our customers are a good way to  recap the main themes of this presentation   these are control safety focus and future  control the best way to control the drone uh   its wrong threat is to take control of  the drone safety safe landing or fending   off of the road drone is the best possible  outcome for safe airspace and continuity focus counter drone measures must focus on  the real risk the most dangerous drones and   employ drone risk analysis assessment  and prioritization and the future the   constantly changing and increasingly complex drone  threat requires foreseeing the drone future and   always staying a drone threat ahead so thank  you very much for your time and attention and   it's been an honor to speak to such an important  event our takeover counter drone technology is   already helping several of the organizations  in attendance and we look forward to helping   many more and until then thank you for  your time and i hope to speak to you soon hey thank you martin and and many thanks to  defense solutions for uh the sponsorship and the   presentation today uh we've got uh we've got time  for a question maybe two if we can squeeze them in   in an effort to get back on uh time here um   can you talk about especially following up the  closing comments there um what what are some of   the uh solutions that you all are working  towards regarding uh a swarm capability   um you know greater than five greater than ten  uh platforms at any given time in an effort to determine or to solve the cyber challenges  that may exist as well that's an   um and david thank you for the welcome  um that's a that's a really good question   we uh we're already there to be honest um we  are our system already um detects tracks and   mitigates uh swarm threats um and uh i'd be  delighted to discuss that in more detail with   that with anybody that wanted to uh yeah to reach  out to us and and get further information but um   yeah we are already very aware uh very on top of  and can control track and mitigate swarm threats okay thank you um and uh a second question and uh   and then we'll turn it over to  you for uh closing and comments   um reference uh the various environments and uh  was discussed by some of the earlier presenters   whether it's in an urban environment a desert  opening open terrain or what have you um you   discuss the uh diverse uh cross-section of sectors  and environments is there a difference in how   organizations operating in various environments  would deploy their counter drone systems um yeah another another good question so i think  drone threats vary by mission uh by use case   and certainly by environment so forces and their  organizations responsible counter uas must clearly   carefully evaluate their needs uh in many cases  it's best to preserve flexibility and agility   and since the the drone threat is is an  unpredictable one um i think uh what i would uh   i suppose where i position defend solutions and  enforce air is as the um the the first line of   defense so well the base system so if you think  about um commercial drones being about 95 percent   of the threat that's currently out there at the  moment then you can imagine that you can get   a a counter drone solution on the ground quickly  effectively uh at a a good at a good cost point uh   to get your calendar drone solution up and running  um i think you know we recognize uh as know all   county uas organizations do that you know one  no one solution is the complete uh the complete   package uh and so where the uh the threat is such  uh higher in higher military environments you   might want to look at that last five percent um  that's where other uh you know effectors uh sorry   another um sensors come into effect like radars  uh and you know we can certainly work very closely   with those in fact our api interface allows us  to do that very quickly and very effectively so   we see ourselves very much as part of a solution  but very much you know the first solution on the   ground and that can give a good level of counter  drug capability very quickly and effectively

2021-07-05 03:25

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