Split Gill-Schizophyllum commune- Mushroom cultivation technology
this amazing variety of mushroom is called split gill mushroom the scientific name of this mushroom is schizophylum communi not only this is an absolute beautiful but also a choice edible mushroom that tastes delicious this versatile species can be cultivated all over the year under varied temperature in fact it is a very high tolerant temperature it can withstand up to 38 degree celsius it is probably the most widespread fungi in existence and it can be found on almost every continent throughout the world this mushroom is found on the dead wood logs and can be cultivated under controlled climate as well very easily which you will learn today in this video itself this mushroom is quite popular and in very high demand in asian countries like malaysia thailand as well as also in india it's quite popular it is found in nature in the wild on the decaying trees after the rainy season followed by the dry spells where the mushrooms are naturally collected in the rural areas in the tribal population this mushroom is referred for several kinds of disease and traditional medicines and they often collect this and also for their delicious cuisines this mushroom is very popular it has recently attracted the medicinal industry for its immuno modulatory and anti-fungal your plastic and antiviral activities that are actually higher than those of any other glucan complex carbohydrate so the research work is happening on this mushroom a lot of work recently has started and it's already been established that it has very high significant medicinal values and they are often used for aromatic taste profiles in india in the north estates it's quite popular in the state of manipur it is known as kanglaine and it's one of the favorite indians for the manipuri style pancakes also called panchnam in mizoram the local name is pasi pa means mushroom and sea means tiny as these mushrooms grow really very tiny in the wood and it is one of the highest rated edible mushrooms among the museo community even though in other states of india this mushroom will be quite new and it has recently gained the attraction of a lot of people and hence it's getting popular day by day it have a very meaty texture and it absorbs the taste of gravy or the spice that you cook them in hence they are quite flexible you can use it with any cuisine the main factor will be that you have to know how to cook them this mushroom has a very excellent shelf life and as they are not much soft and delicate like other mushrooms hence it can be stored in normal conditions and sold fresh in the market for a lot several more days than other mushrooms like oyster and button or it can be easily further dried and which can last easily up to a year and even longer rehydrating them prior to the cooking is also quite easy as they readily absorbs all the water and they regain their form morphological characteristics the mushroom resembles undulating waves of tightly packed corals skies of alien commune is a species of fungus in the genus kaisophylum the genus name means split gill and thus this is a split gill fungus it is actually called split gill because of the unique longitudinally divided nature of the gills on the underside of the cap and it actually shrinks and unfolds according to the nature the color of these mushrooms can vary a lot depending upon the climatic situation it can be creamy yellow or pale white or even brown the cap is quite small in the nature and when cultivated it can grow bigger the average size is around 1 to four centimeters wide and with a dense yet spongy body texture they can dry out and rehydrate and thus open and close many times over the course of a growing season hence the mushroom footing bodies can be a year old or even longer in the nature if you find them and this is a great adaptation for a climatic climatic condition with sporty grains where unlike other mushroom species the mycelium only has to produce just one set of fruiting bodies per year and it can then dry out and rehydrate and keep functioning and reproducing itself it's really a very great strategy for reproduction these mushrooms are really very nasty and they are quite easy to spread out and reproduce themselves hence they are found everywhere we may not have eaten them otherwise we must have been found them somewhere either we must not have noticed them but if you look in the woods on the forest somewhere there will it will you will find it because the probability of spreading of this mushroom is the most as unlike other mushrooms the sex organs actually not sex organs i will say the sexes the reproduction in human like we do have male female and in the fungi they are having two to three sexes or four sexes but this mushroom is having around 28 000 different combinations of sexes hence each individual is compatible with another 27 997 of the species worldwide so you can see they are quite adaptive and they are compatible with a lot of their sex and they can reproduce themselves quite enormously hence this mushroom is unlike any other mushroom and this seems to have worked quite well in the widely distributed skies of islam cultivation the commercial cultivation technology of skyzo commune was standardized on the paddy also in wheat straw or in the sawdust backlogs the general temperature which has been recorded to be more suitable is around 28 degree plus minus 2 degree like it can be grown at 26 degree or 30 degree as well but actually as i already told you that it's quite temperature tolerant its range can go up to 35 to 30 degree celsius this mushroom is really very fast growing species like oyster mushrooms and they can complete their vegetative growth within around two to three weeks and can fruit within three to four days so it won't take much time even to grow the farm design okay you can you can just go for low cost low technology mushroom farms because these mushrooms are quite adaptive and very powerful in combating all the disease causing other pathogens as they are the dawn of their own colony so the main controlling factors of the farm can be the temperature humidity and aeration the farm design about the farm design it may be high tech or low tech if you want to learn about them you should go through the previous videos and the link and the playlist shall be shall be included in the description uh just go through all the videos on the mushroom in the playlist and you will find everything about the farm design now let's understand the cultivation steps involved in this as commune mushroom there are basically few steps involved the first step will be substrate selection so what we have found that even though it grows in wood in the nature but for some reason they perform best on the straw so what you need to do is that you have to select the substrate and you can just have the substrate like paddy straw or wheat straw and then what you need you need to chop them and completely clean them and then you need to add the supplement now what why do we need supplements supplements are just the nitrogen source which actually enhances your fruiting condition supplements it's not like that you only need supplements for this mushroom you can add them for any mushroom like button oyster shitake lion's mane i have already covered all those videos where you will learn everything about these varieties of mushroom and much more are informed informations are available on the website bmushroom.com you can go through them hence you need to add supplements supplements you can basically use bran like wheat bran or rice bran you can add around 10 to around 30 percent of the brand it should depend how is your pasteurization or sterilization chamber the better it is the more you can supplement the maximum you can use is 30 percent and once you mix the supplements thoroughly then you need to in insert all this prepared substrate into the bags the bags can be filtered bags or you can use cotton used bagged or simply neck capped bags as used in the asian countries or the main function of the bags are that the excess co2 which will be the mycelium will be producing during the vegetative drip growth it should have the passage to actually flow out so that's the main thing and you need to have something for that so basically you can put the substrate which have which have the moisture of around 60 percent and how do you maintain the substrate with 60 percent you have to insert and submerge the substrate and the pre-mixed substrate of straw and this supplement inside the water for around 10 to 12 hours and after that you take it out and then you pasteurized or sterilize it for pasteurization and sterilization either you can use an autoclave which will take the temperature to around 121 degree celsius at around 15 psi and you can just keep it for around 1 to 1.5 hour that will be sufficient but it will depend upon the volume and your equipment otherwise you can also go for low cost steam sterilization chamber which where you can maintain around 100 degree celsius using the steam and around 4 to 6 hours of pasteurization will be sufficient and after that the step of inoculation during the inoculation it is better if you can maintain a closed environment where there will not be any fly and insect or any dust particles because you don't need any other contaminants other than any other competitor to enter inside your sterilized fruiting bags and the inoculation has to be done with the using on the spawn phylum spawn can be used of around five to twenty percent the more you use the better become the better it is because this mushroom is very fast growing and the mycelium starts dying after four to five weeks so you need fast fruiting and i would prefer to use small bags so you should use small growing bags of around 12 to 15 centimeter the smaller the better it is because the vegetative growth will be over very soon and then you will have your footings so the inoculation process you can add spawn if you can't make your spawn or you don't have any access you can simply buy from us just visit bmushroom.com there you will get all the details about buying the spawn also several kind of trainings are available where you will be able to understand the mushroom training also there are buyback buyback programs where if the farmers do cultivate and they don't have any place to sell their product we do provide them all the facilities including buying it back you can just check it out once the inoculation process is done until now it was all similar to most of the mushrooms now the step of incubation during the incubation there are few tips i would suggest you you should use for this mushroom specially actually this mycelium produces kind of pungent spell which attracts a lot of flies or it can attract just like any other mycelium they do have they do emit a lot of heat from there and also kind of special aroma of the mycelium which do attracts a lot of organisms just like mites or flies so i would suggest you should use the net uh the net will help you in separating the pest from your substrate the incubation period uh the bags basically rest inside your farm where the mycelium spreads throughout it and it will take around 20 to 21 days for the bags to fully colonize and don't place your bags too close to them because sometimes actually especially for this mushroom it produces a lot of heat and they may start to sweat a lot and the further metabolites and other contaminants may awaken so you should have sufficient gap and if it's possible to go for temperature controlled high-tech farms where you can easily control all the climates and you can change your customize your growing room environments the bags will be followed fully colonized and once it is fully colonized now is the stage for fruiting during the fruiting stage simply you need to make four to six slits on the backs make just few cuts you can make rounded curve curve cuts on the backs now there are certain factors you need to change in your footing room either either you just change the environment of your grow room or shift the bags from your incubation room to the separate fruiting room in that footing room just increase the relative humidity to around 90 to 100 percent if you can and actually the as commune mushroom floating bags requires a lot of water you should mist spray or bath the media back sometimes and during the summer months it requires around two to three times spray the bags the media bags needs to be moist all the time to produce good harvest fruitings and harvest won't take much time within four to six days you will start seeing mushrooms coming out and you can harvest them within next two to three days uh harvesting these mushrooms are also quite simple similar to oyster mushrooms twist them from the base and these mushrooms are quite hard and brittle you can easily feel them your through your hands and most harvest will be achieved in the first harvest itself unlike other mushrooms don't expect several flushings from them yeah you can get further footings but most of the time we prefer only one flushings very high quality flushings but you can get a second crushing as well it depends upon the cultivator few important points you should keep in mind while cultivating this mushroom the first point should be don't cultivate this mushroom with other varieties of mushrooms this is a special mushroom actually as i already told you the mycelium is very vigorous the spores are having a lot of very different genetics and it can really contaminate your other bags what i mean by contaminant is that cross-contamination of spores and mycelium may occur within this same fruiting bag so i won't suggest you to grow this mushroom with other varieties of the mushroom in the same unit you should separate the fruiting environment for this mushroom grow them in separate area where you can cut where the spores of this mushroom don't spread out and you have proper hygiene maintenance there and they are super strong the best thing is that they can overrun the trichoderma as well so you won't be seeing much green mold black mould because this mycelium is very strong and as with any other mushroom the cultivator needs to always proper maintain proper sanitization proper hygiene always wear the mask and safety equipment should be handy you should prefer gloves etc it should be it's common with every mushroom under very rare cases just like several other fungi it can be pathogenic and harm even a comprised compromised person actually what happens is that there are rumors that this can infect human actually not only this even the pedestrian mushroom can harm the humans in fact anything any bacteria which even the bacterias in our gut can harm us every second we are breathing we are beating the spores there are hundreds and millions of spores it can be including this mushroom variety as well so there are several kind of mushrooms in the wild as well which are actually toxic so should we worry about it all the time no actually what we need to do is that we should have proper knowledge about the mushrooms mushrooms are not to be feared it's to be loved and like just like mushrooms there are several vegetables in fact several plants there which can harm us so that's not an factor uh the main thing is that this fungi only harms those people who are immune compromised those people they are very weak and they have terminal illness inside them and they can't actually they are having problems with their immune immune system and unlike only not this mushroom with every mushroom and not i'm i'm not talking about eating it eating this mushroom is very safe and it will cure you it will increase your humanity but severals and millions of spores of bacterias and pathogens and everything is there and including the virus including the covet but whom who are at the risk of these things only the people who are immunocompromised other than that this mushroom has been already cultivated and has been already been consumed throughout the human generations since thousands of years in asian countries and now uh even the dmr swollen of india which is a research institute they do sell the edible varieties actually all these isophylums which are cultivated are edible in fact even the from the wild they can be consumed but i won't suggest you to consume the mushrooms from the wild as there are several similar looking toxic mushroom as well and the best thing is that to be safe and to be strong that you should consume mushrooms on your regular diets and which includes this delicious kaiser phylum commune and it's very safe and it do improves the immunity and protects against the illness marketing what about the marketing concept if you don't have market for this delicious mushroom the best thing is that you should try it out and uh yeah if you can't sell it then just let us know you can mail us you can whatsapp us we have the demand for this mushroom in fact there are three communities which we have created for our farming farmers where you can just join and post your requirements for mushroom or if you want to sell there are hundreds and thousands of people who are waiting the mushrooms over the you can just join the bm mushroom worldwide community the links are in the description you can also join our whatsapp group facebook group all the forums will help you in the marketing and to learn further about the mushrooms you can also join the free webinar which we keep on conducting on weekly basis the link is in the description where i will tell you much more about the marketing and growing this mushroom and varieties of other mushrooms as well the best thing about learning is that asking questions so the best thing is that just write your questions on the comments mail us whatsapp us i'm always there to answer you i would like to help you out so let me know how how was the video if you liked it and what next you would like to learn about and do share it video with your friends and families and subscribe this channel if you haven't already thank you happy mushrooming you
2022-05-15 18:30