Space Pirate Arena On The Oculus Quest Will Blow Your Mind

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So, what, if you could battle your friends, in a huge, virtual. Arena somewhere. In your own town, allowing. You to bring everything that makes me are awesome, to a tennis, or basketball courts. With, space pirate arena being one of the first multiplayer, titles, to kneel this concept, we can slowly, see where no skill vr gaming becoming. A reality, and, not, only for our gates but, also for, consumers, so. Join me while we explore the future of online play and dive deeper, down the rabbit hole. So. I'm here with Dirk, at the, headquarters of eye, illusions. To check out space, pirate, arena, I'm super. Excited and. I. Just. D, amped you guys I said like can I come over and you were like sure you want to try it and now, we're here yeah, sure it's it's free like it we've, decided, to just to open it up and to let press and friends and Def's played yeah. If someone come wants to check it out it works so, why, wait so yeah it's, almost like you turned your development, studio into a into, an arcade. Well. You know we wanted to do research on, the large-scale activities, and, what it would be like so yeah, we've. Done experiments, with running, around with skateboarding, around with driving, carts around and and just, figured out what's fun and bigger spaces and what might the future bring you and when like, headsets, are compatible with outside, bigger play areas, and are are, huge the play sizes what would be the future of this and so we're, trying, to start out with fairly simple ideas, and just build up from there so anyways, I, heard. That a careers, is already waiting for us he said, everything up for space pirate, arena and I will be giving, it Rona a sneak peak first look at what. This is all about so yeah. Let's let's get out of here and. He's. Warmed up he's ready oh he's warmed up Oh a series about this he usually. Develops our like you know casual, but he wants, to win he says, he's the one also he's. One of the voices behind the game so he wants to kick your. Okay. Let's go. Unless. I'm at angry you still are we happy so. Yeah we can stop playing game, starts in two seconds. Wow. This. Is a nice looking level, but where are you. So. I have a pistol and I have a shield. You go seal in one hand, pistol. In the other and you can use the. Tonsils. So. When I charge my gum. The laser starts to bounce through. There, for. The mace and the. Longer you charge at the more bounces, uh-huh, oh. That. Was right in my face that's. What I'm always aiming for, okay. Precious, you see the face. Where. Are you come on come on, no. Don't run away don't run away go.

Back Here. That's. How I searched how YouTube oh oh nice, try, welcome to, space prior to reading how long it's. A good workout Wow. So. I had like free lifes you. Have three lives I have three lives as three hits very, similar principle space pad trainer three hit zero. Idea. Like. This that's a great fired about VI you don't need to press about them to do an emote yeah we can just do it yourselves right here that's, it. Okay. So I. See, you have another level yeah we have already currently, replied, ready but in this demo does - yeah, we just played scrapyard, uh-huh, what's. Up just take it lap you gonna share the whole room, change. Coordination. So this is made for two players at the moment uh-huh but there are four pilots so once we sell with another yeah if you could find two of people to play via that'd be great and I also see when I come close to you it says danger so that means. I shouldn't go any, luck. That's. Cute, that's. Weird, it wasn't that we had I'm gonna move walk into my. In. My spot. You're. A good move more back yeah like that. Alright, now you go and do I. Like. This one it's. Very, uh. Aesthetic. Surprise. Chris. Taste. My lasers, if it pleases, Go Bag. Come. On I. Can. Actually jump, as well if I want to. Yeah. In. The end I jumped like a Spartan but, it, didn't. Help it didn't help no, pruning get up yeah. I know but K, system wasn't built for on making. Tying, shoes and Bialik and cool my. Dangles that. Looks, so weird oh you, haven't, seen this games lost to you sorry I've just amused, - is, this a what you notice is long so this is supposed to be the the multi-tool, move our. Intention, was is to. Put. Upgrades and, cool our ship here ah so, right now it's your. Shield. Yeah but. It's within absolute, realms of this could be a how. He launch grenades, how, he how, he activate. Machinery hmm and. So the concept is that you upgrade. This the, same as your gun like see that yellow thing yeah that is, intended to be swappable, so with this controller. You, could pull. It out and put a nice sweet gun model and. That way you can have consumables, yeah, like, a cool, shotguns only has like ten charges scattered. Around that, spawns occasionally so that, way of making the gameplay dynamic and, insane yeah. Right now would give me a simple let's do it let's do one more let's go back to the scrapyard and I do like that you also have a day let's. Say a little story, to, you. Know to your, to. Your map it's, time to lose scrap, yards someone, is going to lose it it yeah. Okay. I'm. So don't was playing around right now I'm just gonna I can't. Shoot at the start yet you do have a you, know a cool-down that's, that's mine. Just. Wanted you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's. Nice little dance I know, but. I did have to try a little bit to get to this point so, you are you trained well had one let's go on back into the real world. Whoa. I. Feel. Like amazing. This. Was totally, worth it, you got a nice. VR. Face I got a nice vo face you got a pretty good one sir that V I have yeah, I've been good, I know, I know this was, this. Was absolutely. Amazing I'm glad you enjoyed it much fun glad I want to go back in well we can do it let's, go back and talk to dark fast yes see you have any questions of course let's, go so many quests after playing, this there's, so much out I'm wondering, if we've been sitting on this for a while and we're glad to tell you whatever you needs not yeah it's so epic thank you so, much for playing with absolute pleasure G let's, do it let's go. All. Right good. I don't sound like an old person but what is Gigi, whoo. Well that was a good. Workout yeah, to say it's, beauty quality oh yeah yeah it's, you're. Getting so into it you know it's like it's it's highly competitive the, moment you jump in you're like this is serious business, I got, a win yeah, it's like, 40 short rounds, I'm very hectic so, yeah you're, really you're really sweating. After a couple of minutes true and and I was playing against, Chris yeah. He's. Easy super, pro well, he trained, a lot so yeah yeah of course because he, has like you know he can play all day I gotta, just you know prove myself we. Don't have a shower here yet so we can play. So. So, what's. The what's the the. Magic behind, space. Pirate, Arena, how does this work, yeah, so there's a lot of tech in it but nothing like when it comes down to tracking, itself, it's just using a standard quest so it's just using one, center, point as a reference, and just they, have to have the exact same direction and.

Then We just from that point we just kind of sink the. Players in, a very high speed that's recollection, well you don't need internet connection so you need a hotspot so you can bring your laptop, for example, and run a server on that or in the future you can bring your mobile. Phone and have a hotspot on your mobile phone and just run it so. It just has to go fast that's it because the. Lower the latency the better yeah, the, more thumb of course because you can actually like if you're playing in the same space. You, can actually hear the other player as well so it needs to be synced up very well also just so that for, safety reasons, needs to be synced, very fast so as you said if it's a hot spot you can just take your phone to different places to, a basketball, card, to. Attendance it's. All possible as long as you have a big. Space. Currently, we're maxing, out the quest. Space for example and it's also because. The. Base stations, we have a base station to store 10 by 10 meters which is like 35, by 35, feet and what was the maximum space, and fortunately, it's actually space that fits in most sports. Cards like one, side of a tennis court or one side of the basketball courts it's always kind of it fits in to that space they, are let's, say games, out there that adapt, to the. Space you draw but. With yours you kind of need to go. For that specific, yeah. Well well we used. To we did some tests with smaller spaces, and the whole hide-and-seek, feeling, and the frantic feeling, is getting less exciting, when you're having smaller spaces, what do we tend to do is and what we're going to do is make, it multiple. So you can like oh you like get your own levels in there and. Now, you can do any space so in the future with other technologies, and with bigger play, spaces you could just implement. Your own level based on where you're playing and it's really nice so it's almost like a little workshop, where people can, maybe also share the levels they made with, others and especially, if you give something back to the community and they can create their own stuff. You know because then you kind of share. The development, of that. Arena as Idol you make so it's, been, build up from the ground to make that possible, it's, still a big, feature so they're still, working on that but yeah it's. It's definitely how. We I would think it should be and. Right. Now we, played one. Fee one, any. Plans for more players. The, cool thing is that we support like, we have no limits, we. Just own only limit. Of like that the the, speed of the connection, so it's a local connection so you could do for example perfectly. Do, 16. Versus 16 players if you have like football, fields right currently. It's mainly. Because of the bear maxing out the size and that's still kind of one versus one is the best thing but if you have like double, the amount of space tree. Versus tree could be very doable if you have a rectangular. Larger. Kind of space you can do multiplayer and then like other, objectives. For example, so yeah it gets really really crazy so something I I tried. For, science is, walk. Through a, wall see if I could cheat because I played. So. Many titles in VI rare I can just or stick, my head through the, wall to see where someone was or stick my hand, through it so no, one could shoot me but, you. Guys build very, smart systems, to prevent, me from let's. Say cheating, I've tried the same thing in a lot of VR games just to figure out how everything work but, yeah like. You've noticed if you walk through a wall you're getting kicked to avoid. You. See a lot of arrows pointing, to your last safe. Destination, we call it safe zones those. Are like the spaces, for aim that work fair, so, you have to go back to that space and now you actually, can't start playing again but in the meantime other players can shoot you so. It's kind of you do it once you try it once but, once you know it's not working you don't do it again, so that's one of the things we want to prevent there's a lot of other stuff in there like you can shoot through walls and, not just like if you're putting.

Your Sticking, or gun into a wall but actually if you're true while we're doing raycast to just to see if it's actually if you're armed it's not through, a wall and one of the other things a lot of players were doing is just like they were just. Pruning. And I'm like sneaking around pruning but we we only have like tree points that we can track so we don't know where to feed our so it got really dangerous so, we make, sure that no one can prone so it goes to black as well if you're getting too low and, so everyone plays in a normal way once you know once, you have direct feedback of what you can do people, love doing and they just play the game but it's very important, to not. Only prevent, people from cheating but also to keep them safe, so that the main thing if you really want to play this safely, it's having, your own space like on a tennis court on each side and you can do whatever you want but, if you we. Be like, we know some people are going to try it anyways, and it's on their own, like. If, they hit each other is their own fault but we added some systems like if you're actually running to. Each shutter and you're, getting, close to a corner, there's like kind of a, cylinder, a red cylinder. Warping. Around you and rotating, around you and it's very clear that it's like it says danger danger, like because. There's a physical person there it's, time for. The question about. Questions, the most important. One that everyone. Has. Been asking me about and, that, is, when. Can. We play. Space. Pirate arena just please yeah. Okay but let's, say. Nice. Try though nice right, for. Four people and present and, other deaf still a. Here because. We want their first experience to be a great experience and you actually need like we know that some people are going to try it on six, by six meters I'm twenty by twenty feet it's going to happen and that's not the way how to play it so people, need, to know you need that kind of space right and also. Like, we want to get it to make it available like. Soon. Shortly. As a kind of a closed better. Or something. And we'll. See how many people are playing it how they're playing it I'm trying to adapt the. Project, to how people are playing it because that's we want to get something you know like what do you like about it and stuff, like this yeah. We'll try to open. It up for people. As. Soon. As possible, but there's still work but. This will be a separate. Game. Right. This, is not a DLC -. That's. Right it's, the same IP but it's a different project yeah yeah it's not something like you know in this state like this. Is not a product you can sell like just, as. It is you, could sell it like our case could for example run it and have licenses, but we, can just like, sell. It to the general, audience what if comes out is that warehouse. Scale like you see in arcades, is not mainstream, yet in the consumer, market you, would be the first yeah. But it's also gained, like a lot of our case will gain interest. And people gain interest into like, large phase areas and our gate so I think it's kind of. Its. Move it will adapt it's just something that's going to be interesting for everyone. That's interesting, a large scale and hopefully, we'll get people ready to play on large spaces that's like the whole purpose of this it's the first step and something. That might become the. Future sports, or. Something, sparked yeah as well yeah totally, so, the answer is soon.

What. Does that mean. Let, us know in the comments below that's. About it thank you so much for inviting us, for letting, us try it it's, it's super awesome what you guys are doing, very, passionate, it and. Trying. To make VR you know a more, awesome place more, fun that's. It that's, all that's that's all you got to do that's the drive right, yeah. Yeah. Just looking at the future and trying, to do something different something that's not out there yes our, trying, to have a different vision or, trying. To have the best product yes those. Are the reasons why should create some yeah inventing, the future of gaming. Maybe, we'll, see he'll see it's fun so as long, as it's fun we like working on it as long as we're having fun we like. Cool. Beans so I'm, gonna end this video now I want to thank you all so much for, watching, if you enjoyed this video and be sure to give it a big. Thumbs. Up lets. Us know you care and yeah. Now it's time to sign, off and as, I always say and I see you all next. Time see. You in. The. Metaphors. If. The hobbits from Isengard, would like to play space, pirate arena it's. No problem.


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