South Carolina Gov Henry McMaster Updates State s Response to Hurricane Florence

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And if, you noted from those. Remarks. And figures that what that means is the hurricane, portion. Of the hurricane, wind portion, of the storm is. Almost ninety a hundred miles wide and altogether. The, tropical. Wind winds. And the hurricane, winds, are, almost. Just. Under 400 miles wide and, as he said it's going to be moving at, great velocity as, it comes here but also will be moving across the ground at a slow, rate which. Means all this rain is going to be here for about two days starting. At one side of the stage and going to the other something. Else that you may not have heard before is, that we may have landslides, in the Upstate as a result of this and that's because I think it's about seven inches of rain may be expected. In the Upstate so, this is still a very very dangerous storm, not only on the coast but. Also in, the in the interior, of the state and. The very unusual part is gonna last for about two days so. That means that we're, going to have to be patient, because as we leave our homes and. We've now had over. 421. People, that we've counted twenty, one thousand, four one thousand. They've, actually evacuated. And, we expect more but. The. There. Will be a still. People, will be on the roads but we would say when when. It comes time for those, winds. To get to Myrtle Beach that'd, be the first place they'll arrive would be sometime, this evening that, is at least 39. Or 40, miles. An hour isn't, time to get off of that road and as, the storm, moves in in Charleston. Tonight you. Should not be on the road and when it gets down to Beaufort sometime tomorrow you, should not be on the road so if you're getting if you're gonna leave and, you should leave if you, have not left these evacuation. Zones you should leave now, because, time is running out and remember. This once. These winds start blowing at. That tropical storm rate, it will be virtually impossible for. The rescuers, to get in to rescue you, so, they will be leaving just like the others because it'll, be dangerous, to be there so, you if you have not left if you are in a place of danger, if you're in these zones, now, is the time to go because, that window of opportunity is, closing on, you very, quickly and if, you stay, in those zones when. The bridges, may be overrun. There may be debris, on bridges, there will be, electrical. Lines will be down possibly, all over the state there will be roads, that, will be closed, because of trees across, the roads of the some. Of the roads will be washed out it. Will be very difficult for, people to get in to fix those things until. The winds have gone the rain of society. And even then it will take days to do it and the. First responders. Will be the first ones to go in they'll have to be cutting trees and trying to put up the power line so for for, those people, whether you are in, those areas or you, are outside of those areas you should plan to be patient, because you may not be leaving.

Wherever. You are for, several days it. May take a week it make to take two or three days we don't know but, we know that things will not be normal, for many days, highway, 501. Is now going in both, directions as, of noon today hour. 26, will be going in both directions as. Of 6 o'clock p.m.. Today. Of course we don't expect many people to be going into the area except. First responders. And those who are still, sitting up as I. Mentioned, Powell will be out for a long time, think. About what you need for, power if you have a cell phone it's not going to last the length of time and it's going to take to get through this storm without being, repowered. So you need to have an extra battery or some, place to go that has plenty of power, I mentioned. The trees are going to be down on the roads the power lines are going to be down on the roads don't, drive your car into, a standing, water on a road that may be no road underneath, that standing, water and maybe a power line down under that standing, water this, is enormous, ly dangerous. And also we may have flash flood so, if you see a barricade. Do not go around the barricade, and again don't, try to take your, well-known. Shortcut. It usually, works follow. The signs follow, the evacuation signs. And again is getting, late to evacuate, so if you, are in one of these areas you need to go in and get out now again. The power line crews the law officers, and others will be the first to go back in, we. Will people, will not be able to go back into their homes we know everyone wants to get back to see what has happened and to take care of things but, that will not be possible until, those areas have been cleared, by, the proper, authorities so, as you please that they what. Bay, they instructions. Because they are giving them for your safety. And finally. I'll say this we, are, well. Aware of the tendency, of some people, to want to get in early and Aleut there are thieves all, over the place and, you can be assured that, South Carolina, law enforcement, authorities and all, of its different aspects. Will be on high alert for, such we, want to keep our people safe keep, their property, secure, general. Livingston. Thank. You governor. Governor. And people, South Carolina team South Carolina, from the state % perspective. We. Are said we maybe have a few minor adjustments, but we're set ready for this storm we. Need the rest of team South Carolina, the citizens, of South Carolina, to, be sent the governor has. Made some very cautious, decisions. To. Make sure that we don't gamble with people's lives, and we don't want you to gamble with your life, we're, continuing, to coordinate with our neighbors to the north, both, of our National Guard's have about 3,000. People. Activated. At this time and we, are able to exchange, resources on the border so, as the storm comes across the border we're. Prepared, to deal with that Thank You governor thanks Christy. Halt. Just. Like to give you a quick, update on dat and traffic operations, in the state traffic. Has been relatively, light. This afternoon, and, our traffic, volumes have been dropping off steadily, as a storm approaches, the, reversals, that have been put in place on I 26, and us 501, have. Functioned, very well and operated, as designed, i 26.

In Particular, through noon today we moved an estimated, 51 thousand, vehicles. With. Since, the evacuation, time that, includes, up to 400, vehicles per hour on the reverse side. As. Well for. Tuesday we had a peak of about 400, vehicles per hour Tuesday, on I 26, reversal. And then, yesterday, we had a peak of about 560. Vehicles, prior using, the reverse side on I 26, without. That reversal, in place we believe that we would have had a lot of congestion and slow-moving, traffic on I 26, but Tuesday, and Wednesday, with. Regards, to us 501. Through. Noon today we've moved an estimated, 33 thousand, vehicles out, of the Myrtle Beach and PD area, including. Up to about, 570, vehicles, per hour both, Tuesday. And Wednesday, so both days we had about close to 600, vehicle for our. Movements. On that facility as the governor mentioned we. Estimate. That we've moved about a 420. 21,000. Vacuous, out of the areas we. Have about 3,000, DoD employees, ready. To respond, to this event, including. Over 100, crews that have been specially assigned, for debris removal operations, once. The storm passes I'd, like to encourage the public to check sedi, T's web page as well as AMD's web page for road closures, as this event, unfolds. On. That, again there's the number if you don't know whom, to call call. That number and if that's not the police to get the answer you will be referring, to the place to get to have director. Smith, Thank. You governor Leroy, Smith Department, of Public Safety, as the, governor. Stated earlier the reverted, southbound, lanes of us 501. Are now open. The. I-26. Reverted, lanes will. Close today at, 6:00. P.m. and as. I stated yesterday if, your vehicle is on the upper verdant side in front of the flushed vehicles, you, can continue, the entire route, up to the, Columbia. Area. It's, going to take us about four hours to break the, i-20. Six we've already reverted, laying down and again. We'll close that lane at six sometime few. Hours after, that we should have it totally. Completed, as. I told you yesterday we. Investigated, two minor collisions. On. The reverted side of the i-20, six, route one, in Orangeburg County, one, in Columbia, we. Also work one minor collision I'm sorry ain't a police department work one minor collision on u.s., 501. They're in the town of honor. Our. Preparations. Are underway for our, post landfall, our response. And I would just like to give you some public, safety, tips something, that you've heard, the governor mentioned already I think it's important, to reiterate. Those, things just once more in. Terms of post landfall. Roadways. Conditions, will be very dangerous and and, if you don't have a need to be on the road where we ask that you please, stay. Off the roads. Again. The, phrase, turn. Around don't drown could not be more important, than now. So. Don't drive around the barricades, as you heard the governor state earlier. Don't. Drive and stand in water we know why it could be down powerlines debris. Tree. Branches down of the roadway could be watched out and something, else don't. Use. Or play in standing. Water for irregular, recreational. Purposes, there could be a lot of safety risks associated. With, that. That's. All I have thank you, okay thank you very much chief. Keel sled. Thank. Thank governor, Markell, sled, chief I just, want to say as you've heard the. Evacuations. And lane reversals, are coming to an end those. 450, state law enforcement, personnel. Who have been working, with the lane reversals, and, evacuations. Will be transitioned. Into security, assignments we.

Have Already received a number of calls. From, local jurisdictions. That are impacted, by this storm, through. Evacuations. Or those that or looking to have potential, damage they're, asking, for additional law enforcement, assistance we, will be providing, that law enforcement assistance. To those agencies, with, all of our partners state. Law enforcement partners and the. National Guard. Again. As I've said day this, is not the time for individuals. To try and take advantage of those less fortunate those. Who have had to evacuate from their homes or their businesses, law, enforcement, will be out in force and there will be a zero. Tolerance for criminal activity, thank you thank, you. Sir. Thank You governor, DHEC. Continues, to perform pre-storm. Assessments, of dams across, the state focusing, on those areas where we're, expecting, the highest amounts of rainfall so far we have assessed over 240. Dams for. Those that we need to keep closer attention on during the storm we're partnering, with the National Guard to do so again, at this time I would still suggest that if you have a dam, or an impoundment, before, the weather gets bad this afternoon, if you can look at your primary spillway. An emergency, spillway and make sure they're clear and operational, and, free of debris as. It relates to our health care facility, evacuations. In the evacuation, zone most. Of those have been completed, and the rest will be finishing, up today, so, far we have successfully, transported. And evacuated, over 2,200. Patients, thank, you. Thank. You governor, I'd. Like to give an update on our shelter, situation as, of, 2:00 p.m. we. Had 61, total, shelters, open, across the state, 49. Of these were, general, population. Shelters, and 12. For special, medical, needs shelters. We, have one general population. Shelter, that is at full capacity and. That is Goose Creek High School in, Berkeley County we. Have one special. Medical, needs shelter, that is at capacity and that's Carolina, Medical Center in Florence. South Carolina. Currently. There are four thousand, three hundred and fifty-eight clients. In shelters, across the state. 79. Of which are special, medical, needs. Our. Current, total sheltering. Capacity. Is at, thirty-five thousand, six hundred and two we, are twelve percent, of that capacity. That, leaves, us with thirty one thousand, three hundred and twenty four spaces in shelters, across the state at this time as, a.

Reminder. If you are going to a shelter, check, your SCE, MD, website, for the live, number. Of which is open, or at capacity. Remember. To bring blankets, pillows, and, your comfort, items, medicines. If you have a chronic condition, like high blood pressure or diabetes, important. Identification. Documents. And any, special, food, items, if you have small children or. If you are on a restricted, diet of. Course service animals, are allowed in shelters, and if you have a pet and it is not a pet friendly, shelter the, staff will assist you in locating that's, that, a, placement. For your pet we. Have four pet-friendly. Shelters that. Are now open. Blenheim, elementary. And middle school, in Marlboro, County. Cane, canes Bay High School in Berkeley County, Depot's, middle. School and Dorchester, County, and like, Marion, High School and Orangeburg, County and, that concludes system day. Thank, You governor for, those evacuate. Arrangements. For overnight accommodation. There are still rooms available throughout most of the state if. You've not made those arrangements I would encourage you to go to a hotels website online, travel agent sites. Short-term rental accommodation sites, and check for availability, Thank You, Emily. For Labor. Licensing and, Regulation, thank. You sir. State. Fire continues. To coordinate, and prepare for the flooding, that we anticipate. With this storm we now have four, FEMA. Urban search-and-rescue teams. Along, with one FEMA incident, support team that is now working with our. South Carolina resources. As well as those that came from Tennessee, and Louisiana so. We now have about 750. Search rescue, personnel ready, to respond, some. Of these teams, are stationed. Here in Columbia, and others. Are already in places closer to the coast and areas, where. We anticipate flooding. Ready. To respond, as soon as the winds died down and, it is safe to do so also. Wanted to let the public know that we do have important. Messages. Related, to this storm, on our agency, website ll R SC gov, again, that's ll R SC gov. We. Have a link right on the homepage to some of these important, messages from, everything from our OSHA division, for employer. And worker, safety, messages. Messages. From our licensing, boards in the State Fire Marshal's, Office wanted. To highlight one of those after. The storm folks will be looking for property, repairs. They, want to make sure that when you do that to, look. For people or a business, that you engage make sure that they are properly licensed. With our state, there's. Many insurance companies agencies. And organizations, that that. Won't provide, reimbursement assistance. To property, owners if you, are using someone. Or a company, that, does not have a proper license, in the state you, can find that important, information along, with how to look up licensees. And who needs to be licensed, at. That website we. Do also have an important message about, how to remain. Fire safe during this storm and so. I'd, like to ask our state fire marshal chief Jones to come forward and give that information to, the public Joe, thank you. Many. Areas of our state will likely experience, extended. Periods without power as a result of the storm and I want to offer a few, safety tips to prevent injuries, deaths and of course property, loss as. A result of those actions first. Of all avoid the use of candles, for auxilary lighting it's best to use battery powered, flashlights, or lanterns, instead of candles, or open other open flames and of. Course I suspect. That many people we use in generators. Make. Sure that you operate a generator, in a well-ventilated. Location. That's outdoors, that's, away from doors and windows never. Operate, a generator, in, an attached garage even, even, if the doors are open and, also make sure that you place. Generators. So the exhaust fumes are. Pointed, away from any doors or windows on your home, make. Sure that you have carbon monoxide. Detectors. And alarms in your home that, will indicate.

If There's a carbon monoxide build-up, before it's too late and. As, a message, to protect our, linemen, and, power, utility, workers that we'll be restoring. Power in the area if your generator, is hooked to the the main breaker box of your home make sure that you switch off the, main breaker to your home before starting, the generator, because, that power can back feedback to the powerlines, and potentially, injure the line workers, that are working to restore your power, make. Sure the appliances. That you're operating off of that generator, do. Not overload, the generators, capacity. And make. Sure extension, cords. Used are not exposed, to water please. Make sure and we actually had a fatality, last, year following. Hurricane, MO as a result of this make sure that you fuel your generator, after it's, cooled down and never run your generator inside, your house we actually had a fatality last, year after. Her mo because of a generator, being run inside the house and then. Experience, has taught us to. Avoid. Cooking, related, hazards. As, a result, of a hurricane and power loss make. Sure that the ID of your stove is turned off. When the power goes off we. Experienced, I remember back during Hugo, where, the power went off while people were cooking and then they forgot that the path that the eye of the stove was left on the, power came back on when they weren't home or while they were sleeping and it started the kitchen fire so make sure you turn the I the stove, off. Never, use portable, or, fuel, burning appliances inside. Your home and never, burn charcoal. Grills. Inside, your home so again just some safety messages. To. Make sure that you stay safe and your property stays safe following power outages, thank you. Well. Chief Jones is pointed out is and it's, been emphasized, here before is actually two phases to, this a to two separate, operations. One is facing, the challenges, presented, by the wind and the very. Large, surge, that we know we're going to have and, the. Rain and the water and, all, of that but then once that is gone then. We have the recovery, period where we have people without power and they're. Just as many dangers, as there is that, all when the storm, and the hurricane, are. Approaching. So we need to be very careful, and be patient and follow the directions, and advice of the, professionals, in this area one, of those Libby Turner from the Federal Emergency Management, Agency. May be. Thank. You governor. FEMA's. Here in support of a very strong and capable team, South Carolina, as we. Plan and prepare for the potential impacts of hurricane Florence, we. Have we have here an incident, management assistance team, that includes our defense coordinating, officer, and his team and other. Federal agencies such, as Health and Human Services Department, of Transportation, the US, Army Corps of Engineers Department. Of Energy and others as we, work together to prepare and plan for the potential, aftermath, we. Also have to incident, support bases, where, we have supplies. Search. And rescue teams other, commodities. That might, be needed after the storm, while. We don't wish for impacts. From this storm we're. Honored to be here in support of the citizens of South Carolina thank you. Thank. You mr. ed, we've also heard this morning from, Secretary. Of Transportation, MS. Chao from. Ben Carson from. We've, heard from yesterday, Secretary, of Commerce US Secretary, of Commerce Wilbur Ross mean.

We Are we. Are receiving. Plenty, of attention and we appreciate it very much from the federal. Administration. Kim. Stenson, emergency. Management, division. All. Right thank you sir, obviously. We're still the, Seahawk still fully operational, here and will be for the certainly the near term our, priorities, here with the State Emergency Response Team have not changed, we're, still going through evacuation. And sheltering, and, then we're follow-on operations. Initial, response. Re-entry. And initial damage assessment, and then also planning for flood operations, right, now at the county, level there are 22. County Emergency Operations centers, that are open and their, primary focus continues, to be evacuation. And sheltering in. Terms, of logistics. So far we've received, 573. Requests. 408. Of those are either. Complete or in progress and, it ranges anywhere from ambulances. To buses two generators, we've. Got seven, teams from, three different states that are on on. The ground or will be on the ground this afternoon, and incident management it's, worth water rescue, and air support and. We've got seven others that are pending and. Due to arrive here in the near term and that could, include additional air support, personnel, and damage assessment, and right now there's a little, over 200. Individuals. From other states that are that, are here right now. We've, got over 8,000, of tarps blue. Tarps in our inventory right now for temporary, roof repair and. We've got, over. 275,000. Sandbags, that are available if we need them we've. Already issued over, 250,000. Sandbags, out to the ethic level, the most likely. Response. Requests, that we're going to get here in the following. The the. Arrival. Of tropical storm, force winds there's debris management generators. And damage. Assessments so we expect to get those as we haven't have, in the past and we continue, to plan for, sustainment. Operations, for, both. Emergency. Operation, centers and teams because this is going to be a long a long. Operation, we, fear, Governor, already talked about the. Public. Information phone system and it's at one. Eight six six two four six zero one three three and that's operational. They've taken over five thousand calls right now primarily. Evacuation. And sheltering questions. Several. People have already mentioned it where we've got our website SCE MD org, it still has lots of information it's in disaster, mode right now so you can as. Soon as you open it up it's got all the important links that you need to to stay connected. Also. Our emergency, manager. Application. That's, on your smart phone we've got almost a hundred thousand downloads on that but it has everything that the, website has and it allows, you to put, in your own personal information.

So. That you can stay connected and. With that sir, thank. You. Thank. You governor Addison, yesterday, we, realized. That this is we're going to have a flood event we're, forecasting. Statewide. Heavy. Rainfall, so. We're in the process of, preparing not, only idea in our officers but our state partners to respond. To these communities. Where we have, flooding conditions, one. Of the things that when you have a flooded, area or a flooded subdivision. It's even more vulnerable to looting, so, we want everyone, to know that we're going to be there with. Our other state law enforcement partners to, protect their property if. You're going to go boating while in the waterways, please. Be safe be careful, travel. At a slow speed just, like on our highways, there'll be much debris in our waterways. As you're. In a boat so it can be very hazardous, our. Waterways during, flood conditions can. The waters can be very Swift and rapid, which causes, another, safety. Concern for boaters especially. If you're a boater with not much boating experience, in this type of water and, please. Don't go sightseeing. Once, again please, don't go sightsee, so, many times when we have these flooded areas boaters, will put their boats in the water to go look and that. That just causes all types of problems especially for, those homeowners they, may have water in their home or, almost. In their homes by boat wakes that will put. One of the homes and cause much more damage, we. Still, anticipate. Our area, of top priority, to be the Peavy River Basin, once, again the Pee Dee River Basin. Is our, priority area for now simply. Because they will be receiving water not only from South Carolina rainfall. But, also North, Carolina rainfall, all, in that one River Basin, we, will continue to monitor other, river, basins, we are, modeling, now we. Have some good ideas, of areas, that we need to be, paying. Attention to, but once it starts raining we'll have real-time modeling, will be able to be ahead of the flood waters, and. Anticipate. Having all of our resources, in, place so. Once, again be safe, be. Careful if you're on the water water. Waves are in flood conditions can, be hazards. Just like our boat advice thank, you God thank you Jerry. Ager probation. Parole in part. Good. Afternoon in. The time that you have a state, of emergency in South Carolina like we have today I just, want you to know that all of the state law enforcement agencies, sled.

Department. Of Natural Resources, probably. Public safety as well as probation, Pro important, services we. Come together and we work as one you. Heard that the real aim reverse will be were, completed. Today that. Lead was by DPS, we work with them on that we. Will now transition, to our post storm role. And that means that we would take the lead from sled to work as one but, to provide our, mission is the same and that's to provide to. Protect rather all, of the holes where there has been evacuation. As well as save as many lives as we, possibly can this is not our, first time doing this the law enforcement agencies here are very experienced, at this and we, look forward to carrying out this mission thank you. Thank. You. Apartment. Motor vehicles number one priority, is to reestablish all, the branch offices, as soon as we can get safely back into, them, for. Those that were not able to go ahead and safely, open with power we have two mobile, capabilities, we, use our cares vehicle, and our shark vehicles, to go ahead and augment. Those those, services, at an, appropriate time we will take those those, resources, and get them out to the insurance. Claim, sites so that we have capability, to get citizens, their drivers licenses ID cards, and titles. For appropriate, claims, shifting. Gears though it's, an opportunity to talk about the, South Carolina disaster. Recovery office. And where. The state has a world-class. Response. Element, I want to talk to everybody about the. Requirement. To get out there and recover there, is not are not abundant, office. Resources. To get out there and recover each of the homes that are going to be impacted, by this this flood and, as. A result, the. Priority. Will go through the South, Carolina disaster, recovery office, to the most vulnerable people in the state primarily. Those individuals, that are, bottom. Third of poor they. Are disabled, and arranged age dependent, that means that if you are able-bodied, you, are going to be responsible, particularly, for the initial recovery that comes from your home that, means being prepared for the recovery, itself that, means going out and buying things like mops buckets. Clorox. Gloves, and, in. Contractor. Trash bags so, that you can go ahead and get rid of the trash and the water as fast as humanly possible, so that you can mitigate, the impacts, of things like mold and mildew that will take over a home if you're not careful the. Last thing that we law use is a lesson learned that I'll throw out this time a lot of you going to be exposed to a lot of time outside, at this point in time and it is mosquito, season and this is the time to go out pre-storm. And buy the bug, spray so, that you're properly protected, they're going to be out there like they have been each of the pre are prior storms, and we, want you to go out and start buying that that, stuff so you can protect yourself now, sir subject your questions thank you very much. We've. Also been in contact with, secretary. Linda. McMahon, of the Small Business Administration, and. They are they are ready, to provide assistance in recovery, as well. Director, Nanette Edwards, office of renters Dale, Thank. You governor, well. I've been stated, several times earlier in this briefing and, addressed. By the, governor we, are anticipating, that.

With. The current, projections, of this storm we could have extended, power. Outages. The, reason for that is, the, crews cannot, go out and begin restoration. Efforts until it is safe to do so and because. We, now understand, that the winds, can be 30, miles per hour and, greater for a sustained, period of time the. Utility, crews cannot go out until, it. Is safe to do so so. For example, if you were to lose power on Thursday. It, could, be several days before. Your power could be restored, and. Along. Those lines if you choose, to remain in place please. Make sure that you're prepared for that extended, power outage, make, sure that you have batteries, if you rely on a cell phone make. Sure that you have your extra battery charged, take. Those precautions, we. Urge you to do so. The office of regulatory staff is also continuing, to work with our fuel partners, to make sure that there are adequate fuel, supplies for. Any continued, evacuation. Thank, you and we've also heard, from Duke. SCE. Ng, and. Santa, couple and they are making the same plans that everyone. Else is to address. These problems and, the fixing. That will take place after the storm leaves yes. Sir. Any. Questions, yes, it, may be Colonel Taylor to address more specifics, on concerns. For River flooding when it wasn't. Well. We, know from, past experience and. From the models we are currently running that, the, highest. Area of vulnerability will. Be the PD Basin, there's no question, about that they, are positioned. And projected. To have the greatest amount of rainfall of. The shortest period of time we. Have many small rivers. That feed into that Basin both the little PD and local. River, take. Water out of North Carolina, and it comes down and. Exits. Into the Pee Dee River and, we, also have, the, Waccamaw, River which, receives, water from North Carolina, as well which. At the end of that River again. Is the great PD, so, the great PD, takes, a lot of water from a lot of different rivers, along that Basin, so, we know that it is the most vulnerable it, is our top priority we. Never going to have much, rain in North Carolina, and we, know we're going to have much rain along, that PD area, of our state the highest projected. Area so, that's our top priority, we'll move down to the Catawba, River Basin. Anticipating. The area, that may have the second, largest amount of rain volume, and we're. Modeling that will closely monitor it, as well those, are I talk to priorities, presently, but we will continue to look at the Eddystone Basin, around give ants and royal part of state and our. Other river basins. We. Get real-time information, when. It starts raining we, can play it and we're planning we, know where we think the highest priority, should be but. Once it starts raining then, we get real-time, information and. We can react to that and her in a hurry you know because we'll be monitoring. Well. The will be looking at the concrete as you also know you've probably seen that SC and gia spend spilling. Money now anticipating. Being. Able to hold a greater capacity of, water from rain and. We've received some calls, just, a day from residents, that saw the, Congaree, and, also. The great P they come. Up overnight and, they said oh no why's the river rising, because it. Hasn't started raining is it raining upstream, or what what, that is is preparation, to, be able to accept water my.

Utilities. Have. Loved in the past as well and they are they, spilled water ahead of time which, may have caused a river downstream to, go up temporarily, but, that water would be flushed in a river would go back down and then the whole system can, take. And, adequately. As best possible. Take. Care of that water it comes in from rain. Wait. Wait we're prepared, we're looking, we're modeling, but, at the end of the day when. It starts raining that much it's going to depend on how much rain falls it more particularly you know most of these storms rain falls in bands around, these tropical storms, one area may have a. 15. Inches of rain and. 20. Miles down the road you may have five so. Lots going to depend on how much rain falls where and we'll, be monitoring, that on. A regular, basis, to try to. To. Model. And and and be prepared to react to what happens, but. We do do it like to be raining, for two days which. Is longer than usual that's. Okay listen we know this is a rain event I mean we still, have a storm that hasn't gotten here yet but. We one thing we do know that this is going to be a rain event for, South Carolina, a great. Rain event for South Carolina, so we're, monitoring, that now making plans have. Personnel, in position, and. Whether. Whether you say you're fortunate and unfortunate we've. Done this before, but once I were fortunate because we've had plenty of of real-time, training, in response to to, responding. To these type of events and a pie, unfortunate. Because it's, tragic event. Well. When Joaquim came out of 2015. I would, say, that we weren't prepared we were, not, prepared. For the amount, of rain that fell much. Of rain. Prognosis. That time we. Weren't looking at the mental rain that fell it was at forecasts and when. Joaquim set up over us for a period of time and it rained it, rained so. I think now, although, some. Situations. May be similar, I think now we're more prepared to, monitor, to, react to forecast, and maybe we were during, walking. In. Addition, we have technologies. Now that we didn't have before. Wilbur. Ross was explaining, how Secretary. Of Commerce that they, have drones in the air have submarines, or some sort of submarines, rooms out in the ocean now bringing. In data about this storm and, have. A satellite, technology. That didn't exist just a few years ago and, Bob McAllister, is here in, the in the room with us it was a few minutes ago back when when, you go came in 1989. He. And governor Campbell was sitting at the Statehouse trying to get as much information as, it could there, wasn't that much available and they made their main decision, based on Jim Gandia wis, TV who was an excellent weatherman things, have changed a lot we can still predict, a lot but this particular storm, is unpredictable, things, have already changed so many times but, where is prepared, now in this state with this team that we have this Southwest team South Carolina we as prepared, as anyone, in the country and probably more so for these kind of events. Anybody.

Here Be able to address that prison, situation. Have any of them been evacuated no, so they they have they have not been nothing has changed since yes well, the same reasons is yesterday, they if. You look at the prison. Buildings, in question there's only one I believe that is in the evacuation zone and, that's. Mcdougal and it's right on the edge of the zone I don't almost, on the right. On the line and those. Buildings are sturdy, and or. As. Good a place. Possibly. Better to. Be in terms of that kind of safety from from winds and, rain and we're. Working closely with director, sterling and others to, determine what the best thing is to do and at this time the best thing to do is to stay on campus as the safest place. Yes. They. Will yes. A. Lot. Of the shelters don't have who they don't have bags they don't have water. Are, there any efforts, yes. Ma'am to get those items to those shelters. Yes. The, mass feeding, has. Been activated, and food. Has been ordered, and it's and it's currently, going out as far as it can before the roads shut down and, then it'll go to various. Distribution. Points, as, far as the bedding, I know, that they're in process, of trying to get cots into the shelters I know. That local EMDs, and the Red Cross are working, I don't, know the numbers, are the exact shelter locations, where cots are at this time. Kind of works out to where the. Food distribution can. Right. There is, a statewide, plan, that is being implemented, and is being perfected, as we as we go in conditions, required. We've been on the phone this morning, discussions. With you. As well to the Red, Cross and and. Things of proceeding, well yes. There. Was another question was another question the current problems, I was going to address on. Corrections. Question. We're in constant contact with all of our modeling, and we're given that information to, them as they, make their plans as well so they aren't out there operating in, a vacuum we're. Any. Of our models, and information, that we have. For, our rescue, team and for our enforcement, team we're, also sending. To them so, they can prepare, yes. I, want. To follow up on something that Karl, Taylor's been talking about in and John and, the governor this. Is a long-term event and it's almost, in two phases the first phase is going to be the hurricane, coming through at the tropical storm there's. Going to be a lot of wind a lot, of rain, flash, flooding, and things like that, while, that rain is still coming down for a couple of days, one. To two days later you have stuff coming from North Carolina, you're gonna have things coming in from the Upstate, so, you're going to end up with a river flooding, condition, so, just, because the rain starts, letting up don't. Assume everything's good and you go back to your house at some low-lying area, and, then be surprised by the river coming up so it's is one of those things that you got to be situationally. Aware so. Make sure that you've got a battery-powered, radio a, weather, radio and, that you. Purposely. Try. To find out information, before you start considering returning, home because. This is something's going to be extended, and you're going to save at least two ways of damage coming through, and. This may be the first time we've experienced. Such a two punch, from. These kind of conditions yes ma'am. We. Don't know. What's. Not what, was the question. Well. Once. The storm passes we'll, go, out and do the assessment, in order to try, to get the lanes reopened, doing, a safety check of our bridges that'll, be one of the first things that we do right. Away we'll be, positioned to be able to fly our bridge inspectors around, to, check the critical bridges and we'll, also be looking at our roadways, to, see, to, make sure that the roadways are able to support, the traffic as it comes back in from making.

Sure That nothing's, washed out or any of our bridges are incapacitated and, that'll, be done in advance of, the reentry order as, as, the governor deems, appropriate to me that's well you have to watch those barricades, and watch the warning signs go Simpson, let's. Get Jim. Stumps a noodle covered yeah just talk a little bit about the re-entry process is. Will work very closely with the county administrators, and the local emergency, managers, on when it's safe to come back in when they feel like they can receive. Their population, back into their area they'll, make a recommendation, to the governor and, then of course the the cirtl also make an additional recommendation, but it'll all be very carefully, orchestrated, and. Certainly not a unilateral decision. But, give, good information to the Governor on that when it's safe. We, have two citizens, of South Carolina we have to realize this is this event is going to go well into next week and we. Don't know how much the storm is going to slow down we. Don't know exactly where the flooding is going to be because as, a director, Taylor talked about it's. Cording, to exactly where it rains rather than just generally where it rains so, we. Really don't know and this thing goes back into what, director. Stinson, talks about is it's. Got to be the local, leaders. As they assess the situation to. Make that determination but, this is going to the event itself is going to go in the next week then, we start looking at when you come by column so it's gonna be a while, that. Would ultimately be, a state, decision, for specific areas that's the one they can come back. Normally. The. Governor, will assess the state along. With his team but it will be back to the local. Officials. To determine, locally. When it's safe to return so they'll provide input, we, may open major highways, based on everybody's, input but. It's the local officials, that will make that determination because, they're best to make it because they're on the ground, they'll. Make a call that's right and it'll be communicated. Just. Want to provide some, clarity, on the reversals. We're. Removing the reversals, because. Of the approach of tropical, storm force winds and so we're. Breaking, those down as we did on 501 earlier what our partners with DPS in, order, to retreat from the area and get safe harbor for, our employees, and our workers, so we'll be ready to go back out whenever. The, storm passes that does not mean that the, evacuation order has been lifted just because we've moved. Out in that area the same thing is going to apply for i-26, as, we, remove. Those employees. And kind of unwind, that reversal, situation, this. Afternoon, and early evening that. Does not mean that the evacuation, order has been lifted for the Charleston, area just to make sure that that's clear to everybody you, will, be. Very clear when the evacuation over, has been been, lifted and we don't say about the state to know there are a lot of questions, but a lot of different questions that can come up between 9:00 tonight and tomorrow but many. Of them can be answered by calling. That number at least as a starting place. More. Questions, sorry. We heard, earlier they're estimates that there, are about a million, people that may need to evacuate we, heard that about.

420,000. I already have any idea, you. Know how many people may, need to be rescued or in, harm's way, well. Be rescued, so, time, is running out for rescue, because because, the rescuers, are going to be standing down when. These winds, get. Much much higher would, you like to address that yes. Sir. Excuse. Me says. The governor said and many have said before you. Have to take your own personal, responsibility. And make sure that you're planning ahead and. Making your decisions, on whether to the. Partner area or not to, depart the area if, you decide to stay just be reminded. If you're an evacuation, zone that help may not be able to get to you especially during, the event so keep all that in mind as you make as you make your decisions, on. What you and your family are going to do this evening. We, believe in the Myrtle Beach area that, there has been significant. Participation. By, the locals, and the evacuation, we believe we achieved somewhere. Between 70, to 75 percent on. The evacuation. People. Evacuating, or complying with the evacuation order, which was very good to see as of. Course you can see from the storm, forecast, they're, looking at the same information that we are as well and making those decisions based, on that and, making. Sure that they're they and their family will be safe. As, far as the estimates, on on, the evacuating, people is is that we, originally had the million figure because it was going to be a full coastal evacuation. Involving, the entire coast but. Because we are not including. Beaufort. Carlton, and Jasper right now it's probably closer to, 750,000, people that, are in those evacuation, zones that should evacuate. Red, Cross question, you know these before acts to evacuate. Their homes and, then they get to the Red Cross and there's no place, for them to sleep. Would you say that this is, well. There's a place for them sleep if they're in a shelter, there's a place for them to sleep well, they have maps on the floors and we're getting the Kotsay as quickly as we can from the very beginning, we've, been urging people if they want to go to a shelter, particularly. Early. What many of them have, done is to, take with them some bedding of some kind to make it more comfortable until, the cops arrive but, I'll show you that the the. The plan is being implemented. And perfected, to get those cops that, have not already been delivered, to get them delivered to, be there for the people and we don't want to have all have extra, cots in one place and not enough another so, it's a precision. Contest. To get it to the right place. Schools, are same-same, as has been nothing's changed, yes. So. The Navy says that they have two ships south of here ready, for, us if we need it if FEMA, specifically. Asked, for the help, does it need to be specific, about on destruction to occur for you all to do that or what's, the likelihood no. We don't we don't base our system assistance. Based on the amount of destruction. It's, actually a kind of a reverse process of that so, whatever. A curse whatever the impacts are that, then create, needs we, base, our assistance on those needs so, if the locals and the, state need, assistance, in meeting. Those needs then they come to us and request it we, can look at contracting. Or within. Our own resources, other federal agencies, a lot, of times voluntary, organizations, their first and last on the ground helping people but, if all of those assets are not available or not enough, then, we can reach to our partners at the Department of Defense and so, these ships are standing by ready. To assist if needed for any, of the states, that may be impacted, by the disaster. That. Would be a question for the for. The city and mr.. Benjamin, the mayor I knew it there's. 169, million dollars I think that is not, arrived yet to work, on that canal but it is it, is being. Pursued. Vigorously, I assure you and. The. Later reminded, me of one other thing is let's don't forget the the impact of volunteers, that they're more volunteers, helping with, this effort than there are people. In the various governments, we've got a very. Dead includes the wrong the Red, Cross and harvest Hope and the Salvation, Army all these others and many many volunteer, organizations. As well as individuals. Who delivering, food and bedding, and those other things that, are making, this entire. Effort work.


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