Sony MDS-JB930 QS Минидиск дека (обзор)

Sony MDS-JB930 QS Минидиск дека (обзор)

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Well... Good afternoon to all the viewers who have been waiting, to all spectators, who want to see something new. Well, also for those who accidentally landed on this channel.

We are discussing the equipment a little here, We're trying to listen to music a little here, but there are more and more problems with music due to the fact that copyright must be respected Here you go... our intro was played first this is ComaStudio The link to it will be there in the description Here Well hello again! Hello! so I'm glad I found time still record something new you know how in the joke in an old Soviet joke... Who knows? Be patient. Who doesn't know... here -

I like In Soviet times, the old Jew Rabinovich is called by the KGB and they say: - Rabinovich! - Comrade Rabinovich! we know what you have have a brother in America he has three stores there He says: Yes! But I haven't talked to him for a long time - It doesn't matter... You know, the Communist Party of the United States new members are really needed sympathizers... So let's go, Comrade Rabinovich Write him a letter... He says I don’t even know the address...

- Nothing... it doesn't matter we know Write a letter invite him to join the Communist Party he says - I haven’t communicated with him for a long time! nothing, comrade Rabinovich here's a piece of paper for you here's a pen for you Sit down and write we'll go out now We'll bring you an envelope in 5 minutes and send a letter Well, Rabinovich takes a piece of paper takes a pen leans over him thinking... And he begins to write: Dear brother Izya! your brother Zyama writes to you! I finally found the time and PLACE, to write to you ...Here you go... I found the time Thank God my place hasn’t changed yet that means ok... Let's...

I'm guilty of being too talkative, of course. But today we will look at this Sonya This is a Sony mini disk deck MDS JB 930 or 930 series QS you know, so as not to wander around for a long time I won't unwrap it all today show it front and back or rather we see it from the front I won't be behind you Here we are quickly today at least we'll see partially general information so to speak What if I forget something I'll add it later in another series So, well, in the last video we had the 640th right here here we looked at it quite closely there's something there I forgot, some friend in the messages there corrected, yes, I don’t remember what I forgot about but about the fact that there is a skip function yes - cuts OK So, by the way, it would be nice to compare right away in principle that's the sound I don't know maybe someone says there is someone there: here is the 930th deck I have this one she is the most musical Honestly? I don't see much difference appearance - Yes! Agree means the main difference episode nine Well, this is a pre-top episode which stands before the ES series they happen in my opinion I can’t say anything about the 940 I don't remember honestly Write in the comments if there is one and 980 920 is the most unpretentious here is 980, the top one but it differs from this one in that that in 980 there is a mode in my opinion uh... what's it called MDLP LP - Long Play twice as slow with loss of sound quality and it has a USB USB input for connecting to a computer Well, I’ll tell you right away if you chase like... I was also looking for it first... "digged, dug the ground with his horns" I was looking for this 980 for myself But it turns out that via USB to minidisk can be rewritten with only MP3 quality that is, it ruins it's kind of attractive that there is no need to turn anything back here Is there a special program there? it is in the public domain you connect it and she distills but the quality is not the best when you work via USB here is the 930th This is it as if something seduced me she has a keyboard and I think this is in a mini disk deck it's probably One of the most important functionality because type track names using the keyboard or this shuffle this is this you can kill yourself against the wall that's another difference she's certainly stronger Well, accordingly, her food is better organized there as if all this is like that its front panel is aluminum this is plastic that is, it’s also like Well, you already see the view already like this of course more impressive Here and so in principle It's the same here so that means...

Standby button there is a timer here for turning on/off and recording That is, somehow it is programmed and by the way there is no clock here How does this timer work? Probably just turns it on I didn't even understand I don't know but there is headphone output level level e... volume on headphones By the way, is it motorized or not? ES has a motorized one, but here it doesn't you can check it by the way somewhere here now we'll try I had this gadget lying around here somewhere he was lying here somewhere By the way, here is the original remote control from this deck that's exactly who he is here is the markings of its D33M it's wide and there are no abbreviations on the letters much because other remote controls they work by the way if someone buys without a remote control this is the remote control for the second deck I don’t even know from which one this is this D47 it works perfectly too here and there are no batteries here! but it works... but the original remote control exactly this kind and here is this VOLUME No it doesn't work there is no a... this is the recording level

no, that is, not motorized, but okay.. Here SHUFFLE playback order By the way, about SHUFFLE - this is mixing to all owners of mini deck equipment I really do not recommend this mode because he chooses a path randomly he chooses the path randomly and accordingly this carriage with magnetic head she travels all the time LJ LJ this is very bad So, in principle, you need this?! Random order but this puts a lot of strain on this whole mechanism programming That is, you can program the order of tracks on the disc which she will reproduce that's it, that's simple so to speak, the entire list of tracks that are available they also took the filter from ES already You can also see it on CD here very similar in general Although this is already ES Same same similar front panel with a filter - I don’t know... gourmets discuss there is a filter here, which means what modes it has standard SPLINE my english fails here I don't remember what it is PLAIN - This is smooth soft in my opinion something like that analog type sound Here's the standard again, I don’t know... I listened...

Gourmets may be able to differentiate... I personally, so to speak... not very much well there is of course a difference but here I am neither this nor this apparatus nor that, who have these filters for 30 years I basically haven’t used Well, it’s rare that you ever try something. for the sake of pampering didn't use it So what did we leave there? SCROLL... But SCROLL, I’ll probably answer you later I don't remember what is this No here kill Now let's try to launch And what will he tell us here? And what will he tell us on this scroll? I have no idea nothing changes Well, sorry [__] forgot that one as if well, this speaks about the importance of this button display Well, it shows here or at the same time the track track title, disc title that is, or the output signal level location, all information filter options and TIME is how much time is left Well, this is all standard How much is left on the disk that is, plus or minus How much is left in total that is, well, you probably know that so loading tray By the way, yes, see what for 30 years not even completely unspoiled not shabby And who buys the equipment? here we can immediately see the wear this loading tray, inscriptions on the loading cap if you are 30 years old every day pushed disks there then it is slowly eaten here as everywhere else menu Everything is clear Yes here CLEAR is cancellation or erasure Well, that’s when you stuff it there with the help of this shuffle this is the same shuffle who, by the way, is also over 30 years old No crashes yet On the 640, sometimes it slips this is the most painful place for them all So YES is like OK here the mode is stereo-mono using a toggle switch here is a selection of inputs Well, it’s more convenient here here you see you turn it on right away and coaxial input and optical one optical second here it is what else is there All yes it's analogous...

because for example in this one you need to change it using the menu enter the menu you choose there, but here you can immediately it's more convenient here is the recording level brought out with a separate handle because here you also need to enter the menu and choose with this shuffle plus or minus in my opinion it seems more convenient here Well, all the buttons are standard ejection and all that All Oh, and here’s the function I mentioned in the review of the second deck PITCH CONTROL which allows us to change the playback speed Well, the tone seems to change that is, with the help of it you can as if So we won't make it loud because it will swear change speed and in principle even completely different works can now be delivered at the same speed with the same key and glue them together Well, what is playing quietly now will swear but I think this song needs no introduction you will recognize it QUEEN and FREDDIE MERCURY Bohemian Rapsody here we turn it on is changing So the speed changes You can put together completely different songs, so to speak. here...hehe and here there is simply there is simply PITCH CONTROL and there is FINE that is, it is literally in tenths changes completely imperceptibly, as if a little bit I don’t know for what it’s needed, maybe for musical works by semitones this is how PITCH CONTROL works here So what's behind here? I won't unfold it, I'll just show you here's a picture and then maybe I’ll post it separately You see what's here where is it What does he have here? what's behind him? it has a line output at the back he has here this is A1 Control this is such a thing that connects Sony components with the help there he makes some kind of tire common for management I have never had And what is she like? maybe something for synchro recording this is short like this and here is the digital section.

coaxial input optical two coaxial two outputs All network 220V Well, here everything is clear Here Well, this device is so good I don't know how much now to date in our year 2024 Well in perfect condition they ask for it Well, of course I can’t lie to you but tune in by 200 dollars well 300 it's there depending on the condition and availability of packaging all these instructions passports it also comes with an optical cable and audio cable audio cable is analog simple - cheap although Sony Here well that's how it works so... so what? So what else... That's it So what else is interesting here? what's the difference between this and this here the belt is used to eject the disc это головная боль.. ну не то чтобы большая головная боль... Можете посмотреть моё видео - Я менял его я нашёл не оригинал Но вот он служит уже несколько лет как бы и всё нормально как бы это не составляет больших проблем Это только для новичка новички пугаются ай-яй-яй здесь уже привод механический тут нету пассика Ну не знаю не знаю тут сбоев как бы не давало Вот никаких может оно и надёжнее хотя и пссик сейчас меняют просто Ну вот ещё по дискам вот хороший диск тут стоит Да это некоторые Горячие головы О пардон некоторые Горячие головы считают что это керамический корпус Это неправда Это простой пластик Ну правда он такой АBS не помню как он расшифровывается ABS пластик такой хорошая пластмасса он такой действительно так звенит как керамика но нет А так в принципе если вы там мучаетесь в выборе себе second hand мини дисков то есть особенно не задумывайтесь самое главное механика надежность вот он как бы сделан добротно у негоэта шторка никогда не зависнет ну не погнётся не застрянет как бы по качеству звучания Я думаючто цифра она есть цифра То есть тут большой разницы нету Here Ну и как бы не забывайтечто диски требуют профилактики тоже Если вы используете на выезде ещё некоторые до сих пор для фонограмм используются Здесь проблема Какая надо открывать эту шторку и желательно мягкой кисточкой протирать поверхность самого диска Потому что потому какнам всем хорошо известно там магнитная головка по нему не ездит но она очень близко но она некасается диска вот если таму вас какая-то грязь то тоже эта головка сразу выходит из строя это проблема Поэтому чтобы никакой грязи на поверхности не было она не прилегает к нему но очень близко и там зазор и если грязь пыль она забивает эту магнитную головку Here Нувот в основном весь рассказ сегодня было мало музыки потому что я опять это рожал очень долго тут меня блокировали и особенно Ничего я не смог подобрать Ну а как бы что ж решил всё равно делать Почему Потому что Ну а что ж надо Надо надо сейчас надо нам Как говорится записывать надо что-то вещать Ну что надо делать потому что ну как говорится старая песня "Трус не играет в хоккей" Поэтому будем пытаться всё равно что нам делать music Ну такая вот песенка не прохоккей про девять зпроведей любви Но написана она была наверное...

лет так на 30 раньше чем песенка про хоккеистов вот ну наверное всё что я ещё подобрал Ну а кстати вот важное замечание ещё может быть я начну писать шорты потому что у меня тут не студия Ну я как и говорю я аппаратуру не коллекционирую нечиню не продаю поэтому у меня свежего подвоза бывает редко есть пару апаратов ещё я тут купил себе потом расскажу а так тут что-нибудь ещё покажу I have a large collection of watches I change them here all the time maybe I'll put it in shorts so if you see something not related to the equipment Don't be afraid, don't unsubscribe, the equipment will be continue Here well because we need to diversify necessary And what as they say need some new things because as they say change novelty our hearts demand change Here All All the best! Bye! Music

2025-01-20 12:40

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