The Book of Enoch Banned from The Bible Reveals Shocking Secrets Of Our True History

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Hidden within our shared history  is a mysterious puzzle, a secretive   story that has been overlooked by mainstream  experts. This puzzle is the story of Enoch,   the ancient ancestor whose accounts in The Book  of Enoch reveal a hidden past connecting the   destinies of humans and extraterrestrial  beings. So what if the history we've been   taught for so long is but a fraction of the  truth? As we dive into this mysterious story,   we discover amazing revelations, considering the  possibility that the events in The Book of Enoch   were not just myths but evidence of our ancestors'  encounters with celestial beings. What did Enoch  

try to tell us? We'll try to find out together  in the new episode of Secret Origins. Welcome! Our perception of human civilization has long been  shaped by the narratives of prevailing powers and   their legacies. We've come to accept a linear  progression of human development from primitive   hunter-gatherers to sophisticated societies that  build monuments, device calendars, and paint   the first written records, ultimately giving  rise to the modern world we inhabit today. We  

consider ourselves the heirs of this intellectual  lineage, proud and confident in our understanding   of the past. But what if there's more beneath the  surface? What if legends of gods, angels, giants,   and cataclysms passed down through the ages were  not merely allegorical but contained kernels of   truth far more profound than we ever imagined?  What if these ancient tales concealed secrets   that defined our understanding of the world?  As we delve deeper into the annals of history,   an alternative account begins to surface, one  that challenges the established order and shatters   the foundations of our knowledge. This hidden  narrative has been suppressed, neglected, or   brushed aside for far too long, but now the time  has come to unearth the secrets of our enigmatic   past. The story begins in 1947 when a Bedouin  shepherd named Muhammad Ed-Hibin was searching for   a lost goat near Qumran on the northwest shore of  the Dead Sea. He accidentally stumbled upon a cave  

that contained large clay jars. To his surprise,  inside the jars were parchment and papyrus scrolls   wrapped in linen. The shepherd and his companions  collected the scrolls, unaware of their historical   importance, and sold them to an antiquities dealer  in Bethlehem. Word of the discovery eventually   reached scholars who recognized the scrolls'  significance and began efforts to acquire and   study them. Excavations led by archaeologists were  conducted in the Qumran area, revealing a series  

of caves that contained additional scrolls  and fragments, ultimately resulting in the   discovery of around 900 manuscripts. These ancient  scrolls became known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. They   contain a collection of texts such as biblical  manuscripts, apocryphal works, and documents   related to the beliefs and practices of a Jewish  sect, likely the Essenes. Remarkably, among these   manuscripts was a mysterious non-canonical  religious text that had been long forgotten   by human civilization. This text, known as The  Book of Enoch, offers a fascinating perspective on   the relationship between humanity and supernatural  realms, including detailed descriptions of angels,   demons, and apocalyptic events. The discovery of  the Dead Sea Scrolls and The Book of Enoch has  

challenged our understanding of history and offers  a glimpse into the spiritual and mystical beliefs   of ancient people. It reminds us that there  is always more to learn and discover about our   past and the role that supernatural beliefs have  played in shaping our understanding of the world. So who is Enoch, and why is he important? Enoch is  a biblical figure mentioned in the Hebrew Bible,   specifically in the Book of Genesis. His story  is quite brief in the Bible but becomes more   elaborate in later texts, such as the Book of  Enoch. Have you ever wondered about your ancestral  

roots and the stories that make up your family's  unique history? Just as The Book of Enoch offers   insight into the genealogy of biblical figures,  the sponsor of today's video, MyHeritage, is the   number one family history service that provides  a modern-day platform to explore your own family   history and genealogy. Even if you don't know much  about your family's origins, MyHeritage can help   you find new family members and records of your  ancestors with little effort. It's fun and easy to   build your family tree and discover your origins,  and you might even find new relatives. The site   puts 19+ billion records at your fingertips so you  can search for historical documents and records of   your family members. With instant discoveries, you  can add an entire branch to your family tree with   just a click of a button. It's really that easy.  You can even upload old photos, colorize them,  

enhance them, and repair them, and you can  even animate them, which really brings them   to life. I've personally made some incredible  discoveries. I found documents, relatives, and   even photos that I never knew existed. It's been  a truly eye-opening experience, and I encourage   all of you to click the link in the description  and start discovering your family history and   unlocking the secrets of your past. The Book of  Enoch comprises five books: the Book of Watchers,  

the Book of Parables, the Astronomical Book, the  Book of Dream Visions, and the Apostles of Enoch,   containing about a hundred chapters in total.  These chapters tell the story of Enoch,   the seventh patriarch in the Book of Genesis.  However, the Book of Enoch offers a different   perspective on the events leading up to the Great  Flood, a different story than the biblical one.

According to the Bible (Genesis 5:18-24), Enoch  was the son of Jared and the father of Methuselah,   making him the great-grandfather of Noah. He  lived in the antediluvian period before the   Great Flood. The Bible states that Enoch "walked  with God," which suggests a close relationship   between Enoch and God. Unlike other biblical  figures who lived exceptionally long lives,   Enoch is said to have lived for  only 365 years. The Bible then says,   "Enoch walked with God; then he was  no more, because God took him away." The Book of Enoch, as an apocryphal  text, expands on the biblical account   and provides more details about Enoch's  life and experiences. In this text, Enoch  

is portrayed as a righteous man who receives  divine revelations and is granted access to   heavenly realms. He is shown the mysteries of  creation, the workings of the celestial bodies,   and the ultimate fate of humanity. Enoch also  learns about the Watchers, the Fallen Angels   who disobeyed God and caused corruption  on Earth. Enoch serves as an intermediary  

between the fallen angels and God, delivering  messages of judgment and conveying the Angels'   plea for forgiveness. However, their pleas are  denied, and they are condemned to punishment. In the course of his heavenly journeys, Enoch  encounters various celestial beings, including the   archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel,  who provide him with additional knowledge and   guidance. The Book of Enoch describes  several journeys that Enoch undertook,   guided by the Watchers. These journeys took him to  otherworldly realms that defined the knowledge and   understanding of the time. Were these journeys  merely symbolic, or is it possible that Enoch   truly visited other planets or dimensions  with the help of advanced alien technology? In later Jewish mystical texts, Enoch  is ultimately transformed into the   angel Metatron. In these accounts,  Enoch is taken up to heaven where  

he undergoes a metamorphosis and  becomes a powerful angelic being,   serving as a celestial scribe and an  intermediary between God and humanity. The Book of Enoch, originally written in  the ancient Semitic language of Ge'ez,   is not a whole piece. But similarly to the  Bible, it is a composite work made up of   distinct sections that were likely composed at  different times and by different authors. Each   section has its own themes and messages, such as  Divine judgment, the relationship between humans   and supernatural beings, and the importance of  maintaining Cosmic and moral order. However, they   are also interconnected in various ways. According  to one of the earliest legends related to Enoch,   he established the knowledge of astronomy and  cosmography and was responsible for creating the   solar calendar. This knowledge is given in the  astronomical book, also called the book of The  

Heavenly Luminaries, which contains detailed  descriptions of the movements of celestial   bodies and their relation to the calendar. It  reflects a blend of ancient cosmology, astronomy,   and religious speculation. The astronomical book  emphasizes the order and harmony of the universe   as a manifestation of divine wisdom and offers  guidance on the proper observance of sacred times.

In the whole Book of Enoch, angels play a  significant role and are depicted in a more   detailed and elaborate manner than in many  other religious texts. There are two types   of angels described by Enoch: the archangels  and the Watchers. The archangels are depicted   as God's loyal servants who execute Divine  judgment and maintain Cosmic order. Some of   the key archangels mentioned in the Book  of Enoch are Michael, Gabriel, Rafael,   and Uriel. They perform various tasks,  such as overseeing the natural elements,  

interceding on behalf of humanity, and guiding and  protecting Enoch during his celestial journeys.   The roles of these archangels in The Book of Enoch  are more elaborated than in the Hebrew Bible but   share some similarities with other apocryphal  texts and later Jewish and Christian traditions. The book of the Watchers tells the story of  the other type of angels, the Fallen Angels   or Watchers, who rebel against God by descending  to Earth, taking human wives, and teaching humans   forbidden knowledge. The Watchers or fallen  angels are a group of angels who led by Azazel  

and Shemihaza rebelled against God by descending  to Earth. The offspring of the Watchers and human   women are the Nephilim, a race of giants who cause  corruption and destruction on Earth. This further   provokes the wrath of Yahweh, and according  to the Bible, the consequence of this mingling   between the fallen and mortals leads to the  creation of half-angelic, half-human offspring.

The story of the Watchers in The Book of Enoch  is an expansion of the brief account in Genesis   6:1-4, and it offers a more complex and morally  ambiguous picture of the Fallen Angels than is   typically found in other religious texts. The  Nephilim are described as giants and savages   who threatened and plundered mankind for their  unrighteous deeds. The Watchers were punished and   were sent to the underground prison, and Enoch  became the mediator between the Gods and the   imprisoned Watchers. Enoch's journeys between  heaven and earth, in his role as a mediator,   are also discussed in the book, describing how  he flew with the angels and sold the rivers,   mountains, and very ends of the Earth  from above. Despite Enoch's intervention,  

the gods decided that the planet and its  inhabitants must be punished due to their   wrongdoing. The punishment was a great flood that  destroyed the Nephilim and left the Watchers in   their prison. Before the flood, however, Enoch  was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire. The Nephilim mentioned in the Book of Enoch are  not the only place in the biblical canon in which   they appear. In 1332-33, the Israelites visited  a land inhabited by Nephilim who were so large   that they made the Israelites look like locusts.  Of course, many things in the Bible are seen in  

modern times as allegorical, and this is more of  a philosophical myth than a historical record. The Book of Enoch provides a unique perspective on  the relationship between the Watchers and humans,   offering an alternative narrative on the  events leading up to the great flood. However,   there is archaeological evidence for a particular  great flood in Earth's history, which is mentioned   in countless religious and cultural traditions  worldwide. So, did creatures like the Nephilim   really exist? Many people say it is just fiction  and there is no evidence, but what if there is?   Stories about giants have found their  place in human history. If giants existed,   as records from countless cultures suggest,  then the Book of Enoch begins to look less   and less metaphorical and allegorical,  less like a fantasy myth, and more like   a manuscript based on actual history. Records  of such events can be found in the mythologies  

of ancient peoples worldwide, particularly  among the Babylonians of the Middle East. The ancient Near East, known as the cradle  of civilization, was home to the Sumerians,   Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians,  who developed the first written language,   studied astronomy, and created libraries.  In the mythologies of these cultures,   the gods came down to Earth and taught them  their arts and knowledge. The Book of Enoch   and Sumerian mythology both described  a process in which advanced beings   shared their knowledge and technology with  humans, leading to their rapid development. It is quite intriguing to think about the  precision with which ancient civilizations,   such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, and the Mayans,   were able to align their monuments with  celestial bodies. How did they gain such  

accurate astronomical knowledge? Could  it be that the knowledge shared by the   Watchers was actually the result of contact  with a highly advanced alien civilization? According to Sumerian texts, a group of  supernatural beings visited Earth in the   distant past. The Sumerians referred to them  as the Anunnaki, which means "those who came   from the sky." The Anunnaki were perceived as  gods by the Sumerians and modern thinkers such   as Zecharia Sitchin and Eric Von Denigan  believed that they were an ancient race   of extraterrestrial beings who came to Earth.  The Anunnaki, according to Sumerian mythology,   were a group of deities who descended from the  sky to shape human civilization. They were said   to have taught humans various arts, sciences, and  technologies, much like the Watchers in The Book   of Enoch. This parallel between the two accounts  raises the question: could the Watchers and the  

Anunnaki be one and the same? The Sumerian  civilization, which emerged in the region of   Mesopotamia around 4500 BC, is considered one of  the world's first advanced civilizations. Their   sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, mathematics,  architecture, coupled with the striking similarity   between the Anunnaki and the Watchers, suggests  that there might have been a connection between   these ancient texts and the possibility of  extraterrestrial intervention in human history. First and foremost, both the Watchers and  the Anunnaki are described as coming from   the heavens or the stars, suggesting  an otherworldly origin. This connection   implies that these beings were not merely  divine and in the mythological sense,   but may have been visitors from another planet  or even another universe. Their arrival on Earth,   according to the legends, marked the  beginning of a new era in human development   as they shared their advanced knowledge and  technology with the primitive inhabitants. Another intriguing point of comparison is the  physical appearance of the Anunnaki and the   Watchers. Both are often described as humanoid  beings of immense stature with features that set  

them apart from humans. The Anunnaki were said to  have shining, radiant faces, while the Watchers   are frequently depicted as luminous beings.  They both have wings and come from the sky.   Moreover, both the Watchers and the Anunnaki  are depicted as intermingling with humans,   sometimes producing offspring that  possessed extraordinary abilities. The mind link of the celestial and the  terrestrial has been interpreted by some as   evidence of genetic manipulation, suggesting  that these beings may have played a role in   shaping the human species as we know it today. The  agrarian revolution that began around 10,000 BC,   saw humans moving from a lifestyle of hunting and  survival to farming and settlement. By 9500 BC,   in what is now Kurdistan, people were  growing poorly wheat, rye, oats, peas,   and lentils, and domesticating goats and  sheep. The Kurdish people claimed to be  

descendants of the children of the Jinn or the  children of the spirits, which some speculate   is an ancient reference to the interbreeding  between the animal monarchy and human women. The similarities between the Watchers and  the Anunnaki are further bolstered by the   fact that ancient Sumerian texts, such as the  Epic of Gilgamesh and the biblical accounts,   share common themes and stories.  The fluid narrative, for instance,   is present in both Sumerian and biblical  accounts, indicating a shared cultural and   historical context. This overlap suggests  that the Watchers and the Anunnaki may have   been different names for the same group of  extraterrestrial beings whose influence on   Earthly human civilizations has been  documented in various ancient texts.

Despite the differences in storytelling,  the underlying message is the same:   there were beings beyond our understanding  who intervened with human affairs. The stories   of Enoch and the Anunnaki remind us that the  codes of reality are not always what they seem,   and that there may be more to the universe than  we can perceive with our limited human senses.   The story of Noah and the flood in the Old  Testament is said to have originated in   Babylonian and Sumerian myths. Is it possible that  the Book of Enoch and other related traditions are   simply retelling the older Sumerian story  of the Anunnaki and the flood, or that the   same story has been reshaped over time to the  present day? According to the Book of Enoch,   Yahweh intervened with the Watchers. Interactions  with humans led to lawlessness, chaos, corruption,   and sexual immorality. The Sumerians believe that  the Anunnaki helped humans develop civilization,   lending them their knowledge and technology.  Some believe this may explain the creation  

of unexplainable ancient monuments such  as the Pyramids of Giza and theltiwakan. The Book of Enoch describes the Watchers  teaching humans metallurgy and mining,   science and medicine, reading and  writing, and how to read the stars.   This is believed to explain why gold was such  a significant part of Egyptian culture. It is  

intriguing to consider that the Book of Enoch may  reflect and retell the history of the Anunnaki,   with the Egyptian pyramids being the most  common example of something given by the gods,   or the help that the Watchers or  Anunnaki gave to the ancient people. Alma Crazy, a medieval Arab historian, claimed  that the pyramids were built by a king named   Saurir before the great flood. Interestingly, Sal  reading Hebrew is Enoch. In The Book of Enoch,   Enoch speaks about the mysteries of lightning  and thunder, which some suggest were intended   to reveal the mysteries of energy and electricity.  Nikola Tesla once said, "If you want to find the   secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy,  frequency, and vibration," which may relate to the   Anunnaki who are believed to be trying to share  secrets with humans through crop circles that   contain complex mathematical equations, magnetic  circuits, and motors and other similar elements. Enoch was known by several different names among  different cultures. He was called Saurid, Hermes,  

Idris, and Enoch. The Arabs referred to him as  Idris, which means sage or forefather, while   Jewish and Christian theology consider him one  of the patriarchs before the flood and the 7th of   the ten forefathers. Enoch was also the father  of Methuselah, who lived to be 969 years old. According to biblical accounts in the ancient  book Legends of the Jews of antiquity, Enoch is   described as a king over man who ruled for 243  years. He was known for his incredible wisdom,  

and the entire world would come  to him for advice. Interestingly,   according to the ancient Egyptians,  Enoch was also the builder of the   Great Pyramid who is known to us as  Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom. The Old Testament book of Genesis mentions Enoch  briefly with only five sentences dedicated to   him. The text reads, "And Enoch walked after  God and disappeared because God took him." It   is said that Enoch suddenly disappeared, and in  Hebrew, his name means initiated, enlightened,   and nowhere. Enoch, as an initiate, ensured that  his knowledge would not disappear without a trace.

According to these traditions, Enoch, due to  his righteous and close relationship with God,   was chosen to be transformed into the angel  Metatron. The process involved Enoch's physical   body being taken up to heaven, where he  underwent a metamorphosis. His body was   transformed into a celestial fury form, and he  was granted immense knowledge, wisdom, and power.

Enoch's new role included a variety of tasks  and responsibilities. As a celestial scribe,   he was responsible for recording the deeds of  humanity. He also served as an intermediary   between gods and humans, particularly in matters  of divine knowledge and wisdom. In some texts,  

Metatron is portrayed as the highest of all  angels, secondly only to God in authority and   power. In this position, he is sometimes referred  to as the lesser manifestation of God. So,   in a way, the story of Enoch's transformation  into Archangel Metatron highlights the potential   for human beings to attain a level of spiritual  perfection and transcendence that allows them to   become part of the divine realm. It is interesting  to note that for centuries, the Book of Enoch has   been an important part of Christian and Jewish  religious traditions, with many religious sects   accepting the book as scripture. Additionally,  some even suggest that the Book of Enoch was   the inspiration for the Book of Genesis due to  their many parallels and overlapping stories. Therefore, the question arises: why is the Book  of Enoch not part of the Bible? The answer may   be found in the differences between the religious  traditions that led to the formation of the Canon,   as well as the political and cultural context  of the time. Regardless, the Book of Enoch   remains a fascinating and thought-provoking  text that challenges our understanding of   human history and the role that supernatural  beliefs have played in shaping our worldview.

It may seem unbelievable that stories of the  Watchers, Anunnaki, and the Nephilim giants   have been forgotten, the Sumerians ignored, and  the Book of Enoch, along with the Gospel of Mary   and Thomas, censored from the biblical Canon.  However, these stories fundamentally alter our   understanding of human history by presenting a  new or forgotten old perspective on who we are.   Perhaps these stories have not been entirely  erased, but allegorically retold throughout   the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible, the  Book of Enoch, and other ancient writings.

By reading the story of  Adam and Eve allegorically,   it is easy to see the parallels between the  story, the Book of Enoch, and other ancient   writings. The authors of the story of Adam  and Eve may have been retelling the stories   in the Book of Enoch and the Sumerian  story of the Anunnaki in their own way,   inserting this important part of history  allegorically into their own religious Canon. Was Enoch's story merely a myth, or does it  contain evidence of an ancient connection   between humanity and advanced outwardly beings? As  we continue to explore the mysteries of our past,   it is essential to keep an open mind and  consider alternative explanations for   the enigmas we encounter. These ancient  records continue to exist through time,   reminding us of our history in different  forms. So, we may one day remember our  

cosmic human lifeline. We bow before  you and thank you for watching another   episode of Secret Origins. Keep your  minds open, and until we meet again.


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