Software Testing Methods | Etl testing course |

Software Testing Methods  | Etl testing course |

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okay the recording started so today's topic we will discuss about testing methodology some methods are there some techniques are there we need to follow those techniques whenever you are doing this so first one is testing methods under the types of testing methods what are the different types the difference between those methods then categories of testing what are the different categories technique can you please noise is coming if you are asking something you can unmute and talk okay next is testing techniques so here what is testing technique the definition then testic techniques also classified into multiple categories what are those and next is testing technique terminology few terminologies are there furnace testing methods so basically there are three types of methods available while we are doing the testing any kind of software testing we are doing then three types of method need to follow one is called as Black Box testing second is white box testing and third one is gray box testing so if we are not following any methodology then we cannot deliver the quality product using this methodology only it will be helpful to forget the quality product we cannot miss anything okay so what is Black Box testing what is white box and what is gray box black means one color is they are quite another color is there if you are combining black plus white both color then it will display as a gray color so that gray box testing also combination of Black Box testing and white box testing that's why the name they have given is gray box so what are those first one is Black Box testing in this black box testing the techniques of testing without having any knowledge of interior workings of the application it's called Black Box testing so here origin knowledge is not required no Java no CC plus plus SQL nothing nothing just as a means a black room or dark room you are available and you are doing some testing you don't have any knowledge very simple things only you are going to check how it looks like then uh how how deployed they are in which position what is present that's only coding knowledge not at all required so those type of testing if it is performing then that is called as a black box testing these testers obviously to the system architecture and does not have access to the source code you don't have any access to the code also source code how the codes are working how it how it is connecting while it is present nothing typically while performing a black box test a tester will interact with the systems user interface so user interface only means UI part application how it looks like in that only the checkbox radio button then text box then text whatever it is present bold Italy color combinations position indentation formatting those things only you can check anybody can do that so you cannot face any challenges in that anybody can do those type of testing okay then this black box testing is called as some other name also we can tell it as a dark box closed box or pick box functional testing behavioral testing any name we can tell so all are having same meaning only all these are coming under black box testing next is this type of testing is done by tester so which tester they are doing suppose I am doing you are doing another person is doing so those testers or those persons will be called as a black box test engineer if you are doing the testing without having any coding knowledge all those flow you are checking then you will be called at blackbox test engineer so what are the examples here unit testing accept that unit testing means that is purely core related so accept the code related if you are checking any other kind of testing then those are called as a black box testing so the examples will come sanity or system testing adopt testing exploratory testing so many testing will come here under this black bus testing unit testing will not part of this because in unit testing coding is required so developer people can do that otherwise the testers who are using the codes also and they are checking then we can tell that as a fight box testing so under Firebox testing unit testing is coming and under black box testing unit testing is not coming except unit testing any other kinds of testing of them and that is called as a black box next one is white box testing okay so what is whiteboard testing the opposite of black box is the white box here coding knowledge is required you have to test with some code also CC plus PC Plus plus which is using in the project which you are working using that code also you can test so if coding knowledge is required and coding part you are checking programming but you are checking then that is called as a white box testing so testers are basically not involved in coding related activity developer pupils only involved in the coding related activity if you are having very good knowledge in the programming but then you can also involve it is not necessary or not compulsory that totally not at all you can involve you can also embolize for your interest if you are having those kind of knowledge okay so testers are not taking interest to learn the coding part that's why they are not involving basically in order to perform white box testing on the application tester needs to know some internal working of the code so how the cores are flowing from starting to ending via media then what are the naming convention syntax there a lot of things are there in the code any programming language you can take CE or Java or anything so all those knowledge are required without those knowledge it is not possible to work the tester needs to have a look inside the source code and find out which unit chunk of the code is behaving inappropriately so you have to enter inside the code and where is the program need to find out if you are working in white box testing and you are having the knowledge of code this type of testing is done by developers so basically testers don't like this coding part that's why developer only doing this cooling part they are developing the software project application and they are only checking the coding part which is correct which is incorrect which is not working they are only doing that so under this white box testing core part which you are checking that is called as a unit testing the name is unit testing so this unit testing is coming under white box testing except this unit testing everything which are checking without related to any code those are called as a black box testing so here only one example that is unit testing the alternative names are white box testing are clear box we can tell class bugs structural code based any name you can tell so heightbox testing can be called as all these different names also any name is file next is gray box testing so this gray box testing is the combination of black box and white box testing like combination of two colors black and white will looks like gray colors same thing here so the name they have given at gray box testing so somebody is working without coding knowledge also few projects is working and with coding knowledge also few projects is working coding plus coding part plus non-coding but both you are working then it can be called as gray box testing or you can be called as a gray box test engineer white box testing who are doing those persons will be called white box text engineer like that it is categorized okay so here two types of requirement you have to test coding related also without coding related also next few differences are there in this black box testing gray box testing and white box testing so gray box testing you will not get in interview questions but you will get one question what are the difference between black box and white box compulsory you will get one question if experience in less two year three year four year this question also you will get okay so what difference is the internal working of an application need not to be known so internal working so internally how it is working if you want to uh understand more and more in depth internally how it is happening that coding is coming to the picture so that is not required if it is in Black Box testing then white box testing coding is required tester has full knowledge of the internal workings internally how it is working then coding is coming to the picture so coding should be required here then only it can be understandable so kernel knowledge or internal working flow of the application internally not externally externally we are able to see click that then after clicking it is going to next page then we will click on OK button then press on some some other submit button those are very easy externally we are able to see but internally once click then what is happening in the code those part not required for tester if you you want all those also you are able to understand everything you will be called as a white box test engineering so that is one difference internal knowledge of the applications is not required for a black box and white box it is required if both you know internal mixing with gray box next also known as close box so these are few different names Black Box testing is also called as a different alternative names of Black Box testing each closed box that are driven testing functional testing any name you can tell behavioral testing the different names of white boxes clear box structural testing code based testing these are alternative names second difference third difference is performed by end user and also by testers and Developers so this black box testing nothing is there anybody can do that here no original is nothing so tester can do developer can do some other person also they can do an end user suppose you are working in one company IBM and your project is Vodafone applied so from Vodafone some end user will be there they are also doing one round of testing before going to limits they can also test and who will be engaged in that user side or end user they are also not having any technical knowledge because they are client and they are just investing or they are guiding so we cannot expect the technical knowledge problems they can also do the test Black Box because coding knowledge is not required so it can be done by end user they are also able to perform tester developer anybody can do that coming to fight box testing only developer can do otherwise who know the knowledge of coding part they can only do okay so white bucks testing if you are telling then in some project they are recruiting the tester saving foreign next is testing is based on external expectation internal behavior of the application is unknown so Black Box testing if you are doing that internally how it is behaving we are not aware about that but externally how it is doing we are able to know and we should know that but coming to white box testing internal plus external both required next it is exhaustive and this is time consuming only challenge yeah okay it is existing and the least time consuming okay so internal part we are not checking only external part we are checking mean how it looks looks like external activity functionality so obviously it will take less time all right if not requires please or immunity disturbing to Allah okay so internal part we are not checking only external part we are checking that's why it will be taking less time and white box testing we have to check both external as well as internal things all the behavior activity flow features that's why obviously it will take more time okay so here algorithm flowchart all those things are not required in Black Box testing whenever coding is doing then only need to understand the logic algorithm then data flow diagram then flowchart all those things will come under five bucks testing if it is your coding part so first understand all those activity then we can go for the testing next under black box testing this can only be done by trial and error method so we can give some wrong input so that we can get error different different input way we can give how it is happening so to get some error also we can give different input in the functionality that is possible in this black box testing but coming to byte boss testing if we don't have the knowledge of coding part then we cannot change the code inside it can grasp unknowingly if you are changing something so we cannot do that but white box testing who are doing they know so they can change the code inside and again they can check error is coming or not what type of error is coming so these are few difference between Black Box testing and white box testing next is categories of testing so broadly testing if you are telling a software testing it is categorized into two parts overall testing is categorized into two parts one is static testing and another is the dynamic testing so what is statist static testing which are fixed already Dynamics means changeable today one thing is there tomorrow you can get another thing after five six hours you can get another thing so the features or flow or functionality or any component anything we can get interchangeable way different different time timeline wise it will be changed but in static it will not change it will be fixed so what are coming under the static testing in previous one session we discussed already review inspection walkthrough all those are coming under static testing those will be not changed walk through just we have to work through revise whatever the test cases or documents are prepared one senior persons will work through that or you can explain by going through that is called as one two so that is a process it will not change reviews you have written one thing another person is checking that same document that is called as a review so this is also word process it will not change fixed inspection some audit will happen somebody will be guide team leader manager they will do some inspection that is also one process it will not change all these are coming under verification so verification is uh under static testing validation is under Dynamic testing that already covered so walk through reviews impaction R11 example of static testing and any kind of testing then we can take smoke a regression systems and Sanity then positive negative functionality all those are coming under Dynamic testing here actual testing will happen and the documentation related will not happen here documentation related in static testing which are fixed at actual execution which are happening those are called as Dynamic testing okay next is testing techniques so whenever we will do the testing some techniques need to be used what are what are those techniques okay so techniques if you are telling what is technique technique is an efficient way of doing or archiving something so what process we are using whenever we are supposed traveling from Hyderabad to Bangalore so what process we are using maybe we can go by flight with some Trend we can stay there in a uh means a hotel or somewhere and we can appear some exam and again we'll come back these are the process We are following so what techniques we are doing by uh which vehicle we are going so all those things we need to plan those are the techniques so here if we are doing some testing also some techniques are there the way how we'll do the test that is nothing but the technique so test design technique is used to select a good set of tests from all the possible tests for an event system so we have to follow some approach so that we can cover everything we cannot miss anything all type of scenario we can be covered to satisfy those conditions we have to follow some approach or those approach are called as techniques so few techniques are available here in Black Box testing few techniques are available for the white box testing okay okay testing technique classification so basically testing each two types under testing static testing Dynamic testing under static testing review and verification is there under Dynamic testing Black Box testing white box testing okay so if we categorize under Dynamic testing one will come as Black Box another will come as white box so black box and white box both are containing with three techniques Black Box testing is giving free techniques here these are available one is boundary value analysis second is equivalence partition third is error guessing so these three techniques are coming under black box testing similarly three more techniques are available under quiet box testing also which will be done by a developer or testers are doing also that is fine heavy coding knowledge one is statement coverage next is condition coverage third one is path coverage so three techniques are present under black box three techniques are present under white box now what are those foreign box testing so under this black box testing these are three techniques one is boundary value analysis another is equivalence partition and another is error guessing these are three techniques used in this black box testing so basically all those will be applicable for text box related test if you are doing it will be applicable so text box if you will take one example here this is one text box suppose this text box can take the characters 10 to 40 suppose username or password anything okay so this is one text box it can take from 8 8 character to 20 or 30 or 40 something you can take in this text box that is a username suppose so how we can do this boundary value analysis how we can do this equivalence partition and how we can do it in this error casing so boundary value analysis mean what will happen boundary part need to check okay now one one okay so where is the boundary here this is one boundary and this is one boundary left side and right side if it is a text box so left side boundary is called as a left boundary right side boundary is called as a right boundary so in this boundary value analysis both the boundary we have to check left side plus right side suppose this is for eight eight to forty characters so it will be the starting point the length and 40 will be the ending point the length thank you okay so if 8 we are checking this length then here you can just see one minus means 8 minus 1 7 length one username we have to check then exactly that length means eight one length username we can check and another will be eight plus one nine so three types of length we can check here in this left boundary minimum eight is the minimum length of the characters for username and maximum is 40 so we are considering first left boundary so in left boundary what to check eight is the minimum then exactly eight eight minus one seven length character eight plus one nine this three input we have to check so eight plus one is nine it should work eight also it should work eight minus one seven it should throw some error message the length is not matching or something it should throw that is left boundary value analysis now come to right side the maximum limit of the length it can take 40. so 40 is the boundary point so there are also three things need to check one is exactly 40 length of username we have to give and another is 40 minus 1 means 39 and another is 40 plus 1 41. so 39 40 and 41 three types of length we have to verify here in this text box so which will work which will not work 39 and 40 should work and which is the extra one 40 plus 1 41 that it should not work it will throw error maximum blank is 40 and it is exceeding to the maximum length so if this type of testing we are doing then this is called as a boundary value analysis so mostly it is working in the text box related testing any username password any other type of information is there some text box course name durian duration all those things text box is coming to the picture means boundary value analysis you have to do and next is equivalence partition also you have to do next Stitch arrogation okay second one is equivalence partition so what is equivalence partition this length we can equally distributed into some parts suppose five parts we can divide one two three four parts are divided equally distributed so 40 is total length ten ten ten ten length we can take 1 to 10 range we can check as one part then 11 to 20 in one part we can check 21 to 30 in one part 31 to 41 parts so few uh input we can take suppose 31 to 40 length then 31 length one username you can take another we can take 34 another 37 like the three four randomly we have to take it is not like that everything we have to check everything is if it is a range of 5000 then it will take so much time Days by days it will proceed and at the end we will get the same thing only so no need to time wet all those things just distributed equally into two parts four parts ten parts or Twenty parts and from each part which are equally distributed just randomly two three four inputs we can check that sir so from this part also 21 to 30 length is there we can say length of 23 then 26 like that we can check and uh if it is working fine then we can close that if some something is not working length 22 is not working online 27 then need to raise debug similarly in this range 11 to 20 to 3 randomly you can take and check in this range also one to ten so this is equally equivalently distributed that's why it is called as a equivalence partition this type of checking and next is error guessing so we have to guess something we have to think some input and give so that it will come on come with some error what to give suppose we can give uh below 8 length character six character length we can give it will come error and which are greater than 40 that type of we can give one length for username 50 or 75 or something we can get error alphanumeric is mentioned we are giving only numeric we will get the error so which can give some error that we have to check here so we are guessing we are thinking that it is expected from error should come so if error is not coming then that is above you can reach so error should come here so these are the three techniques used for this text box related testing this is called as Black Box testing techniques implementing for textbooks now next is white box testing you need out till now from anybody easy only all these are Concepts nothing else subtract testing Concepts only using these Concepts you can do manual testing or you can do automation testing these are the common part testing Concepts only okay next is white box testing technique in white box also three types of techniques are available statement line coverage Branch condition decision coverage another is path or Loop coverage so this is related to coding you will not work in that because you are not going with the coding related testing but for the interview you should know what is whiteboard testing what are the different techniques can you explain with some example that sum for the interview purpose but practically if you are going joining in any company you is not involved in this type of testing techniques these will be done by developer or the tester who are interested to work with some old knowledge they can only imagine this part so first one is statement coverage what is this statement coverage statement means lines so it is also called as a line coverage so here code will be checked not functionality externally internally code will be checked line by line whatever the codes are written line number one line number two line number three each and every line with all this statement will be checked here so in this statement coverage if then else is coming if you heard about any language C C plus plus Java if then else for Loop while Loops are there maybe you heard about that so if then else that will be coming here under the statement coverage so some conditions will be there some statements if it is satisfying then it will display this message is not satisfying then it'll be another message like that that is statement or line coverage another is Branch coverage condition coverage or decision coverage okay so in this Branch coverage or condition here you will check the condition in statement also it can be written in one line if then else is there then we can tell that as a condition but coming to the statement and Branch maybe you will get confused so actual if then else that can be one mentioned in one block that will be not in single line line by line single line then that is called as a statement coverage so all together five lines is one if the else condition then that would be called as a condition coverage if then else it will dis if then if this condition is satisfying it will display one message else if another condition it will display that message I'll see if another conditions like that 5 or 10 if then if then if then will be there at the end else part will be there so all together it will be one block means five lines or ten lines or 20 lines of code so those block together we are taking some condition since conditions are checking here that's why it is called as a conditional statement coverage and another one is statement line only so here only one one line we will not correlate with second line to third line third line to fourth line the relation will not come here individually every line need to be test maybe display the message that is in one line then go to fourth line so those type of lines of code only it will be checked here first one and third one is the path coverage or Loop coverage while loop for Loop those will come here any looping condition is there and you are checking then that is called as a path coverage or Loop coverage so in this way three techniques are available in white box also in Black Box three techniques in white box three types so this is can you explain about black box and white box techniques foreign box testing first is unique testing second is integration testing so if small small components are combined together two four five components or modules we can say so in in that case the name will be called as integration integrated happen so those integrated modules also developer people can check that with the coding related so in that case it can be called as a integration testing and only the single component is checking if coding path and that is called as a unit testing under this unit testing developer people are doing execution testing while executing the program we are checking how it is operating that is checking and mutation also they are doing so what is that notation some part they will delete from the code some part they will add so what it is behaving so all these three types of testing are coming out of unit testing which are done by developer and integration testing also done by developer they will follow top to bottom approach so their course suppose 100 lines of codes are there from starting to ending line number one line number two line number three up to 100 lines that can be one check and another is bottom to up from 100 lines they will start checking line number last second last third last so hundred line number 99 98 97 like that it will go that is called as a bottom of approach and another is hybrid approach so randomly they will check up to button bottom to up to bottom bottom to up like that combinedly they will change that is called as a hybrid approach okay so under this execution testing only these are the three techniques uh they are following statement Branch coverage and path coverage okay next is testing technique terminologies so here two terminologies are there one is error seeding and another is the cyclomatic complexity so this is not required for you you will not involve in that but uh you should know the concept what exactly this is in interview maybe you will get what is error CD what is cyclomatic complexity so what is error seeding error seeding means developer people will add some code intentionally they will write some code some extra things so that it will come with some error while we are executing they have to do that if that scenario is coming that is called as an error seeding so they can delete some code or they can add some code or they can modify some school whatever it may be but after doing that we'll get some error so that is called as error series developer people are doing that checking next is cyclomatic complexity so this is also done by a developer this is one technique used in 1976 it started he invented this so what is this whenever we are going for any testing we will not do developer people involved in that they are for Loop if then else so how many conditions are there all conditions they uh checked or not any conditions missed or not to identify all those things they can go for this cyclomatic complexity formula okay so here you can see one is sequence line by line another is if then else multiple conditions will be there another while loop looping until one Loop for Loop so these are different different way they are citing the program so here the nodes will come one condition one node under that again two conditions are splitted again two nodes will come so these node will be these ones the condition part and the age will be means how it is connecting in different path so this first node is splittered into again two nodes so here the path is called as Edge and the condition is called as nodes so nodes is denoted by n is denoted by E and one formula is there for the cyclomatic complexity e minus n plus t so e is number of edges how many edges are there n is number of nodes how many nodes are there how many conditions are there then p is number of nodes that have been exit points so how many exit points are there that is p so what is the cyclomatic complexity this is the Formula E minus n plus p suppose eight edges are there two uh six nodes are there eight minus six is two plus one entry exit point is there plus one two plus three so if the result is coming more than 5 then they can Define that this is a complex one easy easy one they can consider in that way so so the result is coming more he eat 10 15 then they can control very complex if the result is coming two three four only they can open this is a very simple one so using the cyclomatic complexity they can consider what is the complexity of that requirement they can analyze that okay so for you in interview they can ask what is cyclometric complexity what is the formula can you explain that's all you will not involve in any practical things developer people involved in that so this is one example here so this is one flowchart begin so begin is one node after that it is coming with some input value A and B this is one node then checking some condition that a is less than equal to 3 or not this is condition checking this is one node then if that is correct it will come here if that is not correct it will go here that is treated so this one node is again splitted into two nodes here then these are taking with some decision b equal to B minus 2 here b equal to B minus 2 it is meeting or not again it is coming here this condition is checking so in this way their code has been written so one by one line it is going with multiple parts so this is one node this is one node this is one node this is one node and at the end it is closing so this is the exit point so how many nodes are here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten total 10 nodes are there so n equal to 10 here this one n equal to ten now how many edges are there this type of graph you will get in the interview or some rating test so you have to calculate how many nodes are there how many edges are there how many exit points are there based on that you can calculate this and tell that answer that's all for you so how many nodes are so how many edges are there here one connection one here it is connecting one two this is connecting three this is connecting four then again this is connecting five six then seven eight then nine ten eleven eleven parts are there so age is 11. now entry exit Point how many are there and three is one begin starting point exit is one ending point exit pointer two are there so that is two entry exit Point how many are there now the formula you can make 11 minus ten plus two so the result is coming as three three means it will be easy so this is a very simple project they can consider so this is the idea of the cyclomatic complexity

2023-06-06 14:58

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