Snapdragon Sound Spotlight Snapdragon Summit 2023

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oh [Music] please welcome to the stage vice president and general manager of wearable and mixed signal Solutions Dino [Music] beckus hello hi everybody I'm really thrilled to be here together with you in the beautiful island of M but I just want to take a moment to recognize our Snapdragon insiders they're awesome they're passionate and they make every event memorable thank you and so insiders this is going to be about sound elevated okay are you feeling it all right that's what I'm talking about seriously I am proud to be part of this incredibly talented team that's reimagining what's possible with wireless sound for well over a decade we've led the industry in defining and pushing the boundaries of audio technology and as a result have completely transformed your listening experience and as we look ahead to the next 10 years I am confident that our latest Qualcomm S7 sound platforms will ignite a New Era of audio Innovation yesterday we gave you a glimpse into some of our Innovations today we're going to dig a little deeper into how our latest platforms deliver on these promises we'll review our powerful new platform architecture designed to unlock a new tier of Ultra Premium audio performance we'll cover the unmatched capability of on device AI and premium audio te that will help deliver the most advanced personalized and responsive audio experiences that you've ever had and we'll look under the hood of our Qualcomm expanded personal area network or xan and our micro power Wi-Fi core Technologies to understand how we can deliver breakthrough audio range and quality at ultra low power but before we get to those exciting topics I thought it'd be good to provide some context around how consumer feedback has helped drive and inform our product Evolution every year since 2016 we've conducted our own extensive consumer research our state of sound survey to help us better understand the key factors that influence audio device purchases how these devices are being used daytoday and crucially how people would like to use them in the future our findings this year are the most interesting ever and I think we all can relate I really love my latest Snapdragon sound powered earbuds for example on this trip I use them for work conference calls as I race through the airport on the flight over while I was listening to music on my and apparently everybody's favorite singer Taylor Swift hey no judgment no judgment but yes I'm a Swifty and I use him this morning for a video call with my family you know how that went hi hun yeah it's brutal working here in Hawaii in fact I've been using it for just about everything and these multi-use scenarios you know using the same audio device throughout the day for diverse activities was a key need reflected in our latest state of sound findings a massive 68% of our respondents said they wanted to use the same earbuds or headphones throughout the course of the day for multiple activities makes sense right and yesterday we heard about the incredible breakthrough range and use cases that our Qualcomm expan technology will enable and interestingly almost 80% of our respondents said that whole home audio coverage would be one of the key purchase drivers when considering their next set of wireless earbuds that's 80% and when it comes to chasing premium AUD audio and immersive audio experiences demand continues to grow with 73% of our respondents stating that they quote make sure sound quality gets better and better every single time they purchase a new set of earbuds or head headphones that's why we're so keenly focused on ensuring that every generation of our sound platforms deliver on This Promise of amazing and premium sound now a key pillar of Premium audio is reproducing sound exactly as the artist imagined our snap drag and sound technology Suite is crucial to ensuring that you hear your music in stunning lossless quality and enjoy LaGree video gaming experiences a second pillar is delivering a true toli audio experience so that staying connected to friends family and colleagues on calls becomes indistinguishable from being there in person this pursuit of sound quality is what fuels our passion and Innovation now we know from our state of sound survey that demand for lossless and highres audio is the highest we have ever measured with 83% of Premium device owners saying that support for lossless music streaming will be one of the critical purchase drivers when they're thinking about buying their next set of earbuds 83% and because of all these factors we are seeing phenomenal momentum there are now more than 130 Snapdragon sound power devices available in the market today and over 85 customers committed to using the technology in immediate future products let's take a [Music] [Applause] look here we go now here we go [Music] now we go now here we go now we we [Applause] Qualcomm aptic adaptive is a core element of Snapdragon sound and is absolutely vital to ensuring our platforms can deliver Del all of these tremendous capabilities oh yeah one more thing today I am thrilled to announce that aptic adaptive codc has received certification for the highres audio wireless logo from the prestigious Japan audio Society thanks it's an organization dedicated to audio quality and the advancement of a technology to benefit both consumers and the industry in total this certification is globally recognized as a mark of Premium audio quality and we are very proud that aptic adaptive meets the exacting standards of the Japan audio Society to deliver 24-bit 96 khz highresolution wireless audio for Bluetooth and as Alex announced yesterday when it comes to premium audio quality our breakthrough Qualcomm S7 Pro and S7 platforms will deliver experiences unlike anything you've ever heard they will unlock a new tier of ultr Premium performance and user experiences that simply hasn't been available or possible until now now with every generation of our audio platforms we've delivered amazing premium and immersive sound sound but these These are different by delivering orders of magnitude Improvement in Computing and AI performance we're taking your audio experience to previously unimagined levels it's now my pleasure to welcome Sarah to tell you more about just how this magic happens [Applause] thank thanks Dino so who's excited to hear more about these platforms I am so so so excited to get to tell you they've been completely rearchitecturing battery life Ai and compute power and compared to our previous generation sign platforms that offer three times more DSP processing and memory capacity six times more compute performance and almost 100 times more AI compute power they have dedicated coures for hearing loss compensation ANC transparency and Noise management and this is to support really richly featured devices that deliver exceptional experiences whenever we need them our full snap dragon sound feature set is supported for lossless music ultra low latency and very robust connectivity and the powerful on device AI supports really rich and personalized sound experiences that adapt to your needs throughout your day we saw from our stud of s research that we're all using our earbuds and headphones more often for longer periods of time and across many more use cases especially Doo who's been listening to a lot of Taylor Swift and this means it's really vital to have strong and responsive ANC in addition to Technologies like hearing loss compensation and personal s amplification to make sure we're getting the very best from our devices these Tech Technologies are designed to help us block out signs from the outside world when we need to focus or concentrate but crucially to also let signs from the outside world in when we need when we need to hear the people and the events around us the quom S7 platforms have a newc hardware architecture that supports our Qualcomm fourth generation ANC for very low latency multi-channel and low power active noise cancellation for you this means our strongest ever ANC offering much more responsive performance in places like a busy office or a CA the ANC also automatically adapts based on different variables including variations on fit because we don't all have the same size of ear or if the earbud suddenly becomes loose in your ear As you move and transparency mode is supported for those situations where you need to let signs from the outside world in and the ANC is designed to automatically and seamlessly transition between these modes thec will also transition seamlessly with hearing loss compensation and personal signed amplification Technologies so you can focus on what's really important staying connected with family friends and colleagues even in really noisy environments n it wouldn't be Snap Dragon Summit if I didn't talk about AI these platforms deliver a step change in on device Ai and along with our neural network accelerator that deliver concurrent processing at ultra low power working in conjunction with ANC and personal signed amplifcation Technologies on device AI will help your devices become much more responsive to your needs your environment and your preferences the data is processed locally on device for enhanced security and a dedicated processor for AI and enhanced power management ensures that you get the best possible performance and experience from your device with no compromise on battery life let's take a look [Music] [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] what can I get you can I get a large Americano please of course what's the name for the order Max got it Max it'll be out soon great thanks thank you James hey James thank you for calling um can you hear me all right yeah are you at home uh no I'm actually at a pretty noisy Cafe really it sounds quiet all right so um so we saw some examples in a video we just played and these are just some of the use cases that will be vastly improved by our own device AI we've probably all had the experience of sitting in an open plan office with lots of other people sitting nearby often the person or the people on the other end of the call may hear the voice of the person next to you AI can also help your device recognize this and reject other voices so the person you're speaking to can hear only your voice AI can also help hearing enhancement Technologies deliver a much more seamless user experience by understanding and adapting to user needs throughout the day and AI can help deliver improved accuracy for immersive audio applications for this use case AI driven sensor data Fusion helps to pinpoint a much more accurate head position which results in a more immersive audio experience when using spal audio these platforms are also packed with new and advanced connectivity options to help deliver really incredible user experiences they're qualified to support the latest Bluetooth 5.4 specification with support for La audio and orac cast broadcast audio technology in fact we're actually using orac cast right now to share our translated audio Fe to our Mandarin speakers thank you and the S7 Pro platform supports our revolutionary new connectivity technology xan Qualcomm xan will unlock new sound experiences by enabling breakr range and audio quality at micro power performance I really can't stress this enough it's revolutionary it will help your device use the best of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to deliver grind breaking new user experiences let's take a look [Music] I can hear you right behind me you're not passing watch out this lap is mine good morning everyone I want to kick things off by saying how incredibly proud I am of our team and the outstanding work work we've accomplished over the last year it's been an exhilarating journey and I'm thrilled to share some remarkable numbers and insights with you all in the last 3 months our region has not only met but exceeded our sales Target incoming call for Mike Auto figes hi Carri just wanted to let you know that your car is ready to be picked up great thanks for up date I'll see you later today that's a testament to the Relentless dedication and hard work put in by each member of our sales team [Music] [Applause] so with Snapdragon sign Wi-Fi and Qualcomm xan we can deliver up to multi- channel 192 khz loss of streaming so you can hear every detail of your music in the most stunning lossless quality and earbuds and headphones can seamlessly switch from a direct connection to your phone or laptop instead connecting via Wi-Fi access points when out of Real's range and staying connected as you walk around your home your building or your campus the micro power Wi-Fi and xan Technology supported on the S7 Pro platform delivers unprecedented bandwidth at low latency which combined with AI driven sensor compute capabilities enables a step change in head tracking latency for unparalleled imersive AIO experiences so what is xplan and how does it work xpl is the connectivity layer which expands on the existing Wireless experiences we all know and love when using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi choosing the right connectivity option based on your needs where you are and the connectivity conditions of Ri so if higher band width is required because your music streaming service supports 192 khz loss lless then your device will switch to a Wi-Fi connection to ensure you're hearing your music in the best possible quality or if you move out a Bluetooth range to another room or floor of your building it will allow your earbuds or headphones to seamlessly switch from a direct connection to your phone instead connecting to it via Wi-Fi and staying connected as you go and here's the really cool thing qualcom X plan utiliz is already installed Wi-Fi access points and leverages existing Bluetooth profiles and Wi-Fi standards and it's designed to support the 2.4 5 and 6 GHz Spectrum for a congestion free link and what's really breakthrough is that we can deliver Qualcomm xan and micro power Wi-Fi connectivity with no compromise on battery life so today with Bluetooth and snapdragon consigned we can deliver 48 khz lossless music streaming for 10 hours using xan Bluetooth and Wi-Fi we can deliver completely untethered 96 lossless music streaming for 10 hours with no increase in power consumption I think you'll all agree that our Qualcomm S7 sign platforms are pretty awesome what's also pretty awesome is that they have built in support for SN Dragon seamess here's do to tell you more thank you Sarah really exciting stuff all right so we have been working super hard over the couple years to realize our vision of our broadly connected device constellations and to that end I'm really excited about the capabilities that snap Dragon seamless will enable opening up a world of ultra low power and ultra low latency experiences that raise the bar on truly intuitive cross device usability so you may ask how does snapdragon seamless improve your current sound experience well it'll mean your earbuds and headphones will instantly be able to find your phone laptop or other device connect without intervention and then audio can be intelligently switched from one device to the other based on a combination of OEM user and AI driven rules let's go ahead and take a look at one such example here you'll see that the earbuds and phones are instantly connected and the Android smartphone is streaming music to the earbuds as soon as a call comes in from the laptop the earbuds with without interruption seamlessly switch over and when the call is done earbuds switch back so you can pick up where you left off on your smartphone playlist our most premium and Powerful audio performance coupled with intuitive and seamless Day in the Life user experience it's an absolute GameChanger this is where we reimagine expectations and redefine the art of the possible for our industry our Qualcomm S7 series platforms represent a fundamental and radical redesign from the ground up they set a new standard for the industry for ultra high performance at ultra low power unlocking incredible possibilities with six times more compute performance and almost 100 times more device on device AI performance oh yeah but the but the real magic is how we combine all these exceptional capabilities together to deliver expectation shattering Next Level sound experiences industry recognized and unprecedented levels of audio quality that you've come to spect from Qualcomm with up to 192 khz lossless music streaming immersive sound to help you stay focused on what's important while allowing you to hear the people and events around you when you need to incredibly responsive sound thanks to on device AI that delivers personalized sound experiences based on your changing needs and environment Revolution whole home or building coverage when you're listening to music or making calls and integrated Snapdragon seamless capabilities for intuitive intelligent audio interactions across a broad range and growing constellation of devices it's really sound made awesome but wait there's more the first devices based on these platforms are going to be available next year and and we can't wait for you to experience them thank you so [Applause] much please stay tuned for our final session on XR coming up in just a few minutes [Applause] Mahala


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