Snapdragon Mobile Spotlight Snapdragon Summit 2023

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[Music] welcome to the stage senior vice president and general manager of mobile handsets Chris Patrick [Music] Aloha everybody the snap dragon 8 gen 3 has finally made its big debut [Music] yeah I'm excited to reveal some of its groundbreaking features which will soon be on your favorite Flagship device some of our Qualcomm leaders will soon join us on stage to share how Snapdragon continues to raise the bar on extraordinary experiences to start I'd like to bring to the stage the product lead for the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 please welcome Leica [Applause] moala thank you all thank you Chris the momentum has been building and being here with all of you feels like a long awaited homecoming and it has been worth the wait Le you and I actually started working together 15 years ago 2008 o what a blast from the past those were some very different times for example some of you won't believe it but in order to get around we used to look up directions on a website called Map Quest then print it out and hope we wouldn't miss a turn I remember and I would always miss a turn in fact that ship we worked on together back in 2008 powered the very first Android phone ever which included features like turn BYT turn navigation for people like me exactly that phone also had a 3 megap camera on a 65 nanom process now I know it's a bit modest but at the time these were some groundbreaking specs and we were really proud but look at us now with ag gen 3 we have 200 megap camera and is on a 4 nanom process since then think about how much technology has changed we've seen a number of disruptive life altering Technologies really whole new product categories come to market for example the rise of the modern smartphone 5G connectivity iot virtual reality the emergence of electric vehicles Qualcomm is proud to have played a huge role in each of these disruptive moments based on what is happening this year Ai and generative AI are definitely proving to be that next technology disruptor and we are again at the center of it we've always believed in the power of artificial intelligence to push the boundaries of what's possible so we've been investing it for more than a decade last year we launched a platform with AI in fused throughout the entire chip but this year we've taken it a step further the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 is the Titan of on device intelligence yeah yesterday Alex shared some of the key performance improvements enabled by the hn3 I'll ask leer to dive a little bit deeper to tell you how we've re architected rethought and redesign this platform to deliver premium level performance when we first started developing this platform about 3 years ago we created AG gen 3 with all device intelligence top of mind so consumers could harness the power and possibilities of on device AI to bring brand new use cases to life let's start with the heart of the Qualcomm AI engine the Qualcomm hexagon engine npu it has been improved to make gen AI inferencing even quicker in fact this is our most advanced hexagen to date 98% faster than the previous generation plus 40% improved performance per watt we achieved this by increasing the clock speed of the vector accelerator upgrading our unique micro tile inferencing technology and lots more for even faster Transformer Network inferencing so you can run jna queries and get answers within seconds and now we support the industry's newest memory lpddr 5x at 4.8 GHz yielding quicker data speeds and greater bandwidth enabling you to Lear run larger and more complex AI models another essential piece of our AI engine is Qualcomm sensing Hub we've added nextg micro npus for 3.5 times more powerful AI performance and provided 30% more memory this means a more customized user experience now your llm aai assistant can work with the sensing Hub to contextually personalize answers using location activity data and more we've also made advancements to our Qualcomm cryo CPU to address modern mobile experiences as well as high performance workloads by upgrading the subsystem with an additional gold core to A52 configuration plus our cryo CPU B Peak fmax speed of 3.3 GHz along with 30% improved performance and up to 20% improved power efficiency from our extensive testing and optimization we know this new configuration strikes the perfect balance between performance and power efficiency in a flagship device for example when running high performance workloads like gaming at 120 FPS this additional gold core enables your device to better handle complex demanding games resulting in improved performance and responsiveness when running light sustains workloads like audio playback or video streaming the two efficiency cores provide the needed low power operation in addition to the CPU we've also made improvements to the Qualcomm adreno GPU for up to 25% faster graphics rling and 40% better rate racing performance consumers will experience smoother Graphics while still enjoying 25% improved power efficiency our GPU performance leads across all premium devices Android and Beyond we designed the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 to lead in every technology area but what makes the device truly extraordinary is how we combine the elements of the system our platforms use heterogeneous Computing tapping into the right Technologies at the right time to achieve Optimal Performance at optimal power gaming is a great example of this utilizing the CPU the GPU the npu the memory systems to achieve immersive sustained gaming experiences this type of distributed processing also enhances the AI experiences that we'll show you later on today you know your device must provide great endtoend power efficiency and long battery life imagine working with a team all day on video calls using a ride sharing app to take you to a concert capturing the very best moments of that concert on video and then still knowing you have all the battery you need to stream your favorite movie at the end of the day with everything we rely on our smartphones for we need the battery life the freedom to use your device throughout the day and into the night absolutely which is why we engineered this platform with the optimal balance of power and performance letting you make the most of your day whether you work or play Snapdragon a gen 3 boasts up to 10% improved overall s so power savings when compared to the previous generation and is the leader in overall power efficiency when stacked against competitors based on our internal testing a gamer could use their AG gen 3 power device for an hour longer isn't that something amazing thank you Leica thank you to all the teams that put so much work into making the 8 gen 3 what it is thank you Leica for joining me here in Hawaii my pleasure Chris Aloha as you've heard we've been working meticulously on the architectural improvements as we develop the H gen 3 to be sure it could harness the power of on device intelligence running AI on device enables several advantages to Consumers privacy performance and ultimately personalization our journey to integrate this technology into our products actually began back in 2015 we started by advancing audio techniques using AI we then infused AI into many of our camera and video Technologies allowing users to have an expert assistant with them every single time they snapped a photo then the onset of natural language processing enhanced Voice assistance and allowed consumers to interact with their phones in a more natural way the rapid progress of natural language processing and AI has now created a new inflection point large language and vision models can now run on device enabling complex algorithms that would have been Unthinkable just a few years ago this is only the beginning of the new era for generative AI I'd like to welcome zad ashgar to the stage to tell you more about how advancing AI on the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 thank you Chris all right so as Chris mentioned the evolution of these experiences audio camera language involved running AI models like CNN's rnn's lstms on device every generation we have enhanced capabilities to do even more while being more power efficient AI complexity has magnified with Transformer models and has revolutionized the field of natural language processing today we are at a seminal moment in our industry with generative AI we're giving devices that fit in the palm of your hands the ability to do tasks once reserved for humans alone the ability to create art poetry and to chat our products are ready to run foundational large language models and large Vision models utilizing our flexible hardware and software Solutions you know not only did we design the AI technology to run entirely on device these capabilities will scale across all our product lines we will Implement generative AI from the smallest form factors like activity recommendation in smart watches and 3D language visual large Vision models in AR glasses to own device assistance in electric vehicles we continue to create leading technologies that span across all our product lines and offer consumers best-in-class experiences on our products these are Technologies such as Snapdragon sight sound secure connect and smart now as christano demonstrated yesterday the AI assistant is going to change how we communicate with our devices it will give our devices the ability to converse to summarize documents ments and to generate texts of all kinds the human machine interface has evolved significantly over the years you know it started with the keyboard in very early phones to the touch screens that we are all used to on our smartphones today with h gen 3 we are bringing about a paradigm shift with on device assistance and we are poised to take the human machine interface to the next level the assistant can access all the underlying apps to complete complex tasks without the consumer going through multiple different applications the smartphone will reap the benefits of on device AI particularly in the area of privacy your information and habits are very personal and processing data on the device keeps that data private and secure now let me show you how we're beginning how we're bringing all of this to Snapdragon 8 gen 3 what you're about to see is a chatbot experience unlike any other it is an endtoend voice-based AI system running entirely on device you don't need to worry about privacy or monthly costs your AI assistant will always be there and ready for you now let's ask the air assistant to plan a customized trip for me Jeff please take it away can you help book a roundtrip flight from San Diego go to Seattle here is the travel plan for your destination I would like to leave November 28th and return on the 10th of December here's the modified plan indicate addition preferences or say okay submit to trigger flight search set it to two tickets on Alaska Airlines here's the modified plan indicate additional preferences or say okay submit to trigger flight search okay okay I will send your plan to the travel website here are your booking options all right thank you awesome isn't it completely changes the way you deal with your devices it truly changes the human machine interface right so let's talk about how did Snapdragon 8 gen 3 power this unique experience now the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 can support up to 10 billion parameters but you know the size of the model is only one part of the equation it's also about how fast your AI assistant thinks and answers the questions the token rate or how many words per second your a assistant can generate is key Snapdragon 8 gen 3 can run large language models at up to 20 tokens per second one of the fastest in the mobile industry and overall gen models are evolving fast at the same time smaller models are getting better and more capable you know the techniques that I will share share with you today are applicable to all the models mentioned so what do we do first we take these huge AI models like Lama 2 and quantize them then we compress them using our very own Qualcomm AI stack tools we are running llama 2 using integer for precision which if you recall I introduced this last year as the best balance of performance accuracy and power efficiency now the next step is to load the quantized model into memory we have the industry's fastest DDR memory driving a whopping 77 gab per second of throughput to support llms this is a major part of the equation we also have blazing fast throughput to pump these llms into the hexagon npu this is where the majority of the work is going to be done to bring these amazing results as you can see here scaler vector and tensor accelerators all working together we have made major micro architecture improvements in addition to upgrading our micro tile influencing Hardware we added individual power delivery rails to the tensor accelerator for maximum performance and efficiency we bumped up the clock speed on the scaler and Vector accelerator and we doubled the bandwidth on the large shared memory these improvements to the hexagon npu make it the leading accelerator at inferencing large models and to further emphasize this point here are some performance improvements versus our competition to show just how far we have come with our unique hardware and software advancements as you can see we outperform all competitors by a mile here's another visual way to look at this chatboard experience so what happens your voice goes through a Transformer based automatic speech recognition model it's called whisper it's a 240 million parameter model from open Ai and it's running partially on the Qualcomm sensing Hub then you take a compressed and quantized 7 billion parameter llama 2 Foundation model which does the texttext inferencing and to make this model run well on device we're using a technique that we call speculative decoding by way I'm super excited to announce that this is the first time speculative decoding is being used on an edge device this is an algorithm that uses a much smaller draft model almost a 50th smaller than the Target Model to do a lot of the inferencing on the CPU first and then it rapidly generates three speculative tokens the main model processes all three in a single pass and decides which one to accept a good draft model predicts next tokens with high acceptance rate which result in a greater than two times speed up of token rate with little impact to accuracy and finally The Voice generated by the AI assistant goes through a text to speech AI model running on the CPU lastly the flight scanner information from Skyscanner is received from their cloud-based server using our 5G technology our entire AI engine the npu the CPU GPU the sensing Hub and blazing fast memory come together to complete the amazing AI use case we're not stopping over here we're working with other world's leading AI companies and the open source Community to bring their most advanced llm models to our platform like some of the models that Christiano showed yesterday now for example ban now is a 7 billion parameter model optimized for Chinese language let's see how Snapdragon 8 gen 3 handles a completely different language Jerry please take it away thank you zad I always wanted to learn how to surf and since we're surrounded by amazing water let's ask his assistant how to surf but in Mandarin let's try it out again okay I think you get the idea z yep that's great we'll show you in the uh demo are you can actually see it in the demo room but the key point is that basically we can do any of these languages we're not just limiting ourselves to English or to Mandarin or one language so a completely different language and AG gen 3 basically can do that as well uh again llms of course need to catch up with some of the things that we are seeing here uh let's take this awesome use case now a step even further we want our devices to be able to complete task for us with a virtual assistant a virtual assistant that you can converse with on device beat a smartphone a PC or a car and it resides on these devices as an aat so let me show you an example of how that would work Hello nice to meet you you can ask me any question by pressing the microphone button at any time what is the capital of Hawaii the capital of Hawaii is Honolulu how do I get to Honolulu from here you can fly to Honolulu International Airport from major cities in the United States and around the world excellent see you guys can see this demo also in our demo room but it shows you how we'd be able to actually take these experiences you know time of night rer sitting on your car is here uh what I've just shown is a great example of multiple concurrent models running across our AI engine it is a true heterogeneous Computing experience the RoR of this assistant by the way was based on unreal engines metahuman it is running on the adreno GPU we run a special model called audio to blend shape to generate a synchronized lip syncing experience see just imagine if this Avatar model was running in the cloud such an experience would never be possible due to latency running it on the device brings the benefit of immediacy to make this experience work as well now the qualcom AI stack has received some major upgrades as well with the demands of AI I'm excited to announce Qualcomm AI stack models a suite of models to address developer needs these are fully optimized models tested and verified by Qualcomm and are ready to go with the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 and X Elite platforms at launch we will have 30 plus models with more coming in a matter of weeks our AI stack models will also be available on hugging faces website but let's dive a little bit deeper into our AI stack our Qualcomm neural processing SDK and Qualcomm AI engine direct they are at the heart of the Qualcomm AI stack bridging between the silicon and all popular AI Frameworks we can also use tensor flow and Onyx directly with TF light and Onyx RT as the delegate and providing freedom to the developers to choose what environment they like to work in but we are adding one more delegate to this list with the popularity of pytorch we teamed up with MEA to announce Qualcomm AI stack support for pytorch executor it's a brand new delegate and it grants pytorch developers easy access to the hexagon npu now just like we are using AI to give our devices the ability to converse we also giving them the ability to draw to modify images and to create art to make that real we can also run large Vision models or lvms at high performance and effic efficiency you know we showed this yesterday how we optimize the fast table diffusion model we can now run an lvm like Fast table diffusion to generate images in less than6 seconds it changes the experience guys this is truly remarkable this model is running our an npu to achieve these speeds now imagine being able to generate and regenerate images over and over again and share it on social media when you're satisfied with the result this is truly a creat dream being able to literally create on the Fly and now we'll have basically Earl show us exactly how this would happen in the case of running fast table diffusion on our device Earl please take it away you can see how quickly the images are coming up right the images are generating faster than he can even click see consumers are very very aware of how long it takes to capture a photo and this speed is what's going to change that experience if you can integrate this sort of an application into your camera app amazing thank you guys see this is our hexagon npu powering in lvm at lightning speeds if you look at how we did this we took a 1 billion parameter model and used Advan techniques like distillation and an efficient Unit Model that significantly speeds up the diffusion process this is how we able to achieve these amazing speeds we are also working with SNAP to unlock the power of the state-of-the-art fast diffusion model called Snap Fusion optimized by the Qualcomm AI stack snap Fusion allows snap to generate images at similar speeds without sacrificing image quality snap Fusion will power dreams on snapch chat in 2024 it will let you generate versions of yourself that you never thought were possible Right while fast table diffusion takes in text as input we were also able to do this with fast control net which is a 1 and a half billion parameter model now this model takes in text and images and it inputs and processes a result in less than 1 second another great breakthrough now as you can see from these demos a great AI experience can't be text alone or it cannot be image alone it requires multiple forms of input and output the combination of vision text and speech is the key to a fully intuitive experience our devices should be able to process multiple inputs just like humans can which is why there is a significant Trend towards multimodel AI I'm glad to say that our products are ready to run these models as well now in addition to multimodality we are introducing a brand new technology called on device personalization you know big advantage that on device has over the cloud is the ability to harness contextual data available only on your device you always carry your phone with you your phone knows you the best and AI can use this data to create a truly personalized experience for example Cloud Solutions will provide a you know a generic response when asking about the best route to get home or a recommendation to a restaurant in contrast the Qualcomm sensing Hub is constantly working with the on device llm to generate a customized answer based on your personal information like age and favorite activities and current location and of course all the processing is happening on the device keeping your personal data private Jeff please show us how this works so I've been using this device for a couple of weeks so it knows some of my details about my age and my activities and so on and so forth so you can see we asked a question about what's a great weekend G out a great plan for what we should do in Maui it knows my age which I'm not going to mention over here but essentially it knows my age and based on that it can actually do a very customized approach over here and then let's say we changed the profile to somebody else whose home is now San Diego so a different location a different age group different profile and you ask exactly the same question right which is basically suggest a plan for the weekend and now you see a completely different response you see this is the power of personalization on device right you cannot do this if this were happening in the cloud thanks much Jeff thank you right see this is the power of AI on device you can personalize that experience you don't get a stock answer you get an answer for you right amazing now with on device learning we can continue to fine-tune these types of neural networks using techniques like Lowa or low rank adaptation with your personal data so see the on device model it continues to get better and more personalized with time this is why on device generative AI can offer far better experiences than what the cloud alone can do now we packed a lot of AI in the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 from enabling the AI chatboard experiences and multimodality and support to the many upgrades that were made to the Qualcomm AI engine and the hexagon npu the potential for these Technologies to transform the way we work play and live is massive and we're just getting started we believe that the center of gravity for generative a is moving to the device to truly harvest the full potential of gen and we are creating the Technologies to make this Vision a reality AI is touching all other Technologies which is why it will radically evolve the camera experience as well to tell you much more about it I'd like to welcome Jerry to the stage thank [Applause] you thank you zad wasn't that amazing we have more exciting features from camera because no camera on the planet includes an AI engine as powerful as Snapdragon hent3 it's also a musthave for achieving Next Level image quality Snapdragon early delivers the best image quality in the world according to dxo Mark and Snapdragon h3's new camera technologies will deliver two major achievements first a skyrocketing boost and image quality under any lighting condition second Snapdragon agent3 will transform a camera into a powerful handheld sensor let's start professional image quality Snapdragon triple ISP is fast with capture speeds at 3.2 gigapixels

per second it is now fully symmetric we can run any type of HDR capture on any ISP at any time and switch between them seamlessly these isps can be different resolutions Bayer qu CFA or even bend pixels enhancing a photo is easy but realtime enhancements video capture that is challenging the qualcom AI engine in Sam Dragon agent 3 will unlock a massive leap and image quality for video captured last year we introduced the cognitive P which leverages the Qualcomm AI engine to provide realtime centic segmentation for photo and video capture this Advanced AI technique identifies eight segments and implies unique enhancements to each layer well the cognitive ISP is getting a big upgrade we're boosting into 12 segments this will offer a dramatic enhancement to the number of elements in the photo that can be enhanced especially for video capture we will use our cognitive DP to deliver completely new camera experiences vlogger view is the ultimate tool for social media your rear camera and selfie camera can capture videos at the same time then the cognitive ISP removes your background and places you in the action background replacement is a groundbreaking feature it leverages our cognitive ISP to remove your background you can use generative AI to create a new one and to further Boost video quality we made a major update to our engine for visual analytics Eva 4 brings massive upgrades to computer vision Technologies especially depth sensing it introduced support for 3D time of flight sensors providing over 3,000 times increase in dep capture resolutions compared to competitors having this step information would dramatically increase the beauty of bouquet during video capture and Sony's new dep sensors are fine-tuned for Snapdragon they will deliver high resolution dep sensing at low power AI will enhance video by adding but also through removing for years now ai can remove unwanted people and objects from photos one IM disease but a 30-second video with 60 frames per second that was just not possible until now the new Qualcomm a engine delivers video object re eraser on Snapdragon hent3 just tap on one you want to remove and poof it's gone now you can create the Perfect videos the Qualcomm air engine will deliver more amazing video capture powers like being able to see in complete darkness night vision it's coming to your smartphone we team up a Visionary AI the new networks has provided breakthrough and capturing video at night now we can capture videos in complete darkness with fantastic color and sharpness it's by the way being able to capture colorful video at 0.2 luux in discussion Snapdragon is king of low eye capture and by the way even better than the human eye the new frame conversion engine also creat smoother videos and low light the frame rate conversion engine will generate new frames based on what's captured 30 frames per second videos become 60 frames per second videos for smooth motion and the next leap and image quality will also come from Snapdragon optimized image sensors 200 megapixel images from the sensor are all inspiring you can zoom into the finest details and create multiple shots from one single shot we Contin your collaboration with Samsung to create a new 200 megapixel experience Samsung Zoom any place is incredible because it's powered by AI as you can see here you get multiple videos object tracking 2X and 4x Zoom all in 4k HDR capture is getting an upgrade as well last year Sony introduced T image sensors optimized for Snapdragon both a result of a join laboratory at qualcomm's headquarters and this year we have collaborated on a brand new image sensor it's a new HDR image sensor technology called dual conversion gain its HDR exposures are gain based which reduces the chance for ghosting and results in sharper photos and videos this dual conversion Game photo is amazing other mobile platforms only support multi-exposure HDR but Snapdragon AG gen3 will give you all of the latest HDR Technologies the Dual conver verion gain sensors be able to bend pixels together and use longer exposure time to capture more light this delivers stunning photos in the light and these sensors from Sony are fine team for Snapdragon switching between them on a triple ISB will be smoother than any other smartphone and Incredibly low power we reduce power consumption during background operations between sensors by 60% HDR color will be incredible on Snapdragon agent 3 we have a partner who is an expert in HDR Doby the best movies are Master Doby Vision so the quality looks amazing and snapd was the first mobile platform to bring Dolby Vision video capture and play back to smartphones and now Snapdragon hn3 we're work with Dolby to demonstrate the first Dolby HDR technology for photo capture dolby's new technology in photo format will allow you to capture in 10 be color de and Rec 2020 color gamut your photos will be loaded with over 1 billion shades of color while preserving more dyamic range and details do Vision photos are also completely backwards compatible with every app and services that works with jpeg your photos will be sharper than ever we're Contin our work with a partner prophecy who has created the world's first event based image sensor it has the ability to take blur-free images Snapdragon H3 will transform your camera into a revolutionary sensor tool trinamics has developed the world's first spectrometer camera module small enough for smartphones together with Snapdragon you'll be able to scan your skin based on your measurements in the newer networks running on the qualcom a engine it can also tell you the moisture health of your skin and recommend different lotions based on the results it can also scan and measure food it has the ability to scan cookies and let you know if they're fresh or not Snapdragon ag3 will also debut the next generation of Face Unlock technology metalens has developed the world's first polarization image sensor called polar ID it's a revolutionary meta optic Imaging system to see the full polarization state of light and it's tiny it's half the size of current generation Face Unlock systems Snapdragon AG gen3 devices will have face unlock that works faster and the more lighting conditions for poety all of these features are driven by snapd dragon's triple ISP and AI engine but actually Snapdragon has more than three isps today we've added a second sensing ISP so you can have two simultaneous always sensing cameras the selfie camera and the rear camera operating together you can stand a payment barcode scan and translate text with uninterrupted continuous Face Unlock mobile physics and SD micro Electronics will tap into our Qualcomm sensing upub to turn your camera into breakthrough mobile monitor the world's first always sensing smoke detector for smartphones and also the world's first air quality index sensor for smartphones their solution is smaller faster more accurate and more reliable because the Standalone systems because it has no moving parts and because it's plugged into our Qualcomm sensing Hub it can run 24/7 so on your next trip you can have hyper local air quality monitoring wherever you go and a personal smoke detector wherever you sleep it's pretty cool right Snapdragon H&D smartphones will have breakthrough handheld sensors and professional quality cameras these smartphones also be amazing gaming devices to show you incredible new gaming experiences please welcome to the stage Macy [Applause] Davis more than ever Gamers all over the world are playing on mobile and because of Snapdragon El League Gaming they're choosing Snapdragon powered devices Snapdragon leite gaming is our collection of Premium Gaming Technologies and experiences they deliver Ultra smooth gaming in over a billion shades of color and it unlocks Next Generation desktop level gaming features and today I'm so thrilled to tell you about our latest Elite Gaming Technologies for Snapdragon 8 gen 3 when it comes to gaming faster is always better and no mobile platform can deliver frames faster than Snapdragon Snapdragon was the wor world's first mobile platform to support 144 HZ displays enabling Gamers to play at 144 FPS but we realized that's not fast enough in another huge leap forward for mobile gaming our latest custom Snapdragon display Hardware has been designed to support 240 HZ displays which means we have now unlocked 240 FPS gaming on Snapdragon Another World's first on mobile and to help even the most demanding games achieve that 240 FPS speeds we've also updated our adreno frame motion engine this major upgrade features a completely new and imp improved Optical flow engine that can generate even higher quality frames while maintaining the same efficiency this new version also dramatically improves the efficency of frame generation on the fly it actually doubles the frame rates of your games with little impact to your battery life and as you guys know at Qualcomm we want games on Snapdragon to run faster look amazing and deliver longer battery life over the entire game play that's why earlier this year we released Snapdragon gam super resolution or Snapdragon GSR this is a highly optimized single pass spatially aware upscaling technique fast highquality super scaling has become such an important feature for Studios who really want to push the visual limits of their game while increasing their time of Engagement with the consumer this amazing Snapdragon GSR feature is now open- sourced and has already been adopted by top tier Studios worldwide and with Snapdragon GSR games can now scale to the highest resolution without impacting power or performance in fact Snapdragon GSR runs two times faster without the loss of visual quality compared to other Solutions on mobile what you see here is US showcasing 8K super scaling for the first time on mobile this is really to highlight the incredible visual quality using Snapdragon GSR on our latest Snapdragon platform and we believe that Snapdragon Elite Gaming has had an a really substantial impact on the mobile industry throughout the years and as a result we continue to see more AAA desktop games moving over to mobile Publishers are now launching their game crossplatform so both on desktop and mobile simultaneously one of the leaders in crossplatform development using Unreal Engine 5 is cabam and with King Arthur Legends rise they're going to launch their game crossplatform on day one cabam along with hundreds of other developers are leveraging the power of Unreal Engine 5 on Snapdragon to deliver Next Generation games last year Snapdragon was also the first mobile platform to Showcase Hardware accelerated raid tracing in Unreal Engine 5 on an actual commercial device today we're going to reveal the next leap in real-time rendering on mobile I'm excited to announce Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 is the first mobile processor that's even capable of running Unreal Engine 5 Lumen Global illumination system at fully interactive frame rates previously previously Lumen was only viable for use on PC and console but because of the improvements in our latest adreno GPU and extensive software optimizations it's now possible on Snapdragon in this video you can see how Lumen leverages Hardware accelerated rate tracing to simulate how light will bounce around dynamically through different game environments our in-house Snapdragon Studios team has already been working directly with top tier Studios to enable Lumen on their upcoming Unreal Engine 5 mobile games games and to bring these new technologies to Gamers we've also been working with one of the world's Premier mobile gaming Studios net EAS thunderfire one of their leading titles Justice mobile will now feature Global illumination with realtime Brak tracing and Snapdragon GSR they actually gave us an exclusive sneak peek to show you guys so let's check it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this gorgeous new version of Justice mobile will arrive next year in 2024 and the best place to play it will be on a smartph phone powered by Snapdragon 8 gen 3 and now I'd like to welcome back to the stage Chris [Applause] [Music] Patrick wow thank you Macy thank you to all the teams again who work so hard to create the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 over the last two days we've covered a lot of exciting details about our latest premium platform the snap dragon Gen 3 is truly the Titan of on device intelligence we've shown you incredible AI use cases like gen virtual assistant with Skyscanner stable diffusion with Snapchat personalized suggestions using the Qualcomm sensing Hub this platform drives premium level performance capable of supporting generative AI models of up to 10 billion parameters llm throughput of up to 20 tokens per second the the fastest in the mobile industry AI also does amazing things with our Qualcomm Spectra ISP to bring you industry first experiences jni powered background creation video object eraser night sight video capture on gaming we're bringing even more desktop level features to smartphones the Snapdragon Elite Gaming allows you to fully immerse yourself with lifelike gamescapes with new Global illumination with support for 240 FPS gaming you will have the ultimate LaGree Competitive Edge and all of these use cases are backed by the world's fastest connectivity solution the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 thank you everyone for your time today today while we share the industry-leading technology behind this incredible platform you'll soon be able to Revel in these extraordinary experiences yourself very soon the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 will be in Flagship devices in just a few weeks please stay tuned for our next session on the new Qualcomm sound products coming up in just a few minutes Mahalo [Applause] everybody


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