Smart Security Tech - Cool Stuff How It Works - S01 EP04 - Science Documentary

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[Applause] on this episode  of cool stuff cool security   staying safe in a world that's  getting more dangerous by the minute   today the threat's much more sophisticated  keeping one step ahead of the bad guys   explosive materials bombs this x-ray technology  really knows where the next hit's coming from close and personal with a biometric identification  system that beats fingerprints hands down the eyes   don't lie it's made a lot faster one look  is all it takes now it's instant I'll test   my strength against some incredible body  armor it didn't puncture at all and the   coolest thing of all it's actually  a liquid but it be caves like Steel   and there is no hole whatsoever  now that's smart security the world is full of cool stuff I'm Steve  Truitt how come I'm not feeling anything   and I want to know how it works I'll be  riding the Leading Edge of innovation   pulling apart Today's Hottest Technologies and  presenting them in ways you've never imagined join me on a journey into the  Hidden World of cool stuff seems we can't go anywhere now without  being quizzed scanned or photographed   but in some places maximum security is  not just a precaution it's a necessity in prisons Across America identifying inmates  has gone Way Beyond stenciled numbers on striped   shirts be confident we have the right people  coming in and going out of Maximum Security and now biometrics unique body measurements  are giving us that certainty no one can fool   this Iris scam [Music] Irish recognition is  far more accurate than any other biometric   including fingerprints facial recognition  and other forms of biometric identification it's the colored ring around your pupil  is an intricate and unique Kaleidoscope   of tissue that doesn't change after  puberty no one has your iris pattern   in fact you don't even have the  same pattern in both eyes [Music]   if you consider the iris itself it's one of the  most unique structures of the human body if we   were to compare your left and your right Iris  for instance there's one chance in 10 to the 70th   power that they would match so not only do you  have one unique Iris you have two unique hybrides   possible to change the structure  of your iris unless you damage it   so the chances of fooling an iris recognition  system are almost zero I think I like stuff   over here but to be sure you have the right  match you need an extremely accurate profile   go ahead and open your eye really wide look in  the mirror this digital camera starts the process   two quick snapshots and officers  capture a prisoner's identity [Music]   the images only need to be black and white  because it's the iris structure not its color   that's unique a small infrared light enhances the  detail by eliminating Reflections from the cornea   once the images are captured some  smart mathematics takes over in   the form of software analysis thank you [Music]   that Digital Image just then processed by an  algorithm called the Dogman two Pi algorithm   which is basically a mathematical process  converting the digital image into a binary   template this algorithm or mathematical formula  calculates points of difference in the image   it's recording relationships between many tiny  features the more points the more uniqueness   and the greater the certainty Iris scan  uses 200 points of difference just to be   sure these points are then converted into a  digital template that's unique to each Iris that camper is then stored at  a later time when we capture an   image with this camera or one of  our other cameras again that new   templates are compared with a tired database  of templates and the correct one is matched now inside of prison it's not just accuracy  that matters it's the time it takes officers   to verify they have the right inmate with Iris  scan technology that's less than 10 seconds   it's made it a lot faster especially  before if somebody wouldn't give us   their real identification we would have to  fingerprint them and wait for it usually   extended period of time 30 to 40 minutes to  find out who someone was now it's instant there's no waiting and no doubt  and come release day no mistakes someone comes into the jail and is  booked into the system we catch their   Irish parents when they're ready to  be released they can be absolutely   certain at releasing the right person  turning our eyes into digital IDs may   take a bit of getting used to but when  you want certainty eyes will never lie we saw how Iris scan helps prison  officers to be sure they have their man face another problem every day the risk of attack  despite the best security inmates still end up   with weapons they make on their own and they're  lethal probably one of our most dangerous ones is   possession of a ruler we're able to Fashion that  basically into Shanks they're known as you make   the wrong move and uh if you're not watching out  they can attack you enough to enough to kill you you might wonder why officers don't  use military style armor one reason   is they need to be free to react in emergencies   body armor would just slow them down and  make them even more vulnerable to assault but here at the materials research laboratory  of the U.S army they may have the answer [Music]   lightweight clothing that's absolutely stab  proof and the secret isn't the fabric it's   this stuff armor in a bottle flexible materials  like Kevlar are great at stopping bullets but   surprisingly it's almost useless stopping a  knife [Music] so this is four layers of fabric   and this is a type of fabric you'd use in  body armor police vests even army vests what   I want you to do is take a little swing and go  ahead and try to pop through that fabric okay   thank you not too big not too hard it it went  right through didn't it okay and if you look   this Kevlar isn't going to save  a prison officer from a shanking   okay now this looks like a cool experiment  where are we to see why Eric's put the   Kevlar Swatch under a microscope so  that's pretty good in Focus you can   see how the spike pushes around the tough  fibers it just slides right between them   so no matter how tough the fibers are  a sharp blade can just slip through   before we moved it to the side moved it to the  side they call that windowing sometimes it's   kind of like making a window right and there's  something sharp in point you can go in between the   fibers that makes sense right see how far things  are getting stretched and moved out of the way so fiber strength means zip when  it comes to a shake add some liquid   armor to fill the gaps really give it  a good one and it's a different story   yeah give it another one  another one I'm going Lefty it didn't puncture at all I mean it made a  dent but it didn't puncture no it would hurt   pretty bad but you're not going to have  a spike going through your vital organs   right it's probably better for you this super  strong goo is called Shear thickening fluid   okay so how did you make this well this  actually has two parts in it it's a liquid   and a solid combined so the liquid is this  thing here it's called polyethylene glycol   it's a polymeric liquid very safe it's kind  of like antifreeze but you can actually eat   it but you combine this with a solid phase  which in this case is a powder it's silica   powder so silica is glass but it's very special  the way we combine these this that you have in   your hand right was actually this amount  of liquid mixed with this amount of powder so how does this stuff work the billions  of silica nanoparticles more than 100 times   finer than human hair mix easily and evenly  in the glycol [Music] in a liquid state the   particles have a weak molecular surface charge  so they don't Clump together to form a solid   but when an object impacts the liquid it changes  radically the object's kinetic energy forces the   particles together and they lock in a lattice  with strong chemical bonds called a hydro cluster   the liquid becomes as hard  as ceramic for a Split Second   then when the kinetic energy is spent the bonds  release and the solution becomes liquid again   it's truly amazing so I want you to push in there  real slowly with that rod what you're going to see   is there's not much resistance it's kind of like  a liquid it's going down to the bottom smoothly   okay but if You Yank in a big hurry on it oh yeah  it will not let go so once you stop pushing on   it it'll kind of go back to liquid again it  would fall off that spoon and come out again   when I apply strong kinetic energy  there's no way I can push through   as soon as I stop pushing  the Silicon particles let go tough is ceramic but still a liquid which  means it soaks right into the woven Kevlar   this fluid is crammed in between all  the little tiny filaments in this   fabric you see a little excess you know at the  intersections but it's really really in there   we're looking through the microscope again this  time I'm trying to pierce some treated Kevlar   are the Fabric's moving but there's no windowing  there's no separation of the fabric all it cares   about is that you're pushing a lot of it in some  way in this case right now you can feel feel how   tight yeah and you can see it's pushing it in  that's right so things are getting squeezed   in there even though it's not shearing it's under  stress it still looks like fabric remember before   those Yarns were getting pushed and pulled and it  looks like somebody took a yarn started ganking on   things took the fabric here everything is still  pretty and pretty much intact so it's a big   Improvement on the raw fibers but this technology  is meant to save real lives in a tough world and most hardcore prisoners pack  a far bigger punch than I do I didn't have much luck it didn't puncture at all  I mean it made a dent that it didn't punch [Music]   but what about a brutal stab from a big bad guy   this thing here I want you to kind of squeeze  it well I can't find one here in the Army's   materials research lab so we're going to  drop this stainless steel Spike from eight   feet that's equivalent to a blow from someone  weighing 230 pounds now at that height that's a   pretty good step so that's a big strong person  on a good day but people can stab that hard 289 3 there it is three two one  and it did it bent wow it really   bent even a massive blow like this  doesn't make it all the way through   The Shield of Clump silica particles held  strong and there is no hole whatsoever   the powerful kinetic energy made the silica  particles lock tight into a ceramic barrier all right okay okay I'm impressed but how big a  bloke can this stuff really handle now remember   I promised you something a little special  don't kid yourself this hunting bow is no toy   it'll produce uh somewhere the  vicinity of 175 feet per second right   um it's aluminum Arrow feather fletched  and it has 125 grain bullet field tip   in other words this is a serious weapon it  could kill a bear at 20 pesos be careful   the Ricochet first I want to see  what it does to untreated Kevlar how far is it I think about  six to eight inches yeah now let's see what happens to a vest impregnated  with liquid armor I couldn't get through this well   we do lots remember this is a steel-tipped hunting  Arrow traveling at 170 feet a second [Music]   all right our high-speed camera reveals  something incredible the arrow bounces right off here it is on the floor not in there at all all  right so probably what happens that tip of the   arrow remember it's it's pointy it started to poke  through but just couldn't find its way all the   way through bounced off and came back in this case  the shear thickening fluid is holding those fibers   in place won't allow them to slide out of the way  keeps the uh the arrow getting all the way through and Eric has other applications in mind for this  amazing goo just imagine what treated gloves could   mean for Rescue and health care workers  no more needle sticks from Dirty syringes so for example police officers often  when they search somebody they got   to search their pockets even sanitation  workers picking up garbage nobody wants   to get stuck with needles there's a  need for needle protective materials but getting lightweight stab proof uniforms  into the prison system is still Eric's priority   these guards risk lethal attack every day and  liquid armor is life-saving technology there's   always that threat if that threat exists and  there's an item out there that can protect us   absolutely as long as it's uh you know somewhat  lightweight something you can move around in air travel used to be a soft target for terrorists  and Smugglers but now we know better and we're   spending billions of dollars on Airport  security to keep a step ahead of the bad guys   of course there are still vulnerabilities take the standard transmission x-ray  machine used to screen for weapons and catch metal objects but that's  about it now live in a world of liquid   explosives and ceramic weapons obscure  designer drugs and human smuggling   problem with these new threads is that  their chemical structure isn't even   vaguely metallic it's organic and that means  they're almost invisible to regular machines   we need something new and now we've got  it it's called the Backscatter the types   of Technology at airport checkpoints now were  originally deployed to help defeat hijacking   threats when people would try to get on board  planes with guns or knives and commandeer them   and take them to other locations today  the threat's much more sophisticated prove the power of this new technology  let's compare it to traditional security   and the typical carry-on briefcase with a regular  x-ray machine we have some articles of clothing   here in the top and here's some typical items  power supply for a laptop computer a portable   radio with a cassette player there's also an  umbrella an electric toothbrush and a cell phone   it's all typical all metallic and easily  picked up by standard x-ray technology   here's our umbrella down here 's our  power supply for our laptop computer   this image also reveals a handgun that was  concealed from the bag and so again this image   is very good at finding kind of dense objects that  may be concealed in this bag such as that handgun   but there's so much more  hidden inside the suitcase   dangerous things that aren't made from metal now  check out what the new Backscatter reveals there   are three organic threats here the first easy to  pick out is a composite handgun that's designed   specifically to be hard or impossible to detect  in a transmission x-ray image in addition to that   we have this organic item which is an explosive  and the explosive stimulant is concealed by the   cell phone you can see the outline of the cell  phones the same as we showed in the transmission   image finally there's a bottle here which contains  liquid explosive components this item is concealed   in our transmission x-ray by our laptop power  supply cord pretty amazing so what's going on here the new technology still uses x-rays  it's just how it reads them that makes   the difference normal machines simply  capture straight x-rays either passing   through or being blocked by objects  [Music] the Backscatter looks at x-rays   that are diffracted or scattered off in  different directions these scattered Rays   hold a lot of information because different  materials scatter photons in different ways organic elements like hydrogen oxygen and carbon  can be identified by their unique scatter pattern   and with some computer analysis the pattern turns  into an image showing up as clearly as metal used on a grand scale ports  are another soft target that   Backscatter technology hopes to toughen up   shipping containers can be Trojan horses for  weapons Contraband even human trafficking but this Z portal is the airport system on  steroids you can run whole containers trucks   or vehicles through it in just 30 seconds it  can scan a car from three different angles   see the images start to reveal on the  screen and we've got a top down View   and a passenger side view of the vehicle as  well as a right side view of the vehicle with   Backscatter technology there are no secrets so  for example in our top-down view you can see   there's actually a stowaway that's concealed  in the trunk of this vehicle you can also see   all the way through the roof of the vehicle down  through the back seat of the vehicle here and you   can see there are items that have been concealed  underneath the seat you can also see threats that   have been concealed on the side of the vehicle  here here's another simulant for cigarettes this machine is a big Improvement in technology technology is catching up with the bad guys  and giving us some pretty cool security   detecting deadly threats capturing  the right person every time   and protecting our protectors I'm going  Lefty see you next time on cool stuff foreign [Music] foreign


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