Smart Layout Patterns with Modern CSS with KEVIN POWELL — SmashingConf New York 2024

Smart Layout Patterns with Modern CSS with KEVIN POWELL — SmashingConf New York 2024

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KEVIN: Thank you so much, Vitaly, thank  you, everybody. I'm super-happy to be up   on the stage today to talk about creating smart  layout patterns with modern CSS. And especially   early this morning, we had lots of talks about  AI. And you might be wondering is that why I'm   talking about smart layout patterns. Some people  are happy to know, some are disappointed to know,  

we're not here yet. Maybe one day. But that's  not what we're going to be talking about today.   Before I talk about smart layout patterns, I  want to talk about modern CSS. As Vitaly said,   there's so much happening with CSS these days.  It's incredible, really. Right? It's just this   really fast pace of change that's going on. And  if I was giving this talk just a few years ago,   you might have thought I would be talking about  using Flexbox and Grid that and would be the   focus of the talk. These days, though, it could  mean so much more. This was a really quick list   I through together last night when I thought of  adding this slide, and I'm missing a whole bunch   of cool things on it. If you don't know any of  them, look up the has selector, positioning,  

I didn't add on here, scroll-driven animations.  Anchor positioning I think a lot of people   here would be really excited about. If you haven't  seen it yet, go and dive in and look at that. What   I want to talk about today -- or actually, before  we get to that, one of the good reasons that so   much is happening in CSS, as we mentioned, I have  a YouTube channel. Yeah. I'm at 840 videos right   now. And I'd say 820 of those are about CSS. And  despite that, I really don't have a shortage of  

topics. People have asked me if I think I'm gonna  start talking about something else just because   I'm getting bored. And it's actually the opposite.  I can't even decide what I'm going it be talking   about next because there's so many things I'm  excited by. What I'm going it talk to you today   about is something I have talked about quite a  bit, which is container queries. I don't just want   to talk to you about them and say they're awesome.  I actually want to you bring you on my journey. I  

fell in love with container queries the minute I  heard about them and played with them. Then fell   out of love with them, I didn't like them, I  wasn't finding use cases the way I thought I   would. And then I realized they were awesome. For  those that didn't use them and didn't find the use   cases, hopefully let you fall back in love. and for anybody who didn't, you can see the   first two steps. Really quickly, just so we're  on the same page, what a container query really   is. And a container media query. Most people  are familiar with those. I have set up this   layout. This is the first demo, I think the first  demo I ever set up using container queries. The  

first time I had to update the CodePen with the  new syntax. When I made this, the syntax wasn't   finished yet. I did this with the media query, I  hit a breakpoint of 750 pixels. And at that size,   the layout shifts and the image is to the side  instead of stacked on top. I'm doing that with   the flex direction of row there. If you want to  do this with a container query, it's pretty easy.   Keep everything the same, but you keep @container  instead. But you get a little bit underwhelmed.   We're gonna change the size here as well. But you  get a little bit underwhelmed when you do that,  

it doesn't work. That's when you need a defined  container. I'm gonna add a red dotted outline   around here just so we can really visualize  what the containers are. On all of these,   I have a card. Right there, you can see the  article is the card. And then inside of there,   I have the card layout. So, the container is the  lotted line and the layout is the piece inside   that I'm manipulating. You can see now the cards  on the top are different from the cards on the  

bottom. For designers, this could be -- we moved  into a this component-based world and this is what   we wanted. This is a feature that we wanted for a  really long time and we finally got it. Where the   layout can depend on the space available. So,  those cards on the top are switching because   they have 300 pixels. The ones on the bottom  don't. And then when we get to a larger size,   eventually they switch over too. This was  something we were told was impossible for a long   time. At the top of the list of the features that  people wanted in CSS. And the browser engineers  

kept telling us it's impossible. But they're  actually really smart people and eventually   figured out how to do it. They gave it to us,  people like me got extremely excited, and we   got other people excited. And once they got to the  point, they're over 90% browser support right now.  

They're available in all the major browser  engines, no one really started using them.   Which was kind of disappointing. It was sad to not  see them being used anywhere. But I went through   this too. I had a playlist of videos looking at  all the really cool things you can do with them,  

and then started struggling myself in finding use  cases for them. And, of course, you have to start   wondering why? This was a question that started  coming up a lot in the CSS circles maybe a year   ago, six months ago, somewhere around there.  Where people that are really into CSS were   talking a lot about it and wondering why. Chris  Coyier wrote a blog post on it. In his post,   he thought once they came in, 75% of the use  cases from media queries would be replaced by   container queries and clearly that didn't happen.  And he brought up some good points in the article   about why. There was a lot of social media back  and forth and different ideas that were going   around. One of the things that came up a lot was  some of the limitations around them. So, one of  

those limitations you sort of saw already where I  had to add a contain. I had to define a container.   And one of those -- because we have to define the  container, we'd run into situations like this.   Where I have an intrinsic layout. So, an intrinsic  layout is a term coined by Jen Simmons. It's a   layout, it changes and adapts to the browser  without the need of media queries, which is   really awesome. I'm doing this down here just with  three lines of CSS. The important one is this grid   template-columns, it's a long declaration. But  gets the job done, and the smallest the column   can be is 225 pixels. If the browser can fix  more, it squeezes more in, and squeezes in  

another and another. This is super-useful and  a really great pattern to use. But the problem   is I don't have a solid breakpoint to use. With a  media queue, it's a magic number and it's fragile.   It felt like container queries should be able to  do some stuff with this. But let's say the one I   have the border on right now, if I wanted that  to stretch across two columns at one point, I   can't do that pap and it's really frustrating. So,  over here I tried doing it. Where I have a defined   container. And then I'm using a bit of modern  CSS there with card has image. So, the card that   has the image should change and span across two  columns. But it never actually reach this is width  

of 100 pixels. Because as soon as there's enough  room, the layout shifts. So, it never hits that   point and I can never have this contained thing  that's looking outside that have and I can't   switch this over to being the card container  either which is actually what I need to do in   this indication. Because the card is inside of the  card container. This isn't gonna work because the   media query can't query itself. This would break  the web -- your browser. It's just impossible. You  

can't look at the size of the element itself,  you have to look at the size of other things.   You can see that doing that actually caused some  weird stuff to happen. But I think that's because   I have another media query or container query  set up in another spot. And it started causing,   actually, I did have something down there that was  causing -- sorry about that. I think on my main I   did. I thought I deleted that before I do this  demo. There we go. Normally when you would say:  

The span too, it wouldn't work when you had this  as -- let's do it again -- card-container. And   that doesn't work. And that becomes frustrating  when you can't query your own size. When you can't   query your own size, a lot of the things we want  to do actually start falling apart. And it felt   like this limitation that was preventing us from  really taking advantage of all those situations   that everyone was envisioning when we thought we  were getting container queries. The problem is not   container queries, it's that we have been using  container queries wrong. It's not your fault you   have been using them wrong. Maybe it's my fault  because I have been putting out all those videos  

and didn't show the cool stuff you could do. But  I couldn't figure it out either. I'm not smart   enough, I guess. But I wouldn't say it's really  anybody's fault. I would say it's something's   fault. If I were to blame anything or anybody,  it would be the media query. Not that there's  

anything wrong with media queries. Media queries  shape the web we have today. If we didn't have   media queries, we would have run into a lot  of problems along the way, modern web wouldn't   exist the way it does, it would be really hard  to make responsive layouts. Speaking of which:   This is the article by Ethan Marcotte from  2010 where he coined the term "Responsive web   design." It's almost 15 years ago. And a big part  of what he talked about in this article was using   media queries to create responsive websites.  We have been using media queries for a really,  

really long time at this time. Because we have  been using them, we understand how it works,   we understand the limitations of it and we have  gotten really good at creating different things   with them. When we look at a container query  compared to a media query, it's just like the   fun house equivalent, right? They sort of look  the same. They look a little bit different because   the word is different there. But more or less the  syntax is the same, everything else is the same.   The only difference is a media query looks at the  viewport. So, it's evaluating is the width greater  

or smaller than whatever number you put there.  Usually it's pixels. Sometimes you might use   amaran. And it's the same thing, looking at the  size of the container instead of the size of the   viewport. sort of same thing. This is how we have  been trained to use them. That's how media queries   work. It's the only way we can use media queries.  But it wasn't until recently that I discovered   there's actually more that you can do with  container queries and a lot more that's possible   and it opens up these smarter layouts that we  can create. We can lean much more into intrinsic   designs and building out sort of new intrinsic  patterns and working with intrinsic designs and   following the breakpoints that they're actually  creating. And it's really, really exciting.  

I wish I could say that I was smart enough to  have that lightbulb moment and discover that   how this works, but it was all because of a blog  post, actually. This was a blog post by Andy Bell   on his Piccalilli website. From a year ago, which  surprises me. If you don't know Andy Bell and the   Piccalilli website, strongly suggest you go and  check it out. And it looks good. He just recently   redesigned it. In this blog post, looking at the  dribble design and making it into a responsive  

website. It's a very in-depth post, check it  out. If you don't like seeing scrolling screens,   maybe look a away for a moment. I'll let you know  whether I'm done. I'm gonna scroll a lot. It was   a really good post, like I said, really in-depth.  Lots of interaction and examples that you can play   with along the way as you're going through it.  And then it wasn't until right here that I got  

to the part and I stopped scrolling now if you  weren't looking. When you got to this point right   here where I discovered something and it stopped  me. Wait a second, if you're gonna come to the   article and read it, read the whole thing, don't  skip it. It's a good article. But the important   part was this: @container, greater -- you can  use the greater than and less symbols, do that   in media syntax, supports it. Width greater than  70vw. That looks weird. You would never do that  

with a media query. In this slide, I'm saying it's  kinds of useless. It's totally useless. Our media,   which is the viewport, is always bigger than  70vw. It doesn't make any sense there. Once again,   media query looks at -- it evaluates: Is the  width greater or smaller than a certain number?   Container queries evaluate if the container query  is greater than or smaller than a number. When we   use viewports, we have done something different.  All of a sudden, we're querying two different  

things. This might not seem like a big deal,  but it's a really big deal. Now I'm comparing   the width of one thing to the width of another  thing. And both are changing sizes. And that   opens up some really interesting possibilities.  So, if we look -- I made a very simplified example   to what Andy did. The design is terrible, I  apologize to the designers in the audience.  

I have a simple two column layout. The layout is  created with the media query where I'm using Grid   to make the two columns. Not fancy. If I'm greater  than 720 pixels, two columns. And they stack,   and then a giant image that fills up the viewport  and the user leaves because thing your website is   broken. We don't want this to happen. So, this  is what -- and just -- I'm doing an exaggerated   example now. I'm gonna crop my image a lot.  You don't do this necessarily because then   you're serving up a giant image for no reason. It  highlights really well why this works. So, in my   HTML at the top here, we have the split. I have an  adaptable image div with the image inside of it.  

Then I have the article with all the content in  it after that. So, what we can do is -- let's go   bigger far second -- we can bring in a container  query that uses that 70vw trick right here.   And when I do that, now when I get smaller, all  of a sudden that adaptable image is taking up the   full viewport width. It's now larger, even though  the screen size got larger because it's stacked,  

it got bigger, it hits that point, and  all of a sudden we can do some other   styling and we can fix our layout and make it  a little bit better. You might be wondering,   couldn't I just do this in this of the media query  on the top of the page? I could do this for this   one specific use case. But generally speaking,  if it's for one specific use case, it's kind of   crappy. In this case, it would be working for  this one specific breakpoint and nothing else.   And change it so that it could work. And use this  in other situations. So, for example, down here...   I could bring in some extra columns of content  at the bottom. I'm using the adaptable image  

in these as well. And that just -- and I'm using  Flexbox for this. So, if I come and take a look,   I don't know when the breakpoint is gonna happen  here. Let this go down. Because I'm using Flexbox,   I've set sort of like a minimum-ish size on those  flexible items. But I don't really know when this   is gonna change and they're gonna wrap. I'm using  flex wrap, it's intrinsic layout, I don't know  

when things are gonna change. The browser  is figuring that out. One image is wrapped,   it has the adaptable image and adapts, the other  two on the top don't. Which is something you   can't do with a media query, no matter how hard  you tried because you're dealing with the same   thing in multiple different places. And same  thing on this side, then all of a sudden they   all stack. Now, I thought that was really cool.  I really liked this. I felt like there was more.   There should be more possible. And I kept looking  for different ways and trying to force things to   work. And I liked that pattern, I have used it  in a view different ways. Clever-looking for  

viewport and wide-angles and stuff. Someone else  pointed me in the right direction, in this case,   it was Miriam Suzanne, I put a video up on  YouTube with one way of doing something,   she replied with a way using container queries.  It was on Mastodon. First the part, it's the   inline size, it's a logical property. Treat that  as a width for all intents and purposes today.   But then there's calc there, calc 32ch times  3. Blew my mind. First of all, you can use a   calc inside a container query? Yes, you can. And  you can use them in media queries. We will show   in a minute. Just to compare, a media with greater  than 60ch, the width of the browser and the 60ch,  

it's characters. It's roughly the width of a zero  character at any given font, change if you change   your font. I'm saying 60 characters wide. It's  getting it from the browser, not the CSS. It's   basically a fixed number. It's sort of 60, unless  the user changed their user preferences. It's  

kind of the same as saying 600 pixels or whatever.  Putting in a set number. With the container query,   very similar, but the 60ch is coming from the  size of the container. This might seem like   a really small difference, but it's actually a  really important one. So, here once again I did   the red outline thing just so we can see what  the container is. And I'm going from this is  

basically what Miriam had shown in her post. We  go from stack content to three columns. And down   here, I'm setting it up with 30ch right there.  And actually for the developers in the audience,   why 30ch and not 300 pixels? The designers  in the audience are saying that's kind of   cool. Designers know we have ideal line lengths,  minimum and maximum line lengths. I can actually   say when I have a minimum line length of 30ch  for each column, then I get the columns. And   never worry about overly-squished columns  with text that's too tight. This is rough,   we have the padding and the gap that come into  count. You have to think about that. But it's  

kind of nice. And if I come on my HTML here,  because font sizes are inherited. You don't   change it element-by-element. But if I change the  font size on the body or the HTML, that font size   gets inherited and the breakpoint changes along  with it, and everything scale up proportionally.  

All of a sudden we have this smarter layout that's  aware of the font size. You would be using fluid   layouts using clamp with your font sizes and this  is gonna adapt to it. It's really, really cool.   Just in case you're wondering for anybody, you  could try to do it with the media query. The calc,   everything is going to work. The only problem is,  again, media queries don't actually see the font  

size of the thing that you've declared. So, you  can see it's getting really, really tight here. If   I change my font size here, let's make it really  big, 1.75, the breakpoint's at the same place. Now   I'm breaking my layout. The reason for that is  media queries can never see relative font sizes   here. Even if you use REM, anything like that,  using the browser setting. In the media query,  

you can change the font size and create circular  logic and crash the browser. They don't let us do   that, there's a good reason. They don't have  the power to adapt and create these layouts   like this. And... oh! One last thing, actually,  I wanted to mention something else. I forgot what   it was, though. Oh, just here, yeah. With the  30ch times 3, you might be wonder for we could  

use a variable for that. That would be really  nice if we could use a variable. Because then   you could have the two 3s set to that variable  and it would just change to whatever you want   it to. It's something that we're supposed to  have, but no browser has figured it out yet,   I guess. We don't have it net. It's something  that could potentially come down the line and be   useful to set as variables. It's not bad doing it  like this. It's straightforward using 90ch, it's   magic number-y again. And you can put the comment  in your code to let people know what's actually   happening. This got me really excited. I was like  holy moly, it's a really simple thing. But all of  

a sudden, that unlocked a few other things that  I had been struggling with for a really long time   and it sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole. And  it brought me back to this layout that we looked   a the earlier where I was struggling in getting  this layout to adapt in the way I wanted it to.   So, in this layout, again, it's an intrinsic  layout. I don't have control over where the   break points are happening. The browser is figure  out it based on how much space the grid autofit   has. Take a quick look, I have the grid autofit  and even this the articles that are in there.  

So, before what I was trying to do because I was  so trained with how media queries work and this   idea of components, that the component should see  the size of itself that I just didn't get my brain   to get to this point until I started playing with  that pattern that we were just looking at. Where   I said, well, wait a second, I'm using min and  max here. And in min/max is figuring out where   the break points should be happening. Updated to  pixels, 25ch minimum column size and then I get   a new column. So, I can make that grid autofit  into a container just by saying container type,   inline size. If you're wondering about that, I  sort of glossed over it before. Just do this. And   that makes your container. Another option you're  basically never gonna use, size. Inline-size,  

it becomes a container. And again, inline-size is  left to right most of the time. So, here I have a   container query they created. That I'm gonna turn  on and what I'm saying now is 25ch times 2. For   my container. Because I know if I can fit two  columns, because I said minimum column size is  

25ch. So, when I get to 25 times 2, I now have two  columns., so when I get there, I can actually span   two columns all of a sudden. Change the layout of  that featured card. I tried doing this with media   queries. It's a magic number disaster that you  don't want to try to do. When you change anything  

by 1 pixel, the whole thing just collapses. In  a situation like this, whatever I throw at it,   it's always gonna work. It's cool to do that and  have the layout adapt. Might notice the plus 1,   and I will talk about that in a second. But just  for fun, bring in a little bit of an update here.   When you get to another size, adapt again. Stretch  it up and down. Four columns, a different layout.   And using subgrid to make sure the image matches  the cards on the top. I don't have time to dive  

into how that works, though, sorry. So, yeah. Here  I'm just saying 25ch times 4. And because that's   when I know I have four columns. Now, you'll  notice the plus 3, the other one at the top had a   plus 1. See if you can think about why I might be  doing that. There's a good reason. This is where   variables would be really, really, really nice in  our media queries and container queries. But it's   because when I have four columns I have one, two,  three gaps and each one of my gaps is 1 rem in   size. That's what I declared higher up. You have  to get this to work -- variables -- I'm waiting   for the day. But I find I can do this, a quick  comment in your code makes that connection and  

makes everything work really well. Again, the one  problem there would be if you have different sizes   that are coming for your gaps. If you adjust your  gaps at different sizes, you have to repeat which   might be annoying. And one limitation that might  be worrisome. What happens if you have a card,  

in this case, let's just look really fast. It's  up here. My card, I did it in a bit of a contrived   way instead of putting a class of featured card.  So, I said card has a direct child that's an image   and it's also the first child. What if I had  a card somewhere else that meets that type of   thing? Or maybe you just did a featured card  class like a sane person would have done. And   then you would have -- you could potentially run  into the same issue, though. Where it I take that   and let's just say for fun I put it at the very  top of my section. And I don't want in card at  

the top of the layout. The layout is changing,  broken with that, I don't have subgrid anymore.   Maybe I don't want that breakpoint. I only want  this. And those numbers become magic numbers if   I'm using this outside of the context of my grid  autofit. So, some people might have noticed...   where... here on my container type above that  I have a container name. And you can name your  

containers. So, I can actually come in here  and when I declare my @container, I can say:   Grid-auto-fit. And those styles only will apply  if the container query evaluates as true and it's   in something with a grid-auto-fit in there. Now  you can see the one at the top is kind of broken.   It doesn't have any changes happening. Whereas the  one at the bottom is spreading across two layouts.   I can make she's things without having to have  some weird modifier classes. Keep the styles for   this thing all together in one space and still  define the different areas where the changes   could be happening without having ten different --  again, whether you're using a modifier class or in   a different way. But then I can use the component  wherever I need to use it and it's going to adopt.  

Instead of having to place it in there and read  from the codebase to figure out what the modifier   class they need it. In the long run, you're  creating something that's a lot more robust. It's   gonna work when you're using them in situations  that you've accounted for. To me, it's really,   really exciting. Yes. Nothing else to say on  that one. Now, we get to the part that I'm   really excited about. This does involve a little  bit more modern CSS. That's not as well-supported.   Just so you know. But it's making a lot more  things that are really exciting possible. It's   continuing off of this idea of container queries.  Where it's part of the new spec for style queries.  

Anybody here style queries? Good. That's exciting.  So, style queries build on top of media queries.   They're available in Chrome and shipped in the  latest version of Safari. Browser supports 71,   72. They're probably not ready for production. But  you can start thinking about different things you   could do with this. Here is a layout that I was  working on for our project. For a course of mine,   actually. And simply, it was this thing and it  was used across -- it was for a blog. It was used   across a whole bunch of pages where I had some  columns of content. But when we go the to narrower  

sizes, especially for mobile, we turned it --  we didn't want them to get squished or stack.   It would look cool if we could have an overflow  grid. Call it overflow grid. Goes left to right,   and works much better on mobile than desktop,  obviously. But we wanted some horizontal scrolling  

for that. And this worked on every single page  except for one specific situation. And that one   specific situation -- it worked 50% of the time.  Which was really annoying and I'm sure you've run   into situations like that. Where you've made a  perfect solution and then get a random curve ball   thrown at you and you're just really mad at it.  Whoever came up with whatever you're doing. So,   here -- oh. I already had something in my CSS  that I didn't think I had. We're gonna turn  

that off really fast. I don't know what I did.  Oh. It's right here. Cool. Spoiler. Awesome. So,   here I have the same component in this section  and down here. They work exactly the same way,   no difference. I copy and pasted it into  this upper area. But in the upper area,   what I've done, come look in the HTML first,  I have this hero class that's up here with   the split. The split is the exact same one I  showed you before. Where when it's wide enough,   we go up to two columns. But when we go up to  two columns, it looks kind of weird with this  

horizontal scroller up there. Everywhere else in  this situation this works perfectly. But this is   being set up with this container query. And the  problem with this container query that we set up,   take a look, overflow grid. I have a bit of custom  property usage in here. Overflow grid, making it   go left to right. And the container, larger than  900 pixels, that's the side scrolling that were  

set up. Which works absolutely everywhere I  was using you it, it's a container query and   using the smaller version and it's giving me the  horizontal scrolling I don't want to have. I was   so frustrated. And then I thought, well, what I  could do is use one thing up here. So, actually, I  

have to comment something else out really fast to  get -- we're gonna comment this out. What we could   do is come inside where they have split class.  Some people love this, some people hate this. But   inside the container query. Ampersand hero. This  is with nesting, the ampersand is a place holder  

for split. If you nest, nesting is part of Native  CSS, I don't know what the browser support is off   the top of my head, but it's in all browsers. Look  for ampersand class hero, looking for every hero   and split. Because this is in the container query,  I'm only modifying the hero when we change into   this container query. When it hits this one spot  and only that one spot. You could definitely split   this off into two bits of code if you wanted  to. But then you have to repeat the container   query which is kind of annoying. I like nesting  for this use case here. Because I set it up with  

custom properties, overflow, grid, direction. Got  to spell things right, direction. I could change   this -- I'm gonna get it wrong, aren't I? I always  mix up row and column. It was row that I wanted.   Told you I would get it wrong. Nope. Ah, overflow  thank you. Overflow grid direction. And now I   probably have the wrong one again. There we go.  Now they stack. The reason they're stacking,   you switch something on a container or a custom  property just because you want to tweak something.  

That's why custom properties are so nice. They're  easy to tweak. This is why you can do it with   JavaScript if you wanted to. This is the beauty  of custom properties. The reason this is working,   this grid overflow, it's contrived with how I  set it up. Anyway, it used to be column. Just   the first line there, it was column. And then  my grid overflow became row. They stacked. But   the problem is, there's other styles I  need to overwrite too. When I do that,   I want to overwrite this grid auto-columns. This  is what's controlling the size of the columns.  

And right now, those columns, they're too small.  And this is -- I guess a modifier class could work   for that. But then I need a modifier class that's  also inside this -- well, I can't change a class   inside of a container or media query. That just  doesn't work. And then again you come in with   this way of figuring it out and getting it only  to apply in this one thing and it would bloat your   code a little bit and be kind of annoying. So,  instead that have, I used the style query because  

I knew they're possible. And this is why I'm so  excited about them. So, a style query looks like a   container query. It is @container, very important  with the style query. So, it's @container and then   you have a style function and put the name of your  custom property. In the future, this should work  

with any property value pair. Right now it only  works with custom properties in the browsers that   it's supported by. So, I can say that my style  grid overflow direction is row. And I can come   in with new styles. People that use SaaS, sort of  like a mix-in a little bit. Mix-ins are -- there's   a proposal that it builds on top of this idea.  What this means is when I have a grid overflow  

direction row, I'm gonna change a few of the  other properties as well. And this becomes really,   really cool because now I can conditionally  switch the styling. And now my -- I'm getting   the overflow direction going the other way. And  I don't need no find a contrived way to do that   in the media query. As long as I'm toggling that  grid overflow on or off. I'm doing it inside the   media queue. I could change this up here instead  and then everywhere it's going to apply. So,   even in this section I'm getting the scrolling  up and down. It becomes a whole set of code  

with two lines of CSS. You can have as much  styling as you want that you're conditionally   applying on or off based on the condition of the  property. And things outside of layout as well,   I'm only looking at layout at the moment. But I'm  gonna leave this in here. And the other thing is,   these are inherited properties which is really  good. Because I'm not applying this directly on   the container. Maybe I am. But you don't have  to apply it directly on the container because   custom properties are inherited, you can have it  on any parent and that's gonna come in and you can   toggle things at different levels without having  to need more and more selectors along the way.  

And one other thing that's also possible.  I did the same thing with my card layout.   Layout. Where I made an alternative...  alternative... layout. So, again, it's only in   my container query where now the title of the card  is on the side instead of on top. Just toggling  

that off so you can see it. They stack. And then I  can toggle it on. So, I'm completely changing the   layout of my card with a style query lower down  that I created. And only within a container query.   This would work in a media query if you wanted  it to. Which is cool. I'm continually toggling   on or off depending on the situation depending on  what I need. Normally you have it with a class,  

but can't choose it or not choose it without  injecting with JavaScript when the page size   changes. This, I really like this. I was very  excited by this and I think it's really, really   exciting. And the thing with all of this, while I  think it's really, really powerful, I also think   that there's probably a lot more that you  can do with this. As I said, I've sort of  

went through this journey myself, figuring out  things from other people along the way. So,   if it wasn't for Andy, I wouldn't have thought  about that viewport trick and started using it   in my projects. And the thing from Miriam worked  really well from my column switching. But then I   also figured out from what she did there how to  use it in the intrinsic layout and get things   to start changing there. Showing you, I'm  hoping, whether you're coding a developer,  

these things are possible. Would this other thing  be possible as well? And trying it out and seeing   if it works. That's always the cool part of this  and why I love having my YouTube channel. They   watch a video and reply with a better version of  what I did. That's the coolest thing in the world.   If you have thoughts, experiment, play, see what's  possible with them. While you're doing this,  

remember when these things look similar when you  first start using them, when you're using them in   new ways a lot of their potential starts  to come through. Thank you very much.   VITALY: Thanks so much, Kevin.  Excellent. You must be dreaming CSS.   KEVIN: More or less. VITALY: Wow. This is really impressive to see,   calc -- something is moving here. That's  impressive. Questions. One of them is, you know,   came from me. I have to bring it up right away.  Kevin, in being honest and sincere, it's a safe   space here, right? What's your take on Tailwind? KEVIN: That's not nice. Don't ask me that. Can I  

give me usual answer? VITALY: You can give   both. The usual and not so usual. KEVIN: My usual answer is that I get why people   like to, but it's not for me. My main concern -- VITALY: Did you hear that? It's   like the suspense in the room. Okay. KEVIN: My main issue sometimes with CodePen   is that it encourages an over-componentization  of things. Because like if you're using utility   classes, makes sense to use on a component. I see  it a lot with beginners and new people coming in.  

People using Tailwind, writing regular HTML, but  using Tailwind. It's a disaster because they're   repeating the same classes everywhere. It's not  where you -- you're not getting an advantage from   Tailwind necessarily if that situation. VITALY: Yeah.   KEVIN: And then they also rely on it a bit.  They don't understand CSS well enough. It's just   another way to author CSS. If you understand CSS  really well, you'll be better at using Tailwind.   VITALY: Yeah, I think in my experience, it's been  a bit strange. When you look in Tailwind, there is  

an option to kind of plug style in with @apply.  But maybe that's just me. But in my experience,   a lot of people who are using Tailwind are  extremely allergic to the notion of bringing up   @apply because it goes against the very principle  of Tailwind. You could have potentially both. Like   nice, clean HTML and, you know, Tailwind.  But in reality, it looks different. I   KEVIN: Yeah. VITALY: Right? So,  

I don't know if it's... yeah... look at people, I  guess. I understand something. Well, but also what   was really impressive just to see how far we've  come in terms of nesting and this idea of actually   being able to do what we used to do with SaaS.  But we don't need to, again, as you mentioned,   repeat container. Where does it leave SaaS, then? KEVIN: That's a really good question. I get asked   that a lot. I use SaaS on my larger projects  that I do. Whenever somebody asks that,  

it depends on what you're using it for. Some only  use for nesting, you don't need it in that case. I   use loops to generate things with maps. As long  as that's not in CSS, I'll continue using it,   especially for bigger things. Even though the way  I use it is a little bit different. Because I can   rely on more modern things. But I map variables  to custom properties and stuff. I can use the  

custom property because there's advantages to  those. Again, I think it's adjusted it. And   I do think for a lot of people in different use  cases, it's probably reduced the amount of people   who are using it just because those features, you  know, if the features are in native CSS, use the   native ones, they're probably more powerful. VITALY: There is a question from Brian. Maybe   you can help here. container  queries and position fixed.   KEVIN: Actually, that's a good -- I mentioned  there's limitations with containers queries, they   create a new stacking context which I'll let Josh  explain tomorrow. If you don't know what stacking   context it. But basically, creates problems with  stack context and it's a new containing block.  

For positioned stuff, you're stuck, and you can  position the element. With fixed, any time someone   wants something that's fixed and their having  issues with the containing block, why is it in   that thing that has the container? Like if it's  fixed, it's a global thing. Back to top button   or the NAV. The only time I've run into issues  with that is because I had my header declared as   a container type and had my NAV sticky. I had to  re-work stuff to make it work. There are sometimes   you might run into a sticking point. But if it's  position fixed and something you can pull out of  

the container, that is usually what I would do. VITALY: The question is do container queries make   using fixed elements hard to position correctly  due to the shifting origin? Any tip there is?   KEVIN: Yeah. So, I think that could potentially  just come down again to the fundamental   understanding of what creates a containing block.  So, again, that's position relative, that index,   you have a new containing block and then top,  bottom, left and right, not doing that to the   page. But that position absolute thing is moving  within the parent. Whatever. You're an ancestor   that has positioning. Just being aware that if  you -- if you create something as a container,   that's creating container block. There are  sometimes that might cause a problem. I will  

say one potential fix for that, depending on --  I don't know the use case in this example, anchor   positioning is gonna be really, really awesome.  It just means you can have an element at the   very bottom of your markup that you could position  relative to another element on your page. So, that   might come back to fix that. But again, it really  depends on how you're using it and the situation.   VITALY: Custom drop downs. KEVIN: They're coming. It's exciting.   I should have mentioned that. VITALY: Of course.  

KEVIN: I don't know where they're at. But we have  a select. And they're making a new one. And I know   there was and the on whether it should be a new  one. Brad mentioned Open UI this morning. It's   them that pioneered this whole thing to happen.  Where it's select menu instead I think is --  

VITALY: Select menu, yeah. KEVIN: It's a select that's   fully styleable. You can do whatever you want with  it. And it's really cool. And I'm looking forward   to it actually marking usable. VITALY: We look at the things,  

the custom checkbox, the custom select.  And we have been using these weird hacks   around kind of pseudo-element before  and after and all those things.   KEVIN: Yep. VITALY: And it always looked -- ah. Really?   KEVIN: Yep. VITALY: That's hue we do that. I'm   excited that it's really moving along. Actually  in the new world of the shiny new CSS features   were what are you very excited about that's high  on your agenda that's not here yet? Or maybe?   KEVIN: It shifts all the time. Whenever I play  with something new I get excited about it. Anchor  

positioning is close to the top. Which I've  mentioned -- if you haven't seen it -- anybody   that used tooltip libraries to line up the  tooltip, that's going to be native in CSS and   play with Chrome. The other thing I love here, and  it's -- whether you care about browser support,   scroll-driven animations. If you have used  intersection to trigger animations, the stuff you  

can do with just CSS on that front is so powerful  and really cool. Just look up CodePen demos of it,   I was using it, like, oh, I'm gonna slide an image  in or I had a NAV that can change background color   when you have gone far enough down. And the stuff  people are coming up with now, the creative ways   that you can use it. It's really, really cool. VITALY: are we done with CSS now? Something on  

your wish list? KEVIN: Yeah,   variable on the media queries, please. VITALY: That's really going all the way   in. There were a couple of questions  and just to wrap it up. Well, that was   expected. When is the CSS battles coming back? KEVIN: They're coming back. It's -- I have to   organize it. But, well, it depends -- if you  mean where I do it by myself, I guess I could   do it soon. If it's with someone else, I have  to do to organize it. They added a feature to   battle in real-time. I have to check that out. VITALY: What's your winning battle percentage?  

KEVIN: What's my battle percentage? VITALY: Winning percentage.   KEVIN: Zero. When I do CSS battles, I never try  to get a high score. Because I can't do that. I   don't know who is familiar with CSS battles,  but you basically have to solve something in   the least amount of characters as possible. Full  of hacks that when I look at it, it's interesting.   I try to solve them as fast as possible and  don't care about how many characters I use.   VITALY: And the final question that came in from  JC. As material UI and the widespread use of React  

and Angular, do you worry that developers  might rely too heavily on those libraries   and miss out on the full range of CSS features? KEVIN: That's really good question. It's something   that I've thought about. And I don't have a good  answer for that. I am a little bit concerned with   that. And the other thing that I look at is with  all of these new modern features that are coming  

along, is this like things like container  queries where it's a little bit, you know,   having a generic ones built in doesn't really  work in the same way as far as I'm concerned.   Like you want it linked with the sizing of  something else. I don't know. It's a bit more   based on what you need. But even other things  like subgrid and like it's really hard to make   something using those features that's just works  within these systems, I find. So, yeah. With these   new features that are coming, CSS is getting more  robust and more powerful, I just wonder if -- I   wonder if they're gonna get integrated in or not,  actually, yeah. Because even for them to bring  

all of these things in there, that just makes  it so much more maintenance on their own end,   too. And if there's not this really big benefit  for doing it for a large audience, I wouldn't   be surprised if some of the things get left by  the wayside a little bit. Hopefully not. But...   VITALY: But the future does look bright, right? KEVIN: For CSS, I think it couldn't be   brighter. I'm super-excited. VITALY: That gives us hope. Thank   you so much, Kevin. KEVIN: Thank you.   VITALY: Wonderful stuff. Thank you. KEVIN: Thank you. Thanks, everybody!

2024-12-21 02:26

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