New BMW 1 Series 2021 Test Drive Review POV

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all right guys here we are today with the bmw 1  series 180 i with 140 horsepower 220 newton meters   it comes with a seven speed automatic gearbox  and in this video we will test drive it as you   probably know bmw make one of the most fun  to drive cars on the market and this bmw   is not less than that and in this video we will  test drive i will test drive i will give you my   feedback how is to drive how is the visibility  comfort suspension uh and all kind of information   like that so stay with me until the end of the  video if you want to find out everything about   this bmw one series is the 2020 2021 model  actually it's kind of the last model on the market   and it's standard i know many people  complain why i always and all the reviewers   on the youtube make the full option cars and in  this video i have kind of the standard version   and you will see it how it's handling the only  difference on this model is that the car comes   with this 17 inch rims that looks really nice on  the car i like them very much and other than that   it's pretty standard now guys if you are new on  my channel just click the subscribe button to see   when the review with this bmw one series will come  there you can see all the technical data interior   exterior space and all kind of stuff so check out  soon on the channel the other video in this   video it's all about driving i will give you my  feedback we will drive and at the end of the video   of course you will find out the conclusion uh but  before we start driving i want to give you also   the technical data and information so you will  know uh what car i will drive today so yeah let's   do it guys all right guys before start driving i  want to give you the technical details so you know   which car we will drive today so as i said before  this is the bmw 1 series 180 i this is 2020 model   and it comes with f40 engine that mean it comes  with 140 horsepower 220 newton meter three   cylinders in line the car come with a seven speed  dual clutch automatic transmission that i have it   here of course you can get it with a manual  six speed gearbox it's a front-wheel drive   yeah in comparison with what bmw used to be as  uh well know for the rear wheel drive uh this one   series come with the front wheel drive but still  the car is super fun to drive i drive it before so   we will see at we go in the video that the car is  pretty fun the fuel consumption around 5.5 liters   this is the kind of a medium average consumption  fuel tank 42 liters co2 emission 140 grams   also the maximum speed 230 kilometer zero to 108.5  seconds also the ground clearance 15.3 centimeters   in the front in the back the car come with  ventilated brake discs so the brakes are   super super good the trunk space 380 liter  also when you fall down the seats will be   1200 liters so pretty good practical space there  also the front suspension independent double wist   bones with coil spring and anti-roll bar in the  front and in the back multi-link coil spring with   anti-roll bar as well the price as i said before  depending which country you are the price may be   different now guys let's drive the car and then  we will see how it's handling so let's do it   all right guys let's drive the car by the way  this is the key it's pretty nice key also bmw   use this key on the new os this model uh and  it's nice i like it the car doesn't come i   i tell you before it's a standard model doesn't  come with the keyless entrance or stuff like that   actually you have to lock unlock it from here not  electronic folding mirrors but also you can adjust   it electronically from here from the interior so  that's a good thing other than that of course you   can leave the key in your pocket or actually here  in the uh in the center console because the car   come with the start engine button i like that  also the car come with electronic handbrake   and auto hold function i like it very much also  free different driving mode echo pro comfort and   sport mode you can change it from here uh you have  traction control on and off uh parking sensors no   reverse camera uh start stop engine button here  is the controller for the multimedia system   i like very much uh that the multimedia system is  very very responsive also you have this stalk in   the middle level when you change the different  position of the gearbox it comes with a seven   speed dual clutch automatic transmission as  i said before also you can change the gears   manually if you want to you have this possibility  from here so you don't have any pedals here   behind the steering wheel but it works really good  it's very responsive and this transmission it's   it's really really good other than that perfect  visibility on the windows uh in the mirror uh   also here outside and also in the back there i  like very much the design of the doors in the back   there it's it's super nice one of my favorite but  all about that check out the review guys there you   will see the space and why i like the doors in the  back press the brake press the start engine button   and the engine it start uh as i said before it's  come with a 1.5 liter petrol engine 140 horsepower   220 newton meters pretty good perfect for  the size of the car um in my opinion is just   fabulous the the cockpit here in the front it's  also awesome i like it very much the way they   design it the head-up display it's one of the best  i like it very much the brightness the colors on   the head-up display bmw makes some amazing head-up  displays and also even this uh older kind of older   version of head-up display of the car it's just  fabulous the head-up display uh the cockpit look   awesome and also the multimedia it's positioned  perfect and you have those controllers where you   can control it uh even from here you don't have  to to type to use the touch but if you want to you   can do that and it's also very responsive i like  it in my opinion um great layout of the dash the   steering wheel i wish it was different it's quite  big and uh leather great quality also we have some   controllers here from from here behind this talk  you can change different information there for   example the consumption for example yeah let me  reset this consumption guys so we will see which   with what kind of consumption we will have  at the end of this trip yes i just reset it and   other than that the car is just fabulous the  seats normal fabric material seats no leather   nothing fancy here you have an armrest quite nice  i like very much the center console the way it's   integrated here and you have very good comfort  the position it's sporty position as bmw uses with   so you stay a little bit straight out with  your legs there but nice design plenty of space   press the brake press the button put it in drive  the engine it's incredible silent now let's drive   it i like how good is the head-up display i know  i know you cannot see it so well on the video   this is really kind of a sad thing but trust me  it's just it's just gorgeous the head of display   i wish i had it on my car as well i don't even  need to to look on the on the cockpit when you   have this uh head-up display also let's drive  first time with driving echo we are in echo   mode and to see how the car is handling and echo  first of all the steering wheel it's quite quite   soft and nice the turning radius of the car  it is uh 11.4 meters so it's quite quite good

and also it feels quite assisted and nice  the steering wheel in in echo mode and also   the acceleration it's slower i can already  feel that it's pretty silent inside the car not so much noise from the exterior at the moment we will test out a little bit on the on the  highway so we can see how it's handling there but until now is doing such a good job um  in terms of noise you can see the cars here   and you cannot hear it inside here super quiet i  like it to be honest i really like it the pedals   feel quite smooth and nice very smooth pedals  acceleration brake everything smooth and nice yeah in my opinion this is the most fun to drive  car even though it's a front-wheel drive um it's   still very agile and and feels super fun to drive  i drive it before uh starting this uh video and   it's incredible fun it stays so good on the road  the the direction the steering it's so precise   even in the night time here you can see  the bmw users with this background red   orange light the cockpit everything look splendid   really nice and also very well  positioned here the multimedia system the gearbox is changing really  fast so in order to give you the best the best economy it's kind of traffic right here  but we will go outside on the highway so we will also we have the start engine button  traction control here on and off until now even over the  bumps he's doing a good job   i take a few bumps until now and it feels really  good in an echo mode so the suspension are are great also direction and the way it  stays on the road is just incredible good wow so nice it stays so good on the road  i think it's as i said one of the best car   in class in terms of driving feeling and  how close you are to the to the road and   how good it's sticking to the road it's incredible  let's change the driving mode guys if we go in   port mode right now and immediately you can see  when the of this place change the color in red   and the cockpit as well and i can already  feel the acceleration it's more responsive hey pretty nice pretty nice feeling   yes right now it's more responsive the  steering wheel it is also a little bit tighter and if i go in comfort  mode i'm really curious about that oh yes right now the steering wheel it's  mega soft in comfort mode and in sport mode   it's more tight more sporty feeling  added to it also the car come with this   warning lane assist if you go outside the lane  you can see the car will help you and you will   go back back between the lanes so it kind  of you can see kind of a safe lane assist   um feature that it's quite nice also you have from  here you can set uh the cruise control from here   you can set the speed for example you can see  on the cockpit i'm not sure if you can see it   but you can set it up you can set the speed  this is the limit let me take off the limit   yes 72 set it to 92 for example and the car  will will keep the the the speed also will keep   the distance from the car in front will break and  accelerate accordingly uh with the car in front so that's that's really nice it  has a rudder in the front there   on the front grill that help you um with this cruise control with those functions and  those safety functions are really cool anyway   let me take this off just like that  i don't like so much to to drive   with those kind of cruise control and  stuff i like to drive more like a manual   it's more close to the road anyway i like very  much the pedals until now pedals are gorgeous   gorgeous the way it feels when you brake  ventilated brake discs in the front in the   back uh we have that 17-inch rims right now  on the car by the way just as an information   usually the car comes standard with 16-inch  rims but on this model we have 17-inch rims and then now we can also accelerate  a little bit in sport mode quite nice quite nice super nice great acceleration i i really  like that also i feel like the car   is sticking to the road very very well  very good control and very good grip   on the road i should say like that it's  impressive and they did a great job really i know bmw know how to make cars indeed so another thing that i that i notice  is that the car is incredible silent incredible silent i like it very much not so  even though today it's kind of a rainy day a   lot of noise outside from the from the road from  the tires with the water make a lot of noise you   still it's still quite silent inside here and  you cannot hear so much noise good visibility   also in the mirror up here in the back so you can  see very well the cars right there in the back it's super nice i can say this is the most fun to drive car  in this class i think if you get the other   version the most the more sporty version with  the powerful engine then will be impressive i already review it guys if you check  out on my channel you will find it there but still if you want a basis uh one series you  will be totally happy with this engine 1.5 liter it's kind of the entry-level engine from bmw  and it's pretty pretty much powerful for daily   uses is pretty much enough uh to have some  fun to to have good economy as well in the   same time and also on the roundabout here is  doing such a good job stay so good on the road perfect handlings really  really perfect handlings guys very agile easy to drive the brakes are great very smooth very good quality also very easy to to achieve all those physical  buttons right here also very easy to change   different function in the multimedia system for  example uh if you are driving in the same time   when you're driving you can access uh the menu and  the things right there in the middle super easy   and you can have in the same time the eyes on the  road so you can pay attention to the road but in   the same time you can go in this multimedia system  and these functions and information very easily so   i like that very much from this point of view it's  it's really good it's really good that bmw make   this system you can use the touchscreen or you  can use this controller here it's it's really good   also let's go in comfort let's drive a little  bit in comfort mode so we will see how the car   is handling also already feeling as i said before  the steering it's incredible uh softy now also   even the suspension they feel a little bit more  soft here the acceleration it's much more slower   and also the the the gearbox it will  keep the rpm in the middle there   so it will give you not so much vibration not  so much noise and it will not change not too   early not too late just between in the middle  there it's really good also the controller for   the windows are in perfect perfect place here and  everything it's so easy to achieve and and change it's super smooth and super nice until now we have 15.5 liter consumption um  yeah no no no until now we have uh eight liter   consumption i i look at the wrong numbers there  here is the consumption in the front 7.9 right now  

and the consumption should go even  lower because right now we go downhill 7.8 liters i will show you at the end of the  video uh which was which will be the the end   consumption on this trip that we did uh so it's look at this there are some potholes here and  bumps and holes and the suspension on the comfort   mode it's incredible good very good very good  balance bmw managed to balance those um those   functions suspension steering acceleration in  a perfect way so depending which mode you are   everything react accordingly to give you the best  experience for right now in the comfort mode the   steering it's very assisted the suspension very  smooth the acceleration and the gearbox it's it's   lovely lovely and the grip it's it  feels so premium when you drive this   this car to be honest 7.1 consumption  until now and the brakes are also great 7.1 consumption i think you can see it right  there up there when i i restart reset the the   consumption when i start in the video also you  have very good grip here on the steering wheel   you have kind of those holes fingers holes so you  grip it really nice really soft leather of course   i wish it was a little bit different it looks  kind of design of the string it's a little bit   um classic you know i expect to be a little  bit more fancy at least here in the middle   part somehow or those buttons look a little bit  oldish but the grip and the the the quality here   it's incredible nice it's super soft and  good quality i like it uh the way it feels   also i feel like the steering wheel it's quite  big you know i wish it was a little bit shorter   down here so you can have a better grip but  the fact that it's big here in this area   i'll allow you to have a good visibility in  the in the cockpit so that's also a good thing anyway of course the car is basic  doesn't come with led lights   it has bulb light in the front in the back no led but it doesn't matter if this thing doesn't bother you   i think it's just uh fine if you mostly  drive in the daytime it's not so important 7.1 consumption i think you can get some even  better consumption if you try to drive economical  

i just accelerate a few times and that uh kind  of broke my consumption if i can say like that let's stop here and actually let me go a little bit forward   let's go here and i think i think it's  quite enough guys uh let's park the car here   by the way the car doesn't come with a  reverse camera i think i already told you   before but if you look in the mirrors you have  a very good visibility so if you want to park   the car you can park it very easily and also um  it works quite quite nice um if you look at the um at the sensors because the car come with  uh front parking sensors and also uh reverse   uh parking sensors so anyway also if you want  to park it forward the steering it's it's very   light and assisted and nice and also right now i  leave it here because i want to show you something   electronic handbrake i leave it here because  i want to show you those sensors the way they   look here on the screen and also you can see the  head-up display how nice it is there anyway guys   7.3 liters consumption average consumption doctor  engine and guys that was the test drive i hope you   get some useful information from this video um i  already make an idea i drive the car before i also   drive the the sportier version with the biggest  powerful engine and i know the bmw one series it's   sportier and then great grip a lot of quality i  like the the way they they combine and they manage   to do those driving different driving modes the  suspension are really good independent suspension   in the front with anti-roll bars multi-link  independent suspension with anti-roll bars   in the back as well and very good suspension  the steering it's great visibility it's just   perfect i mean the multimedia system visibility  around the window is very good the comfort in   these seats even though they are fabric material  they are incredible comfortable i tell you   really comfortable pedals very smooth uh the gear  shifter and all the controllers here in the center   console they are great if you want to find out  more information about the car interior exterior   how much space you have in the back uh and all the  material quality i will have a video on my channel   soon so click the subscribe button to see the  notification when that video will come out   as for the price uh depending which country  you are and depend uh on many factors options   and stuff that's the video guys if you like  it if you find it useful please like it share   it that would mean a lot for me also don't forget  to subscribe uh thank you very much to all of you   that watching my video i really appreciate that  uh also your comments your nice comments i really   appreciate that uh if you have question anything  ask me down below i read all your comments   again guys um if you wanna find out more  technical data and information about the cars   check out our website and um  stay safe until next time stay healthy guys   let bye take you to paradise


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