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You asked for a full analysis of "Atomic Heart" - you got it. Although, you know, this game has already been said a lot, but the biggest trigger to create a comprehensive and detailed video, was this: "This is exactly the non-purchase Atomic Heart will help you not to launch missiles." When I see in the comments from time to time, that Ukrainians already know, that this is a propaganda game and they don't need to buy it, outside of their bubble is happening, unfortunately, a kind of "game of off-politics" "You have to accept the fact that people will buy it." "It's an interesting game that people are going to play - you have to accept it."

But first things first. [So it started] God bless you, I'm Oldboi, and today we have Atomic Heart, which is "out of politics." Thesis one: "Is Atomic Heart a game from a Cypriot company?" We have repeatedly gone through the history with allegedly non-Russian companies. And Mindfish, the developers of the "Atomic heart" is no exception. On their official website, as well as in all their public statements. After the start of the full-scale invasion, the studio claims to be a Cypriot company, which employs more than 130 developers from Poland, Ukraine, Austria, Georgia, Israel, Armenia, the United Arab Emirates, Serbia, and Cyprus itself, but not a single word about a single Russian.

But the nuance is that in the studio most of the developers are Russians. All four founders of the studio are Russians. Even the head of the studio, Robert Bagratuny, whose former name was Maxim Zatsepin, who previously worked at Mail. Ru and Vkontakte is from Moscow.

But they hide very hard, even though they're very bad at it. You go to LinkedIn, type in Mundfish, the region is Russia, Cyprus, and Armenia. And 57 employees out of 80 registered on LinkedIn from this company are Russians. The same Robert Ashotovich Bagratuni, who according to LinkedIn is a guy from Cyprus, according to the open Russian register of legal entities is a citizen of the Russian Federation. This is how I got so bogged down with the search for proofs. In fact, the Russians simply changed the country of location on LinkedIn, but it's enough to go to the profile of anybody and you can see it right away, that all of his previous jobs are Russian companies.

As for the offices of Mundfish itself, they were were repeatedly reported by the Russian media, who visited their office in Moscow. "I went to the office of Mundfish, the developers of Atomic Heart. And we managed to arrange a meeting right in the Mundfish office." The recent presentation of the game for the press (with сringe and communism) was also held in the "Country 404" ʼs capital.

Not in Cyprus, Georgia or anywhere else, "where their employees are from", but in Moscow. The pir took place during the bombing of Ukrainian cities, which, of course, the studio does not want to talk about. It would be as if Germany held a a press screening of Wolfenstein in a Rеісh setting: with the nаZі crоsses and all that. But Mundfish is clearly proud of its heritage. Their address on Habr is also Moscow.

And the cherry on top, why it's not a Cypriot company, but a Russian company. Is their own video on their own official YouTube channel, "We are from Russia, we are from Moscow, here's our trailer. And here I am in the office in Moscow and I'm helping them work on the game." where they mention not even one, but two offices in Russia. "I was in the office in St. Petersburg, where they make "motion capture""

"I insisted that before I agreed to sign I would come to their studio and see everything myself. I went to St. Petersburg and spent the whole day there." Although Bagratuni himself, or rather Zatsepin, "swears on the Bible" at every step, that the studio is not Russian, but Cypriot, where they have been working since 2017, which is astonishing even for russian media. Yes, the legal address was registered in Cyprus a long time ago, for convenient distribution to the West, it is even in the user agreement for 2019, but this does not change the fact that the actual location of the studio and developers, were offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg. As the head of Mundfish confirms with his mouth in 2019, while sitting in the same Moscow office, giving an interview to DTF, where he says something like this.

"he problem is, we are in Russia." And then he lists their actual, real offices. "Tell us about the structure of the company, how many offices and people do you have?" "3 offices, 2 of which are in Moscow.

One where we are now and the other one at ArtPlay. And another office in St. Petersburg." An interesting fact is that "Mundfish are not Russians, but from Cyprus", in an attempt to whitewash the game, a lot of people wrote to me in the comments. But instead, they were accusing me of having an "e-katalog", which I talked about in the last video, is Russian.

Yes, the E-catalog is completely Ukrainian company since 2020, cooperated with Russia before the full-scale invasion, but after February 24th, not only did they cut off all contact: a lot of Russian media outlets claim, that e-katalog has not even paid back the money to the Russian retailers, and when they asked when they would get their money back, they were politely "gо f thеmselfes". Literally. And they said that these are sanctions for the war in Ukraine. So, in my opinion, it's not only Ukrainian, but also a pro-Ukrainian service with a very convenient and useful function of finding cheap prices for goods.

I'm looking at a Baseus power bank with 65 watts and 30K milliampere hours. To charge my laptop and Steam Deck, for a little over 3 thousand hryvnias, although in some stores the price goes up to 9 thousand. Is it even legal? Links to power banks, if you were also looking for an adequate option - I'll leave it in the video description.

But back to the drawing board. For the frankly controversial statements by Mundfish even the Western media began to point out a lie: Jason Wojnar of "TheGamer" in his article states, that the company is trying to block everyone, who are demanding that they take to Twitter to condemn the full-scale invasion. Or at least react in some way.

And in his opinion, this silence has led to the fact that that they will now be considered not only in Ukraine, but also in the West, part of the locomotive of Russian propaganda. And I couldn't agree more with Mr. Jason's point, because if you are "not from Russia", why are you waiting and not expressing your attitude to the Russian-Ukrainian war, as other western studios do it? For which they were also criticized by developers from Remedy and 4A Games. At the same time, if you can't do it, because you're a Russian company, why are you lying about the opposite? But Mundfish, in the same tweets. Continues to freeze, they say: "we will not comment about politics and religion" But in articles to the western media, to tell, that they are from Cyprus since 2017. And here we come to the second thesis: Is Mundfish lying and manipulating? Well, I think you can already feel the vibe.

We've already figured out about the "originally Cypriot studio" - it's not. Although they have a legal address in Cyprus, but all the development offices were Russian. But this is not the end of the controversial statements of the creators of Atomic Heart.

Even before the full-scale invasion, I thought, that to play a game that glorifies the Soviet Union is, to put it mildly, a cringe, so I didn't follow it at all. But as it turned out, the smell of something "not very pleasant", has been lingering around the studio for a long time. So in 2021, Mundfish showed a new trailer for Atomic Heart in 2021. To a remix of the song "Music Binds Us Together" by the band Mirage.

The only problem is that the developers didn't buy the rights to the song from the copyright holder, the publishing house "TOP-7", and the composer Andrei Lityagin, and bought them from an intermediary, aka "national music publishing house". Which owns the rights only partially. An interesting fact is that according to Lityagin, Mundish initially approached him and the Top 7.

And agreed on a specific amount, but, apparently, the developers of Atomic Heart decided that they could save money by cutting out the middleman, and as a result. To just abandon the copyright holder. Instead, the director of Mundfish, Bagratuni, denied everything, and said that from the very beginning they had an agreement with NMPH and they provided all the necessary documents about the rights to the audio track. And only then, when Mundfish bought the rights, Top 7 and Lityagin came into the picture. Who was really right there we will never know, because the issue was resolved out of court. But the fact that Bagratuni likes to promise one thing and then do something else is not new.

In a video interview with DTF, he claims that they have always been open, and anybody from the Russian gaming media could get to their game session and talk to them. But in the same DTF video, the authors make two comments, one from the Buljat channel, who says that he was canceled for a meeting a few hours before the scheduled time, (We are waiting for a certain day, and then closer to 12 midnight, we get a message: "We are sick. The meeting is canceled, nothing will happen." and others, from the StopGame channel, who claim that they were simply sent away and did not respond to letters. "They did not get in touch at all. They didn't get in touch at all, it was a complete ignoring. Atomic Heart also recently held a contest among people who pre-ordered the game in Russia.

According to the results, two id's from Vk Play won, and one of which does not have an account at all, and the other one is a guy who hasn't logged in in months on his account, and therefore was physically unable physically able to participate in the contest. So I have very strong doubts, that everyone around him is lying, but not Bagratuni. Third thesis: Is Mundfish sponsored by the Russian government? There are a lot of international companies that invested somehow in Mundfish. Publishers, venture capital funds, and Microsoft, who bought Atomic Heart in Gamepass on the day of release. These companies can be divided into 2 types: the first ones are Tencent, Microsoft, Nvidia, 4Divinity. these can be put aside right away. They partnered a long time ago, so I don't see the point in looking for a squawk in hindsight.

Just as I don't see any fault (retroactively) on the part of Mick Gordon, who also came into the studio before the full-scale invasion. Of course, normally, they could have all refused to cooperate after February 24th, or at least not show the game's trailers at their presentations or on social media, but as you can see, Mundifhs is very subtle masquerading as a Cypriot company: has had a real legal address there for a long time and has been skillfully throwing dust in the eyes. So, just on paper, all these companies are cooperating with a Cyprus legal entity, for which it was created from the very beginning, although we understand how it is in fact. However, the other half of the sponsors. We are much more interested in then. Gaijin is a Russian company that also also "switched" to Hungarian, as soon as they "smelled something fried".

The second sponsor, or rather publisher in Europe is Focus Home Interactive, who, although they are French. They behave like typical Russians, because they tried to "steal" the rights to the games from the Ukrainian studio Frogwares for the rights to the Sherlock Holmes games, that it was publishing, by adding clauses to the agreement, that did not exist at the time of its conclusion, as well as forcing developers to remove the inscription at the beginning "Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments", that the game is dedicated to the "The Heavenly Hundred" (Maidan casualties, Heroes that died for free Ukraine). The next sponsor of the game is GEM Capital. And here I think we need a little more context, to appreciate the full scale. GEM is an investment company that invests money, in a number of video game developers, among other things. For example, in the Russian developer "Pathfinder: Kingmaker", the Belarusian developer of the game "This is the Police", and the new studio of Viktor Antonov, who once had a hand in Dishonored and Half-Life 2.

Once again, and this is important, GEM Capital did not invest in Half-Life or Dishonored, they're investing in a new studio by one of the former developers of those games. Let's move on. The sole founder and public face of GEM Capital is Anatoly Paliy, a Russian citizen. In 2002, he took a job at the Paris office of PwC, an audit and consulting firm. And in 2003 he moved to their Russian office, where he audited Russian oil companies.

In 2005, he was already holding a position in Gazprom Gazenergoset of the entire Deputy General Director Andrey Dmitriev. With his help, in the early 2010s Anatoly founded his own company, "First Oil", Dmitry Zubatyuk and Mark Garber. The latter was essentially a sponsor of First Oil and acted as a "financial partner".

And at the time of its creation Garber was already an "independent director" on RusAl's board of directors - the aluminum "monster" of Oleg Deripaska. Founded with Garber's money and indirectly, Deripaska's money, Paliy will incorporate First Oil into his own investment company GEM Capital in 2016. In 2019, Paliy sells control of First Oil to to Yakov Goldovsky, and in 2021, Goldovsky sells Paliy to (company) Corundum-Cyan.

Who had a difficult fate with Gazprom and the state, and even went to jail in the 90s, and then fled to Austria. That's why such oil deals could not have been made without the consent of the top of the state. Therefore, Paliy's GEM Capital is also very likely, is in direct contact with at least the management of Gazprom.

Is in direct contact with at least the management of Gazprom. But this is not the most important thing: in both transactions between Paliy and Goldovsky was VTB Bank. In 2019, it "acted as a financial partner", that is, he somehow helped Goldovsky with his money Goldovsky to buy out First Oil from GEM Capital; and in 2021, he sold Corundum Cyan together with Goldovsky as the actual owner of a quarter of the plant's assets. "VTB Bank" is a bank with a controlling stake of Russian government in it.

The bank, which was so affected by Western sanctions back in 2014-2015, that it had to ask for hundreds of billions of rubles from the Russian reserve fund. Bank disconnected from SWIFT after 02/24/2022 "as systemically important" for the same Russian state. So GEM capital is not only Gazprom's money, It is also the money of the sanctioned Derepaska and VTB Bank. And Vkontakte closes the parade of scum. It is the publisher of Atomic Heart in Russia and the so-called "CIS" (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries, and with whom, as well as with Focus Entertainment, the studio signed a contract after the full-scale invasion. I think you all remember, when Pavel Durov was asked to provide access to personal correspondence and user data, which is why he was forced to to sell VK to MailRu Group.

And now, the ultimate owners of VK are SoGaz and Gazprombank. Completely, 100% controlled by the Russian authorities, companies. And the head of the EC is Vladimir Kiriyenko, is on the sanctions list, as well as Gazprombank, and VTB Bank, and Deripaska, Well, you get the point. And so even though Mundfish doesn't work directly with the Russian authorities directly, the lion's share of assets, as well as the game's publishing house in Russia are completely pro-government. But... wait...

Who says they're do NOT cooperate with the authorities? Fourth thesis. Is Mundfish cooperating with the Russian authorities? Recently, another scandal broke out around this "crystal clear game". The Ukrainian publishing house AIN, published an article in which they noted that on the Atomic Heart website, specifically in the game's store - the privacy policy states that by using the site, visitors automatically give their consent, to the transfer of personal data to third parties, including the FSB (Russian CIA) and other Russian authorities, in connection with a number of laws, including the "law of Russia on mobilization". This finding was reported by GamesRadar, a a very popular English-language website about games, and also asked the developers if they really collect their users' information And do they share it with the FSB? To which Mundishf, as we have already seen many times today, in their characteristic style, was the following: "The privacy statement of the website is outdated and incorrect, and should have been removed years ago.

We closed the store to assure our fans in the integrity of our studio and products. We apologize for any any confusion this may have caused." But if you're not new to the Internet, you can go to the web archive site, and you can see that the first statement of privacy in their online store were published on January 24, 2023, and on January 25, due to a flurry of criticism. the page turned into a 404. In short, it became outdated in one day! I should note that the studio did not deny it, that they store user data and pass it on to the FSB, and did not change their privacy policy. They just closed the store.

Therefore, privacy rules are not "outdated", but those that correspond to the realities of today's Russia. In other words, either you sell a product and hand over all the information at the request of the FSB, or all you sell in your online store is... nothing. And actually, this is not the only cringe with a privacy policy in the history of Mundfish. In 2019, when the first pre-order of the game on their website was launched, by going to a similar section "Terms and Conditions" - you could find out an interesting fact about your purchase. Well, more precisely, not a purchase... It's Crowdfunding.

Yes, in the terms of use of the site, it was stated that it was a crowdfunding site, to support the project, without even getting the game. It was stated there in plain text, that the user does not buy anything, but simply gives money for the development of the game and if it all goes well then you get the product. You also can't cancel your contribution just that simple, but only after receiving the product, which, which, if ready, will be provided to you by the developer. And if it's not ready, he won't provide it, and they won't give you a refund.

Did they want to "abandon" someone with the development and just take the money? It's hard to say, because it's still 2019 and there, I think there was no game as such, or it was in a completely different state, since it took them another 5 years to release it. But the fact that they considered the possibility, in case of something, not to refund pre-orders and just disappear off the radar. It's a documented fact on their own website.

More precisely, on its old version from the web archive. Fifth thesis: "We do not copy, we create new things" On the developers' website, in the "About Us" section. there is a very interesting phrase, that goes something like this: "We do not copy, we create new things. The primacy of ideas is the basis of our philosophy. This is our DNA - the creation of primary content, which itself becomes a reference". Well, let's see.

From what we know from articles in various European publications. The game begins from the air city of Chelomey, "We don't copy, we create something new" The polymer glove is endowed with with special effects, that can be used to attack enemies, including: electricity, fire, telekinesis, freezing, etc. "The primacy of ideas is the basis of our philosophy" And they teach you how to use this miracle glove.

With the help of stylized cartoons. "This is our DNA - the creation of primary content that becomes a reference in itself" Although, as for me, there is absolutely nothing wrong in borrowing some elements, even those that are so significant and large-scale elements from another game. Atomic Heart is not the first game to take ideas from Bioshock, and not to mention the "souls-like" genre BUT: "We do not copy - we create something new. The primacy of ideas is the basis of our philosophy."

"This is our DNA..." It's a wild cringe, And the aforementioned cartoon, in fact. Also manages to be propagandistic. The author of the LuxGames channel noticed that in the first trailer of the game in 2019 the protagonist also fought with humanoid monsters, with various tubes and devices sticking out of them. And the monsters themselves looked very much like zombies after inhuman experiments on them. (probably somewhere in the basements of the USSR).

But already in new trailers, after funding from the government's pocket with the help of GEM Capital. The zombies have disappeared, and in their place are sprouts. Genetically modified intelligent plants from the greenhouse, that inhabit and control corpses, like the cordyceps in The Last of Us. "This is our DNA." You must admit that zombies are plants, not victims of torture and horrific experiments of Soviet scientists, is much more consistent with the picture of the prosperous Soviet Union of the future.

To draw a line under this block - Yes, it's certainly possible that something could have happened on purpose, and it could be a coincidence... But, f, not absolutely everything! Sixth thesis: Is Atomic Heart a propaganda game? Well, to begin with, the game is set in an alternative Soviet Union, where the Soviets have made a major technological breakthrough and became leaders in almost every field, including robotics. The main character of the game is Nichayev, a KGB agent. The same KGB that contributed to the the Holodomor in Ukraine (man-made famine by USSR government) The same KGB that tortured and sent people to Siberia. And the same KGB, one of whose employees is is the current president of Russia.

Vladimir Putin. The Russians are very much on this thesis, saying "it was the same in Wolfenstein", and "Metro" and "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." are all about the "USSR". But... No, there is no "in Wolfenstein it was the same". The main character there is an American spy of Polish-Jewish descent, who fights against the regime, and not a KGB agent who's working with the regime and trying to save it. And even so, in Germany, Wolfenstein was banned for a very long time. And when it was finally released, it was heavily censored.

Even Hіtlеr doesn't have his trademark mustache, just like the Иаzі cross was replaced. But the Russians are proud of their dictatorial regime. Same story with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Metro (2033). Metro is set in Russia, but it's main character Artem is against both the reborn Soviets and the new Rеісh and is their main opponent. "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." does not praise the Soviet Union.

Pripyat is a Ukrainian city that was frozen in time after the Chernobyl disaster, and the different groups in Stalker only serve to emphasize the difference with Atomic Heart, where the protagonist is part of the system. Also, Russian "ordinary gamers", bombarding their forums, they say, "the whole "USSR" was starving, not just Ukrainians in the 1930s", but it was us who made a big deal out of it and called it the Ноlоdоmоr. And that's what the USSR was accused of. But Ukraine, with its fertile lands. There were no problems with food, until the Сhеkіsts started taking it away by force, while forbidding the citizens of Ukraine citizens of Ukraine to leave their regions.

The USSR was no better than Germany in those years, about the Mоlоtоv-Rіbbеntrоp Pаct and the partition of Poland, I think everyone knows: and the appropriation of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and the attempt to take over Finland, but in the end, the war happened anyway. It's just that the "USSR" for the America at the time looked like a lesser evil than Germany. That is why glorifying the Soviet Union is at least immoral. But Atomic Heart did not stop on the KGB and and the "prosperous Soviet Union", in one of the trailers is mentioned: left far behind the countries of rotting capitalism...

Nichayev appears in many stills and posters, as a character from the Wаgner PМС merchandise, And Atomic Heart themselves have merchandise with flying missiles and the slogan "фuскіng аwеsome", that have never been mentioned before in any of the trailers, but for some reason, they're now appearing in the new line of T-shirts and hoodies. Another one. "We don't copy, we create something new" There is a reference to the hairstyle of Yulia Tymoshenko, one of the enemies in the game, which is even being talked about by Russian bloggers themselves: "The Timoshenko's were also cool - those robotic ballerinas with those strange braids."

In the game's gameplay guide, which was published by GameSpot, Baskov is playing somewhere in the background, [sounds of a creature] who is an active supporter of the war in Ukraine and who started his career in 1997. That is, before the Soviet era and nostalgia for that time, he has a little less than nothing, unlike Alla Pugacheva or the band Mirage, who have appeared in trailers before. And the aforementioned cartoon about the work of the miracle glove, was also clearly inspired by German posters about Jеwіsh capitalists...

of the times preceding and accompanying the Wоrld Wаr II. Of course, Mundfish themselves will tell the story, that they do not wish to comment political and religious topics, but they do it anyway in their game and in their promotional materials. More than that, I've heard it repeatedly, that Atomic Heart was looking for editors to translate the game into Ukrainian, and if that happens, then, in my opinion, this is another way to drag Ukrainians into their "soviet context", otherwise, why translate into Ukrainian if "everything is already understood"? The website, by the way, has already been translated into Ukrainian, which indirectly confirms the above information, but it's so badly machine-translated, that this is more of a joke, than a translation.

Thesis seven: But the game will be okay, right? A lot of people ask, "What will I lose? If I don't play Atomic Heart? Of course, I haven't touched the game myself, but from what the Western and even Russian media are saying, the game is nothing but a beautiful wrapper in the game. At least from what they've been shown. The game takes a very long time to get going and the first hours are extremely boring. The dialogs are forced and annoying.

The characters don't talk like living beings, but rather like comic book characters, and they never stop talking, but repeat one of 5 prepared phrases, like in Forspoken. The animations are the same for each effect, which is quite comical, when the hero telekinesically lifts his enemies enemies into the sky in exactly the same position, and then they fall down. At the same time, objects that are nailed to the location, will remain motionless, as if the telekinesis in the game is very selective. The combat in the trailers and press reviews is stifling. And when the shooting is just bad, with no recoil and no enemy reaction, then close combat is a disaster.

Enemies are like sponges, they absorb a lot of damage, and there are always a lot of them, but through the system of bees and daisies, who repair old broken appliances and call for new ones if they see you - It all turns into a very annoying Benny Hill Show. And in close combat, the impact is also not always noticeable, and sometimes the blows don't even go through at all, and they just miss the target. And all of this is wanky stuff in repetitive monotonous fights, which are very long and very drawn out.

Yeah, the game is interesting to a lot of people. especially in the west, as an attraction. Because for them the Soviet Union is like "another oddity from long time ago", that they never could and will never be able to see with their own eyes. It's like the neon '80s for us and the retro vibe of America. But for the people who lived through the USSR in Ukraine, or at least grew up in the 90s. Those who remember arbitrariness, racketeering, poverty and other "wonderful" legacies of the USSR.

"This is an interesting game that people will play - accept it." So yes, Alexey (aka Itpedia), is right that the game will be interesting to many people, but he's categorically wrong, that when you buy a game for 1500 hryvnia, (and yes, it costs in Ukraine as much as 1500 hryvnias [38$] on Steam), So you will be saving those 1500 hryvnias, or rather, you won't be spending on a conditional rocket - At the time, Scholz and Macron were sending are personally sending a billion $ a day to Putin. So when Scholz and Macron transfer billions for gas to Putin. They don't do it because they really want to, and because he's a "cool man who's cool to hang out with." But because they're trapped in a trap, that they and their predecessors have dug for themselves. At the same time, they are trying to to counteract Russia: by reducing supplies from them, putting restrictions on the price of oil, by sending weapons to Ukraine and so on.

At the same time, a Ukrainian, who buys one copy of Atomic Heart, or at least play it through Game Pass, he's just sponsoring a war in his own country. And the fact that billions of dollars are being spent tanks and airplanes are being built for billions, of course, but for less than 20 Russian rubles a bullet for a Kalashnikov rifle is made, and Ukrainian soldiers are being kіllеd not only by аrtillery mіssіles, but also ordinary bullets. And to say what Oleksiy says on his stream. Is not just shіттіng in your pants, it's also shiттіng in the ears of Ukrainians, who are listening to it, And it's a фuскіng shame. It's very noble that he volunteered and donated to support Ukraine, but he still speaks Russian in all social networks, thus entertaining Russians.

This is what being constantly surrounded by Russians and flirting with the Russian audience leads to, even after a year of full-scale wаr. Of course, this will be justified, they say: "he is understandable". Well, maybe he is, but not for me. "Face both ways" is not normal today, It is also not normal to say that... your hryvnias (ukrainian currency) however much it is mean nothing in russian economy It's just disgusting to hear that. Especially from a man who was helping, volunteering...

damn... and at that moment you did not pay 1500 hryvnias for the game, after that... all russian forces "put down their shields" and began to retreat [sarcastically].

It is precisely not buying Atomic Heart will "help" prevent missiles from being launched... The final, eighth thesis: Should Atomic Heart be banned? Since Yоuтube doesn't like such calls, I'll leave it up to you to decide, You are adults and you can decide for yourselves what the best thing to do is. What I can say for sure is that is that I do not recommend playing this game, And the reasons for this, in my opinion, are more than enough. Also, if you want to "cancel" the game, I would also not recommend doing it on Steam, specifically referring to the legislation of Ukraine.

There is a high risk that if Atomic Heart will be banned on Steam for Ukraine, other games with German or Soviet symbols will be banned as well. Just to avoid having to deal with Ukrainians every time. And this is "Wolfenstein", "Prey" and many others. So, if you are ready to take on the responsibility and accept these risks, then okay, but it's going to be a lot harder to win back Metro or Wolfenstein will be much harder. If you're not ready to take such risks, then it is better to indicate that the game is being developed with money from sanctioned companies, banks, and people. To summarize, I'd say that such a bunch of bуllshіт, probably hasn't happened in any game in my memory.

As a rule, games are just badly designed, or the game is pushing an agenda, but for a game to be outright propaganda, with a very controversial development process, stealing music tracks, data collection for the FSB, lies about "they have no Russian studios" and the like. There was never such a number of controversials probably never in any game. So, I can advise you - first of all, don't buy the game! And if you have friends or acquaintances who were planning to play it, even a pirated version, send them this video, especially since it will have and English subtitles too.: D If you don't know what to write in the comment you can write, that to play a game that's so frаnkly lаme is to disrespect yourself, because that phrase, in my opinion, perfectly summarizes everything that has been said today.

The funny thing is that the Russians are really good at defending Atomic Heart, but in this situation, they are probably the most outsidered: they will be able to buy the game only in VK Play, and forbidding them to buy it on Steam. I think that people that want to buy merch on the website will mostly be russians whose data, the company said, will be shared with the FSB and the Russian authorities. And those who are engaged in the mobilization. But "who cares, because it's ours!" Oh...

Thank you to everyone who watched the video, as well as those who support the channel financially, because it exists only thanks to your donations. Special thanks to my "Mega-" and "Gigatrons", whose names are on your screens right now, and special thanks to Alexandra Kuznetsova. And if you're not bored to listen to me today. Then check out my review of the upcoming Ukrainian games. I know a lot of you are already are already sick of these Russians, who are not only trying to take over our country, but they're also trying to get into the information space about games.

But unfortunately, there are a lot of people who still don't have enough arguments. Well, now, I can say with confidence - I've done everything I could. I'll see you in the next videos, in this video, and...

God bless for you. once more... .. ще раз...


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