Centre of Excellence for Digital Innovation Webinar Series Xander Gopen

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[Music] foreign [Music] and I am the center of excellence for digital Innovation lead at eecd and today I'm joined with a very special guest Xander gobin from the New Brunswick Association of planners and today we're conducting a webinar to talk about the sort of work that um planners do in our communities and our provinces and across every country and why it's important and the different technologies that they might use in their day-to-day jobs so I'll turn the floor over to Zender and uh I'll let you go take it away awesome thanks so much Adam uh as Adam said my name is Xander gopin and I will share my screen and presentation hopefully that's up for everybody um Yep looks good great So today we're going to be talking about planning and what planning is and uh my day job um is senior planner for the Southwest New Brunswick service commission we're based in Saint Stephen but I do work across Charlotte County up a little bit into York County for McAdam and there are planners senior planners Junior planners urban planners um working in pretty much every community in the province and as Adam said across Canada and across the world so before we uh jump into me telling you what planning is um it would be great to sort of think about what do you think a city or town planner does um why do you think it's important for towns cities and provinces to have this sort of thing and how could the planning of a city or town impact your own life and these are good questions just to think about as you go through life you know a lot of people uh don't know that this work goes into the places that they live and there are people behind the scenes thinking about everything and where streets are and where homes are and where businesses are but that's that's basically the work that planners do and once you start thinking about it and seeing the impacts of it I think it could really change the way you see the world even if even if this isn't a career um you end up going into so I do have a little quiz uh we'll have some quizzes throughout the presentation and if you uh use your phone or however to scan that QR code it should take you to that quiz which the first one is going to be what do you think professional planners do and uh there's some options there one is correct do we plan events do we plant Gardens do we give Financial advice uh do we plan communities so uh one last one option there is do we actually physically build Bridges and streets so I'll give everybody a minute just to select your answer there hopefully that's working and the correct answer is plan communities although we do uh planner is a kind of vague job title and French it's urbanisma which is a little bit closer to uh cities but um in English we're just kind of planners Community planners urban planners Town planners um and we plan communities so we've got a little video here uh that was produced by the Nova Scotia planners and it's a really nice little overview um and uh at least it's Maritime content New Brunswick associate Association of planners are working on a similar video but we're not quite done yet so you're gonna have to uh pretend that Halifax is Monkton and and everything on Association of planners as well there's also the Canadian Institute of planners which is the uh the Canadian body that represents us um but I think that's a really good overview and through the rest of the presentation I will touch on some of those topics and because um we're here in the center of excellence through digital Innovation I will talk a lot about the digital Innovative tools that uh planners use in their day-to-day jobs but I think you'll also get a really good sense of what planning is so Urban Design uh is really how do things look in your community um and and one thing that planners do a lot of as the videos showed was we do research uh so this is a height map from the community of Saint Andrews uh this is something that I made planners do make lots of maps and uh I think everybody should love Maps but um I especially love maps and I love making them so this is all using uh it's called lidar technology which is a little bit like sonar which you may have heard of um if you've ever seen one of those uh movies where people are in submarines and they have to send out a a message to know where you know the the iceberg is they're using Sonar so they're sending out um sound waves and then measuring the time it takes for that sound wave to come back to them and it's also how uh bats figure out where they're going so that's a pretty cool technology lidar it's a little bit different it actually uses lasers um and instead of being underwater it's usually done from the air so uh it's you can you can determine without actually having to go and measure how tall different things are you can see different land forms uh you can even find some of the coolest applications of lidar are looking at jungles in in Mexico and they found um probably get the actual group wrong but uh indigenous I think Aztec Ruins that you can't really see from the ground because it's covered in forests but this technology allows you to see through it what we use it for and this map is is height so we're looking at how tall the different buildings are in downtown St Andrews and that helps us get a sense of if there's going to be a new building going in between some of those buildings what height should it be and this is uh you can download Google Earth for free it's a pretty cool powerful Tool uh and it's it's also using lidar and they're actually modeling um they're basically creating 3D models of those buildings in real time and then overlaying satellite imagery on top of it so this is not exactly a picture here but that's in downtown Fredericton and you can sort of hopefully get a sense of well if you have that height map and you know how tall the buildings are on either side of where that crane is that building that's going to go there should probably be in between those two heights to create a nice streetscape if it was way taller than either one it would look pretty out of place if it was way shorter it looks out of place and obviously having nothing there is not great Urban Design so uh I don't know if anything's actually there's a crane in that picture there's probably a building there now we can also um not just kind of try and think of what the future should be but we can also project into the future and use technology um computer graphic technology CG imagery CGI uh most movies these days are using that for all the big fancy explosions and um uh you know the creatures and everything but it's used in very practical settings as well so this building here in downtown St Andrews does not exist that is completely rendered out of uh computer imagery but it obviously gives you a sense of what that street corner would look like if that building was to be placed there and and can help people get a sense of the impact it would have you can do similar things uh with less kind of photo realism um this is from I believe it's downtown monctons uh plan and it's a little bit more of an artistic rendering um of what different things can look like but it's you know when when we're going into communities and saying there's a proposal for this thing to go here uh it's very very helpful to have things like this so that people get a sense of what it actually will look like when it's there another way that we try to predict the future is by looking at demographics uh demographics basically means what is who are the people in your community what what are the things about them how old are they uh what kind of jobs do they have um you know how many children are people having what kind of homes do they live in it's it's all that information about the community and when we plan we're trying to think uh you know 10 years in the future 20 even 50 years in the future so knowing what that population is going to be like in the future is very important for planning for the future and um this graph here is called a population pyramid and what it shows is in in the gray is what the population is like now so um the left is males the right is females and uh there's really most populations are pretty even um but the important thing is where does it kind of Bulge out and with this one you can see it starts to bulge out around the age of 45. so in New Brunswick in 2018 um are not the majority but the kind of the biggest part of our population was between 45 and 70. uh and there you know there's more people there than there are in the younger ages and as people age they have different needs for their communities you might need more accessible um buildings uh accessible places for people to live where they're not going to have to go upstairs things like that so um that's a very important part of planning communities is trying to predict the type of people who are going to be living there and uh what this this graph is kind of showing a few different scenarios of what New Brunswick will do in 2043 based on you know uh immigration based on the number of kids that people are having and you can kind of see that this bulge moves up so those aging people are going to keep getting older um and there's some scenarios where that's more extreme in some scenarios where that's less extreme unfortunately there have been a lot of mistakes in planning and the way that towns and cities have been developed and there will probably be more but one of them and maybe you live in a place like this and and maybe you're frustrated by it um if you don't have a car they can be really hard to get around this is a suburb uh somewhere in the United States not in New Brunswick but uh what this is showing is that you can have two houses which are literally next to each other but because of the way that a street grid is laid out it's gonna take 14 minutes to drive there even though you're basically next to it and if you could just hop the fence you would be there um I was actually visiting family in the Boston area a couple weeks ago and I had two family members in the same Suburban neighborhood they should have been about a 10 minute walk but I could not walk there were no sidewalks and the way the streets were designed um it would have taken me way way too long to walk and I wouldn't have felt very safe because there were no sidewalks so I had to get in my car and drive and you know uh emit some carbon and not get that exercise and you know it's just usually nicer to be out in the fresh air um so this is a mistake that planners made a lot in the 1950s as as we play in communities and we're learning and now we focus more on how to revitalize downtowns and create these kind of dense uh thriving environments and Fredericton is not a bad example of this but this particular bus depot here uh right in downtown Fredericton on the right that's part of a mall it's pretty bad Urban Design it's it's not particularly welcoming um doesn't seem like a very nice place to wait for a bus and I I personally it's one of my least favorite parts of Fredericton one of the ways that we can avoid making mistakes is by focusing on user experience and that's something that you hear about with digital Innovation all the time sometimes people just call it ux but what are people actually going to do with the technology that you give them if you don't give people the right instructions they might not use it right um in in this case here uh designers obviously wanted right angles um but people uh want to save a little bit of time so they're cutting the corner literally and they've done it so many times that it's created uh what we actually have a word for this in urban planning it's called a desire path so what people want to do is not what was designed and if this little sidewalk area had been well designed and thought about how people would actually use it maybe done some studies of the site and watched people uh they would have learned that having a right angle there is a waste of pavement and concrete and that um if they wanted to focus on accessibility they would have put the curb cut where that desire line is this is um I believe this is Sackville uh and it was done hopefully you can see the little people moving around uh this is a very cool piece of digital Innovation done by New Brunswick company called black arcs and they use modeling um and active Transportation modeling not just a building like we looked at some of the buildings that were modeled um they're actually looking at it you add new buildings in different places how will the ways that people move around the community change and then they actually show that uh happening so the I don't totally understand this but it looks pretty cool so we're gonna do another little quiz and this is uh just just to kind of get you thinking about Street creds and the different ways that communities can be laid out the impacts that they may have um and instead of one right answer this is a matching quiz so hopefully you've got it up uh on your phone or whatever now so we've got these different Street grids on the right and on the left there are six different communities in New Brunswick some big some small try to hit every corner of the province um and so you should be able to with the quiz select a number and match it to a letter I'll just give a few minutes there but it's very interesting um to see how different they look and some of the reasons why they look different they don't have any physical features on these maps to to make them a little bit uh harder to tell but there are some which are pretty clearly impacted by the physical features around them and some which are probably less impacted by those so hopefully everybody's had a chance to make some guesses so a is San Quentin and uh that is a very basic Street grid it you could almost imagine it anywhere there's no real physical features that are impacting it uh next we've got Sackville and so you can kind of see in the bottom you've got some of that Marshland um that that really uh Define Sackville in my mind at least Fredericton um maybe you could tell that that's the St John or the wollastook river in the middle there and you've got the south side and the north side uh that's kind of a not an uncommon uh City form uh to have a river dividing two halves of a city mirror machine um kind of the same situation although the history of miramashi is a lot of smaller communities that were um kind of smushed into a bigger one but very much defined by the river St Andrews which is a peninsula very much defined by the ocean around it but it also has a very classic Street grid um when you see those kind of just square boxes that was a very common way of laying out towns it's very efficient you have lots of connections um so it's it's kind of the go-to and it was St Andrews was laid out in in the 1700s and I believe Fredericton was St John would have been two you can see that same street grid you can see the St John Harbor there uh so hopefully you got some of those right and maybe you learned what some other communities look like as we are dealing with climate change uh planning has a lot to do with it and where people live um it you know you don't have to turn on the news and watch for long to especially in the spring and in the summer and during Hurricane Season to see a place where people's homes are getting flooded um we have some really good digital tools that help us predict the future and where those places will be and then we can um you know also see how deep water will be in certain places and there's a different impact for something that's going to get you know a few centimeters of water over land that's probably not a huge deal for a park or something like that um but then if you have significant flood depth then that might be really can't develop anything there ever so we're seeing these adaptations and um you know people trying to figure out ways to raise things um you know maybe maybe you just let water in and and it's able to flow in easily so it doesn't the force of the water doesn't damage anything um there's there's all sorts of different ways to adapt to climate change obviously we should be working on ways to mitigate it as well but once we have these digital tools we can use them uh to help us set policies and say you know we know or we can predict that areas in red on this map are going to be impacted by flooding um by the year 2050 and so there's different rules for what to do if you build a house there so you can't have anything in the basement basically um but there's some other things too so that's a policy you know if you get a somebody wants to build something in one of these red areas because we have that predictive technology we're hopefully uh saving that person and possibly the taxpayer and the municipality the burden of having to deal with that house flooding um and and again these can help us uh these are slightly different uh they deal more with big rainstorms and where uh groundwater will rise to the surface but that's also not going to be good for development um so they're another cool tool that we use and this uh going back to that lidar thing if you remember um places that are going to flood are not great to build in uh neither are really steep places um there are things that you can do you can you know use dynamite and blast it out uh you can add tons of fill but the less we impact an environment the the more the environment is going to be able to operate kind of as it should as an ecosystem so my own personal philosophy I like to look at all these natural features and Hazards and instead of saying how can you build on top of them and kind of get rid of them how do you avoid them and so this mapping technology is uh incredibly useful for that um uh you can go out in the field and I'll talk a little bit about that but being able to see these things from a desktop from my computer very very helpful um still looking at climate change here uh this is looking at temperatures and how temperatures will increase in in various places this is up north in the Edmonston area um and they're going to see some pretty significant temperature increases as you can see from this graph and that's going to impact their infrastructure [Music] um so uh when the way that temperature this kind of annual temperature increase is going to impact their infrastructure up there is usually in the winter historically it just freezes it's really cold it's cold for a long time there's no thawing and if you've learned about the different states of water maybe in in some of your science classes you might know that when water freezes it also expands so if you think about your road it has all these tiny little cracks in it when the water gets in there uh like let's say it rains and the next day it freezes that's going to expand and it's going to make those cracks a little bit bigger so over time that effect is going to impact the road and you're going to have to pave it more um and that's that's called a freeze thaw cycle and it's something in Southern New Brunswick we we deal with a lot we're dealing with it more um but up north it isn't something they've had to deal with much because generally they've just Frozen and stayed frozen and so there's a little bit you know at the beginning of the season when things freeze and then things don't move but as you have these higher temperatures they're going to experience more of that it's going to have more impact to their roads and that has planning implications it's going to impact the way that um you know they design their roads uh the materials that are used obviously engineering is going to be part of that but having these tools to predict the future makes planning for the future so much easier uh the other big impact of climate change that's I deal with a little bit down here is erosion um so as you have more of these rain events and their heavier rain events and uh I think we all know we're getting something tomorrow um you get more of this type of activity and Banks along rivers along oceans um they are more likely to erode and you literally lose land the land is washing into the water and as that gets closer to people's houses that's going to start having impacts and uh the um Acadian peninsula in New Brunswick is is where we're seeing that the most right now um so people want to do things to protect their shorelines and some things are good and helpful and and re-vegetation so planning stuff and getting those root systems back in there that's that's one of the best things that can be done um but there are other things that people can do that will impact their neighbors and cause more erosion on their neighbors so some people just want to put in a big uh they're called retaining walls and they're just kind of large pieces of concrete when a wave hits that it's the energy has to be dispersed somewhere it's going to go to the sides it's going to go around it and it's going to Greater impact the properties on the other sides so this is something that planners have to think about and using technology to look at slopes and uh you know places where they're going to see heavier rain events we can get a sense of where these issues are going to be more important okay so back to an interactive portion uh how did you get to school today um because transportation is something we think about a lot too and there's well there's probably a right answer but everybody got to school in a different way so um this is more just an opportunity to uh for you to think about how you got to school and um again there's no right answer so uh just take a second and you can fill that in um I went to high school in Toronto so I actually took public transportation to high school I got on the uh TTC and that took me where I needed to go but in elementary school I lived in a more Suburban neighborhood so I took a school bus um at times you know I've been driven by my parents uh there were periods in my life where I could walk or bike to school that was that was pretty nice um so we do focus a lot on inclusion and how do we plan for everybody um because that historically hasn't necessarily been what's happened uh and you get certain people whose needs are met um one example is a lot of the ways that cities are designed now is about people getting to work and that's not so true anymore now that you have a lot of women in the workforce but historically that meant that um there are a lot of things that weren't just considered uh like uh the need for um strollers to be able to go into different places uh so it there you could almost say that planning has been gendered and focused on getting men from their homes suburban homes to their downtown offices things are very different now in terms of how Society functions but when you play in a city and you have that infrastructure it's there for a really long time and it's hard to change so we do focus a lot more on inclusion now than we used to we do lots of public engagement exercises we ask people to come out physically this is at a farmer's market in St Andrews and uh it's called asset mapping where you show things that are good about a community we can do that digitally as well for people who don't or aren't able to come out so this is just using Google Maps to do kind of the same thing but you can do this uh there's there's special special mapping programs just for Community consultation that's that's how important it is you can also look at a community and use um mapping to show where is development happening so this is a very cool tool from the city of miramashi where you can in real time see where their permits are so where are people developing what types of things are people developing how much does that cost uh to develop um and that's that's very useful for the public to get a little bit more information um one thing people don't like is surprises and change and so when there is change happening uh if you can not surprise people with it that's really good and so this is a great tool for giving the public more information about what's happening behind the scenes so we did that quiz about Transportation um and this is another very cool digital Tool uh it's actually a game that was put together by black arcs that company I mentioned earlier um and it's it's interactive I don't think it's up and running now I think they they brought this on iPads to a community consultation and there was probably a time uh limit to when people could access it but you can put different things in different places so you can say I want a restaurant here office here uh we're gonna have you know police and fire Services down here and you can actually see how putting different things in different places impacts the amount of people using public transportation how it impacts ghg emissions the more people using public transportation and less in their personal vehicles um the less ghg emissions there are so where buildings are in a community where different things are that really impacts climate change and you can make all the personal decisions you want and obviously those are good things to do but a lot of this work is done by planners and it's very important for planners to think about climate change and where buildings are going because the way that people get around places it impacts climate it impacts health the more people have to get in cars usually there's a correlation with uh less less Health poor health outcomes so obesity diabetes things like that and if you can have people who are able to walk or bike um if if they're able to that's really good for your physical and mental health we also use digital tools to design streets this is a free online tool called Street mix so you can go there and and and try it out and you can see what different streets will look like and you can play around with different widths of bike lanes and you can put divided barriers like a planter box in between them um and so this is really useful uh for the public as well to show them how Street designs can change it's also good for elected officials a lot of the people I'm trying to convince of things are elected officials so Municipal counselors Mayors people like that and just like with the buildings having uh representations um as realistic as possible is is very helpful and helps people see the future and and hopefully see that it can be a slightly better future now digital Innovation is great but um one of the things I do love about my job is that I get to actually get out in the real world and interact with some of these things so um active Transportation even in rural places is a big part of planning and I was able here to to go out and try out some trails around St Andrews and get a little bit muddy this was a very rainy day but it was a lot of fun um and once you start to learn these things about a population uh you can have a a bridge like this one in Fredericton that is being decommissioned as a train bridge but uh some smart person said well that should be a bridge for pedestrians and if you're in Fredericton you probably use this bridge you could bike across it walk across it it's it's very very popular uh and it really helps people get around the city without having to get in their cars housing is an area that I focus on a lot and there's a lot of technology that goes into housing now um into the way that different systems are put in a house to be as efficient as possible um and then you can even graph this and see how using different materials uh different energy sources um like an uh LED light versus an incandescent light that's something that you know a lot of people if you're changing a light bulb in your home now you're probably getting an LED light which is going to last for 20 30 years versus that incandescent which is going to last maybe a year or two um this kind of helps you take all of those decisions and look at you know different uh types of insulation that keeps heat in your house and show you how to create the most energy efficient building for the least amount of money possible and that's all using math and stuff that I have no idea how it works but you just plug it into these things and and they give you the answer on the more human side of housing it's not just about the actual way that houses are built we focus on on trying to make sure that housing is inclusive as well and that there's places in every Community for every type of person to live and and maybe they want to own their own house um that's that's not easy for a lot of people these days so we need to focus on more rental housing which historically is not something that New Brunswick especially rural areas in New Brunswick have had a lot of and there's all these other types of housing too and this is a fantastic project on the north side of Fredericton called 12 Neighbors and um it's it's a project um that has gotten I think at the by this point 20 or 30 folks off of the street everybody who is living here now was at one time unsheltered or homeless and uh they this organization built these tiny homes uh they're about 200 square feet so they're pretty small um you know really just enough for uh basic necessities but it's it's shelter and it's a community you can see here um that you know it's like a little Street and you've got your front porch and they've also built an employment opportunity so these folks uh are are building more of these houses now these tiny houses they're building park benches um so not only is it a place to live but it's a place to find some some work as well and uh there may be the opportunity for other communities to find sites and and purchase some of these tiny homes and create a similar program so uh it's always nice when you can find a success story in in life and good news and this is a great uh success story the 12 Neighbors project in Fredericton so we're coming to the end here um I think this is our last quiz uh this is what what uh we're asking what do planners need to consider when planning communities so is it uh protection of the interview is it the health and well-being of residence is it Transportation options is it the layout and design of buildings and streets Community character and vibrancy more efficient use of land resources and infrastructure so I'll give a second there you can choose more than one if I set the quiz up right and if you've been paying attention uh hopefully you selected every single one because planners do have to consider all of these factors when we're doing our jobs and probably some more too so this has been a very broad overview of the different types of Technologies planners use and and some of the different activities we do but I just wanted to kind of give you a few more things that that I do specifically and other planners and we do fly drones it's very exciting a little scary sometimes but uh these are just just kind of some eye candy drone shots that planners across the province have taken um and again that's a great technology it helps us uh view things from the air you can you can see different features of the land and um it's really nice to have satellite imagery it's nice to be able to go on the ground and see something but it's really nice to have that in between and and so if you like uh flying drones then planning is something where you get to do that one of the most important things in every decision that I make as a planner and every recommendation I give to Municipal council is is I I need to act in the public interest it's uh I'm here on behalf of the New Brunswick Association of planners we're a professional association um we have Professional Standards and acting in the public interest is the most important one we're not acting in the interest of any one person um we're not acting in the interests of a business um we're not acting in the interest of a neighborhood we need to act in the public interest which means everybody and not just everybody who's here now but everybody in the future and uh that can be very complicated and and there may be competing interest and it's very it's probably the most challenging thing I do is figuring out what is the public interest in this specific case obviously Community consultation can really help with that um so these are all different different events where people came out and um you know gave gave some input on to what would be their public interest and maybe they think a little bit more broadly too and say you know I've noticed this thing and people are having a real problem at this street corner because there's no curb there and I see you know people in wheelchairs who are getting stuck and and things like that um so by Consulting with the public it really helps us understand what the public interest is but we have to remember too that not everybody shows up and there are members of the public um who historically haven't had their voices heard as much so that's going back to that inclusion piece very important and it's not just uh adults who are important in planning it's it's everybody so um it's really great when we have Youth and Kids come out to planning exercises um because when we think about planning for the future really it's it's it's Young Folks um who are going to be living that future so we really need to consider them and we want places that are great for kids uh and there's you know as you age too there's there's a lot of things that um it's not just good for kids it's not just good for older folks uh there's there's a concept called Eight to eighty cities so a city that is great for anybody from the age of eight to eighty I probably let's let's go from zero to a hundred um but accessibility uh age friendly communities um they create benefit for everybody not not just the people that you might think are going to be impacted um so just a very kind of quick listing of things that I do every day I do lots of research you've seen some of that I go on site visits and field trips you've seen some of that I have meetings I left that out because meetings are boring I give presentations um kind of like this one although they're more targeted for specific uh development projects I do a lot of mapping a lot of the maps that I put in this presentation are things that I've made I work on policies so that kind of uh you know writing text of of how uh development should happen um which which is very interesting uh I give advice to municipalities I show up at Council meetings and um you know when there's a planning matter I will data Council you know here's here's what I think about this here's if you want to act in the public interest here is the best way to do that and you know here's what your bylaws say about planning and here's how that should be interpreted um as a professional planner I have an authority to do that I communicate a lot lots of emails lots of phone calls in-person meetings uh lot lots of talking that's a very social profession I get to work on some design things uh which is fun and learn a lot um because of where I am in Southwest New Brunswick I've had to learn a lot about aquaculture and and fishing and when I went to school for planning in Toronto that was not anything that I learned about but as someone who loves to learn it's it's great and uh the more that I can learn about the world and how it works the happier I am and so planning is a great way to do that and if that's something you're interested in there's various things you can do now and as you progress a little bit through your schooling to get involved in planning you can you can join clubs and committees you can anybody can go to a council meeting they're open to the public um there will be public Community consultation some uh MPS even have Youth councils Travel and just think about the world talk to your friends and family about the future and think about why things are the way they are don't just necessarily accept them somebody made a decision somewhere based on something um and there's no reason why you can't be involved in that decision some of the subjects that are related to planning in school uh probably geography social studies environment economics Civic studies um there's there's all sorts of different things we do write a lot so uh you know having a good ability with uh whatever language that is French or English is pretty important too you need to be able to convince people of things with your writing and finally some uh you know if you're really interested in planning and and you want to go to school further for that post-secondary um obviously you you should finish High School um you can get an undergraduate degree in planning they offer them a dow lots of schools but Dow's the one in the maritimes um but you don't have to get an undergrad degree in planning you can uh myself I got a master's degree in urban planning um but you can become a professional planner without doing either of those you will need an undergraduate degree of some kind but there are professional Pathways that you don't have to do the Masters you don't need the undergrad and planning you're just going to have to put in a little bit more time so uh I'm gonna end there and uh I don't know if we're doing questions or or anything like that but I'll just turn it back over to Adam perfect that was uh that was really fantastic Xander and thank you for for walking us through uh all the important work that you do because like you said it pretty much touches every uh every facet of our lives in one way or another from the environmental issues to uh density issues and and just overall making our communities the best that they can be and people like you doing the hard work every day a lot of people might not get to to learn about you so um I think that's really fascinating and obviously all the technology that's being used now and it just continues to evolve I think um as time goes on um and and that's something that in the center we're hoping to talk more about things like artificial intelligence what are ways that we can use some of that technology to to improve your job or to help you make decisions um I think it's going to be fascinating and I'm sure and you're probably like seeing things develop and unfold the new ways to use stuff so when drones kind of first came out it was like oh that's a fun toy but all of a sudden it turns into a pretty serious tool that folks like you can you so um I do thank you uh the uh the uh the quiz was a great I know I participated in that um and everything worked really well on our ends so what we'll do is like I said we'll uh we'll post this up and um we uh we will be in touch and again we really thank you for um for for doing this today possible it's great it was great to do it and uh I always happy to you know be involved and I'm sure people can get my contact information through you so if there's you know teachers or students who want to follow up further I'm always I'm always open and the association is uh very happy to tell people about planning perfect and that's it that's a good thing to end on and I will make sure to um just you know spread the word to the teachers that especially there's some specific High School courses that would probably appreciate having yourself maybe as a guest speaker you're not you know not for a full hour or anything but you could talk to pop in for half an hour and uh the students really appreciate that so thanks again and uh I hope you have a great day [Music] thank you foreign [Music]


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