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(Girls in kimono): We are here today to take photos (A men, not sure which side he is on): Yeah, something like photo shooting (Policeman): If you wear Han-Style clothing today I will never say something like that! Right? The scene you just saw is An incident happened in Suzhou on August 10th A scene on the Japanese style street There are two young girls playing role-playing(cosplay show) games Taking photos on the street wearing a kimono Was stopped by the police The police then yelled at them "Are you Chinese!?" "Why wear a kimono!?" "Why don't you wear Hanfu!?" In the process of defending The police said again You are picking "quarrels and provoking trouble"(Xun xin zi shi), go to the police station with me Therefore the two little girls were taken to the police station According to this little girl's explanation on Weibo afterwards They spent a total of 5 hours in the police station Taking a statement Check the phone, the video in the phone, and delete the video if possible Then the kimono is confiscated Then police called the official of their school Notify leaders of their schools The way police handle this is quite serious It was past midnight when they(girls) left the police station Then they had to apologize to everyone on Weibo (Girl:) I want to ask, can you yell at me like this? Policeman: Yes! Girl: Why? Policeman: Now, if you don't cooperate Girl: What is your reason (Yelling and all these)? Police: Suspected of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, okay? Girl: We are just wearing a clothes Police: Ok, you guys come back with us, ok? Let's go. Many people think that the police's behavior is inappropriate If you want me to provide some comments, these two policemen are actually very "decent" They have a very precise grasp of the legal essence of the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble What is the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble? What is picking quarrels and provoking trouble? Picking quarrels and provoking trouble is a pocket crime, it doesn't matter what do you do It's about whether I feel pleased seeing you That is to say, as long as you act unpleasantly in front of me Then I can think that you are "picking quarrels and provoking trouble" It should be said that the ”essence of law“, notice that? These two policemen are very accurate on(essence of law) But I personally feel that these two cops Are lacking at some areas: against foreign hostile forces Trying to subvert our Chinese nation And traditional culture The string(on their mind) is still not very tight enough Why? Think about it, two young girls in kimonos What threat does it pose to the great rejuvenation of our Chinese nation? Even if all the women in China wear kimonos What can that cause? The worst scenario China will go back to Three Kingdoms era Everyone knows the Japanese kimono It's called Wufu in Japan It was introduced to Japan during the Three Kingdoms period it originated in china It's just that China was in the middle of the change of clothing in the past dynasties These earliest Han costumes are slowly lost because in Chinese history There are a large number of Hu people - ethnic minorities have entered the Central Plains they bring their costumes For example, in the Qing Dynasty, people in the Qing Dynasty wore cheongsam(Qi Pao) Everyone knows that the cheongsam is not actually the costume of the Han nationality It was brought from Manchuria by the Qing Dynasty But we also consider it a traditional national dress now But the real Hanfu In fact, we Chinese are wearing very little (Hanfu) now That's why I said, if all women in China start wearing kimonos again In my opinion, in fact, at best, it is a return to the Three Kingdoms era Revival of early Han costumes How is this a threat to cultural renaissance? what is the real threat? The real threat is in Suzhou (Government) built a Japanese style street What is Japanese style street? If we put it in a nice way In fact, just think about it, that street has a Japanese store Sell ​​Japanese goods Japanese sign on the street what are those? This is the colony of the modern cultural world You can colonize the cultural scene today Tomorrow you can do a colony on a formal occasion Then think about it, is Suzhou still China's Suzhou? If this still trending Maybe the Japanese devils(Gui zi, a derogatory name for Japanese solider in WW2) are going to land in China again Can't even protect Nanjing So I think the police should not just trying to arrest this little girl More importantly, the mayor and secretary of the municipal party committee of Suzhou must be arrested This collusion with foreign hostile forces Attempts to revive the Japanese concession in China That not killing(the mayor) is not enough for the anger of the people Don't think it's a joke Look at Dalian, the Japanese style street in Dalian was almost smashed Why don't you smash Suzhou's After smashing Fengqing Street, you can also smash Japanese restaurants and Japanese cars Arrest all the owners of this Japanese car including cameras on the street Now most of them are Japanese (made), smashed In this case, China and Japan will no longer have any relationship from now on The great rejuvenation of our Chinese nation will no longer be affected Think about it I personally think if the police do this It will be really great all jokes aside but I want to say This news is actually quite simple Many people let me comment on it The logic is very simple Why? That is to say, a person's clothing, if there is no special logo In our ordinary civilized country People don't take it as a political expression like what clothes you will be wearing Most of this stuff is just a matter of indecency Say you go to a dinner party You're obviously inappropriate in a bikini, right? It's more appropriate if you wear an evening dress (People will think this way(indecency)) But few people focus the clothes themselves equivalent to a political symbol unless you write on top There is only one China in the world, right? The People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government of China Taiwan is an integral part of China if you wrote that Of course everyone this is a political expression But if you just wear a dress For instance, I'm wearing a T-shirt (do you even know this) During the Cultural Revolution, this thing was very reactionary, why? Because there is no leader(collar, in Chinese meaning leader) and no sleeves(Xiu, use with Ling(collar)), what does it mean to have no leaders and no sleeves? Then there is no leader, disrespect to leader So at that time, it was very reactionary to wear such T-shirts and vests. But you think about the general case We all think ordinary clothing has no political expression But now put this so-called ordinary dress Like the Japanese kimono as a political expression In my opinion, this is really too much, and it is not too far from the Cultural Revolution So if we look at it from this perspective We know that in developed countries, in civilized society Even if a person regards clothing as a political expression in the scope of freedom of speech (Government) shouldn't restrict (this kind of expression) either Why do we say that Because freedom of speech is to protect words that make you feel a little bit uncomfortable For example, didn't the United States burn the flag at that time? American flag, stars and stripes Some people feel that burning the flag are their freedom Then they lit the flag Then the case go to the Supreme Court Supreme Court considers flag burning a political expression (That)should be protected as well, right? So free speech is to protect It's all those comment that makes main stream uncomfortable rather than a statement that makes you think everyone agrees Then in the middle of the process I personally feel The right to restrict the expression of others It can only be based on the rights of others. What's the meaning? That is, if you want to limit a right You can't say it should be depend on other people are comfortable or not To put it bluntly, these two girls are wearing kimonos on the street If you feel uncomfortable looking at that, what does it have to do with you? Why do you even look at them? you are not feeling well go back to your home Look at your own wife, right? Why looking at the girls? This is the standard of modern civilization It's nothing to do with me if you're uncomfortable But under what situation we can limit? Say you play the piano at night Although you think you play the piano very beautifully But you play the piano at 12 midnight You're affecting your neighbor's sleep So this has to be limited behavior that cannot influence others Others have no right to interfere This is a common sense in modern society But in our country Basic common sense now In fact, it is not generally accepted by the general public even denied by legislation For example, in our criminal law, there is a thing called "hurt national feelings" This thing, this is illegal Actually, we watched movies when we were kids We saw that the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army arrived at the landlord's house (The army) pull out something and say I represent the interests of the Chinese people sentence you to death "Bang" Shot to death In other words, when we oppose the right, we escort the landlord over there As soon as he shouted a slogan, saying that not killing this person is not enough for the anger of the common people, he was killed What is the basis for the death penalty? public anger Public anger is powerful enough to sentence a person to death take away one's life what is this This is pre-modern society Because it tries to use a morality to restrain the behavior of others The truth is that my actions have nothing to do with the morals of others Morality should only restrain oneself should not restrain others like this thing Do you think this little girl, on the 10th of August Wearing a Kimono in a Japanese Style Street even if you think you're uncomfortable she is immoral There is nothing you can do You have no right to interfere with other people Interfere with these two little girls Speaking of which, I'll tell you a story of my own I climbed Mount Fuji once last summer At that time, in addition to the Chinese people in our mountaineering team There are also Japanese and Taiwanese So we prepared three flags We all carry these three flags I carry our Chinese national flag - the five-star red flag All the way to the top of Mount Fuji In the morning glow of Mount Fuji I even unfolded the flag I also met some Chinese compatriots on the way They were all excited when they saw the flag but let me tell you In the middle of the ten hours of climbing no one intervenes Everyone should know that Mount Fuji is the national symbol of Japan Most Japanese say You have to climb Mount Fuji once in your life, right? Then Sino-Japanese relations became more tense But not only did no one intervene in the whole process (people) Not even looking at Everyone turns a blind eye to my actions But when we go down the mountain, when we want to take a photo We Chinese people are making a murmur It is said that the Chinese flag can definitely be displayed Can the Japanese flag be displayed? Can the flag of the Republic of China in Taiwan be displayed? I don't know Finally of course the flag of the Republic of China of Taiwan We didn't dare let it in the photo what does this mean Explain that we Chinese face the forbidden area in the process of speech expression far more than other countries Although we are abroad In fact, it is still affected by some kind of game rules, (we are) afraid I have one show about "fear everywhere" This means that because we do not have an objective standard We don't know if your actions are against the law For example, what is meant by hurting national feelings? I now doing this show on Youtube A lot of people say I'm a traitor every day hurt national feelings You say I dare to go back now? I dare not go back But everyone who listens to my show in all fairness Is there anything illegal in my show? I do not believe my actions are illegal in any way But I really dare not go back myself, why? Because of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, it hurts national feelings These pocket crime are waiting for me If I Go back, government maybe catch me in a few minutes Or even don't arrest me I will be border controlled and I can't get out It's entirely possible So for pre-modern society First law has no objective standard The second itself is not actually publicized In fact, it is our country still living in the past a very important sign But when we talk about it here I don't actually want to extend too much on this principle today I want to talk about another topic what topic? I personally feel Like this girl wearing a kimono Smash Japanese cars randomly in China What is this anti-Japanese sentiment? Reflects another topic I want to talk about China was clearly a victorious country during WWII Japan is a defeated country But this phenomenon we're dealing with It seems like China is like a defeated country Japan is like a victorious nation What is a defeated country I summed up the psychology of the defeated country These are some of them You guys can see if this is current psychology of the Chinese people First, humiliation. We feel humiliated, we've been bullied

Second, think about revenge every day Since being bullied Just thinking about it every day, you Japanese people wait for it Sooner or later, if I'm strong, I'll take care of you Third, living in negative emotions all year round can't let go This is the psychology of the loser, being defeated, right? But don't forget, China was victorious during WWII The psychology of the defeated country is reflected in the objective reality There are some of the phenomena The first phenomenon (forgot, take a look, just wrote) sensitive (first phenomenon) sensitive Anything related to Japan (People) start imagining Immediately For example, this girl is wearing a kimono It's over, it is horrible This is an insult to the feelings of the Chinese nation This is trying to subvert our traditional Chinese culture In fact, what are those, right? It's just girls wearing a kimono, right? This is called sensitivity For example, the Japanese style streets built in various places Dalian style street Someone said it right now Why are we build a style street in Dalian? Colony back then fanciful, sensitive The weaker are more sensitive You have to remember that strong people are generally more prone to desensitization That's the first, the second All kinds of Japanese hatred mentality and hatred of Japan are flying all over the sky Right? When Abe got assassinated You see that the whole world celebrates on the Internet Joyful comments all around There is another one that is promoted online every day Propaganda that there will be a war between China and Japan, eliminate Japan This kind of words, hatred of Japan In my opinion, this is actually the psychology of the loser Third Can't get out of the middle of history It's been more than 70 years since World War II ended Logically speaking, it has been several generations in between In fact, there are people who have experienced that war There are very few in society now I believe most of those haters on the internet Most have never experienced the war And these people in Japanese society today Most have never experienced the war Even if their ancestors were invaders The Japanese now are not invaders either, are they? Then think about it, you live in the shadow of history every day is it necessary I personally don't think it's necessary After all, China, you are a victorious country You can compare, the United States is the victorious country, right? You see after the U.S. war with Japan it has a Marshall plan in Europe In Japan it actually has an aid program in Asia Help Japan remake its constitution Help Japan build its modern system At the same time, it actually helped Japan become a modern country also gave a lot of financial aid to Japan Why it didn't take revenge as a victor On the contrary, they are so generous to help Japan I personally think this is the victorious mentality It doesn't care much about taking pleasure in the middle of Japan's revenge Rather, it is about transforming Japan into a partner of its own So why China It was a victorious country for decades Make us look like a defeated country I have personally analyzed the reason On the one hand, we Chinese are really coward When the Anti-Japanese War just ended Logically speaking China needs to garrison troops in Japan, the location is planned The army numbers are all set almost went Allied-occupied outpost offices are set up in Japan But because of the civil war The Kuomintang and the Communist Party are having a lot of fun fighting each other 4 years of fighting As a result, the Kuomintang was defeated and fled to Taiwan The Chinese Communist Party replaced it But the civil war itself never ended The situation of separation of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait has since created Therefore, the relationship between China and Japan Later, the occupying force was sent there to garrison the troops This thing didn't come true On the other hand, after the founding of the Communist Party Then there is the Korean War In the end, the Communist Party was messing around for decades Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution The first 30 years are basically a waste of time, and the time just passed until we reform and open up Go and see The Japanese are already Has emerged from the ruins of war become an economic power If it was a military power before the war But in the early 80s and late 70s Japan has become an economic power Only about 40 years become the world's second largest economy So when Deng Xiaoping visited Japan was almost asking for help from Japan's economic and business circles (China) You can imagine as a victorious nation That's the real humiliation Originally, we were actually a victorious nation The economy should have better conditions than the defeated country But we went from 1945 to 1979 Basically, we Chinese people all delayed these time Until we wake up starting economic construction In fact, Japan is already far ahead of us From a certain point of view Aren't we like a defeated nation? But I think facing this phenomenon We China should strive hard economically to try to catch up with Japan make our country better Build better than Japan Only then can I be worthy of being a victorious country, right? Like, take a passport as I said you now have a Japanese passport There are 180,190 countries in the world that are visa-free But there are several visa-free visas for you to take a Chinese passport Not even visa-free I'm telling you that I'm going to Ukraine for an interview Because we have Chinese passports Of course someone in our team has a Japanese passport (We) received special attention from the police When I say care, I put "care" in quotation marks We often questioned for no reason at customs other people's luggage no need to be opened Our luggage is specially opened and checked little by little, why Because we have Chinese passports I keep saying this passport is the government of a country Dignity for one's own citizens If you go out with your own passport, you won't be blocked Most countries do not require visas That means the government gives its citizens Brings the supreme Brings great glory brings the dignity it deserves But if your passport Not only do you need visas to all countries and being tortured everywhere In fact This means The government did not give its own citizens Provide the dignity they deserve compare these If You say China is like a victorious country Or a defeated country Even after 40 years of reform and opening up in China Now I personally think still not really standing up You can see from the passport Is like this When will we really stand up? in my opinion It's not about promoting those Japanese-hatred remarks online Not propaganda for those who wants to elimate Japan Destroy Japan, right? Liberate Taiwan and defeat the United States Comments like these Or things they want to achieve But let this country let ordinary people can live a dignified life financially prosperous Being respected after going out Then the country is really standing up, right? This is like a real victorious country In my opinion, after the Second World War The competition of countries in the world is no longer about military power but what? the government of each country can make their citizens how good their life is how much a normal person they like a man with dignity If one day, we China Can also be built as clean as Japan Ordinary people can be as polite as Japan Our economic development also has stamina like Japan including our entire economy There are so many key technologies that are actually in our own hands After our nationals go abroad with their passports There are many countries that give us visa-free Show your passport when you get to customs others will respect you I think by then China is really like a victorious country Sub: Zecheng


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