Shape Of The Web by Henri Helvetica JSConf EU 2019

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Man. Oh man, I know everyone's, been looking forward, to this not supposedly, seeing me but it's, the end so. I'm. Gonna try to make this as, quick as possible and. I. Don't, know I guess or my slides gonna show eventually I sure. Hope so shout. Out to the AV people, because they're the best. Alright. The. Slides supposed to show I don't know I hope. So cuz I'm not gonna be able to act this out the whole time oh there, we go so. Quickly. I mean. I. Realized. That I saw a speaker yesterday and she kind of like matched. Her slides with her outfit, so, I thought I might do the same and. So. If everything goes right I'm gonna disappear. And. I'm. Gonna reappear, again it's. Like camouflage. Okay. It worked Eddie how I thought that was kind of funny, and. You're gonna find out I'm a bit of a comedian so we're, gonna start this with with, a joke is that cool can we have a joke, alright. How. Many JavaScript, is here I, mean. It's, kind of funny that I don't see all the hands up but that's cool. So. Imagine. If, Naughty. By Nature. Went. To the tc39, meeting. Hip. Hop array, oh. Hey. Oh. Oh. You. Didn't like that it's, all good anyhow. We're. Gonna get things cracking, yes, my name is Augie my, real last name is not Helvetica, I just thought it sounded kind of cool so, I did it anyways a, lot of people might recognize me from my face. Which. Is the avatar that I kind of like -, I'm. From, the greatest. City on the planet called, Toronto. It's. Super, multicultural. And I, didn't realize it till I left and I, was like man Toronto is actually, amazing so if you, in the area come by and check us out we we, like to have some good times and here's, a little something you may not have known about Toronto. How. Many old schoolers here anyone, own a Commodore, 64 back. In the day yeah well, Commodores. Found it in Toronto, yeah. No doubt. Anyhow. So we're gonna get things going. Welcome. To the shape of the web it's, a talk that I thought about a while back and and, sort of just to talk about like where the web was gone, a, lot, of good things have happened a, lot of technology was used to make things really sort of like friendly. And user like, the great user experiences, that we try to create but. Also felt that you know the technologists. That are involved were amazing but also there, are some technologists, who may have been left behind so we're gonna kind, of conversation. About that and it's really just a conversation so, let's, get cracking now. First, off I want, to thank Jes coffee you for having me I've, been watching this conference from a distance, like on Twitter and I, would look at the photos like wow this, is amazing, look at the screen, no. Seriously look at the screen, I, mean, I own an, ultra-wide at home and I. Think that this ratio is like 15, to 2 which. Is bananas. Like talk about neck pains, but. Dev tools would be amazing on the screen by the way. Festival. X 10, years and I. Come, from music, so I could appreciate what they've done here the, set up I, mean, it's absolutely laborat. But I love that they've done this for a TED conference so can we please give Jay's Khan for round of applause as well. All. Right that's enough I'm. Gonna get jealous. So. They've been around 10 years and I was thinking to myself like you know I was kind, of you know brightness talk up adding some notes 10 years where, was I 10 years ago well like, I said I came from music and I was able to pull this this photo out I, used. To do lectures with the Red Bull Music Academy which, is actually based out of Germany and I, was doing a lecture here with Flying Lotus and that's that was like a big deal for me at the time but, that's actually 10 years from about like a week from today so it's, pretty on point. And on brand but. The. Web the, web is actually 30 years 30, years old, and, I. Was thinking to myself like man 3 years old that's all that's, that's kind, of like a long time and I don't know where you were 30, years ago but I remember when I first access, the web. The, first thing I thought of was, was, this and, I. Don't know how many of you were able to sort of like be, around this time where you had to get it a modem, and you made all that telephone. Sounds, and all that stuff just to get on the internet but. It was great because I discovered a lot of things and there's one place I used to hang out which, was uh who, remembers like news groups here, go. Okay there we go this where hung out a lot Rek. Thought music not hip-hop and I was like yeah man I'm gonna talk about hip hop with all these people I don't know. But. This was actually the first time you started to connect with people from all, parts of the world who, had, access, to the net and another.

Thing That I did as I, had more and more access, I used to use search engines like everyone else and who remembers AltaVista. Okay. There, we go I was a big fan of AltaVista, man when, that will, not vanish I was so sad but. What. I also did was I start to surf the web and I was a big Netscape. Navigator and. Communicator. Fan and. Actually. Being. I mean there was a few, browsers around, there after but, this the one that I was using and the big part about this one is when it was released this. Is what there's one of the early quotes from Andreessen, himself this software is going to change everything and it kind of did and, why was it so popular well well, let me get into another court actually before that he's. Another fantastic, quote that came out from another influential, person, in tech, at the time things, start exploding with, the invention of the browser because suddenly the internet was accessible, to the average person. And I, mean, average will say sort of like middle class person, who had a computer who had a modem, but. It definitely opened, things up and you start to sort of like have that delight, and discovery, that I like to talk about now. When, Netscape, came out it, was extremely, popular 65, million users in 18 months and. Part of the reason was the fact that as much, as the, early web, was like text, it was very academic, but, they. Were actually, able to bring, images into the fold here and what, then happened, is that when. We were surfing the net we were very, accustomed, to the layout text. Images, it was like reading the paper and. Believe. It or not there, was debate as to whether or not they were gonna bring images onto, the web, you. Know some mild arguments, and the. Belief was that if they brought images, on it, would be like this onslaught. Of pornography. And, I'm. Here, to say that they were absolutely, wrong. Right. But, the. Fact is for real though. They, believe that by opening it up adding. Some images, and letting. People sort of experiment. It was going to drive the web forward and it actually did, now. Today, we, have 4.3. Billion users online and I. Think that's phenomenal but believe it or not there's still room to grow and. You. Know you might wonder like okay that's an explosive, growth what. Sort of drove that. Well. This. Is kind of it right here this. Young lady is on a mobile phone I, believe, this is nothing that they expected. To see at the time this is like mid 90s who thought that you are gonna have a mobile, device and be able to surf, the web just, as powerfully, as they did back then, so.

This. Has allowed us to do a lot of different things we've, been able. To be very productive, in life so. What have we been able to do with, sort of like little friction, pretty, much everything, I. Mean, we can make money we manage money online we, can go on a date we. Can go buy clothes for the we. Can actually, go, rent the car to take your date, out. We. Can order, fish, we. Can listen to one of my favorite songs called fish. And we. Could actually get phishing, emails, from African, Prince's. Right. But. All jokes aside. Man. We. Can actually read, comics. And make them accessible, comic, books shout outs to Jessica. No. Doubt. For. All the people that were trying to bring online we, could actually, go. Offline. This. Is what technologies, it allowed us to do, which. Is absolutely, needed by the way I downloaded, the offline map for Berlin because I was not going to pay those fees. But. We could actually create music in the browser as well sat, outs live Jas. Alright. In the, building, this. Is the kind of technology, this is what the technology, has allowed us to do very important. Now, and. This. Is the shape of the web as we see it growing growing, right before our eyes. So. The, technology, has been extremely, important, in getting, these, sort, of these, things done and this. Is where we, are going to sort of like see. Even. More technology. Allow. Us to do greater things thereafter now. What. About the technologists. We. May have been playing some, amazing, chords. On some. Of the devices, that we've seen out there you know from keyboard select immediate controllers, but, unfortunately, there's, been a little bit of discord, as well and we're. Gonna get into a few sort, of like items, that I've sort of been bothering me a little, so. Let's talk about women technology, I, mean. There's an ongoing refrain. We know exactly what's going on and he actually kind of saddens me I. Mean. You. Just need to open up Twitter and wait about like five seconds, before he hits you and I, think that's sad. It's. Been long discussed you, know what. Needs to be done to retain, talent, to to, attract talent, and we. Still go out and sort of like trip, over some of the main issues I mean. What do they talk about what do women talk about when they sort of leave the industry you know the lack of. Growth, salary. Poor. Management, and you know when I read poor management I know exactly, what they mean that's just being polite. Whoops. And the, other part is actually what scares me because, the, other I feel, I know exactly, what's going on but again, it's being polite and not really calling people up because other to me means exactly this. You. Know it's not fit for print, but, we know exactly what's happening and to. Me that's absolutely, not the way or, the, shape of the, web needs to take, further.

On. So. I'm. Gonna share a little story something. That I sort of like did a few years ago, now. International, Women's Day happens once here March 8th and. I, got together with some buddies I'm like man let's let's rap about this and I want to put an event together for women to come out and enjoy themselves and speak to other women and listen to other women in the industry and this. Goes back to something I tried about 10 years ago in music I really. Wanted to do a show, with. Female. Producers, I work in a certain type, of sounds and you know I knew there were producers out there but, when I went knocking on some doors I couldn't. Find any sponsors, X Y & Z so it got a little tough but, I never forgot. That so. When I had an opportunity to do something again I did so. Every. Year some buddies of mine put together this event called iw DTO International. Wednesday and this. Is a picture of 2017. Because we've been doing it for five years now and on, from, the right to left we have Lisa Eagle after she actually worked, at the. White House she was an Obama hire by the way. The. Lady in the middle someone, who I look up to very, much she, works in performance, she. Goes by the name of Tammy Everts she, works at a. Speed, curve an amazing. Person you need to follow her if you can and of. Course on the left I'm not sure if she's here but Mina Markham I was super happy to have her come down no. Doubt and have. Her share her story because, I thought that was important but, the most important part is the fact that like I said we do this every year and it warms my heart to be able to sort of help, in a. Way I might, not be the best, ally, but, I feel like I'm doing a little something to make things work why, do I want to do this well I want to make sure that we have moments like these you, know we. Know Kitty boo. Thank. You thank you thick. Katie. Booming we know exactly what happened there a great. Moment even though shortly, after we saw the, trolls come out and sort of questioner. Margaret. Hamilton as we know coin. The. Term, software, engineering but right, there she's sitting next to the stack of paper, that. Was, essentially. Her. Sort of like tracing or helping get. The the. Rockets out to the moon but. One of my favorite. Photos is this one right here this. Is the Indian. Space. Research, Organization. And they're. Having a ball right there why well. They. Were the fourth. Team. To ever get a, satellite. Around. Mars. But. They, were the first to do it on the first try not, NASA not. The European Space Agency, and not the Russians patients you see but, the agency out of India and as you can tell the team is made up of several, women this is actually a short documentary on that documentary. On that I'll be more than happy to put the link out so. I want. To see more of these happening, these moments taking place, and. The, big thing is that, the. Common thread between the. Three photos that I showed I, mean. They. All had CS, backgrounds, degrees, and whatnot which, brings me to my my, next malaise. The. CS versus, non CS beef, any. CS people in the building I mean. Raise your hand I got love for you, you. Know I mean. How. Did this happen, I really, don't know but, I kind of got triggered by this one tweet and this person's gonna go unidentified. Reasons. Why computer, science degree is a bad idea, what, money. Times yes can be so boring etc, etc and. To myself that was actually kind of irresponsible, because it, came from someone who has a large platform and I. Actually questioned him on it but, I'm not going to get into that. But. I will get into this and make some noise when, you see, a photo that sort. Of like you recognize the image. Okay. All. Right does. Anyone know what this is. Okay. I'm gonna get into that but, does anyone know what this is. Okay. So. Let me go back dope. Stands, for Dartmouth, oversimplified. Programming. Experiment. It, was, the language that preceded. Basic. And we know that basic is beginners all-purpose, symbolic, instruction, code. Why. Is this important, the, the, the, author of basic John, Kennedy a math. Wizard worked, at, Dartmouth. Believed, that, he. Can get, non-stem. Students. At the university to get into programming and. He. Basically, soldiered. On trying, to make things work and eventually. Basic. Did become a language and how, did it happen because, he got a lot of non stem students. To work along and. Contribute. To the to the venture. And basic. Was born and that's. Very important because even. As a non stem student, you're in basic, this, is a tweet, from Brian. Loves words where is he Brian you in the building I, boom. I thought. This was so true. You. Needed, to sort of like see this because, you, don't need a CS degree to be successful, but it doesn't mean by, having a CX degree you're not going to be and.

In Fact John Kennedy's daughter, mentioned. This, basic. Was basically an, incredible, project of Anna and what is now called an inline team so, I thought that was wild. But, speaking of CS I want to talk about something else real quick does. Anyone who know where this is probably. Not. Her name's Lena, so, Soderbergh, but. Most of the CS people and, anyone's in, performance. They, might know this, name Lenna, or Linna okay, we, know someone, here knows but. You might recognize, it when I do this. Now. This, is the photo that's been internationally. Accepted, as the. Test image, when you do any kind of image processing. Compressing. Excel etc which. Is totally cool but, here's what's not so cool this, is where it came from I. Remember. Doing some research one day and I could not believe it we, have been using an image. From Playboy for, forty some years do. You know that two million images, are uploaded to the web daily, oh never, say two million I'm at 2 billion, images, are, uploaded to the web daily but somehow we. Have the photo centerfold. As the, test pattern, I mean the test image for, image. Compression. You. Know and for a second I was thinking ah you know it's the 40s you know we're gonna get over it whatever it's it's gonna sort of fade. This. Happened, in 2018. Someone. Presented. A talk, and, just. Like, talked. About centerfolds. 2018. How, are you supposed to retain, talent, how are you supposed to attract, talent, when, you have this kind of comportment. Out. In the wild this is not the, shape of the web to come and, with. That being said I mean I, tweeted, this out just, moments before I got on stage. I'll ask. Anyone. Who wishes to do so to vote whether or not the, Lenna image should remain, the standard in image processing. Now. We. Kind of know what this means the. World wide web. Developer. I know Alexis I call it the wealthy, Western web. Ok. I'm good because I think this started early sorry I'm watching, the clock and this flashing anyhow, the. Wealthy Western web because. We know that you, know we like to design and create, apps, for like you, know the West but, what. If I told you this is the list of the, topped em Internet, users by country. Okay. What. If I told you the. Greatest. Growth, by country, looks, like this. Now. These. Two lists, are the reason why, documentation. Is important, and is, important, to translate. Think. About this remember that the gentleman spoke yesterday who, said. You. Know he has spoken, a few times on stage but, it was his first time speaking, in English, first time and, you. Have developers, out there that are trying to you, know get in the fold but. Documentation. Is not in their native language that's, something we definitely have to look into why, because, you, have situations, like this, and. This. Sort of caused a little bit of kerfuffle once on, Twitter, and I was watching it and. This. Tweet came out. I'm. Not going to name the person because I didn't ask whether or not you, know I, could, use it but, and. This. Happened thereafter. Same. Tweet. Now. We are talking about. You. Know creating. An inclusive. Community. An. Inclusive. Web, I. Mean. I don't know how you're going to get more inclusive, than having. Documentation. Translated. Properly so that other developers. Can. Have. Some input think. About your framework, that. May sort, of like mature so, much faster, because, you have contributions. From all over the, globe because they have documentation. In their native tongue I think. It's very important to remember that. Being. Said I mean, what's next in 2020, I don't. Know I think, we're also gonna be developers, we're all still gonna love the web we're all still gonna go to conferences, we're, all still gonna network kick it with folks we're. All still gonna have great discoveries, I mean, there's so much web, we have yet to discover. There's, so many more people that we can help the light in discovery. I, mean, there's so many more applications. We have yet to sort of engineer. People, neighbors, so. Many people we can learn from experiences. You, know. Just. So that we can make tweaks to our applications. But. At the end of the day I know we're good people by default I mean, I I truly, believe that I don't. Think that we're born, with. Like sort. Of like, evil. Within us at. Least I sure, hope not. My, hope is that we keep it as such I mean we, get to maybe, one day enjoy. Another coffee, UJS. Khan for you because I'd love to come back, and, with, that being said, thank. You very much for your time, come. Visit me in Toronto, and. Let's. Party tonight.


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