Shaping the Future of Business and Healthcare with Web3 Technology

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[Music] foreign welcome back to our podcast where we explore the latest trends and Technologies shaping the future of business and Healthcare so today we have two amazing guests that's right Ned we have Bruce and Sheila with us today Bruce has a background as a CTO AI strategy Tech Ops blockchain at data ethics and web3 so we're going to be exploring some of those topics with him and Sheila she has a healthcare and Innovation background and also superpower of business operations and creating efficiencies around that so we're really thrilled to have them both here today absolutely and before we dive into the conversation uh let's set the context of for our listeners actually that what is the term web3 and what are we referring and talking about today web3 is the term that we use to describe the next actually generation of the internet where decentralization and transparency and the sense of ownership are the key principles of what we are talking about here Technologies such as blockchain Dows which are the decentralized autonomous organizations and also the daps which are decentralized apps and no worries these are so much technical terms but we are here to just go through them one by one web three has the potential to just transform various Industries including business and Healthcare yeah it's great Ned that you mentioned that we're going to sort of talk about some of those technology terms and new terms to some of our audience as we go through it as we mentioned we've got some amazing guests Bruce and Sheila would you guys like to introduce yourselves to our audience please Bruce do you want to start sure sure hi there so I'm Bruce Hoffman and I'm the C to of evenness and you know I've really been passionate about using technology to create a more inclusive world and really that's the reason that I joined that evenness the promise I'm in a city X and immersive and inclusive metaverse and the opportunity to help build it really continues to Intrigue and inspire me I've had over 20 years of experience in the tech industry I've worked as a senior technology and product management professional I've LED product and Technology teams and delivered many different products and multi-million dollar data products in in many sectors before joining evenness and held positions at the Motley Fool thought Studios metadoc Cox Automotive and Kelly Blue Book and I've got skills and AI machine learning Information Systems data analysis valuation systems and I really you know my goal is to Divine and execute strategic road maps for new business capabilities outside of work I love to ski height Kai back walk my dogs just be outdoors and it really recharges and inspires me and reminds me of the importance of sustainability and taking care of our planet and I'm really excited to be here today and share my knowledge and experiences with all of you in the metaverse and thank you for having me wow Bruce I'm not sure where you have the time to do all of the houses of it so wonderful to hear all of those things I don't know either episode can I hand over the mic to you thanks so my name is Sheila fasil um I am so thrilled to be part of this podcast and have the conversation with you all um I feel like I have to read off a couple of disclaimers when I don't have this impressive history as Bruce in the web 3 space I still consider myself relative newbie um and this is actually even my first time engaging with spatial although I think I tried to dabble in it a couple times with my VR headset and it wasn't successful so I'm really thrilled that my avatar is working and it's sitting down hopefully it'll stay sitting down so my background is as a healthcare administrator my day job is as director of innovation as part of a Health Equity accelerator at a major hospital system in Boston Massachusetts Boston Medical Center um my job consists of a variety of things but I really see myself as bringing a couple of like key skills I think of myself as an equity architect I'd like to bring that lens of you know who is missing and how can we engage them and how can we ensure that the things that we are doing aren't creating unintended harm and instead are elevating all people so I definitely bring that into the work that I'm doing and operations is really where I have a depth of experience as a project management professional as someone who's done large-scale projects in the healthcare space including um launching you know electronic medical records systems um implementing entire workflows around how we admit and move patients around the hospital troubleshooting major issues that arose around covid which was a huge um eye-opening and Awakening moment and in healthcare as we kind of finally put fully put ourselves into using the tools in our disposal including telemedicine and other things in my current role I also do a lot of work around Systems Innovation which is looking at the broad perspective of how we move and how we how power moves amongst patients and providers in our community and designing like engagements and workflows that balance that and keep people engaged and helps us celebrate the changes that we're trying to make in healthcare so outside of my day job I'm a bit of a nerd I spend a lot of time actually in my VR goggles I work out in them I meditate in them I also have been part of the some communities including NP which is how I met Bruce um and love to learn more about the web 3 spacing and share what I've learned with others as well so I'm really thrilled to be here nice so it's great to have you both here and it's also my honor to be here next to all of you amazing people so let's start with some questions about web3 and its potential impact Bruce let's start with you and I want to know that as someone who has a background and AI strategy and blockchain and like being a fractional CTO which I love you to explain a little bit about that term as well like how do you see web3 technology such as blockchain Dows like as I mentioned decentralized autonomous organizations and the daps which are the decentralized applications shaping the future of business and startups well well that's actually a very loaded question but uh I'll try to give you my summary around it so I mean web3 tech let's start just for a moment and say it's a new wave of Technology that's going incredibly fast but that doesn't really tell you anything about you know what the change is the big change is really kind of moving from the big corporations to smaller organizations initially that could be started by anyone the blockchain itself is really something that allows us to create transparency and security and we should think about the blockchain really it's a set of cryptographic keys that then people don't really think about what it is but um behind the scenes and this has been used in banking and medical for for years of having private blockchains to secure syscure data what came in our space was a much more public blockchain that allows you to see all the transactions that as they're occurring and so you've got to think about how you store data dowels themselves are very interesting because it's the new way of doing business it's a challenge I you know I've seen lots of dials out there and most of them not being successful because new young people are coming in and haven't run businesses before but really it's giving the opportunity that everybody who is in has a voice everybody has the opportunity to have ownership you know it's it's basically thinking of it as a series of employee-owned companies you know that that is that is the model and it's you know Finding good leaders that uh that we can trust and really decentralized apps really just means that it's an application that's being used on the blockchain and often instead of storing and having the data all in one place it's being stored also in a decentralized fashion across and they call it sharding across multiple servers uh so I think that's sort of a good start on this and we can delve further in as you have more points you want me to to go deeper on I I love hearing everybody's different descriptions when they talk about web3 and it just like starts to open more layers in terms at least for my understanding as well and I loved that comment about voice and ownership and bringing that in as part of a web 3 and the dials that are being created see that um with your background in healthcare how do you envisage web 3 Technologies impacting the future of healthcare and in particular patient empowerment yes as I make sure my avatar keeps sitting um I think the idea of ownership is one that's really important in our earlier conversations that talked about how I feel like in healthcare we're just now really maximizing web 2 tools um and it's only in the past like maybe 10 years at electronic medical records and being able to access and make appointments online being able to talk to your provider you know via video those are things that were really just now fully capitalizing on and web 3 obviously has a potential to revolutionize Health Care from an ownership perspective in the sense that patients could really have more access and control over their health data and being able to transport and share that data with you know different Healthcare Providers you know it's very common that you might see patients that are getting care across multiple systems or even within systems within multiple sites so having that data being portable is really important and I think that the space that this has a lot of opportunity is in the research I mean research is all about collecting data so that you can find new treatments and Therapeutics and opportunities so being able to engage patients in a way that they're not just being participants in the research but they can own the data make informed decisions about their health understand how their data contributes to how the healthcare evolves I think is a huge possibility for sure I was just going to make a a comment and you know to what Sheila said about you know web3 and Healthcare I really do think that's it's that opportunity for you to own your own data which is really also it's a web three thought it's like I want to own my own data I don't want to just give it out anymore for free you know and that I think that is one of the keys to innovation in healthcare is and there's been a number of different gals that have started up are focusing specifically on you know owning my own data but then also having the opportunity to monetize my own data if I want to so it's interesting concept saying hey now okay my Health Data might be very interesting I'm willing to give it to the world but I actually you know would like to be remunerated for it yeah I I like that it's a very promising Vision that like you are giving about the future of healthcare Sheila like I love it as we continue this conversation I just want to see that uh as web 3 continues to evolve uh what advice do you have for you know the audience for people who are listening to us today to stay informed and you know adapt themselves to the this changing environment because one of the things that I find very hard for people nowadays is that you know adapting to this new environment that is completely everywhere right now like there is I cannot find a place that people are not talking about you know for example chat GPT or like wherever you enter you hear at least one or two people talking about web3 though there are a lot of people right now who do not know what's the meaning of webpally and what benefits it will bring to our lives and on the other hand what are the cons that we spoke about this actually in our previous podcast with Tina that we as Builders are those who have to care about the sustainability especially that we are close to the Earth day and we really love to always talk about the Innovations and sustainabilities like how can we build a better world for ourselves like as Bruce just mentioned uh earlier so what's interesting I would say in some ways it's impossible to stay completely up to date because as an individual right we have one brain and there's millions of pieces you know of information that are just flying at us you know I think for a while we were in the information age I'd like to call this more in the instant age because it's like anything is available at any time just like you were saying Everywhere You know here we are on this session we're all in different parts of the world you know that may not be obvious and we're all sitting here together which is actually something that the metaverse or these spaces you know allow us to feel like we're actually in a space together staying informed and keeping up to date it's it's a constant challenge for me on a daily basis it's a part of it is really choosing once you once you start to know about web 3 the areas of it that you want to know about and focusing in there there's literally thousands of nft communities a bunch of them are actually you know working on sharing and learning and of course that's how Sheila and Ned and and I met was was in one of them and I think the idea is fine some reputable people that you trust you know follow them on LinkedIn follow them on Twitter see if you can find you know a Discord where they are in if not you know talk to knowledgeable sources like even like the people here in this room to say here's what I'm interested in here's what I want to learn and let me come in and focus on it because there's just constant sources I mean you've got everywhere you look there's a space where you can actually get more learning and I know that wasn't very specific but it's very available I think that's kind of the word I want to use is the information is there and available choosing a path once you've got there is try to get yourself focused into a smaller number of areas and I'll just add to that to saying it's like when I looked at this a year and a half ago I thought of it as this technology wave I was sitting down with a friend and we were just looking at this giant circle of blockchain being in the middle and all of these Technologies sitting around it and at the time there was already about a thousand companies that were represented on that Circle that was a year and a half ago I imagine that number has grown exponentially but also shrunk at the same time because there's so many startups that come into this place because it's easy just to go start something you know try to do some sort of monetary arrays or not and then um go with it but again try to look for you know somebody that to you you feel like you can trust or a group of people that you can trust and find them in those different locations Sheila you have some thoughts to add I think for me what I'm always looking for is what's changing that impacts the way that I think about or interact with the web 3 space and obviously because things move um so so rapidly it's hard to stay informed what I find that works for me is I try to find thought leaders that I trust and people that I know are really leading the way in creating the future of web 3 and follow them that just makes it easier for me because the information is already vetted they are part of making the future of web3 I can follow along with the trends and what they're doing and I think the other part is just really getting involved finding a community that you feel good about and excited and invigorated to be part of and volunteer ask questions offer yourself out there and you really learn by doing um I think it's really the best way the fact that you just mentioned that staying involved and finding those who resonate with you that's why I'm sitting here today with all of you people yet totally and it's I I love the way you guys were talking about being really proactive about the information that you're going for and looking for um and thinking about the areas that you're really interested in and drilling down so somebody might be interested in the blockchain side of thing some people might be looking at the impact from an industry perspective but it's looking at that vetted and validated and trusted information sources because I think Bruce you sort of said there's a lot of information out there and just sort of making sure that it is from the right sources and talking of that sort of right sources I think there's also some challenges and considerations that we need to think about when you know people are looking at web 3 um around sort of ethical considerations um when adopting that can you perhaps tell us a little bit about that area Bruce I know you have a background in some of the AI ethics and web3 ethics it's interesting I participated in a in an AI ethics hackathon actually I was I was mentored as a series of teams there and what was interesting is if we even just take this outside of you know web 3 for a moment and we talk about you know ethics we always we're building things especially in the data space where I've lived to take advantage of what we can learn from the data but without a specific focus on you know whether it was ethical we would say what you know is it legal which is kind of an interesting you know thought around the whole Space was I think well saying well is this legal the legality of things that never seems to catch up with maybe what's right to do and so ethics puts on a different hat and says to you am I thinking about how I'm approaching the situation if I'm going to use someone's data do I make it easy for them to understand when they chose to join this group what data I'm using you know you see all of the new websites or every website you go to that you haven't been to now popping up with like hey do you accept that I am tracking all this data about you and what do most people do I'm sure they're just clicking yeah I guess I'm I don't even I'm not going to go read this thing right so FX really has not been satisfied by the fact that those things are popping up it's almost like there needs to be more of a force that actually says okay wait a second you've got to scroll through and just read these five points and respond to them and those are sort of the major things that I want you to know about on the other side when we think about ethics and we think about the blockchain if we were to record all of these decisions that were made about anything let's you know take a government position or or a company and we record all the decisions on the on a public blockchain that means that now we have transparency the things that were decided are now clear and so it actually improves the sort of opportunity for ethics because if you are exposing the decisions you're making and sharing those results it makes you now be more careful and think about what's going on and I'll just add one more piece which really is where most of the focus has been it hasn't really been so much within ethics it's been around data privacy and security and again this ties back to law and regulation but a key element is figuring out you know how do we build systems that allow the data itself to be secure and not hacked into and not given away you know in some easy way for people to take advantage of it there's probably a lot more to unpack in that space But I think I'll stop there for the moment yeah I think totally that you know that's a topic that we could actually drill into which I think will be interesting but I think that sort of idea that the blockchain of you know the technology around blockchain offers that transparency because what we do at the moment is you know just click yes and we don't read the fine print and I think having that blockchain technology and Lisa's initial part of it is making that transparency in terms of what's happening with the data and where it's going so I think that's going to be quite interesting uh Sheila I can imagine in the healthcare industry there's some challenges uh and some concerns about integrating web 3 Technologies as well I think when three is still very very very in its infancy in terms of being able to integrate into Healthcare I've not really seen a lot of use cases um yet but I do think that the the opportunity there is huge when we think about data um a lot of Healthcare centers on being able to access patients you know labs and CT scans and other information which teams are using to make decisions and you often have multiple Specialists that are accessing that information or requiring information so this just there's a lot of data that exists that doesn't always work together and integrate and communicate together so I think web3 could potentially help solve for that like we we hear a lot about this idea of interoperability of data and being able to move data between platforms and getting data in front of the right people at the right time um I definitely think that they're that if we can leverage web 3 to do that that would be ideal and as you know we've all interacted with doctors the the time you get to spaying in front of a clinician is very limited um and they often can't sit and talk to you for an hour or two about what's going on with you so I think there is definitely an opportunity for web 3 technology to provide guided interactions or supportive interactions that can fill the gaps or help clinicians focus on a high quality interaction with the patient without having to be focused on the documentation some of the low-level decision making might be able to be managed um you know within some sort of technology so that the the provider can really have that like trust building and you know education supportive interaction with patients that really improve the quality of care overall and I think a lot of healthcare is is really moving towards this idea of whole person care like not just dealing with the specific like disease or the mole on your left toe but looking at the person as a as a complete person but I think um part of the reason why that's hard to do is one the fractured information but also like there's not um a nice way that the tools we have now present the patient to the provider what we often will see um in settings that get this right there's usually an extender like a nurse practitioner or a physician assistant or even residents are utilizing that capacity to kind of present the patient to the provider so that they can go then into the room and have this high quality interaction but maybe there's this kind maybe we can leverage a concept of like a digital twin that kind kind of present the the patient um to the provider with their history and their you know appointment history and their preferences like for example the patient prefers the that the doctors sit on their left side versus their right like all the things that makes for high quality interaction um and the last thing I'll say is probably one of the biggest challenges we have I think this is definitely Global but also um in the US in particular is this idea of in equal access and differences in the quality of care that people are seeing so Health Equity which is the space that I'm in is really big right now as we're really trying to Grapple with the legacy of racism and racist policies like redlining that have really made it so that communities of color don't have access to the resources and tools that would allow them to have those engagements with the health care system that would lead to Better Health outcomes however we know that most people these days have access to a phone or even a smartphone so that technology is sitting in people's pockets can be leveraged I think in web3 can help us do that um to close that Gap and allow people to engage in healthcare at the time in place of their choosing with with much more agency and ownership of over what the interaction looks like and what is prioritized in terms of their health care I I love that piece that you just said about how web3 technology and the fact that everyone has you know potential access to a smartphone can help bridge some of that Equity Gap that's really quite interesting as well as a topic and what I also heard from you shingler was that you know yes there are some challenges well probably you know Fair amounts but once the healthcare industry sort of leaps into that next sort of stage in some addressing some of these challenges there's a huge amount of benefits especially from patient care and allowing that sort of uh three you know that um wide uh view around the patient I love that sort of going in and you know the doctor knowing all these things about me uh already and looking it from more of a holistic perspective so it could really increase patient satisfaction and therefore People's Health which I really love and groups if we look at this sort of the benefits from an industry perspective when it comes to web3 what are some of those we know we talked earlier about some of the challenges and ethical challenges but what are some of the benefits from a broader industry perspective as well so I think this General concept of the blockchain itself and it being a space where you're creating permanent records now and and I think that there is an interesting piece here is because there is public blockchains and there are private blockchains right and so you know in the in the healthcare and in places in finance there's probably going to be a lot of places where you still want to be able to use the blockchain because it creates that permanent record and it creates that history uh we've been talking a lot on a completely different space around um you know how um authenticating Goods themselves and seeing the history of how they were sold so if you take a uh you know some sort of high-end fashion item right and that actually is something that you bought and then it was recorded on the blockchain and you actually have something that goes along with it that actually identifies that item and then you say well I want to go resell it well today you know most of the time you go to resell things there's no way to verify you know what you actually have in that in that space so now there's this opportunity to create this record of okay here's all the ownership of this individual item we talk about doing that in automotive there's like a whole place where Automotive titling and I believe California is actually working on this right now where you're basically saying hey all of the history of a vehicle is now going to be on the blockchain because that really can be public information you know who was the owner they could even be the service records that go along with it so when you know has it as a company or an individual that's now going to buy a vehicle you know you should be able to see all of those records that have now become permanent around that vehicle so it's kind of competing with those existing companies that you know you pay pay a fee for but now this can become public information uh the complexity of how things get secured on the blockchain does allow this kind of new kind of security and it's not really new because it's really it has been out there but it's really just there's many uh warm ways to do it there's faster ways there you know and there's also this opportunity to do more direct transactions so your you know today everything kind of goes through a middleman and a course marketplaces really still are you know a middle middle person middle you know in that space But it you can do peer-to-peer transactions which is really what the blockchain a lot of the stuff that was designed in ethereum was originally designed for Say Hey I want to send something to you Hina directly I don't I and I want you know I want to create this exchange you know person to person and so that's you know another thing um that can go on and we've already talked about this but this control over your personal data I think is another you know key element and this the fact that you know businesses can now really say hey I'm going to be you know ethical with you and I'm actually going to give you control over you know how you participate with me and I think that especially as sort of the world has been changing and new generations are coming in there's an expectation that's way different than the older Generations that I'm going to understand what's happening with my stuff and I want ownership of it you know and I want to see what's happening I'll I'll kind of end this same thought with of the fact that you really can design this from anywhere in the world and be working it from anywhere in the world so if that's another opportunities there's so many new people that can come into the space you know that we've always said there's something not enough technologists that can actually keep up you know even with the event of chat GP and the others there's there's really not enough people working in the space to keep up with it and now Talent really can be sourced from anywhere I love that Bruce I love like how you just put all these benefits like together some that summed it up for us and yeah like especially the um you know the last part that everyone could work on you know the same thing the same project at the same time like uh if I want to touch on Circle of trust like our evenness project as well like our team our own team uh we are working you know on something big together with each other and everyone is from a part of the world so that is very fascinating for me personally when I think about it and uh so like you know just to uh conclude the benefits of web3 and how we can just improve uh this space as Sheila I just want to ask you that uh what are some practical consideration in terms of health care that you can touch upon and give us some examples as well absolutely and I talked about a few of them earlier but there's some that I think um are also worth considering I mean as you all know a lot of Healthcare in managing one's health is education right it's learning learning how to eat well or you know how do you prepare for that surgery how do you care for yourself once you leave the hospital it is quite a bit of information that patients have to retain um and I think you know there's an opportunity for web to me tools to create like adaptive learning tools that is continuous and like monitors patients and adapts to their needs or living situation their language their culture to deliver the education in a way that is very um intentional and feels safe and accessible to them so I think that that is definitely an opportunity and another one is like everyone has used Dr Google at some point or another when you had like a weird rash or a funny cough um and I've heard headlines that you know chat GPT passed the medical exam and has even diagnosed conditions and this is really making the science of medicine much more accessible to that college person and as much as I think that might be scary for some I do think there's an opportunity to create a more balance in the sometimes asymmetric power Dynamic that can exist between clinicians and their patients because then patients can come in to these conversations much more informed and it becomes a partnership they can work together to solve their problems or to deal with whatever illness or diseases in front of them and I think the other area is when it comes to decision making as much as there is a lot of science and health care some of it is Art too some of it is just based on years of experience intuition gut um Instinct um and providers are often in positions where they're having to make Split Second decisions that often will decide the course of Life trajectory or quality of life or even life and death and I think if we can harness more data and put that at the fingertips of providers to really level up that decision-making power and provide more odds of success and those kinds of things and and allowing that decision making to also be tailored based on that patient's experience their culture their race their gender um their you know their past medical experience that's that's almost too much information that one individual will bring I think can process all at once but creating those tools um to enhance decision making I think would make a huge impact in terms of like outcomes and and how providers are able to deal with some of those like really major decisions and I love that the fact that you mentioned partnership as part of that as well because it's partnership with Healthcare Providers the patient and the healthcare providers rather than us going off and doing our own kind of self-diagnosis and it's important so that you know people are bringing both elements together because I don't know why I'd be staff diagnosing for myself so it's good and also I liked that whole you you were said quite some interesting things with the Adaptive uh creative and personalized and educating ourselves and sort of that really taking ownership of our health I think that's what I find quite exciting about sort of the journey because it's something we will all have a part in as part of that um as we sort of start to round out towards the end of our podcast Bruce akanov we've talked a lot about you know the benefits and theory and some of considerations people need to make around web3 but what are some of the Practical steps that businesses can take to sort of really start thinking about web3 uh Technologies as part of their operations or even starting dipping their toe so that's a you know it's it's a really um good space to think about and so you know especially for um existing businesses that are not becoming startups in this space because that is another whole whole you know path we can address is think about you know what are the use cases that actually work for you your business that you could enhance you know are there things that you want to give more control or or allow they have the opportunity for people to kind of operate within your environment when I was working in a space where their you know the primary business was really a lot around Financial education um and most of it was sort of you know drawn in like constant articles you know being put out and really sort of more as a marketing engine to get people to come in and buy the service but another way to think about really helping your you know your uh in essence your members right of that of that service is really allowing them to have this opportunity to you know get educated within the space so you know the whole idea could be creating something that now says okay people who have been maybe writing articles today now could actually become Educators they could earn as a result of becoming Educators in that space right and then people who come in could even be rewarded for the fact that they share information about the Educators that are in the space you know that it's a model that's very repeatable about you know creating an economy within a space or within an existing space where I have an existing membership but they really don't allow the members to really interact and have an opportunity to really kind of become go deeper into the system and of course you know once you've got your idea in good business case you really need to begin to think about you know how do I assemble a team right because I've got new technologies very few people understand them so it's it's really going at research it may be you know there's a lot of companies out there now kind of who are trying to do this so you kind of evaluating who they are you know bringing stuff together of course you're going to need you know expertise and uh blockchain smart contracts and decentralized applications but you really also need the actual knowledge in the web 2 space because all of the stuff is actually being built is mostly still being built on top of that you know web 2 infrastructure and then sort of merging its way into a a web 3 space and uh you know I would say sort of continuing on that just kind of think of think about like we said before the ethics the security and privacy the the whole idea of what this new business is and make sure that you're you know stepping your toes in initially you know don't just like jump fully in because you might just kind of blow up something and and hurt your business but kind of find your way you know kind of like identify things you know start smaller you know and and work your way you know into something that's going to create a lot of value for the people that you're really trying to address with whatever your product is well I love that Bruce I just want to go back to Sheila for a moment and like on the thing that you were talking about like the benefits and giving us some practical examples I just uh saw the this tool a few days ago glass AI that is going to give more help to the doctors it's not for all people to use right now like it's just for the doctors that they can use get more technical uh results out of the patients you know like examinations so that would be something uh you know very helpful in the medical industry that facilitate things in terms of maybe even time as you mentioned that many factors that you are dealing with in terms of health care Bruce I really enjoyed what you were talking about the education I think because like web3 is not totally here yet it is more web 2.5 ish space that we are being in right now and as we had a conversation earlier with Sheila maybe and some feels it's even more web one I just think that the future of wept 3 could be really exciting yeah I totally agree with you there uh Ned I think that whole there's a huge amount of opportunity and excitement and I just I mean listening to uh Bruce and uh Sheila just the you know we only hit the tip of the iceberg on some of the ideas and opportunities that this can provide for uh companies going forward um so I think you know essentially that whole web 3 technology is going to be quite exciting um last question for both of you I'm just going to do one quick question what as there are top tip that you could either one of you like to give the audience in terms of um they're starting their Journey on web3 oh one top tip huh oh my goodness it's it's it's funny because I would say you know be an explorer um but don't go too hard in you know a good thing just to learn something initially is go try to get yourself a wallet no don't have to put any money in or anything but just get yourself a wallet so you can just get a basic understanding of okay here's my address or here's an address that I actually own which data can become begin to get Associated to so if you don't have a wallet today it's just it's a good exercise to get some understanding of like what it is to be in web 3 yourself yeah I love that yeah it's just a really nice practical thing that everybody can sort of get on with and Sheila do you have like one of your top tips yes thinking about kind of my journey and I I you know thought about was interested in curious about web 3 for years before I actually kind of started to get engaged and learn about it and I have to say I had to cross this mindset threshold first because most people when you introduced into the concept of web 3 it's it can be quite scary because it's so big and unknown and it's you know it's the idea of like the Terminator um movie and it was the background like the robots are gonna take over and I'm not smart enough to keep up with them um I had to you know start with the mindset that you know this is not something to be fearful of and just by learning more about it and creating um opportunity and safety for everyone else like we need everyone from Every background and every lived experience to be in this space and participate and shape it it's the people who are in it that make it what it is ultimately so I'd say first address your mindset and your own fears or assumptions about the space um and be open to you know learning because it is still very much very very much evolving and it's the people who are in it that are shaping it for the future I would just add one more thing behind all of that before you know he name was that don't forget there's so much information here you can get in so deep that you just don't leave your computer or your phone make sure you take time for yourself get outside touch grass do something that is uncompletely unrelated to this because it is a vortex that can suck you in super deeply and that resonates with me Ned to you you've been working with you know web3 for quite some time now what would your top tip be well I think that Bruce uh is touching on something very important here that the fomo is real when you just uh start you know navigating around like most people start from Twitter then you just get yourself caught up and these never lasting Twitter spaces it gets so much exciting but at the same time like you can just get three hours of sleep in 24 hours which is very unhealthy I'm for staying healthy self-care we are working all together for something better for the individual sovereignty for creating a better life for ourselves that's really important to create that balance and so I'm gonna answer this question from a not a very involved web 3 user and not earth and let's go with a tech tech person and for me that top tip is you know sort of get involved in like little events where you can be part of the metaverse so for me my sort of Gateway into some of this stuff was you know some of the events evening started to create and just popping in and you know trying on my avatar and being and starting part of the conversation and just kind of you know sort of having a little bit of oh I wonder what this is about and just following a little bit of that and keeping it at the level that suits me to be perfectly honest as well and I think we should all do that in whatever way suits us well anyway we're coming to the end of our podcast I really would like to thank Sheila and Bruce you've been amazing guests I'd love to have you back because I think we could just talk individually to you on your topic for ages so thank you very much for joining us I would say that thank you for you know having me enjoying being here don't forget that there is an opportunity for fun here and so you know make sure you are enjoying yourself you know as you go through this space at least some of the time and because I think it's really important otherwise just like Ned said it is so easy to get to burn out it could happen in a week it could happen in a month it may happen in a year but it will happen yes and having burnt out myself yes I I definitely suggest like finding that balance and finding hobbies that aren't attached to a device for sure um but thank you so much for having me this was a joy to be part of this conversation I love thinking and talking about the possibilities of the future um and yeah I I love that we're you know sharing these ideas with the audience so that you know they can be inspired and taken and run with it so I look forward to more conversations in a few future for our next podcast thank you all for listening [Music]


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